Exeter Times, 1907-08-22, Page 3♦s• . ,,.s'..•a aye•'. 111000000000004,000000004 YOUNG FOLKS LOST. One morning Minlie Dean awoke in a strange room. She was frightened at first, Then she remembered being car- ried, half -awake, from the truin iu father's arms. She remembered the bumping of the carriage over (Ito cobble- stones, the Il:t.eleug lights, and then -- O le must have fallen asleep eg sin to weee no more until morning. 9Dio smoothed Ant of beet and new to the w•iu(1t)V ; and What do you suppose xht e,{rested to Ace? \\'hy, the ocean, to he sure. \itntie knew no geography. But thence was only a row of loll (rich houses with a strip of blue shy over there. What a disappointment 1 "Oh, Weil !" said \lintie. "It's over behind the houses somewhere." "Mother," she saint, after breakfast, 'mayn't we go (ilii now and hunt the ocean? We cannot see it here!' "Not this morning," said neither. "I shall be unpacking, and you children would get lost if you went alone. But 11 yon will promise not to go off the pavement nor orf the street, you ;nay go downstairs a little while." "Oh, y'es'm ! We'll not 1" cried \lintie and the boys, with ono voice. Tile street was a euiet one, between two busy avenues, but to the small country children it seemed wildly ex- citing. Poppy counted twenty teams passing in no time, and Presently they heard a burst of music. "There's a band cortin'," cried Mettle. "Let's go and see it," said Poppy, boldly, running down the pavement. "Oh, don't run !" said \lintie, in a h'rrifieel voice. "This is the city !'' So with a very dignified air they walked down to the corner, but there was no band in sight. Thee was only a wonderful hand organ on\vheels, with two dark, jolly -faced mien to push it along end turn the crank. 'lite children folio wed the organ to the avenue, and stood there, watching and listening un- til 1t was out of sight. Then they turned and strolled slowly buck. "Which is our house?" said efintie. "Ito 1 I can pick it out in a minute," said Poppy. "There were lions on the steps." ilut, dear ale, there were six houses that ltad liens 011 the steps. The chil- dren looked at each other, with grow - Ing terror. I wants my mother," said Peepy, with quivering lips. "Peepy Dean," • said Mettle, sternly, although her own voice trembled, "don't you dare to cry! What would the city people Think ? And done you for a Min- ute let on that were lost, right in front of our own house! \\'e11 walk up and down, and another will come to look for us after nwhile." The three forlorn but proud little ;souls marched drearily up: and down the wide pavement. The street that had seemed so gay was full of hid..en terrors now, and presently Meanie sawn sight that shook even her breve heart. --�- "there climes a p,li^cman," she whis- pered. Site had never seen n policeman, but she had seen litany picture; of them, end knew that they always wore blue uniforms. elf he finds were lost he'll take us to bf01•HF.R:S ANXIETY. The summer months are a time of anxiety for mothers, because they are the Most dangerous months in the year for babies and young children. Stomach end beset troubles come quickly during tII( het weather and almost before the mother realizes that there is danger Uri, little one may be beyond aid. ilaby's Own Tablets will prevent summer c0111- p!nints if given occasionally because Hwy keep the stomach and bowels tree flout offending ;natter. And the Tab- lets will cure these troubles if they e. me suddenly. The wise mother should keep these Tablets always at har,et and gl'e them occasionally to her children. The Tablets can be given with equal success to the new tern babe or lite well grown child. 'they always do geed -envy cannot pessibly do harm— and the mother has the guarantee of a Government analyst That this medicine (ties not cont::'n one pellicle of opiate or harmful drug. Sold by all medicine dealers lir by snail at, 25 cents a bot from 'I'Ite Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., t;ruckville, Ont. POLITENESS THEIR RUIN MANNERS SOMETIMES CAUSE MAN'S DOWNFALL. Picking up a Few Apples for a Poor Fruit Vendor Cost -a Man Ills Lite. There is a widow living in great pov- erty it? London to -day, who might 1 e far otherwise but for an ill -tuned act KJ courtesy on the part of him who was once her bread -winner. It was the afternoon of Tuesday, Sep- tember 3rd, 1878, and the pier al Slteer- i css was crowded with boisterous excur- csionisls. 'Through them threaded ttte ):tan in question with . his wile, very soon to be husbandless. An old appte- wenuan's stall was knocked down. The ,roan stopped to render assistance, bid- ding his wife hurry on to the Goat to a,nvey them to London. Ile would k Itew. He did follow. But, too late. The vessel. had gone; bearing his wife with i:. The next boat was the Princess Alice, which he caught, only to be drowned in the Thames, off Woolwich. with sante 700 other unfortunates. Ani all through staying to gather up a few apples fur a poor fruit vendor. \\'l(Y THE TAY IIIIIDGE FELL. Sir 'fhomus !touch, the eminent en- gineer, was one of the most eotrlrous and considerate of men; and to these traits in his character was distinctly traceable the awful tragedy that ter- minated alike his professional career and his life. Ile had to grapple w•ilh vital prole lents. connected with the stability of the first Tay Bridge, and at the seine time keep in order an army of salordinales, seine of \Orem were eflicient and hon - cel, and somre of whom were not. The lw o due.; clashed, and neither , was performed properly. Moreover, it be- came known about the works that Sir Thomas wits too good -outlived to (tis_ miss all incompetent man, while hi; teeth, politeness shrank from udntinise Icrit:. reproof even. the police-stntion, 'that's what they al- t As i'tnIsequeuce the bridge wits bad- ly coieeeicted as well as lenity design- ed, and el about a year and a half after 1x ing first opened for traffic it collapsed while a North British wail train was travelling over it. B Iwce n eighty find ninety persons lost their tives. end with the passing of the first shock of horror Came the epporlionntent of the blhnie. The un- hsppy engineer toad to Instar tate chief fit rdrn cf this, and 11 proved too heavy ger hint. Within four menthe of the ed - verse Verdict o'•f the Ware of 'Trade in- quiry he was dead --of a broken heart. One would imagine (hat a shopwalker conk! hardly be too polite. Hut he can; and there is one looking for a job et this present moment who knows it le this cert. To this last plate came a lady customer, anys do with lost children," she said. "Hebb, children !' bald the policeman. steeeteee did you corse from!" Too terrified to speak, \linlie pointed upward with a smell, uucet•lain fore - linger. "Ye don't s:ty !" said the polieemnn, teething up at the sky, with a grin. "(Anile all the arty down lust night?" Must have gal some wet, I guess. 'theie was consid'ble shower 'boat four o'c lock." At that \lintie found her mice. 9 Meant al the top of the house," she anid. with dignity. "Oh, 1 ser f' laughed the officer. "\.toieh house r' That was a terrible, question. The children looked at each other. then Min - tie, looked up and down the row of houses, then she kokevl at the policeman again. There was s :meeting in his lace that won her confidence. "We dont know',' she ,said frankly. The giolicentan threw tack his head and reared with laughter. "Ne er mind, dear," he said kindly, as Minie's fe e grew sonnet. "Ile. n bigger and older folks than you gets mixed up over those lenses that looks all alike. Your name's Dean, isn't it ?" Mink' nodded. "1 ilrttught .se. I happened to hear the grocer eat the teener say that a family nettled lean was ,,'stint' to mows into the top of net No. 315; and it's pet three doors from here. lternenitole this num- bet and you won't get host again." "He's just like other folks," said \lin- ile. admiringly. "Dust like other fullis," murmured Peepy. Poppy stood silent end motionless, seizing, until the lelue•coalc(1 figure turned the corner. 'then he sighed deeply, end, with the air of one who altar king thought has made tip hie mind for ever. he announced, "\Where 1 ata n men 1 shall be it jedie•men." "\le, loot," echoed Poppy. laking tiny strides up and down the pestenent, tine swinging an iruagtnaly club. A silty member of the legal profes- sion w11,1 oars a guest at a dinner re- in11rlcnble for its meagreness. 'I'liee din - lug -room had ie.vt newly and s;•I. rteM.I- 11. furnished. Some of ilte geese: rent- $:ratolalcd Ihr most on his taste in dc'e•ornlion. "For mV part 1 would Lather ser less gilding and more eerv- leg: " said the wit. \\ illilin : "\\'ell, old mina, 1 hnven't seers you for an age'. :\ml how do you (4' 1 matrimony lint: yob?" John (sigh- iIT!t: "IHS all ripen -nye joy. 11 1 had 0,1y 10101% ri what I had to pay in mill - nets' Lilla - 1\ 011111 t : ' 1'ou would hale remained single. eh?' John : "Nu; 1 would hats married the nt�lliner." ,Tommy : "W11:11 docs the piper moan by calling Mr. Sherpl'y an eight by ten hneinrs matt?" 'fens e Vallee.; "1 t ie. *Woo it lnealit he is not exactly square," YOUNG AND PRETTY. She bought freely, too, of furs, vehicle, and other easily negotiable goods. Again and again she came, always with a bow and a senile to the oblig- ung stlevaiker. And he, on his part, root conb•nt with merely showing her In the department she wished to pnt- rrnire, piloted her all oter the estab- le itutenl. Nor were tits suspirinns awnkenett teen when she shows' an unfeminine eur:osay regarding belts and Gera, and the various ways of ingress and egress 1t and freni the premises. Only when. later on, n gang of burglars laded the peter, of sone, ee;ieftc(l werih of goods. Mil he renew hew their feminine con- federate 'had profited by his p litenese. Similarly, the unlucky stjGerer in •t recent notorious jewel robbery In (;ler- ken yell, (eyed his micfereinc to n like hail. in his character. The conspire - Who nem -weeds murderously ns emitted and rolled hint. sent a decoy. it will be remeutlrred, in pretend to perches., a gold watch and diamond ,.cnoltutt out of busletesc 110111:, N•tlural courtesy, rather than mercnn- lie zeal, comrelled allention to the pinusiblc ruffian. and with disastrous results to the acconine•edaling trader. The itt5sian peasant has n saying whet invariably puzzles the foreigner: "Io o polite. and die eke Rrko'ilo!t. ' The proverb refers to cite of the nte•st tragic cpienles in ML'SI:0ViIE IIIS'r()fll'. In the early Spring of 1717 Prince• Itehovilch (:hern'ki led not ',ruled eerie- d.luen consisling of 4.000 infantry n111 1(1)) cavalry into the then almost un- known interior of the Sontlh•('entra1 Asia. Ilis ostensible .object was to open up commercial relations with the Elan; of Khiva and of Iteelie\rt. Ilis real one'. Ito sec if it were, possible to made t.dia leen; the i:.irth. The l'rinee, with whom wren(' many en: •o•: of this Imperial Bede guard. a Lenient company-, marched his Hien actt)s% the note steppes with difilculty, rend on Angled 13th halted settle eighty miles from the rely of Khivn. The Kititans, ignoring his pmfcssions .11 friendship. ollnck(.1 the fo Ice: tut ‘.ere easily defeatist by the bv'kr armed Ind better disciplined soldiers o1 the Czar. Their Khan, thereupon resortci le diplomacy. Ile visited the Russian eantp in state. Explained that the at- tack delivered by his people ple was all 3 mistake, And invited Prince llekovilch, and his principal officers, to visit his capital as his guests. Two days later, at a grand entcrtan- titent, the Khan toasted his "friends the 1''uesians," and vowed eternal friend- ship. Ile also took the opportunity el requesting Prince lkleuvitch to divide his array into small detachments for entertainment in the surrounding vil- lages, regretting the inability of his ca- rtel to entertain so ninny guests. The passion commander politely agreed to tee politely preferred request, the Itus- slan force was broken up, and the Khan leugttad sardonically. 115 '!'UIIN IIA) COME. i:arly next day he killed itokovilch, and forw•areled tee head u; u gift to the Khion of Ifoktwra. 'Then he unnihilaled the Russian army. Yet another notable instance of an ex- cess of politeness in war, resulting lit diaster, occurred at the battle o1 Fon- tenoy. Two bodies of troops, the one French, the other English, suddenly found themselves face to face. and with- in twenty paces of one another. Lord Charles Ilay, wtio happened to be the senior officer on one side. lit once stepped to the hunt, and saluting the Ft Niel' coutrnandcr (Count dAlecruche), exclaimed, "Gentlemen of the French Guard, fire first." To this courteous invitation the Count, net meaning to be outdone in polite- ness, replied, "Fire yourselves, gentle- men of England; w'e never fire first." "As you please," rejoined Lord Ilay, and turning to his Wren, he gave the re- quisite word of command. An ins!nnt tuber the hellish muskets were spouting death, and the Frenzel had to retire in confusion. --•—'I' -t-- GHOST WORE PLUG IiAT. Was All in White Except the ilead- Gear. • A new ghost s'ory is told by Lloyds Weekly, of London. A party of Norwood machine mind- ers, going Ronne in the early hours of Saturday morning were suddenly- scared by a ghostly figure rucing _post then; to the ret:w•ay station. The apporitien was clothed only !n a white nightshirt and a silk hat, and under its arm carried a book and n folded new seal •'r. One of the work- men tied to stop the scenting phan- tom, but it was too quick for hien. As it rcaeh'd the railway station the fi- gure stopped suddenly. \\'I:en the ma- cl.ine minders crone up they found an awakened and much distressed som- n:,utbulist, who tuned and ran for house while they unsympathetically It ughed. _.,--_ It stands to reason that a tennis suit should be tried in open court. Parents hay ?defiler Graves' \Vornl Eeterrninnlor because they know it is a safe medicine for their children and an effectual expeller of worms. Miss Oldbirde : "i might hove been married score; of times, but 1 always re- fused." Mr. Youngun (w.illtout thinking): "Ilow Very kind and considerate of you." A Sound Stontnch Means n Clear Ileal. --The high pressure of a nervous lift whirl busints.s mein of the present (ley ere constrained to live make draughts upeen their yitaley highly dot• rimentnl 10 their health. 11 is only ry the Wrest remelt tnealtncnt flint they err eelo to keep theutselVts nlcrt nod ac- tive in their Various callings, tunny r1 teem know the value et i'arrnelee's Ve- te table Pills in regulating the etemarti and consequently keeping the head char. "Ila "a Iain loll r "but i heron *inane err and fortis Mold She fleetly Ins: it. plc A latter et haperleope Se wile aro rum down and 4NlOt.Ma fp sae fad UM •' P.rrortii " ie the beef teals ewer eowp.a.d.d 111 glees it 'smith and be1W .p the .ogles He yelled at tis! top el his were for 1115 hours end then slopped. "Well," said his mother, "are you going to be gaeod 7 !hive you finished crying?" "No," snkl Tommy, "1 have not finished; only resting." Known (o Thousands. — Ponnekes Vteelelle Pals regulate the action 0,1 the secretions, purify (tie bl(xx1 and keep the stomach and bowels free from do ieter.vus matter. 'ruken according ;o dueclion Iliey will overcome dyspepsia, eradicate bit ausness. and leave the (le eesllve organs hcnthy -end strong 1.1 N.114,1111 their fon-lions. 'their merits •u'e well-known to thousnncls who know !•y experience how benenrinl they lir•, in giving true to the syt(etu. COST OF eAfTFAI. PUNISiI\TENT. Capital punishment carte near to be. Ing abolished the other day _lit France on weenie 1.,1 the (•xp:'rt'4', end the cost u( the in, i:tetiem does certainly- seem rather high. The chief exrruLoner draws n salary of $1.22(.. Ile 11115 two !irsl-class eseistnnte, each drawing este year, and three; cccimd- Inst assts tants, each drawing $lino n year. in nthtilion to this the executioner ernes 12 !raves oast each nscislnnt draws eight francs a day for expenses when ales telling in the {-myiases, while the stabling of the gentlotune costs Pea n year, end an niie ti on executioner e eatarird el the s:unc liguee as his Paris tan colleague. \yo-oks : "1 hear Jnyhny ie thinking buying a place in the county en the lit -(alnleet pian." 'I w o eee : kw nut, 1 h • g.;t Cf if co (lir'" \\'(e';c : "1 IN - hove .Bove her tett the tarn -mower 1' HEALTH NOTES FOR AUGUST, Ono kind of underwear. a n d only one. fits right. wars out slowed, and sate fees you from the day you buy it. That kind is trade. ;lurked (u abort) is red, and guaranteed to you by stores that rel a and the people who make it. Made ill many fab�r,,i,c��womes and styletsizes for, at various prime. d Look fon dos inert and chil PEN-ANGLE SI1 Ks enact set awes b.•e..L. NEWHOUSE TRAP. O..ser. r.e....... r e.r .e•e...�..a *WV ...VW gi...ter...+.•.. r`.�•r .. .."'r ..n.l rne a., oar . -,.. ,r masa/ .We .r. "ma ..r..,w,. Mor. Yeyr Mea.A COMMIT% to lawn MIN Oft August lathe month of internal catarrh. The mucous mese banes, especially of the bowels, are very liable to congestion, causing summer complaint, and catarrh of the bowels and other Internal organs. Pe-ru-na Is an excellent remedy for all these conditions. YOUR SUMIIIER OUTING. 1f you are fond of feeling. canoeing. camping or the study of wild animals, leek up the Algonquin National Park of Ontario for your summer outing. A fish and game preserve of 2,000,000 acres interspersed with 1.200 lakes and rivers is awaiting you, offering nil the attractions that Nature con bestow. Magnificent canoe trip. Altitude 2.000 feel above sea level. Pure and exhilar- ating atmosphere. Just the place for a ytamg mann to put in his summer holi- days. An interesting and profusely il- IusfraGd descriptive publication tell - leg you all ntwint it sent tree on nnpli- e:teen to .1. 1). McDonald, Union Station, 'furoate, Ont. NO1 QUITE. 'Have you any difficulty in getting tit ' proper diet for the invalid?" "No, indeed; the doctor has ordered u- to give some of that prepared deso- crnted feud." Very Teeny persons die nnnunlly from (ewe. rat and kindred summer complaints, who might have been saved if prover itenedies had been need. If attacked (to not delay in gelling a bottle of )r. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordell, the u• that never fails to effect a '!'loose who have used it say it raptly, and thoroughly subdues r and disease. s: "Where do people get the tat two can live as cheaply as Newton : "I'erhnp > if comes from ne source AS the idea that two beat as one 1' 'ING MACHINES FOR RENT. k or month, at kew rates. The and Wheeler & \\ikon are ledged the lightest -running artd unvcnient of any. Try one end winced. Only at the Singer stores. lank for the Iced S. Singer Sieving Machine Co. Write us al Man- ning Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird Cards free. CURIOUS DIRECTIONS. While walking through Wiltshire„ England, a week or two ago a pedes- trian asked n native how far it was to Ito nest village, and received the curt- oin reply, "About three pipes n' twee," Ih: suttsequently found that watches and clocks were very rare in that district, and that it was usual to indicate dts- Innce by the number of revs of tobacco one could smoke on the journey. Tote :her : "1\'ell, slid you make him take his words back, es you said you were going to do?" Meeker: "Yes, he look theta buck : but he said then; over again more emphati:ally than he did hcfot•e." ISSLE NO. 33-17. B ETTER. buy an L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPE- WRITER now than be sorry afterwards. Every useful device In- built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY IN SIGHT ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ERRS L. C. SMITH & EROS. TYPEWRITER CO. JTHE P[OPLE'• NACNI*E. NEWSOME & GILBERT, LIMITS* SOLE DEALERS, 0 Jordan St, Toronto HAUFAX, N. S. MONTROAL. RAILWAY'S UNIQUE HFJ 0 1D. Tho Highland (Scotland) Hallway in one resg"eet occupies a unique position in British railway history. Although the (kelt portion of the system was in- ccrporalesl so long ngo as 1856, not n single passenger was killed until 1894. The first porton was opened in 11458, so that kor n period of thirty-six years not wry passenger lost his life in a train accident, and although over ten years have elapsed since the fidelity and litany millions of passengers have dur- ing Mat period travelled over the sys- tem !tie total of fatal (rain accidents to passengers yet retuning at one, and playa ,long continue to do so. A CO\1PiIOMISE. Old-fashloned Father (sternly) : "Can your prospective wife make up a good batch of bread?" Truthful Son (diplomatically) : "Well, she can handl* the dough all right." where can 1 get some of lI ollow•ny's ('' i'n Cure? I was entirely cured of my oorna by this remedy and 1 wish some more of it for my friends. So writes Mr. J. W. Brown, Chicago. "1 don't believe I'm the only girl you ever loved, Fred 1" "Why, dearest?" "Because you kiss as 1f you were used to it." dieerea Ow emptier e1 Lobe �jeer trimsbla TheNeal vekeme~eekssgm Bad blood me Wins 1P r Spry will Arivet tie passe h kr Waimeaa the Awful Child : "Winona said you were pretty old." Visitor : "Well?" Awful Child : "You are old, but you nin't g'rct ly," ,The \\'orld is Full of Pains.—The aches and pains that afflict humanity an ninny and (onetime arising (nen n multitude of indistinguishable causes, tut in the main owing( (n man's negti• genre in Inking care of his health. I)r. I'I•ornns' Eclecide oil sus the tut ems cf a universal cry for seine specifle which would speedily relieve pain, and it Ilse tilled its rnu•sion to a remarkable degree. Timmins. who believes in the old say- ing. "Ser n pin. pick d up, and nil day long peen have lurk," one day saw a pie in the street. !tending drown to get it tee hat tumbled off and rolled into the getter, hie eyeglnsses fell end broke (10 the pavement, his hrei"s gave way ballad, he horst the huttonhelc on (11e beck of hie shirt -collar, and he ell but lost his new false teeth. list he got the heti "you should have seen Miss May. Iter eyes fnshed fire, and--" Arthur : "flint's funny. You said a mo— ment ego that she froze you with a glance." TATTOOING AND ITS PRICE. N Involves Terrible Torture et the Body. In Samoa tattooing is applied to the whole body from the hips to the knees, covering the skin so contrletely with the pattern °hut al a little distance the person looks as though he were wearing ornamented tights, says the Chicago Daily News. The operation, which re- quires much lime and many "sittings;' is quite ceremonious. The talteoer, called the metni, is a man of consider- 1 able influence, and Ills services are en- gaged by a prepreyntent of several runts, oe perhaps n clines. "Combs" are used, and nLso a little mallet. The comh.s are unite of human bones, about an inch or less in width, resembling little hone adzes with lhr edges cut with a number 1 of teeth. These blades are attached to handles about six inches long. The pig- ment is made front the ashes of the cocoanut. The person to be tattooed lies on his face, resting his head in the lap of his sister or some other female relative, who, with other young women assisting, sings loudly to drown his groans, as it would injure his record for courage to be heard giving vent to de- pressions of pain. Instances have oc- eurred, however, when young braves huvo lost all self-control, being entirely overcome with the agony- of the opera- tion, and have been despised as cow- ards for the rest of their lives. The o{.eralot•, having traced out his pattern, commences to drive the toothed "comb" .through the skin with his mallet by sharp end need taps. The assistants aro ready with strips of while "massi" io clean off the blood as it lbws from the wounds. A remarkable case of tattooing came to light in Professor Ilebra's lecture - room to a hospital in Vienna thirty yeat•s ago. The elan was the subject of it lecture, and one of the spectators at first mistook him for a bronze statue. He was tattooed from head to foot, and not a qu1111er of a square inch of itis entire person was intact. Tho skin pre- sented an appearance resembling the irne_ery of en exceedingly rich cashmere shawl. The coeloring was done with in- digo principally, with enough red in- serted here end there to give it an effect. His name , was George C,onstanline, a Greek by birth, who, with a band of robbers, entered Chinese 'Dietary to commit depredations. The gang was captured, and this man, with the others, wens ordered by the ruler to be branded in this manner. On the palms of his hands• lepers were tattooed which ex- plained that lie was "the greatest ras- cal and thief in the world." it look three months to tattoo hint, the indigo being pricked into the skin. The de- signs represented elspIhants, 14118, tigers and birds, with le(te't:s ;jerked ill l,tt- tween. A coui•le of dragoons orna- mented his forehead. He said his body swelled up very much at the time and ever since had been sensitive to changes in the weather. COLOSSAL IDOL. Two miles from Kamtkura, and about 23 from Yokohama; in Japan, on a ter- race near the temple, sits the most gigantic idol in the world. it is the brazen image: of a deity, and dales from the reign of, the Emperor Sho tau, who died A. D. 748. The dintc•nntons of the idol aro eeblkrnl. His height, from the rinse of the lotus -flower upon which he sits to the lop of his head, is Gay, feet. The true is 16 feet in length and nine feet wide,the eyes aro 3 feet 9 inches from corner to corner, the eyebrows 5',l, feet, and the ears Hess feet. The chest Is 20 feel in depth, arid the middle finger is exactly five feet long. The 5G leaves of the lotus throne aro each 10 fret kung and six feet wide. Ttlw Duke e f itichtnond had a coach- man w•ho hnd been in Use cervico of his fatally for 82 years. Nurses' & Melberg' Treasure —ooh sortable acacias let bah. Used ever 50 yeas. Pint compounded by Dr. P.E.Kara i.1M3. Makes Baby Strom. Redone the Mk enema te palled heal& Ghee wiliest rasa M. neeNMika deep. As *villa' Mad !CtisrlwlS:atiJtt. I It. li!!II . It;eel 1" I v7 B 3t ves A her Lot ot The starch tbatneedn't be cooked.. that won't Mick ..that gives a bril- liant glow with almost no iron-efort.Ian 't that the starches ought to have then; use on your clothes? Buy it by name.. your dealer sells N. Int CLE&NINO mgr. LADIES' ... ! :�,� O. be dens Mrtestl) b, ser Pres* hews. awn swapl MMINNOAN SMUNI 05. ttOOIUMb TOPOUTO. OTTAWA a QvssIO OF5 That Stzetoof The strongest alai that tar blow can't rip away a roof covered with .siWechias "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Rain can't set thmtogh it is 95 yam (guaranteed to watita for that long-�oai (sofa century recur} -6r+ Can't botasr such roof—proof against .11 the aIcrosat.-the cheapest GOOT) roof there a. Writ• us and we show ou why it costs least to roof right. Just a The PEDLAR People II O.aaw& Ysat n al unison Tarawa 1,..asa W1aal7u WILSON'S FL Y ;very packet will kill trtw/etllesetkan PADS moo ,Mate - wf etleky peeper., --*01.0 DV— DR000ISTI, CROCIRS us CIKIRAL $THIS toe. per packet, er $ packets for no. will last a wMlie season. C STEAMSHIP CO MPARY QUEBEC UMITLD, Hirer and Gulf of St lawrencs Bummer Oraises in Oool Latitudes Tesla Screw Ilona aa. "Cadman," with el.Mrtl lights, electric balls and all asters ooalerta 4 a▪ n, 'MandtMb Saw, Alii MIS W t JatNDSTII h gel a Avarua al ..d pa e.ptweba ` ad Sly thsr.aftsr l.r Mot HAL,, CNrv1e7,1 Ing MQ.. (kape, Mal Bay. Tema Ob.rt .. Orad lits, .eaaornids, Y. ant, ad Nowa, P.L. BERMUDA / sass $seer1et.s.. lis, ops, Ms tow T lwhi Own, s.8, "IMtoodtaa',.I.5 0lSe 8- SWIM .M tNmYrtua,�tiy aM a,,{{aa aNstsNor.Nl es aw aAgirith ()Sober. kb. Isl► ad llllh o:a. .,, � tatst cooled by Dee Nana loiter The teat Wee of tits ease. 1., boalth a._i MARTHUR ANERN, Secretary, Quebe* A. E. OUTERBIUDGE h CO., Agents, M Broadway, New York. IRRIGATED FARMS wxo BLOCKS OF LAND FOR SALE M slue to suit purchasers, from 10 acres upwards, situated on or near railways in the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing and stock raising districts of ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA Pricers, with water right, perpetual and unfailing. lower than those ever pincer] upon irrigated lands in the adjoining Stales. The quality of the land the finest. An acre of Irrigated lend to Southern Alberta raises twit,* the crop of the bast unnrignled land (•isewhctc•--AM) THE CROPS NEVER FAIT.. This magnificent Irrigation Iona of 3.00(eiewu tens is without doubt the finest lane; prope•siticn on the market today. immigration is pouring In ; values will soon be on lite rise. Write its for interesting and full printed infoimaIioa, The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, 174 Bay St., Toronto rxeluslve Agent In Ontnrin, Manteohn and the Maritime Pro - 'Imes for the CANAi)IAN PACIIPIC IRRIG%TlON COLONIZATION COMPANY'S irrigated lands.