HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 16STRWART'S I:S • i..'• - • irec From nue ')f the finest potteries in England "S. Fielding & Co." three large packages of the finest toilet sets we have ever shown. They come ill pure white with gold tracing, -pure cream with gold tracing, and white and cream body with fancy colored and gold decorations. We would like you to call and see just what nice goods they are. $3.90'The Grecian a pure white 10 piece Toilet Set. gold traeed,tall slim shape large roll basin. $4.50= -The Dane a rich cream 10 piece Toilet Set gold traced and stippled. Large swell shape. deep oval basin, with heavy roll edge. $5.50• -The Saxon pure cream' 10 piece Toilet Set gold lined and stippled, new octa- gon sheep, deep full round basin with heavy roll edge. The choicest cream colored Toilet eSet we have ever shown, $3.50BIue Riga whitewith ground 10 piece Toilet Set rich cohault blue decorations gold lined -a dandy. $4.50. -Tudor cream ground 10 piece toilet set, lovely litho Rowers in natural colorings with gold shadings. new oval basin with Large heavy roll edge. $5.50 --Bath create ground 10 piece Toilet Set. new swell shape, natural floral decorations in pink. blue and hello, new ave! basin, swell roll edge. $6.75 'Trent creamy white ground 10 piece Toilet Set, new tall full shape, very neat small floral decorations, rich gold tracing, new oval basin. The finest set we have ever shown. 30 Different Lines We show thirty dif- ferent lines in Toilet Secs ranging in price from $ I.50 to $6.75. They come to us direct from the potteries in Great Britain. The saving in middle men't profit will be all yours if yoli buy from us. J. A. STEWART b'!#�!!i�i* •'!~'1'+•l -++++++}++++.c, M�++++'!'.i'++'b+++++++ Successful J Wedding Is impossible without the help of jewelry store. Try to think what such an affair Id be without the presents. to imagine the ring ears, giftless Ing. 's unthinkable. you would find it hard to get g without us at such a tame. e have s greet big interesting y of gift articles. nd the heauty of it is that the jority of thein are anything but pensive. e suggest Silverware, Clocks, cy China, Etc. Call and take a good look through, MARCHAND JEWELER NEW fall Suitings, -, -Rural schools will open on Mon- day the 19th. r --Miss Emma =fall •returned from London last week. -Miss Nellie Russell, of Toronto, is home for a month's visit. -Mrs. Geo. Arder.t, was visiting her mother at Fingal last wwtiek. -Miss Cooper,' of London, .!s the gueat of Mr. and Mr f. Ed. Jones. -Mr. Aquilla Shcieke. of Lansing, is !the guest of his another Mrs. Alf Shcere. -Mr. Gordon Mclsiay left Satur- day mo: n:ng for \Vex dstocl: to visit friends. -Mr. Gri.nnel and family, of De- troit. are the 'guests f Mr. and Mrs. A. E. I'ym. -Mies Alice Petty, London, vis- ited cher slater Mrs. ornc Scott last Thursday. -Mr. and Mrs. N rman Bern, of Norwich, are visitin Mr. and Mrs. James Born. -About fifteen fr n Exeter took in the excursion to arnia and Det., troit Saturday. -Mise Lillie Marie 'Tent last week Ithe uost of llr. and Mrs. Roulstan. Mr. William John . aliett, th^_ gc•n• ial clerk at the Ce tral is taking his holidays this we k. -Mrs. 1). Johns v. nd Miss Lill,' Joints left last wee for Sarnia .to visit Mrs. W. Goodisoh. --Mrs. .1. .1. WhitQ and daughter Dorothy Margaret arc visiting friends in Detroit and Essex County. of Stratford, AND Fashion Plate roint flrrlvca Call and Make 11 Selection be- fore the rush. V. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. ETER, -- ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLIOT Iveyancer Accounts Collected lam to loan at iowe. rake. pees, wca Lamb tot dials. Office, Main Street, Exeter THE t'HiEF REASON why you should look after your eye- sight is -that Nature never offers us * new pair of eyes The best of rea- sons why. at the first sight of trouble, you should consult an OPTiCAL EXPERT for relief. We can add to your ap- pearance as well. Examinations free Don't delay. Make it the chief Luise mess of your ds v -TODAY. Optica good:; in complete stock. We manufacture our own. Try it. W.S. HOWEY Phm. B. Chemist and Opticlt/n. EXETER. ONT ARIA 'i' b. ghal Y• I 11 a '1. 1 ll[ b 8 AUGUST Ibth loo?, Market Report. -Tile following a the report of Easter markers. ewe. rested up tw August 15th, 1807. Wheat, 80 to 65 cents per bushel. Harley, 40 to 45 cents. Oats, 40 to 41 cents. Peas, 60 to G5 cents. Shorts, $24 p r ton. Fleur $2.50 per cwt. Bran, $20 per ton. Feed Flour *1.40 to $1.45 per cwt. Mutter. 17 cents tier pound. Eggs, 15 cents per donee!. Bogs, dressed. *9 trer cwt. !loge, livetweigbt, Hay $7 to $8. Clover seed. -18431:010 per bushel. Potatoes, 75e.'. per bag. Dried App''s, 6c. per pound. (.'arl. $7 a ton. \Fool. wa,hcd.to 22e per Ib. Wool. unwashed. 1 (to Idle. a lb. •••••••••••••••••••••••N- • LOCALS •••••••• t►••••••• S. Fitton. issuer of marriage li- censes. also complete line of need• ding rings always on hand. -Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of London, oho were. viaiting Mr. and Mrs. Jobu Jarrott, lett for their home last week. GIANT • TRIPLETS "Currency' "Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes in big plus. Quality always !the so hould you require bind for growing stuff for the Canning factory which is clot -e hv, don't imiss the sale Atie. 21 at 2 o'cicck.p. tn. -Mr. pmt Mrs. Tbc.y. Marton ro- tuq ed (Friday night from Cbicago, wi re they spent 'three weks via- iting friends. -Mr. Jerv. ...Dickson a'ld Mrs. Thos. Terry. who were, visiting friends at the North End left for London Monday. ; 1"or Quality and Quanti�y ask your dealer for the new h g plugs of "Bobs." "Hlag." and Cur ency chew. ing lobae:CAe3. -Mr. August Guhr, who has a contract rc.r dredging a Gedd's Hill Strafford, lent week wed his fitm'- ily to that place. Kathleen Katie Collins returned day eve after an enj outing tat the Bend. tewwart and home Satur- yable weeks -"Gala Day" at Gra d Bend last Thursday tom away many from Exeter that the tatr .. s trod a do - i erted oppearaneo all lay. -Mr. and Mrs. Wrn Jarrott and Mr. and Mrs. Ilugh ove. Of Hills - green were the guest: of Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott las Sundity. -Mr. and Mrs. C. t age and lam- ily, of Marlettle, Mie.., .were the ossests of Mr. and Mr . Ed. Maguire last %week. Mr. Gage s Station agent at Marlette. -Mr. flare Smote. of OaliforMo, Miss M. Daltry, sof T. ron•ho,, Mr. T. W. 'Harris, of London and Miss A. Courtice. of Oshawa, N •sere gut its a•t Mr. J. Essery'i., of F.on, fast week. -The City Corpora ion of Exeter; England, Clave hough lire appliances for the Girls' Iterate) in connection with the Municipal ('•'lege, the 'mr'tl- bers of which will l taught to use the apparatus. -Mrs. Fitzgerald, f London, who has been visiting ho . for atone time expects to leave to -n orroww for Lon- don .for a short vi: it, after which she twill go to Seattl , Wash. for an exter'ded visit. -Thos. Acheson, r the Central h having improvement made to .the driveway into his at lc. A cement walk from Main stns;, to the back end of the hotel ha been laid and the oobhlegtrone div way is being torn up and replace! with cement. --The biggest horse in the world will 1►r' at Toronllo ex ibiition this year. The horse was portion of the ,Morocco exhibit at • ho St. Louis fair. It rot,ar& 21 ha 1, ! incites high, or 7 feet 2 inc es, .wsseigtlrl 2.835 pounds and is se n soars old. -Miss Laura M. .J r -x•11 has Wen en000ted by the Godertel sottonl hoard l' Ike charge of tb' t�rinoi[sr11'a room at the •Cont rn l so I for t.ho Model term. Miss .Teck tl 1 6s nn ems. cellont teacher and no doubt twill give the Gcdcrich schoo board ;cod eatisfact inn. -Rev. \W M Mort in eaves this week Ifor Clifton Sprit] v for his holidays. During his a !rend• union services t.Will be held wi h the ATnjn Street church, Ilev. A. Fear preaching tin th-' l'reshy t rim nhuroh in 'the morning and in L1 Methodist church et night. -Messrs. Thos. Ache and Har- old Ilissett returned la Thurr,day from their trip 1.o Kings ills, ww.hero they were l:hn gur'st y of Thos. Oke. The entire journey mood made wwit.h horse and carriage, hut' y vow Ilse next time they go torn dietanoo, the train for Ithern. T y covered 157 miles from Exeter 'to ingsvillo and about the some dis•ta return- ing. -It is possible that :in re 1i 11 01) for South Iluron will Noon be este root. Ii"nsa 1111X)(U3 for t4t1C11 a reU11io is Seaforth. Gentlemen in b [slaws ore taking up the ala it mould be wise for Exette in (line. As Exeter i; lh^. re. centre of South linr•on, the be the 1leadtluar'1•ets for s celebration. d HHoy;+• r 19115 is quite and ro h these ter and to 'gnat ognized avould oh :1 -Mr. Thotnas Smsl•', lac! digger, El mtillc !as; Monday o mnlet.'ed the. new well a: the school. }'or a nurn'ti,r of years the wat4 at the school was tarot suita le for drinking 1►urt►cses and th supply wks light, consequently tI School Board decided to have snot ee .ec dug. The new well is dec;ded slioce.•.. stavd water using und, and Monday there were night .et in it. Mr. Sinali' thoroughly un eratanct; wall d.`ggin j. Mr. Thos. Cameron will a iia Fx-s- ter ev.,ry Saturday afte no.ii to make arrangements with tiose who wish to hare a olio- rf rrep'rty. stock of household roods Orll•+rs left at the! Times office will be rtoaiptly attended to. j Money Saving Bargains Look over this Bargain List. 0 ei tri Ito rn Bargains In Lace Curtains $2.50 Quality for 52.00 • 00 Qtsal%tv for $1.50 11.50 Quality for 11.10 Bargains In white and colored Muslims 250 Quality for 15c 15c Quality toe lOe 121c Quality for 8c Bargains In men's fancy stammer rests li tht and dark colors. $1.25 Quality for 89c Bargaing In Umbrellas spleutild top with best steel and fancy handle. $1.2.1 Quality for !loci Bargains In men's Neckwear only 3 doz four in hand ties left to sell. 35c Quality for l9c Bargains Io ladies Fancy Hose Black Cashmere Silk Embroidered different colors 50c Quality for 42c Bargains In ladies leather Belts assorted Colon 38c quality for 25c Bargains In Japanese Matting 20c Quality tor 12ic Bargains In Tapestry Cushion tops. 35c Quality for 18c Bargains In Boy's strong evening shirts blue with white spots guaranteed fast colon. 50c Quality for 39c Bargains In Boy's leather belts 25c Quality tor 15c Bargains In ladies Black Cashmere Hose warranted all pure wool 36c Quality for 25c_ Bargains In Mea'e Fancy Socks 35c Quality for 19c rn oa z 0 :11 81\TE121...1 8z ROWS Don't sweat and worry about get- get lot for yourself 'hen can get one for very little money. Sale Aug. 24th, 2 o'clock p. -Messrs. W. J. IIea an and Johtt Hind delegates of th Exeter lodge 1. 0. O. F. lett Mon ay sight for Orillia to attend a I eeting of the Grand Lodge of the . rder at that place. DR. OVENS EYE A D EAIt SUR. aeon. will be at t Commercial llotel. hours 9.30 a m. to 4.30 p. m. Glasses properly itted and dis- eases of eye ear and nose treated. next visit. Friday, Au ust 9th 1907. The Ladies Guild, the Tri�it Memorial Church have engaged Mr. Fas, the eminent comcldian, of Tar- IVcnto for their Annual.arden party to be held on the Reco:•y grounds on Friday, August 23r:'. Remember the date. -_Mrs. R. R. Ilor� rs nd children. of Chicago, after a visit with friends in Parkhill, have retgr ed to Exe- ter, for a visit with re. Rogers, parents Mr. and Mrs. EdChrixtae be- fore going back to Chico. o. -Do you ever kick w your visitors do not apiear in the personal column of the 'Times and wonder what's the mattdr with the Editor; Well say in the knajarity of cases the neglect is clue o the host or hostess. failing •ho let u know who their friends are. We c tch on to great many strangers bu often no doubt, Bliss some of the . • Local news is always welcome at the Times and .we will be glad to c o the an - ranging if you will suppl us with the correct date. 'Wait up, aur telephone No. is 31, and ►w have :t drop letter box on our offi , door. I wood, --ThurKd;ty'rl big day of ,epi rt at No danger of over dishing the wheel. Grand Bend eclipsed all fo ' er roc. The paint is net scratched or injured. ords for crowds at the Lak •• Huron Can get your job done in one quarter resort and over revon thous viii• the time. tors witnessed the event_s.a dlorse races ball games, 't to -of-war switnnring and boating sac s and other similar event were ho tested and the warmest into evidenced by the crowds. and showwmrn reaped a fine and the dance hall was eti business at an f=arly hour o morning. Previous to :his had held the records, but th been broken now by the "g organized t,y the summer --Miss E. Virginia Grant, field N..1., has been engagl�t charge' of the Shorthand Dar of the 1Winghanl lluxiness Miss Grant is n grade Gregg Shorthand School, C ,which Jahn 11. Gregg the Pi ir.cipal. She !•.Is had a teaching experience in bit mercinl rrhoola of t'ri ted 5 :v t;:g!:1}' recommended by 1 Mr. Spotttot' s -•ems deter out the W. 11. C. to thy, fr'O:.t. We u rido starid t ha b. the accord teacher in C was traincci by the .1uth hoot 1lusinc•sa College en viable reputation. - Wing ting y you mantes of ••••••NN••••••••••• COLE'S CORN !CUIU3I Makes no difeeence how stubborn the corn is, it can't resist "COLE'S 000 CURE" This is the preparation which will remove any hard or soft corn easily, quickly and permanently. If you have never tried COLE'S CORN' CURE you have no idea how successful it as. Every bottle guar- anteed. COLE'S DRUG STORE Cole's Baking Powder is the Beat, Try it and be convinced. NEW TIRE SETTER The Hous Gold The Setter It is our motto to keep all lineb of our business. Reasons why this tire setter does he work better thah the old way: The ties stay tight longer. There is no charing or burning the up•to•date ie con- es t twit ] Fakrs harv'3t 1 doing Friday July 1 •se :,ave la day" esidm t!. ►f )'lain• to take arttnent College. of the ir'lgo, of lobar, is yeari nit corn. .stet, and r. Greg;. ninod to ery fore. she oil; nada who, r. Wing - vs an c`n- n1 Titnes. -F:st•t*'r's veniersihle p.ortsman, 11r. N. 1). llutdoit, o as ar-a•t'ing the congratul:tlix,ts4 of his fr ods last Sunday, 'the occar.:on tx•ti1his 60th birthday. One can Oiard /relieve that Mr. '1lurdo11 h;te to tiled .t.h•e age of three store, as h . certainly don't look or net it. Sinn he carte to Exeter in 1885 he has la active -Mr. hail !lardy, tw in .'trrything that lira t ing of the north neat several months ;igo sport Jo it, is Always thr' oat fictive rctuct:c.j 'r.c:nc last we: :n. tgetting up celcbratin s, and in -Mrs. .John Gould . (1 two chil• fact nye would have :1 har time gra- (ion, of London. aro visiting Mr. ti.sg up anytthing of the kir 1 wwithotil ard Mrs. Richard Gots 1. N. D. In the tw,inter he evot.s hid --Mr. Geo. Bird, of Durhar:, a' stare Vine to curling, :1 although' foster resident of F. ter, is the 11 • don't claire to be Scat' or t'veri' WICPt of Mr. Thornto Baker. i l ;- h, he iA ;1 good maid r of tiro lir A e111en(lid opportnn ty to secure t►.trne. At 'bowling he .i. likev'%4fland cheap at the bigg ey Atm. 21th at proficient .and can put. in "kit ly O'clock p. m. I'ositiv y no twelve. toucher on oflxrn :IN ;tnycwne, in hist younger days cricket and llicros,e in- ' -Miss Jcs. v C'rcech tereatred him and today he i,„h1�w•yys' for the west on an ready end willing to help Along when with her sister, Mrs. F ani: Hancock. any kind of a game cones up. Tho i -Messrs. Luther Pe hale, Herbert natchimes of the Trivit 'Memorial Azt, Earl Hardt-, Alvinilrint:l ll and twerp• rung Smut y rnornira;l Arthur StrStier, ao ;l. F w�, rk camping in honor of M r. 1lurdon' .11 slaat the (lend. and the flag of the spurns end Blewy of the lioltwn's bank we unfurled' li'n`es v rola andcto Davidson returned Saturday to tn'iir home i for the same reason. 11 .'s hoping Winghatn, after a Ow twce•ka N. D. will live to race any more ,111d visit with rclativr and �.friend. birthdays. / • here. We will guarantee all work done by this machine. We are also preparedto cut down wheels or any other repsirs that your rig may need. R. ROBINSON, Winchelsea. Wagon Maker. -!Liss Tracy of St/. Marys, is the guest of the Misses Sweat. -Mr. John I'arrrte' left evening for the Nor "Foot Ease," a tr 25c. a box at Cole's -Mr. Herb and Ear spending this week at nest. Monday e Loot comfort rug Store. bout hoot t arc the (lend. - 11rs. Ilrawn, of \V� iting her brother Mr. Ile-Ms1j ,1 ;.ier<t:ic Hessel towwrt is visiting her fat - Miss Elsie McCallur r;esday of t }t'= week f Toronto. - Mr. T. if. McCalln,li and family returned Monday aft,- a season'h 3ut:r.g at the Bend. -The 11;ASCII I):r.ah Elston ;iro visiting fr' lotions in Centralia. -Mrs. S. A. 1'opie-t re, of Blyth, :s the guest of her sig Mr 5. .John Morgan, of i:aborne. oxeter, :a vis- Vm. Grigg. , of George." cep- Mr. Thos. left on Wcd- r a visit in nd Miriam nd! 0114 re. to went to left Saturday xteroti'd t•;sit THE OLD RELIABLI3 We Beg to Announce that we have more Ladies White waists Than we care to carry over, consequently will reduce the price. $1.00 for 75c; 1.75 for 1.25; 2.50 for $2,00 $1.25 for 1.00; 2.00 for 1.50; 3.00 for 2.50 $1.50 for 1.25; 2.25 for 1.75 These goods will go quickly Come early and get your choice. We Still Carry a Fine Range In the Astoria Sher !lobby Seeds. HIGHEST PRIDE PAID FOR PRODUCE CABLING BROS. the Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD Off10E:-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: . . $3,000,000. MAlltf OF IIRICTOSS: .EuIt ius JARVIS, Esq., - - Presiders, RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Zig., First Vice-A-es:denrl A. A. ALLAN, Esq., . • • Second Yin-Prerideratl Hox. D. MCMILLAN, HON. PETER McLARax, ARCH. CAMPBELL, Esq., M.P. W. K. MCNAUGHr, Esq., M.P. A. E. DYMENr, Esq., M.P. Ar.Ex. BRUCE, Esq., K.C. F. G. jammxTT, R. CASSE S, G.' oral -Mang r. Asst. General -Manager. Savings Ball Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches -:EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors FIENSALL BRANCH, -- H. ARNOLD, Manager. Book -Keeping P�timanship holtthand and Touch Typewritinf� Taught by Professional Teachers at Western Business and Shorthand 6o116(J@ 110 Dundas 8teeef, London, Ootsrio, Every Graduate Placed in a Situation. Fall Term 6offlffldo6o scpt 3r0, 1907 Catalogue Free, address WM. C. COO, C. S. R., Presid elft. Fall Term OPENS SEPT. This management during the pant year trained over Two Hundred young la- dies and bJ gentle- men, as steno- graphers, bookkeep- ers and telegraphers, and placed them in excellent situations in leading Cenadian and American cities. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. GWNTON BUSINESS' GOLLEGE Avoki Competition There is a market for the BEST and the surest way, we think, to get away from competition is to Imake a little better flotir than the r other fellow• I GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. ••••••••••••••••••••••-•••• AT- CENTRALIA SAW -MILL British Columbia Shingles Barrel Headlhg and Hoops FENCE $LIT$ Kept on hand or out to order CUSTOM SAWING Done on shortest notice. Logos Wat sled Delivered or on the stump THOS. ELSTON Don't forget the big sale of land ither in Intl or by the acre. Aug. 24th 2 p. m. Station road. Our motto is "not how cheap but how good". Ask for STAR flour t stands alone. MANUFACTURED BY HARVEY BROS. A Good Way to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First•class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good assurance that you will be sorry for nothing and prices are always at the bottom notch. W. JOfflIIB Merchant Tailor