HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-08, Page 1c !trier HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETT E TBIBTY-FOURTH YiAs-No 1709 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8th 1907, $1.o0 per year in advance, *"........a••••••••• JONES`Q. CLARKS' Phone No. 32. Great Clearance Sale of all SUMMER -GOODS During the next two weeks we are goingto sell all our summer wear regardless of price. hey must go to make room for our immense Fall Stock which have already begun to arrive. See ode North window. White Waists Below is a summary of what we have left 8 only $1.25 Waists for 753 each 11 only 1.50 Waists for 51 00 each 4 only 2.00 Waists for 1,25 each 2 only 2.25 Waists for 1.65 each White Linen Skirts 2 only Misses Skirts $2.50 for 51.50 each Fancy Parasols 2 only 51.10 Pal asols for 75e each 2 only $1.50 Parsols for $1.03 each Colored Muslim Prices no object on these goods, they must go at any price. If you want a cheap dress come quick as our prices will soon sell them. Lots of time to wear them between now and Xmas. Poultry The following will be paid in trade for the next week: Chicks IOe live and 12c dressed Ducks 8c live and 10c dressed Old Hens 6c live and 80 dressed Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. • N+NNNNNNH•• • •NN••••• NNN•••N••••• 1 AT OENTRALIA SAW -MILL British Coltllnbia Shingles Barrel Heading and Hoops FENCE SLATS Kept on hand or cut to order CUSTOM SAWING Done on shortest notice. Logs Wanted Delivered or on the stump THOS. ELSTON VoAers' List 1907 TOWNSHIP OF USi3ORNE Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the .>ttersons mentioned in the Ninth Sec- tion of "The Voters' List Act", the -topica ,required by the raid Section to be mo transmitted or delivered of tbe list made �,ursuaut to said Act, of all persona aJpenring by the hat revised assessment Roll of the said Municipality to he entitled to vote in the Paid Municipality tet Elections for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal Electiions and that tratal let was first posted up et my office, at Whalen on the 31st day of July 1907, tied remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to 'examine the Fetid list, and it any rnii esion or other trrelts are found therein. to take proceed- ings to have Pa:d errors corrected according to law. Dated this 31st day of July, 1907. Francis Morley. Clerk of the said Municipality. «'IiI:N ARRANGING 10i1 1'OITR farm stock reale stake it, 1 point to twivo •our• billy minted at the. TIMES •eftioc. your 1)11114 will he attrac- tively printed, :and a lilt every pale bill done al ibis office eine will re- ceive free a notice of eine s.,te in this Tee',. A% bleb is teae) et•vCry week by hundreds of people in this locel- .Ity and makes )our rale known alp many avlbo may never have ate op. portunity of meting your hills. Voters' List 1907 VILLAGE OF EXETER Notice is hereby givnn that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons tnentioned its Election Eight and Nine of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the H.•tkt Sec- tion to be eo transmitted or deliver- ed of the list made pursuant to Said Act, of all persona appearing by the last revised Assaasrnent Roll of the said Municipality to ne entitled to vote in the said Municipality et Elec- tions for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that said list %%o9 'first posted 'ftp at my office Main 8t., Exeter on 'the 22nd day of July, 1907, and remains there for inspeotion. Electors are coiled upon to examine tate said lint and if any omission or other errors aro found therein, to take immediate proc�oedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 20th clary of July, 1907. JOSEPH SENIOR Llcrk of the maid Municipality. Tenders for School. Sealed tenders hill be received at the I'araon.q Davis Cos. office up to One o'clock on S'.turday atterncem, August 17th, 1907, for the erection of n Public School in The Village of Centralist. Plans and specification?' can bele seen zit the Parsons !avis Cos. Office in Centralia. The Trus- tees do not bind themselves to ;ace: pI the lowwest or any tender. if•IAMUEL DAVIS, Chairman Trustee Berard. Deed at Centralia this 29th day of July, 1907. ------- - - - BOWLING - - --The bon ling tournament iii pro- gress among rinks ,kipped by mem.• hers of tits local club, lA causing much interest to be taken in 1•1vs rune. Last Wednesday evening Messrs. W. .1. i seaman and L. 11. Dickson had their rinks on the green the latter },ring defeated by three shot s, Taylor Scot t Clarke 131atchford Carling heave tt !!eaten, skip 17 Dickson, skip 14. OAAMC) AZ'A Roars the RMI Yea Med Leman Localso11A81r.11A4[. IIURON Mid A team of Coedito.ti bll player;,, lir. Jacob Taylor, of Clinton, hasummer Fencing _ __ W. 11. Salter, +cite and family, G. got even with the business and pro. been appointed a .1. P. R. Salter and wife, of Toronao, and fcssional mon of Exeter last Friday Dir. Daniel McCall, a [center resi- J. C. Salter, and A. Ji Salter, wife night by trimming there by the dent of Hay, tna application to be We still have a complete stock of Fellein and son, of Londatt, visited at the score of 17 t. 7. It will be reme en admitted to the use of refuge, but 1 g, home of J, Salter over Sondes. bid 'that teama +tack betor•u Ezetcn owing to hIs havipg retie disease ad- Cleveland Coiled Spring Wire. Cleveland No.plain soft wire Bent out a oompoAed wholly of p �' 9, Tho Ladi:a Guild, of flys Trivitt business mon to playmission eras refined. Memo 1,.Cilurclt have engaged Mr. a team of huge. Cleveland Barb Wire. Cleveland No. 1.. Main soft �rirc Fax 11 stems t comedian, ' netts men in Crediton and cause home It you once try Carter • Little1 ► P d r taf rot, With the victory, and he gatutp last Liver I'ille for sink headache, bit- - ✓ 0 for tle:ir annual garden party Friday night was to be a return iousness, or constipation, you will o he held on the Rectory (rounds meta, but the Crediton ploys are too never be without them. They are - _ businc- on Frid'y, August 23rd. ltemecober 'good sp,or•tsmeti to give credit tx>, the purely vegetable, small and c Icleal 1eiiciiigtray tv ,,,,,- the date:. take. Don't forgot till*. �ps men for 'the victory. Eat- -The baseball boys expect to go is ter played the same team as went to During the, heavy electrical store, !wires 40 inches high all No. 9 8 wires 41 inches high al! No. 9 Crediton Friday night to play !;auto Crt he...'.n. out the team that carni which barred over Seatorth the twv. 9 Wires 30 inches hl h ho fencing. with the Stars of that village. The out bare was different In Witty i-' • large barns belonging to I11r. G►ntl►• g ' g � ;----„- Creditor) -- -r local boyo have been putting in good ''••rg about three tulles We loan Stretcher far nttttinn .►.-. ere.,..l.e,.: t Also Staples, Fence nooks and Stratcher practice lately and it is hoped theyix+cts, two if naot three of the {!layers bell, n•ne► ,►,./ flet brag classed als buuteneas uiest, south of th to;vn, were struck by will return with the scalps of the The game started off with Credi- lightning and burned to t.ho ground. Stars attached to their belts tells ton at bat and they went out in The year's crop of hay tens in the time. one two three order. Exeter carne barns. They loss is only partially -511'aars. Ed Treble and Geo. An- to bat and monde. one. In the stio• cowered by ipsurance. Berson were in Landon last Monday and one Creediton player crossed the If sick headache is misery, what taking part in ►the q Benevolent trophy plate, ,while the dome boys iiegat,tb.they The best for Walls, Silos. Walks and Floors is Carter's Little Liver fills if match for the Irish Benevolent So. led 'two. In the third Crediton wilt positively cure its People who ciety cup .and other "' havo used them speak franklyof prizes, t For the changed pitchers putting art Zwick- Air. Treble was in the finale, the er in the box. A protest wasHERMAN'S HARDWARE p R RE AND STOVE STORE champion Jim Bell winning out. Mr, made, but «e were informed that their worth. They are small and Anderson was in }he final for the Art was a member of :the firm, easy to take. second event and pulled down third Whether the is or not. the Stars Mies Daisy Doherty, of Clinton, the teensy. _ should grab him up quick. Ile cer• clever daughter of Mr. Geo. Daher- tainly can play ball. During, :the ty, who has ;boon employed in eon- -The council met on Mondry Aug. next seven innings ho allowed but nection with Seaetorth Cellekiite as 5th, with all members proeont. The four runs to +the bailee team, while Commercial Specialist for the past minutes of the meeting July 22nd, the Crediton boys negotiated 16, two yearn, and where e4ho rhes given read and approved. The _first baseman for the Crediton the beat of satisfaction, hos accepted Mr. F. W. t;ladman addressed the team also was unknown to us as a the position cf Commercial Specialist council re the sale orf debentures an business man and he made five of the at Whitby Collegiate, at a considos- otfer being made of 95, with intterest runs for the visitors. able increase in salary. or taking wording of tho by-law an however, notwithstanding this sad The Goderich council on Fridayoffer cif 93, saying he was prepared story of defeat the game was a night passed a vote of $600 to the to take ane -half at once and :wished good arta and Meted the full total Goderich hospital, $300 to be paid to 'take an option for one Avrek for of nine innings, the first played here over on October let., and $300 on the balance. this season. Statham for Exeter was November 1st. This i; for (ho run• good in the hos. and so was Doc. Hing expenses of the institution. A ICIItliTOh Dole behind the bat, Faint for Creels• by. -law was passed placing the oon- ton played centre ,field like a pro►• i atruction of sanitary sewers in fu - The ii.01T,DI. of flair d'rltrict will fessiattal, grabbing everythin; that tore on the lural improvement plan, hold an excursion oft the L. H. & came his way. At bat Wes Fink'. oaeuel•third of the suet to be paid by I3. to Springbank, London, on Tuese- leaner was the shining star, although the property owwners cert each aide of +} day, August 13th. The Kirkton the score card deems not elbow any the street and the remaining third t Lodge will go (from Exeter. A s rune to his credit. At five times at by the street a ancon. Provision is also ial tv is being engaged and will bat be hit rat the ball eizto•en times, made for the ,payment of $1 a year leave Exeter about 8.30 A. M. Every one of theist being a foul. Other rental by those into have connection pereon is w'elaorne. There will be good splays Wore (made and received with the sewers put in at the sole sports including baseball garner, foot • considerable applause. Tho Exeter expellee of this stollen. recce, etc. Sen hills for particulars. business men still feel that they are Wil I b e found an excellent re - The bowlingmeeting called for supreme over their Crediton friends medy for sick headache, Carter's and are confident of beating them Little Liver Pills. Thousands of July 30th at Taylors did not turn out as expected only a few any old time, but won't stand for letters trorn people who have used present. Another meeting ,wil jq` be those who do not Dome under the thorn prove this fact. Try them; called in the pear future will it is heading of either business or pros. -On Wednesday evening last when hoped a 'good number will be prey• fessional ,nen. Following is a re- bio, Parks, of Braforth, WW1n2,o,tor- e•nt. howling is an excellent cult of the slaughter. healthful ,end ctaay to learn. game EXETER. CREDITOR ing from Seaforth to Bayfield, de• - Cote 1 Bluett 2 spite the utmost caution exercised Mr. Wm. Taylor visitied in Goder. Heenan 2 Young2 he caused two runaways. 'Thee first felt last ww•ceek, occurred near Varna: (ho aceto was Shier & Marshall have just receiv- Creech 0 Feist 1 running slow and no te:otin�; twee White ed a fine lot of jewelry. The arti- Knight 0 Kuhn 2 donetiwith the horn, but a ,liora cles arse all good and are worth in8 tfpection, kath*na 0 McCue 1 t A'Lwicker 1 managed to get !frightened enough ' Mr.eJacol, Taylor attended the Willie 1 Finktteiner 0 to throw nut the occupants of tthe buggy and go on alone. Again where Old !Boy's Ito -Union at Kincardine. Auto. 1 Wolfe 3 entering Rayfield extreme caution Iiia brother-in-law Robert ' Barnes, Hartleih 1 Anderson 5 was exorcised, but •,i horse standing of Winnipeg was also attending, an - - untied at .t peat started off getting., with Mr. Taylor for rt fc%t Total 7 17 rid of its load a valise and buggy, days' vis"' smashing the latter to ut;rtclt%woecd Mr. Chas. G. Taylor, of Boston, -In referring to the deathof who was visiting his parents 'here, Mr. 1. J. McCallum, brother of Mr. and proceeded to (tire edge of the bluff, above the lake, t%}ter,, it atop - left_ last week for Chicago anti other T. 'H• McCallum. of Exeter, at Mid• Ped in time ,to save itself from in'- w%cetejrn potntes where 1 11 t land the Midland A I Sampson Brand Portland Cement •41-4-+++.1.++++++++++4-+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ OurReductionSaIe� Owing to the lateness of the spring We have decided to extend our reduction sale and '�' will give greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter b6fore. Every article in our large stock of furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale. Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. es will via► egos says: -"In jury visit before returning t.. ),;. ,•-...., teml)eramcnt he two •ld, Mr. Edgar I3rown.vof Totronto,•�is visiting his pare>nts Mr. and Mrs. «'m. Brown. Archie Loud also of Toronto carte up with h:m rend will 'pend a few weeks here as his guest. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Switzer, of Denver, are the guests of Mrs. Wm. Switzer. Mr. Frank Cornish and daughter Irina, of Indiana. are the guests cf Mr. Cornish's father and ether rela- tives. Messrs. F. N. Shier•, Nathan I)oul►e and Frank Cornish were in Exeter en Menday arranging for the K.O,T M. excursion next week, Extensive. Auction Sale of Horses Mr. Thos. Catneror, hill s'•II by Public Auction for Chas. E. hackney OD SATURDAY AUGUST 17TH -at - COMMII4cIAL MITI, st choice lot of br'xd mare's, eork-horkes► drivers, colt- and fillies. This stock is all young and in gold condition and will 1►tei- tive ly le- roles n tttc,ut reserve. 5.••• postero. L-'lxecutors' Sale. Auction Sale of Valuable"Thoper ty in the Village of Exeter Th,' Executors of the Es? 1! c f the Lite Isa.nc Carling have author- ized Thomas Cameron, Esq., to sell by Public Auction, upon the pro)c'rty -on- S.�T1ltDAY, THE 21T11 OF AUG. At 2 o'clock, p• tn. .SOME 116 CHOICE 111'1L1)IN(; Lt)'f4 These lots a re situste on tither mid' of Wellington Street Ate ;item !inane eil)way man and Lha cam---_..�- ttoad,) Meek, Albert, Nelsen. Marl- borough, Carlini: :end Victoria St', patty r, eotizinu itis ability placed �, if desired. i i'ItUPOitTEOtiATI•;L1 It1{I)i (,M of the Village and are suihlble for bin) in 'ane of Ilunt.ville, station. •'-++•++++-alele.•.:-:•+++1-a••leae-- -:- Tilts w lea first really Important • • y O�1 • HATES both manufacturing or remidential post an( he ,tt'i5 cnri:atoll there for �',',• very often haw.) ice ws1 ;51• Richard Selden I3ic tette Moncton Y. 8. 1,ur1►es, s. This land %%ill be cttcet+ai some twine years, The company then t (,.el► A L'A;gte " A1nlgs.awe " fur stale ;n either lots or binckq to moved him to ��'anhaushene� where front people Awisla•ng servants Exeter Centralia I tittle Mer•tis yhc•(iiae " suit the purchaser. In order to he• ternain•d for a year and a h:11[ ur h, Ih aat,d at preertrnt know 1 lliurr:►y flay " Sernlntersidq 1'.k.I. mind up the ande estate this !arid ar.d ten years ago last April he was . of five or ca x places where gored 3,. and Clandeboye `il Ire'nee Sydney N. A. has to he 'eel(' and t1t^rr. will pc,a::- Y y moved to Midland. fhe work and Ret ate-ady em- N.inrou.ks, I att•trboro Vit,$. time 1 1>• no rrservc, Plans g,1 MS Com hands can Tadonea(� i',' Itigiprc responsibility he bed here at on, of '' hre,1�'rty may he seen at any time ' ployrnent or wA^ro servant+'•- HORN I{Er1;ItN LIMIT AUG, '30th its)7 at the law offices of `Ieesrs. Dick► the most in►t►►rtant :and bogy ra;lwwiay GALLAGHER-In McGillivray, Aug. e_ ' son and Carling. For furth; r par- quoits on the Grand Trunk system can Kat good 'Rituat:gas. The 2nd the eifc of Dan (;alleglter, of ricket« And further inf,)rnlnti0sl ticulars ter Ins and conditions of we :'11 krnw, but he mad • •1 sucres;t names %till ty [urn:shed to any- a dztbe r may be obtained from. male Ree posters or a ► 1 to Thomas of it, A•e a c.rp.wble duan lt^ per• en•.. by calling or writing tt' r apply y DIED J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. form• (' hi• part well. A strong (le - Cameron, Esq., Auctioneer, 1•'arquh tr '11n)e'g attic HEAVERS -1n 1 ybornc CD Monday P. 0., or Messrs. Dickson & Carting tertian -it hosiers!' moan in the ten August 5th 1907,Glade in Clark (or write J. D. :NcUI)NALD, Union Solicitors for Execuhores, years he Itis been lore, h•� has writ•Depot, Toronto, Ont, ten big pante barge upon the Ingest +++++++++++♦+44++444 Heavers, eon el Mr. snot Mrs. M. ' L. Heavers, rs, a Ked 7 3 -en re, 12 dare•. of our municipal history."' s set concilra tory and candid and yet remarkable Goderich, August 3. -The bylaw toguarantee the bonus of the Maitland for an uncompromising firmness, Un-. River Power Company, to the ex'- der every condition throughout his tent of $150,000, was defeated at the bogy 1110 Ito was always the sante polls Saturday., the vote for It being even-tempered gonial character. Polls and 351 against. This apses, Among us he ranked always as at according to the statement cf Mr. man of refinement, good judgment, Mayes that so far as he and ►'art sympathy, a kind neighbor, devoted fric•.nds are concerned, there will be father and a true friend, and withal development cf power from the a lean of heroic mould in bravely River Maitland, and no building of meeting the stern requirements and electric railways in this county. A often the disappointments of Life. lecte•r by-law guaranteeingLittle over four weeks ago the ole;- guaranteeing $150,000 ceased Wasattacked by tot silitire bonds; o[ the Dlaltland Diver 1,; whish aggravated by :t 'heavy cold Company. tiwhich Atats etarric'd by a quickly de lope.' until it reached iarge ret:•jot it y, still kitands, but as dangerous Mover tions, ile fought it a'' e wa m)a the disease off for ree.•teral drys and it eras n holgeroftltinetopien is of t,tortgal men behind him ge►ct aort0ntp; 1"30'. was thought to be improving luterasobjectionable to Mr.Dicyt's sudcb'niy the unexpected hnpponcel and •t he financial and the ill elfe.ets of the tl�%'cawee come and they new by-law mct:ced circul�ttin:.• :l:rough :::i making the ton, tent, and almost before they worn joint mortgagees. aware, of it, dc'nth had made a snatch at stint, but the prompt action cf a qualified nurse in adniiniste•ring a hypodermic s1 intuit nt rallied itis heart and h' revived. After that al- though weak to eslroncd every im- eroventcnt and hopes Ater° cw•en en- tertained c::lrly tist w%:eek that in a few days he mould he able to be up. On friday afternoon, however, he took another bad turn, when p.r tl• yids seized hint. This was quickly folloee•d by hent•.rrh:l go of the hr:►in and he lapw41 ,into uncottsoicusttes * ROWE & ATKINSON • The Largest Home Furnishers in the Count.r, + LUndertaking in all its Branches. le1.4••1•4••1•i44++++f i'• •1•++ +1••i••i +++••t•+.1•.g + +++ : •1•.i •i•dr•i ++++ _a- +•14 -t--1 t /I 1 ++.1.44+++++++++++++++++R.+++ +++4-4 +++ + +•1 1- i 1 I +41.4-1-1-14++1.+++.‘++.1++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If You Want Cheap Hardware Glo To . T. HAWKINS & SON4. The Leading Hardware Store in Town Where you will find a full stock of • •r Building Supplies lies Glass, Nails, Cement t Plaster Paris, i Galvanized ' z .Steel Shingles • and Siding, Etc. . Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, Ifr• ** T. IiAWKINS & SON DealoSrs in Hardware, Cement and Wire. •. 11,0 L r •f'•!••h•f••:••I•s..4..i..;..1.+•i•+•i• :••�.�•:-•�.• +4•+++++++4-:-:•++4-:-:-:-:•++++++++4. � ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -A few nights ago Mr. Falconer Un0x66116d �n 8tUI6 find! Plumber of Clinton, had a narrow escape (ttot Awl caldww•atee. from what might have beer. it Workmanship very ie rious accident. Ile had gone . over to Hayfield during the day with Our harness being made by sign Writing and Graining his own horse, but w+;itit a canopy -tots hand is far superior to factory buggy belonaine to Warrener's liv- wmtade harness which is now al - mates ery, having therein this wife, easter exclugipely being uttered With R. Dinney last, year. Esti- and two children. Coming back he,nates furnished on application. scale. Personal inspection was driving up towards town n ith of the shack used in conatrnct- the intention of going to the livery ion of these make them snore. I •A Trial Solicited. atld trotting big own bug,y, and durable than the ordinary. when just in front of the foundry a y , r flash of lightning frightened the.If intending to purchase 911 ARTHUR D, DAVIS about three o'cleek, in 1% 11.011 state horse .which bolted (Iowa) the road any Light or Heavy Hemel); 1 hr rculai11(1 until otic! -nigh► wile:)) Near •t h:: post office the ehorsc took it well be our mutual advent - his spirit 1 ooh /light to the great tile siden'alk dragging the huzary hal[ age for you to inspect our Exeter, Ontario unknown leaving his moteeeess up, but the axle caught env of tip's Roods, hod!' all :► Sea (1 ircutinder et :another iron Vests cemented in the walk, %ls:t ait►'�n:; u•+ of the anon 1 c f ci'+ath, throwing tit' home's off into the rant. Our rrIG6s fire Rluhta Residence, corner James and Ao- Mr. !McCallum was born at Itankke•9• %%here: it fell. Thi women and child• !drew Street. villa, in the County of WatrrlcNp, and ren tell out of the iawv side rot tl,i W. J. BEER as hen but a boy rnovcd to Sc :forth buggy, futile Falconer fell hetwwee.n - .J 1 t and later to ('iintnn and Gcorgetcnt t, the curb and t he horse, wwas ' In the 1110 latter places he received kicking viciously, smashing . the his • duc:at ion upon t le.! completion wlv' I, and t hrnateninq cit ��wrry cf a lush ,he teetered his uncle's store naowemt+nt of its ie•F;_w to smash ier r n at Gcorgctow11, where Ir^ learned the Cotler ; bu1 sone.) one ran over andCo operating, • ;lint 1:ttc: on entered sat lei its head until Iva itns 'afel 1 f,.r ,nl r e�(t theY employ of the trailway company at extricated, iioth rah:tits of it lee rig i George1ow tt, Ile remained there ver, broken, and thi harm, Wart -AT- , At'lit'ST 12.. 1:i. 11 & lith 1907 about two years, when ire wa•e :1(1-• sornew%h.i: cut, but nen('of thee'CCur Prom Exeter to brn Bridge and Wash• pants of the. bu�;t.►y, singularly, were(0.1) ORCHARD ME $17.6,) age w here 1 ^ r(+in:rinrd :a y.a1 r and injured beyond ml't:h1 btui�.cs. TIse Pointed to SewExeter and Centralis t Pot tl ►nd Me $ 17 lit )A as then transferred to Gtrdtw.11 hc,rse was cu, so badly- co one leg CHARLOTTETOWN RP: 1.1):N.70Jute-riots where he event two years. that .10511 Cock (pact to haul it 'Lome Warehouses HAlifrax N. S. $27 70 Ity this time be lead become a pro. on the drav oacxt day. St. JOHNS Vii,:;. $25.70 Will exchange for other grain NURTIISiDNEY soil 20 flflRNSS • House IYc6ordtor. GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM Seaside Excursions SPECIAL. LOW RATES