HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-12, Page 5THE EXETER TIME S, SEPTEMBER 12th 1907 KEEP COOL Why not be comfortable the rest of the season when you can get a beautiful Summer Suit, made to order for $10. 3. H. HOLTZMANN CREDITON, KEEPS KORRECT WOOLENS Save Money by Dealing at the _ WINCHELSEA STORE SHOES! still have a good supply at the old prices. Ask your nteiglt- /i li • hors if they are not satisfied with what they have bought dur- ing the last month. For the next thirty days we will give Special Bargains in all kinds of Dishes. Come and see for yourself. DRY GOODS Our Fall Goods are coming in. We have to hand a large stock of Flannelette Blankets, Flannelette Shirting, Fancy Flannelettes, Flannelette Sheeting double width. Velours, Apron Ginghams, Tartan Plaids. These have all been bought at right prices. Colne early and get your choice. Men's -and Boys' Ready -Made Clothing!n steYou i !Mit to go to the Fall Fairs. We have them and will sell them at right price dO Suit ends. Special bargains, Made to order. We are agents for the Paris Plow. Have several to stock at low prices. Conte and see them. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Highest Prices paid for Produc COWARD & CO. 11 w s. e Reductino in Dry Goods Owing to some of our goods being damaged by smoke and water in the recent fire, we have concluded to sort them out and sell at a Red- uction. We will also add to this the balance of our summer stock, as having jest taken stock we find it to large for the space we have in our store, we will also include in the sale our ptock of Ready Made Clothing. You will also find low value in flannellette and gen- eral goods, they having been bought at old prices. Fresh Groceries on Hand Produce taken in exchange. J. Kellermann, Dashwood. raincoats Our Mail Order System Will Save You Money Yon can buy a raincoat by mail from us just as satis- factorily as by a personal visit. And think of the greater value this house gives you in return for your money. We buy the materials direct from the weavers, painstakingly stake the coats in our own factory, and sell them direct to you through our own stores. We arc in 'the posi- tion to give you best value in Canada -and we do! While very dressy, our rain- coats are, first of all, water shed- ders. We guarantee them rain- proof. Best serge lining arc used. Coats are hand tailored. 11'e guarantee a rerjeet Jit. coutfIe/e Satisfaction, or 'twat" ttftr'Jt,f. We will gladly mail samples of materials if you will tend us your address. 48 to 52 inch lengths. $6.95, $8.50 $10, $12. $15. up to $25. ERP,RESS PREPAID Clothing • Operating 2 Factories aad J. M. HICKEY. Maaater • "I Siores in Canada I elide'. Ontario IMMIN/FPNEIFT a BAIN TSMIRY A very pretty sveddilt; took place •t tbo Rectory, Kirkton on Wednes- day, Sept. 11th. when Miss Norma Dickens daughter of Mr. Thos. Dick- ens rois married to Mt. Robert Cole. wen. 1he ceremony Brae performed try Reg. Bracey. Miss Dickens is on.' of our most eetim.lble younz women, while Mr. Coleman, who retentiy carte frorn irel'tnd is held in to hi;hest estt'ni by every one. Mrs. Mary Mitchell, of Stratfo'd la the guest of Mr. :.td Mrs. Fral k Davis, The Mixer's Ittowr.le', rf \Yaffe• e+llod on friends herr yesterday. SUBSCRIBE FOR TUE TiME . HURON TALE There is a rumor In this parish that Potty It. the l;rcat spc 4 peter front i:teter will zo to 13uf- . talo for the Grand Circuit ;next , month. The money %Ohieh our tnen put up on Dr. Harvey rind 8. S., both horses h,•in; from Exeter, was decided on Tuesday. Mr. \Vin. 8chraeder is busy train - in; horses on the track at Exeter. Will la a handy man with the. horse. Mr. Horton of this bur:. has his pacing mare in fine trim for the ra- ce. next Tuesday. Mr. 1). McQueen is at present ti%- itIn; his mother. SVVHSCRiHR FOR TiiE TIME& Crediton I The Grey Nuns and FARQUHAR Mr. reed Mrs. B W. F. •Ileavers, DR. 1'. J. 51cCL'E, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE 1'IIYBICI• ares and 8utgeous, Successor to Dr. S. A. Heist. Crediton. Oui.. Mrs. Scott and cousin, Mrs. Mc - Cambridge. of Philadelphia were the•. Guests of Mrs. .Lir.L• send other friends this +Seek. Mr. S. Brown was in London this week combining business with plea- sure. • Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ward tvere the ,guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ltodiins and other relatives and friends rthia week. We are pleased eo learn tient Mr. Ira Brown, who recently went w.•st, is doing well. being manager of a general store in Carman, Man. Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Clark and Mr. and Mrs. W. Clark visited friend! in Dashwood on Sunday. Miss Ethel Clark is this week vis- iting friends in Ailsa Craig. Mrs. Daniel Cou;hlin. Centralia, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) M cG ue. Owing -to the continued illn ese of Mrs.dtlicbael Klumpp. the Knights of the Maccabees of the World of which Atte is a member, have ;rant - her Disability Benefits, white!' amount to one tenth of the amount of her policy per year, and is paid quarter- ly. The Order is eo be highly rec- ommended for the ,great 'good it is doing in this way throughout the country. Miss Martha Wenzel was a visi- tor at the ,home of Mr. C. Eilber et Zurich last week. A :great many from this •icinity are taking in the Western Exhibi- t ion. 1H•. Chas. and William Brown from Pittsburg are spending 't few wee_ k'i under the parental :roof. Geo. 11, }lottzmann Las the con- tract of renovating the Ebenezer church on the 4th concession. Miss Calvin arld Mrs. Trick re- turned Sat. eve last front the meant. ery openings at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Fritz, of Grand Bend spent a short time in the vil- laze, the guestssof J. G. Young, on Tuesday. Dashwood Mr. Arthur Kellermann, a student in the Northwestern Colle;e, Napier- villc, Ilea., occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical Church of Zurich a week ago Sunday. Mr. Kellermann is an able speaker and has s bri;ht future before hien. Mies Stinnie Ehlers, a student of the Northwestern Colle.=e sanz a Bolo in the Evanzelical Church last Sunday evening. Mr. Arthur Kellermann occupied the pulpit of elle tech con Evangel- ical Church last. Sunday afternoon. All thc'e holder; due bilis against 'mc by calling at nny re#idence on or .before Sept. 15th wilt be settled. I would also ask ithose owing me to gall and settle on or before. Itho above date, as 1 intend starting again as soon hs the building is ready. -Wm. Shrumm. Mr. and Mrs. John Eidt. of )'ark- -hill, was the !guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. I:idt, over Sunday. Miss Olive Quance. of Exeter, vis- ited friends in ,Dashwood last week. Mr. J. llartleib last week moved into the residence owned by ,Mr. Wm. Zimmer, on Main street. A number of ;those interested in the planing mill visited Godericlt on Saturday on business. A number from here took in thei fair at London this week. Mr. J. llartleib this week has men on_a:3est in rebuilding ;the . brick blo:k whioh was destroyed by fire a feu weeks ago. Mr. Geo. F.dihoffer in ends opening up his shoe store in the tailor shop owned by Mrs. 'Kraft. 71r. \Vm. Shrumm entends starting up ns soon as he can eget a building. Mr. David Tiemann and Mr. G. Eclighofffer spent Monday and Tues- day in London where they will at- tend the fair as well as purchase new stocks of lgooda. Miss Martha Ocstreichcr is dress- makinz with the Misses Tiernan. Mr. Fred tithe is home from De- troit to attend hitt brother's wedding. A very pretty wedding took place at the Lutheran church \Vcdn.siLty evening, &pt. 11th. at .six o'clock, when Miss Thenici Brenner was mar- ried to Mr. Nicholas Stine, both of Dashwood. The bride's •zow•n was of white organdie trimmed with val- anceinnes hoe. 61st was nssisted by her sister Miss ilcrlha .Itrenner, while Mr. Fred Stirc supported the ;room. Mr. Jacob Kellermann left \Ved- nesday morning for London and will take in the exhibition. The well known st rengt honing properties of iron • combined with other tonics and a most perfect ner- vine. are found in Carter's iron Pills which strengthen the nerves and body, and improve the blood and complexion. 111'1t0N The Council of Seaford' is offer- ing a reward of $300 for the detec- tion and conviction of t he person or persons who were reaponeible for the recent fires in that town. Rheumatism I have found a tried and tested cure for }then. matism! Not a remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of rhtonic cripples. nor turn bony rrowths twick to flesh again. That is impossible. Rut I can now surely kill the pates and pangs of this deplorable disease. In Germany -with a ('hemfat In the qty M Darmstadt -i fownl the last ingredient with which pr. Whoop's Rheumatic Re.medy was made a perfret.d, dependable press riptinn. Without that last ingredient. 1 successfully treated many, many nig', of Rheumatism: but now, at last. ittnl. termly cue, all curable case of this heretofore mush d?.•ad.d disease. Those wid•like granular waste.. found In Rheumatic Rtm.1 seem todi,solve and pass away under the action of this reined,' as freely as does sugar ashen added to Duro water. And then. when rftssfiv. d. these poisonous wastes freely pass (rein the system, and the cause of RheumaHstn Is gone tcrever. Thor• is now no test ne e4 -no a. that ex( Lieu to tulip? looter with. put bete. we + t1. and In confbir uce recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Rem W. S. HOWEY. Zam-Buk Master Lloyd and Miss Addie Turn - bun visited sir. Linc! Mrs. Kaufman Leading Institutions new use (this of Glencoe, on Satu ey and at Lwt- balm. (1011 hair on Monday. flirt. Jus. Gardiner visited London Exhibition this week. Many of the leadin; institutions J1iss Nellie Barris was a visitor throughout Canada have now •adop- at London Fair. ted 'Lam-Iluk as a standard prepara- 1ilrs. John ltewitt who :has been tion without equal ter akin disease: and injuries, burns, blood poison, etc. From the St. Patrick's Asytutn,iu Ottawa, comes the following appre- ciation of its merits. "Gentlemen, -in tlse orphanaz de- ailiita lately was taken to the d,oina of her toot Mr. E. Ilctvitt, en Mon- 111 day last. The Misses Stevenson. of Listow- el are visiting Mrs. Jos. Vance. partmcnt of the Asylum. Svc have Messrs. F. M. Lind 11. J. Morland found Zn-Iluk very good for heat. returned from Toronto sen Jl.ru.lay u last. lug cuts, cold sores, and akin injuries '1'L,• ;iti u,ounsenerit has teen made :,enerally, and shall continue to l7.6,:',of the utarriaeu t1633 Lot lie Stew - it for such. Yours sincerely, art to Mr. Arthur N. Campbolt to (Signed) GREY" NUNS." take piece early .itt October 1U97. When a mother rubs on to the delicate skin of the children a balm Thoae unhappy persons who suffer or salve to heal some cut, bruise.I py burn, eruption or skin disease, she from nervousness and dyspepsia needs to be as careful as if she were should use Carter's Little Nerve ;tying a child an internal remedy. ('ills, which are made expressly for Zara -link is pure free from all ani - sleepless, nervous dyspeptic, suffer - mal fat and all mineral matter, and ors Price 25c. may be applied with wonderful ben- --�— clit even to the skin of young babies. IIENSALL Zam-Buk heals sores, .area re- zone, skin eruptions. ulcera. ring- An liiditut by ,the 11aute of Janie:, worm, itch, barber's rash, blood Kclogo, +v ho has been working for poison, bad leg, Balt rheum. abrasions some wontha near Lumley rot an abscesses cuts, burns, scalds and all over supply of firewater last Sat - skin injuries and diseases. Of all I urday and wits Makin A' things inter - stores and druggists at 50 cents, or from Zam-Duk Co., Toronto for price. 3 boxes for $1.25. Fall� Announcement e are receiving large shipments of Fall and Winter Goods in the latest styles Dress Goods Men's and Children's Ready - Made Clothing Gents Furnishings Flannelettes, Carpets Blankets, Etc. 1 Our stock will be complete in a short time and we invite inspection. Our price for your full purchases will be close. Highest prices paid for Produce. A Call Solicited. eating in the rear of Ortwein's store, C ZWICKER when Constable .Vhitesides took him P.S.—We have a quantity of first class Timothy sped for sale To check a cold quickly, bet from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called I'reve:ntics. Drug- gists everywhere are mow dispensing Yrevontics, for they are toot only safe, ibut decidedly tcertain tind 1 prompt. I'revontdcs contain ;no Quinine, no laxative, ntothing harsh nor sickening. Taken at 'the "sneeze stage" Preceent.ics will prevent pneu- monia bronchitis, La ,Grippe etc. Hence the name, Preventics. Good for feverish children 48 preventiccs 25 cents.-iTrial children. 5 cerate. Sold by W. S. Howey. le I RKTON Messrs. Wm., James and henry Balfour left for .\Vinnipe'; on Tues- day to visit a sister who is danger- ously ill. Mr. Ira Marshall left on Tuesday for llautiota, Man., and the surroun- ding district takin; the Home -seek- ers' Excursion. Mes+rs. Richard Ilirtch, Silas Shier. and \Vm. Elliott are exhibiting horses at the Western Fair London, this week. Miss Effie Cornish, of Monkton, is visiting at home this week. Misses Laura and Irene Marshall will leave for Toronto on Monday next to attend the University. Our experts at cement laying have put down a fine piece of walk on the West side of Main Street front the atore to (Mr. Jamieson's, a new promenade. Main anywhere, pain in the head, painful periolla. Neuralgia, toothache all pains can be promptly stopped ed by a thgoroughly safe little Pink windy Tablet known fy Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Ileadaelve Tablets. Pain simply means conges-, tion -undue blood pressure at ;rbc pant where the (pain exists. Dr. Shoop's headache Tablets ,quickly equalize this unnatural blood pres- sure, and pain immediately departs. Write, Di. Shoop, Racine, Wis., and get a free trial packaere Large box 25 cents. W. 8. !Lowey. WINCHELSEA Messrs. George and Wes. Heywood and Thos. -Stacey ,were in Toronto and Niazara Falls last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jarrett, of !lay viait,rd Mr. Geor;e Upshall last Sunday.. Mr. aril Mrs. Simon Miller, of Cromarty were the ;nests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Godbolt last Sunday. Mies Sarah Clements, of New York is visiting at the home of leer mother herr.. Mr. Wm. and Miss Eliza Clements left last Tuesday fur the Northwest where they will remain for a couple of months. Mr. and Mrs. G. \V. Medd and Mr. and Mrs. \V. •1V. Kerr and Miss Vera Coward left Tuesday to attend t he London Fair. Mr. Elmer Coward and \Vrn. Stil- son of London, were the ,guogts of Mr. and Mrs. 'l'ints. Coward .tact week. The rain on Saturday was much a pp recta ted. Mr.' Arnold Taylor i.+ rattendin; the St. Mary's 11:zh Sohool. Mist Lila Taylor has returned home latter •two weeks visiting frietnls at Toronto. Meagre. John Simps,n and C. Creery and Wesley Jacques intend spending a couple of day's tit the London Fair. Miss 1I. Taylor is asitia: friends at Exeter. Mr. John llerdman spent r un;lay at Iienry Squires. C7Atll:Tt1,TS. SA. &str. flu - The Kind You Mare Alea)s d4ag t Minstar* .f • BORN McCUE. - in Crediton on Saturday, September 7th, to Dr. and Mrs. McCue t son. FO.LLICK-in Grand Forks, N. D., Sent. snit to Mr. and Mrs' Ed,zcrton Follick, a son. MARRIED CALDW ELL -FORD - in Stephen at rho home of t he brde a parents Mr. and Mrs. Jamas Ford, on Wed- nesday, when their second youns• est eau;filer, Lorraine was mar- ried to Mr. John Caldwell, eft Tuekersmith. COLEMAN -DICK ENS - At leirkton on \Vednesdey Sept. 11th, by Rev. Racey, Mr. Thos. Coleman to Mit% Norm t Darkens. bot h of Saint• - bury. DiED STE1WAItT-In Iien•al!, Saturday, Sept. 7th, James Stewart a;rd 78 ! genre. CLARKE:-At th.» residence of her daughter. Mrs. 11. T. White, 2312 Fhattu-k Ave., Iterkc•Iy, California. Mrs. Annie Clarke, relict of the I tt,' N. J. ,Clarke', 'formerly of Exeter. in charge. Tho redskin felt inclined to oppose arrest ret first but (the dau;ltty constable showed 'hint where he was at end had no fureher troub- le. As the iron cage rocently order- ed by tho town solons has not ar- rived, it was necessary for White - sides to take his prisoner to Exeter and lock hint up until Monday af- ternoon when he went after (him. The Indian stated that Ire secured tris liquor from two Indians who claim- ed to have purchased it in Exeter. The death of Mr. James Stewart last Saturday teas very sad indeed. The de eaised was ubou: 79 years of age and boarded at the Commercial hotel. On Saturday August Cilst he had some words with Wm. Ilodgins over some money matters and during the argument blow's were exchanged. Mr. Stewart receivcxl u cut over the left eye. Tha two men were separa- ted and Stewart was taken to his room where his wounds were washed with water and a beefst:elk bandage put on to ieducc the swelling. The next day he felt alri;ht, but on nc- oount of the continued swelling a physician was called - in. siotwith- standing the best ereatment the swelling continued and was finally diagnosed as erysipelas. It was im- possible to stop the ravages of the poisoning and Mr. Stewart died on Saturday night. Dr. Browning, cor- oner' for Huron County was called and after takin; affidavits of those present, considered the evidence in- sufficient to hold nn inquest, al- Orediton. W. MOORE Has expert workmen with practical experience to do your Eavetroughing Repairing Plumbing A large assortment of Stoves, Ranges, Tinware, and Granite - ware at Rockbottom prices. W. MOORE - t KIRKTON. +++++++++•L•+++++++++ -f+++++•{. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ + DISHES— Away Down in Price $jj bhotreei he .would would do so if See our White Dinner Plates at 25c a dozen; Glass Tumblers »; scllrelttives ot[ tli7 deceased so de- + 2 for 5c; Pitchers, Cups and Saucers, Bowls, Etc. + Cf MI CPR=A. Bears the The Kind You Mare Always Bol;ht 1 We have a nice range of Caps for fall for men and boys. Signature� . + A nice range of Boys' Sweaters. of New Wrapperettes and Flannelettes. A nice range of patterns Come to London! Why? To consult the specialists of the Tait - Brows Optical Company and have your eye troubles corrected by a pair of prop- -.fly fitted glasses. We are the only eye- sight experts in Canada who take all the responsibility of your eyes from prescrib- ing the correcting lenses to the making of the g1a\ses complete on the premises B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar • f4 -i•++++++++++++++++++4 1• ee+ ++ f•+++•t :-3.4-i ++-i•+++++++4-i1'i'-'I<•IS ••••••••••••••••••••••N•• ••••••••••••••N••N•N••. fl. MiLLS, WOODt1f[M Wo have just received in stock a •rate of dishes, white add blue Dal. terns, Cups and Cups and Saucers, also Toilet Sets, howls and ''itoberi. all sizes, which we aro selling right. May Fork Rope, Manilla, at 14c Ib. All kinds of harvestt ools in stock. Machine Oil, Peerless -1, the beat, 40o gallon. We have about 0 pieces of thntchcap Muslin left yet whioh we are selling cheap. Nice Fresh Groceries and Pure Spices in Stock. Highest prices, cash or t rade, for produce. THE TAiT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. A. MILLS, - Woodham: EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Daeda■ St.. Louden, Oat •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• «�AR,o EN T� D OFFICIAL (1). LABEL Al (US Rftt 440 C I 440# This brand—on a bag or barrel—is the mark of a I3LENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat ind Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the best millers in Ontario. Ask your grocer for a Blended Flour—and look for the above brandwhereveryou buy. "Made in Ontario " ••••••••NN••••••••••••S• Ho Glass • DIAMONDS • • • People who buy diamonds want stones that will bear the closest scrutiny - gems which are free from flaws and front whose surface evety my of light is reflect- ed as from a drop of water. \Ve carry all sizes of dia- monds from the largest to the smallest, either set or unset and all of the purest Anality C. H. WARD & CO. 37l 1lich►nond st. IONDON OM ••••••••N•••••••••••••••• CASTOR I A For Infants and Childns. Tim Kind Yor Novo Always Beret Bears the Signature of