HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 6IIEALTII see CATARRH OF STOMACH WAR WITH HOLD UP MEN RELIEVEDBY PE -RU -NA STORY Of PI.KIRTON, TUE GREAT DLIT CTISL MF;NTAL DYSPEPSIA. While taikieg with a prominent phy- su•ien a Lew days ago, elites Graham }food, the latter advanced the theory that it is n.;l to trurch the food we cut that hurts us as the w•ay we eat it. As this was a palter in which 1 was par- ticularly interested i questiemed tum somewhat closely, and hero is the les- son that he taught me. There are let, e.f people in the world sent are nattering from stonta•.h atl- ine:its, but it large percentage of them ectt ally bass; ,.u.thing the mutter with them if thief oould only be mode to think so, In reality they are suffer- ing from mental dyspepsia, a disease It.at anybody can contract if he once Wakes up his mind le be that particular kind of a fool. To g t this disease firmly settled upon birn it is only neccssnry that a roan should take all Iris troubles and indis- positions to the table with him. 1f he tits down to eat while in a sour tem- per the disgetuitled mental condition' that is so plainly Indicated upon his features exercises its effect upon his food. Although the bread and meat that he has eaten may have been of the test quality procurable, his sour tem- per sours it so that it is finally nothing teller than contaminated food that goes into his blood and his stomach. As anger is admitted to be a thought - poison, the man who takes hia angry and spiteful thoughts to the tablesevith the morning paper usually succee s in poisoning everything he eats. To take cite's worries or the fretful thoughts 10 Ws meals is just as serious a mistake, for they, too, are poisonous. Business scares, fancily discords, .personal griev- ances, should all be banished at the door of the dining -room, tor if It is true that these thought elements have just as much effect upon the digestion of food as they do upon the other nerve forces of our bodies, there Ls not one of 1.s who can afford to consume such dele- terious elenients along with our rolls end ooffee, or at any other meal dur- ing the day. According to this physician's theory the nerves play a more important part In the actions of the stomach, and our ether digestive apparatus than many of us have heretofore imagined. Thus, be claims, it we eat with the idea con- stantly before us that we are in danger of eating too much, or that the foods we are eating are liable to hurt us, we are taking the one course that is cer- tain to bring about the very results that we fear. In other words, the anxious thoughts that have worried us during the process of eating will continue to assert their evil influence during the later progress of digestion. How often do we hear people say: "1 and going to eat this, but 1 know it will burl me;" and in nine cases out of ten it does. \Ve hear others say: "My stomach is so weak that there is scarcely anything 'that 1 can eat." The statement is Ft - evilly true, but the thing they do not realize is this -that it is nothing more than these same anxious thoughts that are poisoning their food and snaking ,t do thein this harm instead of good. t1 you want your food to disagree with ,ou just be honestly and consistently afraid thut it Is going to do so, and you Will find that you will not be disap- pointed. On the other hand -and fortunntely ter all of us -this los a law that works both ways. As the result we who would be healthy have but to make up cur minds to eat properly in order to enjoy all the advantages that one may derive from following these new prin- ciples In hygiene. Instead of going to the tnble with n acrt of resigned air, therefore, as though we were certain that nothing was going to suit us -as though we knew that the time spent in eating would be thee spent dLsa g rceabl) -we should etrive to make the hours of eat - trig the happiest moments of our lives. As these are often the only Flours when the family group is together It ought not to be difficult to make them me - 'tremble for their merriment. All that is reeessnry is that the various members of the family should make up their Wends not to bring their troubles to tete te.ble, but In the place of the anxiety, the worriment, and other poisonous elements, to bring the jolly stories, the Chatty gossip, and the cheerful thoughts, that will help so much to assure good !nature, and its natural result, good di- gestion, from one end of the table to Vie other. This is the theory ns 11 wns explained lo me. Personal experifment only can trove whether it is true or false, but 11 sevums to nue as though the experi- ,t.ent was one that was worth trying. ..._.--'\'- Greater t.ondon's population is now rapidly appronchutg the seven million mark. . r_ "I certainly was shocked," said the stern-vienged woman, "to hear that you were married. 1 wouldn't merry the test than on earth." "He never gave you the chaffer' retorted Mrs. It•idee, InletestIng R.ntiniscences of Old-time Ilubberics - "Black (tart" and Uis Methods. More than t vo-tairds of the famous train robbers who have figured in she criminal history c the United States s:neo the cavil war have either been killed cutriglit, lynched, or "died with their loots es.." Of the rernaining third, many died c•f wounds, or were captured, imprisou- rd. or'driveu into exile in lunds beyond sea. So declared \\'ilriam A. Pinkerton, of Chicago, in an address to the an- nual convention of the International Association of Chiefs of Police at Jones- town, Va, "BLACK BART," LONE BANDIT. AIDE. JOSEPII BEAL'DOIN. Mde. Joseph Beaudoin, 59 Rue St. Olivier, Quebec, P. Q. Cain., writes. "Peruna is wonderful for indigestion. I eat whatever 1 want and no longer net any oppression. "Having had dyspepsia for a long time and having tried various other remedies, I decided to try Peruna and with the fourth bottle of it 1 was lrerteclly cured. "For this reason 1 recommend it to ell those who are suffering with that terrible malady, dyspepsia. - "1 hope that all who are afflicted `.n this way will take Peruna as I did." The experience of Mde. Beaudoin et•ght to be sufficient proof to any one of the value of Peruna in. cases of ca- tarrhal dyspepsia. If you suffer from stomach catarrh in any of its various forms, give Peruna a fair triol, avoid- ing in the meantime all such indiscre- tions in diet as would tend to retard a cure, and you will soon be rewarded by a normal appetite and healthy diges- lien. SO FATIGUING. 41,r -entre, he assured ale that I was the only girl he ever proposd to." eIngislrate : "Officer, what is this min charged with?" Constahlc : "Ileus a rarnern fiend of the worst kind. seer wnr•- ehip." "But this man shouldn't have been arrested simply because he has n mania for inking pictures." "It Lsn't that, sour worship; he takes the ceunerns." "My feline," Enid n solemn mnn, "have you tiler done aught In make the coin. mimes. in which you live the better for your living in it Y' "1 have done much," replied the other humbly. "to purify the homes of niy fellow -beings," "Ah 1" e nlinued the solemn man, with a pleased look ; "you distribue tracts?" "No; I clean carpets." Roberts (of very doubtful comrnerelid !Standing): "As Shakespeare Pays, '\\'hut's in a name?•" Jenkins 1f you went to know, why doi't you ask your wile!' Reberts : "My wife? What has she got to do with it r' Jenkins: *Why, everything you hve Is In your Vete** naie,e, ien't it t" "So young Richley Kndd isn't tol� t- ry Goldie Stiles after all?' "No, he got scared." "Well, well, and I heard they had even gone so Inc as to rehearse for the wedding." "Yes, that was the trouble. They hnd rehearsed five times, and Richley said the preparations for nintrintony 'were such hard work he was afraid he couldn't stand the real thing at all." --4----- FULL UP. When the ladies in charge were clear - Ing up the left•ovcrs after a Sunday - schen' picinic several Fliers of cake were found which they did not wish to carry home. One said to a sniall Ind who was already asthmatic from gorg- ing, "Here, boy, won't you have another piece of cake?" "Weil," he replied, taking it rather listlessly, "I guess I can still chew, but I can't swatter." A\\IOl'S <1OMENLS. Thousands of Little Ones Die During the Summer Months. mother of smell children how fatal are the summer Dysentery, diarrhoea. chol- era Infanlum and stomach troubles are atnriningty frequent at this tittle and Ice often rr precious little life is lost s . The atter only a few hours' illness. mother who keeps Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels safe. '\'tie occasional use of Baby's Own Tablets prevents stomach and bowel troubles. or 1t the trouble comes unawares the Tablets will bring the little one Through safely. Mrs. Geo. Robb, Aubrey, Que., says: - "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for stomach and bowel troubles with the hest results. I feel quite snfe when 1 !leve the Tablets in the heite e." Sold by medicine dealers or by !tail at 25c. a box from Tite Ur. Williauts' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. Every knows :s months. Oshawa You deet atom to root a Galvanised tier without Oshawa Gal. Steelt e e l• m ried Steel Shingles. • Hood for a hundred years. S hi n g l e A Send fee the Gee boohkt. The PEDLAR People;" w UJ..e Y.wwal Utbw• T.roote iw.d.a Wi..lr•. 'Pen —Angle The underwear that fits perfedfye wears out slowest, and neither shrinks aor stretches, is named PEN -ANGLE, and hid hove bears this trade mark been available, would sewn dashed to pieces against the been hulk- in red. Who sells it, ing. guarantees it, in the M The crowd watched the struggles cf [makers name, Made the hapless trio In biealhless excitement in many fabrics and fcr several minutes. Mr. Gillam and kap l together, but eventually they were m form -fitting sizesor wornen, mea co:npclk• scpnnt e, an - an uo Lin was seen to sink. both young then Underwear wears batand waren dashed against the hulking with - terrific force, and then they, too, dis- appeared. When the Three bodies were recovered some hours later the face of 1 c ne of the young men ens so battered that his features were almost unrecog- nizat.le. At the inquest a verdict of accidental drowning was returned. atylel,atvaiouspilices, his sister, both of whom cou'.d swim, f d tv t d Miss Giu d children. PEN -ANGLE Guar - t FINGER PRINT SYSTEM. Not the least interesting port of Mr. P'nkeiton's reminiscences was his de- script:on of "Black Bart," the famous "lone bandit" of California. Ile says: --- "From 1877 to 1883 stages in ttie moun- t/ins re California were held up by n lone highwayman, always wearing e jute ureal bag on the lower part of els legs, an old linen duster, his bead and face covered with a mask through which gleamed bright black eyes, with a cont- ent circus clown hat. Ile was always rolite to the passengers, and especially to the ladies, never robbing thein. but eiways requesting the stage driver to throw out the box rend mail bags. Then the lone robber, at the point of a rifle, wvculd order the stage driver to pass c.n. Altogether this lone highwayman cenunitted twenty-three robberies. WAS A MINING MAN. "Black Bart' was also known as Charles E. Benton and Charles E. Bowles. Ile hnd lived at an unpreten- le us boarding house in San, Francisco, where he informed the landlady and his acquaintances that he was a min- ing in-ind man, which accounted kr his oc- !asional absence. Ile was originally trent Decatur, 111., near which place ',e werked on farms. Ile enlisted in Com- pany B, One Hundred and Sixtieth Il- linois regiment, serving three years in i11: civil war and was known in his re- giment as 'Wrestling Charlie.' "Alter his capture he pleaded guilty to one of the robberies. but strenuous- ly denied that he was the former stage ribber, and declared to the court that it was only an urgent necessity that drove him to commit this crime, as n result of which, on November 17, 1883. he ons sentenced to six years in pig- eon at San Quentin, Cal. Since his te- lease he has been seen more or less in hcnest occupations on the Pacific coast. "During 'Block Bart's' career as n robber he never took the life of or In- jured a human being*. Ile was a .e- niarkably good story teller." One of the most during train role heries recounted by Mr. Pinkerton was the following: "Sept. 30, 1891, Oliver Curtis Perry bearded a New York Central railroad train near Utica, while the train was In motion, cut his way into an Ameri- can Express Company car, and, cov- ering the messenger with a revolver, stole $5.000 and some jewelry there- from, cut the air brakes, which reduced the speed of the train, --- ----#- A bushel of sunflower seed produces n gallon of excellent oil, and the seeds Are also very tisetul tor snaking pouf - 1"y ley in winter. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has the largest sale of any similar pro- paration sold in Canada. 11 always gives eallsfaclion by restoring health k the tittle folks. George -"A thoroughbred gentleman outs on his clothes and then forgets them." Ned -"That's whit 1 try 10 do; but say tailor won't let me." NOT SPEAKING LiKF,NF,SS. .... De.euber---Don't you think this is t.n excellent portrait of your wife? Naggs%y-- N. There Is a repose about the mouth that isn't natural. • inn NO. St —27. AUSTRALIAN SHEEP FARM TUE WOOL INDUSTRY IS IN GOOD CONDITION. its better IN TI1E RUSH LUNCHROOM. "Boss," shouted the big cook from the kiichen, "we have a lot, of scraps out teere that ain't working." "Lot of scraps, eh?" replled the pro- prietor of the Shoveeown Lunchroom. "Well, mix them all together, add a little fiery lobasco sauce and then put a sign outside, 'Central Ametican Pud- ding to -day."' Lady Sarah 'Wilson Talks of Possibllitks for Settlers From the Old Country. Lady Sarah Wilson vanes In the London Daily Mail, of Australia, as follows "There is an appearance of solid pros- perity in both tete great towns, Mel- bourne and Sydney. The shops are excellent, the streets present an ex- tremely busy appearance, smart motor curs go buzzing about, and the ladies and children who throng the pavements are ell very well dressed. But it is not o: town life but of bush or country life that I want to write, so I shall ask my readers -to follow me a couple of hun- dred miles from the capital to a station in one of tete many fertile parts of Vic- toria; then, four cr five hundred notes further on, to a similar property on the vast plains of New South Wales. SHEEP AND Timm VALUE. "in Victoria the nightmare of 'drought' is not so greatly dreaded las in other localities. Of course, there are good and bad seasons, but as n rule the rainfall is generally to be counted on with average regularity. Here are to be found small terms with tine. crops of grain and potatoes, the soil` ricin enough to grow anything, interspersed among the larger sheep stations. In the station we were at in Victoria the pasture is so good that it carries as many as two sheep to an acre, whereas in New South \Vales about ono sheep to an acre is Ms roast that can be reckoned. Each !heel. is supposed to produce ten pounds of wool a year, and at the al - 111081 record price nt which wool is now selling the fleece of each animal should hs worth al least ten shillings yearly. in addition, lambs are worth ten shil- lings a head, AND 'MADE HIS ESCAPE." "Feb. 1,, l892, Petry again boarded en express train noir Syracuse, N. Y., concealing tette:elf on the roof of the express car until the train was in mo- tion, when, with a book and rope, fest- ered to the reef of the car whit@ the train was moving et fifty miles an hour, 1 e 'lowered himself to a window and, covering the messenger with a revolver, ordered hire to throw up his hands. The messenger attempted to pull the fell cord, but Perry shot hull in lite hind, the messenger returning the fire with :several shot. Just ns the lost shot was fired by i'erry the Irvin pulled in - lo Lyons. He attempted to escape by driving the fireman and engineer from a locomotive which stood on n siding, which he boarded, and started to es- cape in it at hill speed, bite was fon k.wved t.y railroad employes in another locomotive, who subsequently overtook him and niter nonsiderable shooting caused his arrest." le A SEASIDE TR.IGEDY. Effort to Get Wave Photograph Causes Death of Three People. Mss Rollie Gilinrn, nged twenty --four, of \\Worcester street, Stour•bridge; Mr. J. \V. Gillntn, twvenly-tlure, bunk clerk, het br.lher; and Mr. Ernest Taylor, twenty-seven, cern leer/lieut. of Ihbh- elere Norton, Stourbridge, her sweet- heart, were the s tennis of a distressing tragedy at Iltackpctol. Englund, recently, Miss Gillam, the live young nien, and n young Gemmel girl named Ilring- friede Scheirer, who as staying with 1 rnl, left the house "lir" II" were Ffnying with their 'invents shortly be - fore tee o'clock and wvalketl alemg 1110 'mottle at North Shire, admiring the Retell sen, and when ompesite Derby road. Miss Gillam, sceo was an cnttul- staslic nnunlrnr p1 o? grapher and had Ler camera with her. expns-cd a desire to tike n stinpshot of the waves us they Stoke ngnin.st the hulking. For this. purpose she went on to the steps leading down to the sands, and was fcllr,wrd by her companions. Just as Miss Gillam poieed her cnrnern, how- ever. n bugger wave than usual curled up the steps and .wept her into the sen. Her eon.p,unions wore lee ellen but With- out hesitation the two young ruin pluckily dnsitcd into Uee wakr after her. Mr. Gillam, after a struggle, tnnn• aged to get hold of his sister, but Mr. Taylor, who could not swim, never tee Nolte reached her. A 7rowd rapidly collected. and is life- buoi was thrown into the sen, but it did DA reach the struggling trio, and WAS soon washed back. l'rofeeeir Fara- day, a local swimming instructor. ex. pressed his willingness to go to their tsatstanee, but he was dissuaded, for tt seemed Impossible for any ewitumer w Bee in suds s alta, whlle a bout, it ono LABOR NOTE. Wayside William (the tramp) - "Weary, did ye notice by the papers that thousan's of men was goin' back to work?" \Vcary Wiggles -"Well, that'll be a good thing fer our bizness." "How sot" "It reduces competition." The visitor found little Bessie crying ns though her heart would break. "\Vhat Ls the trouble, little girl?" asked the visitor, sympathetically. "Boohoo." sobbed Bessie. "B -Bobby wants to be s surgeon when he gets big." "And does that worry you, any dear?" "Y -yes; lie has cut all the sawdust out of my e:Gily to see if she has appendicitis." "Do you believe in the theory of Iden- tity by thumb -marks?" asked the man in the restaurant." "I certainly do," replied the proprle- te r. "Well, will you please look at this slate of soup and see which one of your waiters brought it in, and tell hint not to put his lingers in my soup again!" The number of deaths occurring among young children during the sum- mer months is simply appalling. !n the city of Afontrcal lust week, 175 children under the age of five years died, and nearly all the deaths were clue to stomach and bowel troubles. With ordinary care most of these little lives aright have been saved, Watch ttet food given the little ones. 1)o not feed meats; see that the milk given !s pure, and give an occasional dose of hsby's Own Tablets, a medicine which surpasses all others in preventing and curing stomach and bowel troubles. A 13:11) N1GILF. "And how Is seer this, mornin'?" "Feel bid, thank ye." "And pliwal's the matter with ye." "Oi had suets had arcane; last night that 1 couldn't sleet a wink." HAPPINESS. Bystander (at a fire)-"\Vho is [het grinning lunatic dancing a jig u1 front of that burning louse?" Policeman -"He .s the man who owns the furniture, and 1t is insured for near- , its full value.' ANOTIIER LEMON. "\Vhat kind of a pie was that the tacit' gave you?" "It must have been a lemon pia I couldn't eat it." ITCII, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch in human or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol- frrd's Sanitary Lotion. 1L never tails. Sold by all druggists. The highest cultivated land in Eng- land is said to be that round the vil- lage of Altenhends, in Northumberland, which is 1,400 feet above the sea. Part el the prison farm on Dartmoor is at the same elevation, and excellent root crops are grown. Just the Thing That's Wanted. - A pill that acts upon the stomach and yet is so compounded that certain in- gredients of it preserve their power to act upon the intestinal canals, so as to clear them of excreta the retention e•f which cannot but be hurtful, was long looked for by the medical profes- sion, It was found in Parrnelee's Ve- getable Pills, which are the result .1 much expert study, and are ,cientlfl- cally prepared as a laxative and an al- terative in one. "No," said the old shoemaker, stern- ly; "1 will not do it. Never have 1 sold anything by false representations, and i will not begin now." For a moment ho was silent, and the shopmnn who Mood before hum could see thtrt the bet- ter nature of his employer was fighting strongly for the right. "No," said the eId ratan again, "1 will rot do it. It is an inferior grade of shoe, and I will never pass it off as anything better. So "All sheep are now shorn by machin- fest mark it, 'A show fit tor a queen; ery, and a record shearer can shear up Vs ono hundred and seventy a day -one L►ntdred being about the average. GOVERNAIF.NT IIIRiGATION. "Ono largo landowner near whero we were slaying has gone in extensively for irrigation, end has node 150 utiles of canals on his property, by dint of which he can grow lucerne, which carries up to twenty sheep to an acre, and un- proved other land to enable it to carry two sheep to an acre. This landowner paid thirty shillings nn acre for his properly iy eight years ago, and new would not toll It for £3 las. an acre. In consequence of this example, The Government have even now commenced n system of irrigation on a large scale in this part of Niex So nt Wales, which, In the almost immediate future, will render a largo district now only fit for sheep suitable for closer settlement, which aeon the cultivation of fruit, grain and vegetables -a great induce- ment for pew settlers. YOUNG MEN OF ENEi1GY, "A surces,<ful squatter said to me the other day : 'All that Australia wants is settlers -young men from the 'Old Comity,' with small capital and great energy, who wiriest thoroughly enjoy this bush hfe,.nnd who. under good ad- vice from friends largely settled here, should do well.' Ai.\NAYS ROOM F011 MORE. "Il is n tnislal:e to think that Aas- trnla has had its day. \Vool line never been in greeter demand Than 11 is now, and it is a need d that no wool is ns good as the wool from the Commnn- \venni,. 'hhe Japanese market is begin- nutg to be opened to the Australian wool producers. for with Euro�(``an manners comes the necessity for lRtropean teeth- ing; end It is possible that China, looming large with its myriads of in- hnl lints, may follow suit." t hr Crick in the Rack. ---"One touch et nature snakes the whole word kin,' sees the poet. Brit what about the ( ketch of rheumnlism and Iurrihago. which is so common now? 'there is no poetry in that touch. f 1' it tenders lite miserable. Yet hew delighted is the sense of tenet when an Implication el' Dr. 'l'hontnx' Eclecteic Oil drives pain away. 'Iltere Ls nettling equals it. and put it in the window. A queen, sou know, does not have to do much walking." Some persons have periodical attncks of Canadian cholera, dysentery or diar- rhma, and have to use great precau- Uc n9 to avoid the disease. Change of water, cooking, and green fruit, is sure to bring on the attacks. To such per - eons wo would recommend Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Dysentery Cordial as being tp•c best medicine in the market for nI1 elan/net. complaints. It a few duet:Los are taken in water when the symptoms are noticed no further trouble will bo experienced. PROVIDED LttF.AUY I I A Beggar -"Kind sir, give me len cents fee Illy three children." Kind Sir -"That isn't dear, certain- ly. but i don't think l tl take them. 1 Nave four already al home." It is only ncr_essnry to rend the fes- timenills to be convinced that Iloilo way's Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal of corns, warts, etc. 1t is a ocmplete extinguisher. Donlan : "Can you tell what nits my *rife?" Doctor: "She does not take enough out -door exercise." "She says she does not feel equal lo its" "True. She needs toning up." "What have you pr ascribed 7" "A new bonnet." A MACHINE FOR WOMEN. stinted be the best obtainable. The S lett. and \s heeler & Wilson sewing machines are acknowledged the light- est running, most durable and con - v. nlent of any. Look for the lied S. singe- Sewing ?Inchin.' Co. A%rtte us of Manning i:hambers, Toronto, tier set of Bird Cards free. 11 is only dontesticnted dogs that can trek. 1f n lame dog rums will. as They ki se ntelimes in Alaska and elsewhere, it lases after a time its power of beat.• int,'. A Curs for Fever and Ague.-Pnrme- kart V(gelabte ('tits are compounded for lice in any climate. and they will b'' shuns in preserve their pewees 'n any latitude. In fewer and ague they act upen the secretions and neutralize the poison which hes found Its way in- to the Weed. 'they correct the impuri- ties ww,his•h find entrance into the eye- let!' through drinking water or food er,d if used as a peeventiwc fevers are nw(4(Md. The Gorki new produM8 G,tz00 (!Ort tons of beet i-ugnr yrnrly. and the total pro- dt.ce of vane sugar ut the \\'est Indies Lns fallen 10 212:+,n00 Ions. A hundred year's ago the \Vest Indies supplied s,igar 1•, half the world. Lingering. slobbers MS .ores are *wed from the skis by N Mreds (irate. The good work of bIo.-eisa ndnr is completed with Wear of a Sy re p. The Great Rank nt Newfoundland 15 tat utiles long by 120 broad. 11 has beth formed principally by earth and bout• eters dropped by the icebergs whe Ii conslnnlly sail down from the North. end is the greatest natural Ush-farm in the world. HAD NO KICK COMING. "1 hate work," said Languid Lewis, "I don't see why," rejoined Humble Harry. "It's a safe bet dat work never Bono youse no harm." THE IIEASON. "Mamma, why is the ocean so 1'xtking?" "Because it has been crossed so often, 'Willie." FEMININE. NI girl would core to wed a thief, But many -.an honest miss Cares not to knosre do man -who does Not even steal a kiss. angry - Sees es A Lot f of Bother The starch that needn't be cooked.. that won't stick . that gives a bril- liant gloss with almost no iron-efort..isn't that the starch y o u ought to have them use on your clothes? Buy it by name.. your_ dealer sella it. 101 Doctor --"Ma lam, your husband must t.nve absolute rest."'Indam-"\Nell, dre- ier, he won't listen to nue--" Doctor -"A very good) beginning. madam --a \t ry good beginning." Clelerse trite ate Pale sat Noowaja. Y iistair i5I�g at will trate reed soa5iasNeto equalFerraris fee OMs t11lrpses. tida•le. waste to gee a Mae& Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure -safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting -fives healthful rat -cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. CuresYM.-atdruretores, tr.tlonat Drug & Chem- Diarrhoea"- on hes- Diarrhoea" Montrea;." ♦S YOUR OVERCOATS .d tsa.d Una sand IooY loft.. aye*. It so sews. se mos la rear Lowe, Mile almot x•eetr..l, Bea Iia SRITsaaa AMI51OAM &TILING as The Perfection Cow Tali Holder' (patented) futures uosafort and eleaalinese *bila senting. It will please you. Thousand. .olkt ss mail, lie two fur Ysc. Agents seated, Pelmetsr 1$. Address, WILL NOXON, Meteors, Ontario. WILSON'S F LY PADSRIIIMe1 aAIanssl.sI IN .— SOL& &Y -- IIInGOIOTO, CROOEU Ana CEIERIL $TIRO iM per eabeiset. N S eclair for Us. will laid a wwolS seamen. ETTER buy an L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPE- WRITER now than be soil's afterwards. Every useful device In- built not patched on. WAITING ENTIRELY IN SIGHT ILLUSTRATED CATALOOUi !Stir L. C. emirs a D&OS. TYPEWRITER CO. JT111 nIoPLI't f1A0N1111. NEWSOME & GILBERT, LIMITED SOLE DEALERS, 9 Jordan St, Toronto IIALiPAX. N. O. MONTREAL. QUEliEC STEAMS1P COMANT River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twin Strew Iron Bs. " Oampesa," with eleetrtr tights, electric bells and all seders comforts 1 SAILS d t MONTREAL /sitMONDAYS l spprala /sae, lot, eb and lath Juy. !lib and sa15 August, and Med September, and fortnightly t Quebec, Gaspe, Mal for Pietas, Cape Coals, Grand River Quebec, PALL, and Charlo4. t.S.wa, P.a.L BERMUDA Sasser izcursione, isa, by the new ?who Screw Bs. "Hermudlan". 6,100 lana ealliur 1.► sad lath Jane, Drs, 17th and slot Judy. 1455 sad NIS August eth, lith and IMS September, 555 sed tfah Ovtob.r, eth, lets sad 17th Norma. ler. Temperature cooled by ..a breezes seldom Mem above go degrees Tb. Sliest trips of the season for health sod .osteie ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec, A. E. OUTERRRIDGE ! CO.. Agent", Broadway, New York. SALE OF IRRIGATED LANDS IN ONTARIO, MANITOBA AND THE MARITIME PROVINCES. The Land Department of the Union Trust Company, Limited. has been appointed exclusive agent In Ontario, Manitnts. and the Maritime Provinces foe the sale of the Oanadlan Pac11k Irrloa. UM Colonization Company's irrigated lands in the West. ARE YOU SATISFIED WHERE YOU ARE ? 1f not, and you think of changing your location, you will Rinke n mistake if you do not investigate the opportunity for money -ranking offered in farming on irrigated land. SOME PEOPLE w'ba have not gone into the merits and nd- vnntnges of irrigatktn, unngine that the farmer on en irrigated farm deserves sympathy. Ile druesn't. His irrigated land, in a Country whero conditions for plant growth are nlherwise Ideal, ensures him good crops E\'EHHY \'EAR. Owing to climatic con- ditions he neser suffers the drawbnck of a wej season, and tree gntion prevents the possibility of n dry Benson. Modern irrigation transforms fanning from an uncertainty into a certainly. The average price of Irrigated land In the United Steles is Omit three times the pore of non•irrigeted lands. in Southern Alberta the difference Ls at present very .alight, but as settlement proceeds these irrigation lands will increase very rapidly ei value. A direful study of Its advantages will convince any praeli �tl agriculturist that fanning by means of Irrigation Ls the most tractive rropositien carr put upon the Canadian market. Full information,"rrices end terms (which are very favorable) sent free to any address o11 application to The Land Department, Union Trust Co., Limited,, 174 Say St., Toronto