HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 9• seta HURON & MIDDLESEX GAZETTE FT,-.�...�. 1IIm-FOURTH Yiiiz No 1770 EXETER, JNT., CANADA. THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 15th 1907, $1.00 par year in advance. ===•••••••••....."•••••••••:•••••4 JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Great Clearance Sale of all SUMMER GOODS During the next two weeks we are going to sell all our summer wear regardless of price. They must go to make room for our immense Fall Stock which have already begun to arrive. See our North window. White Waists Below is a summary of what we have left 8 only $1.25 Waists for 753 each 11 only 1.50 Waists for $ ! 00 each 4 only 2.00 Waists for 1,25 each 2 only 2.25 Waists for 1.65 each • White Linen Skirts 2 only Misses Skirts $2.50 for $1.50 each Fancy Parasols 2 only $1.10 Parasols for 750 each 2 only $1.50 Parsols for $1.03 each Colored Muslins Prices no object on these goods, they must go at any price. If you want a cheap dress come quick as our prices will soon sell them. Lots of time to wear them between now and Xmas. Poultry The following will be paid in trade for the next week: Chii3ks lOc live and 12c dressed Ducks 3c live and 100 dressed Old Hens 6c live and 8c dressed Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. r+++•H•+•H•++++14 +I H+++.1 ++4 1-1+4÷1-++-H•++++ 35 Cents, 1 will pay for the1 Exeter Timos to 1st of January, 1908 If you are not a Subscriber this is your chance to become one. *+++++++41-'M'++++-+++-$-+!'44-•1'd-++-!'t'F1+-1-1.1-H4++ Voters' List 1907 ilIMMEIMMD • 1i(11111113LE I)I ABTF-It AT ESSEX 'TOWNSHIP OF USI3ORNE -Essex, August 1C. -Enough tlyna• Notice ie hereby given that 1 have' transmitted or delivered to the Denims mentioned in the Ninth Sec- tion of "The Voters' List Act", the copies required by the said Section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all parsons appearing by the last revised assessment Moll of tire said Municipality to bo entitled to vote In the said Municipality at Elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Eleetiions and that ,staid lint was first pooled up At my office, at Whalen on the 31st day of July 1907, and remains t*ro for inspection. Electors are • called upon to Examine the enid list, and if any 0miasion or other errors are found therein, to take proceed- ings to have Fail errors corrected according to law. jested this 31st slay of July, 1907. Francis Morley. Clerk of the said Municipality. CO + T it AIL. Rawl You Rss1_A - IIs w �t� w mite to blow up forty towns explod- ed in this 'town at 9.15 on 8aturdny morning. Two then lost their lives. A 1;cere or more less aerioualy injur- ed. The town was completely shat• teres. Twenty Unites dieetnnt in De- troit, n window crashed in the street. in Windsor dire residents thought nn earthquake had come. The entire population Buffers from the frightful shock. When the phoek came 'they rushed in terror from their homes into the streets, fear- ing that they had been overtaken by nn earthquake. Not n building in Essex escaped partial demolition. The nseessed teems rf the town !s $500,000. end it is (estimated tluht nt least .one-third of this amount mill he less. The cause of the occident is believed 4;o boyo been the rdii.turhin t of the bares by the two tthi, killed The dynamite hod ta'en melting nne Station Agent !timers heard little extensions on it tell on 'lho track. Ile had a lite monition that earn.: thim wou)54 happen. Tho trainmen went :nen Ih • ear to turn over th boles. In n few seconds the ea blew up. • 1 • e Locals. Mrs. Geo- A. Young, of Landon. was the guesit.,of her parents Mr. and Mrs. James Beyer a part of lath week. -Dr. Butler, the celebrated eye and ear specialist will be at the Con- tral hotel, friday and Saturday of this wee;;. -The elesaes Little and Wood, of Toronto, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cruickshank, re- turned to their /homes Saturday night. Examination Reports. THE RESULTS OF EXAMINATIONS IN HURON COUNTY. JUNIOR TEACHERS V. A. hors, honors, T. E. Robinson, honors, E. C. Robinson honors, A. J. E. Strother,, N. R. Sperling honors, 1t. Shaw, 1t. C. Sterling. M. Sullivan J. M. Smith, M. I. Stevens, E. P. Stevens, '.til. E. Scott honors, C. C. Sheriff honors, E. J. Taylor. E. Y. Taylor, M. G. Thompsc•n, W. L. Treib• ner, G. E. 'Rea honors, R. N. Welsh -Mr. W. D. Clarke left on hid va- L. 1. Mackay, R. W. MoKonzie. E. cation Tuesday, Ile and Mrs. Clarke M. Nahatfly honoree K. Ihttair honors, after visiting in London, will spend William Manning horrors, F. A. may some time visitting in Detroit and honors, M. T. Murray honors, W. A. Cleveland. Matheson, II. McKenzie honors, Mr. W. J. Clarke, of Winnipeg, u former resident of Exeter, spent Sunday and Monday with friends in town. Ile lett Monday evening for the Bend for a couple of days before returning to Winnipeg. -Mr. N. D. llurdon gave a Smo-' ker to a number of his friends on Monday evening in honor tot tris sixtieth birthday, ay.bich ho celebra- ted the day previous. Early in the evening a number of three invited. dressed in garbs that had been over- looked by the -rag man, paraded the streets. Some of the maka-ups were very good and caused considerable amusement. At the Smoker abort epeschea were given and soo$a sung, every number being thorough- ly appreciated. -The following questions and an• ewers appeared in the Christian Her- ald of last week. They .aro commen- ded to patrons of ,this science. 0. S. C., Watson's Bay, Canada. Has phrenology become a science. 2. To what extent are phrenolo- giste to be relied upon,; 1 No, it is not a recognized science 2. It is net possible to read or fore- cast character by the general con- formation of the head, or what pro- fessional phenologiete call the bumps. Of +course, a well -shaped, normal head is to distinguished from a weak abnormal development ; but many of the greatest minds the world hail known would have been pronounced poor or indifferent, if judged by the average phrenological methods. Rev. Geo. Itrown, a [orme ' pastor of the Askin Street Methodist church London and well known in Exeter, died at Saginaw, Mich. on Tuesday of last week, while on a visit to friends. Mr. Brown, who was super- annuated in 1890, had been supplying pulpits in the city and country. and had taken active part in Evangelistic campaigns. Till n few months ago the deceased clergymen and his faro, ily lived at 101 O'Ilara avenue Park. dale, where he filled pulpits from time to time, especially at Calgary. Later he went to Regina, where his son, Rev. Charles W. llrown, is pas- tor of the Metropolitan Church. There he became very ill, but recove erect, and subsequently came East to Saginaw, Mich.. to visit friends where he contracted his lent brief illnea=- Mr. llrown became a probationer for the Methodist church in 1836. was ordained in 1859. and received into full communion in 1860. llis first charge was et Waterford in 1857, then at Ancaster, Middleton, Nelson. Toronto, Aurora, '•tontreal, Hamilton and Milton. In 1871, when the new Connexional conference joined the Wesleyan conference he held beside: London, charges in Dunnville, Hager- ville and Ilamilton, Chatham. Fingal and t`trathroy. In 1801 he held the ItIcKohxie, A. McKenzie honors. M. A. MacLeod honors. R. li, tMioKay honors, D. C. MacLachlan femora, R. R. Mason, W. 0. Morrow honors, 13. S. Mellurney honors, \V. MCBurney honors, A. 13. McLaughlin, 8. J. Ne.. !thery 'honors, E. I. O'Keef, W. Olive, E. M. Phillips, C. Prendergast honors J. J. Purcell honors, A. L. P,oalift, G. A. Elliott, M. E. Fear honors, D. R. Finlayson, V. J. Glenn, E. H. Glen C. E. Goble honors, A. Goble honors, J. W. Hogg. D. B. Hodgson, I1. Hen- etendereon lonore, E. A. Holland honors, J. C. Horan honors, A. H. Henry, -7. F. Momuth honoree A. A. Isbister, A. W. Johnston tonors, M. 13. Johnston honors, E. R. Keys hon- ors, A. D. Lamont honors, J. L. La- mont honors. M. P. Laellaw, H. F. Larkin honors, 0. Leshman -honors, A. L. Armstrong, I. Armstrong, A. V. Archibald honors, E. E. Anderson honors, F. C. Barker honors. J. D. Buchanan honors, W. G. Breen, E. C. Chollow, M. le Coward. D. M. Clark honors, J. Carter, C. R. Cope- land, G. Cruikshanks honors, 0. R. Cruikshanka honors, A. E. Diehl hon- ors, T. C. Durnin, A. A. Dalton, C. Dean honors, C. C. Durnin, J. A. Dickison honors, L. H. Dodds honors, G. G. Duncan, M. Duncan honors, J. L. Wilson honors, 1. H. Young. T. Simmer. . The above list shows that eight out of twelve candidates who wrote at Exeter were successful, the following being the ones. E. V. Taylor, M. G. Thonipeon. W. L. Triebner. F. A. May. M. Murray, D. B. Hodgson, I. Armstrong and Maggie L. Coward. This Le a good showing for the Exe- ter school and the teacher should teel proud of the excellent showing made. DEPARTMENTAL AND JUNIOR MATRICULATION The Ontario Educattore Department has issued the results of the depart- mental examination. junior matric- ulation. The following is an extract from the calendar of the University of Toronto, 1906-1907, regarding ma- ulation: "The pass standard in each subject is thirty-three per cent. of the marks assigned therote." The ensuing list contains the names of two classes of candidates: First - Thome who have written upon and fulfilled the requirements of the University of Toronto in a suffic- ient number of subjects for full ma- triculation. Second - Those who have written upon one or more subjects or papers as the case may be and have fulfilled the requiremonts)thcre in. it follows that all who have made thirty-three per cont. upon all the subjects or papers upon which they wrote are here reported. The certificate containing the marks will be sent to the principal+ of the high echooly and tate inspcc- oftice of Sorretary of conference, in tors-, just as in past years. Condi- 1868 end 1809 that of chairman of dates will apply to these official;, the district and in 1874 he was a not to the department, for ;their delegate to the first general confer• reports in details. eine. He is survived by two daugh- The examiners report that no one tern and one son -Rev. Charles w„ subject may be considered us having of Regina. Dr. Brown and Miss Edith caused the failure of a greater pro - Brown. His wife died last fall, Rev. portion of candidates than another. Mr. Itrown arriving home from the Murch. -C. C. Alexander. A. \t•, \Vest before she passel n\ray. Archibald, W. C. Adams . ,T. A. Arno, 1). Allison. E. W. Merry, J. 1). lite WHEN ARRANGING reit your chanan, D. M. Clark, 0. Dean, G. O. 1)urnin, T. 0. Durnin. J. A. I)iek• farm stock sale make il; a point in •1• M. Dais', A. V. 1)orrnnee, W. have coon billy printed at the TIMES S. Elliott, M. E. Fear, W. C. 6nrqu- o[fiee. Your bills will fro Tttrac- harson, 11. llenderaon, E. A. Helloed, tivcly printed, and will' every sale i. C. Doran, A. \\'. Johnson, lit R. bill done, al •this offices y'e.0 will re- Johnson, 1. L. Lamont, B. W. Long, helve tree a notice or she sale in M. Laidlaw, H. P. Larkin, .1. F. this tinier, which is rend every we k I- McCrackc,n, R. \\ S. STcl:ens:e. W. M. by h n t to s of people in this local- Quern, K. Mair, W. Manning, M. A. m and o y your yr le krro,c .p- MacLecsl, \V. A. Matheemn, J. F. m*tly who may never have the op- McDonagh. E. II. McGavin, '1). C. portunily et seeing vont hills- Stctaughlir., 11. It. Mason. W. Q. Morrow, E. T. O'Keefe, W. Oliver, IIAHVIIAI.1. -The single men got even wittt their married s,ppcanenta lost Freely night at the ,recreation grounds by trimming the. latter ,by n score of 7 to 4 in a five inning co teat. Tom Carling who was pitching for tape single lads was ot his best and had a number of strike oute to his cred- it. Fred llawksliaw for 'the other gide was delivering up some goof benders tco but his support wannot of the gilt:•edged variety. In the sec- ond inning after (hz single men had scored one run and there were :two dawn a bad threw to first Win- on an easy out :/Mowed three runs to scone. /tad this error not been mete the score would have been evened up. The married men failed to NA; proper connections with the ball um - till the fifth inning, when they horde their four runs. +-1--.'-ti :-•1••: ,f••1-•; ..'tee+.t.yi.•i..l..pti,•t,.1,.; V. A. ites.. T. h. itobinwm. J. T. Strachan. 11. 1''. Swann, W. 1). Bonn. J. Smillie, F. Sparlin=J, F. C. it. Stoneman, .1. 11. A. Stoneman, F. R. Se'.ndrett, It. 11. Tye, C. Wilsen. t✓ CARL) OF THANKS Messrs. Role & Atkinson desire io express their thanks to the Waterloo Insurance, of which Mr. C. T. B:Doke is the agent for Exeter, Tice' the prompt settlement of the claim for Ioss sustained by (be fire at their wnreroonts a duple of weeks ueo. We very often have rcqursts from peoples wishing servants or help and at present know of five or rix places where good .t. farm hinds ann get steady eta - ploynient or where servants •p can t:et good altuntiens. The tar.' :s will he furni•ahed to any ens' by calling or writing the Tinos Office. EXETER COUNCIL A special meeting of tile Council of tele village of Exeter called by the It eve was held o:: \\'cdnesday even- ing Aug. 7 1M ler motion of Coen. r,illot Tohns S e. by Councillor Ilea - :nen that A. E. Fuko net an sear: - tory in abeelee of the clerk.-Carriut Members :;iisent Councillor /might i'er motion of Councillor 1leirn.tn ser. by Councillor Johns, that the of- fer of ,revere, Star:bi;r y end filar/• min for th, .iebentures an adver • Creed namely ,119500 (nine thousine five hut:dreel dollars). Being the highest offer :ece•ivet be seem:ed. Councilior Knight came in aid to:et his chair. •\ hy•1av: was formed am: read for the filet time oil motion o' W. ,john• see. by W. J. iteaman. 1'rovidinsr for the levying end rais• :ng by general tax !cool all the rite able property ref the viilnke of Etre 4- ter the sem 'ot •17P.12 The sown 4++'1++++++++4+4+++++4++++ being fully r\plain�d in the By•Iaw • Adjournment by W. Johns. A. E. Fuke acting clerk-. A. Q. IIOBIEtt, Reese. The council ottjtise village of Exal- ter met in the Ideal Hall on Tues- day Aug. 13th 10011x. Councillor Nea- man absent. . s The minutes of the eseooud special mraingn held Attg: 5th and 7t,tt, `welt, read and approved/ The Following- aecounta- re read and passed;,order/ peing Trawn al the Treasurer for ;the frame. C. B. Snell electric lighting streets $107.28; C. 11. Snell town hall light- ing $3.60; .Queen City Oil Co'y gaao- into $16.61; Wm. M. Bell Heasall, cedar, $12.74; Treble & Baker er- eoting aviro fence $12.98; Henry Jen- nings labor at cemetery $9.00; J3eo. Cudmoro labor $1.00; Jas. Creech sr. $1290; Walter Weetcolt labor 817.83 Ted Jones labor $11.83; Fred Gilloe• pie labor $10.50; ltd. Davis labor $3.50 SV. W. Neil labor $5.25; Jno. \Valper I labor $8.75; Silas Handford labor, 137.00; Frank Jones 75c.; Wes Set - ' ton 25c.; Jno. McDonald labor $1.e0; W. J. Bissett pt. salary 133.00; C. W. Cross pt. Salary cemetery $27.00 W. W. Neil street watering to Aug- ust 5th $50.00; Amounting to $352.77. passed ou motion of 3. J. Knight set. by W. Johns. -Carried• l'cr motion of A. , E. Fuko sec. by W. Johns -That as heretofore the public have been in the habit of tak- ing tanks of water from the water supply of the Municipality without permission, bo it resolved that in future no person or persons shall be allowed bo take uny water with- out first getting permission 'from the street commissioner or the man in charge of the street sprinkling and that a ;Charge of 50 cents be made for each and every load so ta- ken. Any person or persons found tak• ing water from any of the w-ateting tanks or water supply or in any manner using or damaging the same. the Corporation to take Action again- st such person or persons. -Carried. Per J. J. Knight sec. by W. Johns -That the street commissioner ba instructed to gravel Victoria street from the corner fo Carling street to •the Railway property. By-law No. 8, 1907. As read a firat time be now read a second time and on motion of J. J. eCnight sec. by A. E. Fuke Wive same be read a third time and tinally'pas. sed, the seal of ithe Corporation Dffjr. cd thoret.o and the Reeve signing the aame. The Street Commissioners report- ed baying applied gravel to the road• way appraching the bridge amount- ing to $12.00 the same being charge- able to the County. Adjournment per A. E. Fuke. 'J. SENIOR, Clerk. GRANi) BIND One of the largest crowds, that has ever been seen in Grand Bend in one day gathered on Thursday of last .week, for the greet summer carnival and regatta. ,The carnival was held under the auspices of the campers, beaded by Mr. A. W. Smith. of Iteachville, to whom great praise is duo for the creditable manner in which .the whole affair was conduct. cd. The proceeds were in aid of the Chinese famine fund. Ifuge grebes were erected at in- tervals along Main crtreet, .while stores and cottages wore a holiujay appearance, being gorgeously decor- ated. Outsiders asewell as campers tan- tered heartily into the sport of the day, ane/ helped greatly to snake it the success it was. Maple Grove people turned out en tunase, while a boationd a[ 30 from Bayfield carne up to enjoy the fun. The events of the morning took wince int 10 -o'clock. Tho judges mere Messrs. Taylor, A. Robinson, Lees, Griffith, McCallum and Grieve. The events and winners are aa follows: Lades, boot rete, 4 entries-Misa Jean 'McCrimmon, Losidan ; 2 Mees McCallum, Exeter. Metes batt race, 3 en,( ries-I Ram- say Rankin, Stralford.2 Will David- son, Stratford. Boys' boat race, 3 feu ries-1 \\ al- ter Page, Grand Bend. ;' Gordon Morrison, l.gndAm. Boys' sw•imm s.g racy. 50 yards, 6 entries -1 .hob McDonald, London ;2 Roy Clinger, London. Ladles' diving contt•st, 2 entree -1 Elsie McCrimmon, London: 2 Jean McCrimmon, London. Boys' diving contest, 5 entries -I Bob McDonald, ,London: 2 Ernie Taylor, Exeter. Duck 'Bunt, 5 entries -Joe Hickey Londat. Ladies metalling race, 30 yards, 3 entries, -1 I:dna Herrman, ',mitten: 2 Elsie eicerimnlon, Lennon, Mete' se imrning race, 200 yards, three entries -1 Ramsay Rankin, Stratford, t-' Itch McDon:,11, London. Mgt.'s diving, five entree -1 .10 - Hickey, Leiden : 2 Will Davidson, St ra (lord. The afternoon, sports vers started by n ealithunipion procession which caused touch fun. Fele-ming (h..t came the field spurts. The judges for the. '.f:crr.00n nere Messrs. Tay- lor, 11. .7. .ones. F. Griffith. Grieve, A. \V. email, Brenner and Finch. The v. 11ner's and events ire- nt rnen's race -1st Sir. Screwier St. Joseph; 21e1 Mr. iteelmicr, Ilerlin. Men's rnev, open -1 \\'ill Davidson Strntford : t; Jack Mee, Stratford. itoys' s'ace-1 Mr. ilanlan, Central- ia, 2 Mr. Coughlin, Crediton. Lady r:±mpers' rnre-1 lusts (Dirt • zel, Crediton : 2 efrs. Berhm"r, Iter - ere Indies 'race, opsin -1 Mks Maggie Snotl, Moray ; 2 tails. .1. Low'on, Crediton. Farmers race -1 Mr. Kraft, leash• woes ; e 'h. Campbell, Brewster . ,hockey rnr..-1 Will Davidson and intik Itose Steil ford ; 2 Melee booth• entl ;.rel Merl: Seulhcott. Exeter. Boot ars/ sI i.' rare -1 Will David. son. Stratford; 2 .Tack Rost, Slrat• ford. Mid - Summer Fencing We still have a complete stock of Fencing. Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire. Cleveland No, g, plain soft wire Cleveland Barb Wire. Cleveland No, 12 plain soft wire Ideal Fencing 7 wires 40 inches high all No. g 8 wires 41 inches high alt No. 9 9 wires 3o inches high, hog fencing. We loan Stretcher for putting up fencing. Also Staples, Fence Hooks and Stretcher Sampson Brand Portland Cement The best for Walls, Silos. Walks and Floors HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE t t; ,;. L ++++++++++++++++++-i-:-• i 't"Ft•' '•{'•{'•t'•'r•t••t i-r•'r••r-t••r••r••r••r^T•r-^. •r•-r-rTiTTTTT +++++++++++++14-14+++.144-1++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To I T. HAWKINS & SON I The Leading Hardware Store in 'TIown Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, -Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, 1 1 *1 : T. HAWKINS & SON Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. • 5-++++++++++++++++++ -I, -+++++++++ dd..4e.Ld. ..r-..r.2.-.ra-aaR-e__. . iii4..E..t..l.4..t•.I..M.f.i,i ...L.6sJ.t ...-.r--_, tIfiRNLSS Un6IGGII6d In StUle Workmanship. flo1Lc Decorator find' Plumber (not and Coldwater), Sign Writing and Graining With R. Dinney last year. Esti- ; mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario Our harness being made by hand is far superior to factory made harness which is now al- most exclusively being offered for sale. Personal inspection of the stock used in construct- ion of these make them more durable than the ordinary. If intending to purchase any a'.igbt or Heavy Harness it will be our mutual advant- age for you to inspect, our goods. Our rrIGGs fire R10ht. C dr west'eet: W. J. BEER Corn -AT-- Exeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grain if desired. Richard Seldon Exeter, Centralia and Clandeboye Sack race -1 Will Davidson, Strat- ford; t2 J. M. eouthcott, Exeter. .BASEBALL AND f'OOTItALL A •baseball match of two Innings was played ietwee:n picked teams, but had to stop to give up she field to the fel:Abell team. '1•l,is acus tete of the most interesting and ono of the hardest cu:heglee) ::rant.: of the day, and wns not (tiled, owing to a difference beteeen scorn:• play- ers and the referee. The teem of Grand Bend village challenged nny tenor to play. and as no team responded, tiro Stratford athletes in eamp go'. treeether a scrub team, and with the t,elp of some ethers in camp sue:cedeel in keeping the. Bend players down fair• ly well. At the sudden clue the score etocd 1-0 in favor of Stratford. in the evening there was a die. play of fireworks. The following are few of :the remes of the visitors here this week /antes Wein, London, Edna :Wein, London : R. 0. Patterson, %Vine -ear. .1. C. Minton, Indian head. 'M. .1. •(;etc•, Detroit, .1. A. Coughlin and wife, Centralia, Messrs. S. and •G. Treveth•ek, Ilrit.sley, Earnest Cann- ing, Ilrinsley, Willie Dorman. Allo' Craig, 11. A. Hawk -,v and E. Dickson, Parkhill: F..\. Taylor. Watford. A. 1:; Kuhr, Crcd:ten. Chas. 11. \Cart and wife, Clarence E. Reid end Jntnrs Rogers, London; Wee. A. Killer, el' M. fee,: Cordon, staying at the Brarnnt•. 1•._ It f :.t,.lio x' M. ilr^r.• corner James and An - GRAND TRUNK SYIS EAVIY Canadian National Ex- hibition, Toronto Many special features int iludin3 Capt. Kn.tb:nshue's Airship and grand display of fireworkn. • i EVERY DAY A GREAT DAY. :i.AS trc:.r Exeter, good going via Lucas creasing Aug. 26th to Sept. 7 special excursion rates 32.85. Good going Aug. 27, 29, 31st, Sept, 4 and 6th. All tickcln valid ret'rrn.ne frcrn { Toronto on or below Sept. 101 h 19(47. II J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write .1. D. McDONAhie Union Depot, Toronto, Ont. Mountjoy. London, -Mas ;Cameron. Toronto. Mr. A. \V. Snaith, ilcachvillo Mies Marion Mckenzie. London, Irene Boss. London, Nies Laura Ds• prose, London :.Miss Etta 1tei•t, Lt,n- don, Siiss Fannie N'illinm., St. Thome as, Miss PP. Alicroth. St. ;fhotnas, Miss elite,' teeter, Loror, .Mis' Hoye Sicileena, London, Miss Elean- or 1 p,ha1., London. Wm. Fitz spent Saturd.ty :in l'atkl;:il• The Ada 13. took a trip upkhe lake to •Il:iyfe ! ! '.n 1'rid•.y it)) about 25 eaft etge:- :nd returner/ diem, tha night. A tr±p ,.• ;is mad• to .T'oit Frank cin Saturday and everyone certair:ly had a geed time. 1T. A. :Mer., of Parkhill had good !, ek or. Stturdny in cntchin.- a big sturgeon with the 'book and line, Eddie Meiji', flier' i'ft for I'ort Frank for a few '.r• es. aVhat aro v" eeirg to rho 1 t f00(6311 now' Grate Wend is anaieve to have a game of Mill with aerie of ' i:•' neer• by towns. Give thea, a call. Th- campers gave a danec :.t tha Were., • !Pall, rr• etond.ty evening. `d:. S. A imith, London, et Wm. 1'ot±e:. teury Ont.. Mr. E. 0. .Tones, Clt!►rlehoyc. 1)r. Tornie Manes and wife T'nrkhll Ont.. Mr. W. G.