Exeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 13J IIIIP . `eRI EXETER TIM148, AUGUST lath 1907 ? KEEP COOL Why not be comfortable the rest of the season when yon can get a beautiful Summer Suit, made to order for $10. J. H. HOLTZMANN CREDITON, KEEPS Credit00 Dashwood l esi.dt in f u t u l c. Lottie Prime has returned from ..��. London and ie epe'eaing the holideys DR. 1', J. MoCUE.. MEMBER Thtirsday last being Cele day ret under the parental roof. TARIO (IDLLE(.E t'1iY61C1- Grund Benda goodly number spent lleasall foot -hall tt-am played a see stso�d 6ur�as. Successor to Dr. tha day there. The town was left tie game tills t} -e local teens Cal Wed �. A. Salt. amines. Out. very quiet and without basilicas'.t•vt.ii ng. The score 0-0. Owing Lo Mr. W. A. Fickbe.per .tom in Lrti•if iu need..ck1 a first class piano, d:arknc�ax thetclrris kicked each waywhy not give J. L'e)1ermann a salt. ottty Iii minutes.Ho bai%dles-the beat for the motley. 4. Miss Tillie Miller and Miss J1iiinie homeEhlers returned hoo on Saturday evening atter ho.ideying at .the Heed. Edgar Edigholfer spent Sun - lay at his home -at Blake. The Frew residence of Mr. A. Mor• renoe is nearing completion and when fiuialied will make a vary corn- too evident to farmers. Ontario ag• Portable house, rieulturiats, in many instances, buy Our flax rnen eommgnced dratt:nb Western sloth, rape little or no tsar this week. wheat; 'and for'avhet they do raise. '.fir. Henry Callas commenced are riot receiving aprier coC0111111.212.threshing en Saturday. Ile has , curate with their Iitaor-a11, largo - new traction engine and a new set)- ly because they 1►vill not use the *rata: with all the latest improve- flour .made from wheat that they meu ta. grow themselves, owing to a rnistak- 1)r. McLaughlin visited in est, ea belief that the western flour is Thouaaa for a fete daysth:s week. better. In addition to this Ices of Mr. Merman Eidt spent Sunday. inarket, the cost of feed is top high with friends in Parkhill. to enable stockmen and dairymen to Mr. and Mrs. Surnotie of London. realise the profit which, under pro - are guests at the home of Mr. lienry per conditions, ought to be aesurcd. biilter. It will be eotnewhat of :a surprisefir. Thun and son Willia�n,, of 1E1• for moat farmers, .to learn that On- ne:ra, are the guesStts of Rev. �. 'limn tarso flour is ;i favorite in the 17tastt fewfor a weeks. ern provinces ; ,and t halt in the lace of strong competition, it has for sev(- eral years been preferred in the Maritime provinces, to the ' best Western brandy. The discovery of floureblerlding bids fair 'to rct,open the demand for Ontario wheat ; and this ought to attract the attentionof Ontario farmers do a question of vital importance to the agricul• turas interests of the Province. Blended !lour is rsimply the bestof Ontario's finely -flavored product ' to which a small prepo,rtion of West- ern wheat in added to bring up the percentage of gluten, or "strength" Freed from technicalities if chemis- try and milling, it means .both strength and flavor in the tinily loaf. Viewed eoonomically, it means an in. creased market for rtnlOntario-grown product whish has won the unpre'- judice(( favor of the Eas:. Whether this tvill prove true of Ontario, and whether Kush a domrtnd will h.: created that the price of wheat will improve. and the cost of bran and shorts become hewer, de.. pends upon the individual fanner. Buying Western flour means a nes• ative answer to the query : :f however, the Ontario farmer is alive to the situation, he. cannot ti.nnnc111i/• ly afford to neglect the latest dis- covery in practical economics, and will insist an buying only the flour milled in Ontario. don, Fred:; on bus::.es=. A larks number from til- village and viciuit) .spent .lhureday last at Grand Bend. Satisfaction is expressed on all sides with the day& outing. Master Golden Flannery and Ma- mie Hudgins, of Detroit are visiting their grandparents Mr. and M. Jas. Hodgins for a few .weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lewis have re tt;rned home after a lt' titeeks' 11Ar visit with their tetra Jire. 11. Raphley, of Findlay, Ohio. Wru. 11. Morlock and son of Aur• ora. Ill., spent a few days in the vil- lage under the parental roof and re- newing acquaintance. Mr. Jamas Lawson our genial jaw. elryman greatly improved .the ap- pearance of his shop by adding a sew awning. The Hay Fire Insurance Co. held its monthly meeting in tae town flail Sat. last when 'the usual budneee was transacted. Mrs. E. H. Bean and fan`ly return. hone Friday evening after a month's visit with relatives ir. :,Mdnone'3ter, Mich. On her return '�j,ie - iodise' Aid surprised her with a reoeption and a bounteous supper. The junior baseball 'team, of aen- tralia, clawed the return match with the Brownies on the •ltotno dia- mond Friday eve the game resulting in a victory for the Brownies. The soore 13•2. : Whet premises to be+owe of the hottest games of ball will played thio .Wednesday night betwdon Dun- crief vs. Crediton !4t}r3 ova tiro home Diamond. More ' -p:articulare ;next week. The many frieuda-of .-E. Simpson, of Maitland, were pleased t►c, s;•e him in the village. Mr. Simpson has the principalship of the Iligh)scbool there He is still possessed of the push and enthusiasm as exhibited when he held the erinsipalshin of our public school. Ile is bound iso act to the very front. Mies Lydia Rivers, of Sotnbra, who hail been visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ifew•ie, retterned to her home rest 'Tussdjy. Mr. A. Kuhn, of the Sovereign Bank,, is holidaying' at the Pena. Mr. R. W. Williams, of Zurich, t, reliev- ing hero during his absence. Children's slay exercises will be held in the Evangelical oilurah on Sunday the 25th. Mrs. S. Essery attended the fun- eral of her brother the tate 13. J. Evans, of St. Marys, on Wednesday oil this week. A lawn social will ba held under the auspices of Lhe Ladies' Aid 1 the Zion Evangelical ahuroh, on Fri• day, August 23rd. A seecia1 prograth of addresses, music and readings will be rendered in which the following talent is expected to take :part : Revs. -J. W. Andrews, Creditors: W. H. Butt, Oentralia : A. I1. Going and E. A. Fear, Exeter ; L. K. Eidt, Dash- wood; .A. D. Gischjer, Zurich: J. F. Sutcliffe and wife, Corbett a .Itev. E. II. Bean and wife: ,Arthur 'Zeller - mann student at Naperville, •:111. ; Mies Pearl Boltzmann, Church Choir and the Crediton Mala Quartette. Do not miss it as the ladies pre sparing no pains to make this a grand Hue- d° ea The public 8011.00,1 reopens on Mon- day August 19th and .the Continua- tion Classes on Tuesday Sept. 3rd. Will those who intend joining the Continuation Classes notify the prin- cipal, who will be at the school after August 10, es) that each eiuder.t may obtain the books required for their oeerse before the elaFs-24 open. Kind• 1y bear this in mired aid fi ave to-, c f time. dirks Robinson has been granted 1 •ave of absence by the trustees of the school for two or three sve:-oils extra as else is visitting in the West and will therefore not be sack in time for the re-oeening. The room will be in charge ;,f the principal until her return. . -Big Clearing Sale of Grocery Stock at Finkbeiner's Grocery We have decided to give up business and have 'educed the price on all our stock and are selling below cost. De not buy before you see us as you will never get a better bargain. A call solicited. W. A. FINKBEINER, Crediton. +•44N++N fi. MILLS, WOODtifRM' :We hare just 'received In stock a crate at dishes, white add Olire pet- al -mil, Cope and Cnpa and Saucers, also Toilet Sets, I3awvls and Z'itshers. all slsee, t%'hich we are belling right. nay Fork Rope, Manilla, at 14c Ib. All kinds of, harvest t gods In stock. Maghine Oil. Peerless. the boat, 40o gallon. We hare about 6 pieoee of thatcheap Muslin left yet whish vrio are belling cheap. Moe Fresh Grocer:ee and Pure Spices in Stock. Blgbest prices, cash or t rade, for Woduoe. A. MILLS, - Woodham. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Baroains! Bargain s -••at them WINCHELSEA STORE Me Prints reduoed to 1Oc Mualins reduced 25 per cent; - ---- Dress Goods reduced 25 per cetlt. ► ' ' - II 's Summer Sh1rte400d choice of kinds and colors, reduced from 11 to 85c We have in afresh shipment of Dishes, Dinner Sets, Toilet *Sets, .Odd Pieces and Pancy Glassware. ' This is the season in which you need lots of dishes We are bound to sell. Good bar- gains to the early buyer. Shoos! Shoes ! Shoes 1 Our supply is large, latest styles and makes. In spite of the advance in cost, we are still selling at the old prices. Fresh Groceries always on hand. We invite you all to come and see for yourselves. 41411111111, + 1e1.44+++++++++++++'r+++++++ +++++++!-I +++++++++++++f++++ + Western Fair The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend XHIBITORS AND VISITORS FIND) IT PROFITABLE r0 GO RNABENBHUE'S AIRSHIP daily and s full list of Attract- ions. with p.enty of Music, Fireworks after program each evening concluding with that grand display, "THE SEIGK OF GiBRALTER" Reduced Rates on all Railroads Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Programmes and an in- ermation. W. J, REID, President. A. M. Hunt, Secretary LONDON, SEPT. 6 TO 14 ++1++-+1•+0+++4-i••4 ++++++4.4--4-+•'••+++++•tt++++++++++++++++++++++4 WINCHELSEA Mr. Edward Clartc, of Chicago, was test week visiting his patents here. Me left for hs harnc on S.iturd:a3 steeping. Mr. Milton Clark, who went to Chicago for :a visit Jeanie be -re eat' hila, Mra. Thos. Cow ard. Mrs. .1. Mtt•t- ere and Master Percy Coward who rusticating at the )tend .rOturne l borne last Saturday evening. Miss Mii^pso ra len, of I carni;:gto:i, is visiting '►ti'; Othella Heywood. Mr. In,rnas Co•.% and o ccom. pent by a gen Earle, was in Lo'1• don. on Thursday or flu-inrs=. Mr. Frani: flu:a;sr, of Eden, was on Saturday on business. Mr. David Miller visited Mr. Thee. White Thames Road, an Sunday. Mtieees Clara and Gertie 8beetlrt and Vina Dell paid our burg a fly• ing visit on Saturday evening and say they are coming again for some more ice cream for it was good. �111t}:lt1Cl1 COLLEGIATE iNSTI. TUTE I1;EUNIO,N. They reunion of former estudenty of the Goderich Collegiate institute, for wlech preparations have been in progress for some months, will take place on Thured•ay and Friday, Aug- ust _Incl and :3rd. The program is to be as follows : Thursday morning reception to ex -et talents at Collegiate the ewer: of Less:'• Robinson on Suri- Institut . afternoon and evening, re - day. Percy IJair.r• o: Crediton, vis gatta :Ind aquatic' sports, at the lake • front. I•riday morning, : athletic ited his sister Mrs. Wm. Kerr cr. eports and haseh111 match : afternoon Suratly• presentation of a testiruotli-(l to Quite e number cf our youti.t Iwo- I)r. Strang : eveninz, a .banquet. pie went :9 the 11•'nd on Sitiela)•. (;r acluatee of the school are coining We carry all eizee of disc- Mia+ Lily ItObi1lw,t1, of ('entralia from all over the continent, and a moods from the largest to la visiting her cousin, Mies F.11e Rob- gees tirn'• is expected. The railways the smallest, either set or inson, fol a few (flays. are giving special rates on the err.- %inset and all of the purest Mr. G. W. Mead Was In St. Meryl t:ficat, plan. quality on Monday on bus:russ• Miss Lilt t Ileywcset is visiting i.er riles zet -giiiek end certai• relief seism Miss Myrtle Francis in 1'luit• from i)r. Shoop'. Miaeic Ointment: 1 town the tt-• • k. Please• note it is anadn along .for Ths trust's of otlr ,shoot }save • Ppileg, and its action is positive and Cs H. WARD & C. mcdeleit t?:^ sol'e'd, 10 t he eat:af • certain. itehine. gainful, protrud• 1 t Lien of aur teache, 'r tnd it t • t' itt3 or blila(1 piles disappear like ' 374;Richmond St. `mg IN ready ter a good et art on Mon. r magic by its use. Large sickle•ven- naarninb. ped ?lase jars n0 rents. Sold by W. • Mir. Illi }lia:wn was in Stratfe,t A. Howes% •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 11I(!I:8 FORECASTS A reactionary Form period is central on the lith, 18th and 19t,h• As this period begins it will grow much warmer, first in the tweet, the barometer will fall and reactionary stormy of rain, wind and thunder will passe eastwardly acro=s the noun - try, reaching :their culminatgng trtage% un and touching the 18th unit 19th. Let it be remembered that the Earth's autumnal equinox ex• tends to this part of August. Lax-ets s �:�; tIIh Glass DIItMONDS •• People who buy diamonds want stones that will bear the closest scrutiny - genes which are tree frosll tlaws and from whoam surface every ray of light is reflect- ed as from a drop of water. Ouly by eisely ;ldoptireg dell` dire- coveries can the farmers of this Province compete t'u ''t•cn terms ttith the West. welbse bpecialty is wiwnt. Western flour jlas invaded Ontario. and the decline in the demand for Ontario wheat is to -day a fact only Me. and Mrs. Fred Gassman, of Pt. Iusron, are the guests of the latter's parents for a few days. Misr L. Hubert, of Buffalo, is the guest of Mra. \Vm. Zimmer. Mrs. btohl, of Crediton. is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Shrum. Mrs. Wm. Shruan and children are visiting friends in Detroit. :'pias Clara Iteohler free Zurich, who has been camping at elle i3end for the last two %sleeks on her way home, was visiting friends in the vil- lage to -day. 'Dr. McLaughlin returned home from St. Themes he -tray where he was on business. las Theo. Ilartleib who spent elle last two weeks in Sebrineville rs - turned home last night. Mr. Jeesob Kellermann placed e. new p:ar ill :he home of Mr. Ezra T:eraar.. Miss Laura Goetz spent a fewddays camping at the: Bend this wodk. Mr. Edgar Edighotfer spent Sun- day at home under the nitre:rat roof. N. FAItQ(J11AR • Rev. Meldrum will preach le the Thames Itocid Presbyterian Church Sunday morning next. Mr. Wm. Towers, jr., has engaged with Mr. John Scott for the threa,he :rig season. Rev. and Miss Elate Turnbull, of Toronts, are visiting a: Mr. R. Gar - diners. Mra. \Wiliiard, of Duffels, is •via- iting her brother Mr. L. D. Fulton. Mr. A. J. Passmore left on Mon -- day for the West. Rural public schools open next Monday. Mrs. G. Mantle and Mrs. F. Col- lin,;, of Exeter ,visited airs. John Duncan sr., last Saturday. The Misses Millie and Beta Pollen are vieitinj their grandparents Mr. and M) -a. C. Minn, Staffa. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Jas. Ballantyne in able to leave bis bed. Mr. Wm. Stewart sa again buying apples for Mr. R. Lang. Miss Mogk, of Logan, is visiting - her sister Mra. D. Cottle. Mr. E. Paynter of Bt. Marys, and the Misses Secur and Kirkby, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. F. Beavers on Sunday last. Mr. W. Gilfillan, of Kirkton, vis- :ted It. U. Turnbull on Sunday. Miss Edith Tennant, who has been visiting in St. Marys leas returned home. LUCAN MeDERN SCIENTIFIC EYFSIGHT EXPERTS Who have the most complete laboratory for the+lmtnufacture of fine !terse% in Che Dominion. It your eyes need help, don,' delay, Let take advantage of our free cbaselfatios. Our specialists have made t'ht .ye and the.correction of its defects by glasses, their study for many years, and Ave Can- ada's most up-to-date optometrists. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. ETESIG IT SPECIALISTS 237 Militias Street • . - • Louisa. O. Ma fa the bead -talk suywbere, has he Thr many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Pi*h oesiyeetka, pain lsblood pram __ - ,e11s tssoal At east so says Dr.Shoop. James 1lodgitls will regret to hear k crested a little pink tablet" of their rem -oval to strathroy, where led Dr. whoops Headache Taplel•t �o�s� blood pressurt► away from pain eels l Mr. Ilodgins has bought a livery ;>clea/ectlseharming. leasinslydel lshtful.Oe•st�4 business. haste's. It surely equalises the blood chum Mrs. Judge, of St. Thornaa, is spen• ouhare headache it's blood p�essnrs ding a month with her daughter. It's painful aWeds with women. • eat� Dr. tiicCaala and family. of Detroit. you're sleepless. restless, nervous.t>'s lit Semi, are guests of Mr. A. bfaLeatl, of the y for on -blood Pr -sure. That surely fs • Central i lotel. m1)r. Ahonp's Headache Tablets slog K t• fb minutes. and the tablets slmph ditttfbW, Mess A. Wray and Mimi C. Perls)• IMmaaturel blood pros_+urn. muse our Stater, and doesn't It yet red and are vigititlg friends in 8t. Thomas. f,ersll.an pain yout 01roun+eItdoss. It'icon. Her.. E. Smith and Mrs. Smith arc ,bil0000ddpreswrt�• 1ou'11A1%ditwbtee+spalo �.' It s amornmota nions • I N e4 4S oenb, s ndplyUcbeertdty reoommso0. visiting lis tat ter s father, Dr slog sick. Mrs. \Vadsworlb and daughters are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11- Collins - Mrs. Jas. f)agg, of Detroit, 'vas a guest of her nephew Mr. A. Mo• Falls, recently. DRI tCHFiEL!) B. N. La:rd and Dave Blair spent Sunday :it Grand I31•n0.. McConnell and Boyer our veteran thr shorn, here started for the seas• on, doing the first job on Monday. Our local coal dealers are very busy at ►recent filling orders. The price is $6.50 on the ear and 86.5.1 delivered. J. Andrews, of Goderich shipped ' another fine lard of cattle from hero; on Monday. Wm. Taylor. of Varna, 'shipped n load of cntt.l(' td 'lloronto on Tut:•,,• clay. J. G. Ka:..'r took in the excursion to Sarnia, of Saturday. , Apple buyers from Clinton, Exeter Oshawa and Peterborough are at presoat buying the crr+p in the virile-, ity. s'.." On ainday as Percy Clarke was wheeling in the vicinity of Kipper", he had the misfortune Lo fall off his wheel cutin; a deep gash in Weer knee which required several "titehes.l I:. 11. Taylor, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday the Guest of hes daughter; at the D:xori ]louse. Jame Gray, of Dunnv:lie, formerly ste:ion amen: here spent P•zvcrsl several days here visiting fri;nds. (Crowded out leet week./ • Miark Vincent, of F.xoter, did bus. ing-s.s in the village on isissdsy. Watt Layton and Drew Swan were in 11c•ns1l1 on Monday. Mr. Ewen and Geiger, of liensaii.' }sere quite a tlnmbcr off Indians pul- ling flax in thie vicinity at present. Mr. and Mrs. li. lloaseenherr y spent Smelly ill Zurich the gucete of J. 1'. Rau, of the Commercial. Jas. McCully is erecting a tint, house, on Main street where he will ., Dr. Shoop's Headarche Tablets W. S. HOWEY. GET THE BEST 4, Receintlf talargod A WiTle 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with morn than 116,000 tithe, based en the latest census returns. Nowsllograpbical Dictionary rontainlnyi the names of over 10,000 noted persona. date of birth, death, ete. Edited 1►y 14. T. IfAltftIS. Ph.T).. T.L.I1.. Malted StattwCummiasionorof Education. 2380 Quarto Pagoa Nye MIK MN nMtrat kat Ria glad) pa N•pded In Every Home Also Webster'sFallsglate ntetloeary • tile Pow,. uw nia•tratrna.- Regular Edifices 72 is=t}i fact•-•. 3 Li/Wises. De Luse Editicashltristtf in. Trirt..t from sat,' p1.Meq.0 (isle rip.% f br..ytlb.1 1.l40r r. FR E "Dietiewaritvriaile.,•+lllytratedpaopl:i-•a 0.6 C. MERRIAM CO., `iublistts.tre. " $gHsgtIoId. Mase. NW.fIRRIVfILO FfllL GOOD 111 ZWIGKERS SPECIAL, PRICES Linoleunins and Oil Cloths We have just received a shipment of Scotch Linoleutns in Floral a Block patterns. 2 and 4 yard widths, extra good quality. We ha re 8 beau fill new patterns In the 4 yard width for you to select from. We have also new patterns in Floor 011 Cloths in 1 yd. le yd, and 2 widths. Lace Curtains New design bought at right prices. We have the selection and can Rua antee you the very best values in this line. 1Ve bought many lines of of goods before the advance. You get the benefit by dealing with us. Ready -Made Clothing We have also opened the first shipment of Fall up-to-date Ready Mat Clothing. A lame selection of Boyd' and Ben's Suits. New patterns, made a in the latest styles. We are Clearing out Many Lines of Summer Goods Very CheaE Ws are puttinga largo number et Roalaants of all kind of goods on sale this week at Bargain Prior. Highest prices paid for Produce. A Call Solicited. C. ZWICSER, - Orediton Binder Twin Here are the following lines of Binder Twine carried by us. Plymouth Special Salmon Tag Hobbs' Best Gold Medal •' 11l f We have solb over ten tons so far this season of these br so they must be good, and the prices are right too. Don't forget that we have gcod linees of paints, and everyt in the hardware line. W. MOORE - gIRgTO ++++++-te•I••t-+++++++++++++++++ +f+++++-i•+++•I•+i• i er Twine Gilt Edge 650 feet at 14}c a pound. Salmon Tag 550 feet at 12c a pound. Rakes, Forks, Handles, Whips, Mits,Files, Machine Oil and intact everything needed for harvest. We have bnt one price and that the lowest. Fresh Oranges, Lemons and Bananas. B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar uhar ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +4•444.444+++++4- 1 ++t +++++++++++ 1 OFFICIAL OFFICIAL °♦r LABEL IB18I0 Azollurt4ssocia'�� This is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR the best Bread, Cake and Pastry Flour the best all round flour in the world. Just try it once. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrelou buy. AH fine Blended Flours'- mil)ed of Ontario Fall 'and Manitoba Spring wheats -have it. "Made in Ontario" to THAMES iROA11. onnamlolo WIIALEN , . Dr. Turnbull, of Toronto ie visit• (Crowded out tatlir wetik-) ing Mrs. Robert Gardiner this week. Some of the far,• re bars Mtiss Alice Stewart, of 'Hamilton, rnenoed drawing ti► • t.. is visiting at the Thames Itcsld)manse. Mr. Newton 1Ii11S0p W home t Rev. A. 13. Meldrum, I). D., a Toronto, at present`, See he forrmer Huron boy and Mrd. Mel- been attending school. - drunk. 01 Clercland, are visiting at A !fly -net is a MOT, the manse. The T9r. will 'take Rev. rticle just now tylia (be gigs C. Fletcher', eervic3rse next Sabbath. had. 4 Mr. and Mirs. "JcePell retur home thew week. CALIO 'PONIL =AL. The masons ans milk v+try tai Sears the _APo KW Ya Pim A 8.104 headway with their work on church. Oilmen Mr. and M Patliftiao visited ef - Mire :Yaw ph Mor)ey', op Sunda, 1 • '' `