HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-05, Page 711►
One of the strangest things in life is
sleep -that, recurring period of uncon-
sciousneess, so like death, yet without
which the continuance of life is impos-
\\'e think of it as a time of perfect
test for all the e,rgatrs, yet it is really
scavengers ore then hard at work re-
moving the brokeredow,r cells and the
poisonous waste products, e^cl Ili''
building up of new cells goes on apace.
The &winged nerves and muscles are
patched up and prepared so well as
ecnielintes to be even larger and bet-
ter than they were before.
This work goes on all the time, bill
ehie fly during sleep, for then there is
an arrest in the dc•nrutlion of the body
tissues, and the sec inelnrctor forces
car work to better advantage.
\Vhat causes sleep, why we should
kse consciousness, and \thy and how
we ever come hack again to conscious
existence are puzzles of which the phy-
sic'kgists and the metaphysicians have
long sought a solution, but have not
yet discovered i1.
It is believed that during healthy
sleep the brain is almost bkaellese, cr
at least that it contains less blood than
di ring the waking (tours. We know
thus sleep conies with difficulty to one
hm a state of mental excitement, when
the brain is filled with blood, and h b! d the
arteries in the temples stand out full
and pulsating. It is on this supposition
that most of uer endeavors to woo the
(:rotvsy god are based.
ee.• should do no severe mental labor
in the evening, but if we are forced to
write or study at night, we should al-
ways and absolutely put aside our
Work at least an hour before bedtime,
and spend this lime in easy converse -
leen, in light reading, or in playing a
meet game of some sort. A simple.
amusing game is One of the best of
Means to pull the mind away from the
nt:sorbing thoughts which have pas-
Fessed it, and to cause an equalization
of the bloat circulation Urroughout the
An apple or a cracker and a glass (f
tr:ilk rimy be taken a few minutes be-
fore bedtime with the effect of draping
the blood lo the stomach, but n hearty
neral at Iltis time may prevent sleep ley
exiting the digestive processes to dis-
turbing activity.
An abundance of fresh air in the
sleeping apartment is a necessity to
m'nnd and really refreshing sleep.
'1•h•' amount of sleep elect) is needed
is different with different individuals,
and depends somewhat upon the acti-
vity of the reconstructive powers. For
the average adult seven hours should
bo enough, but children need ten and
the very ngcd all they can get.-Youttes
There Is no reason why old age sheied
co!. be ns attractive as youth. it those
who are appronchtng the sunset of lite
neule only look at the matter in this
Tight. Some of the roost charming in-
(1ivi.fuale one oun steel are people pest
sixty, but they are of the class who
give Old Age a cordial reception M-
aned of .saying "Not at horse" when
he taps al the door.
The person who grows old graceful-
ly kinks on the bright side of things.
Cheerfulness, which is as much a habit
IIS anything else, brings youth in its
train. \Vorrie.s, aches and pains, and
Roubles soon take (light when they en-
oo.untcr a mind where cheerfuh:.''s
The \vornnn who says on each suc-
ceeding birthday anniversary, "I ant one
yr ar older, alxl consequently one year
nearer the end," cannot fail to grow
old. Wither should rho say: "I have
had so ninny years of happiness, and
intend to have a great many more be-
i. r I go."
Exrees of every kind are dangerous
to those who would grow old grncefut-
1i The long life must be u temperate,
regular one.
Truly. keeping young is, or ought to
t!e one of the easiest tasks that eeoi-
Lont women. All that Is necessary is
for her lobe womanly in every sense
of Ibe word, and the rest follows natur-
ally. For really w•munnty women do
meet anew tempests and dissensions to,
find an tibkiing-place Willi them. in-
stead. they le ok for the test in every-
thing. giving in return the lest that es
In them.
1t may cost something to be always
cheerful in the face of much Iemplati(,n
to be (otherwise, but worry brings
wrinkles to the face, /elvers the hair,
end in the end accomplishes nothing.
Half a teaspoonful of table salt dis-
sdeed in half glassful of told water
will give instant relief in case of heart-
Melly cases of indigestion, headache.,
ncurnlgin, cold hands and feet can be
gedekly cured by drinking ,slowly one
o. two pints of water so pot that it al -
meet burns the throat.
To inhnle stela, from a bowl of boll -
Pig water is very good for sore throat.
The sufferer should lean over the steam,
ilrawing it in both throat and nectrik.
People with poor digestion should
(!rick no water with steals, but take a
Olsen!! half all lour before and drink
plentifully an hour or so. aftrr each
\\earls may be entirely removed by
washing the hands Iwo or Three Clines
a day with the water in which potatoes
hate neon boiled. (,r by bathing the
wort femoral times with potato water.
T' v. ar iMO will be a notable one in
n • eintercial annals of the entire
v. 1. e..t only has the business of all
e. eon., enormously increases, but all
imenuslr6 • have received orders on very
nmuneratve conditions.
'tic\ yeti believe Ihn[ trove le blind 1"
'1 know IL" "Vow ew (k, you know its"
"Prom looking at the kind of tncn some
Rtumen marry."
Copyright 1906, by Tse Maoan:l Go,
Excellent Remedy
for Constipation.
There are many ailments
directly dependent upon con-
stipation, such as biliousness,
discolored and pimpled skin,
inactive liver, dyspepsia, d s i ar
worked kidneys and headache.
Remove constipation
all of these ailments dis-
MAN -A -LIN can be relied upon
to produce a gentle action of
the bowels, making pills and
drastic cathartics entirely un-
A dose or two of Man-a•lin
is advisable in slight febrile
attacks. la grippe, colds and
COLUMBUS, 01110, U. S. A.
\fix -up of Motor -Car, Hansom and Cart
-A Horse Crumb! in a
Iced Spring.
Many curious accidents occur in the
streets of London. England, and at Ienst
one vvitneereel by the present writer is
worth narrating. It was near the junc-
tion 41 Waterloo Bridge and the Strand,
and the principrtls involved were a large
ii oln►•-ear, a har>snni, and a cart piled
high with iron rails. The hitter almost
drugged on the ground at one end, while
at the other they stuck at least twelve
feet lit) in the lir. The motor -car, in
endeavoring to avoid the cart, ran into
lite cab, with the result that the cabman
was shot high into Uie air and came
(1(5.11 on Ilio lop of the steel rods. Ile
f:li "easy'," and after clinging to the
nets ire slid to the pound unhurt.
But some of the strongest accidents the
writer has witnessed have been to the
streets of New York. A few wicks ago,
lo: instan^_e, some firemen had the novel
experience of chasing a fire that was on
wheels, and behind a very much frigh-
tened pair of horses. it appeared that
a man called itarico had left his oil Wa-
gon at noon, and went into a building
at Seventy-eighth Street and Second
Avenue to deliver some goods. The oil
ons in lin cans, and while Blanco wus
In a moment the can exploded, wel-
tering the burning oil over the other
cans and the street. 'then the other cans
began to explode and the horhes bladed
t, run. An alarm was turned in, and
while mho firemen were coming up Se.
sand Avenue. They snw the n.nawny
horses and the blazing wagon going
(learn Seventy-seventh Start toward
first Avenue, and the pursuit started.
The wagon was srxn overtaken and the
runasv.iy. releas'tl.
In April last truffle near lho Brot klyn
Bridge was Weked for twenty minutes
by a quer ii. ideal in which a horse and
a bad s•ring liguresl. A truck loaded
with bed springs from n factory was
crossiti r the bridge when one of the
springs fell to the roadway. A toren at-
1ache it to n 1ruek close behind stepped
en to the springs. and the spiral wires.
breaking from the framework. coiled
mound the front -legs of the animal. The
ihorse plunged and floundered until he
was hopelessly entangled. A long line of
cars was held tip, and motor -men and
conductor's aidell the driver In hie efforts
I) relieve) the horse. All attempts, how -
L' SLi NO. Ji 07.
ever, failed, and finally a repair wagox
seas summoned. Tho linemen land to cut
away the springs before the horse could
be released.
But perhaps the queerest sight was
one to which a Ilroedw ay cris ti was
treated in Ilse catty part of April last.
This was nothing less than u Ulan in an
autoniobilo with
A oismanlltd delivery wagon inn -Med
time efforts of the hots° to climb down
from the auto, while behind the wagon
was a north -bound Broadway ear with
dente:! dushboartl. The car was up-
p►•uaching Twenty-second Street at a
g od speed when it buulpod into the de-
livery wagon with a jolt which sent tate
driver and his assistant sprawling into
the road. At the moment of impact the
front of the auto belonging lo a Mr. J.
11. Davis teas within a few feet of the
horse's head. \Wien the Gtr bumped
the wagon Uio horse was propelled into
the auto.
Davis had no time to escape, and was
caught by the Corse. Ile shot.ted for
help, and grasped hands which were
stretched forth to drag him from the
seat. But no ntnounl of hauling would
release him. Assured after a few mo-
ments that lie was in no danger of in-
jury from the hoofs of time horse, Davis
made light of this predicament. It be-
gan to get monotonous, however, after
the minutes had passed and the horse
continued to repose in his lap. Finally,
the car was backed away and a store of
!taints laid hold of the wagon, which was
withdrawn as gently as possible, drag-
ging the horse out of Davis's lap.
Though the toed and guards of the auto
were, smashed, Davis was enscathcd.-
Londou Tit -Bits.
German Physicians Discover New Cure
After Experiments.
Abdominal tyI hold fever need no
knger be feared if the new serum pro -
(treed by I)is. Meyer and Bergen, of
Kerlin, Germany, in the laboratory of
Prof. ton Leyden fulfills all expectations.
11. is learned that Iho professor himself is
virtually convinced of its efficacy. Ile
explained that the typhoid serum dis-
covered sorno thhie ago gave remarkable
reeulLs in rendering human beings im-
mune from typhoid.
11 was foundw, however, when the
serum was injected in the course of nn
attack of the disease the patient invari-
al ly. succumbed. Ile and his collabora-
tors thereupon set to work to find out
the causes of the fatal effect. These were
eventually traced to toxins In dead ty-
phoid bacilli contained in the original
Efforts were then directed toward ob-
taining a serum absolutely five from
protoplasm:. Ager two years of ardu-
ous experiments, horses being used as
si.bjects for Inoculation, a serum was
produced in which the organic natter
taut been dceo►npose(1 by means of niur-
ialie acid and low temperatures. •
!lumen patient.; were subjected
to injections of this with the re-
sult in several inslnnces of splendid
effects. Some cures were effected even
in severe cases, rind one patient, al-
th('ugh badly attacked, atter two injec-
tions within seven days, was completely'
cured except for the ensuing weakness.
Prof. V n Leyden is anxious for the
scrum to undergo a crucial Zest of a
serious epidemic of typhoid before pro-
nouncing final judgment.
Baby's Own Tablets cost 25 cents a
lox. A lox bought now niay save your
baby's life. Summer complaints come
often wilJoul warning, and thousands
of little ones die from there every hum-
mer. If children's stomach and bow-
els are kept in order there is little dun-
g(•^ of these troubks, and that is just
what Baby's Own -Tablete do. They
are good for the new born baby or the
well grown child -and they are ales°.
lately safe. Give your child an coca -
rennin dose of Tablets and you will keep
it welt. If you have not got a box • f
'fabless in the [(souse now, sen([ for
teem et once, and you may feel that
your little ones are safe. Mrs. \\'m.
Parrott. Myrtle. Ont., says: "\ly little
they suffered greatly from attic, and cried
almost continuously. usly. A few doses .1
the Tnb'ets cured him, and now 1 give
Ibe Tablcls occasknally to prevent the
tremble returning." geld by medicine
(Ifaicrs or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The iDr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
('e(orge--"Would your father get mad
if 1 nsked him for your hand?"
E1 -ie --"No, but smother wtnud. She's
the w•tiole thing in Itis family."
Are yeti n sufferer with corns. If you
are, get n bible of Iiollew•ay:s Corn
Cure. It has never been known to fail:
"I hear your firm discharged you."
"les, but 1 Wouldn't mind that so much
if they hadn't added insult to injury."
"flew?' '"I•hey advertised for a boy to
fill my place."
ITCII, Menge, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
es animals cured in 30 minutes by Wog
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It nines tails.
Sold by all druggists.
An old custom of great antiquity still
prevails In the town of Oakhnm, in
IPullendshire, England. Every peer r f
the realm passing near the castle, which
was built by \Valkelin de Fer•i'ers, is ex -
peeled to deliver n she from the foot ( f
tnc of his horses, or to pay a !isle in
default. The fine usually lakes the form
Of an ornamental h(rseshoe, often sur-
nteunled by the colonel of the peer prc-
arnling IL The total number of shoe's
at present in possession of the local au-
'•,,rilies is 3(X), and among tire most
valued are those presented by Queen
Elisabeth, King George IV., Queen Vic-
toria, and Queen Alexandra.
Walkinae-'The lice flohinsens are ply-
ing n big dance next month. 1 wish
they'd invite me. Iirtberts--"Do you?
Then 1.11 tell yell n scheme that gener-
ally works. You drop in sonic night
ami tell Mrs. De Robinson that you!)
be out of I(wn all next month. See if
they don't 4avi,te you then."
Acoordtng to advertisements all sum
n►cr r:sor:s are alike. They are ,tit
heel ever -but if fishing is better an;
where else thrum it is in '•Geor•ge:I
Buy" we do not know where it is. The!.
is a greater variety of fish in lois wale:-
aterthan anywhere else, and tliey are al
ways hungry. No one ever counted ite
lief* in the Georgian Bay, but these
that have been caught there have 1.•eu
u untcd and eaten, and if you read the
Government rgorls on fisheries, yor
know that Georgion flay supplies more
fell than any other equal body of water
in the world. 'file °illy place you can
nff.lyd to list is where the llsl► are lila•
Brous, big and delicious in flavor, and
That place is Georgian Ilay-so the fish-
ermen say. Suppose you send kir book-
let, issued by Grand Trunk Railway Sys-
tem, free, telling about the home of the
Kass, picker el, pike and the noble taut
family. Address J. D. McDonald, Un-
ion Station, Toronto, Ont.
Mrs. Furby -if you go first, you will
wait for lie on the other shore, \won't
you, dear?
Mr. Furby --I suppose so. 1 never
went anywhere yet without having to
wait for you.
A Cure for Rheumatism. -The intru-
sion of uric acid into the brood vessel-
is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains.
This irregularity is owing to a deranged
and unhealthy condition of the liver.
Anyone subject to this painful affection
will rind a remedy in 1'arrnelee's \'ege-
table Pi1Ls, Their action upon the kid-
neys Ls pronounced and most beneficial,
and by restoring healthy action, they
correct impurities in the blood.
Gustav Jovanovitch, the Russian cat-
tle king, owns 600,(O0 acres of land, 1,-
0060)0 ,(xx) sheep, and keeps 31,000 sheep-
Puts You on Your Feet and kecpryon there
Chat's what "Itemising" does fur all lh iso re
;overing from wasting diseases. It is the best
tonic in existence. It stimulates, nourishes and
builds up the system.
A young man who was to be married
:n church to a Miss Way, after a court•
ship of four years, privately requested
the choir not to open the service by
singing, "Phis is the Way 1 long have
No Alcohol in Il. -Alcohol or any
other volatile neater which would lin-
rail- strength by evaloration does not
any shape enter into the inanufac-
tr re of Dr. 'Memos' Eeleclric Oil. Nor
lie climatic changes affect it It is as
serviceable in the Arctic Circle as in
the 'torrid 7one, perhaps more useful
in the higher latitudes, where man Ls
snore subject to colds from exposure -to
the elements.
"Young man," said the serious gen-
tleman, "slid you ever paILse and spunk
that each tick of the eloek brings you
another moment nearer to the en(t'-i f
your existence?" "1 wens thinking el
stencilling of that kind this very min -
tee," cheerfully replied Ihe•youth,'only
nit idea struck nee that each tick
brought pay-day that much nearer."
real ones, nl Singer stores. Buy here
and deal with the inanufucturcrs. The
Singer Company is permanent and re-
spxinsitile; its representatives are always
at hand to care for Singer and Wheeler
& Wilson machines. Look for the lied
ei Singer Sewing \Incline Go. Write
us at Manning Chambers, Toronto, for
set of Bird Cards free.
"Late again, Simpkins; how's thnt?"
"Please. sir, 1 got up late, and only Left
myself -ten minutes to dress." "Rut I
can dress comfortable in that time."
"Yes, sir; but 1 wash."
There can be a difference of opinion
on most subjects, but (here is only one
opinion as to the reliability of Mother
Graves' 1Vorrrm Exterminator. It is safe,
stere and effectual.
The Thoughtless Man Who Monopolizes
the Narrow Stairway.
"It disturbs lie alvnys," anfil a quick
moving nen, "when I'm climbing n pair
of atatrs just wide enough for Iwo lo
find ahead 41 me n inn walking up
squarely in time middle, where no►•oily
can Ines him on either side, Rhus prac-
tically m.,nofx,lizi►ig the whole stai1•-
w•ny. I ant not disturbed primarily be-
cause his walking Rhus keeps ale from
gr ing attend past him, though tient does
disturb me sw114e, but because of the
evident lhoughtlessrxss of others that
Id, wolking so reveals. I hale to see
thoughtless people. This man sees
aI•end of Min noleely coining down, the
elr,irw•nv there is clear, and that's as
far a; he thinks. The ostrich buries its
head in the sand and thinks that there-
br" 11 wholly conceals itself- the man
going up the middle of the stairs seers
the way clear attend end never thinks
that somelody may be corning up be-
"1 (ledge In ono side. Thinking that
perhaps 1 cnn get past hitt there, btrt
only to find hint, quite by chance ( f
(.:urge; swaying to that ride and so block -
leg me there; and then 1 try the other
side, there to be blocked In the same
way and to become, 1 conk.. by this
tune 'somewhat irritated. iii there is
netting for me to (Io then but to keep
my temper and follow the ntnn in the
middle until he steps clear of the stairs
en the platform, where there is room
Ie pilot hire.
"1'he fact Is that the man mounting
the stairs In Ibis w•ny in the middle
►any be worse than thoughtless, he may
be doing this from Innate piggishness;
he may be one of these men who natur-
ally pig everything in sight. But the
very beet that con be slid for Iiirn is
Heat he is a thoughtless man, n ;nnn who
habitually thinks only of himself, and
ter such n man 1 leave no use'. 1
wouldn't hire him for any sort of a job
for the man thoughtless of other people
ceuld certa jfnly never get anything out
ct them anfi"so would not be profitable.'
"God -bye. Jcsslet" "Good-bye, Alin.
'd' \lays i hope 1'11 be it great big girl
before you Conte to stake us another
This cold -water starch
gets ironing -day over
quicker, with leas wear on
the ironer's muscles and far
less on the starched pieces.
Gives a beautiful gloss.
Needn't be boiled .. yet cannot
stick. It's a starch you'll like.
T r 1r 1
A new industry has been started in
Australia in conneelion with rabbits.
Nearly half a galkm of oil possessing
Win ab!e lubricating qualities has been
obtained by a r•ubbiter at Gtlgandra,
New South Wales, from 7:1 pounds of
skins, \\•ithoul lessening time commercial
value of the latter.
Cucumbers and melons are "forbid -
,ten fruit' to many persons so consti-
heed that the least indulgence is tol-
1 ,wed by attacks of cholera, dysentery,
Griping, etc. 'These persons are not
awn e that theycn indulgeto t
heart's content if they have on hand ;r
te.tlle of Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial, a medicine tont will give im-
mediate relief, and is a sine cure for
all summer complaints.
John was far the commonest of Brit -
left Christian names in time fifteenth,
sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Thomas comes next
Do not give up in despair, you who staffer.
from obstinate disagurements of the skin. Ann. Ir.t
the sore spots with w'earer's ( orate and purify
the blood with Weaver's Syrup. ,111 druggists
keep them.
Two young men were having a heated
argument over a problen, which needed
J great deal of mental calculation, "I
lett you," said one. "that you are en-
tirely wrong." "But 1 11111 rot," said the
ether. "Didn't 1 go to school, stupid?"
almost roared his opponent. "Yes,"
was the calm reply; "and you came
I ick stupid." That ended it.
impurities in the Blood. -When the
action of the kidneys becomes impair -
re. impurities in the blood are almost
sure to follow, and general derange-
ment of the system ensues. t'armelecs
\'ege!able Pills will regulate the kidneys,
e.) that they will maintain healthy ac-
tion and prevent the complications
which certainly come when then' is de-
rangement of these delicate organs. As
a restorative these Pills are in the first
A daily beth in cold or tepid water
is an indislensablo aid in keeping the
skin of the body fn good condition. '1 he
complexion also very often suffers from
insufficient washing in pure water.
11is impossible for those of us who
live in large towns to keep the eonl-
p'exi.tn quite as blooming and healthy
es the inhabitants of country. districts,
1 ut more care might frequently be tak-
(n te wash off the smuts that help to
clog the pores of the skin.
Use hot rainwater, if it is possible to
procure it, with two or three spoonfuls
'1 oatmeal thrown in to soften the
water. Next proceed to thoroughly
massage the face with some good soap
rind a firer sponge, then rinse the skin
in another basin of cold. wafer, into
wheel has Leen poured a few drops cf
er.u-de-mMgne or alcohol, finally rub-
t'ing into time face and neck a little lano-
analin or cold cream.
$(h0018 lu P.nflland - How faience Has
Helped Then* to Work in the Sea.
The Admiralty trains divers, and every
British warstiip carries at least one re-
presentative of the craft and frequent-
ly more'. 'there are training schools at
l4.risnier,hth, lh\oni, rt and Sheerness.
Otte of the difthcullies with elect
divers have to (untold is probut ty net
realized by a landsinan, namely, that
the greater the depth the greater is the
pressure of water on the man's Cody
and the greater time labor and exhaus-
tpon of working. The naval authorities
limit their tncn to u depth of 120 feet.
The greatest depth to which a man has
descendett is said by Siebe to have been
241 feel, and the pressure at that depth
was extraordinary, namely, 88g pound,
t: the Situate irich. One wonders how
any human being could stand it.
Twelve fathoms, or about seventy feet,
would be enough for most amen. The
curs and nese would probably begin to
bleed and the pressure on the head
we uld be very serious. A practised
tent r can, of course, descend much deep-
er without such unpleasant sensations.
1I:s dress costs more than a hundred
peuuds; it is of tanned twill and rubber
anti made in one piece, with a big open -
tee at the fleck. The helmet is of cop-
per and aci•ews on to the shoulders so
lightly that the water cannot penetrate
the joint. Air is pumped down to him
by a pipe made of canvas, and rubber
and (Juliet valves, which only open out-
wardly, are placed at convenient places
`o permit the vitiated air to escape.
'I'ite.se valves are extremely important,
us by them the diver can regulate his
supply of air.
In addition to this pipe the diver has
a lifeline entailing him to communicate
with his assistants above water. This
was formerly done by a series of con-
certed tugs or jerks on the line, but the
method is being superseded as a means
of communication by the telephone, the
w ares being clunveycd by the lifeline. 1
lie therefore touches the button and
talks as if lie were in the city.
Another great improvement is the use
of the electric lamp, though in some
West Indian waters a diver can see
c:early for some distance. in other
waters again the darkness is intense:
twenty or thirty feet down. The weight ;
of the (Tress is extraordinary and is
necessary to enable the diver to main-
tain his stability. Ills helmet weighs
considerably over a quarter of a hun-
dred weight, and hie boots. taken to -
welter, about as much, while if these
be not sufficient he claps lead upoe his
Berlin has a school for "prophetess-
es" The school, which Inas been opened
in North Berlin, advertises that it is .!i-
recled by a lady who has had large ex-
px rience. I'upits are confined to the le -
male sex, and the curriculum embracers
n.1 varieties of hand reading, ordinaret,
spiristic, and gypsy methods, also "sci-
entific" chirology, and time rending e 1
the future from coffee grounds, the
(light of birds, yolks of eggs, and the
fr,rrns which molten lead assumes when
(x tired into water.
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
-safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and vomiting -gives healthful rest
-cures diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs. a:
Cures 25,e. -at drug -store`
National Drag & Chem-
Diarrhoea `ICo., rt,isr( s
Montreal. 4
w Curing Bed ICU alms eleresei Theca
era cwt b poet, re per as w IoM pians 1
Uedarwear steads -to -order. fru you cwddat
peny mid is fit ace anus!
is value
Can't shrink i or stretch am bind star bulge; outs
law other kinds; and is old with a guarantee
that insures you against any possible fault.
Track -marked like this
is red as ere sign of
value. Made in many
fabrics and styles, at
various prices, in form-
fitting sizes for women,
mat and children.
Buy Direct From Manufaoturers
and .are money. Knglirh agent Is open to buy
for Canadian ,,tnrek eepers or others 1' u risk.
Write for pParti••ular,. W. R. INSLKY, 04 weer.
wir► it•,.t1, Strattord, London, England,
K111 then all.
Ne dead Mies
Tying about
when wood as
100. per packet, era packets for 25c.
will last a whole season.
.. , ,._..... ry,.-a .••••••••F Os
..+ r .r-"'1' r•. -e. era r u. r-. r r
To .., ,..... row am peer . n../,.•••
,r .rye
OPC,DA CO.entUMTY, t.+
...r.+ eye. e.t
River and Gulf of St1 liven
Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Tewin Screw Iron SS. "('ampana,•• with elected
lights, •Iectei,: bells and all in.,tprn comfort*.
1 p.m., PO and 23rd Sepptember, and fortnightly
thereafter for Melon, N. S., calling at Quebec,
Gaspe, Mal Bay, perce, Cape Cove, (]rand River.
aummerdde, P.K.I., and Charlottetown. PALL
summer Sxcursicas, en), by the new Tw1
eerew 148 '•ltermudlan," 5,600 tons, mailing 4
14th and 14th September, 6th, math arid Y6th
toter, 6th, 16th and 27th November. Tempe
tare cooled by sea breezes seldom ruse above
The finest trips of the season fur health call
AIITHUR AHERN. Secretory, Quebec,
A. F. OtJTEFIBRIDGE dt CO., Agents.
19 Broadway, New York.
You can put on a roof that will
last a hundred years and be the
right kind of a roof every
minute. Or you can put on s ten-year roof
that will probably leak after the first rain
hits it, and keep Iea]dngE till it is rotted away.
Either roof will cost
you about the same in
money at the start.
But the " Oshawa" -
shingled roof will be
ally; and wind-proof—
actually ; and lightning -
proof — positively. That's the hundred -year roof!
And that "Oshawa "-shingled roof will be
weather-proof for a centnry. We'll GUARAN-
TEE in every way for a quarter-century—from
now till Nineteen-
Thirty -Two.
Guaranteed in writing
for 25 years—and you
needn't ever paint it,
even ! That's saying
something, isn't it ?
What would you r
mill -man say if you
asked him to guarantee cedar shingles for even
ten years ? He certainly would make remarks!
And even the best cedar -shingled roof will be
leaking badly inside of ten years.
Seven out of ten of them leak the
first time it rains. No wood -
shingled roof is fire -proof for a
minute, and the first high wind
that catches a loose shingle -
whoosh ! oes half your shingled roof
Yet cedar shingles cost you just
about the price of these guaranteed
ened steel, double galvanized—good
for a century, guaranteed In writing till 1932,—fire-
and-wind-and-weather-proof and lightning -proof.
Four -dollars -and -a -half a vinare buys "Oshawa"
Galvanized Steel Shingles
— ten feet by ten feet.
Compare that with the
present price of cedar
shingles — bow does it
strike you?
And you can put on these
"Oshawa" Galvanized
Steel Shingles yourself, -
easily, - with no tools but a claw -hammer and
snips. Simplest thing you know—can't get 'em on
"Oshawa" Shingles lock on all four sides --whole roof
is practically one sheet of double -galvanized steel, that
never needs painting.
"Oshawa" Galvanized Steel
Shingles a r e GUARANTEED in
every way for Twenty -Five Years
Ought to Last a Century
don't overlook that. Guar-
anteed in writing, over the
seal of a company with a
quarter -million capital, -
fur.ranteed in plain
,linh, without any ifs
or buts, for ter, long
That'll the argument in
a nutshell met the same
as wood - shingles ; fire - proof, water - proof, r' st-
pproof lightning - [proof ; easier to put on ; and
GIJAItANTEED. 'that's the "Oshawa ' proposition I
Tell us the measurement of any roof, and we'll tell
you exactly what it will cost to roof
it with less work and for less money.
Plenty of facts that concern your
pxxrket-honk come to you as seen as
you ask for our free look, "Roofing
Right." A post card will do to
ask on.
over into the next township. Why don't you ask now?
tot The Pedlar People,
OTTAWA Of Oshawa
3114 Ural( Ft w, 11 Colborne 8t. el3 8u�e. St.
.atm -111•111111s
•� Hoodoo St. 76 Lnmtrard St. 615 Ponder ht,