HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-29, Page 1eta
Taira-Fitrll Yr.AR--No 1768
EXETER, JNT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29th 1907, $1.00 per year in advance,
?+N+..NN N•N
Phone No. 32.
A Clearing Up Sale
For Fall and Winter
We have a few odd lines of Summer Goods
left and must clear them out to make room for
our Fall and Winter stock. Nothing will be left
if low prices will sell them.
White Waists
Only nine left to be
cleared out for half-
White Wear
A few Skirts, Night
Gowns, Drawers and
Corset Covers to be
sold at a big reduction.
Muslins and
Only a few choice
ones left to be cleared
for half price.
Belts and
To clear out a few
remaining )nes we will
sell for nearly 1 price.
New Fall Dress Goods
Our immense stock of new Dress Goods have arrived. We
are now ready for the early shopper with the best selection ever
put on our counter. We are showing all the Newest Fabrics in
Plain Cloths and Fancy Plaids you will certainly he delighted
with our fine display.
Fall Rain Coats
Our New Rain Coats which have just arrived are better than
ever. They are three quarter and full length Colors Fawn. Dark
and Mid. Greys, and are very stylish in there make up you will
do well to see them and get an early choice.
The following will be paid in trade for the next week:
Chinks Sic live and 111c dressed
Ducks 3c live and 10c dressed
Jones & Clark 1
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford I
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. =s
35 Cents.
3 will pay for the
to 1st of January, 1908
If you are not a Subscriber this is +
your chance to become one.
++++++++al'+++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++
Western Fair1
The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend
KNABE NSHI. R S AiRSHiP daily and a full list of Attract- 4.
ions. with plenty of Music, Fireworks after program each
evening. concluding with that grand display, "THE SERIE
Rinks from Daekwood, Mt. Carmel
and Lovett were guests of the Exeter
bowlers last Monday and several
good games %%ere played on the Rec-
tory green. The trophy snatoh for
the valises presented by Rev. Father
Forster, of M. Carmel, was played
off and I,eulted 'n 1►lessrs. Sweat,
Dickson, Ll:itchford and Tama car-
rying of: the prize4.
In th professional gume, the re-
sult of which is given below, C.
I.r-disoe Snell. skip did ;remarkable
+work in pulling such excellent play-
ers as Mr. 1t. Gidley, Will Carling
and Jim Grieve through winners.
Following are the scores of rho
different rinks.
-Mi. W. D. Clarke, returned from
him vacation \\'ednesday morning.
-Clinton llusiness College has :1
-ltcv. Ernest Grigg took chane new advertisement iu unothtr col-
umn. the services at the Presbyterian uttn. It will pap young people to
church last Sunday during the ab• ;write for the hapdsome cat.tloguo of
acnes of Rev. W. M. Martie. Mr. this progressive' ckoel before rnakina'
Grigg is an excellent preach and a c119icC,
his sermons were listened to sten- -Mrs. 'Robert Stepipcnson, of
t1 C17. Stanley Township .,wl)p underwent a
-Mr, Tran:: Del bridge, son o[ Dir. very grave orny{Son by Dr. Brown -
John Delbridge, of Ueborne and man-
ager of the Farmers' bards at Chel-
tiugham and M153 Eva Balkwiil,
daughter of Mr. \Vm. I1alktwill, +were
quietly married at Toronto on Sat-
urday, August 17th. They .will re-
side at Cheltiugham.
-Messrs. Jack and Brock i'udJ-
Morning Game combe, of New Hamburg, are the
Exeter, Mt. Carmel guests of Mr, Percy Browwn,**. Mr.
Rev. Collins J. Dunn Becker, of New Hamburg, also vis -
W. \V, ':tent
M. Shea itcd him during the pant wv ek, re-
turning to his home Monday. M. \\'n,. Rlalchford ll. O'Brien -Ott \\'edtesday atternuou of last
Harold \Vebber, of Ilartford, Conn.
C. B. Snell D. Forster week David Wynn .met with a se -
was also Mr. lirolwnini;'s ;;nest last
ing ant Macdiarmid last week is
doing nicely.
-A quiet wedding +vas celebrated
at Allot Craig, yesterday, (Wednes-
day) afternoon, when Miss Minnie
eldest daughter of Mr. and Dirac, J.
Taylor, was married to Mr. W. T.
England, a former business man of
Crediton East. Mr. England is an
the insurance business with (head-
quarters at Sarnia, where they will
in future reside.
Skip 13 Skip 8.
Builders' Hardware
Building nnterial for houses, barns, etc.
Bought before the rise in prices. It will
pay you to get our prices.
Just received an import shiptilent from England. Wa make a spec-
ialty of Glass for Barns.
Tinsmithing Work and .Plumbing
in all their Branches.
Paroid Roofing, Plaster Paris, Cement and etc.
vete accident ,while engaged in put- HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE
ting li-ehtnino rods on the barn of
Trophy Match •-Miss Stella Gregory returned Mr. Geo. Dunn at lluroltdale. Mr.
Dr. Sweet. N. Dyer llurdoll Saturday evening from LGoderich \V3�n had ascended to tare roof and
whero she jailed in the. re -union of after doing some work started to go
L. 11. 1)icksoat 1F. W. Gladman exe-students of the Collegiate Insti- down the ladfder to the ground. The
\\', Al. Illatchford W. .1. Beaman tute. She reports each 4;art of the ladder in some manger had been
W. W. Tappan Rev. Collins program as being an elaborate and moved and was notion a solid four
Skip 22 Skip 13. imposing function much enjoyed by dation arid the Moment he etarteci
Professional Match the many hundreds Preeent from all to go down it toppled over parcipi;-
Exeter I)asn+wood parts of the Empire. taking hien to the ground a dietetic°
of some. twenty-eight feet, It was
Rich. Gidley 11. Goetz -A new silver pitcher now adorns found that both bones of one of his
W. J. Carling I:. Tieman * the counter of the dispensing depart lee's were broken at the ankle, tlev-
J. Grieve. W. Millet• meat of the Central hotel, ale laceoral ribs fractured, the pelvic bonen
C. Edison Snell R. DlcLeJlatl cause some low -lived individual stole
Skip 18 Skip 15 the other one. The one taken was badly injured and the face taa
Exeter Mt. Carmel also silver and had been in uses tor
scarred. It u'.11 be some time.
a number' of years. air. Acheson fore Mr. Wynn will be able to tot
says he knows the party n+tho slid around.
the pilfering and if the pitcher is A reactionary storm period is cen-
not returned 1 e ,intends having hitt tral on the 29th, '30th ant 31st. if
prosecuted. is a well-known fact that great
-Messrs. Ed- Treble, Geo. Ander-
storms, cowing up from the
son, Cliff Spackman and Dan Hart- equatorial regions, outlive, as a rule
lcib went to London t\ionday to the limitations of the ordinary storm
take part iu the quoiting tourna- periods. This is true especially in
trent held there. In the first draw cases where the Venus equinox and
of the first torics (Co. Anderson was Eother astronomic causes unite with
the only one of elle local players ably cases 'it equine=. But in all such
to hold out. ''n :the second draw -he cases ' is sate to sayt hat these
also went down. In the third draw storms lake they
reae+.ed energy and
Spackman and Treble defeated their violence as `they run Into the storm
opponents. Periods next following those in which
they originate, Hence, elf tropical
-Tire garden partly given under. storms app -roaring at the period list
the auspices of the ladies' Guild of to 2dth outlive that period, they will
the 'friviit Memorial Church on the grow in strength and magnitude as
rectory lawn last Friday night was tbey reach our coasts and m'aroh into
the roost successful affair given by our interior during the closing days
the ladies for some. time. Th.a emin- of the month.
ent comedian Jim Fax was hreseu't •
and entertained' in his usual ?god -Two o ofa the vest ed n. Ei e -
way, The Exeter Band also assisted games 1 baseball ever played or Ex y
ter will be pulped off on Labor Day
in the urogram. thee. treccipts for elle. Monday Sept. 2nd, :when the Wort -
evening were over $8:1.00. man & Ward teats of London will
-Mr. E. W. Horne, manager of the be here to play two dames. Tha
Home bank at Waikerville and for- first game will cotnmence tat 10
merly accountant of the Sovereign o'clock in the morning with the Exe-
bunk, is meeting %eith success much ter players lined flit against the -
his expectations in his new crack London team and in the after -
field. Since Mr. Horne took charge noon commencing at 2 o'clock the
of the bank at \Nalkerville 2te iris Stare of Crediton will cross beta
increased the business there threo with the London players. 'Elle local
fold. (loth Mr. end Mrs. Horne are boys have been putting in some good
comfortably situated in their new stunts at practicing- duriee the pas-
horse and :a._ enjoying the host of week :and feel as though they can
;eolith. trite the lads from the Forest Cita-
- A
few days ago Mr. Thos. Ilan- and expect a big turn out at the
kins delivered some paint at the morning's rams. the afterc•oon
north end of the town, and after game between Crediton ltd the
getting into his ria he found on take- Wortman & \yard's will be north
ing up the lines that Lhey had bee' going miles to witness.The Stara
conte entangled. In trying .to ;et can trim any tears composed of home
the harness in proper shape the players in Western Ontario and on
horses were accidently pulled to- this occasion they intend to keep
wards a ditch near Mr. Aldeeorthis. the home team intact, Iwlaile the.
ene of the horses fell on top of the Wortman & \ward's will be the sines
other and the r.; overturned. Mr. tor that mud^ a good showing in
Hawkins was not injured but the London during the past season.
harness w:,- broken in a few place, ---`_
E. J. Christie
1. G. Stanbury
I. It. Carling
\V. 11. Levett
Skip .16
E. J. Christie
J. G. Stanbury
Wm. Levett
I. R. Carling
Skip 17
L. 11. Dickson
N. D. Hurdon
F. W. Gladman
W. J. llc:unan
Mt, Carmel
J. Dunn
M. Shea
1). O'Brien
D. Forster
Skip 24
J. Dunn
M. Shea
D. O'Brien
�. Forster
Skip 12.
1t. J. McNumcc
D. A. McLeod
W. J. Braunton
Dr. Thompson
_Skip 22.
1t. Goltz
L'. 'Iiemau
\V. Miller
It. McLellan
Skip. 9.
A. Stanley
II. A. McEwen
Dr. Bantiug
W. T. lfawkshaw
.13kip 10.
R. Goetz
E. Tiernan
R. McLellan
W. Miller
Skip 12.
1t. J. McNamee
1). A. McLeod
W. J. Braunton
Dr. Thompson
Skip 9.
M. Carmel
J. Dunn
M. Shea
i). O'Brien
1). l••orster
Skip 7.
A. Stanley
IL A. McEwen
1)r. planting
W. T. Hawkshaw
Skip 20 kip 17.
N. D. Hurdon
Jum. Devitt
1. It. Carling
\V. \V. Tarn:ui
Skip .10
Dr. Sweet
Jinn. Taylor
C. 11. Snell
W. Blatchofrd
Skip 22
Sam Sweet
E. J. Christie
L. II. Dickson
Rev. Collins
Skip 10
\V. J. Statham
,i. G. Stanbury
F. W. Gladman
\V, J. Ileamali
--On Thursday afternoon and even-
ing of last week a lawn social and -Rev. and Mr.=. Ernest Orix!,
bowling tournament was held on who have spent over 1welt.' years in
the spacious grounds of Father Fos- Burnet will ketenv in the Main St.
ter at Mount Carmel. Great inter-
est was taken in .the bowling as
thong were'cight rinks entered, two
from Exeter, two fro:_: Parkhill, two
from L•acar.. and ole each from
Dashwoad and Mount Carmel.
As there was room for only ..-ix rinks
+Impossible to
to I
v •before dark.
g• t the titins_ played eft r .
t:+o Exeter :irks were left
it was deckled that t 0 finals should
be played here. 1•cliawing ie the
50:: of the play.
First' ,!bund.
I,ncan Parkhill
McEwen Breen
Ranting Barrett,
Hawkshaw McIntyre
Thompson Dickson
skip S skip 12
Parkhill Dashwood
Marko Tiernan
Grieve (;+ales
Ellis McLennan
Mitchell Miller
skip 11 skip S
LUCAp Eceter
Porte Sweet
Roes Dickson
Mcleod Blatchford
'Ironton Taman
skip 't skip 10
Collins, Exeter and Father Foster,
Mt. Cannel. byes.
Se er•rt.l rotund.
Parkhill Parkhill
Breen Marks
Barrett Grieve
McIntyre Ellis
Dickson Mitchell
akip 10 skip ..7
Exeter Mt. Curn:cl
+- - -- F. D. Gladden mSF.e1
F. W. Gladan lh'en
Neaman \+'a,lsh
Rev. Collins Fatter
Reduced Rates on all Railroads
Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists. Programmes and an in-
W. J, REID, President. A. M. hunt, Mecreta►ry
Skttr 13
I ya'
! N. 1). Hurd'+n
• I h. W(Madman
W. .1.. }penman
• i Rev. Cellina
Skip 19 Skip 13.
Taman, Exejer, a bye.
.1 Beers the �eTTMM t« AM x.60
• 0+++++++++++++++++++++++++++•s•++++++++++++++++++++++•F 1
• or
!'corp ter
tl:ip F.
Slethtxlist church next Friday even-
ing on Burma. 'flee addresses 1111
be Illustrated with acetylene lantern
vices hiving •tlinlscs cf Burma truer
its topple and the mission worts be•
in,; done there, also :he races,
shrines, images, t'an;nae. villarc life
river rc1cry elephants
I,hutlm t w
lepers, phooneryisf,
mission w'or'k acid the !collo% of the
charged but s silver collection oi11
ba, chargee! but :a e:iver collection
will lie takers at the dour.
-a1ie tufo,. Steele, of Paintville.
Inst week dug a well fol Airs. hook
and at the depth of :11 feet ate was
evert-ffuii in reaching an excel!2nt
spring of water, :Ind before' be could
got the well bricked up the 1latet•
7 he Council met in to Town Hall
cn 11c1ulny t2Venling August 26th,
++++•1-+++++++++++14++ i.+•t--t++•i•+++++++++++++++'i +4-+++++ 1
If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To
The Leading hardware Store in Town
Where you will find a full stock of
Building Supplies
I Glass,
Plaster aris,
GalvanizedSteel Shingles
+ and Siding, Etc.
Always in Stock at Lowest Prices,
I++• +++++++++4„:4+4.:::-:.+1-4-1-1•44+++4-4-164 A•4••t-+•,• ++•!••r•++++++' T.
+++++++++1-++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++.++++++++•+F+
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire.
Don't Waster
Flour, butter, eggs and time by using
inferior baking powders. Use
It is Pure and always Reliable. Leads in popularity be-
cause it leads in quality.
-Ass: Folt-
The kind that never fails to
please. At
Cole's Baking Powder
RUGS,flouse Dc6orator
1907. Councillor' .1. J. Knight abee•nt Now fa me the when
Th, Minutes c•f tee meeting. held on Plush Ruptthee aretitakingof theyear place of 1 Plumber (not met t.. nt',t••r)
August 13th were read and approved, dusters and during the cool evenings
Messrs S. Martin and Thos Harvey one feels the necessity of something I Sian Writing and Grairia�
aited tot the Council regards a a little warmer than the ordinary t Q Y `
new s <ic+walk :.long James Sl [roM duster. Wo have consignment of these goods which areust received a new With R. Dinney last year. Reti-
Main to Andrew Streets. The Reeve np.to-date in quality and design. We mates furnished on a1 rp lication,
replied that the !natter would be also have In stock the English Rubber
taken up by rhe Council. Ru5s, which are far superior to the I
Row. Mr. Fear and Thee ]Tartan ordinary rubber rug as they will not A Trial Solicited.
laid a petition signed by the. Trus' peal off or crack. 1
tees of Main Street Methodist church ,
before the council asking for a newifsaw you{erneas need anything in Light or!`
ogee nt walk cn Victoria tit rcpt }} y 1you will make no mis-
from Main to Andrew Streets, Mr. take by calling and examining our
goods. Our leader. a Light Rubber
Mounted Harness, sella on eight and
is unsurpassed in style durability, and I Residence, corner lames and An -
price, drew Street.
had risen se wen fc+l. It pony nec-•:1- Fear expressing the w1 initialises% cf
sets. to get 1he :ar:.•ai:,lt '.( of t -4.-v- the . afaLiaat.ou :o assume sliest
!hare pf the co.it.
eraal then to bail out t,ufficienl water 1'er Motion of W. J. lieam.,n sec.
to Lrite brick and 111im mat ilouo by A. E. Fake that the prayer <tf
withay gient difficulty :s *11" 41151$ the petition be granted and that th.e
kept c.a nfirm:my inslain,t in. Mr.Sntule Ilam had con,:,I,•r.abla ,..aper- i'roperny fronting o.:: .he =aid in:-
icnue :It. spiriting wells, and is weal- the tr•t tit s tax. 40 petit cent e.4
Iy snccc:wlal in Iccatiug pelves a here iht: tr't:al r„ott, walk lu lee laid 4
feet w.e and that Tenders for Thr
good wilier tie be found. Alts. ltook
wadies 40 11 ;ink IIN1 gcnllomcit W119same be asked for, to ire handed ill
assisted Mr. impale in ,11 aw ing out by Tho nfc)1owing r, ep aid accounts
the water. were CC i ea rtafie<1 to on (notion of A.E.
- Lets eeel It has leen said that Puke sec. by W. J. ,lie:iron.
rieorge Anderson was te►lulz Franik The I:wwter Canning and i'reaerv• 1
Knight treat 1:,t i:ad heard that A. ing Cr'. Ltd., the foilotin_• ntn.ouuts� Exeter and CentraliaI.
Dyer Ifu:eien had intimated to Alf $1500, 120, �2
30:,00, R_a30. 'rctnl of
\Nailer then he thad noticed Doc Colo $8350.00 Thos. Cruaeh part pay.Warehouses To The Northwest0talking to Huai' Spackman about I mtent on gravel ntcount (contract/. i
making at'1'an:ements a+'itli I e123.00. -Carried. 'Will exchange for other gram I 1 n
i)ick Cited) to ace if impale Hawk- Jarnes \Veekes, Fir` Chief; ask, for •
thaw couldn't arrange with '?on (;, new auction. home for feted Lire if desired.
t'r,ccia to !.ave Billy Heiman ::ser ending. Per A. E. Fuke see. by W. • l:30th
pili}' S:t.:i.aca if he would tali on
roe" that alio clerk corres and I Richard Seldon From Exeter August e
Geotgie )'nee!: to find out if Walt 11,th dlf[emnt !•, t s reT ar,!u r t
Harding eocid interview ale:; Stee.-
art and have lam get :his hair
cut by Doliie \\cstce:: .+ilii: r
is risking Toni C'arlin,; ii the u. al + a as per provisions tons n[ and Clandeboye
Exeter, Ontario
Farm laborers
p j
,nmol -Carried. r' EXeter, Centralia For tickets and ft'.1.1 lnfor-
1'rr \V. J. Hearnnn Vic. by W. I 1 • tnatimn call on.
Johns titan that Council adv; rti'u
r:qtr. way „a.
would bandage his arm lona cnouxtt the Ontario Statute for now (into
to talk to \%illiam Jor'n Mallett anei ;rete vtaik alona James street from
have him induce Edgar 1\•iliir to ask Main to Andrew end that the prop -
AI 11n•ctin.s if he thought Toto Moyle erty fronting alo'tz'the seal improve-
ceuld get Cliff Spackman to inter- :gent be assessed 40 ptr cent. of the
rent^ .hint Gould for n sufficient total rest.-C;rriect .
length of time to ;et him as mania- Per W. .1. licaman sec. by tet
er rd the rnarricd men', teem to al- .Johns that tate Ilceve and Ttensur-
io11• sonic of his players t r tr.ke mart cd to borrow One Thousand Dollar=
in Ow Raine en the morning of Li- to the credit of the Municipality for
hot' Day :In=s to Lave them eiet all current expenditure -Caroled.
Coy. ,gasoline 517.63 less for Rid. re-
turned 4.21-813.41; !Memo's. A. Tay-
lor and Thaw. Sanders labor tor die -
gin; water taroks aa per aewilr.ect
$08.00; Tho.. Cresict, Bal. due for
gravel ,:s per contract $839.25: 11.
Sparkman account eupplie.; a :1.43 ;
W. W. Neil. St. Watering 8.23.00: W.
\N. \e,:I tabor el.50.:.Ted Jones I fbor
they ran to come and w:1;1c.= (Lo Tho [(Aloe ing accounts were reit $0.6 ; Frid Galiespio labor , 7.00:
aft moon game between the \Nott- and orders drawn •on the Treasurer` Rd. t):tv', rah $7.00: Si: is 1i •n Hord
man & \\'ard team rind. Crediton• for the' s 1►r rI e r) ,, r•'y n.....•h • G, o`•r• Fbrd ;:el or gr:' :S
J. J. KNi(:1l'1', Dept Agent.
or write J. D. MctM)NA1,1), (inion
Depot, Toronto, Ont.
ing. Ford labor $2.25 ; Jrio. 13ell Ta-
bor 42.25; David Russell sr., Ithor
+2•:23: 'Ihoo. Creech labor 81.75: ltd.
ua a
� nor ! bo, Ltt.a3, nmouniing in
all to 81233.17.. passed on motion of
W. J;riins '"e by A. E.. Fui:e.-Car
; .1. F. Fuki..
J. SENfOIt, Clerk.