HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-29, Page 5ommumisimmummommli ...-.:- ;7.2"r-' <,- r� THE EXETE11 TIMES, AUGUST 29th 1907 KEEP COOL Why not be comfortable the rest of the season when you can get a beautiful Summer Suit, made to order for $ l0. J. H. HOLTZMANN CREDITON, KEEPS KORRECT WOOLENS Save Money by Dealing at the WINCHELSEA STORE sHOES!We still have a good supply at the old prices. Ask your neigh- bors if they are not satisfied with what they have bought dur- ing the last month. For the next thirty days we will give Special Bargains in all kinds of Dishes. Come and see for yourself. DRY GOODS! Our Goods m. Whto hand a largeFall stock ofare FlannelettecoinginBlanketseave , Flanneletto Shirting, Fancy Flannelettes, Flannelette Sheeting double width. VELOURS! Apron Gingham', Tartan Plaids. These have all been bought at right prices. Conte early and get your choice. Alen's and Boys' Ready -Made Clothing !You will want a new suit to go to the Fall Fairs. We have them and will sell them at right prices. 40 Suit ends. Special bargains. Made to order. Fresh Groceries always on hand. Highest Prices paid for Produce. COWARD & CO. Reduction in Dry Goods Owing to some of our goods being damaged by smoke and water in the recent fire, we have concluded to sort them out and sell at a Red- uction. We will also add to this the balance of our summer stock, as having jest taken stock we find it to large for the space we have in our store, we will also include in the sale our stock of Ready Made Clothing. You will also findilo w value in fiannellette and gen- eral goods, they having been bought at old prices. Fresh Groceries on nand Produce taken' in exchange. J. Kellermann, Dashwood. Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself that it does make WHITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits - LIGHTER P.tstry- MORE DELICIOUS Cake. A.nd there's good reason for it, too. Blended Flours combirfic the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with thc strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking -no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. �� LAgLI "Made in Ontario" Indigestion Stomach lroubl•• k t,,.t a symptom of: and not Lanett a tile.• disease. We think of Dyspepsia. bunr, and Indigestion es n'al di+.•eses, FPS riry7 are symptoms only of a .. Mitt) spcdlo e slckn.rrnnthhag else. a was this feet that first correctly led Dr. Shoop Ismthe crest Pei of that now very ta,puiar stomach eddy -pr. sho,p's Restorative. (loin, direct the stomach nerves. niece brought thea sneers. sad favor to Dr. Shoop and his Iteaorettve. With- eut that original and highly vital principle. no sl.Ch lasting a.'eomplishin.rd• Wer. ever to lie had. !or stomach distress. hooting. biliousness, had �tbath and sallow coT( lesi.'n, try lir. Shoop's nether -710h is or Liquid -and .. 4, for Tour. gaff what it yen and w ill do. We sell and cheer- tillr recommend Dr. Shoop's Restorative W. S. HOWEY. EYES EXAMINED SCIENTIFICALLY WITHOUT DROPS All the errors of refraction are revealed to us ty cur wonderful methods. Come to Landon. Take a.h antage r l our Tree consultation. We are the only eyes..thl specialist. inCanada who take the entire respons.bd,cy of )-our eyes from the elan nsti•,n to tke making of the glasses complete on the premises. . THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. EYESIGHT SPECIALISiS 237 Omegas Street - • • • Londe*. Ons. Crediton DR.P, J. MoCUI:, DISMBEIt Oh- I TARIO COLLEGE mantic'. Mr. and Nrs. ass and Burgeons, Successor to Dr. Goderl_h, are at R. L. Halet. Oredlton. Ont. this vicinity. The lawn social given by the Ladies' Mr Florenz Rhode, of London is Aid of the Evangelical church Friday the guest of Lis parents. - night was a grand success, the weatb• Mr. and )dre Michael 1'iteu, of Park- er being all that could be desired. An hill, visited friends here a few dayb immense crowdathered on the beau- last week. tiful lawn. The receipts amounted to Me. E. P. Paulin. of Goderich and considerable over one hundred dollars. Mr. E, Rennie, of Zuricp, called on H. K. Eilber is spending a few days friends last Sunday. of this week in Berlin attending accn•, Mr. Louis Simons, of Elmira, was in vention of the 1. 0. F. the village last week. Mrs. Eidt and daughter Vera, of Mr. Mark Brokenshire intends open Philipsburg spent a few days in the Ing up a tailor shop over Haynie:Amr s H village the guest of Mrs. J. H. Holtz. confectionery store. Mr. Geo. Edighoffer will open up mann. , his shoeshop iv Airs. Crofts old tailor A buss load of the Young I cop e's Alliance took in the lawn social at shop where be will be located ut.til Dashwood Tuesday night and all re- port a good time. Mr. Win. Lewis occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday morning and Mr. Holland in the even- ing. Court of Revisiou was held in the Town Hall Tuesday last. The three weeks old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heist died Monday morning. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community. Mr, Wesley Finkbeiner held a very successful auction sale the past week, having cleared out his entire stock of groceries. Mrs, Link has had her residence im- proved by a fresh coat of paint. Fred Harris, the genial painter, is doing the job. Dr. and Mrs. Orale. of Centralia, spent Tuesday in the village. in a morning re. Link left Monday ori g for Toronto to attend the millinery open- ings. Mrs. Harry Beaver and son Vornan, are spending a few weeks in Hamilton visiting her sister, Mre. Huxtable. A very successful children's day was held last Sunday in the Evai.gelical church. The children rendered a tine exercise in the evening to a crowded house. The collections amounted to T12.00 for the Missionary cause. Ben Bertrand, of Detroit, is spend - 'n:; a few week; vaoation under the parental roof. Mr, and Mrs. Grisinore, of Pan- dora, Ohio, is visiting their daughter Mrs. Ed. btorlock. Garnet Baker spent Sunday in the village. Dashwood Abraham Bean, of present visiting in EXETER SC110014 130AIID The regular monthly meeting of the P. S. Board was held in the, of - Ike of Mr. 8. Martin on Monday evening last, absent el. Huston. The following are the items of btlFi- nese discussed and passed. Flooring oils to be tested on the two Junior Rooms per W. J. Carling and F. Wood, -Connor Bros. account $2.00 for repaire, T. Brock labor 1.25, T. Swale, for new well $27.111 to be paid per W. J. Carling and It. N. Rowe, new %veil to bo completcvd and pres- ent pump cleanl and used. per W. J. Carling and F. Wood. Minutes of last meeting passed, per chair. Thu Board have pleasure :n advising the rater:lycra that a satisfactory qual- ity and flow of water appears to have been recurc'd. THAMES 1t0AI). Several of our young people ep nt last Sunday at Grand hand. ass Myrtle Madge leaves :this week for Manitowaning where she has secured the .position of teach'r in alio high •Sohool Department. Her many friends wish her success. Sirs. Albert Kyddi, tot Lanagan, Sask., spent a few .stays with rela- tives here. Mrs. Andrew Stewart of Seaforth is visiting with friends in• our ncizh- be rhaal. \f r. ,las. Cam116JI, of •)Iitchell, {•:rid a flying visit to his relatives :,ere last week. Mr. and Sirs. Fr.•d Ilunkin. :and little slaughter Eti.el. silent Sunday last in Ligate, the ,tucsta of •Mr. and Mrs. H. Ilunkin. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Camj.beIl ate! daughter Bella, also (,ljrs. Pater Campbell. all of Crornvl ty visited the home of Mr. John Cottcl.on Monday. MT. CAitME1. The picnic here last Thursday was Ilrll attendee}. The day was an ideal one: for sports. Receipts. e3n.00. Tenders for Sidewalk '('enders will be r('ct-ived for th•' (rnstruclion of a granolit hie ,pave• ment along Victoria h1rcet from Slain to Andrew Streets. flans anal Specifications may be Men at Ilia office of the (leek. '"i'enders (re- ceived up to i p. m. Monday Sept. 2nd, 1907. The I',wcst or any Mender not rice -arily accepted. 3. SENIOR, Clerk. ••••••••••N•••••••••••••• High Glass DIAMONDS People who buy diamonds want !tunes that will hear the closest scrutiny - gems which are free from flaws and from whose surface every ray of light is reflect- ed as from a drop of water. Ve carry all sizes of dia. monde from the largest to the R,na1lest, either eet or unlet and all of the purest quality C. H. WARD & CO. :T7l:ltirhtnond gt. Loin on; • •••••••••••••••••••N••••• the 1 yo held in the basement of the church on Tuesday night and was well at- tended. destroyed block is rebuilt. he lawn social gotten up by the The scene::: along the ver is very ung people of the Evan. chinch was beautiful. On the islands are pretty boat and are having a coed titre - We left St. M it ys where tho crops were good, but they diel not s1so:v up eery welt until Thcdford was reach -.l 411(1 there they seam to Leave a good: -•rp. Around Parkhill and .dilh-t Cruet t11ey . ked very el:ort. We boarded the Ste.,in r .S1ajest:c at earuia :.l 3.30 a, 01. :and hada c very pleasant trip to the bug. '1'1..: blajeetic ia a:t excellent boat. With beautiful staterooms and Whit; La 11 hall, tee meals being very gc•a1 at 50 cents. Leaving ILatlie Huron and coming into tate river one :s struck with the taunter cf i -keds, all wo,;d- cd with scree sprtiL= suet Ville. A places the ctaaIIUCt is very- :.:arrc.v and lighthouses flat the shore cv:ry utile cr so bent,: to the clau;erouw route. The i:;;?:tiaousea are kept feet d nieht and day flout the open- ing t0 the Close cf :iavagatioll, gee being furnished from large tanks. leIRKTON Master Eddie Taylor retarded to his home in Detroit en Friday last after spending three Meeks vacati.,a with his aunt here. Miss Violet Jamieson returned to Luudua on Saturday after spending her vacation with her parents diced. Mrs. Campbell :and daughter. of Toronto are visiting with the Dr. here for a tle�i1e. Death relieved the tiutie rings pt W. J. Tufts one of our most high- ly respected residents on Sunday eve after havin • suffered from appendi- citis fur the past two weeks. In- terment took place on Tueeday. Mr. W. 11. Mareliali and 'daughters Misses Edna arid Laura are in Berlin this week attending the 134,17 Coart meeting of the 1.0.F., as delclgate, We wish them a pleasant time. Fire ,by children playing kith matches consumed the Stable of Mr. John William's in this village -'on Monday evening of this week. The hero.c efforts of tke bucket brigade aav((t the (:welling witioh is only 21 ft. (Latent. The. wind lavas also fav- orable but the residence of Mr. J. Sutherland was greatly ail danger ;r= the wind was directly on it but by colist0111 care it was kept from tak- ing fire. bit. and Mrs. B. J. Roodhouse and Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Kirkby, ol St.9larys etteided the funeral of W. J. 'Tufts un 'Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. White of Brantford is vis- iting at the home of 'Mrs. J. \Wil- liams her brother. A new steel (Super -structure tis being placed on the bridge on the boundary North of the village one mile. The abutments are risso being raised about a foot to bring thc floor level With the (roadbed the old one having been low. Mrs. Lr. Ferguson, ,of rtoronto. was calling on friends in the vil- lage on Saturday. •(Too late for last week.) IIarvest is re::riy eve:. The sound of the thresher i ::car a curly and late. Self et tiers are the :leant i..'i'; no cutting of band, •iny more. The null II iia, )tau been closed during the. past ter days, i� in full blast again. Meana'. Ilrethour and Moore -have sold over .12 torts of binder 11511,0 this season. Mr. \V. J. Tults is at timer of writing very sick. Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzbitntnoes, of St. Mary's ;spent Sunday at J. Taylors. 1'hc K.O.'1'.M. excursion to Spring - bank was a very successful utfeir Kirktou lent Winning a fair share of the p:.zes. The hundred yards race open, was won by N. 11. Louis(+, the lames raoc was won by Mea. W. Alcorn and the tug-of•war was also won by our boys, the only misfor- tune of the day being the brcakine of the rope in the tug-of-war: Miss Lottie Robinson was quietly married at the home of her mothers on Wednesday to Mr. Marie a pros- perous young farmer of Tuckerstnitb. Mrs. Vennor, of Stratford, is vis- iting at the home of her perents .1r. really that seemed to ba the garden and .firs. John Sutherland. , of Eden as retards Wheat. it i= boa utiful with immense crops. 1\e Marsh. purgativo remedies aro took ire rho txp•crimet.t::1 farm. This filar'giving way to the gentle action :V a Well tar treated rnsti1Utiion and is and mild effects of Carter's Little ca credit to the country'. Mr. Mendes Liver Pills. I[ you try them they the manager is a practical men, trot will certainly please you a mere theoret:c:.l on:•. ile ;new• un -�' with the country and is very enters -Gc.l•. rich, August 20--Theopen tainilr� branch of the C. 1'. R. look lilac(' :and intetcstin: to tett: with. •ng of the new Guelph and Godericl, The farm looked bt_ ;ut,ful and when parting w•crc given •a hearty •:ri'ii this morning and was the occasion tat:on to CO of Indian Head of 0 regular demonstration on the :, ;l thriving mace with 12 elevators. paint of the citizens. Despite the �\•e, left there and el -riven a: Regina hour which the trait, pulls- and the. first man 1 met on the out (7 a. tn.), .1 big dhotid was as '11LCornl w Jar. ltatclifie (ram 14( 1111)1441 at the new i,t'tioti dower le At.elersen, '.vas only a few s%a lirarbor end 'hundreds more minutes until our old friend David Ilatcl„d ilio train frons the "e16 -!' i in i• hackney found us out and r:l}1 their bluffs which odge th"_ harbor ,ind guidance teak in the city. i visited river. Promptly to the minute, Con- gur old friend nifty Sic.Clockiin. 110 darter Peter McDonald gave the aid- 8(111104happy and ctoitig wrii. 1 tike nal "All Abeud. and with Engirt- R(rina although tee et are 0 cer i1ugh Davidson at the 1hiot111. trifle narrow, but well pard and the train pulled out, swung :alone large Well built nuildines. It is the harbor edge, across the biz ern- ecood to have she tzovcrnment at your bankment to the high bluff of the hack. They are paring the :chole Maitland, Goderich's famous "scenic city. Tlic government buildings are route." The train was (cell tilled ' nr, The hew reetoffice is a mag - with i'as•engers, many of whotn took r:fici^nt building. With ail the Im- es the trip on account of its novel4S• ilrovenlents tee taxes are not ::^:'.1;?: Aa tie, train etrcan:eu tout, :lie and thy did no: ^nye to borrow crowd raised .i cheer Iond th•' anything for in:proresle;as until lest fleet of '. l' :n th harbor hire. `.It and :hen only a trifle-. The t.:: a salvo c't whistles• -e, rate is on1Y I7 mills. Wee left Regina at 7 a. nr.. �: o I'll atop your pain free. To show 1c..•k better all the wily to Saskatoon. you first -before you epend 0 penny We arrived there at fair time and -what my pink I'ain Tablets can for a four 1'he year old city it has them do, 1 will ail you free, a Trial ill at. fair was on for three l'ackaRe n[ tmhem Ahoope belicad• days, 10,000 people going throe:n the ache Tablets. Neuralgia, headache, stat on 1Wedncaday. They ,ave tnothaehe, period pains, etc., are due @I, 0') races alone, besides p,rii?a aloes to el mat congestion. 1)r. f' (. 09 forthing else, includiti3 a town ihor,p'a beadac}le Tablets simply kill let for the first prize baby. Twen- pain by canting away the unnatural (A'tuo youngsters were up for in• bluncl pressure. That is all. Ad• vpectian. 'Clic a tock Was goad Trot dress 1)r. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Bold not much of it. J. Beatty look 1st by W. S. if summer 1:c:.-`dottic e ti: batik~, but pernap,s ! am peculiar in thatrespect, 1 much prefer beautiful fields of grain aunt level country. We stopped at the American Soo for a short time. then crossed over to ti:= Canadian Sea. Moth stens to be very busy place. The locks took our at- tention, and I had been waiting to see them for porno lila,. They are a grand sight :a11d work so simple. The water is dammed back until it ries _0 feet, They are 70 feet in Width and are worked by electricity. The masonry is Wondcrful,.the walls of the canal being built cf Iar_o i:^_we stone and cement. \\ a also saw the Clerque Steel Works. They are run- ning full blast and are very- exten- sive and must be a great boon to the 50o as they employ an endless amount of men. We left the 'moo and sailed un Lake Superior finding it very cold when in thecenter of it. In the bay on either side CVO could see numerous islands composed of reddish coiored rock, seetninz}y full of mineral. We could see Belie haste Island. Portage .Island. and the rock ;viler•= tee :Monarch went (kern and Inhere so many lives were lost. When we got into Port Arthur harbor, 1 wine l: yrpr'ieed to sec the tat _e :;mount of kn:pl.in_ done. ilere our boat tr:p ended. I'cr•t Arthur : a very busy mace a wortderfut natural harbor and Im- ulense freight sheds. 'fiery large steamers unload herr. Th largest elevator in the world is here. 1 iiiaL1 the pleasure of go'nz ibrouzh it and ware surprised to see: how wheat is handled and tide immense machinery to do the work. It, like Fort Wil- liam vets power from the Kakabeka !'ails, which are truly wonderful nearly equaiiing Nia.ara. They have 15,000 noree power :ti t:;e now end can develop 500,000...j;he `ails are trent miles tae. 1o:t e( t:itaill and/con- sumers read eet :Da . ve for S25 per horsepower. 'file r'ccaiducks./I:4 e aro on 0 hu_e scale, in fact I t1:ird: Port Arthur and Fort \\ ;quant a . the eecon(i largest lake =pippin; ports in f ire dominion. Fort William is a busy place. has a beautiful natural harbor miles in length and isel:c, terminus of the 't. '1'. ant, 0. 1'. 1:. railway= It lir' grit mill carsaciry of e f '1 barrels of flour per day- (so:neo more than Nirkton or \t�ooggtti: 111 mills.) it ::as some e30(i buiCdic _ 'Tile Iles town na?i is e:1 ilapos:. _ structure and from its spire you ci... get :i _a:xi vier cf the twin cities. They own their own teler,i:o::= riant like Kirkton aril viciait}. We left in :he evening for Win- nipeg anti die:::o: see the 1:use ro.,k, 1.11 daylight when We were nearing Rat Portage. Inc land is rouher unt`.I near Winnipeg where it is liv- e! and 1300? beautiful. The crops look poor. Remained a hay ie Win - 'ewe; but as is reined fdl say w•_ did not 0 omuch.t arund ucc. \Vinnipce :s a beautiful city w:tit its wide h. streets and nd5cene r.:eedi::gs. is y was Sunday gent :a hear (Ralph Con • Gorden. y` he was Way and e he:ere goo :non from. °s s:_ y -.:a- AAAA. wonderful store. On Monday morn ng we took the train from Winnipeg anti I was uis- appeinted with 1Le crops until dear Indian Head. We got off at Indian (lead and remained for two day's and owcY• and 2nd places in t..ve rICCF. 'i'hey v-� had to clop in 2.18 over n bad t reek. Continued Next Week. Letter From the West. iii1. W. R. CA{tIt, Oi: KiltKTON, \\'it11'ES THE TiMFS (11' 11114 T1111'. O.411.111FTOR TA. -- g,.„ t1» _,, The Kitt You Naw Aiwa Itgasttus st - 1 mentioned i would drop you a line when out West and'.sill no en- deavor to do so. We are now on the NEW fiRRIVflL OF UfiLL GOODS ItT ZWIGKERS SPECIAL PRICES Linoleumns and Oil Cloths We have just received a shipment of Scotch Linuleuuis in Floral and Block patterns, 2 and 1 yard widths, extra good quality. \Ve have 8 beauti- ful new patterns in the 4 yard width for you to select from. We haste also new patterns in Floor Oil Cloths in 1 yd. 1 yd, an yds widths. Lace Curtains New designs bought at right prices. We have the selection and can guar- antee you the very best values in this line. We bought many Lines of our goods before the advance. You get the benefit by dealing with ue. Ready -Made Clothing 1Ve have also opened the first shipment of Fall up-to-date Ready Made Clothing. A large selection of Boys' and Men's Suits. New patterns, made up is the latest styles. ‘Ve are Clearing out Many Lines of Summer Goods Very Cheap. We are putting a largo number of Remnants of all kinds of goods on sale this week at Bargain Prices. Highest prices paid for Produce. A tall Solicited. C. ZWICKER, Crediton. Binder Twine IIere are the following lints cif Binder .Twine carried by us Plymouth Special Salmon Tag Hobbs' Best Gold Medal We have solb over ten tons so far this season of so they must be good, and the prices are right tco. Don't forget that we have gcod linees of paints, and evcrything in the hardware line. •atm it these brands W. MOORE KIRKTON. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +.*.+ I.4.4•+•l-i••-t-e++d-++ial.+++ + Off the following lines of shoes: Ladies 10 Per Cent. Discount ...Oxfords, Sandals, Button and Lace Dongola Shoes. Boys --Canvas and Dongola Shoes. Girls--Dongola Shue3 and Oxfords. All Children's Shoes discounted. This Sale Lasts till 1st September. I B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++•i-++++4++44+441 •••••••++N+HN+H+++N+•+N+NNNN++N•.• *•••• ff. MILLS, WOODf-i•RM We have just received in stock a crate of dishes, white and blare pat. terve, Cups and Cups and Saucers. also Toilet Sets, Bowls and Titohers, all sizes, which we are stalling right. Hay Fork Rope, Manilla, at 14c lb. All kinds of, harvestt ogle in stock. Machina Oil. i'eerlese. the least, 40o gallon. Wo have about 6 pieces of thatcheap Muslin selling cheap. Nice Fresh Grocericts and Pure Spices in Stock. Highest prices, cash or t rade, for produce. lett yet whio)]. A. MILLS, we are Woodham: ••••••••NNNHHN••+N• •••++•N+++••+NNN•••••• KARLT • N Best $2 Hat We are enjoying an immense trade in our Karlton Hats, simply because they are marvellous value. Have them made especi- ally for us and buy big quantities, is that way securing large price concessions which we share with you. ORDER BY (Enclose your size with the money) and: prove for yourself that the Karlton is the bat $2 hat sold in Canada, with superior wearing qualities to the vast majority of $3 bats. New Karlton Derhj s for '07 are in all latest blocks. Colors, black and brown. Christi's hats, $2.5o to $3.50. Telescope lfats in pearl, black and nutridit 41.25 to $2.50. All new shapes of Snit hats, $1.3o tO $3: Clothing •o' 'atia4 "6°66" 11841 • 7 ikons 4e Cass& Ste& qb J. M. Blatt Mao*, ,L•a1N, Qatari* _