HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 4Snaps Soaps Soaps of all kinds. Mair brushes, cloth. Nail, Tooth brushes, and Whisks. --Aluminum combs —Pocket combs —M i rrore --Talcum Powders --Tooth Pastes Sponges and all Toilet Articles BROWNING'S Drug Store The Exeter Times Exeter, Ontario. R'erms of Subscription 111.00 per year io advance. $1.50 !nay be oharecd if not eo paid. To United States subscribers, $1.50 strictly in advance. No. ipaper discontinues until all arrears arc paid, unless at the option _of the publisher. The date to wbich every 'subscription is paid is denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. TIIE EXETER TIMES P'T'G CO. Limited. Several so-called "scandals" weir ventilated in the Ilouse during the past two sessions, end tine by one they become intaygible anddrsappear. At the time of their e,xploitatiro much political capital was bought to be made of there. Time is a grett rectifyer, and the ttroof ultimately prevails in politics us in other of, - folio. All that io required to doo- sipate ,t he scandalous allegations !made in the 'Ilouse, and serreated throughout the country, is inforrna.- tion as to the real facts. When it vas charged us an exam.. talo of ir,,.ckless pit that[ certain versals used on the St. Law,- Tcnce had boast supplied with wine glasses, ice pitcher's and table appur• tenances a little above what might be 'reasonable for anen before the Mast, it was explained that such provision was made. •for guests of the Government, or other notables. who might be entertained on these vessels. His Excellency the Govern• on -General is now on board one of these Vessels,'which would not i?1 ive been possible had not seemly .(carat• modation boon trade. Wheal it transpired that accounts for some $160,000 had !ren presented to the Government tor payment on account of the Grand Trunk Paciflic& which account was erroneously in- cluded in the statement. It Ls a tact that the error was detected by an official of the department .to twhiclt the account was bent, unit that be dsclined to pass it on audit, and that this finance departutent refusad to pay the atuount, told that it never . was paid to Ahs hour, and as n mat- ter of fact the funds involved .in this payrneuc w� rr trust Bunds held by the Gotcrnutent, and at no time was the money of the people in jaopardy even" had the account been paid. The history of (Lc Souith Sasktt• chewan Valley Land Gornpatts, Its been told often and often, but few c people know •that the land involved in the transaction tuts open for set,- i tlentont for years, rind %vas ptsa•"d I e over by thousands who did not re• t gard it :is possessing the value of s ,ands far removed from its leo-into. , 1 he people were not given t he al.' e ditional information that pate4►ts ,have not yet issued for ties Inhale of land, for elle reason blot ,rho oonditions of purchase (have not yet been performed, although large sutras have been spent. The Robins Irrigation Company was male to do duty as a scandal for a time. This was :t delectable morsel, w•hcsn it awas found that t_e land had been Fold to Eng! 1n'I Ie,- fore any work soot dons upon it. it did not transpire, however, tttlt tate English company was touts'. contract to spend on.- million dollars of cash upon the property in ;irrigation svorks before it .could •sera,„a the privilege of ownership. l Incl this n( beestated by the Oppo-igen, aDour: • - the scandal feature would would have disappeared This land without 1rri,z)(lan is worthless; and the advantages to Ir.' derived what the (+onlputy con►nlem• res o}verations w ill be 1 u r in e•x _•'a.' of t)i temporary gin by ('.rand r of "'n •writ.... ..?t• a million spent in improven►ecats►, for it moans •chat hundred's ut tlbottl• ow ba sands of acres of ow lands will bo mu de to blo.wwn a s the root.To mi ebarren lands of $1 an acre aid provide for the expatrlditurle of a million dollars more ;to change the charaoter of tato land into aerie cultural land of also beat quality. would strike the average thinking fromman as an operation from wbi,oh tale country would receive a (doses and flosting advantage•. . . . • . The total revenue of the Irpar&' moot of the interior except school lauds for the twelve utontl►rt ending tlss 30tlt Jun.: 1907 was $2,137,786. Theft° tigureo aro unrevised (tet all the returns aro not yet mode.This revenue; for the ton moistly' touting 39th April '07 was $1,713,78($ and for the following two months. Muy and June, it Iris been estimated at $420,000. MILLIONS FOR CARS. The G.T.R. Will Boort nave I.pent $7,000,000 This Year for Concise* nod Engines. en� rent our own Correa}wnderrt). Montreal, July 24. --With the duly delivery of engines, passenger coaches and freight oars, talo Wand Trunk Railway is rapidly aa,pruach-' ing the day when the last of nearly $7,000,000 worth of rotting 'stock will Lase been received by them during the pi -relent year. There wore in all about $12,000 each, .laid down in Montreal, which makes a total sof $120,000. Thirty of these have al- ready beou ;delivered. There were 100 r,ngines ordered and -of these GO have been received. The average coat is $15,000 each, or an :rggrepate of $1,500,000. The tremendous increase in freight traffic may be 'imagined by the de- livery of 4,500 up.to-date cars. The oiei-•r was for 5,200, and the average cost is $850 each, so that the sunt of $4,120,000 is bung orient for frcighb oars alone. With the daily deliVory of many of th�'people the G.T.R. ople are hoping to get well an the wayto lift the present congestion.—Toronto News, July 24, 1907. Last week alarnr was created in the neighborhood of Leamington, Ont. by an extraordinary outbreak of cat- erpillars which devoured everything before then!, Application was made to the Agricultural College at Guelph for advice and assistance, and Mr. L. Caesar of the Entomological Depart- ment was at once sent up to invest- igate. Ths insect proves to be a Varie- gated Cutworm (Peridrorna saucia), which has on previous occasions ap- peared in devastating number, the most seriousout break having occurred in British Colntnb(a and the neigh - horning Pacific coast states in 1000.Near Leamington the worms were first observed in clover fields where they soon devoured the crops and left the ground bare and black; they then marched on to the next field and con - sunned whatever vegetables, seemed especial favorites for consumption. If a fruit tree happened to he in their way. they clin'bed it and devoured both fruit and foliage; many peach trees were thus attacked and the fruit ruined. Like the cutworms thesecatereillare feed only at night and remain in con- cealment during the day, hiding in the ground where thesoil is loose and un- der any rubbish or other shelter that they can find. When full grown the worm is about 2 inches long. with a yellowish stripe on each side above the legs, the rest of the body is darker and mottled with black, white or grey the ruoet characteristic feature ie a row of yellow or white Epots, five or seven in number, along the middle line of the back. Some are already bunging into the chrysalis stage, for which purpose they bury themselves n the ground and form there an oval arthen cell. The moth, into which hey finally turn, has a wing expan- ion of about an inch, and is dark thickish brown in colour, often cloud - d with red towards the front margin WenteeeleVEIMMISMIIMMeellemegeoelle My Hafr is Scraggly Do you like it? Then why be contented with it? Have to he? Oh, no! Just put on Ayer's Nair Vigor and have tong, thick hair; soft, even hair. But first of all, atop your hair from coming out. Save what you have. Ayer's Hair Vigor will not disappoint you. It feeds the hair -bulbs; makes weak hair strong. The best kind of a testimonial — "Sold for over sixty years." Asa] o' a.'.simsarise-.f •erase i IIAasAtAaR1A, f yeril PILLS. r s CKOit MORAL lalsaalsat� � of the wings, but with no conspicuous or distinguishing markings; the under - wings are white with a pearly lustre. Like so many other of our most des- tructive insects, this one has come to us from Europe. litany specimens have been sent to the+ College for indentification from varioug parts of the Province, the complaint being in most cases that the worms are destroying the green tomatoes by boring great holes through and through them; in some cases corn is badly injured and in gardens vegetables of all kinds are attacked. fit - most c•ff^c, ave 1 I11P 1y fe these nocturnal marauders is the ptlsone(L bran mash, w-hioh ds mad,, by mixing half to pound of Paris green in 50 lbs of bran (the proportion for larg- er or smaller qu,ultilies Is 1 to 100); th-• poison should be added to td1• dry bran little by little and stirred :Ell 1 h. lime hill the whole is tingcd with the green. color, t.ben add wat.:r sweet:'rted with sugar or ..malts+',a till the. mixture is suffici:ntly moist- ened to crumble Itic:ly through the fingers. 1 bran e r. f it r cannot berc•�urc( p t shorts or flour •may b, used .and for fi^1d work ,may bit d!stribut,'d (,try by means of a seed drill. The mash is sprinkled about the plants ..t eun-doen x11(1 oft' dark loo ct 01 tits crane nut and cut it in prefcn- eno• to the vegota1Lc . and then go off a►id/lie, usually in their plat s concealment. 1' .1f19R I'eC ,a n ball :, pound to 40 gallons of water 11 ty h•• wird on many (plants with much ado vantage. 1v hill ti.:' worms are very nuns n- ous and a re moving on f rom one liold to a1 ,111.- , /heir progress may 11-! che:ked by ploughing a (0:11 fur- row ole' td of Herm, two about four fret apart will he batter—in (hese pest hob • are bond or due from 12 to -15 foci. apart. The furrows should ba made in the morning so that 1lla sides may be dry and [viable by night fall. Th.. worms fall into them a. they starch and !wino ,in l,Ie to clin►A, up the loose ?sides (ley travel alta,( the fel rOw and fall inla th•'' pas. holes: .t lotto 0hey eili-b- found in dozens or hundred: in th' morning and sits easily b:: killer!. Where the +Mil it stiff claw, this plan well prcbs- lay not be nso.• f(fec(ive as the warms may b•• able t) climb up the e'dt•s and gd on fht•ir way; reliance will then have In be placed in 1Ie. (raja• oned bait: Where very ,nurnerous a THE EXEfI Lr R TIMES, AUGUST Sth 1907. heavy roller may be employed with. it the soil or crop will permit of Ito too. It must bo remembered that Jive stock or poultry roust not bre allowed in any ;,tare where tlw poi. - on is scattered. The worms ate sao doubt a:tacked by parasitic insects rand many will parish from bacterial dim.'usts, Ibis is the usual experienoa when outbreaks of a similar ctttraoter have occurred —and therefore Otero is little danger of a :cootie/on of the plague n,)x1 year. Everything, however, should be donne to chock Ula, viettaticea uow beluga mere damage IP inflicted and to reduce the nurubcr that easy sur. vive /or 11,e 4,rcducliion of another broad.—C. JJ S. IJETl1UM , O. A. Oullege, Guelph, Ontario. CO A, alit r CD MS. MAL . Ewes th1e 1itt Kind You Hi* Nu Bought SNS' .l FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS ULD AND WtLL•TarzD K$YxDy.—Yrs Wlnslow'a800thlog Ural) has been used to ever sixty ears by Intl -Mos of mothers for weir ebUdrea wile tooling. with perfect •access IpNssseo�o�thes tbs ohlld, .citess the gums, allays all edy roc lnarrboea. h is pleaasssub to the (est 1.80(4 by druggists in every part d the world. 96 I cents a bottle. Its value t. incalculable. Be sure and tate Mrs Winslow's Soothlog 1 Syrup and ask for no other kind. Guaranteed under the Food and I Drugs Aat, Jure 30111, bum. Serial Number 1098. LUC_AN Mr. Fred Porto is holidaying in Muskoka. • Alias Hazel Parkinson, of Thedtard. and Miss Craig of Ailsa Craig, are visiting at the house of Mr. H., J. Craig. Miss O'Ncvl, of Tor•ostto, is visit - int Mrs. U. O'Nedl. Mr. Walter Gibson, London, vis- .itcd at 1►is tomo last week. Miss' Bergey, of Londotl, has re- turned home after a short visit with Miss Carter. Miss 'Windsor, of Toronto, is holir daying in town. Miss Edith Ilawkahaw, of Londbal, is at present visiting her mother. bliss L. l'ox left Thursday Ler a visit with friends in Oss•en Sound. Miss G. Wilson, of Allanford, is reo sewing old acquaintantws in town. Miss Mary Fox ,is visieing Lriendot in Mitchell for a couple of weeks. Mis=t Katie Smyth is 'spending her holidays at Grand !lend. Mrs. Y000m, llamiltcet, is a guest of Mrs. W. Sovereign. Rev. Mr. Fletcher r'xchaugesl out - pits with Rev,. S. A. Carrier, of Grand Rend, on Sunday. Mises Ella Dorman, Ails(t Craig, is the guest of Mrs.. 1'. McLean. Mr. Arthur Carter, of the Standard Bank, Ilocvntanville, is 'mending his vacation at home. Mrs. Sprowl, of Norwich, k vis- iting friends in down. Miss E. Ix)rOtt is holidaying at Grand Bend. The Misses Armitage, of London, are visiting friends in the villago. Miss Cora Alki•nsott 15 spending a few days at her hone. Miss Jessie Sproul k spending a month, holidaying in Clinton. I'll sto{) your pain free. To show you first—before you spend a jenny —what my pink Pain Tablets can do, 1 will mail you free, a Trial Package of them—Dr. Shoop's Head- ache Tablets. Neurulgia, headache, toothache, 'Period paints, etc., are due alone to blood congestion. 1)r. Snoop's headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Ad- dress Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by W. S. Howey. \VINCIIELSE:\ Who kicked 'thee berrit'sf There were six or seven bush:e all loaded Saturd.ty (tight, and Monday morn- ing by eight, they had vanished. The six or seven bushes all loaded and worth twelve cents a quart. Who got then([ Mrs. A. Walker, of Crediton, is the guest of Mrs. W. W. Kerr. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kerr erten) Monday in Crediton cut bu.utess. Mrs. J. Meters dtursa of Saginaw, is spending two weeks vacation with Mrs. T. Coward nod her sister Mrd. Titers, 111111. Mr. 1tobt. Robinson has just re- e(•i+•c(t a newly patented lire setter ar:d is now reedy for all twee tires. Mr. Henry Francis' new 11011W is now reedy for the roof and when completed will be ccs of the nicest houses in WS KCOtiotl. Miss Fern Francis, of ('l ug tow n, is the guest of t.ln' Misses Lilly and I.rutna Ilrywoorl. ,\taster Garnet (Jell, of i•'aryuiett, is the ',smolt of Eric Coward. Mr. Edgar Mills was the guest of Gcrtie Miller, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDougall and Mr. aid Mrs. John McDougall, of Farquh it visited tlr.•ir brother .1r. Duncan McUongall ,et Mrs. Geo. Gcd- hott'.r, on Sunday. Mrs. Philip 'fern Mrs. Geo. Jacques Mrs. 'Thos. Coward and son Percy, and Mrs. J Meters :.re ru�t1r1t1r1 g at ell.. (k•nd this week. Miss Weld Mins, of Credito((, ‘vas the guest of h.'r sister Mra. W. W. Kerr on Sunday. Mr. Thos. Uurdle i+ on the sack list from Ili.' ••ffects of an abscess. Hood's • CASTOR 14 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bees to use for over 30 years, has borne the tlignatnre or and has been made under his per. "nal IKlperviYton since it$ inibney. aCie7SZ-74—......4( Allow no one to deceive you in this., All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that tribe with and endanger the health or Inftutte and Children—Experience against Experiment,. What Is CASTORIA Caatoria is a harmless rsubstitute for Castor OD, Pare. gorse, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotle substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Roans and allays Feverishness. It euros Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It •assijntilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bbwels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bougkt In Use For Over 30 Years. The 6tM?a U• C.OPaa., TT Y - FEW 44•.44 017►. Farm for Sale 100 acre farm in Stephen Township �yE��3�jis"*J good frame Karn and house. Well drained and land all cleared. Creek through rear corner of farm. Can be bought right, and on easy terms, for qGick sale. o LADMAN &p IS Aat once to NBURY Ilarrlaters, Exeter Ont. �foepls Cho CaQadioil Noah WesI IIOME8TEAD REGIJLATIoNS ANY even numbered section of Dominion Lands In .anitob.a, 'askatchewan and Alberta, excepting 8 and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person wko is the sole head of a family, or any ter section of male over IS .e, rs of age, to the extent of one-eptar- 160 acres, more or kw. Entry must be made personally at the torsi land office for the district In which the land 1s situate, Entry by proxy may, however, be made on certain conditions by (he father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of an Intending homesteader. The homesteader is required to perform the con- ditionsconnected therewith miter one of the follow- ing plans:— (1) At leeat sic months' residence upon and culti- vation of the land in each year for three ) ears. (2) If the father (or )pother, it the father is de- ceased) of the homesteader reaidse upon a tarn in the vicinity of the land enter„( for, the regi.remen's as rith to residethenfather orce may t emsathother.flrvl bysuchperson residing (3) 1f the settler has his permanent residence u farming land owned his by him in the vicinity or homestead, the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by residence upon the said land. Six months' notice in writing should be given to the Commissioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of nteetion to apply for patent. W. W. COR', Deputy or the Minister of the ht'esior N. B.—Unauthorized pnbliration of this adverts•(• mems will not be paid for SEALED SEPARATE TF,NDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will los received at Ottawa until noon on Friday the 23rd August, 1907, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on two propossed ooniracts for four years six & Fix times per week each way, between. Cromarty and Dublin, _Exeter and Mitchell, from the lot October next. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro - ported Contracts may be Peen and blank forms of tender may be obtain- ed at the Post officers of Cromarty, Duplin, Exeter, Mitchell &c., end at the Office of the Post Office In- spector at Landon. 6. O. ANDERSON, 8utpsrintendcnt. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fletcher, of Eirkton, was the truest of Mr. and Mrs. \Ven. Clark on Sunday. .Mr. Fred Ford, of Eli le, was in 111' village Sunday. SENSJ11TH Quarterly meeting servic:, for the l i(1900 circuit was held Lore on Sun- day lost •e1Y • 9 1 .t the weather was all that could b• desired, there was a lance congregation, about seventy partaking of the wlcrament :it the close of then service. On Sunday next at four p. m., a 'sermon n ill 1r;• preached to the Ore antacenten by Rev. 11 art. Ali are cor- dially invite,! to . ttten(I• 11r. \V • Northcutt. Mrs. G. Grdd^:+ Mrs. C. .\Idworth left on Mon- day to visit Mts. W. C. Pearce, of lone st ito is very i11 at preheat. • \\'(x)1)11AM \1r. and Mrs. M. L. Messere have the (Iymp it by of the many f ri` rxls ow ing to 1 h„ doth of their youn:: von (l,clssin Clark. which occurred en Mood ty Aug. 5th. Some days ago the bereaved lad J.ruisol his (tech, Nothing was thought of the. aceident i until symptoms cf blood Ixxsonin;;' develops!. A s1:ctcvr was at once' c0nsnit,d and he did everything to alleviate h'a sufferings, but to no avail. 011dwin was a bright al ei ch.•erfu1 boy, much beloved by every• one w ho know .him. 11e was t.!. • 1 Idc o[ hs parents, ,o lr nlr f.• . his desth. The fur 'rat ,tock t'l,re from t he home of his parents \\'cvi • nead'y afternocsn, torviees losing held at t ho chsrah -before grist( to the-- i:irkton cemetery, where the inter- ment tock place. Farm for Sale We have a ,good farm of about 33 acres for Bale on rsaeonablo terms. Situate near Wt. Carmol in Stephen Township. First 'Claes land and fair buildings. Near church and school. Apply to (MADMAN & 6TANBUI;Y, Barristers, ,Exeter. Ont. House and Lot for Sale House Ont] lot for Nato Pt. iot 155 Con. 112 Ushorne, .1-.2 acre jand igood brick cottage and stable. Must bo ,sold, Apply R'lrce. Cameron. Auction- eer Varguhar. FARM FOR SALE. 125 tocres in the Township of Hib- bert consisting of lot 19 w. 1-4 18, concession 12. This is good Property and must he sold. Terms easy. Ap- ply 1'hos. Cameron, Auctioneer Far- quhar. Store Property for Sale In the village of Exeter, composed of tho North part of lot 11 on the West Hide of Main Street, consistin; of ono -goad store and the building now used for a postoffice, known as the Johns Block. If not sold priv- ately on or before the 10th day of Abgast will be 'sold by Public Auc• tion on the 31st day of August. For terms and particulars apply to Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far. quhar. Farm for Sale. • That valuable fifty acre farm con - xi -sling of N 1-2 lot 3 colt. 10, Us. borne. On the farm is a frame house gocd bank barn, driving shed. good orchard, two 'spring wells. Well fenced and drained. 1 1-4 tnilea from \Voodham. For further particulars omitsto Chea. Comm, \Voedham. Auction Sale —of— Valuable harm In Stephen Under and by virtu: of the powers contained in a vertain mortgage set' h Ilia be ., r I aiuex.cl at else time of sale, there will be offered star sale by public wuction on the prem- ises ou - MONDAY, AUGI'ST 1911i, 1907. at the hour of 1.30 o'clock 'c1 i 'n tho n afternoon r w byJahn a hn {;ill Aucti:ulsx•r, the North Half of the North Quarts ter of Lot Number &t. -ort anti rho 1 Son h t Half of Lot c Nu h' m r Eight ' ! t r"n the :seventeenth Concession cf Uie Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, containing Sixty-two and ono -hal[ acres mote or less. On this property are a gord frame house frame barn and windmill. The pro- perty io eel! situated ar:,l lite sol is good. TERMS OF SALi'. Ton per cent of the purcflame mon- ey to .be paid down at the timer( or sale and tiee .lei lance in thirty days thereafter mahout intrreet. For further particulars and condi- tions (►f et31,1 apply to JOHN GiLL, Auctioneer, Exeter. (MADMAN Si STANItI"itY, •il:trris- ters, Erteter, Ontnlro. or Sale or Kent. W. C. Huston offer. the Huston Ilorneetead Lot 4, ('or.. 3, on,• mil', from. C•'ntrali't St'►tion, l(urctr Co. For full par1icul ire ripply to 11. E. Huston, Exeter Ontario. The Molsons Bank Rlttablished 3856. HEAD OFFICE - MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • : RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• x3.000000.00 Assets Over $38000,000.Oo General Banking Btalnees Trquscted, Savings Bank Department $ I.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager NM•NNMM••NONNNNoeNe Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew+• ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. �T— Steel stone boats, boule- varding, iron poste. Sell or exchange for the above goods. DENTAL DR- A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8..-1). D. 8.. Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over (Madman & Stanbeiry's Main street—ExETER, DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. M. D. D. A., Dentist, Member of R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OsincE:—Over Dickson & Carting'• Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MIDIOAL W. BROWNING, M. D„ M. O ea• W • P. 8„ Graduate Victoria Un ryedty. ofaae and rridenenoe. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. 11,1 iir ran C, Cin DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER G near the old market Main St. Exeter Fall Terms Opens Sept. 3rd CENTRAL STRATFORD,. ONT. + This school which is an old '1 and well established one stands •N to the forefront as the greatest Commercial and Shorthand school in the West. Oar teach- ers ere experienced instructors, courses thorough and practical. + • We assist graduates to posit- + ions. Writefor our free entai- l' ogue. ELLIOT & MCLACHLAN; } Principals. + 4 +#f++++++++-kd••i••1! •—1-fii-1 + Beautify and enliven your hone by placing in it one of Canada's best and most famous Pianos THE HEINTZMAN We sell them onjust the kind of terms yell are ooking for. if you want other makes we have them. Don't forget us when you want Stationery. Baby Carriages and Wag- gons, Bicycles and Sewing Machines S. MARTIN & SON level moil you free to prove merit samples of my dir. Shoop's Restore.. tive, and my ,book on either Dyspep- sia. The Heart or Tho kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, heart or Kidneys are merely symptoms of a deeper slimont. Don't make the common error of treater); isympoms only. Symptorn treatment is treat• In; the result of your ailment, and not the cause. Weak Stomach nerves —the inside nerves—meaty tltomacb weakness always. And the licart, and Kidneys as well, have their con- trolling or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves nntd you inevitably have weak vital org,ltia, here is whore Dr. 8hoop'sler• al've, has mad 0 r. slot 1 a Ha fame. No other remedy ever claims to Treat the "Weide nerves." Also for bloating, biliu►tsneas, bed breath or rohnpr.•xion, use Dr .811101)', Restorative. Write me to -day for sample and free book. Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wig. The Restorative is Bold by W. 8. Howey. LiST OF FALL FAiRS. Western Fair, Sept. (i to 11. F.xeter, Sept. 10 and 17. Se:atorth, Sept. 19 and 20. Listowel, Sept. 21 and 23. 111yt)t, Sept. 23 grid 21. 8t. 'Marys, Sept. 25 ar:d 20. Wingharn, Sept. 20 and 27. Brussels, Oct. 3 ar.d 4. 'Kirktow, Ort. 3 rind 1. lIlft II{'ItO:\Il. Miss MarFsrl•Itle, of \VCatminsier (1ol10 11 . '1'or•anlo, and Miss Alf '111, of Hamilton, were the guests of N1441 Myrtle Madge. Miss Alford left for her horse Monday morning. Miss Ilarr•i•.t Wilson, of 8cafc;tI, it visiting at (Its Manse. Mfr. Rnht.F.11e•rit)et00 and freely of Toronto, are visiting Mr. Eller- ington's father. • Miss Myrtle Madge and Miss Mae. Parl:►ne, spent lad •wank at .the Ilene. ONTARIO COLLEGE PHYSI- oians and Surgeons. Successor ho Dr. J. A. Rollins. (Mich (i`east street wain f PostRce kx.t. 1 LEWIS THOMAS ' Civil Engineer & Architect (Late Department of Public work., Canada.) Cousulting ineer for Work, Electric alt oads, Sewerage and war rwo, Countyal and Wisteria Wharves, Bridges and Ire -enforced (ktncr,te, Phone !'3130 Landon Ontario -HONEY TO LOAN • Ws hareounlimited private foods for lamb asci pnof intefarm e'A or village tarty at lows* DICKSON a; CARLING Easier DICKSON & CARLiNG, Barri/taps, Solicitors Notaries Gbave aae.tte Oommflsasslloaerr. fdolicitors floe tke Kolasee Bank, Ere. Mao toLoaa at lowest rates of interest. oP,TICEi—MAIN STREET. ZXa' & a CARMINE it A. L. R. DIORRO HONEY TO LOAN. We Have a large amonne of private funds to e lalti0 form seea 0ropert4es ab to wrs t 6i�ADku t BTAi B ltY=_,.y , Berrioters Solicitors -1 ]date $t1 Roister AUCTIONEER . 8. Phillips, Licensed Auctioneer for the ('ounts. iron. Chrges moderate, All eonununIcatfon. eeserl to B. N, Phalli} s, Dental!, or order* left a , Office sill receive prompt attention. FRANK BALLANTYNR Lioenaod auctioneer for Coudtles of Huron and Perth. Special attention given Co Cam stook sales. Town and village pro• perty sold by auction on moderate commissions. Orders may, be left at the TIM, office or at ,residence, Eltmt+iile, Charges moderate. WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. DIP. Lox A OF ROYAL INCORPORATED SOCIETY OF MUSICIANS, ENOLAND. Organist of Trivitt Memorial Church, Exeter, Piano, Organ, Harmon) and Theo,) of Music, Terns on Application Exeter, Ontario. The Ushorne and tllbbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Insur- ance Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont. Pres. W. Il, PASSMORE; Farquhar, Vice•Pres.:—J. L. RUSSELL. RIJSSELLDA LE, 1'. 0. DIRECTORS. Wm. ROY, BOIRNHOLIIM P. 0' Wsi, BROCK WINVH1(LSEA P. 0- T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. O ROBERT NORRIS, Stalin. • AGENTS. . JOHN MISERY. Exeter. agent far tinhorns and lliddulpb. OLIVER HARRIS. Munro, agent for Hibbert. Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAV ERb. Slicy.Treas. Farquhar. t} LA 6 D to N & 6TANBURY, 9olielton ••- The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone Directory For the District r Western Ontario- including ntarioincluding the Village of Exeter Order's for new connections. changes> of firm rimer, changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should( be handed in to the local Manager AT ONCE. A. MARCHAND, Local Manager. 40.16.1.TAA=a. Dar. lb* jtl I Lod YM ha A1M1111Mt' &gusty" of ittei 1