Exeter Times, 1907-08-22, Page 5srs- • THE EXETER TIMES, AUGUST 22nd 1907 KEEP COOL Why not be comfortable the rest of the season when you can get a beautiful Summer Suit, made to order for $10. J. H. HOLTZMANN CREDITON, KEEPS KORRECT WOOLENS flustion sale of OroGuries and Fixtures Mr. S. Hardy has been instructed to sell by Public Auction 'at W. Finkbeiners Crediton Commencing Thvrsdav, fiugust 22llOE 1907 at 2.30 p. m. and in the evening at 7.30 his stock of Grocer- ies and Fixtures. Sale continued every afternoon and evening until stock is sold. Terms: cash. W. Finkbeiner, Prop. S. Hardy, Auct. • Reduction in Dry Goods Owing to some of our goods being damaged by smoke and water in the recent fire, we have concluded to sort them out and sell at a Red- uction. _ We will also add to this tie balance of our summer stock, as having ji'st taken stock we find it to large for the space we have in our store, we will also include in the eale our stock of Ready Made Clothing. You will also find low value in flannellette and gen- eral goods, they having been bought at old prices. Fresh Groceries on Hand Produce taken in exchange. J. Kellermann, Dashwood. •••••••••••••••••••••••M• • ••••4'f••••• fl. MILLS, - WOOD1iflM• Wo base just received in stock a crate of dishes, white and blue pat- terns, Cups and Cups and Sauders, also Toilet Sets, Bawls and Pitchers, s11 Mzes, which we are selling right. Hay Fork Rope, Manilla, at 14c lb. All kinds of harvestt ools in stock. Machine Oil, Peerless, tho best, 40c gallon. We have about 6 pieces of thatcheap Muslin left yet whioh we are welling cheap. Nice Fresh Groceries and Pure Spices in Stock. Highest prices, cash ort rade, for produoe. A. MILLS, - Woodham. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Barcrains! Bargains! ---at them WINCHELSEA STORE I2 c Prints reduced to 11e Muslins reduced 25 per cent Dress Goods reduced 25 per cent. Men's Summer Shirts, good choice of kinds and colors, reduced from it to 85c We have in a fresh shipment of Dishes, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Odd l'ieces and Fancy Glassware. This is the season in which you need lots of dishes We are bound to sell. Good bar- gains to the early buyer. Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes 1 Our supply is large, latest styles and makes. In spite of the advance in cost, we are still selling at the old prices. Fresh Groceries always on hand. We invite you all to come and see for yourselves. The Triumph of the Time! CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION 1907 TORONTO 1907 August 26th to September 9th Our Country's Resource. Canadian 1 rogress Our Country's Illustrated leduseies $400,000 In New Buildings $400,000 In Premiums $48,000 In Premiums $40,00( In Special Attractions 340,000 Industrial Activity National and Historical All That's Best in Exemplified PortiCit Collection Agriculture and io Art FINEST OF THE WORLD'S BANDS MAGNIFICENT BATTLE SPECTACLE UNRIVALLED) ENTERTAiNMENT FBA/TURES .elle fares for mead trips sal excursion rates coo every.liae of travel. Fa .11 ick analis. addles W. K. GEORGE. j. O. ORR. Nears. Malawi aid seerveare. alt H.1. TORONTO Crediton � Dasfiwood DR. P. J. McCUE, MEMBER ON- TARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC'. ens and Surgeons, Successor to Dr. E. A. Ha4st. Oredi to n. Oct. A lawn social will be held under the auspices of this Ladies Aid of the 'Lion Evangelical church on Fri- day, August 23rd. A tipecial program of addresses, music and realities will be rendered in which ehe following talent ie expected to .take part. Revs. J. W. Andrews, Orediton ; W. 11. Butt. Centralia ; ,A. 1I. Going and E. A. Fear, Exeter ; L. K. -Eidt. Dash- wood : A. D. Gisohler. Zurich: J. F. Sutcliffe and wife, Corbett ; Itev, E. 11. Bean and wife; ,Arthur Keller, mann, student at Naperville, I11.; Miss Pearl Holtzmann; Church Choir and the Crediton Male Quartette. Do not miss it as the ladies are sparing ne pains to make this a jrand truc- cese. Mr. \\r. Finkbeiner is offering by public auction his stock of grocer- ies and fixtures. Sale commences on Thursday afternoon at 2.39 and in evening at 7.30 and ;vitt be contin- ued every day until stock is aold. S. Hardy of Exeter is the auctioneer. Mr. W. A. Finkbeiuer spent Sun - clay with friend. at 1Idertar and Lon- don. Miss Marshall, of Forest, Ont., is a 'pleasant visitor with \Vm. Year- ley. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Clark a visiting fri*''nd., in Sarnia for a fe weeks. Mesars.8.Johnston and J. Diecht were the -guests of Mr. and Mr August Hill. on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Young, of Lot don, are visiting the latter's pa onts here for a sifew weeks. Miss Jeanie Brown }1a3 returne to her home in Clandebnye, rafter vis iting with Miss Ruby Esscry for week. Mr. Daniel Wein, of Detroit. is vie iting with hie parents. Miss Tillie and'Lizzie Wein are cis Ring under the parental root. Quite a number from ;here at tended the Summer School at Gran Bend, on Sunday. Flax pulling is finished and the In diens have mostly ell interned to th•. reserve. Mr T >11 M f •W' re w rt r - a d 0 c. urayl ' r , 0 nn pee. Man., spent Sunday withhis aunt Mrs. McMurray on Tuesday. M -r. Wilbur McMurray returnod home on Monday after a .two \eeek's visit with friend= at Sr. Marys. Mise Girvin returned on Saturday last to attend her dubies as school teacher. A large number frim the village Npent Sunday at Grand Bend and ate tended the summer Isohce!. The "Brownies" base ball secant played the return match at Lucan Mgt Friday which resulted in n tdcc 2-2 'nit the close of 'bhO 7bh inning. The first halt of the SO putt the Brownies at the bet and !they se. cured 5 runs in .this inning 'but ow, ing to darkness resetting in 'they oould Wet play out the full 8th inning. Mrs. Troller and child, of d)etroit, are spending their holidays tender the 'parental roof. Mr. Dan Wein, of Detroit, is spend- ing his holidays in the village will' hie parents. Miss Clara Heist and Miss Salome llirtzel left Saturday ,rnerning for Tomato to attend the work ahopa and millinery ,oponings. Mies Sweitzer, .of Haw berg is via. iting relatives in the village. School re-openchd Monday w.itlt ttv usual small attendance. Miss Girvin returned to hor du• ties after n pleasant vacation ;with parents in Lucknenv. he many frsen& of Miss Salter, of T nto, are ,leased to see her again. e. annual Children's day of the Einer kelical Sunday school is an• r .unced for ;text Sunday. In the t earning an appropriate sermon will b+ preached by 'the Pastor. 'Rev. E. It. Bean and in the afterncott the Revs. Melt, of Dashwood and Cisch- ler, of Zurich, will address Wye school. The addres,aes will be inter - emend by choruse a ,hy t he r ohool and in the evening the S. 8. will ren. der a fine exercise. Missionary of- ferings will he 'token up at all of these (trvioes. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Thr glad Yoe Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature of ••••••••••N••••••••••••••• • flign Glass DIfMONDS People who buy diamonds want stones that will bear the closest scrutiny — gems which are free from flaws and from whose tttrtace every ray of light is reflect- ed as from a di op of water. We carry all sizes of dia- monds from the largest to the smallest, either set or unset and all of the pure.t duality C. H. WARD & CO. 874;Richrttond St. two OnI •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Lax.eis swamp& Of A Callillod UMW Mies Lilly llartleib returned hom after a pleasant vi.it- with friend in London and other places. She was unfortunate in losing all hor belong- tnes as well as a sum of agony in the fire which devaatatcd-•fxr borne. Miaa Ethel Kellermann .was ,,uc. scasful in passing the Senior Teach- ers Leaving. Iler friends congratu- late her on her aucoess. Mr, Wm. Shrumn, who ,had been notified of the fire ivLich tele des- troyed his store, arrived horn' from Detroit at 8o'clock DLotday tuornine. Mr. .T. llartlei) has a number of risen at work clearing up the ruins of 'the tiro in order to net read to rebuild at once. G. Edigheffer and D. Tiernan will Mit/VC into temporary apartments to resume work until suitable buildings will be ready. Meas Read, of London, • who is camping at the Bend called cn 4}ftp )lease. Goetz on Sunday. Mr. .1. Keiiertnarto lase week sold two neve scale Wiilia:ns pianos, ogle` to Mr. Ezra Tiernan anti the other to H. Ehlers. Mr. Milton J. Goetz who hike beer.' holidaying at his home bare tela last week returned to Detroit. Mr. Wee Sbrumrn taper:: a few days itt Detroit this week. Mr. J. Kellermann has hie house shingled and expects •t.o move ivt about the first of October. There died in our village on Thurs- day Jai Greig un old and respeoteri resident at the ago of fifty years. Deoeused has been suffering for some years from dropsy, which 'finally caused his death. Ile leaves a wife and several efhildren who mourn the loss of a kind husband and father. The interment took place in tlia Lu- theran cemetery on Saturday atter- noort. Inow : Rev. .1. \V. llibbert and aife, Thorndale: Rev. A. E. Jones and w ifs IAuburn ; Rer. J. E. nliliyard, Birr: Rev. E. G. I'owc11, Brussels, and 'dr. o Lawrence li:siop, Stratford. Jl'a- Levan, o, \Voocistocs, is Inc ue.. t of Mrs. D. N. McLeod, ac Ma..t'le Grove. ~ribs Richardson, of Windsor ; Males Sharpe, of London : Miss Sage. of Hamilton, and _Miss Jamieson; Wind- acro are the guests of Mr_. Glass, at Maple Grove. !Misses Carrie and Anna McArthur, I Miss Stanley and Dr. Thoma Wilson, of Maple Grove, attended the Hensel) dance given at St. Joseph's. ZURICH Iltcbt. \1'iliiams relieving at the Ctcditon branch of the Sover- eign flank. Mensal' and Exeter people held a dames in the big block at St. Joseph one Might last week. The Zurich ,Flax lCo., started threshing flax en Tu:sd•-ty. The crop of sued promises a fair average_. The barns of John McLean, of Tuckers:anis were damaged by last week's storm. The rvedy insurance in the llsloegoa Wiscoeaterher Co.b Mr. Duncan McEwen, sen of Mr. Alex. McEwen ex•cnuncillor of Ilay Township. who is an engineer on the C.P.R. Crow's Nest section had hies leg st; badly injured while on duty recently, that the limb had to be amputated. Mr. W. 1I. Talbot of tete Bronson Line, Stanley, brought in the first Load 't Fall wheat to the Zuriioh mill. Ifiss wheat yielded 12 bushels to the acre. Reeve Lamont of flay and Reeve Willert, of Stephen, captained tba tug-of-war bet veen the two Town- ships at the lend on Thursday, and as might be supposed our Peter brou;ht the "ten spot," back with him. The excitement was 'intense, and things looked decidedly Rcrappy for a time, but even at that gamy our 'I'on•nahin could put up a warn[ a rg ttr,le n t. School reopened on Monday. It is always desirable that all children he present on the opening day, as it greatly facilitates the work of l - in tp the various classes for e tern:. CARD OF THANKS I ie$ire t.o thank the mgny friends of the village of Dashwood and viein.- ity and others who helped mo in the saving of •m -y property from fire last Sunday morning. ). KELLERMANN GRAND BEND Mrs. Gillies and Miss Jean tulle of London, Alias Mabel McNeil, Ailsa Craig, Vtole.s Rosser, of De field, and Agnes McEwen, of Lieu who have been camping at "\Vence Rest" pottage for the past t% weeks, have returned to their re pective homes. M'r. Sam Gillies' auto bunch, Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday here. Messrs. .Oscar ierinuie, D. D Douglas, F. Baw'1eu, E. McFarlan D. M. Wetherspoon, of Ailsa Crtti came to Grand Bend in an auto o Sunday. Mr. Dick Canning. of ,the Brews House, visited at Claudeboyo for few day's last week. Mr, Bert Clark of the Brenne House has left for home. Mr. Fritz of the Brenner Mous accommodated 488 people on Sunda The gasoli o launch took n ,boa load to fort 'rank Sunday and 11 boys bad to ; lk home. The engin broke down w len leaving, that plac The boys that stole the footba had better return it and save trou bit. Wrn. Fritz gave a '(lance to th guests of the house Sat. 17th an a very good- time. The bortende ,was taking lessons as was also th dinint;•room girls. Mr. Fish Spent Sunday in Exeter Mr. F. 'layette is building tr nes house this fall. Mr. T. 'layette is building a one; house tic:s fall. Mr. Jack Itoss has returned to hi home itt Stratford after a pleasan outing e:ith ti.e boys at Anchor Vil Ia. Messes .1. O'Rourke and M. Avey who have been staying at the Lea vitt house, returned to their home in London, Monday. Mot. 1). O'Ilren of Crediiton, is in camp at Swastika Cottage. Mrs. McDougall and Uamile, of Stratford, have returned horse at - ter a mummer at Rertholtn. Mr. Ready and family of St.Marys, are encamped at Pineeroft. Mr. H..1. Jones is puttingsane en- dition to his summer home, Oakllffe ont he London side. Messrs. Teel Marko lierb Sitn- rnons and harry Coghiil,'who have been tenting here. left on Wednesday for their home in Stratford. A gorgeous serenade was bald by the byos who are tenting, at which vocal music entertained the campers at an u.arly hour. "T•mrrtic" carried a lantern : whether i, ,vas to show who and where they were, or tvhet.h- er they were searching for daylight we are not at liberty to racy. Mrs. 1'roudlove and little dough - ter Lcorreine have returned horse at - ter a wick at O•so-ezi", where they were the guests of Mrs. Wilson. itesnrs. Jack Page, harry Craig, and flit, Craigie, of Gotkrich, left for heir home on Thursday rafter a ,leasent hclidey. A grand masquerade ball wire hell t MaprGreve on Tuedstty night. Mr. Howard Ilouston, ,who Chas rmtpletely recovered from the recent' ;pet froms a canoe, has returned to .ondon in his usual good health. The \1' s edncsday evening ascaron of he autnrner sohcol took ntltirely the orm of an entertainment of views ev. Mr. Copeland, t' •f ,Watford, firming still picture -a for an hour rel moving pictures for three -guar - re of an hour, with Leo Moly Land at he subject of the majority of tho teen A small admission ter west barged, but 'a good-sized crowd 1 out. The vie We were not only tn- resting but instructive and Mr. Noland very 'nicely intersporael lent with r•xpliilatory remarks. ivy Cottage i.eaa ',occupied be a arty ct Young l.td;ea. it eonenta ;Steaea Wilton, therritt, Sutton toter and Hayter, of Greene: v t p.hall and Burton, of London : ITh. edncyk of Exeter ares Arrn.trong, \V yore l n g. Mau Lillie Atkinson, of Allot Cesare holidaying here. Vias Ifacr, c•f ierantfool, it the unit of \Tr. John Kerley tt fine• oft. A aprtc of Methodist Minster.; in rm. nt Fnst Lynne rnm;•riwa: iter. .1. A.hton and wife, Rrsthwttl: 'v. T. F. Ss= and wills. Lusk• ee of ry da ve of 1. g, n er a r y c.0 11 e d r e t• 3 t a c I f R a a tc a vi c er to C t of 1•' t' bl of is g Cr e.1 R I'll stop your pain free. To show you first—before you spend a pone —what my pink fair: Tablets can do, i will mail you free, a Trial. Package of them—Dr. Shoo,.'. Head- ache Tablets. Neuralgia. headache, toothache, period pains, etc., are due alone to blood ' oongeation. Dr. Shoop's headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Ad- dress Dr. Shoop. Racine, Wia. Sold by W. S. 'Lowey. For years the farmers of Ontario have heard cl the phenomenal pro- duction of the Western wheat fields and have resignedly accepted the rnuch advertised superiority of the Western flour as conclusive fact. All over Ontario the demand for On• tario wheat has fallen off, with a consequent lowering of the price paid to the farmer for itis grain. In ad- dition, bran anti shorts have become so expensive as to se iously reduce the margin of profit !br the dairy- man and stockman. Now, the most practical discovery of the last decade, the one most far- reaching in its results to Ontario farmers, is that known as "flour blending." Western flour has been popular in Ontario on account of its large /percentage el gluten or "strength," which chemists call pro• lead, although the western product lacks both flavor and color. Flour made from Ontario ssinter wheat is not rag strong but has a peculiarly attractive flavor. When :: tittle little \\astern wneat is added to the Ontario product, the percentage of gluten is increased and all the flavor retained. The practical resulta of no di cavity are certainly noteworthy. t tario millers who have made a ;spec- ialty of lite new flour have driven out Western flour from the Mari• time Provinces. They have hen compelled in some ins=tances 1,, double their already extensive pinta, and have created ouch a demand in Tor- onto that the most popular lo.if sold to -day In y ;s made cf On. tario Mended(bit Naiir.cit What is true of Nova Scotia and No Brunswick, where an unpreju- d d public have decided in Izvor of the blended noun of Old Ontario, ought to appeal to Ontario farmers generally. Buying Manitoba flour 1,4 financial folly, when the purchase of the Ontario preduet nisei better bred. and helps to create n demand for Ontario wheat. When people all over Ontario realize the fact, the fer- ment of Ontario will not only be the gainers of it, vocal million. of del. tarn, ihut will find that the. cost of bran and Silorts will drop to the normal figur.s of ten t.a 15 doilars it ton. Surely the Ontario farmers should be the firs: t' sit the good example, by ;.hues.« only the flour mad- largely from Ontario whcut. 0.41.011002%1411. TM kW YRk AI $IV! gars As at NEW IIRRIV#IL OF FflLL 60008� flT ZVEIGK[ftS • SPECIAL PRICES Linoleumns and Oil Cloths We have just received a ehipment of Scotch Liooleuws in Floral and Block patterns, 2 andel yard widths, extra good quality. We have 8 beautI. NI new patterns in the 4 yard width for you to select from. We have also new patterns in Floor Oil Cloths: in 1 yd. 1 yd, and 2 yd widths. Lace Curtains New designs ()ought at right prices. We have the selection and can guar. autee you the very beat valises in this line. We bought many lines of our goods before the advance. You get the benefit by dealing with us. Ready -Made Clothing We have also opened the first shipment of Fall up-to-date Ready Madre Clothing. A large selection of Boys' and Men's Suits. New patterns, made «p In the latest styles. We are Clearing out Many Lines of Summer Goods Very Cheap. We are putting a largo number of Remnants of all kinds of goods on solo this week at Bargain Prices. Highest prices paid for Produce. A Call Solicited. C. ZWICKER, - Crediton. Binder Twine Here are the following lines of Binder Twine carried by us. Plymouth Special Salmon Tag Hobbs' Best —Gold Medal orml% We have solb over ten tons so far this season of these bran• so they must be good, and the prices are right too. Don't forget that we have good linees of paints, and everything in the hardware line. W. MOORS - KIRKTON. V ++++++++++++++ 4.44444÷1-14++++.1÷H+14+444.41 -}•it4+444 10 Per Cent. Discount Off the following lines of shoes: Ladies■■Oxfords, Sandals, Button and Lace Dongola ' Shoes, Boys■-anvas and Dongola Shoes. fc * Girls-•Dongola Shr'es and Oxfords. All Children's Shoes discounted. ' i i This Sale Lasts till 1st September, B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar : fee -b+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++-t T1I13 WESTERN FAIR. • The 'vatern Fair, London, Ont. held this year Sept. 6th to 11411 will without doubt be 'a great sue zees/Entries are corning in fast i x.11 the depagtmente. At the pree at time i cations are that the Torso Exhibit will be t'^_ry large. The London Bunt Club have kind• offered to exhibit the six couple t'_ bounds and horses composing the Lunt team that won thin class in the International Horse Show at London, England. this year in +comp; tition tition with the world. The Exhibi- tion will be composed of four Ifor-"s ridden by the Master, Hon. Adam Beck, I huntsman and two whips in the In colors, and will conai„i of Horses in theireexhibition of juelie int exactly as shown when winning the above prize. Mrs. Adam Beck has kindly contented to exhibit be'r harness horses', carriages and ap- pointments, as exhibited tit LI#s above show. This will certainly be n Sight worth travelling miles to neo. it, will biz given en Tuesday and Wed.' needay afternoon before til, Grand Stand. Programs have been issues! owl all th eattracticvts as +dvcrti'"d take place daily. All information given on Applica tion tot ha Secretary, til)etvral Ot fco•., Lcndon, Ontario. 1, 11Cough Caution beater, po.itlw.•ly nes„r poison Oar amts. MuRh—r;vc•n tr ,n a +bnply cohl only—jou always heal; soothe, sod ...teethe Irritated thlai 'tntx•s. 1)01'1 i linins .uppres. 11 ar stupefying 7)01.0!. it•s.traage how ngl Anally cnme atx,ut. For twenty resi Ilh basrvnstantly seinen 7.•oplenot to takeeo,4 mixtures -or prey rlt,te.ns cpttaining Opt Chloroform, or %Ifni r l+'isot,c. And no —all late though--c*ongr,•.s w c s 'Put 1t on the la If poisons are fn your cowl Mixture.” 0 Very Roo.1"R.•rsaft• r for thieyeryreaaonm and others, should hts;.t on /using Dr. llhoop' tough cud'. No poi•,.1 marks on Dr. tlh labels—and note In tin• Jeannine, else ft cant law be on the Iat,v1. at.,1 Its cot only safe. Is said to be by shoo -that know It beak a . tentt�e: lnpaytrkoust aI rei,uwgihth 7:07171, ,eutel,yIllTdarekne. nIn.oe.tharce onha ve Dr. 1 hoop's e":11rh (•ur.• t ompsrs carefully Ih. [+hoop parksi' with others atal note the, ' difference. No poison marks them! Yoe ea' always be on the sale tide by demanding Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure W. S. HOWEY.