Exeter Times, 1907-08-22, Page 1utter HtTRON & M1DDLISEX GAZETTE THIRTY-F'OIJRTH YEAR -No 1771 EXETER, Mt, CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 22nd 1907, $1.00 per year in advance. • ••••+••+NN41NN4f N+ JONES dt. CLARKS Phone No.. 32. A Clearing Up Sale For Fall and Winter We have a few odd lines of Summer Goods left and must clear them out to make room for our Fall and Winter stock. Nothing will be left if low prices will sell them. White Waists Only nine left to be cleared out for half price. White Wear A few Skirts, Night GowEs, Drawers and Corset Covers to be sold at a big reduction. Muslins and Ginghams Only a few choice ones left to be cleared for half price. Belts and Parasols To clear out a few remaining )nes we will sell for nearly . price. New Fall Dress Goods Our immense stock of new Dress Goods have arrived. We are now ready for the early shopper with the best selection ever put on our counter. We are showing all the Newest Fabrics In Plain Cloths and Fancy Plaids you will certainly be delighted with our fine display. Fall Ram Coats Our New Rain Coats which have just arrived are better than ever. They are three quarter and full length Colors Fawn, Dark and Mid. Greys, and are very stylish in there make up you will do well to see them and get an early choice. Poultry The following will be paidTn trade for the next week; Chiqks 9kc live and 11 fc dressed Ducks Sc live and 10c dressed Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade sboes and wall papers. ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4. -l. 35 Cents x � will pay for the Tifflcs i{xotor •r it to 1st of January, 1908 If you are not a Subscriber this is your chance to become one. + Voters' List 1907 TOWNSHIP OF USI3ORNE Notice is Hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the Ninth Sec- tion of "The Voters' Liet Act", the copies requires by the saili Election to be. so transmitted o.r delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appestring by the last revised a.e lessrnont Roll of the said Municipality to bo entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative As- •sembly and at Municipal Eleotiions and that maid Let was first pouted gip •at my office. at \Phalen on the 31st day of July 1907, and remains there for inspection. Electare are ogled upon to examine the sieid list, and it any omi(seion or other errors are found therein, to take procce4 Ings to have raid errerlr corrected according to law. Dated this 318t day of July. 19n7. Francis Morley. Clerk of the said Municipality. i'Z`oNIL TAIL e Ion Ne STMlam/ Yat M t .e flaw ADDITIONAL NORTH WEST EXCURSIONS floaa.se kers' secord•cl..s rowwa•trfp LItcwratoas leave Toronto s TUESDAY, AUG. 17 414 .. .e SEPT. 10 OCT.22ea ea LOW *ATEA for relurn tame to ail Nath -Feat pointe, rangii.,t (tom Winnipeg 132 to awl-ontun $42 `0. (geed for 60 dayr. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS on each excursion. Comfortable 1 crth at small .spa coot. Must be revenged early, through hod agent. Frase. foci all irtrr.rewiee tr.y be tele olfse sestet, t! P.M. Ticket mewl. or direct hes C. FOSTER. District Pasecs,rr A,.... Grit. Tweaks. BOWLING Urr \Vedeesday afternoon August 14th 1907, three rinks of bowlers from St. Marys visited Exeter and played a game of bowls, in whish the honor of Exeter wail upheld by the local teams. Tbo following :is the score of the rinks and those corn+. peting, St. Marys J. R. Whitfield Rev. W. Morden W. H. Lovell Wm. Andrews Skip 17 W. C. Brown F. Maclean R. Maunock S. Marston. Skip 14 Meighen McPherson Ma:well Adatus Skip 22 /Exeter N. Dyer Hurdon F. W. aladtnan W. Blatchford W. W. Taman Bkip 18 W. Statham E. J. Christie C. B. Snell Rev. D. W, Collins Skip 1'3 R. E. Pickard W. H. Levett I. R. Carling L. H. Dickson Skip 20 53 65 : Exeter won by 12 shots and beat every rink. In the evening Exeter beat two rinks from Hensel! they having beat- en St. Marys in the morning. Tilt following is official score. Mensal! Exeter Cantelon W. Sweet N. Cook J. W. Broderick - C. McDonell Itev. D. W. Collins Dr. A. Sellery W. Blatchford Skip Skip P 21 F. Mann Jas. Taylor A. Bradt L. Scott H. J. D, Cooke W. H. Levett H. J. Billings C. B. tsnell Skip 13 Skip 23 2i 14 Therefore Exete rhos reason to bo proud. Crave I3ravissimo. Both matches show Exeter to be no mean opponents. On Thursday afternoon Mt. Car- mel sent over a rink to try our mettle but "all the mance" they suf- fered defeat. Jno. Borland Skip 19 W. W. Taman Skip 29 They lc ourselves have a lot to learn. Two rinks of Exeter bowlersdr.ve to Clinton on Tuesday In enjoy a friendly +game. The experts of that town were too much for our boys. On the same awning three rinks went to Hensel' and played n reeturn game with the bowlers of 'the neigh - boning village, winning by four elude -- --- - Mrs. Samwell very pleasantly en- tertained a number of her friends at her reeidenoe on Tuesday niter. (WM. - The Baseball boys are arranging far stwo games of ball on Labor Day Monday Sept. 2nd between Exeter and W.otr•tman & ,Ward's, London, and Crediton and the London 'beam. f3e'e patters. - Messrs. Neaman and hind who repreteeuted the Exeter Lodge and Mr. J. G. Stanbury repreeentedr the Exeter Encampment I.O.O.I•'. at the seetaions of the Grand Bodies at Orillia Inst week, report a most in- teresting and enjoyable iltl,rc. - Mr. W. Moodie, twho has been at Regina for some months, returned to his house here on Monday. He earn down is th the body of a yount man of Chealey, who had been pois- oned in a Chinese restaurant. Mr. Moodie may not ,return 1.o:the Wast t his winter. - Casey teas on his sv y home from a fishing trip down by the bell buoy. -The, Melee; MI{Ir,c;v, of London. Ile had a fine string of blackfisb, so who have been •v.iiiting Vire .Miaan heavy that he thought he reeled a Weekes have returned tothreat* 'home. counterweight to balance them. Not having a can with him, he had drop- -Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury and ped in to put another weight in the Bon Stuart who have hien (holidayir, middle, where he believed it woulc! on Georgian Hay for sola:) n%' ks re- do almost as much geed. turned home on Tuesday. "And !very wan of us," he said, Mev. F and M (' t • winding up his story of the day's fishicg, "tint away with fifteen foe blackfish on his string." "llow many fish did you catch in alit" aomecre asked. "'Sixty," staid Casey, -there we±c four of us." "Who were they.,"' "\\'e11, I was wan and the leo Kel- leys was two, and Finnegan . was three, and -Finnegan, he was three. and -I'm Stile there were four cL us ! But who the dev:l was the other fellow!" Casey began again. "Try it th's way," he said. "Fin. negan .was wan, and the two lielleya was two, and 1 was three, and -and I'm blest if I can th.ni: why twa� the other wan." Then Carley laid doer, h... string of fish and began counting Off the "members of the fishing party on the fingers of hie disengaged hand. "I tt'aa wan," i,(! Raid. doubling ue A $30,O�O Fire at Dashwood MEE= 4•14141 Locals. -Mies Lizzie Taylor is still eou- fined to her bed through illness. About 11.30 on Saturday night the -Mr. Art Wood, of London, citizens of the pretty little village holidaying at his home there. is of Dashwood, were aroused by the cry. of Fire! and in She short 'Taco , -Alias Gould, of Detroit, is visiting of an hour then find brick block of relatives in town. three stores with dwelling upstairs, -Mrs. 11. Grigg is vlyitin friends besides a frame'() house and barn ad -1 joining. all the property of Mr. J. `r' Gadcrich fur a tfety days. lartleib was a complete . glass of , -Sirs. Parnphrey. of Parkhill, is ruins. i tulle guest of Mrs. John Charlton. Mr. Ilartleib and family occirpie,3 -Miss Myrtle leauncev, 'returned the dwelling over the stores _and home frotr. Parkhill on Saturday.. alias Hartleib who wag the first to _miss etDove of London, is cis. discover the fire immediately gave iling Mrs. Fr!. Treble. the alarm, the stores !having been closed up .for the night, all leaving -Mimi Evelyn Gill left Friday for feeling everything was perfectly safe., Toledo after a short visit here. The citizens were soon out in full --Mr. Fred Collins, of (Columbus force and with pails of water werct Ohio, 1s visitiri lets. F. \V. Collin!. soon at work in 4 vain effort to -11is L. Ile;hell, of Eden, vis - fight the fiery Clements but the fire :lace her aunt Mrs. Fisher last teak. had gained too great headway to get it undor control and bad it not been that the wind was blowing from a northwesterly direction the building along the North aide of Labe street in- cluding the grist mill would to -day have been a mass of ruins. Mr. Kcl- lersnann who occupied the brick store opposite the burnt district with the assistance of many willing 'handl made a deeperato fight trona the inside of his store to keep:t.ha flame; from entering the building, water and wet blankets being constantly applied. The building outside shows the ravages of the tiro, the windows all being broken and .the woodwork around them badly charred. His damage will be covered by insurance. Those who stiffer loss from the fire are Mr. Ilartleib the owner of the buildings also losing all his household effects including a tine new piano recently purchased, the family es- -Mrs. Tit Elliott is visiting her caping with barely any !clothing. mother at oodham, who iE very Hia loss is partly covered by insure seriously lilt ance. D. Tiernan hardware merchant -Mr. Fra. ia Tom, of Toledo is a full stock o call. -Mrs. C. Sm th, of Hlcnsel). is visiting Ler sister Ari. J. Jarrott, Exeter North. -!Mss May Pearson, of London, is spending a •few days with friends in town. -Mr. \Vi J (lis I'otvFtl, tvho has bean on the sick list :s able to be about again. -Mrs. Steps n Hicks and Miss Eva Ificks are vi -ting in London this Week. -Mrs. II. Strausser, of Seaforth, spent a Icw days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham. -Mr. 13ert Luxton, of the Sover- eign Bank, is holidaying at his home at Eden. • -Mies Em �•aa Hails, ;,f Norih Ere: ter, is eanfir d t�f her bad throu,gb ilineas. tit oe f hardware, stoves loses heavily, only (pat'tiy insured. Mr. W. Schrumm, who conducted a general store loses all his stock partly incur X1. Mr. Sohrumm 'was absent in Iktroit having only left for that place on Saturday morning to join Mrs. Schrumm, tt•ho had then visiting there fol the :'Past few eveeks He was informed of his loss by wire and returned home Monday morning'. G. Edighoffer boot and shoe store also is a heavy loser not having nny insurance. M. B-okenshire merchant tailor loses all, no inaurance. Mr. L. Klienstieber's residence to thty north was also very badly damaged the south -end being slmoet ruined. Sheds adjoining were torn down to keep fire from apresdieg. The wall of Mr. Wm. Zimmernran's carriage show room will torn down to stay the flames, but fortunately the fire stopped before it reached that far. The whole street presents a •very desolate appearance. It is (possible Mr. Ilartleib will rebuild. The cause of the fire is a mystery, the total loss being about $30,000 partly cov- ered by insurance. The Exeter fire- men were called out and responded quickly and in a short time were at Dashwood with a hand engine, but the fire was under control when they arrived. They could have rendered no nseistanco as there was no water supply. er -Dr. Kinsman spent Sunday en- joying the refreshing breezes of Hay- field. -The �%1ismes Ida and Mamie Hag- sha tv, of Parkhill, are ,Geis �g uer; is of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Itagshaw. v eating hie parents Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tom. for w days. -Dr. 13rotvning, of Exeter, passed here an Thu ,day Iast on professional business. -S . Thomas Journal. -Mrs. M rshall and ;ion Master Gordon, ar visiting in London for a 'crew days -Master Jerold Boyle is laid up with a" leprained ankle We result of a .]bicycle accident. To Make Room -Do You Need Any of Theu Goode :3;30 rods 8 wires Ideal bencing 270 rods 7 wirer; Ideal Fuucing ti0 rods 9 wires Ideal Fencing :37c rod 15c rod :3Jc rod 0 tons beat Cleveland Coiled Wire 1200 lbs best Cleveland I3,T,rb Wire 1 only Lawn Gate. . $2.50 2 only Lawn Gates 2.7 5 1 only Farm Gate. lux! 5 •,�,•,-, 1 only Farm Gate. 12:1 5 70 These are very strong Gates 18 Screen Doors 2 doz. Screen Windows • • • at cost t, „- 1 only Hammock Reg, 82.00 for + • at cost 1 only Hammock Re 4.73 for $1. t3 g• 8 t)() 1 only Ice Create Freezer 3.00 'l 7i>, 000 lbs. Ply. Special Twine to clear 10tc Parold Roofing 1 and 2 Ply $`2.50 up HERMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE +++44+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,:z+++++ .1.t.r l.t++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++ �•+•:.++++.++..;:++++4 + ++++++++++++++++1.+++.1.++4-:-+++++++++++++++++++++++++ '1' If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To , + ; 4 T. HAWKINS & SON .. The Leading Hardware Store in "4ewn7 • 7 Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, - Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, yr T. HAWKINS & SON -Master harry Stevenson, of + Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. ; Clinton, is visiting his tunLle Air. .4' Henry 11 umoh r. +++•1 +++++•€••fr•1•.ktt•! + ; ++ .feel -1.4.+++++++++++++e• •1-•1••1•++++++4. + -Mr. and Mrs. J. .1). Cook have re- i•-i•i••>�f'•b•f.'1..{.'1'{.'I..t..1..1.q.'1"1..1'.1'.1.'i'+'1.'1•+nS•+:•++:•.1•,-•:-'.r•.1•-��•i••i•:•.}..1.•t•-1..1-+,1.•1+ turned home after spending a few days in London. -Miss Lula Martin spent a few Clays this week in llens.all, the gue;t of Miss Flossie Foss. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillespie and sett Bert, of Detroit. are the „ucats of Mr. John Gillespie. -Miss Grace Thompson, of Ilen- sall. Rent a ,few days last meek, the gu:�st of Atka Ida Rowe. Air. Davis Gardiner was. called to 'Kingston t1iis wc.ek owing to ithe death of his mother. -Mrs. Ingleby and Mrs. Loiiibtrry of Brantford, u,e 110 gucyt.i of airs. James Dignan. -Mr. Geo. Ninth; of Durham. a for- :ner resident of Exeter; is renewing acquaintances in town.: -Mrs. II. hurdle anti Miss Verde Levett, leave today for I. !trip to Muskoka. --Mrs. Ogden ai:d ttr!o d,�uehters, of Chicago, are visitir ;► with Alias Ilona Dodds for a le • weeks. . -Mrs. Glanville. o London, .left RUG8Ouse ;;.r' her }..otne after Nanning a week f Dc6ordtor:11 1; r n mother NI .foh►. Sweet. dt a3 GRADS SPICES tl�tl� Absolutely Pure -Highest Quality -Greatest Strength Our Special selection of ‘Vhole and Ground Spices is complete and will insure Perfect Success. CLOVES, CINNAMON, GARLIC, GINGER, A LLS1'It'E, MACE, BLACK AND WHITE PEPPER, CURRY AND T1'JIERit' Po\vl,l;IR, E•r('• Sold in Bulk or 10c. a package COLE'S DRUG STORE Dispensing n Specialty has mourn- -Mr. \Falter I1ar Now is the time of the year when ( PIu111be1r c(i hie duties in the Sdvcroign Bank flush Rugs are taking the place of (It.;e :,nei t'vlelwnter), after a tplcasant 1iolid y in London dusters and during the cool evenings -Air,• Janes Senior i ig son. }r a• one feels the necessity of somethinsign Writing and Gralniap rix, rip th�•ci 11c•n(lav fight after , a little warmer than the ordinary - , Mrs. Grigg ,,':• urn( ,rip et, t}1,, t. Latvre ce. duster. �Ve have just received a new rd m•ispiannric, from lturmah, Indra, consignment of these goods which are f \Vith It, Uinney Inst year, Esti- thatgive n talk an their ;twor'k in "-There ttr�� frost :'1 the Nc►rLl►• a •to -date in qualityand design. We that lun(l 11Iu t.ratecl by lime li�•hl tt`'" `1i'' tt`''^ p R turites furnib led on applielitien. I'he ittr••rrnantetc s also have in stock the English Rubber t'i.r•,twrr on Friday Aug. 30th in the regtrr^d t1.n degrees elotw fre._z- Rugs, which are far superior to the Si. lictl►uli�ot 'Chitral!.lir. in►'' ordinary rubber rug as they will not. A Trial Solicited. nn(! Mrs. Grigg have igen( eaatee- "*V Linde I'S t a rid that tile Canaan„ peal off or crack, n t ork Factory has the nros!r_ t of getting 12,000 bush' Is of t.on:at es for can- If you need anything in Light or fourteen years in the tnie4io 't in that Country atr;t no .Ioubt their talk will b; very inteiest.ink. A(1. Mission fee 10c. and 15c. Piles 'jet quick and certain relief from 1)r. Sboop's Magic Ointment: Please note it is znndu alone for ar'O other frien(15. I'piles. and its action 15 positive and -.1r=. Wm. T}e'wra- certain. itching. painful, Itirotrud- who hav- been viol in; or blind piles disappear like !eft for her home :r: Lori magic by it., are. Large riickle•ca1- urday morning. Bc(Ilowes,j'irs 50 (-elite. Sold by W. -The Dtisse►s Olive (jr, ince, Mer- v itrk, and 1'h(eabe Itickt•iel areaatt.'n(1• I in:: the millinery opening. at London ante •1'rFon 10. -\i se; Floss'. (;ail, of aura' ;i14 alis' title) Bell, of Burr: c!ate, sere the faucets of Aliso Hos during tail bast twek. --M.s- Hattie rollick !caves to - mote ow, (Friday) for n extended Ir. i':gertrrn Will exchange for other grain nine purpcses.Heavy Harness you will make no mis- takeof Diirtrte.• by calling and examining our e polis goods. Our leader, a Light Rubber thepent :' few cla,t in totwr'' Haunted Harness. sells an tri art and guest of Mrs. 11. Lar brookel jr., K An - is unsurpassed in style durah,lily, and Residence, t eft• Janice ,tad An - price. drew Street. ARTHUR D. DAVIS I daughter rienda here on c: Sat - CARD O1' THANKS Thc• citizens of Dashwood Irish to thank all thoso who i clpeti tiur:us the fair, ar:d especially the Exeter a finger as he rent along, "a;;(1 the fire brigade, who 140 willingly came two Kclleys was three--" to our aid to give tt!::i as-. tar,c- "ilut the two Kelley. %%er:: three.," they could. some one broke in. .1. 1: ELLER `.IA \ \ .Fit with her brother "Do you know the twa IKellcysl" --T- - 1'r.Il ck. Grand Forks. asked Case; warmly.13OIIN _ 1 _'N1� . 'slaw Skinny r, :: i.,:. "No." McC[ tt) -- fol:. Stephen, rn \t r, 11:c: