HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-12, Page 361 efpr/•CtIi +i.t0444O+O+O♦C♦a+>+O+O+-}K>+04O4()+ )
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CHAPTER V.—(& nlinucd).
"Go now, rnan11na," lie said, "I want
-to get up; it is late."
Site went doxy and stole into a little
y 's.011
1 h• re all manner of rubbish was
store.!, in order to cry unseen. There
was the little; chair, which had belong-
ed to her children, one after another.
•Site gazed at the worn-out piece of fur-
i,ilure, an& it suddenly seemed to tier
.a if her Mile 11uai's blown, curly tread
•ap,peared abeve it. I14 had Leen a sw. et
little child, her great delight, and uew
be was to go from her loaded with
.;'fame and disgrace—and she would
. 1ever see him mere! For lung before
he could cclrre back, she w• uld have
£rieved herself to death.
Site tried to blame !tiro, but she could
not. !lis frivob_eus nature was inherited
!rem her family; two brothers of her
-own had been ruined by similar extra-
vagance. She ceased sobbing, and
gazed at the little chair with wide-open
-eyes. Ah! the youngest had shot him-
self- She groaned heavily. "May God
have mercy!"
She lost her self-control utterly. She
.sprang up, and with trembling fingers
tightened the string of her apron. The
action was quite mechanical. If her
.scn shgttld make •iter suffer that! She
*bad no more strength to bear it now.
aro more! And her sick husband—her
poor girls!—"God In heaven, if Lora
-would only be reasonable!"
She untied her apron again, and the
.c(.lor came into ter face. "Reasonable?
Who was the reasonable one here?"
--"If Lora would sacrifice herself!" saki
-an honed voice within her. "No, no
.persuasion. i will nit say a sword —
�eeur lhiaig,►.
God with find us a way out
e.f it. God must have mercy!"
The doer -bell rang below, and she
ihc:ard the postman's vol^,e. The weak
-woman flow out of the room and down
the stairs wilt' youthful lightness. tier
trembling hand took in a letter. She
•ocnceoled it hastily in her pocket, with-
-telt looking at it, and then conte up -
•stairs again with the Kreuzzeitung, to
carry it to her huband.
"Nothing else?'' grumbled the old man
•as he took the newspaper.
"Nothing," she answered quickly, and
begin to busy herself with the coffee
'equipage, which stood before her hus-
band, who was sitting at the window
in his arm -chair.
She did r.et even Dolor as she told her
he, she was so accustomed to concea!-
rients, to uttering neces=nry false-
hoods. She had learned such glibness
art lying during the last few years of
Ler marled life, that she wax sten:comes
-shocked at herself; but there was ro
other way for her to keep the peace
in the house. The major was wrathful
-over every bill that cache in; he scold -
en, as if his wife only burnt coal (or
the sake of tormenting hon; as if she
bought their simple dresses out of pure
e' travagance, and for a long lime now
she itad not permitted him to hear any-
thing of the sort. Ile was terrible to
iter, in his finger. Ile 'crust have been
eiware that there were debts, but ire
never asked about theme; it was so hard
fir him to part with the few gold pieces
w hich he had hoarded up for an emer-
gency; he never yielded any of them
without n scorns, and so it suited him
-very well that "the women" should not
d eme to him for every trifle; he always
heard about it, quite soon enough, when
1.•- had to pay out money. And some-
-times the hadn't any al all, and so it
happened that the tradespeople often
had to wait for months for their pay,
and Itt it the Toilet's did .not stand very
high in tlee estimation of the \Vesten-
'berg shopkeepers.
Frain von 'Pollen carried out the oof-
ke-pot, put 1t on a table in the hall.
end mounted the narrow staircase to
Lcra's alt.c r oil.
The young girl was standing at the
evind4sv; she did rot hear her mother
come in, and the latter did not perceive
that a greeting was waved to someone
in the court -yard of the gymnasium.
"Lora," she heggan, ''it is from your
ureele--1 think it is from your uncle,"
acid she drew the letter out of her pock-
et. "Iliad it, please; 1 cannot, my eyes
ere so diem."
Lora quit t!y took the letter out of her
mother'' hand, cut the envelope, and
read it.
"it is nothing, mamma." she said;
"he will not de anything. Uncle ‘vrites:
'let him leer the censequtence's of his
folly, and learn to work on the other
Fide of the big tont!. Work, iron neces-
sity alone, will cure natures like his of
their folly."'
Frau von Tollen ngain trcrvous'y
twisted the strings of her apron round
ter finger, and )coked anxiously nt
f.t rn.
"i can think of nothing more," she
"Perhaps flenberg may still succeed
in getting the money, mamma."
But the old lady made no answer.
Site r ieee find quickly kft the roorn.
Ira looked sadly after her.
(:l L 1''TEll VI.
The widowed Frau i'nstorin Scllon-
t.crgg was sitting nt the window in her
parlor. knitting on a gray. woollen
ske>,'king for tier soon. The old lady et
list sighs hail a rernrknbly peevish
face. its if she hail had nothing but care
ned freebie all her life long. But when
one loe,ked into her forget-ne-not eyes,
which looked we1nderfilly young frotn
under the spotless fresh tulle cap, one
avow! gels at once, "Good temper has al-
ways carried the day here. though times
411( were eve r se) hard." And then one would
ir. to fancy this old woman a young
}•'r1. and would sly 1.1 ones' self, "she
must have been a merry little creature."
11 wns too droll when the Frau Pas-
t r;n nsurerd hi r acquatntnnces that her
ten occasioned her a great deal of anx-
iety: ire wns loo extravagant; he wAS
always Ihin'(tngt of the few thcusantI
*eters hr weigh, inherit nfter tier de nth;
!! was a greet pity when children knew
that t!!. re was s•nuettung to be got out
of the'.. old parents. And her eyes
br.0 'heed as she spoke, for she did not
in the least bee'ieve what (54 said.
'I'Ito servant -maid came in and asked
kr the key to the cupboard; it vas time
lee make the tea for the Herr Doctor.
"Isn't it early tar the ten?" she remark -
as she took t'he bunch of keys off her
"The Herr Doctor will be here in n
minute; it is a quarter past five," re-
pl;ed the girl, looking at the clock as
slue went out.
The Frau Pastorin murmured some-
titing; then she stopped and listened.
The door -bell rang and a manly step ap-
p•roached. With a "Good evening, mo-
ther," the young doctor entered the
"Gond-evening," was the reply. "ft
is raining, ien't it?'
"It is only mist, mother. It Is Octo-
ber, you know. How do you do? Have
you rend your paper yet?"
"Yes, there is a description of the
ltechers' ball. They will be horribly
uolilted if all the \Westenbergers treat
them' as if they were crowned heads,
and there—look! There is the Ilec'hcr
herself, driving out in her coupe, and
calling for ttie old doll -woman! Well,
it must be true what Frau Lange says,
that that is going to he a match."
The doctor had taken off his hat and
made himself comfortable on t'he sofa.
heforti the table, where ho usually
drank his lea, when he came back from
its classes, in the afternoon. He looked
up as his mother spoke. "What did
you say, mother? Pray loll Frau Lange
to altend to her own affairs."
"Well, it can make no difference to
us. niy boy. There they go. Ready,
Fraulein Melina has got. on her violet
bonnet with the yellow roses. She is
a figurer
Iler son went to the window and
watched the carriage go by. It was an
elegant coupe. It vas true; there, be-
hind the shining windows, was the
well-known shabby hat of Fraulein
\;e lata von Tollen. which had been (lis -
played every Sunday for years in the
free pew, at St. Martin's Church. A
slight sniffle of ma?Ire was visible on the
(lector's intelligent face, which Was sur-
rounded by a full blonde beard.
"1)o you want to wager," lie asked,
"that they ere going to snake a call at
the majors?-"
"How penetrating you are!" remarked
the pastorin; "an elega=nt carriage like
that will make quite a show before the
house. That will enlighten Fraulein
Ile looked down with a merry smile
al the grumbling little woman. .
"1)o you think so?" he said.
"Boy, don't be so stupid! the Tol-
lens can neither fly nor walk; and if
an even greater idiot than that Adal-
lnerl were to come elong " -
At this tie laughed aloud.
"flow severely you women always
judge one another!" he said. "l3ut here
is my tea."
Ile sat down nt the table, which the
maid had covered with a brilliantly
white cloth, and began to drink his tea.
"The clear knows!" murmured the old
Indy. "Necessity knows rho law; many
a girt has married to escape from mis-
"But her name is not Lora von Tol-
len." 'he replied earnestly.
His mother turned her head qui; tity,
rem pushed her glasses up on her fug
and, in order to see tier .son better.
"My goodness! You don't mean That
you want to marry her yourself "
Ile pushed his cup aside and crosscut
over 1e) her.
"why net?" he asked, pulling the
t rone�, sliillye3starched strings of her
"You are not In earnest?"
"Wouldn't you like such a sweet girl
for your daughter-in-law;"
"For Heaven's sake, boy, stop, stop!"
cried the old hely.
"Don't you like. Lora, mother?"
"You needn't be playing your jokes
cin me, for I don't believe a word of
it '' she grumbled. "That would be a
pretty affair.''
He was silent, but he smiled still.
"I would disinherit vou!" she declar-
ed suddenly, with perfect seriousness.
"Disinherit you!"
"Really?" he askeed, while his mouth
twitched. "And to whom would you
leave your vast fortune?"
"1 would found an idiot aeylum with
it, you saucy boy," she cried; "anal you
and your nristocratic bride would broth
be admitted."
"It we were the nonly (,els there, 1
.!Mould accept with thanks. Good -even-
ing. mother, 1 am going to take a
Ne took his tool;s, his hat and cane,
end a minute after he left t'he room.
The (1141 lady heard hire whistle a gay
song on the stairs, and shook her head.
"No," she said at length. "he is not
so foolish as that—a pretty face and
nothing mere—no!"
And sticarefuwa-
ting w4orkle, leanedlly bputackainy pierher cknithair
with folded hands. and repeated again:
"110 is not so foolish as that."
All at once he was standing outside,
rend knocked on the pane. She pushed
aside the bolt and opened the window.
"I say, mother," he snit!, "before Lora
t•ecnnres my wife, we must build on
Ih► gable-reorn upstairs; there isn't room
enough in the house,"
She flushed crirncon, and banged the
window to; but he pressed his face
against the glass and laughed at her
with merry eyes, as he used to do when
he was n boy.
Then she opened the window again.
"Mines!, you rascal, will you make
a fool of your old mother:?" And before
he knew what she was abntrt, Atte took
off his hat and let him standing bare-
headed, the wind blowing through his
thick brown hair. "You want to go to
walk? Geo then, my bey; I wish you a
pleasant walk. You can go and pro-
pose to Lora just as you aro."
She was about to shut the window,
when ho pushed aside her bend, and
the next moment he had sprung with
a bound through the low w u,dow, and
was standing in the room.
His old mother leaned back in her
chair and laughed. "Aren't you asham-
ed of yourself:'" she cried. "What
would your scholars say if they should
eo you g Bing on like that? 1)o you
thick they would have any respect for
you? If I only ksew what makes you
so wild "
Then he suddenly drew up a chair
besielie her, and looked earnestly ct
"You may know it, mother," he said
softly; "it is happiness that makes it,
pure, sweet happiness. she loves me
—Lora, and will be my wife."
"Merciful heavens!" stammered iho
postorin, pare as death. "1ioy, what
a work you are leaking for yourself-"
!lis eyes wore an appealing expres-
"Mother, don't fry to persuade n:e, it
\mild be all in vain."
"0 heavens! site is not the sort of a
wife for you," Leegan the pastoris; "one
of the Tollens, who know nothing and
car. (lo nothing but be haughty, whose
ar.stocrat:c ideas peep out of every fold
in their dresses. Boy, what have you
done that you should be so afflicted?"
"You do not know Lora," he replied,
seizing her hand. "Slue is so good and
simple, and she loves Isle with all her
"1 must see it first with my own eyes.
1 won't believe it till then. Now tins -
ere has come upon us, it is beginning;'
"\\'ill you see her once, mother? May
I bring her here?" he asked, without
heeding her last words. "1 think 1 shall
meet her out walking, and I will beg
t.er to comp in for a moment."
Ile got up and took his hat, which
had dropped, unheeded, froru his mo-
ther's lap.
She made no reply.
"1 will bring her to you, mother; then
you will love her, I am sure." And Le
ran, rather than walked, out of the
room into the darkening October after -
In theark he fairly ran through all
P }
the paths, but they were all vacant. A
feeling of disappointment came over
hint. Ile had been so sure that Lora
would go to walk with her sister. lie
se down in the pavilion for a m e—ent
and wrote bra's name in the
dark earth with his cane; he was :;o
doeply engaged that he did not perceive
that a couple of his scholars passed,
bowed to him, and commie(' their for-
bidden cigars. 1t was nearly night,
and he was cold; so he went slow!
back to the city, and stood for awhile
etitsido the garden door of his little
place, considering whether he had bet-
ter go in and work. Then ire conclud-
ed Ihnt it would he impossible, and leo
walked away toward the city gate.
Frans under the archway Katie von
'Felten carne toward hits, swinging her
arms. Iler brown woollen dress was
decidedly short; they rubber !strips in
ter congress boots ltnd stretched, and
mil her felt cap was thrust on one side
ef her saucy, bored face. Ile could not
gave a very queer shape to her foot,
help smiling; what a difference between
the two sisters!
"Good -evening; Fraulein Kittle." be
began, apprcoching her; 'are yeu laking
a walk, and all alone?"
The young girl's ince turned scarlet.
Sh(. 'nide nn nwkward gesture.
"Lora couldn't come; she had to stay
at home and make coffee for old Frau
"Indeed! Then I will go n little way
with you. Where were you going?"
Katie was amazed. Dr. Schonberg go
with her! Ile, the secret idol of all the
school-girLs, go to walk with her. with
Katie von Totten! She looked at him
in consternation, and then she be-
thought herself; in town they %•Drill
be likely to meet some •,t iho school-
girls, and what a fur•,re that would
"i was just going to turn bark." she
said; "T must go lo the market -place
again; 1 have something to get there--
nt--al "
"Very well." he interrupted. "i will go
with you to—to—wherever you want !n
go. ilow are you getting on with your
theme, Fraulein Katie, on--"
"011, I gave that in long ago."
"Oh, yes; so y'm did. So your mo-
ther has visitors?"
"They have been there for two hours,
cnckling aboutthe boll," replied Kntie.
"IL was very fine, wasn't it?"
"1 don't know. Lora haen't spoken
a word all day; she canoe !tome long
before the others did, anyway. I can't
binino her."
so!' asked the young than.
"Oh, everybody knows that :\dallort
Becher wants to marry our i.ora."
Ile did not speak at once. "That must
he very unpleasant ter Fraulein Lora,"
he managed to say.
"I'o.ssitiiy. yes," replied Katie. ":\t
nny rate, 1 wouldn't have stayed there,
if Frau I:lfrida (lecher had been ten
buries sweeter and more anxious about
my health."
Ho hail slopped just before a jewel-
ler's shop. As it lost in thought tie
gnzc•d at the modest display. and his
eyes were fixed on an elm, lined with
velvet, on which a mass of plain gold
rings shone in the light of a petroleum
"Those are wedding -rings," said Katie,
who had followed the ,direction of his
'Would do me n favor, Fraulein
Katie?" he asked, without moving his
eyes from the case.
"What is 11?" she asked. Any one
elco would have received for answer,
'I Have no lime." To him she could
only bring out a reluctant "What is
"To give a lock to Fraulein Lora,
which 1 promised her."
"011, yes; give it here," wris the in-
different r ply.
"Ibut 1 mutt go home and get it first.'
. nothing. 1 will come with
You as far as y.,ur. house, and ‘‘lade
yet, are getting the book, 1 will walk
up and down."
ile lied nlrendy turned. and they
'walked on quickly together. Thew
were no great distances in \V slen-
be. rg; in Mout fen minutes the doctor
was hurrying through the little gar-
den into his house, while Katie remain -
c(' standing by the gnte.
11 wits geile dark under the tall cline.
Site Ironed ngninst one of they trees and
loe►ked up at the gntele window. where
Ids room was. She breathed quickly,
fend her heart beet as though it would,
twist. New a light flashed out frog
above; she saw a shadow moving, and
ttlen he must have gone further back
into the room for the shadow (huge
(I'o be Continued.)
A Few Wen -sting Facts About Some
Well -Known People.
A good story Is being told of Prince
Albert, the secend son of the Prince
and Princess of Wales.. Ile was being
taken round a battleship %•hen, seeing
n closed door, he asked what was be-
hind it. "That's where we keep the
p( ruder," was the reply. The little
Prince looked extremely astonished.
"1 lave you to take powders, too?" he
Baron do, Forest, who succeeded te
much of the wealth of the late Baron
Hirsch. the multi -millionaire, has boughs
Stowe house, near Buckingham, Eng-
land, fir the Baroness Kinloss. Il 1-
a palatial and Historic place, formerly
the residence of the Dukes of Bucking-
ham, and among those who have been
entertained there in the past nre Pope,
Congreve, \'anbrugh, and ford Chester-
field_ Baron de Forest, whose title is
an Austrian One, is twenty-eight yeare
ef age, and is married to a sister of
Lord Gerard.
Fifty years ago Britain was engaged
in war with China, and along the tia-
ra( of1lccrs now surviving who took pari
i11 the campaign are Admirals Sir VeSey
llarnitt,,n, Sir Michael Culnle Seymour.
tie: Icon. Victor Montagu, and Sir Wil-
liam Kennedy. The last-named tells r
stet Miry. A sailor went into a hut In
a village which had been captured, and
!tut on some Chinese clothes which lie
f.;t:nd. On coming out of the but ne
was .shot dead by a comrade, who na-
turally took the other to be a Chinese
soldier running away.
Now aged seventy-three, Sir William
DCA VOeux, a past governor of Fiji,
Newfoundland, !long Kong, and other
places, retired from the colonial service
in 1891. One of his earliest exploits
was the sucking of hydrophobia virus,
when but n lad, from the wounds of
twr children who had been bitten by
a mad retriever. For months after he
feared fur himself the fate from which
he had rescued the children, as he had
omitted to have a scar on his lip cau-
\While at school the German Emperor
wes put on a footing of equality oith
other boys of much humbler rank. His
clothes were generally rattier shabby,
as his parents were anxious to keep
hint free from vanity and extravagance;
and he had to take his turn in filling the
grate with coal, like the other scholars.
it is said that he never resented this.
end showed no objection to the easy
f•tmilinrity with which his companions
at Cassel were allowed to treat time.
Of Mr. ituelyard Kipling, Mr. J. \i.
ileerrie tells a story. The last-named
was once at Waterloo Station (London),
and, with an armful of papers, was
hurrying to catch a train when he ran
into Mr. Kipling. also in a tearing ihur-
rs•. The two authors turned on each
ether with scowling faces, and then
smiled in recognition. "Lucky beggar!"
exclaimed Kipling, "you've got papers."
Sez:ng the bundle from Barrie, tie flung
him some money and made off. "But
you didn't slop to pick up his dirty
halfpence, did you?" asked an amused
friend. "Didn't I, though-" returned
l:irrier; and added ruefully: "but he
It dn't flung me half enough,"
One hears little now -a -days of the ex -
Empress Eugenie, Who, as the consort
of Napoleon 111., ruled in France, until
1S7u. it was the catastrophe of Sedan,
during the Franco -Gemini) war, which
obliged the ex -Empress to flee from
Paris to England, where she has since
resided. As the carriage was going to
'I'rouville, under the escort of Dr. Evans,
a famous dentist, the impress saw a
gendarme ill-using a'Ynan in tete street.
Springing forward regardless of her own
safely, she cried: "1 am the Empress, and
1 csimnnnnd you to let that roan go!"
1)r. Evans thrust her back upon the seat
and explained to the bystanders that
she was an inane woman tinder his
care. The carritege then rambkd on,
and the Emprcts safely arrived in Eng-
Sir Charles Brooks, (i.C,M.G., whe
has ruled Sarawak as its Rajah for close
on forty years, has been described as
the most absolute autocrat—fortunately
re heenevo'ent one—on earth. The son
of a Somerset cieergyntan, he is the ma-
te rnal nephew of the late Rajah, Sir
James Brooke, whose surname he as -
seined when he sue ecded him. by
his marriage to a sister of Mr, harry de
Windt, the famous explorer, the Rajah
tta= ihrees(tns.of whom the el(lest,edu-
cateed nt Winchester and Cambridge, is
air, : dy nssocinled with his father i11 the
government of Sornwak. The lienee
is the only English wem en holding that
title, and site wits received by Queen
Victoria at \\'indsnr w 1l h the honors
due to a Sovereign.
As befits n nils who is to be the su-
Preme head of nn army of 600,000 men,
Prince Frederick William, the German
Crown Prince who recently celebrated
hue twenty-sixth terlhdny, has received
an education which has been nrninly
military. At len years of age he was a
sobeltern in the Gunr(ls; leifore he was
eighteen he held commissions in Saxon,
ilavarian, Wurteml►erg. Tlussia, and
Hungnrian regiments. Ile is indeed a
soldier from head 10 toe. The greater
part of his general education he receiv-
ed nt Berm Univer-ply, Those will know
him well declare that he has little of
hi + father's restless energy, physical
and mental, his prednrninating charac-
teristics being a giiiet lhoughfulness
and a calm, somewhat reserved, man-
WOli1.1) s SM.id I EST \\'ATeil t.
The smallest watch in the world is in
the possession of n i e.neton jeweller. 11
eerce belonged to the late Marquess of
Anglesey, whose taste in ornaments
was extravagant and leiznrre. The size
of the gold else of tips Liliipu!inn watch
is just that of the sninllest Engiish chin
—a silver threepence. The minute -head
is an eighth of an inch long.
"How do year like pier new lnundr) ?'
"Very well, in'trn. I sent Twelve eol-
lan lnst week, nnel everyone of the but-
tonhole's came back."
The Farm
Some extremely interesting facts re-
garding the caro and leosxhiug of cattle
i ► Europe have recently been amassed
t,y a government specialist. We give
some of the faces herewith :
One prominent feature in the feeding
of both dairy and beef cattle it► ail
European countries is the employment
of large amounts of succulent feeds.
Welt crops are used for this purpose
more than any other farm crop. 111
Englund innngels, turnips and rutabagas
nr, the loots principally employed.
Turnips and rutabagas are fed during
fall and early winter, while inangels.
which are better keepers, are usually fed
during late winter and early spring. In
France and Germany sugar beets and
sugar beet pulp are extensively employ-
ed as succttleiit feeds and both are giv-
ing most excellent results.
It appears that generally speaking
English breeder's of pure-bred stock
realize folly the disadvantage of keeping
breeding stock in a lax) fleshy (•ondition
and the best breeders in the country do
not keep their breeding stock which they
retain on their farms in an overfed con-
dition. 'They are, However, according to
a number of prominent !weeders, obliged
le fatten stock sold at public sate for the
reason that it is practically impossible
to sell cattle or live stock of any kind, a
fact which our breeders realize fully as
well—unless they aro well fatted.
For fattening purposes, corn meal,
bean meal. pea steal and concentrated
foods of that character are used exten-
sively in England, but roots are else fed
lihcrally, in fact, it seems diflicull for the
English feeder to realize that cattle can
he fattened without more or leas roots
or grass. .seldom ever fed to
('ern is . e fru if
heeding stock. Crushed oats, wheat
bran, oil cake and foods of that charac-
ter being substituted for the reason that
they aro better bone and misele build-
ers, and they are not healing as is the
case with corn.
a s much as 125 pounds of reels per day
are fed in some instate -es. although the
average is stated by Prof. Kennedy to
he from 50 to 80 wends per head per
day. A great deal of oil cake and cot-
tonseed cake is fed. It is never fed
ground, however. but Ls generally fed in
,small lumps. What is called utude^oidi-
cnled cake, and which is manufactured
from Egyptian and Sea Island cotton, is
used extensively, espet•ially during the
summer season. Undecordicaled cake
is cake made from cotton seed from
which ttie hulls have not been removed;
previous to the eexlra_tion of the oil.
The hull contains a substance with as-
tringent properties, and hence this un-
itrordicated cake is considered an ex-
cellent food in that it prevents cattle
(rem scouring when on grass. The
practice of grinding or crushing grains
i•: universal. Cutting or chnfting of hay.
straw and all kinds of roerghnge is often
practiced. hoots are usually pulped or
sliced. and the grain rntion is ordinarily
mixed willecut roughage or pulpy roots,
r' being considered that the grain is
more fully digested when fed in That
mauleo in southern find central por-
tions of Fnglnnd the cattle are mostly
fed out of dcors, whip in the more
nrerlhern latitudes they are stabled dur-
ing the winter months, but are always
turned out during the day time when-
ever the weather permits.
in Scotland from whence we have ob-
tained s) many excellent Shorthorn
erne during recent years, intensive
farming is practised, .This is obsoletely
necessary, for the renson that much of
the land in that country rents for $15
an acre. Scotland has special purpose
beef as well as special p►urp►c►se dairy
br'eceds. and the Scottie' farriers as a
rule do not attempt to breed dual-pur-
lpeeso types. They are great believers in
roots, turnips and swedes being
They feed from 2:10 to 300 pounds of
rook to three -year• -old and fattening
steers. They also cut their roughage
and prefer to mix the griein ration with
roots or roughage. Quite a 'mintier of
farmers in that country steam the food
foe their cattle, although the practice is
net so general as it was a few years ago.
i'nt•tneers are beginning to feel that no
special advantage occrues from steam-
ing cattle feeds 011(1 1h1kl the practice is
rather an expensive one.
Ireland has more cattle per acro of
ln'id than any outer country in the
world. Taking the cot.ntry ns a whole,
there is one heed of cattle for every 4.36
acres of land. Ireland is a country of
pastures mid meadows. In fact 80 per
cent. of all the land in Ireland is either
in grass or in meadow. The bulk of the
land under cultivation is used fear the
production of potatoes and root crops,
ct nsequently but little is left for grain
culture. Dairying is carried on quite ex-
tensively. 'file winters are mild mind the
rainfall evenly distributed through the
seasons, s(1 that cattle inny lei pastured
throughout the entire year.
!trance has no distinct breeds of
cattle, and the cattle industry in that
country, OA compared w ilh that in Eng -
Intel, is rather of a primitive nature.
The cows are generally tethered, and
selling (imps. aro extensively raised.
(tern is grown in the southern portion of
France. \\'ith the exception of sugar
beets, comparatively few roots are
raised. (;lover and alfalfa silage, how-
ever, is used to quite an extent find is
prized as one of the most nutritious
feeds grown. Most of the rougtinge is
feel without being cut or chaffed.
Austria-llungary has n breed of na-
tive cattle, silver grey in color. They
are not pure bred in any sense of the
word ; they are neither, strictly speaR-
ing, dairy nor beef cattle, although they
lean more to the dairy than beef type.
The Sinrnenthal !treed ef cattle native
to Switzerland has been introduced to
same extent. This breed has a tendency
lo beefiness and is not generally con-
sidered a gond dairy breed, although it
can be classed as
In Germany ccmparntively few cattle
;u:•(' pnstnretl. They ari steble 1 through-
out the entire year, and soiling craps
9 art• raised for feet. land being so high -
proud, tr►e German farmer considers it
eetravagant to pasture cattle, rte tie can
raise much more gr 'u1 food upon an
acro under cultivation than on an acre
in pasture. Sugar beets ars) grown ex-
tensively, and they are largely used as
rattle food, as is also beet putt), a by-
i.roduct of the sugar beet factories.
clover grows everywhere in (*.Hotly.
while the growth of Alfalfa is r-trictsd
lee ilio central and s.tutttern portions.
The Swig`s fanner ralsi. what might
be called a tri -purpose cow. Ile not only
wants a cow to be a good dairy aminal
but site nitist also produce lecef and 111
addition to that perforin labor on the
tnr nt. c:oss•s, bulls and oxen are u.sed
••\ tensivcly as beasts of burden in drat
cc-untry. 'I'Iio two principal breeds of
cellle ut Switzerland, native to that
(sentry, are Brown Swiss and Sitnnten-
thal, both of which breeds are also found
in the country. The calves are usually
allowed to suck Lhe cows in Switzerland
and aro weaned at the age of six
months, although in a few instances the
metre progressive farmers raise them on
shim milk. At another time we hope to
give more detailed information with re-
gard to specific itielhods of feeding in
the different countries.
A Great Journal Reports Everything In
Its Neighborhood,
The "Bingville Bugle" does not claim
to have the biggest circulation in the
world, but it is a very go-ahead and
enterprising journal for all that. here
are some 'penis fears the "Bugle's" so-
ciety column:—
"hfiss Amelia '!tucker, our society
queen, is laid up temporary with Vie,th-
aclte. Sho would have it pulled it it
wasn't so painful."
"(:y Hoskins is painting his buggy.
\\'ell, the buggy needs it—it hasn't been
painted since (:y got it 11 years ago."
"11 is reported that Miss 'I'abitha
Jones will be married soon. Who the
vnferiunato party was we did! not
I( ars."
"A stranger whose name we did not
discover p;rsed through our mast one
clay last week, which day we forget."
"Lein Brown, our carpenter, is mak-
ing plans for a hen -house for Deacon
Andrews. Lent makes all his own ar-
chitecktur•al plans."
'Mrs. Samantha Decvers is still on
the sick list, but .she is nbt quite so bad
as usual."
"Jasper Hawkins brought 13 dozen
eggs to lien \\'eathersby's store last
Monday. How's that for eggs?"
"Doc Livermore has traded his old
white mare for n rgau ltor-ee With fele
Ankruni of Snake Bend. I..ct us trope
that lite roan can travel faster than the
white mare. Otherwise many of Doc's
patients will be deceased before he ever
reaches then'."
Hepburn, our stalwart and ar-
tistick blacksmith, was incapacitated
for work on Monday and 'Tuesday (ef
Inst week. Rill went to the Co. seal
Saturday, and it usually takes hire two
or three dnys to get over i1."
"Varve Clines, our tonsorial barber.
says that work in his line has begun
to slack up. Ilarve says ire order to
elr.1roduce shaving and haircutting to
these who are not fetnriliar With it Le
Wil' cut hair for 15c. and suave fur 8c.
until further n o ice. Here is a chance
k get your hair cut or shaved at a
terir•gain. (Adv.)"
"Bev. Moore, our beloved pastor of
the Bingville church, will preach a ser-
mon next Sunday morning from the
text, 'It is More Blessed to Give 'l'htrn
t(. ileeeive.' \\'e understand the pas-
tor's flock is back 200 dols. on his sal-
'Late Packard .s bunion is troubling
Mir so o1 late that he can't get his Loot
on his right foot, and so he wears one
!.cot and an old carpet slipper. Laic
ran illus tell by his bunion waren it is
a -going to rain a day or Iwo in advance,
end people have got so in the habit of
depending on hire to tell them about
what kine) of weather we :este going to
have llr;►t new it makes 1)1111 niaddef n
a wet hen to be asked if it':, a -going
to rain."
"Dave \\'bile, our enterprising under-
trefier, I.usincss is very Gulp, and
Ihat ante, s he can get something to ek►
in phi; lime he is going lo stove lo
teem other Iown. \\'Fol are we going
to do about this? We ought to be wil-
ling let make Sonne sacrifices of some
kind rattier than to Lose Dave,"
HOW N.\'I1ONS .\U1'E11'1'151:.
Ilee'g u►n. Lice ninny C•►ntinenlal coon•
fries, has its Nntu' nal Board of :Silver -
Using. The Slate, owning. as it does.
the railways. 'inlet do ever} thing in le.
power to increase the pnssenger trt+tlic.
end so England and the netgicent c',un-
tries are expensively placarded w nth
pesters. showing Belgium's beauty and
pleasure spits. 'elle principal attrae-
lion is Ostend and its casino, 811(1 the
casino, rind the pictorial records of this
resort have adorned the honrdings of
England for many years pall. King
.i.eopxold lakes a deep interest in this
nspect of Continental rivalry, mei never
t,iisses an opportunity for proclaiming
the superiority of his little country as
a pleasure -provider. Few persons are
aware of the fact lbist Au'strie goes in
fee the gentle art of ndvertising, but
here, ogain. we have the reason that
the Stale owns the railways. Austria
is ambitious. and though at present the
revenue from tourist truffle Is c'oimpara-
Uvely erne!), the authorities hope that
in time their country will be a serious
rival to Germany ami France.
As soon as a roan is sat.irfieel with
himself the ne•ighlr►rs beegin to fso1 sorry
for his wife.
Disease takes no summer
If you need flesh and
strength we
{ Scott's Emulsion
t -
summer as in '.linter.
Sag toe fee sample.
love ; sad g% i.es g ail argabew
Bops and Cordage Used are ''eery Ex-
pensive and 61 Imtuensa
Our war balloons are quite unlike all
these seen by the public in the charge
of amateur or professional aeronauts.
They are made in :he grounds of the
Ballooning School itself at Aldershot
t y tiro wives and daughters of private
s:Jdiers—of course, under the supe rvis-
ieir' of oflkers. Whilst silk and other
fabrics form the materiel of ordinary
t alktons, those used in our Army are
made of "gold -beaters' skin," a sub-
stance which corner front the intestines
ef animals, and, comparatively small
as war aerostats are, 1t take's no fewer
than 63,000 animals to supply the skins
that go to the making of ono balioent
No other balloon.a are so imp, rvious as
To test the wonderful gas-tig▪ ht and
travelling capacity of thetse balloons,
!ergo numbers of toy specimens—at the
biggest a couple of feet high—are ctArg-
ee' with gas and sent up front Alders
shot at frequent intervals. Each one
has attached to it directimiis printed in
five languages, asking that the tinder
wilt return it to the Ballooning School,
whence a small reward will 1•e sent 'o
t'.t finder. These experimental toy bal-
loons have thus been picked up in ani
sent back from France, Holland, Spain,
t,nd other countries.
The very ropes and cordage used in
ties° balloons are sprecitrily made for
ttie purpose of the finest Italian hemp,
certain of the cords costing as much res
thirty cents per foot, and tltosl of them
are, though quite thin, of immense
strength. Every possible sible particle e f
metal -work" is of the finest aluminum,
and most of tltesa metal articies--even
to the scientific instruments—arc made
l y an old soldier.
The Ballooning School has attached
to it some retable records of heroin
pluck and deep tragedy. On one oc-
casions Colonel Templar had cause, rn
a free war balloon, to ascend from the
'vicinity of a huge gasometer. As the
balloon swept aloft at a terrific speed,
a sudden squall struck it and dashed
it liveliest a quantity of ornamental iron -
tis tr k that ran round the top of the gaso-
'meter. The result was that the whole
of the cordage that held the car to the
'balloon itself was on one side severed
lake pack -thread by the iron railing et
the gasometer, and the car consequent-
ly hung sideways, suspended only by
•t few of the ropes on one side.
All the Contents of Iho car were dash -
cd to the ground far below amongst iho
I:orr:fied spectators, anef Colonel Temp-
lar would have shared the same falo
had he not been entangled in a mass
of cordage which held hint dangling ',v-
iew the balloon. Again part of the bal-
Von rebounded against the ironwork,
.enol the aeronaut's - face was terribly
cut. The balloon, relieved of the weight
of the articles which had fallen,fmrn
the car, clashed up to a height of near-
ly 20,000 feet, Colonel Templar fainting
tc,, a time, but when he partly recov-
ered he managed to work the valve and
'o release the gas. How lie managed
le descend . everal miles away from iho
gasometer he does not even now rea-
l:ze, but his life was saved after several
months of illness, though he bears a
terrible scar to this clay.
i'rcesh Water Supply Going --We Will
i)ie of Thirst.
\\'e are to diens ofknothirstiho. mv
1, few• persow• autferinqpnratiino--
volved in a thirst for which there is 110
help at hand. The consuming thirst,
snore than the pith) of any wound,
makes the battlefield a hell. Yet death
by thirst is the doom forecast fee the
race by grim s"tentists. Geologists find
that the fresh \voter supply of the glebe
is failing. They have data v1iklr ponies
tel the gradual withdrawal of tho
streams and other bodies of water fermi
tee surface. !loth in
Arden mut CentralAMR, and, indeed, in cell the great 1vhive's,
tee water beds are drying up. A greet
number of lakes. well known in the his-
t, riceal n ge, have entirely disappeared.
I'or extemple, Lake Chime, in Africa,
has vanished within the prt.st twenty
years. ns has nls(1 i.ake Ngainj, die -
revered by Livingstone. Lake '!'egad is
neore than half dried up. For ceenturls
hedge; of water In Central sln have
been evaporating 1 and the I ese'ris ex-
tending. Where 2.001) years ago great
r'1114‘•: stood in East Turkestan, there aro
found only vast and depressing stretches
c! sand. The River Tarim, mete a prin.
cipal Asiatic mute, Is almost !;sine, and
Lob -nor, formerly four limos the area
of Lake Geneva, is now lilt a hell,w
msanh. The same sad conditions are
noted in European Russia. Novgorod,
they most pushing city in the Czar's dis-
tracted renlrn, Was surrounded by water
in the iniddle ages. While we tn8y he
shire that the fate which the g.'nlogists
suggeest for humanity Ls very far awn},
Ileo facts recited to show the drying -up
process aro convincing proofs of Illi
need! of !preserving our forests with more
'IlIll)E '111'. 1II.0\VS1
The Norwegian whale fisheries nr•
well known to to the most extensive
that exist. They extend over nearly
the whole of the Arctic Sea. from the
rcrlh of Norway towards Spitzlergen,
and even to the Shetland Islands. The
whales are slot from small steamers,
implement Used being the so -calked
tomb-harboon, nn Arrow -shaped iron
St ear furnished w Ib a line. which is
dtscharged from a small cannon. The
monster often drags the vessel a long
distance, until it beoutnes eexineliested
and expires. It is hien towed to the
anchorage. where it is tripped of the
blubber. At first ()illy the blubber wns
utilizeth ?or train nil; now the be►nc5 fire)
cru'illed for manure, ond the flesh used
for the fond elf origin ('f the
beasts. Not so %'tery long ago, eel..;ci-
fishing was largely carried on by res -
Acts tepMnging In aicolch ports, but the
Irdu'-try has row !Na^ttcat)? diMpp-.eepar.
cd wi far as Pr.t.ole 4.s o',ncerocd.