Exeter Times, 1907-08-22, Page 6• a. -genes BARBER KILLED IN ROW Fatal End to Drunken Quarrel at Sault Ste. Marie. A desyateh Irons Sault Ste. \carie, 01.1., says: As the result of what is said OD 'Rare been a drunken row that start- ed 111 the Windsor Hotel at nine o'clock c,n Thursday night, Edward Ilynes, a hailer employed at the hotel, is dead, and Thomas Ryan, u blacksmith, wh•. has lived in the "Soo" for years, and is respecter by all, is in the cells, nod wit probably le compelled le answer t! a charge of murder. The row started in the barber shop in connection with the hotel. 1t ap- pears that Ryan had hal his hair cut in the sleep Mme days ago, end while in the shop on Thursdny night' quizzed It•rlcs abut it, saying that he was not 1 a•tislled, Words h,llowed, and the spec- tators say that Ryan asked Hynes to go out auto the yard and settle the mat- ter. Hynes complied, and the.two men left the shop, llynes lucking it. Neil alcD ougall, proprietor of the ho- le, %tent to the front door of the place to call a policeman, and not seeing e lie in sight, returned to the rear o1 the house, pre-uniably to put a stop to the tight. As he reached the yard, Ryan was mounting his steps to lease, and Hynes was lying upon the ground, np- purently untinsauus. \Icdk,►Igall .e - cured assistance and llynes was carried into the hotel, where it was found thnt be was dead. I)r. McCrae was hurried- ly summoned, but life was extinct long tefore he arrived. The police were nolilled and Ryan was found at his house on Albert Street. It is said he expressed surprise tont Hynes was dead, boring no idea that the fight had terminated fatally. I1) nes was 38 years of age. and ensile t o the "Soca' front the American side in June, formerly conducting tate Grant Saloon in the A►nertean "Soo." Ile was single, and had always been c- garded as quiet and inoffensive. Ryan is about 40 years of age, married, and has a family of three children. NEGLECTED CHILDREN. The Superintendent Has Issued His • Annual Report. Tho Superintrudent of Neglected and KAID STiLL A PRISONER. Raisuli Sends a Threat to the British Minister. A despatch from Tangier says: it has Derendeit Children, Ontario, has issued been learned that Kaid Sir Morey his: report of work done during the past lean. the Englishman in the service ( 1 leu• Sultan uI Moroccowho has been n year, and the matter container tIle ern 1S very interesting, becat,se it deal, with the most hopeful, helpful and enour- aging work that governments or philat- Urropictc can cxlgagc in. The work deals wail human beings-ehikiren-trot Ot the mass, but as individuals. No deu',t. many of our renders have Word of Children's Aid Societies in an - indefinite) way, but if they wish to get a close acquaintance) tvilh this important work they should send for a copy of Mr. Kelsos report. Briefly, the Children's Aid Societies neer organizations of vol- untary workers oho aro interested- in helping all children, but more especially diose who by reason of their eileiroii. *tient scent 10 be faked to lxcornu fire waifs. 11►e out:fists, and the predatory (members of society. Families,' are grow - trig 1.p in all parts of our pinv'ince the parents of which are 1101 only not giving reasonable carr sustenance and good . xnnrl 1e to the ' calves the children's chief examples of vice and evil -tieing. The aim of the • Children's Aid work is, after exhausting every reasonable means to improve the • let of the children in their own homes, to apply for guardianship, and there - niter thcso children are, in a sense, •anIs of the (;overnment. They are r: ironer of the bandit Raisuli since early in July, has not been set at lib- erty, as previously reported. The Brit - Legation here on Wednesday re- ceived a communication fromRaisuli threatening that unless his tern's are rncceptie�1: immediately he will remove .\lacteathe l to a place whither all [aln- ico of Europe, if united, could not fol- kcw. 1l seems that Heist'''. upon hear.- ink of the lwmba•dnIent and occupalt(erl of Casablanca, succeeded in taking Mac- lean back from the Knots tribesmen and removed him to n strategic posi- tion in the ncighborhund of Ben 'mous.Maclean is well, but he has been de- volved of his tent, and compelled to oc- cupy an ordinary soldiers tent of small size. Ile is subsisting upon black bread. THE WORLD'S MARKETS CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS REPORTS FROM THE LEADIiG TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Other Dairy Produce at Home --4- ir- children. but are Men- A NAIL LN HIS BRAIN. not placed kr insthlulions, 1 t foster -homes, vhero they receive the ordinary individuf1 erre and treatment They should have et+eceivel in their own Mentes. They aro regularly visited by ru:thorizc41 l" ci ens, tttto inrp►it• cal,- fully a•-fully into their treatment by their foster - parents. and if this is not snlisfaclury, the children are removed. Now let us sir what this means. C:hiklern who are nlmest et -nein, if left 1e► their own themes, to grow up elle, d eiesolute and prol.n',ly criminal, are nlaceel TI,re::'-inch Spike Driven Info William Albr•ight's Skull. A despatch from New York says: When the surgeons in the Williamsburg {re,spital 111ade an examination on 'rues - day of William Albright. an iron work- er, who fell from the new elevated rail - read structure at the Brooklyn pinz11 41 the Williamsburg Bridge Monday after- noon, they found under his hair the Beal of a nail flattened against bre skull. Sairg 01)11 tuck out the wail, vt•hich was three inches long. and found it hod driven a Hole into Alln igllt's brain. The physicians believe that the nail war upt right on the pavement when tjoe. fro w raer fell. 'rhe surgeons could no see that he had been injured, but they, were puzzled that the iron worker diol .neciousne5S- They say rte and Abroad. Toronto, Aug. 20. - Fkt.r - OntarioM1 per /r cent. putents quote.! at Z..20, and new wheal Skate at $3.50, in buyers' sacks outside, for export. Mani- toba hest patents, $1.Ix1 to 15.20; second potents, $1.40 to $5.80, and strong ba- kers', $4.20 to $t.30. \W11eut-Nu. 1 \taltitebn hard nominal; No. 1 northern, 114 to 94%e, lake ports; No 2 northern. 91' to '92e, lake ports. Ontario No. Y, white and red quoted in car lots at 843 to Me outside; new when at Mc outside. Ilyo-Nothing doing, with purrs pure- ly nominal. Oals--No. 2 white are quoted at 43 to 43%c outside, and ut 46e on (rack, To- ncnio. New outs are quoted at 38 to 40c outside, September shipulenls. Mani- toba orils, 44e, track, Owen Sound. l'oas.--!market dull, troll prices purely nontinal. Cunt -No. 2 American corn Is quoted a' fele, Toronto, lake and rail. Burley -Prices purely nominal. Bran- T o market is nominal. with bran quoted at $16.54 to $17 in bulk. nut - aide. Shorts aro quoted at $20 outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. (leans -Hand-picked quiet at 81.70 to $1.75, and prunes at $1.50 to $1.60. Ilay-No. 1 old timothy is quoted at $:5 to $15.50 here, and new at $12 to $12.54 on track here. Straw-$7to $7.5') a ton on (rack herr. 1'obaocs-New quoted at 90c to $1.10 pee bushel. and new American at $3.50 to $3.75 per bbl. 1'e ultry-Turkeys, alive, 16c ; chickens, spring. dressed, 20 to 21c per Ib; foul, 'J Lo 1Oc. THE DAiRY MARKETS. Butter-Pon,nd rolls are quoted at 20c; lnrge rolls are quoted at 17 to 18e. Creamery prints sell at 22 to 24c, and solids at 21 to 223yc. Eggs -Case lots sell at 18% to 19c a dozen. HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVER TUE GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent .1111411 E% cots. C.ANAi)A. Tho Penman Co., of Paris, aro open- ing 0 factory in Brantford. lirenlferd's water supply is low, and lawn -watering is discontinued. '111(1 ruins of the wiecktd Crystal Pal- ace, London, aro awing removed. Governmentite ,vernment will receive 524.615 from the estate of the late John \Waldie. The Allan Lino is building two new steamers for tho \funtrealeilasgoty ser- vice, The G.T.R. ask for a site near Major's 1111. Park for its tachy station in Ottawa. Hamilton oldenmcxt have direr harged the captain and crow of the stud pump for loafing. The (e'en. has kt contracts for a high bridge over 1110 Belly iliver lh• i, will bo a toile long. A Government inspector will bo asked to report on tho condition of several buildings at London, Ont. The Monlrcal Street Railway('nmpany hes acquired the right to haul and do liter freight cars in the city limits. Wisconsin paper mills have funned a merger to secure about 100,(1)0 acres of pulFwood in Quebec, Leading Atlantic liners mmnung to Canada. aro catering mono and more to second -cilias passengers. The building and machinery of Can- ada's mint will cost $500,000 and salar- ies and wages will total $80,000 per an- nuli]. The passenger rate of five cents a mile of the Alberta Irrigation & Caul Co. has been ordered mitres to four cents by the Railway Commission, M. 11. Mcleod, the new geterol mana- ger of the (:.N.II.., Ls at. Edmonton con- ferring with Messrs. !'fountain and Dil- Iir:ger regiudhtg the entrance of the new lines into the city. GREAT BRITAIN. The third reading of the deceased wife's sister's bill has passed the British Commons.A race from Queenstown to New York will begin on Sept. 7 between the l.usi- tania and the Lucanin. Lord Rosel.ery made a brilliant attack n:n tho Scottie!' ndls small lnownebill of the British Liberal Government. John Rednwnd, in an nddress at \\'ex- tord. denounced the members of the Sinn Fein as ncLtlatcd by jealousy. The body of Principal Gibbins of Bishop's College, Lennoxville, was found in the Midland Railroad tunnel, near Bradford, Eng. UNITED STATES. high re ng. 1 . . unfamiliar with skunks, 11Irtnplal if; eteleh the nnintnt. hal reit-oaten and, r.htnding ill n safe dietetic... opened file molt tn his revolver. Ile eplied it. but none of the slots took effect. Frank ea Sable nn&' of toe spectators, cornered Pe, skunk and killed it with a club. That he went !Mille` toy' a circuitous Mute. The management announced to enennt shnlr_5 that the performance 5%33 (elicit off. 'oD% 1'01 Ni V\ UNNAMEDikstrnyed Glassnare. Bottles and a Wooden Partition. \ deli:itch from Sydney Mines, r1.. .\n (xploSion in \Veddtefon A candy k.14 hen occurred on Wednesday after - 310011. \Ii -s Josephine Oram was stand- ing behind the counter, within two feet of n soda t•5untnin cylinder charged !o coo 'hundred and fifty pounds' pressure, which sudden). exploded. sending glass- ware. candy. beillks and other para- pte(rnn1M hying in all directions, and Sestet,yiug a wooden partition. Miss Oram's a s•_ape was mtraculoile. Out- side a lad h ight ski escaped without lInjury. Ontario bran, in •lenge, 810 toQ19'del &hemi... 8:3 to 825 per ton; Ontario bran, i.n lugs, 819 lo 819.511; shorts, $21.50 to $23; mulled 11 -uillie, 82( to 8251 per Inn: mud strafe►r1 yraint 530_ to 1132. {'rove ' T { l e^ RY2 10 - 22.:(': half -barrels, 811.25 to 51 1.75; elcar fat lo� •ks. 823.:0 1' $21.50; long cut heavy 01es-•, $2'1.5(' to 821.50; 1111' -bar- rels do, 810.7:, to 511.5(1; dry salt long e!enr becson. 10 t.) 11 %c; l rain is plate pinto beef. SIS Io 816: lint!-hanrls do, 87.50 to 88.25: barrels heavy mess Ix'ef. 510; half-1tu•Iels do. 85.50; compoundto • lard, 1t)% to 10%0; pure lard. 11'; 12%e; kettle rendered. 13 to 13%e; halm, 12% 10 15%,;e. necorling 1.5 sl7e; break - hot Univ.'s. iS 1•. 15yc; Windsor latoon. 15 to 15%:•; fro' di kitkd ahaltnir (1ressed logs, 89.75 1.4 810; alive, $6.7:e to $7.65. Eggs --No. 1 candled. 18% to 19c. But- ter -'Townships. 21 % to 22%e. Cheese. - Weston, 11'% b I1'�.c, EA -m:1 S TA l 5.S MARKETS. Milwnl,kee. Aug. 20.- • \Whom closed Menthe No. 1 northern. 99cto 81; No. 2 nert11ern, 93 to Otic; Sept.. '.3%e asked. Itye--Steady; No..1. 73 e, 77c. Iku•ky'- Firin; Ni. 2. 74%e; semi le. 51 to 74c. Cone -Steady; No. 3, cash. 51 to 513�,c; 1,i(1. Minttea20 p011.:, Aug. .-\\ hent -Sept.. 91% to 91%e; Dee., Me; No. 1 hard, 96%e; No. 1 northern, 95%c: No. 2 nnrlh- ern, tit In 92%c No. 3 northern, te83- to 90c. s 1se ions-- .. l'! (, 5 tot cu rn A bulldog tit itockaway Beach has saved five bathers from dioivning. Contagious diseases, especinlly scar- let fever, are increasing in Chicago. The Georgia Legislature passed a bill tie -franchising all negroes in the State. President Roosevelt will take no ac- tion personally regarding the telegraph-. (•rs' strike. Miss Roca Zipp, of Egnnsvilie, ind., died of typhoid fever, brought on by cx- ce-sive dancing. The United dates Treasury will loan geternment funds this fall to aid the inevement of crops. The Secretary of tine Ilunchakist, a Greek organization in New York, has confessed to directing a number e 1 murders. Records of (else weights and mea- t -tires used in New York city show that Pe people are cheated out of 513,000,- 0'.0 n yenr by their use. Chancellor Day. in nn interview at Lake Placid, N. Y.. declares That the Slnndnrd Oil Company is more saintly than the politicians who are fighting it. The business of printing and publish - 114. in the: United sides fleet's a lig i:.cr-ase during 1110 Iasi five years. ac- c..rJing to the reports at the census of- fice. All the saw mills but one have been eoliths -Ted to shut dont owing to kw water In the Chippewa River. Wis. The shuldn'.vn will last ',reliably tall the rale rain.. i -'n it S.hnuxel, of Tomah. \Vise while tiering down nn old frame house. dis- ct tere(1 n tin box which contained 515.- me 5:t 1Me in Government bonds, totes, and each. Nonan (-1,ffee and Fon Frasier, 1.45 who were in jail nt Mayfield. Ky.. chargel with burglary, while in the jai yard locked the keeper in jail and made their escape over the high wall, Brenn -e tel nearly recut nutumohile ticcidena in \tilwnuke0, an ordinance will be inlrxluceel before the Council at its next meeting prodding That all persons must pass nn examination reel be granted a city license before driving n machine. N. Store Mattson, son of ex -Gov. Heins Mattson of Minnesota. after snuandering an inhcrilan^e of 81,000. - (MN►. turned tramp for years. but is now earning rut honest div ing trills n steam shovel gang in New York and likes il. C.\TTLE M AIIKET. T, ne,nte, Areg, 20.-(,00x1 exporter:; cattle sold nt S5 to 1.6.25 per cwt. Some , pretty fair animals ',relight 85.7:5 to 85!00 - pee cwt ; while 10111- ranged in pI•ice - been 5.3.75 to 81.50 i0'r cwt. • Chot_•e feeders' steers and heifers ranged in price from $4.60 to $5 leek cwt, while gomt rind i nefium to choice am - nulls sold at 81.25 to $150; common to fair brought 53.50 to 8S. and canners range) from 51.50 tit 5t per rwl. A fol of the rough Aloft realized from $:.50 to 5.3.25 pet. cwt. The choleesl stockers were quoted al Se to 53.7:5. and common at 52.25 to 82.75 per cwt. 'Well (owe were plentiful. and the trade. in them teas fair. Prices ringed trent 820 11 55() each. \'col -acres sold at 3 to 6r' rer IS. 'I'tte nn•ivnls of sheep were henry. Price were unchanged et 8L50 In 81.75 for export cwe4. 83.50 to 5t for bucks end culla, and 55.30 to 56.2(' per cowl for lambs.` 56.75; lights and fate, 56.:0 per cwt. a ,1. \ItRll►NI SlI1%11.1 FI)R C.tN\int. grot.rk r. where a em lc e\p o n, caused by a bomb. shattered one: of the wall: of his apartntettl and destroyed most of the furniture, but 41141 not injure Lent A6ltlow11, who only arrit.SI at the lotto on Tuesday night. The ganM- keel:erss recenlle had Irnu',k with Poach- ers on the estate. anti ihA outrage is at- tributed to there. Lord Ashdown lens also been threatened by political ngite- lers. Al Ike relent (:aiway Assizes a kcal politician. who is n Justice of the Peace. w•as charged with Meiling others 10 murder Lord Ashdown. Ile was, how- ever. acquittal. i;F:LF AST STRIKE tl:TTLEI). Protracted Negotiations Result in horn romiee. A despatch from ilelfest says : The negoUaltons between the arbitrators and I1: leaders of the strikers ntsultal nn Thursday 1n n settlement of 111e labor trembles hens. The agreement t4 in the nature of a cempmmtee. Tho men rd turned to work on Friday at a slight in- crenso of wagers and with fired hours, while employers aro left entirely free to employ either uniontsta or non -unionists. SNAKE STIRTIED EXPRESSMAN It Escaped From Box in a Car a` Montreal. A despatch from Montreal says: Men at W441 about the Canadian Pacific d•'- pet are still talking of the peculiar con- signment that carte through Montreal en \Wednesday on its way to Toronto. It should have been transferred at Nerds Bay, but 6011104The blundered, and .gin it carte as far as Muntral. A couple of expr•essmen eteppcd into the car in wee!) the consignment lay, and peti- t -onkel to clear it out. Suddenly one of them gave a yell, and, will► his hair en end and his eyes popping out, jumped for the door. Ills companion shouted a question after hint and turn - •.d to do the work alone, when lie, too, stared intently 14,r a brief- and fleeting se00I1(1 into a curter of the car, after which tie entitled a yell worse then Rte other one and tried to climb up t'.e side c,f tho car in his terror. 1lie f::ct of the matter is, the men saw a snake. The snake had escaped from Ih box in the course of its trip to '1'.,roitto, where it is to be used fur exhibition purposes. TO TRANSPORT TRW WHEAT. C P. R. Will Provide Fifteen Thousand Box Cars for the West. A d4spatch from \tontiral says: In order that the wheat crop may be pro- perly handled, the Canadian 15 cific hue this year instituted ingi.itles with the object of ascertaining the number of cars required for the transportation of wheat. A report received from \\'inei-• peg stated that the crop would probably require fifteen thousand box cars, with sulliciertt equipment of engines to lran- dle them. These cars will be kept going steadily from tvester•n points to the great Ickes, and will be enough to take caro of the wheat as it is marketed. Local officials who are most conversant with the question of wheat transportation be- lieve that there will be 110 car shortage tbis year. HORSEFLESH FOR FOOD. Mr. Marl, a Chicago Buyer, Is Inquiring In Montreal. A dcsratch from Montreal says; Mr. P. A. Hart of Chicago Inas called upon D►•. Laberge, Medical Health Officer, in I'4 gorl to tho slaughter of horses for human consumption. 11 was desired to pu •eltlso horses in Montreal and ship thein to Chicago, where they could be earned into human food. The st•nnger was referred to special horse dealers in the city, but as Ole pt•ices of horses aro high in Mention'. it is not thought much business will lx clone here. I)r. Laberge was fished if lie thought the trade in i arse meat would 1,e successful in Mont- real. itis reply was that the public would have to le (ducait41 10 like the meat. which. it appemo, is much oppreciated L. Paris and other cities. 1-)nmi•ce1 for '.eplrmber Nett at Moil rr.rte hairs to Cape Breton. A d'spntch from London says: )tnr- r.ml announces a wireless service for Canada 1n September from Clition. Ire- land, to Cape Breton. 'the ordinary rete will be 51.. end the prem rate 234d., plus land charges. A large volume of business it expected. --moi-- FELL INTO BOILING WATTR. Italian Employed in London Factory Meets With Terrible Accident. 1 despatch from London. Ont., says: Paul \\'o:ell, an Italian employed in the enameling department of the \1c(:lacy Manufacturing G,., fell into a vat of le fling water on Thursday' morning and was so badly scalded that he may die. Three-fourths of 'he surface of his body was Immcreed, end the skin peeled off !is breast, back and arms. lie was :e- mceed to Victoria Iloapital. \Wotcll is e single man and has only been in the city- a short lime. SEA CURitENTS. Ocean Streams Are as Variable as the Winds of Heaven. There are as many vagaries in the water as in the wind. Why, for In- stance, should three great ocean cur- rents send their worn' waters across the wide Pacific, Atlantic, and across the Cape of Good {lope? Atony theories have been advanced to solve the prob- lem of their origin, but all have proved fallacious. Other and equally mysterious currents exist in well nigh all parts of the world. The tides are so erratic in different parts o; the world that one hesitates to ac- cept 1110 theory that the moon controls thein in all cases, says Wissen fur Alle. it is on record that the sea has run for weeks out of 1110 Java Sea through the Straits of Sunda, 'and thence back again for a like period, without any perceptible rise or fall during those times. Then there is the equatorial current that flows into the Caribbean Sea ; the overflowing current to the eastward nroand Cape Horn; the cold stream flowing from tho icy regions of the north past Newfoundland and Nova Scotia and along the American coast to the extreme end of Florida; the continual current running with a velocity of from four to five knots nn hour through the Straits of Gibroftor into the Ateclitcranncan Sea ; the swift current running across the rocks and shoals of they end of Billi- ton Island, which efferently frcm nowhere and ends somewhere in the vicinity of the some place. and the SHOT TWO. TIiEN HIMSELF. Italian Killed Sweetheart, Wounded Iler Friend, Committed Suicide. A de•pntclt from Chiengo Says: Mlchnrl 1►ct•rnin. on Malian, on \Wedne's- day Bight maul and instantly kilktl Al- y inil Vullni/inn, eenearsly weended her ecurin, Ahon Awe1d. and then killed himself. Ilelinin and Miss \'ultrnfinln were said to have leen engaged at one rime, but the girl hod recently refusal le• merry. because of his wilco conduct. The man lel:Until the girl's cousin for his dislrliessitl, Miss Award received n severe scalp wolin(1. rut will recover. '1110 bul- let. was deflected ly n comb 6110 wore in her heir. GENERAL, The Germans are threatener with an- other ineurreclion in (heir colony in S(•ulhw.'sl Aft -ten. Thirty Bulgarians end their lender were kille'l in 1,81I14k trill, Turkish troops in Eurnpc•an Turkey. The Spanish Government has retrieved the excess Ins on imporlatiolts of Ameri- can field'. Prince Firma. of Per•skn. will himself my the cost of an expedition ngninst the Trrkish Invaders Of his country. CO1.1.IERIFS (IN 11 tl.l'-T111E. Coal Company Ilan 1 nnsnally Larne !Nock on 11and. A despatch firm Reading. P• nn.. Itaye: 1t e4 reported herr that the d•'phia and Bending Coal and iron rte tupelo' will order 114 collieries on hulf- Iline this week and that They work but 'erne drys a week for seine lime. The matter will i* deckled M a to w 41113a. The eempanw has an unusual gnnntity of ere! in its storage ynrds fee this sea - tem of the year. POLSON IN CANNED BEANS. New York Woman Nearly Ilrork%llle. A despatch front Brockville says : Mrs. Elotomtun. Uf New York city. olio hax been camping up the ti'.rr from linck- vilM. almost lost her life on Wednesday horn being peeis/en(d by eating canned beans. Her cen(liti.en !meanie se, 111111111- i1g that she was brought herr and tifieel in nn ince.-pitnl. She is now re- pereed to be 1111011 letter. tea is net yet out of danger, although she is cope•:led to recover. ONLY 11%1X A P.A(:K, Solnon Canneries (lave !lad a Bad Sea- .on-- Ali 1111 Year. HE HAS GREAT POWERS. PRIVILEGES OF L0NIK1\'S LORD, MAt011. Takes Precedence Before the 1(0)al. Fancily Within the City. 1f the lord Mayor of London is not quite the exalted ami all-powerful being our Continental neighbors picture him, ho is, on the other hand, invested with 1110011 greatest powers and dignities than many u1 his fellow-suhje:ls of King Ed- ward are aware of. Int fuel it is not a g:•oat exaggeration to say of him that ha is a King within his own jurisdic- tion, says London Tit -flits. His kingship is enlphasizerl by the fact 'ilia within his (:fly bounds he has the right of precedence before all rho ltuyal Family. This was a claim which the fourth George, when Prince of Wales, resented and wished 1.1 dispute'. but Sir Janes Shaw, the lard Mayor of the lime, stuck to his guns, and the petr- o( the Gmrges had to be content with a view of his lordship's broad back. In old limes even the King of England could not gain admittance to the (:fly preserves unless• like anybody else, ho knocked at the door and asked perni s- 5iOn to enter. Of course, fie a matter of courtesy, the Lord Mayor teak care to be at Tetnplo Bar ready to give his. Sovereign A HOSPITABLE WEI.COME. To -day the King's soldiers cannot march in any large numbers through the city streets unless the Chief Mages-- trale gives the necessary permission:, and the password of the Tower of Lon- don is sent to him regularly, bearing- the earingthe King's own signature. Even out- side his kingdom he is treated by his Sovereign with almost as great honor as if he were Indeed a king. Not only has he the coveted honor of the entrees a: Levees and Drawing -Roosts, but ho- ts permitted to drive straight into rho Ambassadors' Court at St. James's Palace, while very exalted persons in- deed are compelled to drive around by Ccnstilution hull. Ile also enjoys rho rare 1•rlvilege of a private audience with His \tajesly whenever he chooses to current which, starling half -way up the China Sen, runs from too to lht•ee knots an hour to the north, and finally ends a',reptly at the north end el Luzon. Then we have those tidal vagaries known the world over ns lours. Resi- dents along the North Sea are familiar with totem, and can ser' them run from .side to side in a zigzag shape, until they reach their limit, often tearing the ships from anchorage. They originate nobody knows where or why. The rush of waters in the Ray of Fundy is nothing but a huge bore sweeping till before it up to the heed of the bay, until the western waters have risen to the height of 50 or G0 feet. Off 5' uthampt0n, in England, there are the double tides, while at Singapore it has been observed for days at a lime that there has been but one rise and fall in the 24 hours, The tides may be, and very often appear as Ihoagh they were, (moonstruck, but they are certainly not controlled with hart and fast rules by that or any other holy. Died at A dcspntch (hien (Mee a says : Rc- pr its of the Fisheries le pertinent shote that the salmon pack 111[4 year will be an eee eplionally poor one, The British Columbia Porkers' Association eslimnte the pack at 225.000 ^ns0S of 1A rounds each as epithet 173.671 enie4 in 1903 the corresponding "oft" year. The season on I'e Fraser Meer cbvt4 on August 2S. and before t at date ole deficiency can- not. possibly Miss FR %"ER'' 1'F:N'ION. (.rant ill Sk British I:olunibia Go'.crnmcnt. A despatch from Vietoria. 1i. C., says: The 6,ve•nmcllt of Britieh (nlumble tai granted an annuity for life of 8600 to \I ss Harriet Fraser of Toronto, Nino Fuser is 11* daughter of Simon Fraser tate N•.rthwesl Company, who owns toe hr -t le Iteir..ughly espl.re the river Ilia% bears his name. BAD FIRE AT BLIND RIVER. Three Million Feet of Lumber and Dork Destroyed. A deepntch from Sault Ste. Marie, O:.I., sats: A destructive fire fit Blind haver, at en early hour on Thursday r:1ul•ning, did $150.000 danmage - to the 1.1r,nts of the Dominion Lumber (;o., \I ore and McDonald, Mouithrop Limo ler Go., slope Lutuhrr (:n., \torgun I llll.cr (o., White Leine '.umber Co. '11.e fire stot•tcd from en unknown cause at the extreme end of the tramway, nn lh.: water front, and beforo being no- ticed had gained considerable headway, The firemen at Blind hirer tt•erc unable k. cope milli the conflagration aid the services of the "Seo" brigade were re- intrstcd by '.tire. The docks held about 73111.000 feet of lumber, nearly half of wLich wits destroyed. '1'I►c firemen were cempeil(d to reroute a portion ut the lrnmway with dynamite, and throw the lumber into the river before the fire could be stopped. Hundred Dollars From ._--4 ask for it ; and he is, by virtue of his othee, one of the King's Privy Council- lors, mud, indeed, is the only member 0! the Privy Council nt the accession of a. new Sovereign. The distinctive badges o' Royally, too, are his by immemorial right -the sceptre, the supreme symbol of majesty, the swords of justice aid mercy, and the mace. The herd Mayor's kingdom, too, ex- tends far beyond the City walls. He has leo uncontrolled conservancy of the River Thames and the waters of the Nfed'.vay alt the way from Oxford on the west 10 ROCHESTER ON THE EAST; and he can summon his courts wheel and where he will. Within the memory of people now living these courts used to be held in the gorgeous stale Jorge. it is, hu'.ycver, seldom nowadays that the Lord Mayor travels to the limits of his river kingdom. C►nce in fourteen years it is his duly to visit Oxford, and Rochester is honored once in seven years; and it is, perhaps, well that these slate visits are not more frequent, sin' n a single one of them costs a round $;,.000. A compromise is effected by a yearly trip of the Lord \toyer end cor- p0ration as far as Twickenham in the month of July ; and even this modest jaunt costs 8730. Within the City the Lord Mayor has very extensive powers, nmenotling prac- tically to a veto nn nil the courts in his jurisdiction. The Gouts of Aldermen and Common (council and the Court of Livery in Common 111111 assembled can- not even meet unless his lordship con- venes thein; and he can at any time put a full stop to (heir proceedings by removing the sword and Mace from the hall. Ile has also considerable patronage. Ilo aFpoints his chaplain. who is quite a n i',:.oriant cleric, with a suite of roosts u1 the Mansion (louse, GRASSHOPPERS EAT CROPS. i)eslmyina Oats and Barley in Vicinity of Sandridge. A despatch from Ton -into snys: Grnss- hcppers ere desire y erg e As and barley in Inc vicinity of Smelt -Age. Torry Sound, says Mr. An.k rs,n Elliott. who law teen judging standing crops !o? the Pmrhicial Depalllnelll of Agriculture. The insects eat the beards of barley and the leaves of oats, «,nsequenit', as 11' ',ahs cony not average more than ten bosh' Is an acre. and the bnr!ey 10. Mr. I:Ilkoll adviwd Ilia 1 HIe crops h' cut at once, e'en though um ea-, DYN A�IITE F.t(:1'0RY F:NPI.01)E.'4. Nine Killed and Taenly Injured at ik, milz A despatch from Berlin. Germany, s iys: :\ dynamite factory at Docrnitz, l rand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwt•rin, t xpe tied on Thursdny. One life is k1K w n to have been !oat. eight perseSns :.1(. missing, and are rewrite' as killed. twenty persons wines dangerously in- jured find six were slightly hurt.. Mrs. McDuff : "This paper sins that mice are attracted by music, but 1 don't telieve it.'' Mr. McDuff : "Why not?" Mrs. McDuff : "Because 1 never see any mice ar ettel when 1 clay the piano." Nit McDuff : "Well, (hat's no reason t er dCubling the papers statement." A SEIlVA\T AT COMMAND, and the privilege of riding in the stale carriage. Ile also has nt his dhslrsnl Irv, clerkship of the. ('locket office, w1)01n 11e pays out of his 05511 pocket ; and among other plurns he has to dispense are the ottices not wntert nil ff's1cr, int div ,000 a )' tants; and the presentation 01 n boy to Christ's hospital in addition to the ono he is entitled to present as alderman. As Chien O II)Inisskrwr of the I.leu- tennncy of 1110 City of 140(111 1119 lord - mission all the aldermen and deputies of the ('fly, the directors of Iho hank, lila members of the City, and such of hie immediate friends and relations as he pleases. The commission, ',ring under the Great Scol. gives all the person name•1 in it the right to Ue styled 'ems: quires,' and lire 1111,110 once in 1110 cern• mlrcion remains unless removal for any, valid reason, And to (row n his privileges. if he ever wants 101181 advice he can call iron Il►Recorder, the Common Serjennt. the torr City pleaders. and the City snlieitor, who are bound to place n11 their legal k•re nt his lordships disposal. f n. TII(: GOLUI:N RULE. Two men had lime. anshiutling tit each either for a long pec• telors at the corner of the street thought bl..ws 111)161. 50(11 follow . Sudden►y the Iwo men closed. In• stately their hats went oft end rolled In the dust. One of the men tint entirely bald, rind the other had a thick (read of liner. 'Tho bald molt F4•IZ(d the older by ttte hair, 7)11(1 began to ih•ngill 1)101 nUOut "Stop hint'' cried a bystander. "Why si14811 1 you slop hinr ?" atikrd nr.other. "lit.'s only poetising the gold- en ntle:' "I'he golden ruler What do you m"ean\W7' hy he's (king to the other num what he wishes In ga4111105s the other men might be able t, iso to hintr "Mr•s. ilakr� govt ' o1dIdnT's party (.,; bei t k urlolcr is o y(an o'ril-' -was ►t a ruccesa r' 'Howling'