HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 151# �. , 61%.%Y ll\lII. Although usually regarded as s Flgn of age, gray hair, or candies, as it is celled ill ilio language of taedictue, Is nol always so. 11 luny appear very early in life, even in the teens. In that 046e it usually affects young W0111(11 ruttier than young ii en. A peculiarity about the gray hair of the young is that it 13 ulula•L ulwayo entirely white, and becomes se, sudden- ly. All the hairs are equelly affected, and one seldom sees the mixed color, or iron gray, so common in those of middle or advanced age. Sometimes in the young. even in chil- dren, !hero is one gray lock like an island in the sea of norinaily coloreds Mite about it. This is usually a family pe,'uliarity, occurring in one generation after the eller. 'Phe cause of the hair turnnig gray is something that puzzles the docters. The tailor of the hair is due to the deposit of pigment in the interior of each hair, and grayness follows the toss of this pig- ment. That is self-evident, but the (:uz- zt s is what causes the pigment to disap- pear. :onto have believed that it is due to the drying of the hair, which causes a sluinkage of its fibres, and so allows the entrance of air -bubbles, the refraction of light from which then gives the white appearance. The proof which Is adduced in sup- port of this belief is, that if a gray hair is put into the receiver of an air -pump and the air is then exhausted, the Dolor of the hair may return more or less com- pletely. Metchnikoff, the famous bacteriolo- gist, says the cause of grayness is the penetration into the hair of wandering cells, resembling the white blood -cor- puscles. Titese cells, assisted by other cells the aggregatkut of which makes the hair, seize upon the granules of pigment and destroy them. Nearly every one has read of instances of the sudden bleaching of the hair -- even in a single night—under the in- fluence of fear, grief, or Borrie other in- tense mental emotion. That such cases have occurred is un(kurbted, but the ex- planation by either of the theories above mentioned is difficult. There is no cure for gray hair so far ns is known. '1.he use of curling -irons is said to retard its formation; rer- haps, if Metchnikoff is right, by de- stroying the activity of the cells which consume the pigment.—Y&Mils Com- panion . - DllsUN CASUUE JEWS. A Rumor That They Were Stoke b a Society Wonsan. There 1s going the round of London society an amazing rumor anent the disappearance of the slate jewels from Dublin Castle. Someone ala knows a peat deal about the affair states that they were taken while a big house party was stnying • with the Aberdeen a month ago. In the party was a. society woman who had been in desperate straits for miney. Lately her bridge debts have been nightly accumulating and It is said she has frequently threatened to ccnlmit suicide. It appears that while' the party was residing at the castle, some of the guests suggested one wet afternoon that lord Aberdeen should show them the jewels. Ile readily can - settled. all 'Inching with him to the i..o.n where tttey were kept. After hav- ing been duly admired, the grins were put back- into their sate which was locked in the usual way. So little happens in Ireland that the oithtrities seem to think precautions is g s - ' unnecessary and everyone knows things are done in a very slipshod manner al Dublin Castle. The impecunious wu- rr,an, it Is suggested, obtained ternptor- ery possession of the key and hod a duplica'e nnnde of it. This having been Cane, the rest was as easy as saying Jerk Robinson, that is to say, for any- cno tstaying within the castie walls. No one now expects that the culprit will ever be traced after having had a month's start before the theft was dis- covered. ALL WEAK WOMEN. Will Find New Health and Stirnglh in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. CARE OF TIIE. EYES. Never rub your eyes. fled, Inflamed eyes are very unbecoming, and besides, the tubbing flattens the eyeball. Per- sistent crying and nursing grief ruins the eye, although an occasional recourse to tears relieves brain tension and does no harm. In case of an insect or any foreign platter in the eye, rubbing only in- creases the trouble—the tear, that come naturally will often wash away the in- truder. Assistance 'nay be given by oc easionnlly drawing the lid (ken and blowing the nose. 1f the foreign body sticks, and can be seen. it may be rel overt with a hand- kerchief or piece of linen turned over the, finger. If n cinder Is embedded so that it can- not be readily removed—at once con- sul: the doctor. If any acid or inflam- ing substance has got into the eyes, dew sweet oil into the eyes, and vnsh out with warn milk and water. Do not wail until the doctor al'rivts—proutpt treatment Is necessary. RL'LFS I'011 RiGHT EATING. The pules for eating. which ought to lo n part of every child's :\ B C.s. aro few and simple, though neglected by hall eif the adult pepuhltion. Expressed in dont's, they are: !sail eat in a hurry; don't eat when tired; dont forget 141 chew• well ; don't drunk much with meals—do it before, dont eat alt one kind of food; don't take much cold food nt one lieu'. Mast of us live BS iI uilcornsetnhs that there aro such things as laws of health whose vkdntion brings pain and sick- ness. The stomach will bear as much abuse ant) neglect as any organ of the batty. perhaps more than most of them; flit %%hen it reticle there is morally ono more cross dyspeptic inflicted on society and destined to .Fiend the rest of his drtys alternating between n diet of soft eggs and toast and sundry excursions int., mince pies, pork reel cabbage and other things that he likes, but which make 1)1111 misernble. REST .1N1) E\ERCiSE. Settle yourself in a corner; arrange yr.ur feet and arms, and your holo laxly, until you feel comfortable from head to feet. Sit in this position fur five minutes. Don't do anything lint lake keg. chest developing, easy brealhe. At the end of five minutes you will feel touch rested. If possible. tete these treatments twice a day. Once a dny ut solutely fling essential. The woman who scrennnsi every time anyone drops a fork or some one acci• dentally pets the (l,.or hang, the girl who can't help being Irritable. and the alt round "living on nerves" person should lake this exercise: Street erect, Minh clnspcd an trent ,and head bowed. Slowly lift Ihe head and shoulders. in- tenfing deeply through the nostrils. Thi' exeh'to will dispel the nervier; feeling and incidentally cure n double chin. The weak woman can depend upon it that her blood is out of order, for it her blood is rich and pure she will be strong, healthy and happy. Bad blood is the cause of nearly all the aches and pains from which women suffer. Keep the blood rich and red by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink fills and suffer- ing will not exist. Mrs. James l3. Kiatz, of Jordan Station, Ont., has test- ed tho value of these Pills and strong; ty advises other women to use them. She says: "For more than a year I was a great sufferer from weakness. I was completely worn out. 11051 flesh; could not rest at night, and in the nnorning i arose more tired then on going to Led. I had taken doctors treatment with no benefit. I grew worse day by day and was beginning to look upon any case as hopeless when f was ad- vised to try Dr. \Villianns' Pink Pills. le my great joy Lefore I had taken the pills a month they began to help and by Itto time 1 had taken eight Loxes every symptom of my trouble tad left me and i was once more en- joying perfect health and strength. 1 lcok upon Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a veritable life saver and never pose u chance to recommend them to my friends." The success of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills i, due to their power to ninkc new. rich red blood. This new blood strengthens the nerves and gives ncurishnnent to all the organs of the body, thus curing anaemia, indigestion, neuralgia, rheumatism. nervous debil- ity, headache and ba:'knche. and all the secret eihnents of girlhood and wo- manhood. The Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be hod direct re 50 cents a box or six Loxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. An evil reputation has long been be.rne by the upas -tree. It is still n com- mon belief Ihnt it is fatal for nnirnats or men to rest beneath its poLsofietls shade. Trees of swift development and re- markably repel growth are not always short liveel. On the contrary, the giant eucalyptus of Australia often remains seeiud and t igenous to a great age. "What a Lovely complexion Miss Amy hs. ! Who does sine get it from, her lather or her mother?" "From her fa- ther; !'e ka a manure:firer of toilet Joist seed as your name and adduces on II poet -card and we'll mail you a Painting Hook four the little folks and a quarter -pound pack- age et Celluloid Starch That means fun for the children and satisfactory starching for you. Celluloid Starch requires no boiling, gives a perfect finish to the clothes and never makes the irons stick. Write to -day for this free book and sample. ills b.ntbre wale hecto., u.nes Mtaeuer , estates .os he ado. suer buys e se real ..Ir. ca01sit. smite— only whoa tied) pi - mot \ler. dbe hada mak is sad bet ritasless •rssidedias ystas at•a•y cries are stilled by sips from mother's glass of gin. Workingmen drink just as ninth as tl a working women. A manufacturer, nn employer of hundreds of sten, was asked if English manufacturers ever made any restrictions about drinking when taking on new men. His reply was, "No, for it would be impossible to carry on business if such conditions were imposed." Ile was almost in- credulous when told of the strict regu- lations in regard to drinking that ob- tain in some of America's largest busi- ness establishments. !BILLIONS FOR LIQL'On. Great Britain Spends a Tremendous Suns Every Year. There are not quite 41,0),000 persons in the United Kingdom, but they an- r,ually spend kr reeriluous liquors a suns equal l0 1% limes the national rev- enue, or to all the rents of all the homes and farms in the country, says the (:rafisrnan. The public -house, the Eng- lish name kr the saloon with its bar- maid, is as much a national institution as the house of Parliament. There 1s time public -louse to every 3(10 inhabi- tsnls in England and Wales; in Scot - lend, one to every 566 persons; In Ire - lend, one to every 271. Whereas, in the days of our fore- fathers. the worst drinking was among tee nobility end gentry, to -day the poor and working classes are by far the most inl•'nlperatc. '..Id fact that drink- ing; is hnl.itual among the women ( f ttits grade as well as the men is the most serious feature. for ellen women do lei to the dogs the very utterulost dephts of degradation are usually reach- ed before the end comes. Al meal times, throughout the United hnng;donl, n pr,crasion of woolen with pitchers, buckets or cans may be seers going to some One of the many public: - houses, never mere than a stone's lhi4,w from their homes, and often not 30 far. As a rule. the omnibus, the favorite British melte ,of local transportation, has stopping places in front of public - /awes. From nn etiL,ttic seat on the 1•iis top, especially in London and other cares, a full view may t* had of the interior of the public -house, crowded always. incl e1 S.itiir.lny nights jammed to the point Gi suH'ocation. Old women, young wereen, girls are there; mothers teeth infants in arms. and riot uncom- n.e,nly with other children tugging at their skirts—little Orlis whose fretful LS 3t E NO. dl --47. Made in way tab. sits sad style% et 'seises rata. is ions -Wag suss lot woes.. Bien sad children. See that the PEN -ANGLE is throe—ie Worms your etes►ey'8 woo` Tho value of a man's memory de- pends en whether he is recalling his own good deists or those of his niece hors. (Corns cause intolerable pain. Hollo- way's Germ Cure removes the trouble. Try it, and see what amount of pawl 1s saved. THE CHEERFUL MAN. Ilia Praises Sung in Cheerful Tone by Cheerful Mr. Knozzleton. "1 like the cheerful man," said Mr. Knwzzleton, "Ihe men who refuses to be cast down, but takes ulways u cheer- ful view. "'D'you ever see such weather as this?' says the dismal man, wearily, shedding more sultriness all around. "'Didn't you feel that breeze?' says the cheerful man, smiling, and as a matter of fact there was the faintest flicker of a movement i1 the air just at that mo- ment, and lie caught it, because he is receptive to all good things; and he magnified it to all his hearers by his breezy cheerfulness. "The cheerful man for me every time —he makes life worth living; and 1 like especially to see him around in hot and humid weather. But he's helpful at all Cures. "So many people are so easily de- pressed; good people, but will only a narrow marten of courage; so that if any little thing goes wrong they think teat everything's going to pieces and the world is coaling to an end, but t h''n— ' •pooh!' says the _ cheerful men. 'what's that'.'' and he actually laughs at this little picayune trouhte, and just brushes it away and forgets it, making the faint hearted to lough and forget 0, too; and in lirue he may bring the easily discouraged man to acquire the blessed habit of laughing at all the petty troubles that pop out at us on the rend of life, and so driving them away, instead of gloomily Letting them climb on him to ride on his beck. Good man to have around is the cheerful man. '1 haven't caught a fish to -day,' says the disappoint. d man In the fishing party, and you'd think from his gen- eral eastdownncss that catching fish was the main onject of life, and that if you didn't catch any life was a failure. ' 'W ell, 1 haven't might. tiny, either; says the cheerful men, 'hut Eve had a darned good time rind i've caught an nppetite like a team of horses, and what 1 want now is to gel back to where they coek those Ilsh the way they cook 'ern here, and if i don't eat seventeen of 'end 1 miss my guess.' Does the cheerful norm perk up the whole party? Why, sure, anti when they've got a few of those fish inside of them they all think they've had a great time." Absent Minded Professor—"1 nlwayt forget to put a Handkerchief in iii coat. 1 really must make a knot in it le remind myself." LIM a bad !whit a stein disease grows. Ecrafs- 10as humors, eczema and all eruptions may be cure(! with Weaver'. Cerate, aaai.ted internally by Wearer's byrep. An Dntsaist& "Does your wife ever go through your peckefs ?" "No; site wouldn't dare !" "Wouldn't dare?" "Wouldn't dare to do anything that savored so much of idiotic licrelessness I" A Soothing Oil. To throw oil upon the, troubled waters means to subdue ro calmness Ike Most boisterous sea. To apply Dr Thomas' Eclectic 011 to the troubled body when it is racked with pain means speedy subjugation of the most refractory elements. It cures pain. teals bruises, takes the (pro (Nom Lures, tend as a general household me- dicine is useful in ninny ailments. it is worth mucli. A good policeman will do more to keep a conununity righteous than ten moralists. TIIE K1LLARNI:Y OF AMERICA. Nestling in a frame of beautifully wooded shores lies a series of beautiful likes 145 miles north of the City of Toronto, Ontario, and known as the " Lnke of Bays Region." A chain of seven lakes slu(kted with lovely islands. with hotels Throughout the district and a goxxl steamboat service to all points attracts the loUI'LSt, angler and sports- man. Just the out -d -the -way Fort of p•Iace to visit during the summer months. For alt particulars and free illustrated publication apply to 1. D. McDonald, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. "Pape, didn't you vh'p one once for biting baby ?" "Yes, my child. you hurl him very much." 'Then, papa. you ought to whip that gentleman who is in the parlor, fur 1 sow hint bite sister right on the lips ; and I know it hurt her, for I saw her put her ones round his nock and try to choke hint." Tommy : "You know Fatty Thomp- son, the butcher. What do you suppose he weighs?" Father : "1 don't know. What does he weigh 7" Tommy : "Meat." anus PILES. "i thought I must go on suffering from piles until i died," says Mrs. E. Beni, of Steenberg, (Ont.), "but Zarn- Ruk has cured me! For years 1 en- ('ired agony, could hardly walk about, and lost all my strength. Everything 1 tt'icd scenncd uselees. Thein Zane; Puk was recommended, and 1 bless the day! It has cured me completely." '!.inn -Risk is the finest household 0 piles, but • e 1. t o oil for , t luso n k► t r , Y ell skin troubles and diseasees—cuts, bruises, sore feet, insect slings, min - burn. eczema, etc. 50c., nil store, er 'Gant-Ruk Co., Toronto. 3 for $1.25. 1F fill: I.1:.\F THAT DANCED BY ITSELF 1 w. k•'. I slirre,l. end sighcd— Tiiere was no bn:alh in all the woods 14 s'.de ! ler it was noonday on the burning 1111.4. And on the perished ()ewers spun rills. 1 rose -1 danced and dnncedl But all my kindred 'round me stood en- tranced; Asleep upon the air the weedily hung, And wide apart his wings the woodbtrd flung. 1 danced—I whirled and whirled, 1111 w••ke the people of the moonlight w90rid — The fay—to ask what spell was laid on me Alone of all the leaves on every tree! and Thin sank trite a swoon, 1 slept again the breathless sleep of noon: Only n poet's fancy me betrayed And told of my mad (lan_o amid the shade. EDIIII M. THOMAS. • One ounce of gold will cover more than to miles of the silver wire used for making gold lace. England annunlly protects abut 300,001) ounces of gold thread. The ink pinni is a native of New Granada. in South .America. lis juice is a perfect, ready -mode Ink, and writing in this ink will remain legible after long itntl4Ctston in water. I'HE ROAST BEEF OF 011) ENG! AND Three is some pleasant reading kr l.et►ckuters in the report of the Afedical Officer of llealth at Portsmouth. Ne status That there has been a systemtitiC Nide rri diseased animals, principally tuberculosis cows, carried on in cer- tain country markets in Hampshire and Sussex, but that owing to the system u1 inspectit.n that has been adopted the meat no longer ands its way to l'orts- n:cuth. 'tile carcasses, it seems, ere now usually sent to London, and from the number et cows that are sold in the markets at prices ranging from 5s. to fes. each it i, obvious that there must it regular chint►els1tttOugli which such pleat can be reltdily disposed of. Occa- sionally one reads of the Conviction :n h -Iddon of soils farmer or butcher en- gaged in this filthy and dangerous fret - But there is little doubt that ire spite of the vigilance of the inspectors a good deal of diseased pleat is brought into Louden and sold for human con- sumption. They Advertise Themselves. — Int• inetilutely they were offered to the pub- lic, I'armelee's \'.'getable Pills Pilule is pular because of the good report they tirade for themselves. 't'hut reputation has grown, and they now rank among lire first medicines for use in attacks et dyspepsia is rind biliousness, conl- tlaints of the liver and kidneys, rheu- matism, fever and ogee and the irrnunl- eiame complicutio►is to which these ail- ments give rise. 7..t►M-BCK 91 Isn't till n Min gets ninnies that wo find out how much we hove Mr." "Yes, and then we wonder 11 she also Mrs. us I" After paying attention to a ,lady's pet lip -dog a gentleman asked its name. I call the dear creature 'Perchance,"' elle answered. "Surely a strange mune for your delightful pet, madam." "Do you think so, really? I nam21 it after pay• roe'S dog. Don't you relleeriber where hi says, 'Perchance my oog will howl'?" DON'T USE P0011 OiL. For use on eeitving machines, Li - cycles and all purposes requiring a fine lubricant, the best is cheapest in- the end. Genuine Singer oil can only be obtained at Singer stores. Look for the lied S. Singer Sewing Machine Co. Write us at Manning Chambers, Toron- to, for set of Bird Cards free. Our idea of a feminine diplomat is a woman who knows how to ►nnitnge n man—and at the sa►no time keep him from knowing that she is doing it. When a man wants to instill a side- board in his home ho begins to argue for prohibition. Tweh•e per cent. of ill human beings have the right stun distinctly longer than the left. The supor`lorily of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator Is shown by ils use 1 arch g•v►d Mit-'cls on the children. a loltle and give it a trial. "Mrs. Sandys," said the grumbling Loonier, "I am going to write to the town clerk." Mrs. Sandys : "Indeed, sir ! What about 7' "Mout tho quality of the water. it's disgrneeful. Why, detected a distinct ator of teller in it thin ,no,-Iling." 111111G.1TED LANDS. During the next tour months a great 111011y of our readers will be looking around for changes in location, some desiring a change of climate, others wishing to go where they can obtain mere land for themselves and their sen:. The nitr niton of tllo.,e intent on nuking a change is direr Icet to the ad- vertisement in this issue of the Land f'epaitntent of the linker Trust' Con1- i'any, Toronto, who are offering irri- g•,led lands in Southern Alberta nn•1 British Columbia. Read their advertise- ment and if you write them, kindly mention this paper. France grows 1,60n.000 tons of netlike yearly, and makes 210 million 'pillow, et cider. A mere whiff of arsine -gas will prove feint in from three to eight dayt. This gas killed ire discoverer, Adolph Geblen. atia Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial Is a speedy cure for dysentery, diar- rhea chelern, summer complain!, ,ea 5akne4ss null eomplalnis incidental to children teething. It gives Immediate rtlief to those suffering from the effects cf indiscretion in eating unripe fruit. cucumbers, etc. it acts with wonderful rapidity and never fails to congtner the d:wase. N,1 one need fear cholera if they have a bottle of line medicine con- vcuicnt. THE COLOR TIi41' CONCEALS. The German war department has token much pains to select a color for ui'iforn►s to be used in active service which will prove es inconspicuous as possible in the 110Id. As a means of concealing operations in battle, in these nays of long-range guns, nn "invisible" uniform for infantry ranks with stn<,ke- !css powder. The German experiments ave demonstrated that the colour which cotmes nearest to making soldiers an - visible in an ordinary landscape Ls gray -green. Simple gray. on the con- trary, slakes a very conspicuous uni- form amid the sante surroundings. Ad- ditional tests are to be rnade to deter- mine the hest color for winter wear. and especially amid snow-covered landscapes. The University of Parisi is the largest second. with Berlin a good third. Stops —sad an stomach and bowel disorders. , Makes pony babies plump and rosy. Proved C olIc 622°12 OAk your a for it— Nurses' iter Moaers' Treasure —2Se.-6 bottles $I.21. srsaal Dt.s hissing C.. Lirre d It }}_s ('r 5' • • ROOF for e Years to Came lint one roof is 0!'ARAreIT. In writing to pie Trgood for 25 sears and is really good for • hundred. That . a root of "OSHAWA" GALVANIZED STEEL SHINGLES Put them on youn.K--common sense and a hammer and snips does it. The building they corer is proof against lightning, fire, wind• rain and snow. They cost less because they're made better. and s,f better material. Write us and learn about K 00 F I NG RIGH QHT. Address The PEDLAR People (I« Os►swa reoam.r gnaws Vicente Lamina 'Winnipeg ANNUAL YEARLING TIIOROUONBRED SALE —AT Tt1s Saratoga Raocoulrsee Saratoga, N.Y., UND&R TNS MAN4GSMIINT or FASIO•TIPTON COMPANY, OF NEW YORK AUGUST 15 SOHN E. MADDEN, UAMSL PLACE. 1'EARIINGS. IF. R. IIIITC k1M7i INTM TOM THOMAS IU CHCO(7i (NEW TOM M. 11. TN:IIENOR « CO. iNEW SOAR) U. S. PAGE, SOPS) " AUGUST 17 E. S. GARDNER, A'.'ON DALE STUD, YEARLINGS. PARVERSTONE $ CO.. EDENWOLD STPD, " The Annual Fall We of Thoroughbred Yearlings' WILL BEGIN '• PVTUR(TY DAY." SATURDYA, AUC. 31 "" *ea SATURDAY, SEPT. 14 at the Company's Paddocks, Sbeepshead Bay, New York. CATALOGS MAILED ON APINJCA TION TO p11 FASIG-TIPTON CO., 1ell`t"iaervtait."11.111. WHAT IIE: SATS. "A woman," remarked the cynical bachelor, "seldom says what 5110 thinks." "That's right," rejoined tine man who had been married so long that to had to comb his hair with a towel; "she only says what she thinks she thinks." They Cleanse the System Thorough- ly. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills clear the stomach and bowels of bilious matter, cause the excretory vessels to throw off impurities from the blood into tho bc.Wcls and expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain or inconvenience to the patient, who speedily realizes their good offices as they begin to take effect. They have strong recommendations from all kinds cf people. M. wit Nr ewes ese.nara NEWifOUSE TRAP. Poop* ..,....r, ,.a. -e.... fa ti s-, e. -•e.► r e., ...... Pm.. r s —. —e no -....r .....s roe • rs,....sh .ora.,. Yarn Owe contrivers. IN. ..r,. rr. .. WILSON'S FLY P DS atm tiro elf. No had Mea ...rte w~I1rrzzi as MKCI$Tt, 11MSMUS lay CUM sea Mg pashas, M a MtaMwN M Saw will Meta whets uw$ri. Imagination is thinking you are having n good time when you are only spend - wife to go back to her mother again to live. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious itch in human or anin►als cured in 30 minutes by \\'ol- ferd's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists. Modesty Is another term for the way a man acts when he gets found out do- ing something he ought to be doing. TYere Is se emelt thing as a harmless cones The trouble goes from bad to worse unless check• ed. Allon•aLung Balsam curve the worst colds. It allays inflammation and clears the air passages An armless couple were recently mar- ried in Oliio. They have no intention of going through life hand in hand. There were no fewer Ilion 5.411 prose- cutions for Sunday trading in England and Wales !f: the year 11X)(. • ONENf.LE CURTAINS mass kieas at b... assets.% MWig Li - _ �I � vuiu. 'uu oY ul s wit". sleet peers McT1tl1 IM10t1M aroma W.14' tM. Mr001 The Rideau Lak QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY UMITIiD. River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Route. THE FINEST TRIP ON T CONTINENT. Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes lightsnelleectriictbeib and .11 m derro u,miorta� tete SAILS FROM MONTRKAI.074 MONDAYS at spm., Sri and 17th June, 1st, 16th and zvth Juiy, Itch and Teth August, RA and 23rd September, and fortnightly thereafter for Piaui", Pi 8.. (sail. (aa at Quebec, (nape. 51a1 nay, Perris, Cap Core, Grand River, Savmeralde, P.K.L, and t:iarkl. kN.wa, BERMUDA $eateer Kfrcnrstnna, e55, by the new Twta rticrewKS. "itarlaaAlsn", 1,54') tuns. Bailin/ Gib and IetuhgJune, 3rd, 17th and 11.t Juply, 14th and 116tba title (� 1ober, 6th.4th, letb an116thr and 5)55 Yoi "1 e110 bar. Temperature c"olud by sea bronzes w1do. 't,.. &bore 3o degrees. The finest trips of the season for health and somrnre. Secretary, ARTHUR AIIERy. Quebeo. A. E. OUTERB1tDGE t CO., Agents, 10 Broadway, New York. Lake and Island Tari This trip is without doubt one o most enjoyable in Canada. The belled ltideau Lakes, noted for grand scenery, and pnssed by day The Commodious steamers "R King" and "Rideau Queen," leave Ston every Monday. Wednesday, day and Saturday at 6 a.m., le Imo. every Monday, Tuesday, day and Friday at 2 p.m. Connections at Kingston with Trunk, Kingston and Pembroke Re end Richelieu and Ontario Nevi Co., at Ottawa with G. T. R., C. O. and N. Y. By., 0. R. Nay. Co. O. F. Co. For guide book w NOONAN, V. P. and G. 1N., 10 Ont. BETTER buy an L. SMITH & BROS. T WRITER ROW than sorry afterwards. Every useful device built not patched on. WRITING ENTIRELY 1N SIGHT ILLUSTRATED CA7'AI.001IE L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER CO. TIM PLOPLL'S WICMIME. NEWSOME & GILBE LIMITED SOLE DEALERS, 9 Jordan et., Toro NALIPAX. N. B. MONTRI!A IRRIGATED FARMS BLOCKS OF LAND FOR SALE in 5'zn t, stilt purchasers, from 10 rlcrr_s upwards, R'Junted on or near railways in the famous wheat, root and vegetable growing and stock rais.tig districts of ALBERTA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA Prices, with water right, perpetual amt tate.. those ever placed 111 on irrigated lands In the ad)v,ning, The quality of the land the finest. An acre of irrieared lona to Southern Alberta raises; twice the amp of the test un.rrgnted land elscwlaert --AND TIIE CROPS NEAEIt FAIL. This magnificent Irrigation tract of 3.(ein,(.00 arras is without doubt the finest land proposition on the market to -day. Immigration is pouring In ; values will soon be on the rue. Write us for Interesting and full printed infurnialion. The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited, unfailing. lover than d • 174 Bay St., Toronto Exclusive Agent In Ontario. Manitoba and the Maritime f'ro- •tnees br the CANADIAN PACATIC IRRIGATION COi.ONiZATION COMPANY'S irrigated landi.