Exeter Times, 1907-08-29, Page 8�• ++++++++++++++.H44.444 -1-H++ +++4.1.4'f+++++++++++4 - a•;- +++ STEWART's WE flRE READY Early Fall Goods are all hi and Ready for Your Verdict. 2 Very strong linos with us is Dress Goods and Ladies Jackets we Clave been particularly fortunate in securing a special make of French Dress Goods, this new line comes in plain cloth with a rich bright mirror finish. "Just a Tip" on what is the very latest idea in Ladies Dress Goods. The face or finish must be plain soft and bright the colors in vogue are Royal Navy, Robin Brown and Edward Green. Our price for this new French Cloth is 65c, 85c, $1.00, $1.35 .Sec these splendid new goods. 'We will gladly, • introduce them to you. '!' •1•+ +1. tt *y Strong • Yes we are very strong in Ladies • Jackets. We are sole agents in Exeter for the Celebrated CONTINENTAL COS TUME CO. We have found their Jackets to be up -to. date in every particular. The colors for this season are Bi.ACK. ROVA1. NAVY, COBALT SMOKE, and BEAVER. All 48 to So inches long, loose, semi and tight fitting. The COBALT BRO IN is the NEWF.:ST COAT COLOR in New York and Paris we have a swell range in this new shade, we extend to every Lady a very cordial invitat- i )n to call and sec the new styles in coats, they are very interesting our 3 leading prices are $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 Have Good Pickles Use our Special White Wine Vinegar, thor- oughly aged, matured and ripened. The best that money can buy. J-. A. STEW ART +++r++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++d•• f+++++++++++++++++++++++++•+++++++++++++++++ +;. Every Regina Watch carries with it a universal guarantee. That means, if you purchase a Regina from this store, we en- dorse the universal guarantee, which will be honored by any other Regina watch agent anywhere. Add to this, the manufacturers' absolute and permanent guaran- tee against structural defects and you will see that you cannot make a mistake in purchasing a REGINA WATCH. A. MARCHAND, Exeter. NEW Fall Sailings AND Fashion Plate Jut flrrivctl Call and Make it Selection be- fore the rush. W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. fro THF: CHIEF REASON why you should look after your eye - eight is -that. Nature never offers us a new %air .,f eyes. The beer of rea- sons why. at the first eight of trouble, you should consult an OPT1(lAI, IfXPERT for relief. \\ e can add to your Ap- pearance tut of 11. Examinations free Don't delay. rt eke it the chief bust- ness of your (Is.. --TODAY. Optical goods in cotnplete stock. We manufacture our own. Try it, 11.* W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. Chemist and Opttci>an 'EXETER, - ONTARIO. EXETER, -- ONTARIO li E ~' X E TER 'I' 1 M S AUGUST 29th 1907, Market Report. -The following is the report of Exeter markets. eor- recte4 up to August 29th., 1907. Wheat, 80c. per ,bush'!. Barley. 40 to 45 cents. Oats, old, 4U to 15 cents '1...r bu. Oats. new, +.5 to 40 Icents p: r bu. fess 65 to 70 c.nts per bushel. Shorts. $24 per ton. Flour $..50 per cwt. !Iran,_ $20 per ton. Food Flour $1.40 to $1.45 per owe. Butter, 18 cents .lr.•r pouted. Eggs, 16 cents per dozen. Yobs, dressed. *8 to $s.'25 hoes, livcwci,ht, $6.50 hiaY, tib per acre Clover sced,.$8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes, 75S..4to 90e. per bag. Dried Ap),I•'y's6c. per pound. a Coil, $7 a to •••••••••••••••••••N•N • I LOCALS 1 •••••••• p••••••• S. Fitton. issuer of marriage li- censes, also complete line of nved- ding rings always on hand. - Mr. Donald McInnes left for the West on Monday evening. - Don't forret t he baseba11 zatncs ir•rc LanNr Day, Sept. 2nd. - Master Fred Sh::dae'ck, of Len - ,hat, is visiting 'Toru Bowman. - Mr. Frank Tont, of Toledo, vis - t. d his t.arents here last geek. - Miss Eva Shaddock, of London, visiting Miss Bianche Shecre. - \1 r. Frcd Gillespie left Monday evening to visit relatives in the west. -hiss Gladys llissett returned Sat- urday after visiting, relatives in Lon- don. -Earnest Taylor has started to learn the harnesswakina tv"ith W. J. Beer. -Miss Deno Dodds left Tuesday to visit friends itt Peterboro and Toron- to. -Miss Edith Brown visited Iasi %seek stall her brother \Vm.•at Kirk - ton. --Some Special Prices in Combe and !lair Brushes. 1[owey's ;Drug- store. Lizzie Jones, of London, is v:.,iting her parents at ,Exeter North. Mrs. iVir.cr and two children of Flint, Mich.. arc vi.skit'.g Mrs. Thos. Elliott. -Miss Tillie for 'Toronto to attend the millinery openings. -The Exeter North End Tetnper.- ance (louse is to fuse Apply to L. Me'faggart. -Hiss Olive /tern took part in the Harvest Ilorne at Parkhill on Mon- day evening. -Rev. Grigg will occupy the pul- pit in the James Street church next Sabbath evening. - Mr. \Vm. Beaman, of London, s1Sent Sunday the west of Councillor W. J. Beaman. -Miss Stella Penhale left last Friday on an extended visit with her sister in Winnipeg. - itev. Hanna, of Mt. Forest, will occupy the pulpit of the P:eshyterian church next .....::day. -Miss Ella Heywood :and Clarence Heywood spent a ccuple of days this heck In London. -Mrs. A. L. \'anstone and daugh- ter Gertrude. of Brantford, are the guests of Mrs., Dr•., Athos. -Ilnwey's Drugstore for spices in !bulk r.r Packages. New Supply for Pickling era eon just arrived. White left Tuesday - Mrs. Collins, 91tss Ilont:ron and MiGs Katie. Collins left Tuesday for a visit %rilh friends in Toronto. - Mr. Sarnuel Mart'.s expects to leave this week for a trip to Coi- tingwooci and Manitoulin island. -.Mr. and Mrs. Saxon Fitton and son Gerald and Tom. Carlieg left last week for a trip to Owen Sound. -Mr. Frank Weekes, who was vis- iting his father left Aicnday to re - :nine his position at Listowel• -Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fleming and family returned Saturday rig!:: from their vac ttien tr ip to Clifton Springs. Monrrn•, Mrs. Southcott and N1r. May Sanders are visiting Mrs. K. A. rollick at her cottage Grand Bend. -Mr. David Mill and Miss Mary Tom left Monday for Berlin as dele- gates to a convcution bein3 .field there. -Mr. William .folui Mallett, the genial clerk at the Central, resumed 1,i.v duties. Monday after` a two trucks vacation For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Bobs." "Slag," and Currency chew- ing tobaccoes. -Mr. Ernest Ilet,ee, of Beltsville has returned to tis t:omv sifter r.pend'ng a %seek et the bonze of Mr. and Mrs. T. Prior. - Amo'tg those whro are taking in the Toronto Fair rue T. B. Carlin„ .1. G. Jones, Miss Jcanet Brown and Miss Mabel Brooks. -Miss Miliie Martin .eturned horse Fr' day evening ::(ter s: fiv: ssccks' visit ail!, friends in London and Dorchester. -Mr. William harrows, oh Ulu Commercial was called to Blyther.- worxl last week nn account of the illness of his caster. -Miss Sweet, who was in London for semi months undergoinetreat- ment, rcturned•hcsrne Saturday night very n►uch improved in health. - Mr. Donald McGinnis has been improving his residence by painting it. Ile has also had a verandah er- ected and :t cement walk put in. -Mies Edith Bunt. of London, re• turned to her boors in London. or. Tuesday after vislting for a ah":: time with friends and relatives here. -Dr. Sa:r. Thomas, of London, s hied in town Saturday and Sun- day. Mr. Thomas left for Grand liens! Monday where he all rusticate far .t f,'.. ,lays. 1)1t. OVENS EYE AND EAR sun. germ. will be at the Commercial Hotel. (lours 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses proper ly fitted and dia- ereses of eye ear and nose treated. Nett grit Saturday, Sept. 7th. 19117. Money Saving BargainsTllE OLD RELIABLE Look over this Bargain List. 0 b Ito ed Bargains In Lace Curtains $2.50 Quality for 52.00 $2 W Quality for $1.50 11.50 Quality for $1.10 Bargains In white and colored Muslins 25c Quality for 15c 15c Quality for Me 12ic Quality for 8c Bargains in men's fancy summer vests Hest and dark colors. $1.25 Quality for 80c Bargaing In Umbrellas splendid top with best steel and fancy handle. . $1.25 Quality for 98e Bargains In metre Neckwear oniv 3 doz four in hand ties left to sell. 35c Quality for 19c Bargains In ladies Fancy Hose Black Cashmere Silk Embroidered different colors 50c Quality for 42c Bargains In ladies leather Belts assorted Colors 38c Quality for 25c Bargains In Japanese Matting 20c Quality tor 12ic Bargains In Tapestry Cushion tops. 35c Quality for 1$e Bargains In Boy's strong evening shirts blue with white spots guaranteed fast colors. 50c Quality for 39e Bargains in Boy's leather belts 2.5c Quality for 15c Bargains In ladies Black Cashmere Hose warranted all pure wool 35e Quality for 25c_ Bargains In Men's Fancy Socks 35e Quality for 19c B N EOE,L 8z R 0W7C71 VL 1>4 0 this week. NEW TIRE SETTER - Miss Cora Fottcli was in London - Mr. John \sslcy left ftisis weekThe House Gold Tire Setter for London toto visit friends. -Miss Redford, of Avonton, is this week visiting frith Miss M. (levity, It is our motto to keep up-to•date tr, all !thee of our business, Reasons why this tire setter does its work better thah the old way: The ties stay tight longer. There is no cbaring or burning the wood. No danger 01 over dishing the wheel. The paint is not scratched or injured. Can get your job done in one quarter the time. We will guarantee all work done by this machine. We are also prepared to cut down - (rim's: and Public school opens next Tuesday for the f::11 term. - Miss Birdie Boyle spent 4unday sv'th the Misses Handford, Centralia. - Mr. Scott ileal Estate dealer, of Winnipeg, is spending a few days in town. -Judge Doyle was in Crediton last Tuesday revising the Stephen Voters' lists. - Hiss Hilda \Vestcott, of .lfamil- tou, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos. llazclwood. -Mr. and Mrs. OE r: c! Dunsford wheels or any other repairs that your of Cleveland are the _ seals of Mr. rig may need. Wm. Dunsford. -Labor .Day nes: Monday. Don't R. ROBINSON, Winchelsea. miss the ball c ::nes to be played Wagon Maker. here that day. -Miss Fincharp,of • Toronto, eras the guest of Miss M. Homey for a -Dir. Arthur D. Davis spent Sun - few days last week. day in London. -Mr. Hampson, of Ottawa, was -Mr. 11. E. Pickard returned to the guest of Miss Stella Gregory fol' the West on Monday night. a few days • this week. -Mr. and Mrs. !Hugh Oke return- ed Iliouie Saturday after visiting for two weeks with relatives in Scaforth. r tion is visiting Dr. and Mrs. Sfahoy. -Mr. Richard Treble was in Lon- don last Saturday on business. -Fred towns(nd, of Toronto Junc- GIANT • TRIPLETS "Currency" -Mr. harry Welsh, of Iiensnll, "Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes spent Sunday with friends in town. in big plugs. Quality always !the -Miss Leila Cooper, of London, is same. visiting with Mrs. Ed. Jones this -Mr. WIn. Wilkinson, of near week. Woodstock, is the guest of Rev. Mr. -The Misses Mabel and Laura and Mrs. Fear for a few days this Butt, of Centralia, visited friends in t`eCk. town last Friday. -Mrs. 'Thornton and child :end -Frank Tom, of Toledo, who was Miss Kidd; of Listowel, are v:siting visiting his parents here left yestcr- M►s. I•'owcll at her sunnser. cottage (lay for his home. at the IBend. -.miss Jessie I)ow wisleas to an- nounce that she is ready to resume her class in music and w1:I coinmenee -Mr. and Mrs. Frank Durdlc, of about Sept. 1st. Brussels, visited in town n. few day± -Mr. John Pewit this week sold during the past week. his fifty acre 'Linn on the 5th con. -Mrs. Anderson, nee Miss Bianehe 1'shorne, to Mr. Wm.. Moodie, who Clark, and child, of Winnipeg ire takes possession in October. visities friends in town. -Miss Lorn Gregory, late Super,- -Douglas Steuart returned last intendant of the .City Hospital. To- 'Thursday after a visit with relatives lode, Ohio, is n't the home of her ,n ioron'o .u:d Onlemec. parents, Mr. :Ina Mrs. Thos. Gregory, enjoying n rest. -For Nerve and Blood Builder use honey's Iron Pills 100 in bottle for 50 cents. Try there. -lir. Hobbs, of St. Marys, .'.v.n.s the guest of ba con=in. Mrs. (Rev.) Collins last Monday evening. -Rev. \\'., M. and Mrs Aladin rc- --fir. Arthur Duncan, of the sov- turnrd on Monday from Clifton -I flank staff Toronto, i= visit - Springs, N. Y. lir. Martin and son 1el^ (lis parents at Farquhar. Beatty left on Wednesday for •lit. -Mr. 1'. McTaggart, who has been Forest, nn n.short visit. attending tho dental coneee at Tor- -linwcy's Creamof !toots is theonto, is !tome for his vacation. hest thine 1ss use for 'Tan, Sunburn, -51r. F. M. Borland, barris te.r. of Vinui t . , is visiting a fess days with friend• in to n and at Far- quhar. -For Bois, Pimples and Impale rblood Ifowcy's Compound Sarsaparil- la, can't be beat. Try it SO rent and $1 battier,. -Mr. E. II. Fish, wha was conduct- ing a barber shop at the Ilend dur- ing tho pas( rununeS has returned to Ilia hntnc dare. -Mrs. Ogden, li:ss Ogden and Afastcr Orden, of Chicago, who were -Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Fic%vcs a;:d visiting Miss Ilene Dodds left Fr: - daughter Ivy. of Tuckerste'th. and day for their home. Miss Maud I'lewcs, of Suit Ste. -Miss Olive Westcort has seduced Marie, were the rueats of Messre n pnaition with the. Stanley ,Mills. Alf unci James Walter's fare Iles on Co., Hamilton, ;IA milliner and will Sunday• leave for that place shortly. -A[iss Met 1' Gated 1. ::t present l -Don't foram Rev. Ernest Gri33's at ending the inillin^ry openiri s in lecture nn itut ma at the Main St. T, 'onto after which she will Ko to I Methedist church Friday cvenini. Milverton ss bete sl:e still nlana,va the A silver collection will be taken at millinery department of one of 4113Chu door. stores !here. -\trs. leas ry BuckAigharn and to -flies Liliia:: Amos entertained a number of her friends to at: ,fter• noon tea Mo::cay. -i3OS'T- Monday night between ('ale's Drugstore and 'the home of Mr. W. .1ohn Mallett :t purse con- taining a sutra of tnoney. Reward if left at the Central Hotel. freckles and after allaying. il.• Ileal• ing and Scot.hing Effeet is ITnrur,• passed. 25 and h0 rent txU 1 les. -'Thr service at the Trivitt Merm- arinl Church was omitted last Sun - ,lay evening on account of Rev. D. W. %Collins preaching a pennon to the. Masonic order nt lidcrton. -!ter. tr. Cranston of Palmers- ton, is here this week on his 'wnv to visit id. parents. Mrs. Cranston will remain in Exeter tho gust of her parents, Iter. and Mrt. Marlin. -Mrs. Hultti and daug'te-, who sons, who Lave been visiting friends have been c:siti!•:c e..!1.1!�l"k. \Vr:. in tossn for some wlceks, left Monelas Bossu:d, left for yerkh`.ii• :Frllay'night for the West and there they where they will visit friends for a will join Mr. lluckiu3basn at I. •hart time hefore returning to th'iTf (her City. Alta. home In Winnipeg. 1 -Nils AmyJohns«i11 r, sante tier 1ERNEST ELLIOT classes in voice. piano and h.:nnony on S ptember lith. All Accounts Collected pupal• ssj ):' Conveyancer ing to 'prepare for Conservatory (x- 1 Mttxtl' to loan a In.,.r meg.aminatfns and recital Cal in February t siren Ws., Land. for Sale. will t'1, ase tike note.! Office, Main Street. Exeter A Few More Days and Fall Will Be Here. We beg to announce that our fall goods are coming to hand daily and when completed we will have as fine a dis- play as we have ever shown. This week we are shaking a special sale in Ready -Made Clothing In Men's, Boys' and Youths' latent styles and patterns. Ifs you wish to have a Suit Made to Order we can please you with the stock as wa carry a fine line of Tweeds and Worst- eds. New Hats, New Ties, Collars, Braces, Etc. Everything in Gent's Furnishing line that you require. HIGHEST PRIOE PAID FOR PRODUCE CARLINO BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: . $5,000,000. ROAD OF SIMELTS'S: AMII.Ius JARVIS, Esq., - - - Presiders! RANDOLP H MACDONAr,D, Esq., First lice -President A. A. ALLAN, Esq., s Second Vice -Presiders! Hos. D. McMII..AN, ARCH. CAMPIEI.r., Esq., M.P. A. E. DVMENT, Esq., M.P, P. G. JzMMETT, Gentral•Managsr. •HON. PETER MCLAREN, W. K. MCNAUGIIT, Esq., II.P. ALEX. BRUCE, Esq., K.C. R. CASSELS, Asst. General -Manager. Savings Bask DeparlmeuL Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches: -EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager, (ILADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors HENSALL BRANCH, - H. ARNOLD, Manager. Book -Keeping enmanship Shorthand and Touch Typewriting Taught by Professional Teachers at West6rn Business and shorthand 6o11e06 111 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Every Graduate Placed in a Situation. Fall Tcrffl 60fflm6060s Sct 3r4 1907 Catalogue Free, address WM. C. COO, C. S. R., President. • N•••••••••••N•••••N••• • • CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE IEducates to tneet the living de- ntands of a progressive age. Most exactina, modern city off- ices delighted with onr gradu- • ates. Our management trains I♦ snore young people annually than any other in Western On- tario. i'Ve have incorporated t the counsels of our TEN TEA- • ♦ CHERS into one grand unexcell- • = ed whole. Both courses for =price of one. Day students may attend night classes free. IFALL TERM from SEPT. 2nd. Enter any time. individual instructeon, \Vrite for hand- some catalogue. (EEO. SPOTTON•, Principal. • •••••••••••••••••• •••••••• EX ET F.R. - ONTARIO. -- re You Content with the dour you are using? If not get a bag of Star Drdoo Floor and be convinced that it is all we claim for it. It is the perfect blended flour. c have a good stock on hand made from old wheat. HARVEY BROS. AT- CENTRALISAW-MILL A A Good Way. 13ritish Columbia Shingles Barrel Heading and (loops FENCE SLATS to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly rnade and as carefully cut as possible is to come Kept, on hand or cut to order here with your ideas. CUSTOM SAWING Done on shortest notice. Logs Wanted Delivered or on the stump THOS. ELSTON -Mr. Wm. Bagshaw k it Monday far Prince Albert, where he (will v:rit his two sone. First.class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is prctty good assurance that you will be sorry for nothing and prices arc always at the bottom notch. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor