Exeter Times, 1907-08-22, Page 4THE EXETER TIMES, AUGUST 2nd 1907.
Soaps Soaps Soaps
of all Ma
Hair brushes, cloth,
Nail, Tooth brushes,
and Whisks.
—Aluminum combs
—Pocket combs
--Talcu►u Powders
--Tooth Pastes,
Sponges and all Toilet Articles
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
Exeter. (lntario.
Terms .of Subscription $1.00 per
year in advance. $1.50 ;nay be
charged If not no paid. To United
Staten subscribers, $1.50 strictly in
advance. No. !paper discontinue
until all arrears are paid, unless at
the option of the publisher. The
date to which every subscription is
paid is denoted on the label.
Adrertisine ratoe on application.
—The Western wheat crop is a
etmataut subject of discussion. Senn.
dere, where annual Iorecasta are
made 111tH care, predicts (t throe:
fourths crop. Other Easterners equ-
ally careful and with no desire to
injure the \Neat, who have recently
made a careful study of the situa-
tion, place tate yield at about a thee)
fifths crop. Perhaps a 65 to 70 per
cent crop will be ,near the gnark.
There are varying conditions in ttie
.\Neat and there will bo varying yields
from a full crop in .the fall ,sheat
area :tnd.North of the Canadian Nor
there tee at out a 40 per cent crop
South of the main line of i.eapCan-
adian I aeific Rai,tway, with the dis-
trict between averaging about 60 par RUSSELDALI,
cent. or better. Early fro:te would Mitis Beatrice, Clark visited jeer
reuut'e even this eetimate to a ter` brother Mr. Alec. Clark poet tc.tk.
lots record. - Mrs. Alec. Stewart and fancily of
• Dakota, left for their home:on 'Tues-.
The annual statement ceet.he trade day sifter visiting friends in thee MI -
of the: United Kingdom with "foreign cinity for the. past •farce menthe.
countries and Brit ei1 posseseion9 for Miss Hattie and Mr. Carl Harris.
2906 and a comparison,with four of Mitchell, visited Miss Vina'Cornish
Opreceding years has boom issued in on Sunday.the form of a blue beok.The total
revenue. and this is tee gratify1nj
result of their labors.
lit is true that tho general expen-
diture has largely increased. No
apology is effeoed for ithis, ane stone
is eecectsary. The financial neaord of
the Liberal G,overnwueut is eubtuitteed
for 4pprerval, and it is worthy of ap-
prov l and cowwendation. The fpov,
ernui.ent have kept paoe with :the
prodresa of the country. That rat:oof
cep a:e ste of government i., leas note.
.taking into consideration the extra
receipt'. tent it was under tho Con-
o servalires. No fair courlrarison cell
be made. with the expenditure cf ten
years ago tr'ithout►making allowance
for the tremendous advancement the
couutry has made. A nation's qx-
pewees increase with the growth of a
business, as do t hose of an individual
itt the case of Canada, ample return
has been received for every dollar
exp^_n Led.
Increased devclopuient, inertias:d
trade, increased deeelcped territory,
increasing public w,ork•s, and ineas-
ing population involve increase na-
tional expenditure. As the tausin.sm
of a nation expands, its cxponsols are
bound to increase in proportion. Ne
man in possession of reasoning pow,
ars will Fay that increased expendi-
ture is of itself ,conclusive evidesst'
of incapacity or extravanganoe.
No attempt is made 4o deny the:
national expenditure has increased.
The expenditures have been liberal
but prudent, and have ,had much to
do with the grotsih and progress
made. All expenditures have been
made .in the public interest. This
Government has kept pace with the
times and made duo .provision for the
future. The (Conservative method
was to epeud several midis ie mors
each year than tee revenue furnisly-
ed, and borrow the difference. The
Liberals may spend more, hut they
have more demands upon Lhem, and
withal they arrange for a surplus
each year.
Tho Conservatives spe: t lees than
the Liberals, but they spent more
than they had. She Liberals spend
more than the Conservatives, lbut
they at the same .time lessened the
rate of taxation and had many mil-
lions of a credit balance each year.
The minty fl'iende here of Mrs. \r.
C. Pearce, nee bliss Sarah Northoott,
of lona, and formerly of this vicinity
who has been seriously ill tenth rheu-
matism and lnflarnmation of the. lteisrt
will be pleased le learn thr(c'her thhy-
sician Dr. Browning reporbs her
progressing favorably.
.value of importer from foreign coun-
Mies Jennie llarris, of Tonenaada
tries and British possession,' during N. Y„ is the guest of eliee Jean
1906 amounted -to £607,13'38,500, ns Cole.
compared with £365,010,911 in 11103, Rev. Mr. Lawrence, of Seaforth
and £528,391,274 in 1902, while the twat he guest of Mr. KcnnoOtd'Hod-
exports of the Hriti+h and Irian pro• gert, over Sunday
duce amounted in 'total value (to --+o—
£373,579,3.8 in 1906, £254,23400 ;n CENTRALiA
005 and £171,332,110 in 1902. Of Just Babel Butt, of London,
the total imports of $607,818,500, the iting at her !tome here.
total value from `British poi sessions Mr. Ilarvey hicks, of London, is
including protectorates, amountedto hcliclaying at his home.
£142,16o.210 in i900, as compared with Miss Huxtable, of London, visited
£106,916,457 in 1902. Of the ttotal fiieade here last week.
exports of Ilritish produce oi£375,- Rev. G. R. Beamish, and daughter
experts of British produce of £375,- Mss Margaret, of Belleville, are vis -
575,338 the total raiue r.xborte+d to iting bis sister Mrs. James Handford.
British possessions and protectorates; Miss Jean Handford, of Toronto, is
nmounted to £121,341,278 in 1900, as a •guest at the home of her uncle
compared with £109,091,836 in 1002.1Mr.
n, srfrom Itard.
dre attended the
BR; REVENUE RECEIPTS. Summer Scheel at Grand Bend on
A glance at the general revenue Snedee-
for the first quarter of Ilea current 'she's Marin and Miss Sparks have
fiscal year ending 30 July, 1907, will revuincd their duties at at solr_t-,l.
dtseleee a Iem:trkatee crelief ion iof Mr. and Miss Carter, of Claude.
nffaira. • The total revenue for the boye, aro visiting their cousin Mise
past four mouth`; amounts to $32,.' Beely3 Stepson•
291,8nr : during t he same period the Miss Yearley and Miss "elerehall,
total exlrcn6 tore has been S17,191,- i of Forest, aro the guests of MLitt
663 on consolideti•d fund account :.est} • Attie Wilton.
$4,561,611 on capits1 account.
Vise Lillian Anderson felt Lor hen
For the first four months of tee 1 new )raree in the \Vest on Wcelnesday
cov'e'n fiscal year the surplus of ' She It as prereented with a ,beautifull
ordinire veer nue over ordinary ex- tea t•. wise by her many friend's hero
penditure was $19,100.223. in short t en Tuesday evening. Miss Andorann
1 h affairs of the Dominion (have will he greatly mireeet here, hut qtr
basin conducted upon such a Pound 1 wish her ever) Jiappinces in Ler new
basis that there is a visible 'urplu., houu•.
of $19,100,223 in four tnouihs.
Is it teeteenably ptrssil:le that the I''\IHQ1'11AIt
opponents of the Government can 'disses Gardner ilea Turebul; visit -
convince the people that a (theme. is S I relay.
Miss ds' abld' Whit have the rorty^ry t• MMay Dercked in l(cnr'all last , Sire los h n vis-
.tives t coffer which wiII prove snore i itiat Chiseihuri;t for th 111+t
acceptable than t he resulte outlined' month, has returned Lome.
herd' It should set be forgotten Noe. A. 1'opplestone, of Itlyti
that there' figures aretu.: rstintate', . is visitin„ her sister Mr4. 'tor -rtes
tbey are actual results and th'r cash and friends in the district.
balance to the credit of tato people Misses Rebier anis hemp • ere
is in the treasury of the Dominion. emote of efts, ll. W. F. hearers der.
For the first four weeks of the 1 ins the %%tee, ;Jo, Mta= Lister, of
pneeet fi-cal year the cuatoniy rev• I Brant feel. ,
ewe: totals the top hatch fig:trc of Miss vera (nee -.:4i. of ►\-ineeeise ,
$20,451.915. The Liberals promised visited her cousins the 3f:aaci Fell
they wild eonatruet a tariff for 1 last w -e'„.
Rev. lit. M'-ldru:u, of Ceiv'danti.
preached .a Itery eloquent sermon in
Thames Road Church last 'Senile.
oleo elev. lie. Turnbull, of Tor 'nue,
addressel it he Sabbath Solite{.
\Misr (Hamilton returned Saturday
after her vacation gild commenced
her it: •� ai tee erf., o on Manday.
'I c 1
Mr, Sam Dun^an, M, .ecsl: d•11 l)un•
ran and Mies Kathleen Robb, spent
Saturday and Sunday at Grand Bend.
11rs. 1):•, B:if:ur •rd awughtcr of
London are guesta cf efru. \Va&ree
Mr. tend Mrs. Stevenson and little
e Ile:liter are ee Cts of sera. Jo
Mrs. Jas. McCul1eu3It hie return•
ed • r:ma nf,- r 1pi•ndina ,s -veral Werk s
At Sare.: t and Detroit.
Masters John and Charlie Cottle
returned home from Logan, where
is v1s-
A Hair
Nearly every one likes a fine
hair dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage-
able; to keep it from being
too rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the they wr.ri visitin their grandmoth•
same time, a regular hair -food. er tre. ,togk.
Well-fcdhair will bestron r.'Geo. acrett. of Glad+tone int
g E,l'ot Toronto, visited with Mr. and
will remain where it bolo. gs— Mr.,• R;•arcrs list wctck.
on thr head, not on the comb!
The best kind of a testimonial—
gold for over stab years."
Mas. tita. amit,..„ C•.car.er- s se. tea
At.. iia•
.hers cam• >!+CTOItal
M,s. Mary Reach left Saturdry f*
e4 ir./ire l') reSunt. her detiee a 4
L nc!'er 11r -.rt•
eliem McIntyre. cf Fullerton. wag
th• guest of her aunt ?ire. 11 r.m
lir 'land last work.
Mr.+. Andrew 8tett;tr1, et S^ttrtlt
is the )inlet rf Moe .1. ale -overt se.
Miss Mabel rilfillan, of Kirkton.
vaned at Nr:. R. Gardner• on Fri-
day last.
Mies Jewel:on, of London. don. ds
sweating her holidays wi.t'h her pan,
c+nIli Leri.
Mrs. Thos. Bissett and Miss •Edith
Brows. of Exeter. tap visiting with
tlee r Ofothor %Vill of 'tlbta village this
At the knee tit writing Mr. K'. J.
Tufts ie sufferillut 'severely item VII
attack of appendicltls. We hope for
lues speedy Iesovory.
blies Maggio Lentil left can Satur-
day to revenue her teachir)g at Point
Mr. Alert Stvitaer is p.laddioV
greatly to the appearance of fibs
place by a cent Of paint applied by
our gonial painter W. Mack. Things
will not Look so blue often you get
used to tteem.
A woman who it weak nervous and
sleepless, and who has cold hands
and feet. cannot feel anti act like a
well person. Carter's Iron Pills
equalize the circulation. remove ner-
vousness, anis give strength ane
A especial 'meeting of the Council t
of kite Ttownaltip of Stephen was herd I.
in the Nw^ '1c:wti ilall, Crediton, on
Tharedir, tiro 15uh inst. at 7 p, m.
Ali tnieinbors were present with tthe
esoeptawl of the Deputy -Reeve, Mr.
Tho (minutes of thte previous meet-
ing Itttrne 'toed and adopteed.
Tho clerk reportod that ko tad
submitted the Council's offer to the
Climax 'toad Machina Oo., of ilamib-
ton, els to aernent tile moulds, and
that the offer had been incoopted.
:Wutcith—Sanders — Tluit By-law
No. 21 of 1907, being a By-law to
ironies I) benturc4 for tho amount of
131800 foe Public Behold No. 14, :hay.
Sig been read '!the third (time be
passed and signed by the ;Rteeve and
Clerk thethe or.1-
lcr end t seal of Ctorpl
tion attached thonoto.—Carried
Tire foillort-irtg orders wore passed :
Municipal World, forms, $2.19; Rich.
tlandford, gravel contract, Alk. 1,
S. B., $40.00.
The Council adjoerhed do lnect
again ip the Town Hall, Qrcditon, on
etotsday, the 2nd of September, 1907,
at 1 p. tn.
If. EILUEIt, Cleak.
A man's wife 'should always bo
tl:e same especially to her husband.
but if she is weak and nervous, and
uses Carter's Iron Pillg, she cannot
be, for they make her' "feel like it
different person," so they all say
and tbcia husbands say so too.
Western Fair, Sept. 6 to 14.
Exeter, Sept. 16 and 17.
Seafortle Sept. 19 and 20.
Listowel, Sept. 24 and 25.
Blyth, Sept. 23 rind 24.
St. !Marys, Sept. 2i and 26.
Wingham, Sept. 26 and 27•
Brussels. Oct, 3 and 4.
'Kirkton, Oct. 3 and 4.
Oat harvesting is the order of the
Mrs. And; r son and sou Clarke, of
Winnipe, are visiting at Mr. Samuel
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jeckclis anti
family of lfamilton, have .returned
home after visiting around .here.
A happy crowd of Whalen people
attended the opening of tee summer
school at Greed Bend.
Mrs. Ernest Parkinson, of Ilryans•
ston, is visitin= with her Mother.
Mr. Ilarvey Sutherby was dipped
by several young ladic;.
My friend, look here l you know
Low weak and nervous your wife is
and you know that Carter's Iron
Pills will relieve her, now why not
be fair about it any buy her a box?
• ..+
1Vc eery often have requests .,,,-
f row
,,frow propie wishing servants
or help and at present know -
of five or elx perces where geed •
farm hands tan get steady em-
ployment of• where servants
can get good f.ituations. The
lioness w ill be furnished to any.
one by calling or writing the
Times Office. •-
+ ;i:
+ +++++++•1+•t•+
Mr. Jobti Delbridgo sold a velu-
able driver for $150 a few days ago.
•lhe three M.sses llzrryhill spent
last Sunday is Illan'herd visiting
thz,r aunt Sire. Ila►kwiil.
Mr. Cha.. Dclbridgc oral two sig-
ler+ event Sunday at aetaffa visitiu;t
Mr. John Livingstone.
eludes ient ie and itc•y Johns front
near Dasltwetel (rt!fit a fete ,days
visiting their aunt end uncle Mr. and
firs. ,loan !fern .+r.
Mrs. (;i 0. W. 1)elbrid,t^ and child-
ren spent last Friday visiting her
mother Mrs. A. Marron, hose Line.
Mrs. Milton Brock. of /ion, spent
hat F ed ty : visiting .her tnather
elle. W. 11. U •ihridge.
The 1r_rriee tlett were lost .1 few
dies ago have beer: found to •:r •ry1-
th:tt;j :3 alt
M an ladicaden that the
stomach and other
ae XII we,
t lti�si Uor
Mid of aches and it►i and
h mostCO>snnoi
bol4 t their meals
and Stony as they
do iw j•its oomnt ry.
gek di of ores
alai ah. L ~mei nak, Lowall. iMftaar
The Sind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has bee*
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature e[
and has been Houle under his per.
sonal supervision since its infancy.
• Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health at
Infante and Children --Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTORiA
Castor's is n harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare.
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle
substance. Its ago is its guarantoe. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates -the Food, regulates the '
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
?NC .ewya.A COMPANY. rr MVwmay . 51* vomit CITY
SynoIfs of Me Conoiioo Norfd Wal
T even numbered section of Dotulnion Lands in
,askatchewan and Alberta, excepting
S and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by -
any i neon who is the sole head of • family, or any
ale beer 1S ye: not age, to the extent of one-quer-
mter section of 160 sere,, moreor lees.
Entry moat be made personally at the local land
office for the district in which the land is situate.
Entry by proxy may, however, be made on certain
conditions by the father, mother, son, daughter.
brother or sister of an intending homesteader.
The homesteader is required to perform the con-
ditions connected therewith under one of the follow-
ing plane:—
(1) At least six months' residence upon and culti•
%soon of the land In each sear for three years.
(2) If the father (or mother, if the father is de-
ceased) of the homesteader resets upon a farm in the
vicinity of the land entera4 for, the re.tturemerea as
to residence may be satisfied by such person residing
with the father or mother.
(3) if the settler hu his permanent residence u
farming land owned by him in the vicinity or hips
homeataui, the requirements as to residence may
be satisfied hy residence upon the said land,
Six months' notice in writing should be gisen to
the Commissioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa of
mention to apply for patent.
Deputy of the Minister of the Interior
N. IL—Unauthorized pnblication of this advertise-
ment will not be paid for
Executors' Sale.
Auction Sale of Valuable Proper•
ty in the Village of Exeter
The Executors of the Estate of
the Late Isaac Carling have author-
ized Thomas Cameron, Esq., to well
by I'ublio Auction, upon the property
At 2 o'clork. P. m.
These lots are Mituate on either
side of Wellington Street ,(Station
Road,) Brock, Albert, Nelson. Marl-
borough, Carling and Victoria Sta.,
of the Village and are suihable for
both manufacturing or residential
purposes. This land will he offered
for sale'in hither late or blocks to
suit the purchescr. In order to
wind up the above estate this land
has to be sold and there will posi-
tively be no reserve. Pians of this
property may be poen at any timA
at the law officer' of Mestere. Dicks
son and Carling. For further par-
ticulars terms and oonditions of
stile sec posters or apply to Thomas
Cameron, Esq., Auctioneer, Farquhar
1'. 0., or Meyers. Dickson & Carling
Soliritors for Executtors.
eriff's Sale of Lands
County of Huron.
By tue of a Writ of Fieri Facies
issurd nut of His Majesty's County
Court of the County of Huron and to
rue directed and delivered against the
ande etnants of
Joee ►
Conlin t-.nd N M. Cantin at the sine
it of
'.\• illiam Campbell I have seised and
fakmn in Execution all the right title
beeped and equity of redemption of
the above named Josephine C entin,
and N. ill. (]itntene in, to and nut
of the following lands and premises.
Viz: hot number One Nest of Valle
Street, and South of Uantphell Avenue
in the Village of St. Joseph in the
County of Huron and Province of On -1
Wirt which Lands and Tenements i f
shall offer for sale at. my Of9ce, in the
Court House. in the Town of Goderich
on li;eturday the Twenty -Eighth day 1
of Septermor 1917 at the hour (it 12 of
the cloak, roan.
It. 0. REYNOLi)4,
Sheriff. Nur n.
Sherrilles Office, node' ieh, May 28th i
Lax-ets 5 c...,Sivetamiegait:
Farm for Sale
100 acre farm in Stephen Township
good frame barn and house. Well
drained and land all cleared. 'Greek
through rear corner of farm. Can
bo bought right. and on easy tertntr,
for quick male. Apply at once to
Barristers, Exeter Ont.
Farm for Sale
We have a good farm of about
35 asrea for sale on peatsonabio terms.
Situate near 'Mt. Carmel in Stephen
Township. First Class land and fair
buildings. Near church and school.
Barristers, .Exeter. Ont.
House and Lot for Sale
r Houses and lot for sale Pt. lot 156
Con. 112 Unborne. 1-2 acro land good
brick cottage and stable. Must be
sold. Appily Thos. Cameron. Auction-
eer Farquhar.
125 twee in tho Township of Rib-
bert consisting of lot 19 w. 1-4 18,
concession 12. This is good property
and trust bo sold. Terms ea*. Ap-
ply Thos. Cameron. Auctioneer Far.
The Molsons Bank
listablisted 1831.
CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• •••• S3.000.000.00
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• ••••
Assets Over $33000,000.00
General Banking Business Transacted,
Savings Bank Department
$1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone boats, uoule
yarding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
M. Jd61(S011 & Soy
near the old market .
Main St. Exeter
Fall Terms Opens
Sept. ' 3rd
This 'echoed by being She best
has become the largest Busi-
ness training school Its the
.Weath We have tlrree depart-
ments; .Commercial,
ments:Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy. If interested
in obtaining a practical educe.
teen, write for our new catal-
ogue. Graduates assisted to •j-
positiona. *•
The Good Old summer Time
Is still with us but its days are grow-
ing shorter and soon the long evenings
will be ours to enjoy and tbe question
will be what shall we door what shall
we get to make the home pleasant
and prnfltshle'r. •1'h•. ou• erreR'stion
A Piano is a thing of beauty and a
joy forever, Try it. We also have a
good second band square Pune for
sale or rent.
Sewing Machines always in stock.
Farm for Sale. S. MARTIN & SON
That valuable fifty acre farm eon
misting of N 1-2 lot 3 con. 10, lis.
borne. On the farm is a frame
house gond bank barn, driving shed,
good orchard, two spring .wells. Well
fenced and drained, 1 1-4 unites from
Woodham. For further particulars
apply to Chas. Comm, \Voedham.
In the smatter of the estate of
William Ily.tin Spicer, late of the
Township of llabornc in the
County of Huron, brick layer. de-
e .py a
��Uife- + I, IC.p Set'CA puresant to
11. S. 0., 1897. ctistpter 123. that alt
creditors and others ',ravine _:ait:,s
against the estate of the said
\a 1Iam ll yam b I
cor wo
on or about the lith day
of October, 1905, arc required
on or before the 16th 'day of
September int _ ytar 1907 tosendsend
••1 itenver to
Messrs. i:1 ••Illi :11 .Pc S:enbury,
of tlic \ill pee of 1'tcte •. So.
licitors for the adminitlratrix of the
%rid tltte:rs• 1. their rt,ristian and aloe
11 add! ''•part and descriptions.
the full n.:rra:.rrg of their clam.
the ttetetnent of their accounts at,d
the n.tilt/. ..f the !elate:neve ;1 any
held hy them. And further tike
notice tlilt .after such lest mentioned
date the said administratrix will pro•
c'c(' to distribute the 'meet% of the lo-
ve the 1,irt.44 ••state')
thereto lutsin,t regard only to the
(lei's+ of •• li:v n :hey .11.11, 1h^n hays
notice will
that the slid admtrintra-
trix will not be liable for Paid assets
or any (on: t t hereof to tally persun
ere ;ergot of %%hose at ten eetic0
'hell 1101 base ireen received by testa
at the tithe id such dirt' iertiort.
r;LA1l'eleN ea gene It"1tV
Solicitor. for said administretrR
1)1teal at Exolrr 1 hie 17th
day of Au,rnat, 1907.
I'wilt mail you free to prove merit
samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restore..
tive, and my book on either Uysprep.
sia, Tito Heart or Tho Kidneys.
Troubles of the Stomach, heart or
Kidneys aro merely symptom of a
deeper ailment. Don't make tho
common error of treatin; pympoms
only. Symptom treatment is 1rcat•
in; the result of your ailment, and
not the cadge, Weak Stomach nerves
—the inside tterscs—mean titomacb
weakness always. And the Heart,
and Kidneys ns well, 'have their eon•
; or inside
nerves. .Weaken
these nerves and you inevitably have
weak vital or;ales. Here is where
Dr. Shoop's Restorative. has 'nada
►ts fame. No her remedy
claims to treat the "inside nerves."
Also for biontin;, biliousness, bad
t,rr.ith or rotnertximi, 110e 1)i Skurrh'i
Restorative. Wiitc Inc to -day t
r 1) .
sample and tree book. r
1 r d Shoop,
Racine, Wig. The Restorative is sold
by W. 8. jIo'sey.
The North half of lea: 24 Con. 2,
efeG;llit'ray next 10 Alex. Smith's
stock farm, fifty srr.'s nsore t:'r
leas being the qatate of Gln. Wlnd-
r 4 -teamed. A good barn filth new
roof, a leer. to. .. rover failing
well of water and a runners spring
creek: all cleared but ;nor serfs, and
partly coven wire fence. Titer farm
must h • sold ,.o sectio the clove.
5•nled belt afdr'ese•i to .G .erase
Windsor. arlminimtrator, Lucas. On-
tario will be ret"eive4 up leo and tn-
cludiing Aueuet 30th, 1907., to n••
reeve any Kris to be m.•l0 that 411y.
The right is resort -set t 1 reject nny
acd al; bits. Terms—ff3M).00 on the
day rf ,,i) . Inlenex ,1t thirty days.
GEORGE WINDSOR, Adminatrat.or.
DK.A, R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8..-D.
D. 8„ Honor graduate of Toronto
Dental Surgeon
Office over Gladman & 8tanbury's-
Main street—ExETEa.
DB. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. el.
D. D. 8., Dentist. Member of
R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
Osncs:—Over Dkkson & Carling's
Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former
dental parlors.
W. BROWN*10, M. D., M. 0
la • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un
i r.It>., Moe and realdenence. Dominise
atom, a•eter.
Associate Coroner of tiurolf.
olana and Surgeons. Successor to Dr• J. A.
Hotline. Office gain street. Residence, east
eon north t street norof Poet Office, Laster
a Civil Engineer& Architect
(tete Departtneut of Public Works, Canada.)
Consulting Engineer for Municipal and County
Rork, Electric railroads, Sewerage and 11'aterw'orke
Systems wharves, Bridges and Re -enforced Concrete,
Phone 2220 Loudon Ontario
we have unlimited private fens tor lamb
- sal upon farm or village troyert, ab boss
atonal interest.
Barristers solicitors, Notaries, ()oavey_aaosre
solicitors for the ofeoas
Bank, sea
Mossy toLoes as lowest rates of iatierene.
L CAZLrrm B. A. 1..K. DICt/Dtt
We bane a large amount of private tends to
ferle sad village properties se ba'si's
Batrtsten tioncItors,bM►in s utee:4w
8. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the Count,.
uron. Chrges moderate. Ali communication
Breed to 11. 8. Phillips, Rental!, or orders left is
r Office will receise prompt attention.
Licensed auctioneer tar Coutotiee
of Baron and Perth.
Special attention given to farms
stook sales. Town and village pros
party sold by auation on moderate/
Orders may, be left at tbe Thole,
office or at aesidence, .Elimvilfe.
Charges moderate.
Organist of ?'tial Memorial Church, Exeter.
Piano, Organ, Hannon) and theory of Music.
Tenni on Application Exeter, Ontario,
Toe Usborne and Hibbert
farmer's Mutual Fire Insur-
ance Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont.
Pres. W. 11. PAMSMORE, Farquhar•
Vice-Pres.:—J. L. RUBsiELL,
W Ir, ROY. Bonxnotii P. P
ROBERT NORRIS, l9taffe, p ,
JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent f
Usborne and Piddulpb.
OLIVER HARR18,I Munro► fyteal
for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
ULAD51AN & MTANRURY. Bollaitore
The Bell Telephone
Company of Canada
is about to issue is new
Telephone Directory
For the District of Western Ontario
including the
Village of Exeter
Orders for new connections, changes>
of firm names, changes *4 street ad-
dressee or for duplicate entries should!
he banded in to the local Manager AT
Local Manager.
Bose tie its let la km Mot bulli