HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 87r Fr•• i' eE X E T I R 'L l bli 8 AUGUST Stb 1907, ++e-+++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STEWART'S Direct From one )f the finest potteries in England "S. Fielding & Co." three large packages of the finest toilet sets we have ever shown. They come in Imre white with gold tracing, -pure cream with gold tracing, and white and cream body with fancy colored and gold decorations. We would like you to call and see just what nice goods they are. $3.90 -The Grecian a pttm wtp set, gold raehiteed,10tall eliiecete shapeToilet large roll basin. $4 -.50 -The Dane a rich cream 10 piece Toilet Set gold traced and stippled. Large swell shape. deep oval basin, with heavy roll edge. f . 0;=The Saxon pure creates 10 piece Toilet, Set �• gold lined and stippled, new octa- gon shaep, deep full round basin with heavy roll edge. The choicest cream colored Toilet ;Set we have ever shown, $3.50= -Blue Riga white ground 10 piece Toilet Set with rich cohault blue decorations gold lined -a dandy. $4.50= -Tudor cream ground 10 piece toilet set. lovely litho flowers in natural colorings with gold shadings. new oval basin with large heavy roll edge. $5.50- - Bath create ground 10 piece Toilet Set, new swell shape, natural floral decorations in pink, blue and hello. new oval basin, swell roll edge. $6.75 --Trent creamy white ground 10 piece Toilet Set, new tall full shape, very neat small floral decorations, rich gold tracing, new oval basin. The finest set we have ever shown. 30 Different Lines We show thirty dif- ferent lines in Toilet Secs ranging in price from $1.50 to $6.75. They code to us direct from the potteries in Great Britain. The saving in middle inen't profit will be all yours if yoi' buy from us. J• A. STEWART +++++++++++++++++++•2 ++++++ + i•++++++•i•++•f.. ..3• •1•• t4++++++ ++++++++++++++•i•+++ 4++++++++++++++++ 1r` -Miss Nina Kinsman is visiting A Successful 1 friends riends in St. Thomas. -Mr. Melvin 8outhcott :s spend- ing the week at the Brnd. \'ecIdiiig Mr. Tota Carlini; will leave Mon - Is impossible without the help a jewdtry store. Try to think what such an affair would be without the presents. Try to imagine the rrng,ees, giftless wedding. It's unthinkable. day for Owen Sound for a couple of weeks' outing. -Mrs. Nelson Northcott, Str:►t• of ford is here vi -Siting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Aldw•orth. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Bobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes in big plugs. Quality always the same. -Mrs. [fodgert, sr., upon whom Drs. \Vishert and Browning perform cd a serious operation, is rapidly re- covering. -Mrs. John Treble and Miss Vio- let, of Exeter, and Mrs. A. Loadman and children, of Winnipeg, are camp• in at the Bend. MISS Jean Ballantyne was called to her }!.cute in Farquhar this week owing to the illness of her father James Ballentine. -Mr. Alf. (licks, of the nth Gc,n. Usborne was attacked and trampled on by an infuriated beast last Mon- day. Several ribs were broken, but he is progressing favorably. -Civic holiday, lets see when was it' Oh, yes some time just after the winter was over. We tnu�n't let such a thing occur again. This is the time of year for a 1 ey off loom work. -The children of the Main Street Methodist Sunday School and their friends had a delightful picnic in A. lioz;per's grove last Friday afters -non Prizes were awarde' for races, etc., and each event %% aft hotly cunteeted. So you would find it hard to get along without us at such a time. We have i great big interesting array of gift articles. And the beauty of it is that the !majority of them are anything but expensive. We euftgeet Silverware, Clock.. Fancy China, Etc. Call and take a good look through. A. MARCHAND JEWN.LER. MillE To DRESSING WELL is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment that • we make for you has that air of individuality so touch sought after by the fashionable man. You aro sero of Comfort, Ease and Elegance too:Sultin>ts to hand at prices away down J eR. i Market Report. -she following is the report of Eset.r markets. cor- rected up to August 8th., 1907. Wheat, 80 to r.5 cents per bust::l. Barley 45 to 50 cents per bushy:. Oats 41 cents per bushel. Peas, 60 to 70 cents per bushel. Shorts. $24 per ton. Fic;ur $2.50 per cwt. Bran, *20 p.9- ton. 1't*d Flour $1.40 to $1.15 per cwt. Butter. 17 cents 1•a•r pound. Eggs, 15 cents per dozen. I[e,Ks, drisst.d, r,'9 per cwt. Hoge, live•„Might. $6.85. Hay $11 to $11.50 Per etc^. Clover seed. *8 to $10 per bushel. Potatoes. 75c. to 90c. per bag. Dried Apples. 6c. per pound. (`oat. $7 :a ton. . 'Wool, washed. 20e to 22o per lb. \Vool, unwashed. 12c ,to 13c. a lb. ••••••••••••••••••••••.... • LOCALS •••••••• ,•6••... 8. Fitton. issuer of marriage li- censes, also complete line of 'wed- ding rings always on hand. --Miss 1'. Northcott, of Ifamiltoa, i- visiting friends around Exeter. -Mfr. and Mrs. A. E. Bennett, ot. Loudon, are visiting relatives tin tu1.to a • -Mr. Nelson Vale, of Lcctdon, is visiting his parents at thoNortt i Ertl. -Mr. \\•r.:. Armstrong, of 3ml;z City, Mich., is. viiting his brother Irvine. -Mr. ([ugh McDonald. of Essex, is visiting his brother Mr. J. 1t. McDonald. -Mr. Frank Ilawden, of Londect, is visiting his tlarents Mr. and Mrsl. 1'. Bawdl;n. -Mr. Art Wood, of London, is the guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. John -Mr. Abe Davis of Londgn, spent! Tuesday with his .t►arent5 Mr. and Mrs. \\'m. Davis. Master Wilfred Stewart returned Thursday night after spending two weeks at the Bend. -Miss Pearl Bissett, of Crediton, apc•nt a few days last week the guest of Mrs. Sant. Eaton. -Messrs. \V. W. Taman and .1. \V. Broderick returned Saturday lifter a week's outing at the Bend. -Mr. Case (toward, W110 Itala been holidaying at Grand Bend, returned to his home 'here, last Sunday. -Mr. \V. H. Gregory, of Stratford, Is visiting at the home of ,!tits parents fdr. and Mrs. Thos. Gregory. -Miss Jennie Cockwell, of Cleve- land, Ohio, spent It portion of last week 'the guest of Mrs. .1. Gill. -Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilson, of London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke during the past week. -Mr. Milton Bissett, of Toronto, visited his grandfather, Thos. Bissett sr., a few days during the: post ‘v&k. -Mr. John Thompson, formerly manager for Bawden & McDonnell was in town a few days during !net week. -Wellington \Vestcott, cf Poter boro, who was visiting his utotic here returtts:•d to his 'home last fiat u rd:r y. Miss Evelyn Carling, student at St Luke's hospital, New York, arrive home last wbek for a two weeks vacat ion. For Quality and Quantity ask you dealer for the new big plugs o -Boles."•'Stag," end Cnrtency chew ingtobaccoes. r d r f -Mr. and Mrs. Ce.a. Grant. of Win_ nipeg, 'who have been visiting tl}: latter's parents for some time, left Thursday for their thorny. -Mr. George Eacrett arrived in town on Wednesday of last week and will visit his another, -Mrs. Geo: Eatrt'tt, for a few weeks. -August Guhr has !secured :a con- tract for dredging north of Strati - ford. and last week moved his dredger to the point of operation. - 11ra. I. Ilisset t a''1 child. e lw have been visiting Mr. and Mrs+. TI: . Bissett, jr.. left Saturday for 5. ra t ltroy to jc,in Mr. Ii'ssett. Mrs. Itogerss and tern 'Leonard, of Listowell. and Dr. Follick, of St. Marys, were the gu. 9ts of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. l'ollick last Sunday. - Mr. and M rs. .lances Iionthron, of lle.nsall and Miss Smith, of Ciders ich, were the guests of Mrs. l'ollir,s and Visas !tont hron hist Sunday. -Messrs. Alt. ai'd John Salter, of London, and Gc,., Salter, of L. ndoi,, and far►tilu•o, w•Cie the guts of Mr. John Salter during the past ev k. -Mr. Roger Crocker, cd Toronto, arrived in town Friday night nisi will visit his parents for sovera1 days. Mrs. Crocker P. Fon are alfe here. -Misses Vera Rowe and Mary Mack left 00 Saturday morning for London. where they will take a course in the \Veste•rn 1htisittCls Cul • legs• -Me a rs. !tow • & Atkinson are < r- ect1ng a very fine dweliin, at the corner of Main and Minot ettreets, w•her'e the old Molso't's hank former- ly stood. -Mr. and titre. Jury Dickson, Ines Mrs. Thos. Terry and two daugh- ters, of London, are the guests of r. and llr•. Wm. Davis at the N . h End. -Mise Janet Brow n, of Jones & ('lark left last w<ok on her holiday.. IMP will spend a portion of the timer the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Durdle at Rrus!s.•1s. -Mins May Gill, 'who was visiting here for some weaeks left last Friday for !girl pton, where she will remain until her school opens at Fort in September. -The Mi,.es Dickson and Lothar: of Seafortb, Mrs. Whimster. of Aur• ora and Miss W. W. Coulter, of Ott - lawn were the guests oL Mrs. D. Johns hist we'e'k. Mr. Tho.. Cameron will be in Ex•e- ter ev•'ry Saturday after:to: r: to make arrangements wit!' thc.'e e%tic w•;r1 to hare n e t,e cf pro1,^sty. stcx-k of household goods. Or,l.•rs left at the Times office will Le promptly attended to. 'rHii; (•tilEP REASON why you should look atter your eye - eight ie- that Netntc• never offers tis a new pair 1.f ' v. s Th. hest of rea- son. why. at the first sight. of trouble, you should consult an Wer Ws TAMAN OPTICAL P ['FAIT for relief. We can add to your ap- yeerauce as well. Examinations free! Merchant Tailor. on't delay. Make it the chief hnsi• nese of your d • v -Til DAY. Optical good in complete stork. We manufacture our own. Try it. EXETER, - ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLiOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected MONEY to loom at towns rate*. North West Lanese for !Sat.. Office, Main Street, Exeter W. S. HOWEY, Phm. B. (`beniist and Optician. EXETER, -- ONTARIO wee me Saving Ba�gai Saving Ba�gainsTNE OLD RELIABLE Money Look over this Bargain over Bargain List. 0 b tx. ;541 Bargains In Lace Curtains $2.5() Quality for $200 $2 00 Quality for $1.50 $1.60 Quality for 111.10 Bargains in white and colored Muslins 25c Quality for 15c 15c Quality for 10c 12ic Quality for 8c Bargains In men's fancy summer vests 1i zht and dark colors. $1.25 Quality for 89c Bargaing In Umbrellas apleudid top with best steel and fancy handle. $1,25 Quality for 98c Bargains In rueu's Neckwear only 3 doz four in hand ties left to self. 3,5e Quslity for 19c Bargains In ladies Fancy Hoie Black Cashmere Silk Embroidered different colors 50c Quality for 42e Bargains In ladies leather Belts assorted Colors 38c quality for 25c Bargains In Japanese Matting 20c Quality for 12ic Bargains In Tapestry Cushion tops. 35c Quality for 18c Bargains In Boy's strong evening shirts blue with white spots guaranteed fast colors. 50c Quality for 39c Bargains In Boy's leather belts 25c Quality tor 15c Bargains In ladies Black Cashmere Hose warranted all pure wool 35c Quality for lac Bargains In Men's Fancy Socks 35c Quality for 19c rn r=0.1 rn t>4 z 0 �NEL� 8z lROWm: -Mrs. Geary and two children. of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. Geary's sister, Mrs. F. W. Gladtnan. Mr. Geary was eulso here Sunday spending tho day. - -Last Sunday while Ililtott Bis- sett was taking his grandfath^r for a drive, •tlte horse became frighten- ed at .:n automobile and rearing on its hind legs broke one c.f the shafts of the buggy. DiR. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUI!- goon, will be at the Commercial hotel. (lours 9.30 a. m. to 4.90 p. tn. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of cyo ear and nose treated. n^a.t visit. Friday, August 9th 1907. • -Mr. A. Dearing this week sold to Mr. Richard Rill. South halt of lot 16, 4th concession. Stephen, son- sisting of fifty acres for 42,000. Mr. Hill will now have an cxc.11eent farm also owning the Nast'► hall of the lot. -Victor Sanders, who for some months was employed by W. 8. Colo left last Friday for London, whero he has !secured a 'position with Cairncross & Lawrence. Maurice Bobler has taken Mr. Sanders place with Mr. Cole. -The Standard Oil Company was last week fined $29,240,000 for ac- cepting railway rebates, contrary to the •terms of the Inter -State oil Comp raise schedule. Look out for a COLE'S DRUG STORE rai:+c� of 5 cysts per gallon cat -to retake up for the loss. Prescriptions Our �ipecitalty -flee 1k:u►don Sun has jssUelf an EXETIFat - ONTARIO. attractive illustrated number come utetnorative of the quarter-century anniversary of the incorpcntion of the city. It 'is just 26 years sine the original squatter sold the Bran- ch►- tow• n si t e for $25,000. F16K1100 gDi6cs Preserves and pickles are all - ways more delicious when made with fresh and fragrant spices. Our special selection of whole and ground spices is complete and will insure perfect success. -Cloves Cinnamon -Ginger, Allspice -Pepper, Mustard -Ceurrie, Turmeric and all other pickling necessities raranlo BouIJog Wax Corks, Pure Rubber R(ngs -Mr. and Mrs. D. Bernick •re- turned horne last tack titter a month's visit with friends in Dc.- troit and other points inMic)ii.gan. -A couple of young men auppcsed -The Qucr.rt has s et a new fati!,ion to hail from Clinton. were !feta last which, it is Vaid, 19 likely to become week with several old cquin3 relics one of the .rn.cvst pupular fancies of trying to trade theal. They had a the year. This is the summer muff, small pony whioh looked to be the a dainty trifle entade of flowers, host ;tnitnal in the bunch. Evidently feathers :arid chiffon or tulle. which their business was ,not very thriving. must match the wearer's toque and -A lege was tried a t the t1O111 of ruffle. 13CSide' genet declared n rt is- -A 1'. Thos. Kay one (Lay Inst week, tin the Summer muff will be :t bene at which :an Exeter man was triedto the, wearers or 1►ocketlrses 00 art alleged charge of theft of a govt'' as it Ss fitted with o 1'<►ek t; mum of matey. As there was no cv:• large r►nouglt to hold a handkerchief &nee to show hat the stoney was and purse. .c taken by 1 he accused the case wt- y _While .wo pride ourselves on (h': • di•rnL'-t f. (orderly condition of the town as -A fire_ alarm was--ounded last whole, tient are .o number o;' boy• We Beg to Amount* that we have more Ladies White waists Than we care to carry over, consequently will reduce the prig. $1.00 for 75c; 1.75 for 1.25; 2.50 for $2.00 $1.25 for 1.00; 2.00 for 1.50; 3.00 for 2.50 $1.50 for 1.25; 2.25 for 1.75 These goods will go quickly Come early and get your choice. Ws Still Carry a Fine Range in the Astoria Shoo. lobby goods. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: • . $.1,000,000. BOARD Of DIRECTORS: . IAIr,IvS JARVIS, Esq., - - President RANDOLPiI MACDONALD, Esq., First Dice -('resident A. A. AI,r,AN; Esq., - - Second rice-Piesidenl Hort. D. McMILr.AN, ARCH. CAMPBRI.L, Esq., M.P. A. E. DVAIEN?, Esq., M.P. P. G. JI;MMETT, Gsneral-Manager. HON. PKTnrt MCLAREN, W. K. MCNAUGIrT, Esq., M.P. AT,Px. Deuce, Esq., K.C. R. CASSEI.S, Asst. General -Manager. Savings Bank Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches -:EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager. (MADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors RENSALL BRANCH, -- Ii. ARNOLD, Manager. Book -Seeping Penmanship Shorthand and Touch Typewriting Taught by Professional Teachers at Western Business and shorthand Gollto 110 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. Every Graduate Placed in a Situation. Fall Term 60111111611668 saps 3rd, 1907 Catalogue Free, address WM. C. COO, C. B. R., President. ••+N+NNNNNN+NN++• • Thursday afternoon on (recount of a and young sten, who need a little blaze in the IS orkalvap At Rowe X, talking -to. On Sunday evenings it Atkinson's. The fife was started 1►y Is customary for sotno of the rete - a clad oil stove, but was notwed bel. dents t.o take a walk after church, fore it hid coined tnuoheh' atwsy tine' but thews strolls are greatly rn:trred watt ,•N tilig ui.slscd by a bucket )tri. by boys and young 111011, w•110 c(.ngre- gado. The department rCrs1►ondeel to gate at street corners and dojrut<tys the :11,1rn1 but its 101 vices w: re 1►ot eind stake ungentlemanly rernari- to required. 1t►«se. passing. It is almost unsafe -J'he C1.t:tnning Factor} [:nit;!:ed ul, for parents to allow their young girls out without a chnpercat, ;is (>u pests sst wick ar►ct are this week they aro tnuest liable to Ire trtark, ic,r busily c•nu11 in canning twang, these oh:slrr w•ho ,consider their re - The more; will then le: up until the n,rkq witty end quite. proper. The tutnaten•ss and cern conte in. The (practice !should lie ►9to ! output of [Noris leis greatly exec:deet lee . the. expectations of the company ;rnd --Mr. Joseph Davis ai4 hie cousinI to sce the riles upon of canned Mrs. ('9llins, of London Eng.. had was is wood ..v:41...ace that th•' cent a thrilling experience last eunday 1 Fall Terni OPENS SEPT. 2 This management during the past year trained over Two Hundredyoung IA 20 and 200 gentle gentle- men, as eteno- graphers, bookkeep- ers and telegraphers, and placed thein in excellent situations in leading ('anadtan and American cities. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (0E0. SPOTTON, Principal. 1 pans will I►.• a rsuca•ss. afternoon while driving. Mr. Davis •++N++N•N+•NNS+H+e► was taking Mrs. !('ol1iii5 around -Suri ty 111 the North End receiv showing her t.lot magnificent agricul- ed anothecr bad jolt one city list fatal district which r;urrourxis ENO,- 11ts9 Bail r of London, is visiting we+:+k, and 111► ,to date. it iss irk not ter, and whiles on th_- 2nd ccstccss:on ~figs Della Treble. known ►►• htah will h • 104111 uted, of Stephen, ''(ot cf Exeter test an -The examinersxamiucr9 wlw were er ;teed tel, ►c►tt, bill for separation (.r a charge of automobile. AA 1he .horse was alienating affections. If the reports strange to Mr. Davis rind not know• for throe woeks reading and nark. t hat are being circul:tt (I are true inn it q terttperatnent and toot Dinh• ins the examination papers of the both ),artless, and tl.eyetre won ing t9 take any chances of it heCntn. candidates in t he departmental ex• known, should lv kicked cut of town. ing frightened, 1s+, 4UIneel off 1.111 autinations completed their labors on -\Workmen a1.• busily engaged road at1.1 towards the fence. 1;etoro Friday. i1 wi11 require -about two snaking alterations at. the slirtion this auto had rotobed them the hors() weeks 'to Irepatce •the re -Ports whioh for the. erection of the 1::w• depot. 1►eenrne frightened and ran away. will rel,eve the a time:•neo of js)mo 1:':iday the north warehouse belong. With acute peasecrtce• of nt:04 Mr. thousands of young people in 01111r- )• g to It. 0. 8.•14911 was placed on Davis kart the natimal iseadec! in tho to. it IS said 4hat this paper ret for 1 •(!errs and on Mc.nday was moved t.:>, direct ',on they were going and be- junior teachers in history earn' in t r• West fid•" of tire track. (fdr-, lieving it would lel easier to get it lar some severe criticism by the ex- o.her waro)sous ,rwill n1sote ntov<e1. 111(1•, control by taking the, roadway airliners. Ono of the questions ask- A new twitch has ht<:n built along. lie (gulled it up, but after wetting out ed for an 1expl:►tta:ton of the d•'fcMt tilde the old e+tatiott and another one of 1 h Glitch the animal 11tart.• i of the Macdonald guvcrnut0nt in 1873 will be constructed over to the can. $ quick Reserve up,etting the liturgy in and the Mackenzie governtneno its Hing factory. theopposite ditch. Mr. Davis and 1878. As -teachers generally .tech'+e1 A ate -•ting of ,the div:.ct„ra cef tL• c % Mra. Collins were thrown out, the Goderirh horticultural Sccie.!ty waselatter receiving a severe gash held at w)►ielt it was ctk�eiried to rand j over the right ,-ye, which n'.cessitat- a circular to the various agricultur- - sev, rat stitches. 11r. 1) 1'. M mon- al ssoei tics in the Bounty ir4king 1 aged to elite„ to the liner end was them to off,•r- special prizes fryc.cr- 1 dragged a considerable' distance bc• tain ceoeses of fruit in order to fore the animal el, stopped. After bring out the hest specimens to 1►y an inventory of the bruises was tak- 1sad, the exhibit. to is- forward:i1 to en it was (found (bat Mr.. Cc►11irs Goderich after the eth,oes and a ream.. t hid received bee'd-es the gash, s-•verel try exhibit of fruit selected from other bruises, while M r. Davis ro- them to be 1+trown nt the Provincial : ceived [several e.eratchcss on his face. exhibition in Toronto in November. Avoid Competition There is a market for the BEST and the surest way, we think, to get away from competition is to make a little better floor than the 'other fellow' Our motto is "not how cheap but how good". Ask for STAR float it stands alone. MANUFACTURED BY HARVEY BROS. y to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First-class Workmen will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. politica) queatione, which even it Our experience is pretty good this date are wnrtn subjects of d s' assurance that you will be sorry cession, the answr.rs to these prices are always que,. for nothingand p tions aroused much merriment arnot,g the examiners. (Inc candidate at the bottom notch. A% rote : "Sir John Macdonald intro• duc,•cl the Netion.sl Policy in 187:;, which led to the Pacific scandal and c:rased his defeat." Another young than annexed the Lolloeinst no doubt heartfelt petition to this anrwor : "For God's sake, bare mercy on melt' W. joIEE1TS Merchant Tailor i