HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-09-05, Page 5'1' H.h' EXETER TIMES, SEPTEMBER ath 1907 ale tw DOCTORS IN TURN FAILED BUT ZAM-BUK CURED, F. Itsamnssen, writing from bis residence, aft Marquette St., Montreal, says: •• 1 �ensine pleastue in informing you of the great good 1 have derived front Zeus- Bub. Fyear was troubled with a serious eruption of the skin, which was both unsightly sad pain>ui. Not one. but several doctors in tars were consulted, but 1 was unable toget Fief man my permanent ,�kikirmanent relief. Some time back 1 noticed a mpoel dot a Justice of the Peace who bad been cured of a +gyndtseaae 1 Zam-Buk, and 1 determined to sive tbiahahn a trial. A('.•r a thoroughly fair teat. I noisy I sin delighted with it. %lido everything e1IwN I tried—salves. cn.broeati.•ni, uanhe+, Foams and dodos spreser1Dcufonafailed absolutely to relie'emypain. three boxeaof Zam-It k h,ce worked a complete cure. Ia myopinion this balm Mould be ew•eu there widely known that it i.,..u.d In hobo •e tl.:.t n,y expertoo:a will teed other sufferers to try this herbal healer. 1 have oo objection to you publl,hity tt:is letter. Iowa truly. (atoned) F. It.ws\it SS};\, Ju,.tl.e'of the Peace. fiesse„e sesame, milsse. sunders Patches. ehtldren'e heat sone of babies' charm.' s.,,ea, rut. 1, ern •, Lrui►ti, ioerct bit“ and adage ataj all Akio testis* ape diseaseeyiald to Yate-Buk. 'AL stores sed medicine rerdon sen at bs a hot, or pr.it fres from yihrt-isak Co., Tomato, 8 bow for 1'.50. IC. E. t'ul- lot price. ford. L•esi(sd ) RES ZAt4BU ANOCUTHER , RATE. KEEP COOL Why not be comfortable the rest of the season when you can get a beautiful Summer Suit, made to order for $10. J. H. HOLTZMANN CREDITON, KEEPS KORRECT WOOLENS Save Money by Dealing at the WINCHELBEA STORE SHOES, We still have a good supply at the old prices. Ask your neigh- s bore if they are not satisfied with what they have bought dur- ing the last month. For the next thirty days we will give Special Bargains in all kinds of Dishes. Conte and see for yourself. DRY G00 DS! Our Fall Goods are coining in. We have to hand a • large stock of Flannelette Blankets, Flannelette Shirting. Fancy Flannelettes, Flannelette Sheeting double width. Velours, Apron Ginghains, Tartan Plaids. These have all been bought at right prices. Conte early and get your choice. Men's and Boys' Ready -Made Clothing! wa'O11nt a new will suit to go to the Fall Fairs. We have thein and will sell them at right prices. 1140 Suit ends. Special bargains, Made to order. We are agents for the Paris Plow. Have several to stock at low prices. Come and see them Fresh Groceries always on hand, Highest Prices paid for Produce' COWARD & CO. Reduction in Dry Goods Owing to some of our goods being damaged by smoke and water in the recent fire, we have concluded to sort them out and sell at a Red- uction• We will also add to this the balance of our summer stock, as having jest taken stock we find it to large for the space we have in our store, we will also include in the sale our stock of Ready Made Clothing. You will also find low value in flannellette and gen- eral goods, they having been bought at old prices. Fresh Groceries on Hand Produce taken in exchange. J. Kellermann, Dashwood. Ranceats O.1: plc:, 0.-,1-x System Will Save You Money You cent buy a raincoat by mail from tie just as satis- factorily as ny a personal visit. And think of the greater value this house gives you in return for your money. We buy the materials dirct t from the weavers, painstakingly make the coats in our own factory, and sell then' direct to you through our own stares. We arc in the posi- tion to give you best value in Canada—and we dial While very dressy, our coats are. first of all, water ders. We guarantee them proof. Best serge linings are ('oats are hand tailored. rain- shed- rain - used. We guarantee a 'soft(' fit. complete .+,-111/adieu. or 'Honer ),funded. \‘'e will gta fly ,nail samples of materials if you will sent us your address. 48 to 52 inch lengths ${i.95, $8.50 $10, $12, $15, up to $25. EXPRESS PREPAID r t ,•' 2 - Operating 2 Far '•ries sad / ✓.t/=.`-) a��,`�w - 7 Stores is Cassia 0:1474e.ftliAlill EMI J. M. HICKEY. Maoa(er Loudon. Ontario Crediton DH.P. J. MnCUE, MEMRE1t ON- tABIO COLLEUE P11YSiel- aus and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. Z. A. Heist. Orediton. Out. \1 r:. Link, who bas been attending the millinery olrenines in Toronto, id expected home this week and twill a;ain take char;e of the millinery roosts of Mr. S. !frown. Mr. Geo. Bedford is itt Toronto, on business. Mr. Garnet Aini-y t home on Ilii+ holidays as a resylt of an accident. while working a jointer in the Brantford Carriage Co. Works he had the utisfortune to have the fore -fing- er of his left hand cut off. Mr. Wm. Lewis left on Thursday last for Crosswell, Vliet., to attend the funeral of his niece, Minnie, the daughter of Mr. John Lewis which ,took place; on friday list. Our school..re•opencd last i.veok with a fair attendance and tltethijlt school department opened pit Tues- day of this evetk. The Blatt of teachers are the same as last alernh. Mr. C. Bluett, princil:ttl. and the blesses' Robertson, Girvin and ICien- zte as asei:tfauts. We mould urge that all Who desire to take up the High Sohool work to see Mr. ltluett and make arrangements es goon us i'o sible for aetending (his depart - talent. Bliss Colvin, who has been attend- ing the millinery openings at Toron- to, has been re-engaged as matinee in the millinery rooms of Mr. C. Zw^icker and will 'take charge next Monday. The renewing young ladies lett this swcek to attend Business College Miss Carrie Kuhn to London: Aires Melinda Trick for Stratford and Jliis \Valla Hill .for Berlin. Messrs. Fred You and Arthur '!.wicket aro attending the exhibition at Toronto this 'week. Miss Stella An(It•ew., as r'ixiting in Toronto. Mrs. C. Zwicker, who has been on trip to the 'coast return -td honkie on Monday evening. Anniversary services will be held in the Methodist natural) lucre on Sun- day and etonday Sept. 22nd and 28rd. Anniversary services will the held at the Ebenezer appointment on Sun. klay Sept. 15th tat 2;30 in Itlte .atter- noon. Bev. A. 11. (Going of Exeter, will preach an 'appropriate sermon. The services will be held in tt,h8 schoolhouse owing to (the repairing of the churoli, snot being .completed. Mr. Herbert Either and Miss M. Girviu, spent Labor Day at the Bern'. Itev. Mr. Eidt,lof Dashwood preaoli- cd here at both services on /Sunday last. Rev. Mr. Ilean (preaching quar- terly services for IVr. Eidt at Dash- wood. 11r. Percy Banes, who successfully passed itis examinations Ibis summer Itsaccepted the {principalship of tit • havelock Public /School. We w sh him every huccess. Alvin McMurry spent •t few Jaya visiting relatives in Uxborne. The following spent a few days in Toronto at the Exhibition, II. Brown A. Morlock, Mrs. ltluett. Mr. and Mrs. .Wes. Either, of Col- umbus, Ohio, spent a few days in the village visiting (relativ(•a and on Saturday last attended the Silber picnic. F!.IIIVILI.I', Nit. 1). ltowcli(ft, and family, of Exeter, spent the holiday with Mr. Fend Mrs. S. Andrew. Mrs. Robert -llirtch and Miss Florence Ilirtch and Mrs. John Crone of St. Marys, '(pant the first {cart of the week Furth Mrs. W. Coultas. Itev. Hugh Hazelwood, n former junior pastor of 'this circuit, supplied for Rev. Fair on Sunday, Itev. Fair taking a couple of weeks' holidays. A large number from Elirnville Spent last Saturday at the.. JieniI. the occasion being the annual picnic of the Eden elothodist ol►urch. Mr. Horne, our thresher •had a Serious breakdown, ''hale thrnehins near Eden rine tiny last week. A pitchfork hint loose -from the. handle and went through the machind breakin . part of the maohinery in the i' tilde. box, wltiolt necessitated hint Iayinz off work for a reort time. 'i'he [flatlet was ,repaired at Elirnville :tool iv now in ,.00tl work- in_ order. Dashwood The dnsuratire• inepcctors 'were here het week invevli.atine the re- cent fire and found et•erythine satis- factory, and will tend in a report orderin; the payment of the moneys clue the different- 'claimants. it ie the intention of Mr. Jonas tlarticib, whose block wa.s destroyed, to r' - build at once, tto that the •tenants can ;et back in their old loc:ttionv as Aeon as porieible. -What brick that can be used nre now ih'in4 (lee tied. etre. Miller, of Farntin;ton, Mich. a Ito hats been within,; her von. Mr. Henry Miller, for t he ;past dt%0 months has rttnrned do her home. Miss Emm(t Eidt who has been spending tite holidays with frientls in Stratford and Brantford has re- turned home. The JL'sves Tillie and Emma Schroder have returned to Fort 1Vhyne nftcr n pleasant visit with friw+n<1s here. Mr. Alfred Zimmer left this w -el; for Stratford to attend Anislnes. rttltege in that city. Among thus.: who are visiliu; the I Torunto Exhibition aro Dr. Me - Da u;lain and the 'Misses \1•illcrtx. Mr. .1. Italia. of London, was in toe « on business ;this week. Mr. 1). Tiemau, our venial hard- ware ntau, who lust his entire .tock of hardware in the recent fire, in- tends opening up again In Iluffutatt's Letter From the West. Din W. R. naltit vel' K111KTON, WRITES Tut.: '1'IJl!-:.4 OF 1115 TRIP. Continued from last Week Sr(sketoon is seeming all in a hus- tle at:uhd where Le will hacr .t new tle building, rte unat-t•r where you atocL of Hardware.look. Ilotels 'take ►)rho load and Mrs. J. l:idt cunt sort Mr. 'Herman teeth to be!rite best payaaig concerns visited friends in Parkhill on tI r ;iterwworks art• been put liolidaye. itt. The G. T. .1', C. N. crud C. P. It. Rev. AI r. Tulin. who hie been ul- are all building Jn'id;es. They are tending conference at 'l'avisluck for to dtvt•lop .l<ewwer on the river the past week. tetunhed on Tues- tend it should be a success. Every Itiay last. t other yuan you 1.11::1.lr-•re s(•:'qhs it Our enterprising miner. Mr. \V, ( be a millionaire, but ««t doubtful :i Ehlers has just placed steam eam bony i the 111:11 that buys now will have whistle on hie boiler at the mill "elf luck as 1 ti:>nk real estate is which is used for the convenience of too hi;;l► to Wtake any money for iu- our eitiztrn 'o tell theint.vhcn t ,•tes.ors altlhou�h tl:e real estete m�-n ;o to work and when to stop. It clintit here are fortunes to be made will also be timed as nn al:u', t in cane: , Yet itt city lots. Every1hing seems of tire. of depend on the whoa crop. e t . Lrtbor Day was quiet, some et- would not ilo for me to live iie this tended the rues tat Zurich while country as 1 would din of citreous - others visited Exeter. laces, 1t is a trying dime for the The Rev. Mr. Kean, of Crediton, fa rater. trenched • uarterlY services in lho s \\'e drove out 4o Langbam over Evangelical church on [Sunday last. i the prairie and a lovely drive itt Rev. Mr. Eidt look his work at Crediton. across the country and sawthou- Mr. \1'illiam 'lit•man 110(1 Mrs. 113. Ireland. of Stratford. event Swtdhy sands of .wild ducks .yard (serer:!! with relatives in town. 'wolves. Tito wolves, sty looking fel- Mr. \\'illiart Ruby, 'who bus been lows, are about ns !arae as « St. clerking in Shrumnt's tetoro has gain- Bernard dog. Langhanh is a thriv- ed a position with Mr. J. Procter in tug little place with four elevators, leurich. Atr. Ezra Render, who spec t 'hyo 'seeks in Aubern and Blyth with friends, returned Friday last to take his old stand witch Mr. I). Tiernan. Mr. Ernie Bender from Blyth spent Labor 1)ay ,with friends in tow' n. Mr. William 1Cle.insteiber es at present spending his vacation in Toronto and Del roil. Mrs. J. leellcrntaii returned nn Saturday after spending ;1 few days at Toronto Fair. Miss Ethel Kellermann left hn Meinday for Goderieh where eek+ will attend t he Jtoelel Sohool. Rev. Jacob Ehlers accompanied by his brother Manuel returned to Na- piervillc on Friday nu;ht atter spend- ing a week with their parents }here. Mr. Arthur Kellerrnann, student of Napiewille College, occupied the pulpit in •llw Evangelical Chung) at Zurich both utol'nin; and evening of last Sunday. Micas Tillie Miller and E. Ehlers spent Sunday with friends in Zurich. Mr. Jacob Kellerman ttpont Labor in Crediton atlendin4 the Council - meet lug. lenre was no eervice in the Luth- eran Church on Sunday last on ac- count of faster 'ruhn being at Tavistock " where /he -attended the conference. 'as over 'those tw•inding trails for 26 miles. \\'c took :the effort tut — PLUGTOWN ILiss Lena Routly treturnod home last wetek after visiting friends in St. Marys. Thou. Harrah took a trip to Grand Iiend last week. ilaugI two large hotels, nod mix stores Next day we :drove to the Douko- bor's village five utiles out. They live in villages and se.:m to want to do so, especially the older ,.people. They were us d to it in .their u;tt:iv• Janet and old :ways and old traditions rise uppermost in 'their minds. To see :tui talk to them is to pity :hem. They are innocent, harmless people but with Western ideas in time should make good citizens. I Ivo a very different opinion of th•to what I had before. Thee Government gave them their home- steads near together, but they would tot live on them and perform their homestead duties, so the homesteads were thrown open again to the set- tlers or immigrants and they were ttiken tip as fast as you have read. They claim to :.ho government agents that they would sat.ler i:we in the villages so a reserve was set aside for them and 15 acres given to each member of each Samily, and at pres- ent they go into •;ardenitu; exten- sively. As they are experts itt this line they have grana gardens and lots of cattle. 1 counted thirty calves under one year old. • They have good horses and ke.-tp•them ,well They sell t ggs and tbutte.r. The women are experts at fancy work and are fond of fancy colors. They are all healthy and live ,on purely vegetable dis'tt and do not believe in killing anything but sell cattle to kill. I would take (them to be -like myself, slightly lazy. Their 'houses are built of logs and plastered with mud and whitewashed. They burn their own lune and make an attempt at faucy work on the corners and floors of the house 3. making talent Mrs. Wm. ereery and bier quite romantic looking. Their Moue - Alice visited Mrs. w\Vm. Francis last es are long and serve at the re'gr c:;.1 week. for a stable in some cases, but most of •them keep 'their horses in --Ina HIIIKTON large stable, where -two men Ir :k Mrs. Robe. Robinson left for Tor- after 'them. They take your ,te: -1 onto on ;Wednceday afternoon 1I -n when you costo yin front work at.:! take .in the (Exhibition and visit titer parents and aider in the city. Messrs. Sutherland and Pearson Bros.; Switzer and tllaize left for the West on the diarvesters excursion on Friday last. Watson Woe. lost ea valuable horse one day last week from pneu- monia. Messrs. E. Lyons and Fred Austin and Miss Addie 1'resticy and Nellie Nixon spent Saturday end Sunday at Grand Iiend rust:eating.. Mr. Itussell Brown ;s home tihis week from hetrolaa v -siting his par - and friends. Quito a number from 'the village and vicinity are staking in the Exhi- bition at Toronto this week. their ttouhed;rthds but the rest of Messrs. Ed. Shire, ferry Doupa them commenced to boycott (hem and John ferry tare this week at- and in one or two cases their wives tending the Toronto Exhibition. rather than live on the homesteads -,lir. John Moore, returned to work left them so they had to give up and Saturday morning after two weeks' live in the village. It seems hard of illness. for the younger ones aa They 'were Ur. Darr is , xpected home next getting their eyes opened. r Ono week. :dr. Fred Marshall left Saturday rnornina for Ridgetown, •where .he has been engaged its science master in the. oollegitte institute. Messrs. Chas. and Wm. l'esrson left Saturday for British Columbi.t Mr. Edgar and Mussel' Brown spent Sunday tinder the I,jetrentat roof. • ' 1 .1 Mr. Orwell Cann and Ed Stone of the Thames (toad. spent Sunday tha .test of Mr. and Mrs. itobt. Cope- land. Mr. Alfred Ihu•ton intends learn- ing the bakery with '.tr. Hoskin. Rev. Veale preached memorial ser- vice Sunday et•vening in court; ction with the death of the late W. .1. Tufts. The snit► nn !sadly nce(kd. hitch theta again. They feed in the middle of the alight and their !horses slow it. The +houses are built in two rows with a street up 'the centre. I was un one of ithum and found the furnishings 'simple but clean. They were ,holding eet'vice while we were ;there, so Beattie and I remained and listened for a time but only a short ,while. When they sang we were neat in it. It was too 'musical for us to enter into 1ho spirit of it. I Balked to two or three of the 'middle aged men and they feel dissatisfied. -They seem loot since they lost their }homesteads; Some of the younger mc.n 'took out 'paper's and calculated ko remain on Sunday e'rnin. was 411. Bain anywhere, pain in the head, painful period., Neuralgia, toothache nil pain, can he promptly slopped ed by a th„orou;fhly safe little link (Maly Tablet known fy ilruggiets everywhere as I)r. Shoop's Headache Tablets. fain simply means onnges- t:,on—undo,' blood pressure at elle. point w here the (pain exists. 1)r. Shrxetis headache Tablets cluickty rrlualize this unnatural blood pres- sure, atilt pain immediately departs. Write Dr. Shoop, 3tacind, Wis., and ;ret a free trial parka z'. Larze box 2:e rents. W. S. Ilowey. IUOiIN FORREST—At the I'.rr Lice. Flay (et the' 27th. <nst., to Mi. end Mrs. John G. Forrest, : etan;,•hter. STECICLE—At the tIror,snn Line ei Stanley, on the 2Att iter. to Mr. .:al Mrs. I1. Eteckle, a ti-,uehtcr. eleF'ALI,M—ln Biddle ph. 1'rtlay Ate.. 30th, the wife of ler. !terry Me - i Volts of a son. MALLOY-1n Exeter. Saturd.ty, Au;r, alst to 1)r. and Mrr. Mal;oy,• To get relief from indigestion, MI - loneness, ronstipation or torpid liver without disturbing the stomach or pursing the love's. take n few doses of Carter's Little Liver Pills they w iII please you. LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL In your spare time at home, or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn we teach on cash or instalment plan. \\'c also teach a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons tea':hestow to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit, to the most elabor- ate dress. The whole family can learn from one course. We have taught over seven thousand dress -making, and guarantee 10 give five hundred dollars to any one that cannot learn between the age of 14 and 40. You cannot learn dress -making as thorough as this course teaches if you work in shops for years. Beware of imita- tions as we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any other country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one- third for a short time. Address:— SANDHI' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, 31 Erie St., Stratford, Ont , Canada. Our Eye Examining is not merely placing different lenses be- fore the eyes ; but a diagnosis bringing out (by the use of scientific instruments, with which we view the interior of the eye) all errors of refraction or causes of eye strain, enabling us. by the use of the glasses ground in our own laboratories, to attain absolute accuracy. THE TAIT.BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS 237 Modes SI., Loado., Osl. zr--, Fall Announcement We are receiving large shipments of Fall and Winter Goods in the latest, styles i Dress Goods Men's and Children's Ready - Made Clothing G2nts Furnishings Flannelettes, Carpets Blankets, Etc. e Our stock will be complete in a short time and we invite your • Highest prices paid for Produce. A Call Solicited. Crediton. inspection. Our price for your full purchases will be close. S. ZWICKER, P.S.—We have a quantity of first class Timothy seed for sale Binder Twine Ilere are the following lines of Binder Twine carried by us Plymouth Special Salmon Tag Hobbs' nest Gold Medal townit -welttr"w We have solb over ten tons so far this season of these bran so they must be good, and the prices are right too. Don't forget that we have good Iinees of paints, and everythin in the hardware line. W. MOORE - KIRKTON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++d- +++++4-+++++++ ++-i ++++++ + DISHES Away Down in Price Sec our White Dinner Plates at 25c a dozen; Glass Tumblers 2 fot 5c; Pitchers, Cups and Saucers, Bowls, Etc. We have a nice range of Caps for fall for men and boys. A nice range of I3oys' Sweaters. New Wrapperett%s and Flannelettes. A nice range of patterns B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar M#'1++++++++ '++ 1•++'t'++ A+ +i ++++++++++++++++++++++++ +.0 • •••••NN••NNN•+N++++ ++++NNN++++NN•••NN• fl. MILLS, WOODi1ff We have just received in stock a crate of dishes, white aid blue gait. terns, Cups and Cups and Saucers, al+o Toilet Sets, Bowls and 'Pitcher& all sizes, which we aro stalling right: Hay Fork hope, Manilla, at 14c Ib. All kinds of harvestt ools in stock. Machine Oil, Peerless, the bit, 40o gallon. We have about 8 piece., of thatcheap Muslin left selling cheap. Nioe Fresh Groceries and Pure Spices in Stock. Highest prices, cash or t rade, for produce. yet whioh we are A. MILLS, - Woodham; •N+NNN++NNNN+NN• •++•NN+•++++NN.+O+++•�► man told me he would sooner go back to Russia, its the winters pro not so cold and they could grow mare fru:t. A great many are tzo- in; to Yorkton as they will ;have lots of company 'there. The govern- ment has a sobeme (to got them to Southern Alberta on irrigated lands to •garden entirely. They ore ex- perts at making leer. 1 asked for a drink of water mei :bey asked sue to take beer, eo whintt 1 consented. It was flood but will t.ot intoxicate, Rev. John McDougall, the wen w ho is looking after them for 111•' •,;ov- ernment, is a tine iZontleman and knows their sways well, oho the country. (O .A. T 011 Sears Ow The !rind You We Alm Site it $lsaseare of Stop That cola To check early rolls or Grippe with "Preventlrs" towno sire defeat for Pnemnonla. To stop a cold with Preventles is safer than to let It run and bo nblig.•el to cure it afternoon. To 1.0 sure, ma- vericks will rum even a de.•pty Featcel cold. but taken ,arty—at the st..•"r•),tag'•--they break. or h'a't el? the -e early colds. That's surely bettor. That's 'thy they are, ea 11,4 Preventtes. Provontic!aro little Pandy ('c•1•1 (ur 4. No Quin - Inn, no physte, nothing sickening. Nice for tho children --and thoroughly- Fade too. If you f. '1 chins. If you snt•e z••.1f YOU ache nil over. think of Prevent its. I'rtmotne.s may also save bat( your usual aleknes.. And don't (nrte.•1 Tart child. 11 there 15 fecert.hn••ss, ntglitor .lay. Ileretn prole. hl 11.•4 IYe'emtki greatc't cffieletWy gold 111 ,c bozo+ for lh•' eneket. sew, in ::'e boxes of 4.e YtOrentics. Insist on your druggists giving rota reventics W. S. HOWfY. •NN•NNNNNN•••N••:411 'High Glass DIfMONDS People who buy diamonds want stones that will bear the closest scrutiny — gems which are free from flaws and from whose surface every ray of light is reflect- ed as from a drop of water. SVe carry all sizes of dia- monds frons the largest to the smallest. either set or unset and all of the purest quality C. H. WARD & CO. 37$IRichmond St. LOPDON NNS ••••••••N N••••NNN•Ni! CASTOR I A For Infants and Childrtan. Thi Kind Yen Hao Always bight Bears the Signature of