HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 14IBWATEfl TOWEB FEIN
used About X60,000 Damage in Montreal
A despatch from Montreal says: A
Wittier accident, resulting in heavy
lamage, occurred early on Thursday
Writing, when a huge water to or at
he back of the building occupied by
doors. Hermann Welt( & Co., 6
mportere, 170 McGill street, fell with a
trrlfle cr:►s11. Fortunately herr' people
vete about and no olio was in the
rleisiity at filo time-. There was Fracti-
elly no %yarning that anything unto-
ward was likely to o^cur, for after a
hew seconds of grinding noir, the
,rash told of an accident. As the tower
e11 to the westward tho large supply
)Ipo was severed at tho top of the build -
ng ,nasi in It few minutes the water had
)uret through on the five storeys like a
ar((t;e•n data, and every roout was soon
As tho tower fell arrcass the narrow
aro at the back of the building it
:truck the opposite building, 18 St.
Maurice Street,!`occupied by ttte Tamil -
kande Tea Go., with great force, the
iron pillars and supports craslung
through the roof and smashing it like so
touch rnatchwood. Ilio crash was so
seCere that an the people in the neigh-
boring buildings ran out into the street.
Much of the water from the tank fell in
through the broken roof and very many
chests of tett Were ruined. Hot ding off
the Turuilkande Company's bus ing, the
debris of the wree�krd tower telt into the
luno beneath, breaking windows and
woodwark in its deseea►t, another loud
crash being Heard as it reached the
The force of the fall Is shown in the
twisted and bent ironwork of the sup-
ports and the triangular baso on which
tile tower rested. Most of tlio wood-
work that felt was splintered into kind-
ling wood. 'Cha damage is estimated at
1. 5.
. rimes at $1.50 to.$ 5
a gad g WW arrear and Child ed Out and $1 ?0 and p
Children Dragged
hilravy Sentence for the Leader of
e says:
, 1 a
• \tin
a from Y
despatch g
A despatch from New York says . A desp P
arrows mom TOE IZADI%G
TRAM Cii'NT1thli.
Pekes of Cottle, Grain, Cheese and
Other Dairy to odree at filo..
and Abroad.
Toronto, Aug. 13. -- Flour --Ontario
wheat 90 per cent. putei►ts aro in fair
demand. with buyers at $3.35, and sell-
er at $3.40 in buyers' sacks, outside for
export. Manitoba first patents, $4.75 to
$i ; second patents, $1.25 to $4.50, and
strong bakers', $4.20 to $4.30.
Wheat -No. 1 Manitoba hard, 97)40,
lake ports; No. 1 northern, 96c, lake
ports; No. 2 northern, t 3c lake ports;
Ontario No. 2 wttite and red quoted in
Chi' lots at 87 to 88c outside; new wheat,
8.1 to 82c outside.
Itye}-Prices purely nominal.
Oats --No. 2 white are quoted at 43 to
433 c outside, and at 46c on track, To-
te:lite. New oats aro quoted at 40c out-
side, September shipments. Manitoba
oats, 45c track, Toronto.
Peas, --Market dull, with vices purely
nominal. -
Corn -No. 2 American corn is quoted
at 63 to 63))c, Toronto, lake and rail.
Barley --Prices purely nominal.
Bran --Quoted at *18 in bulk, outside.
Shorts are quoted at 820 outside.
Beans -Hand-picked quiet et $1.65 to
Hay -No. 1 timothy is quoted at $13
to$l,'i.50hero, and new ut,tut - 812.50
on track herb. - 4r •.r
Straw ---$7 to $7.50 a tan on track here.
Potatoes -New quoted at 90c to $1.10
per bushel,
Poultry -Turkeys, alive, 11 to 12c;
chickens, spring, dressed, 12 to 14c per
lb; fowl, 8 to 9c.
Butter --found rolls aro quoted at 18
to rer; large rolls aro quoted at 17 to 18c.
Creamery prints sell at 21 to 23c, and
sc bels at 19 to 21c.
Eggs -Case lots sell at 18 to 18%c a
Cheese --Large quotid at 15c, and
twins at 12%c.
Drassod hogs in car lots are nominal.
Bacon, long clear, 11 to 11%c per Ib in
case lots; mess pork, $21 to $21.50;
short cut, 822.50 to $23.
Hams -Light to medium, 15 to 15Xc;
de. heavy. 14yc; rolls, 11 jac; shoulders,
10% to tic; backs, 16j%c; breakfast
br'con, 15%c.
Lead -Tierces, 12c; tubs, 12Xc; pails,
123 c.
,Montreal, Aug. 13.--Grafn-The local
market for oats is unchanged, prices be-'
ing tion tender a good trndo for local
account, with sates of round lots of
Manitoba No. 2 white, 48Xc for car
lots and 49e -per bushel, ex store. Flour
-Choice spring wheat patents, *5.10 to
$510; choico seoond►s, $4.50 to $4.60;
winter wheat patents, $4.65 to $4.75;
straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.35; do in
bags, $1.95 to $2.10; extras, 81.65 to
81.75. Feed-Manitoiut bran, in bags,
*20; shorts, S3 to $25 per ton; Ontario
bran, in bags. $19 to $19.50; shortie $21.50
f k $23; milled nouitlie, *24 to $28 per
ton, and straight. grain, $30 to $32. Pro-
visions ---Barrels short cut tilers, 822 to
$22.50; half -barrels, $11.25 to $11.75
clear fat beck, $23.50 to $24.50; long
cul heavy mees, $20.50 to $21.50; halt-
l.arrets do, $10.75 to $11.50; dry salt long
clear bacon, 10 to 115 c; barrels !:late
beef. $14 to $16; half -barrels do, $7.50 to
i►s.25: barrels heavy mem beef, $10;
half -barrels do. $5.50; compound lard,
10% to 10Xc; pure lard,'" 11% 10 12Xe;
kettle rendered, 13 to 13%c; hands, 12>
to 15%c; breakfast bacon. 14 to 15yc;
Windsor bacon, 15 to 15j4e; fresh killed
abattoir dressed hogs, $9.75 to $10:
alive, $7.10 to $7.25. Eggs -Straight
candled, 17 to 17%c. Butter-Town-
ships, 21 )4 to 22 %c. Cheese -Western,
IIX to lly,c.
Duluth. Abg. 13. --Wheat- No. 1 hard,
975 c; No. 11 northern, 96%c; No. 2
northern. 95yc: September, 93%c; De-
cember, 96). c bid.
Minneapolis, Aug. 13.- Wheat -Sep-
tember, 91%c; December, 96%c; No. 1
hard. 99j, to 99Xe; No. 1 northern, 98j;
to 98%c; No. 2 northern, 95 to 95Xc; No.
3 northern, 93 to 94c. Flour -First pa-
tents, $5 to $5.10; second patents, $4.90
to 1+.1; tint clears. $3.45 to $3.65; second
clears, *2.75 to 82.85. 13ran-In bulk,
816.73 to $17.25.
Milwaukee, Aug. 13.----'Vhent- No. 1
northern, 81.01 to $1.02; No. 2 northern,
9i to e..k:; September. $7 j; to 88c asked.
Iiye--Nu. 1. 84 to 85c. Miley --No. 2,
72e: sample, 54 to 70c. Corn -No. 3,
cash, 55 to 53aSc; September, Mc bid.
l Vim lhtifi,
convicted leader word received from Hort Chippety an,
a gang of burglars, who terrorized
qau county residents for nearly six
nths, was on Wednesday sent to
g Sing Prison for a tern of forty
rs at hard labor, by County Judge
kson at Mineola, Long Island.
ristian Sc;hlang, another member of
gang, who turned State evidence,
c sent to Sing Sing for twenty-five
rs, and his mother, Mrs, Alma
fang, who pleaded guilty of receiv-
stolen goods, was sent to Auburn
en for fivo years. Christian Schlang
ly nineteen years old. Ingrid Wil-
, twenty years of ago, the Sweet -
of young Schlang, who was also
sted, and who gave valuable infor-
tion convicting ilio robbers, will be
n her liberty. She says she will
rn to her home in Virginia, and bo -
lite anew.
Famine May be Much More Serious
than Expected.
despatch from Winnipeg says: The
led fuel •famine in the northwest
t winner may be made much more
us by, a. sti►rtage of wood. A lot
' he seal produced in we.stern Can-
(nntu►t be stored and it is doubt -
if the hundred thousand tons which
be available along the lino of rho
P. R. when winter sets in will ne
icienl for all needs. Along the
adian Northern lino little or no
1 is being accumulated.
uring ttte winter Winnipeg burns a
wand cord; of wood per day. There
only 41.950 tons altogether :n
1. it is explained that last year
deep snow greatly hampered the
d -cutters in the bush. At the same
c there is wr>e►d along tho lino of
C. N. R. for Winnipeg dealers, but
y complain that there are no cars
move it.
eland Man Died in Attempting to
Sae Another.
despatch from Cleveland, ()ilio,
.•s: !n a vain endeavor to save John
.ick Irian burning to dentll on the
, t of the central blast furnace • n
slay night Nicholas Thomas sacri-
ed his own life. 'Thomas died in an
butane,. en mute to a hospital. Ile -
k, taken to the hospital, expired n
hours afterwards. Sparks ignited
tick's clothing elven he was repair.
g a chimney. Thomas in attempting
extinguish the ileum•, was fearinliy
rnedt himself.
i -
ree Passenger (:ars 1)e111olished on
German Railway.
A dest•atcll 1)0111 Berlin says : A pns-
r:ger train was derailed on 'Tue>sa ny
light between 105.4')) enol 'Thorn. The
los, engines were overturned and three
par's were 4lrinidislred. The official re-
port says that eleven per.,)ns were killed
Anel ten injured. Among the dead are
Prince Alexander ilegoteeft. ttt41 s►ns of
Glad Keyeserling ((f alrtertie, Russia,
and a leissian Captain ttho wens LI eeen1-
p inying them.
umder date of July 1, indicates that
aches are becoming, a positive scourge
in the far north. An Indian woman
and two children hnd been dragged out
of their tepee and devoured. Deer
and other animals are being depleted
by the packs. The Indians refuse to
kat them. even under the inducement
of the $10 bounty, owing to supersti-
tion and a belief In the transmigration
of souls.
The same despatch says that the po-
1104' are close on the trail of Fischry,
the half-breed swindler. wanted on a
charge of forgery and embezzling
Refrigerator Stocked with Provisions in
A despatch from Kingston says :
James G. Minnes made a curious find
in tho lake fronting his summer resi-
dence on the front road on Thursday.
Ho saw an object floating down from
Salmon Island, and thinking it was an
uptlrned skiff. went out in his boat to'
investigate. On coaling up with the ob- •
ject he was greatly surprised to find tliat
ii was an American refrigerator of latest
design. The finder towed ids prize !o
the store, and pulled it out on tho
Mich. His surprise was still greater
to find tho caro well filled with prove
sions, canned meats, bacon and bottles
oC milk, all in first-class order. Where
the refrigerator canto from is a mys-
Telegraph Briefs R Our Owes at d
Olhet' Castries of Recent
Quebec Company is Hating a Stliccess-
fuI Season.
A despatch from Ottawa says. Mr.
T. J. Code, accountant of the Depart-
ment of Trade and Commerce, returned
On Wednesday from a visit to the prin-
cipal points along the North Short,
which are touched at by the steamer
ltestigouche. Three days were spent
a: Seven Islands, where the Quebec
Steam Whaling Co. has its principal
Want. Two whales had just been
brought in, tho larger of which weigh-
ed oVcr ono hundred tons. The catch
of the company up to a week ago was
37 whales for this season. A total of
66 was obtained for the whole of last
Will Ilat•e $5,1140,000 Rusbels-Decrease
Front Last Year.
A desi•ntch fmrn Topeka, Kansas,
says : After having p►nsstsl through a
greater variety of vicissitudes than ever
l'o'se( 1110 crop in any previous year,
Kansas has managed to come out with
a► yield of approximately 63,000,000
litishels of wheat This year. This pro -
(liplike' is 280)1.000 bushels he•k►tt Iles
harvest of 191)6. beet only live of the
crops raised in the past ten years have
tern materially larger. Reports tel the
hansn.s Beard of Agri'iiiture indicnle
that the renal crus, is making rapid and
aritisfaclnry greet!' and will 1'e up to
last year's grist offline of 187,000.000
Now a Lost Diamond Ring Led to
a Wedding.
A despatch fr'mt M ,ntr.'al says : An
intert'sting story is told 1a) \Ir. Cooper
of the hot article department of the
(:annelinn Pacific lin iltt ay. Mr. Cooper',
ieluty is In look after countless articles
lint aro picked up and turned in by por-
es, conductors and ‘‘niters un dining
rs. Some time ago a New York 4i►c-
i brought tel the (1'pnrtment a very
relty (tianlon%t ring, whielt he had
irked up in a car on it trip teen the
e est. In the course of time the ring
as elnimrd by its Ottncr, who preyed
.) be a pretty art 1 attrnclit4' girl from
e of the snitlll leans on the line le-
, 111441.11 /1114entr'al and '1'otnneet. Sh0 w:a4
naturally overjoyed to get her ring,
which she had probably never expected
to 500 ngnin, and in her gratitude nskevl
for ttie doctors nddre..s, in order That
she blight blank hire for his kisi.Ine`• 111
returning the article to the department.
111r. 1,:ooper cannel tell just what hap-
pened ni'te'r the young lady left the
('tike with the doctor's address, and he
ha,: only a very lazy Idea las to how the
%%holee thing aright hut(' happened, but
r. h:11 he (k)es know is that some drys
ago: n happy couple called in t) see hits
on th4eir %%editing journey. mitt he alas
Astonished to re_'og1)iza• in them the d4►( -
tot 01)41 1h,' young ln'I) \%ha' hal l,)si Ihe'
Org. The 11 e!etitlg W)1( naturally a very
p►:ens/int one, nil \Ir. (:e►e►per is very
proud of hl.• stork as a match -metier.
A Mexican consulate is to be estab-
lished at Winnipeg.
Two new postal divisions, F.dtmlon-
te ti and Moosejaw, have been created.
When the new Canadian Mint opens
a nickel penny may be introduced.
The Ontario Government is about to
a'nunenco the survey of the Soo -Sud-
bury trunk highway.
'lino oontrac:t for the C. P. IR. exten-
sion from Moose Jaw to Edmonton has
been let.
C. N. II. cars in Winnipeg are being
sy'stematic'ally robbed, and detectives
have been at work for months.
The car shortage in the Crow's Nest
country points to another fuel famine
in the west this winter.
The T. & N. 0. Railway Camintssion
halo let a contract for six new engines
le the Kingston I.00nnotivt Works.
Sainples of western whiskey have been
aliatyzed by the Inland Revenue Depart-
ment and found unadulterated.
Brantford wilt have an automatic tele-
phone system working by the end of
the year, according to General Manager
Henry B. Williams, a colored porter
c n the Intercolonial Railway, was ar-
rested at Montreal on a charge of rob-
bing v PaSSE
"Canadians are spending too much
money on cigars and pinttos," said a
Mentreal banker in accounting for 111c
money stringency.
The Dominion Government has re-
geested American fishermen who intend
setting trop nets in the Gulf of St. Law-
rence 10 apply for special licenses.
Out of 30 samples of ginger from
varioiis parts of Canada analyzed by
the Inland Revenue department, 29 were
found to be genuine.
Thanksgiving Day this year will ie
the last Thursday in October, unless
the commercial travellers Induce the
Government to appoint a Monday.
J S. Larke, Canadian agent in .Syd-
ney. N.S.W., says the new Australian
tariff will be higher with a resultant
cl:sadvantnge to Canada.
President William Mackenzie of the
Canadian Northern has signified his as-
sent to the Saskatchewan Government's
terms to build the bridge at Prince
Toronto, Aug 13. -Export trntle was
quiet. The top price reported was $5.30,
11)341 this tins kir very choice cattle. A
few sults of good quality exporters of
2f10 to 1,400 tbs. we -re runic at prices
ranging around $1.73.
Trude in butcher cattle was brisk fur
anything of good quality. Top sales
were about $4.110, with good medium
sleek selling from s4.3e) tel *1.75. Cnm-
mon steers sold from •$.1.50 to 84•
(darer' quality cows were first in lone
at $3.50 to $1.i..,, and medium from *3
IC. $3.50. Common cows Sold from $2.25
h 1112.75.
Choice stockers were in demand. bel
offerings were light. .\ few leads of 600
1) 900 It/t. sold iro►n1 $2.75 to 13.25;
,:.,rentor lots 54►le1 from 82.25 rep,. ,
Milch cows were quiet. (:h(►ice, 835 to
$5-i; ce►nrmon, 821) to $30.
\'4'nl calves were slightly easier at 3c
le; 5a;4' per Ib.
Sheep were in steady (10m8nd tvilh
prices firmer. tatees tt ere (pme-►led (torn
$1.511 to ei.se, an advance of 25e.
llmcks anti cults 50141 500 higher at $3.50
to $1. The ninrket for 11111,114 WAS shill
01141 easy on a henry run. Qlx►lati4nls
were .tray 14,ee'r a1 $5.511 to 86.23.
The long -expected decline in hog
PI ices cane to -illy. Scleela were q114)1e41
15e potter nt
Husband ".\noltier new dress!
eVhere els► 340) srrp►px►..' 1 :emit get the
money from to pay for it ?' wife:
••�ee1) min.•t excuse rue. 1 (luta" marry
)ou to give you financial nth ►cc."
The British Government has urged
Turkey to withdraw her troops from
Ull. ON AMY MI %P.
Leaps Through a Window at the Rear and
Escapes by the River.
A despatch from Moncton,. N.H., says:
The appearanco of a large deer caused
a groat deal of excitement on Main
Street on Wednesday. The animal en-
tered tho city at the north end, crossing
than width of ttie town, pursued by chil-
dren, 811(1 finally found its way to Alain
Street. Hewilderixl by this abrupt debut
lrtto tho business life of tho city, the
animal k'1l on the pavement. and aris-
ing, dashed into a China Stor'0'. '1.110 tat-
t.)-• Was heavily c.1oelieel with glassware,
crckeryware, etc., but the annual ran
the length of the slop, breaking only a Ilansford, a Melbourne gentleman who
cne cuspidor, and leaped through it, pa, s been exploring in Nortltertt Queens -t
ttinitew at the rear, enc! then continued! land lids disexoterted u lur6e fawn oi.
on towards the river. Quito a crowd l (:hinauien on the shores of the Gulf cf
pursued it, but tho deer was too fleet, Carpentaria.
and rosily distanced its pursuers.
This is no colony of shipwrecked sail-
ors, but a great settlgnient containing
HOTIENTOT HHELPEIIS. three or four thousand yellow then win
live along the river flats and grow opi-
urn, which apparently they ship, duly
Africa. free, to the Philippines and to China
In some letters on lxousck U1 ip itself. Tia Press is clangoring that the
` g I Government 811x11 turn the Chinese out;
sc,ulhtvestt•rn Africa Frau Marbareto tut it will be nit awkward business.
ton Eckenbrecher gives an aniusing +I+ l This is not the hest time that Ans-
of her domestic trials.
(radians have hem startler! 1►y a discov-
tlnturttinately, 1 knew very little eel 1 e 4 v of similar kin:!. Six or seven years
A Large Town of Chinamen Dlticovereta
OR the Shores of the hull of
Australians are most anxious to keep
their oontinzait exclusively for whits
settlers, and for thut reason have pass -
et: various laws prohibiting the land-
ing of Asiatics, especially (:ttulaw. So
it has oonie as a severe shock to the
aavocales of a white Australia, that Mr.
The Weather is Favorable and Nq
%tillage Done.
A despatch tram Winnipeg says: The
11051 optimistic erop report for several
tvee'ks was handed out by the C. I'. 11
Thursday -"Weather favorable; crops
doing fine, no damage," is reported ail
along the line Ibis week, only one or
two places reporting any damage. The
rain which has fallen In such generous
(1c:entities has been of great benefit,
and as a oonsequence the grain is fil-
leng out nicely. The report from Bran -
414111 section is encouraging, although in
the immediate vicinity of Chater the
crops are suffering on account of lack
of rain. In the Emerson section there
has been some slight damage from hail,
but not much.
Farmers M Manitoba are finding it
a difficult task in securing farin help,
and now harvesting time is so close
the situation is becoming somewhat
serious. Farts laborers Seem very
scarce this year, notwithstanding the
stream of immigrants that have been
feinting into the West from all parts
of the world. The scarcity is a diffi-
cult platter to explain, as within the
last few years wages have almost
dcubled and the average wage now
paid by farmers is about 535 to $45 per
John D. Rockefeller will live to be 91,
says !lie physician, Dr. I1. F. Biggar.
The turvey has been completed for a
new canal 11011) Lake Erie to tho 01110
Chicago's health Cornmisstoner says
the men in tho city aro living 30 ser
cent. faster than the worsen.
Dr. Leonard S. Taylor of Elgin, Ill.,
died tram .poisoning received from a
needle's prick during an operation.
An insane mother in Baltimore, 111d.,
strangled her two babies, then begged
the police not to awaken them.
Charles Hunt, a Philadelphia boy, has
been adopted by a Chinesis laundryman,
and has assutied the name, troy Soo
Tho Leake Shore, Miehignn Central.
Wabash and Big Four Railways will
comply with tho two -cent rate in Michi-
itev. Dr. C. Camphill Morgan of Lon-
don, suggests martial law as a remedy
1.1' use by New York in ik battle against
the crinlo wave.
'rho United States has received per-
mission from tho Canadian Government
to lako a gunboat tip the St. Lawrence
fel use es a tiara) training ship.
Jefferson Scott. 113 years old, un-
doubtedly the oldest man in Ohio, is
dce4d at the Seneca county infirmary,
where ho had been for three years.
The world tuts entered on a period of
dear money, according to C. A. 1'ugaley,
a member of the executive of the Ameri-
can ilankers' Association.
Tho court-m0rliat at the 111ichignn
"Soo," investigating the death of Mks
Cadenhead, a 1:annelian, who was shot
by a sentry, has forwarded its finding
to Washington.
Three separate suits, aggregating
$120,01)0, have been 1114•(1 against four
srlloonkeepers and tour property own-
er; in 1114)mis(nn, 111., because, it is al-
leged, \Villtinnt Beeler es04'111'ed drinks at
the saloons and was killed in an asci-
stent afterwards en Dec. 12 last.
Musnlino, the 131100us Italian brig -
end, serving a life sentence, is going
in Northwestern Italy nnli•clericnl
feelers are pillaging churches and tit-
illating priests.
Iron Maine. the naval reservist, who
shot nt i'resident Fathoms, has been
declared insane.
The King of Siam tins purchased jew-
els and plate valued at $3,000 ,000 since
his arrival in Europe.
floating dock (ff 4,410 tons, built
in Englnnel. Inas arrived nt Pert ( f
Spn11), Trinidad, 1' r use there.
The Gerninn Government 1105 nn•
re 'freed that it is Satisfied nilly the
terms of the new Anglo-inessem agree-
1114 11t.
'1'h,' Pope a few (lays since reeeived
O pilgrimage of over 100 Americans
fre.in all parts of the United Stales.
Over reisei Turkish troops oil?' ar-
1 fiery crossed into Persia, drove out
n I'4rsiiin force 0n41 killed 78 inhabi-
A society has been termed in Frnnce
to restrict meter 5p►4►rte in view of the
frequency of f:111,1 accidents.
11 is easier tel borrow from n new
fr,end than to pay buck what you (ewe
the old ones.
An Unusual Law Canmplled With in
A despatch from Winnipeg says: The
following notice is to be found on the
bulletin board in the City Clerk's oflt:e.
"Take notice that the marriage is in-
tended to be solemnized in the English
Church Cathedral, at Shanghai, in
Chinn, on or about tho 8111 or 911i defy
of October, 1907, on arrival of the
steatnship Minnesota, sailing frbnl Se-
ville on September 10 next, between
George Herbert Gale of Tientsin, North
(a:iva, missionary, and Jessie Winnifred
Singleton of the city of Winnipeg, in
the Province of Manitoba, spinster. Dat-
ed this 71l1 day of August, 1907."
'I'tlis Is the first time that the City
Clerk has been called on to post suet►
a notice, and it is being done tis a re-
sult of advice from the British Consu-
lnto in China. The toti':e ,twill remain
posted for two weeks, when the bride
to be twill secure a cc'rllficate from the
City Clerk to the effect that the notice
teas posted, and that she bins been ter
lave weeks a resident in Winnipeg.
Two Chi~: Is Charged With Murder in
the North.
A despatch from Norway I101lse, ilud-
t n :s Buy, says: On Thursday begen the
trial of two Cree Chiefs for murder. it
is the result of a determined effort by
the Canadian Government to put a stop
tel the savage tradition fief all members
of a tribe stricken with delirium in fe-
ver are possessed of an evil spirit or
\\'endive►, and roust be killed nt once,
4)r their 50111 will he last. John and
.Ice Pacjequan, heeds of the tree 110 -
tion, deliberately strangled a girl, the
daughter-in-law of one of thein, with
n'1 the tribal formality pirseribcd on
such occasions, to time presence of sev-
eral hundred Indians. 'The tripe have
murdered 21) Indians in a similar way.
The girl hue{ fever, and they strangled
her with a r0140. •
Russian Police Locate Wholesale Sup-
ply Establishment.
A despatch from Moscow ways : The
police on 'Fhirm4lay surrounded ntul
searched the int;.erietl Technical Sele))1
and diseotereet the 641il1a1 11e1ol111i(111-
ury laboratory for 1138nufaclmt•tng
bombs of t► new pattern. incl regular
.supplied, which were )n'ing supplied 14)
tfri4111s px►intS 111 the interim. '1'l, ' po-
lice seized a number of bombs, six-114111-
dreei lisle -fuse appliances, n typ►.egrnplic
4)81itt. and :some forbidden literature,
rind arrested twenty male and female
stu,lents of the school.
CHRl1T1.%N`4 fILttI:IiTEIWD.
Ninety Persons Killed by Turks invade r s!1 i(li�etts hate cv4nlr�►eml('.I r�7.INM1.iNki
Inn Persia. fat ((bjecLs oi' p,ui)IIC inicresi since Ihe'
A (1('�p;1141;l kern'Teheran,('1:1:1, f utld'ng of the System. During the
last ;eight fears the proportion accrriing
the Slate has been inezrense'cl rind sot
01,a11 till 1t/01 14) Corin the nucleus (;f
Ir►1 ((141 age pcneion fund. which new
' 1-, $2.a4n►.INNo. 'I he most 10-
11.1, tillages onleoug
!heir route'. The (:111;{1:1n tillogo .•p 111111111(11.1;1;i1111,1.'‘. fact in the' 11stnr'y of Norway
nvan i t re ►c►rted tel have leen shelled s"t'riely is that the c�,n.:uruption ('t eat -
k ( e shell per inhalaiti01 has decreased
Mime 13 per cent. in the i est fifty yen r.,
1'114' (iecMnse' hos is'ti tno�t m:irk. 4f
5.1110 11r caabli:d1111ent of the Sowing
'rho aiers and prime'Ip'les of the Son -
nag sy,teiii are them.: '{'1e ettti:flln!14)ir
Oar private txv,flt 8041 securing the moti-
f p eft %nine for Ile public: insuring
hi_'hr�l 414,81111 4.1 liquors silel; hie re-
,lc:et:on 4ef the number 4 f licences: Ilio
(85t (4f e1. rn 1•ril 401 the tart•: the ,le.
er foyer 11nu•i r1 lily, anal w hen 1 I:'•t-► $t ire 1 e 11 -'t ►1•' row. r (•t tie ' splint Ira le,
home father gives 1)1e' a 'ireesitng deews 1 rel ('ie' (*Ohioan -e of all pr,gri ssi%t•
loo." 1 /sit .•51,. • s all i•,'f,'t 111.
Trials of Ilousekeepping in Southwestern
the Ilerero or Ilott►entot language,' she
writes, "and in the absence of my hus-
band I was forced to renounce my ideas
ago a party of goldminers exploring. '.n
the desert far beyond the f.o•)pxold Mange
hoppened on a tribe of blacks of a very
ecncerning the virtue of moral suasion, d'fterent type horn the ordinary Austra-
and to admit that the lash of my ltd- l:an atorigines. These were taller rind
tub whip teas 1110 only tongue to which better built, they were clean In their
the lazy, grinning, good-natured black habits, they offered the travellers fruit
and goat's milk, and had a distinct civ-
t1:zetion of their own.
\ o t wonderful, Cfor tho Australian
b!ackfellow never has
a settled habita-
tion; this tribe had r. town built of
wood and sun-dried clay, clustering
r.und a sort of temple. They kept Sat-
urday as a holiday, and, in the opinion
of their discoverers, showed trace's •:f
t.i ving at one lime been instructed in
the Jewish religion. Naturally, it was
suggested that they were the remnants
cf the Lost Ten Tribes.
There aro other cities, too, whose ex-
iitence wus hidden from civilization
until recently.
Only the other day a St. Petersburg
paper announced that, deep In the fur -
rets of the Ural, had been discovered a
fkourishing city, the inhabitants (1
which :peak a language of their own,
and form a sort of ideal commonwealth.
Tiny had never paid taxes, and kncty
t eery little of what went on 111 the great
world about them.
This story may or may not be true,
but it is beyond nil doubt that a Brit-
ish offiler travelling in Arabia some
years ago "discovered" a town which.
except to the surrounding tribes, was
previously unknown. The place, which
is called Shern[zi, is situated on the
st.rnnlit of a great rock plateau, in the
heart of the Green Mountains, and :s
cut off from the surrounding country
by enormous. perpendicular cliffs. Its
poopt.:• are lighter in color than arose
of the Arabs in the plains below, and
absolutely refuse to mix (,r intermarry
with these. Their discoverers found
that they were descendants of the sur-
vivors of a Persian army which invaded
Oman nearly a thousand years ago.
Snnie of these litte known cities con -
way to our kitchen: provisions disap-1 lain the germs of danger to other c.ini)-
pcared like morning dew. On.etery side? tries. There is, for instance, a lawn
there was theft and waste which we celled Midi en the Arabian shore of the
strove in win to check. lard Sea, which hardly finds a place :en
"Only in !sank did i discover a kind any chart. Yet 16 sheik. tvlto does not
of rudimentary frugality, and this could re^_ognize the Turkish Government, can
at tinges lake a vexatious turn. Water, cal' together £'00, 000 flgtiling Wren, most
eiways it scarce commodity with us, of them nrnit-d with modern rifle&
made all laundry -work difficult and ex- 'Terrible fighters they are. toe, and some
pensive. of t110 worst sc(lundrels on cert(, pirates,
"At a dinner -party given to distingu- Waivers, and contraband traders.
Wed guests on -whom 1 wished to make
a specially goal irnprc.ssion, ls:►ak of-
ficiated as head wailer, 0 snowy nap -
fcll►ws who wore supposed to serve rue
ww,uld .pay the slightest heed.
"As a possible easo to some of my
perplexities. my husband engaged for
tete ttte services of a certain Pauline. a
c'enlely Hottentot girl who spoke n little
German, and who boasted descent from
a Hottentot kirrg. This young lady ar-
rived with u suite of nine eoppx'r-colored
maidens in waiting. They trooped into
my living -r. cul and squatted themselves
on the floor close to the wall, Where
they made a burnished copper dado
teat was decorative at least.
"Here they fell to smoking, chewing
and chattering like magpies -the sub-
ject evidently me -the point of view
Lot entirely flattering.
"I dismissed the suite as promptly as
possible, thereby incurring, of course,
tt.e displeasure of the Princess Pauline.
During the days that followed I wus re-
peatedly awakened from my early
ninrning nap by the royal mother out-
si41e my window, in an easy disregard
of cl,ttiing, but %%Teethed in insinuating;
Smiles as she begged for a handful of
c( ffec or sugar. A horde of hungry re-
latives of high degree threatened tel cre-
ate a famine among us. so I severed my
connection with Hottentot aristocracy
as soon as possible.
"Carl, our head cook. is a Ilerero. and
like all the rest of his tribe. is as fond
of sweets as a parrot or monkey. Until
discovered, this worthy wore a nail in
the !reel of his shoe, projecting► spur-
feshion. with which, whenever he ac-
c4nipanied me into the storeroom. ee�
cleverly tore holes in the sugar -bags,
collecting the ensuing leakage in t'is
bandktrehi'f when my back was turned.
"Kontbani, our gardener, stole into
the kraal at night and sucked our goat
cry of every drop of milk; tits best
initil►s from our flock never found their
tats aver his arm with which to give a
finishing touch to each clean plate. 1!o
wore a linen bkouse tucked into his
telly -ors, and, tel any horror, during the
peogress of the dinner, 1 saw hire draw
(arlii ibis blouse and vigorously wipe
in itt nn,p)10 :this the plate wheel he
then proudly set before his excellency,
(%►:ant 11.
"Never mind, gnndige frau!' lsaak ex-
claimed reassuringly, as he saw my
agonized look. 'The blouse isn't (lean,
and I'm saving the napkin for the lunch -
CCU un Tuesday.'"
Remarkably Successful Experiment in
Government Sup; rtislon.
Nt tv Norwegian liquor laws tire' suc-
cessful. The Sotrdng system gives pow -
e. le municipalities. to grant all the
retail spirit licenses %%Iricit they 4100111
n('ce5nry 10 0 0411111/ally tvliie•1 ttotll41
11.o'1f to carry sen the Irafli4• in the
interests of the cotnrnrtntly, with a (ix•
ler annual return of not more than 5
t►4'1 cent. on its paid Cup) capital.
In establishing the system the ques-
tion of cOIiimi'tlsat:011 d4.es riot rlp►pu'nr
14) have presented 1114811 (Meetly. '1'1e
nllotm, nt- of Ilse profits are as f•►Ilo%%'w:
To 10e' Slate. 65 per cent.; to the
cipnlily, in lieu of larg. r license 4)111105,
t:( w• nbot'slted. 13 per c `nL. and to ah
je.4 is of public utility (operating 05 court -
1,',• :attraclte'11 to the public lrstis.-s in
!ewes, 1(► p'or cent.. and in the aur-
eeinding districts. 10 1:er cent.
The profits of the trade under 111084'
arty s: The latest ads ice s from the tane-
tIe'e' any ttuit bile 'I'tttki.lt 111 44195 which
14(4.1)11y O41:ee1 the ueerllrtt•e''t frontier
of Pers'in :ere mar:king on 1 rdrntiati
burning rind devastating
and ninety perwln5. including ninny
tv.'►nen and children. are said to hire
been kil1e41. Ten girls were C1I1110(1 off.
A picnic preti1k at t'rutn111).
Mistress of 100 Holes. 10 Grocer's ifrayl:
"1'411 your employer 14' send n boy bet -
ler dressed nest tams" Ikly : "There
011'1 no Ivo in hien better dressed) nor
%thnl 1 min. 11.' gro'er clr,•sks hie three
The channel leading into Port ort (.•
Midi is three and a half miles long,
twisty, narrow, and almost impassable
for anything larger than dhows. 'Ilea
4r►ner stretches aryl guarded by can -
nen. Even U a warship did get in 8841
hammer Igo kills she could do little
burnt to the town, fur that lies nt the
'lend of a creek three miles inland.
Midi is the headquarters of (ho modern
slave (rade.
Another city of Sinrilor nature, but
even more inaccessible -indeed, not half
a dozen Europeans have ever :;e'en it-
is Aziut. the capital of (hose savago
)d' 510m fanati's, the Senussi.
(lists, in the centre of which this city
hes, is surprisingly fertie and well wat-
ered. and near it lies another oasis
C'bled N'•j11a. 'These two support near-
ly hall a million people who. protected
fr.aii all incursions by hundreds cl
miles of blazing waterless desert, aro
arming anel drilling t•) land ;t huge JO -
had or Hely \\'nr against the infidel
1'(.we'rs of the North.
Jaren, thickly jsq.ulalyd 0s her is-
lands ere. has :t keen ttlich is lamest
t:nki:ott•r1 to people living; only n few
nails, away. This Is it little piece 1e1
?.(11-10 int;,litnrlbS. s('nr'' thirty lnilr.4
tie:rlh from the City et I iinriiriee. Tho
town lies in n tinge pit, \Odell is 1)4111ing
(else taut the (111101 of an extinct tol-
c enc. All aroma! tower cliffs eft '.NX) 10
;.2i5) feet high, and there t1'' t'Ilagcr;
r(-1, site and secret. --('ears ,n's Weekly.
•�-- q'
1311{:1'1.11 101) SE.\ Sic:KNESS.
Profess it Heinz of 11'' University of
t;rinngcn. chins, to haw discovered an
ruts••..here untl t(ry :ire► It' 41111Ade for
.rn 414'klle : "I):1w long rind t'igaor-
4:t1 lees nllt nl In fluent hales tap;," ire
says, "and you %till never suffer Iron
seed!)'--' I'd hies y4e0 undlerst:)ne1, sir,
I1;It I in Wit sue•h n 1401 as 1 look."
Sar•nst--"Well, 1101, 3011 have !Midi
lo he thankful for.'
l:ntlili iii•lic Nature Lover !to r4ferin-
ee1 11.811111: ".Vi. my f1.i0n41, 114 4W well
cut? nlri t k114 4W* 11e' file** of Nalur'', unit
;;)rent' it itt all its 110x41.4 ! 113te' yon e'er
Seel! 11,' 2111) sinking in sle'h a gttire of
glory that 11 Ikwall's' tip !It'' w114,10 114)ri-
za►r, %s 1)1 it% pnsaiereite fire' Have you
seen the moist gliding 11See n 5;1001re 'Sown
Ih•' shrinking 1i11-•els. 4,r the pale moon
sir wetting to side' „f1 I0.• grip of tho
rn"Welt sterni r )11T ''" 11e fenn'e'l '1 tnrnp:
"No, sir; not iesice 1 signed the pledge."