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Exeter Times, 1907-08-01, Page 8
4 i' kJ, E I XETER ' L i MLS AUGUST let 190; , +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++f +++•:-++++f+•!•++•i-+4-•#•+•,d••:•Ye +-1•+++++J-+++++++++++ SThWART'S Direct From one •)f the finest potteries in England "S. Fielding & Co." three large packages of the finest toilet sets we have ever shown. They come in pure white with gold tracing, -pure cream with gold tracing, and white and cream body with fancy colored and gold decorations. We would like yon to call and see just what nice goods they a re. $3.90.The Grecian a pure while 10 piece Toilet Set. gold trased,taall slim shape large roll basin. $4.50= -The Dane a rich cream 10 piece Toilet Set gold traced and stippled. Large swell shape. deep oval basin, with heavy roll edge. $5.50'The Saxon pure cream 10 piece Toilet Set gold ined and stippled, new octa- gon sheep, deep full round basin with heavy roll edge. The choicest cream colored Toilet .Set we have ever shown, $3.50.-BIue Riga white ground 10 piece Toilet Set with rich col vitt blue decorations gold lined -a dandy. $4.50 --Tudor cream ground 10 piece toilet set. lovely litho flowers in natural colorings with gold shadings. new oval basin with large heavy roll edge. $5.50 -Bath cream ground 10 piece Toilet Set, new swell shape, natural floral decorations in piuk, blue and hello, new Oval basin, swell roll edge. ' $6.75ETrent creamy white ground 10'new tall full shape, very neat small floral decorations, rich gold tracing, new oval basin. The finest set we have ever shown. 30 Different Lines We show thirty dif- ferent, lines in Toilet Secs ranging in price from $1.50 to $5.75. They come to us direct from the potteries in Great Britain. The saving in middle men't profit will be all yours if you' buy from us. J. A. STEWART ••E-I•_•I••i-+•i••€-+•I•-Q-•l•ir•i•-1••i•+++-II••i•+i•++•i• +++++++++++++++++. k•i•f•t•+++•i••i+++•i•+++++++++++++ ►•t•+++++++•i•+++•E•I•+++ A Successful Wedding Is impossible without the help of jewelry store. Try to think what such an affair ould be without the presents. Try to imagine the ringlese, giftless edding. It's unthinkable. So you would find it hard to get .along without us at such a tune. We have s gre't big interesting array of gift articles. And the beauty of it is that the inajority of thein are anything but expensive. • We suggest Silverware, Clocks. Fancy China, Etc. Call and take a good look through. A. MARONAND JEWELER. MIDE To ORO, DRESSING WELL is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so much sought after by the fashionable man. Yon are sero of Comfort, Ease and Elegance coo:Suiting. to hand at prices away down W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. XETER, -- ONTARIO. ERNEST ELLIOT veyancer Accounts Collected OMEN to Man st loess& rates. Nonit N'e.t lands tor 8a1.. Office, Main Street, Exeter -Mr. Orville Southcott is rusti- cating at the Bend. -Mr. Case Howard is spending this week at the Band. Edgar \4'estcott has taken a posi- tion with Al. Hastings Melville Hoskin agent last week in camp at Grand Rend. -Mr. Nelson Shecre, of Fart Wil- liam. is visitril'lg his mother. -Mrs. Fitzgerald is this week vis. iting with friends in IL•ensall. -Miss Ruby Treble spent tho past week viriting relatives in 'Toronto. -As Hugh Spackman says. "which would you rather (to or go fishing?" -Messrs. J. W. Broderick and W. W. Taman are spending the ive. k at the Bond. -Mrs. Staley and her mother, Mrs. Davey, are camping at the Bend. -Mrs. Mason, of London, is visit- ing at Mrs. .loan Jarrott's, Exeter North. -Mrs. Jeff. Elliott, of Yorkton, is the'guest of Iris mother, Mrs. 13. V. Elliot. Mr. Wellington Westcott, of I'et.- erboro, is visiting hid mother Mrs.. J. T. \Vestcott. --Miss Charlotte London, is visiting Shirley- noisier. - Mise Stella Southcott returned horse Monday after tierce wce.ks out- ing at the Bend. - Miss Cora I•'owell entertained last Mondaiy evening in honor of Miss Stella Spackman. -Mrs. Aquilia Shecre and daugh- ter Fern, of Lansing, Mich., arc vis• Icing Mrs. A. Shecre. -Mrs. John Dearing and 1 w c}Ail - dren, of Flint, Mich., are the guests of relatives in town. -Mrs. (Dr.) J. W. Browning is visiting loss sons Drs. W. E. oda Harry at Caledonia, Minn. --Mr. Mctlltlluni attended the fun. oral of his brother at Middlemiss, the former part of this weak. -'piss EtIna McCallum returned to Toronto on Mrrnd:ry after a two avecks' vacation at (.rand Rend. -Mrs. Moncur tins returned home after a plcos.lnt visit with friends in Iiamilton Guelph, Galt and Lon- don. f)riukwater, of h. r sister, Mrs. GIANT TRIPLETS "Currency" "Ilobs" and 'Stns' Cheating Tobaccoes in big' plug's. Quality always !the !MUM -Mies ltobineon, of Centralia, and Mien Thoiiias, of Lc.ndon, are the guests of Miss Altna May, London Road. Miss Mattie IIatakshaw, of Detroit, %vas the 'aril •sI of her father, Mr. John I1,aviks':;It• during the ,Past week. -Mrs. Rog r Crocker and note Wil: of Toronto, ate visiting Mrs. Crocle• cr', extents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble. -Miss Jennie Parkinson, returned to her home in Elimville after .pend- ing a wreck a•:ith Mrs. John Jarrott and other friends in Exeter. Market Report. -Thr following to the report of Exeter markets. door- Men's Fine Shirts rectuo up to August bit. Wheat, 65c jeer bushel. Barley. 48 to 52 cents per bushel. Oats, 40 to 41 cents per h-• Peas. 70c. ler bushel. Shorts. $24 per ton. Ficus. $2.50 -ger cwt. Bran, $20. $21 per tap. Feed Flour $1.40 to $1.45 per Butter. 17 cents per hound. Eggs lie. pre dozen. Hogs, (rats-.il. -9 per cant. Bogs, liveweight. $6.85. Hay $11 to $11.50 nes ¶c::. Clover seed. $8 to $1U per bushel. Potatoes. 75c. to Doc. per bag. Dried Atuo s, 6c. per pound. Coal, $7 a ton. Wool. wasted. 20o to 22c per Wool, unw-ash'd. 12o at 58c. 75c quality for 58c. THE OLD RELIABLE 5 doz. men's Fine Soft Front Shirts. made of good material, warranted fast colors, good fitting, sizes 15, 15%, 16. On sale at 58c. We Beg to Announce that we have more 1 Men's Fine Straw `"' • Hats at 35c. lb. oto 13c. a lb. •••••••••••••••••••••••••. t LOCALS • •••••••• .111411•••••• S. Fitton. issuer of tnarriage li- censes, also complete line of aved- ding rings always on hand. For Quality :end Quantity ask your driller for 11,1 flew bi3 Plugs of "Robs." '•SI:►..e;," r11iil CiitieIIcy chew - jog l0bal'C005. -Th.' repairs to the filling machine at the Canning factory %%sere ootn►- pleted last Thursday and the factory is now in gold running shape. -The severe electrical storm of Wednesday afternoon of last. %reek although not revere in town c0eins to have dine considerabn.) damage in tIV country to the (growing crops. -As we go .to press shortly after noon every Wednesday afternoon, we would request ►that these having a change of advertisement bring in the copy not later than Tuesday af- ternoon. _Woman's Institute. -The regular meeting of the Woman's Institut.., will be bold in Senior's hall on Fri- day, August 2nd, :it 3 o'clock. -Mrs► I)r. Amos, President ; Mrs. A. Has- tings, Secy. -There was a partial eclipse of the, moon last Wednesday night. It commenced about ten o'clock and at eleven old Luna allowed only a cres- cent. At midnight the full ptaon was again shining. W. q). Haywood. Secy. and Treas. of the Western Federation of Miners, V. ho was on t red at I3,o,ise. City. Idaho for the murder of former Governor Steunemberg, was found not guilty by •thejury late Saturday night. DR. OVENS EYE AND EAI( SUIT- geon, will be at the Commercial Hotel. flours 9.30 n. tn. to 4.30 p. rn. Glasses properly fitted and dis- eases of cye ear and nose treated. next visit, Friday, August 9th 1907. Mr. Tho.:. Cameron will be in Exe- ter ovary Saturday afternoon to make arrangements with those tyle wish to have a Pale of property, stock of household ;nods. Orders left at the Times office will be promptly attended tc. -The Lindsay counterfeiters res ce.ived their sentenoes Iast Friday. Charles Burke, the ring leader wus sentenced to Kingston far three years, Robert Logie two years in the same institution, Archie Roseau and Richard Wynne to one month in the County jail :It Lindsay. Eveleigh oats let go on suspended sentence and Miller was honorably acquitted. The voters' lista in the various municipalities are now being posted up and as these lists will not unlike- ly be the lists used In the next Parliamentary elections it is impor- tant that all persons entitled to vote should her. tlutt their nant'es are pro- perly entered.. Persons whose names are not on the lists s}iauld ace that they are put on at t'._ Court of Re. vision, if they with to exerciae the franchise at the alext elections. _Why not let us get up a Mara- thon race here on Labor D:taf As there is nothing going ch in Exeter on th•tt holiday and a number of the boys aro anxious for a race of this kind, subscriptions could be taken up .and prizes offered for a race from Exeter to Ilens:ill and re- turn. It would be tilt' means of brir ;ing a number of people to t i I and *hat's when is wanted. (..ner towns h:tvo held Marathon races this year and in every instance they have been sucocsas'ful. -Several Exeterite'i, who N%urc l►:c- niciing at the Itend I:Ist Thursd,iy ns - sister' in landing tI young runts on the dock after lice was ulrrtu't overt - come by the high waves tvhiell sere running at the time. The young roan had barn in bathing ::::dt run- ning out on .thy, ds.ck jumped into the water intending to swim ashore. On account of 4h3 high waves he star, unable to make any tirade -my or t:; get back on the dock. The attention of Rhos on the dock wai called by another tie inuner and ,they went to his assistance and landed turn safely but not before he was nearly over- come. -Mr. J. We Itroderick a former and much respected business ratan et Exeter at:d who for the plat Leo years tete been in basinesa in Gode'r- ich, was 1:1st week presented by to:- choir hechoir of the Victoria Street Meths. dist Church Gdxlerintl with a hand- some i.;old headed (•tete and an ad- dress. Mr. Broderick has d:sposerl of his busirk•ss there to G. M. Elliot and leaves shortly for London to take ra are11-earned rest from the activitici of business life. During his resi- dence in Godcrich Mr. itrodt•m ick has taken an active interest in connec• tion with the nhurch choir, aome,- tine,s as leader but ale e 5 ready to assist in any w►y. The happiest man in the land to- day is the successful fanner. Ile Rite under his own vine and Sig tree, urr- disturhed by the maddening noise of the great city. Banks (nil, raiiro►ds go into the hands of the receuiv, rs, booming towns collapse, nil business stagnate•. But the wise farmer can snap his fingers at these things. Ile is the monarch of all he surveys on his broad acres. And the honesty of hitt boys and the purity of fail girls is guarded against temptations, and in them he is giving the country its hest manhood and womanhood. The farmer 1• to be envied, and, it .i►' is not t'ootentei it it II his jot. he is lacking in wisdom. 5 doz. Men's Straw Hats. All new shapes, regular prices So, 75, 1 oo all on sale at 35c. Two Specials in Bleached Table Linens at 50c and 75c. No. t special in Bleached Table Linen, 68 inches wide, warranted all pure linen, lovely floral pattern. On $1.00 for 75c; 1.75 for 1.25; 2.50 for $2.00 sale at roc. No. 2 special in Bleached Tabling $1.25 for 1.00; 2.00 for 1.50; 3.00 for 2,50 7o inches wide, extra quality of pure Linen, neat floral pattern in centre with $1.50 for 1.25; 2.25 for 1.75 scroll on border. On sale Ladies White Waists Than we care to carry over, consequently will reduce the price. large at 7 5C. design Linen Towels at l0c and 15c. 20 doz. unbleached Huck Towels, large size, worth 20e, on sale at 15c. to doz. unbleached 1 i ick rowels with red border, good quality, regular selling price t 5c, on sale at loc. 7c Embroidery on Sale at 4c 1,000 yards Embroidery 2 / inches wide, pretty patterns, regular prices 6, 7, 8c, all clearing at one price 4c yd. 81\TMLL 8z ROWS Talk of holding an Old Boys' Re- union in Exeter is again Seipp; res. vived. These re -unions are. splendid advertisements for a town and the agitation should be kept up. -Messrs. Tow Acheson and Harold Ills -sett left Monday aiterno.on,for ten clays' visit with Thos. Okc at Kingsville. They drove the entire distance, calling on friends in St. Thomas, Ridgetown and other places enroute. The annual picnic of the Alain Street Sunday School will be held Friday -afternoon :in A. treppe r'S grove. A good limo ice promised. There 1vi11 be races, etc. for the young people and all friends of the school are invited to attend. -Among those who were successful at the recent examination of the Te.- ronto College of Music was Miss Jen- nie Pickard, of Exeter. }lits Pick- ard passed in history, second exami- nation with first class honors, his- tory, first examination, first class honors and senior trudiments with first class honors. It is pleading to the rmeroltants who Koine time ago agreed to close their places of business at 6.30 every eventing except Saturdays and Wed- nesdays that the people from the country are doing their shopping be- fore cloisng timee. However there are a few who corn© in late in the evening to do their stepping and it is •necessary at times to kcp the stores open t- 'accommodate thein. Tho merchants who entered the agreement to close their shops early wish to continue so doing, and would be pleased if the late comers would get in town befc,.re the closing hour. -In the meeting of automobiles the drivers of vehicles aro generally more frightened than the animals they are driving. A story is told of a woman living not far from Exeter, who on seeing, an autornobile ap- proaching quickly scrambled out of her buggy, climbed over a fence and hid in a hay field, leaving the .hors•. to shift for itself. The animal, how- ever, had evidently ren better days and was glad of a rest, as it didn't take any more .notice of the auto than it should of a passing buggy. The soman climbed from her hiding place after the auto hnd gone past. -Warm weather aid heavy rains during July have effected an cntira change in the croli loutlook rut Western Ontario. wbiclt two months. ago was so tardy as to threaten failure. Reports from the var'ous seection.s show that, .:l thou •h late, the yield will probably be cont plc to• ly up to ,the average, and where. there is any ;falling off in quantity it will be more than made up in quality. During the past two weeks the growth has lice') most marked and tsith =•very day of favorable weather the hopes of the farm srs in• crcas.e that this y'sar fully up- hold 1Vcsltd;rtt Ontario's preeminence It Cair::ldrs's garden. -There is talk of a change in tate time of holding municipal elections. Italy November has been suggested as a more suitable tate, but objec- tion is taken on the ground that this is a busy season in the inids: of tic fall trade. Holy would .the end of January do: There is generally a slack sell after the Chtirtntas trade in is hich time might be found to tilos- euss civic affairs and make up "slate-,." The objection to the pros• ent arrangement is that it brings the municipal campaign along with the Ohristtnas :reason, when nearly everybody is absorbed wit private, and family affairs and rhe burnt. ,i of the municipality receives careful attention from only ;i few. -The Presbyterian Sunday School picnic in Jeckell's grove Inst Friday afternoon was well attended al- though the weather all dry was threatening. Go alt theme occasions the children have a good time and this year was no exception to the rule. Durrett the afternoon a fine list of sports was carrled out, the Sealed tenders will be received at fc.11owir.g being the Winners. Ileys the Parsons Davis Cos. office up to under ten, M. Senior, 8. McCurdy, One o'clock on Saturday afternoon, ( iris under ten, Stella Mallon, Dora. August 17th, 1907, for the erection 1!oulden ; Girls under fifteen Anna of a Public School in ilte Village of Dow, Minnie Arny ; Giris over 13, Ceetralia. flans and specifications Nettie McCurdy, Ethel McCurdy ; can be even itt the Parsons Stavin married ladies race Mrs. Swiln, Mre. Com. Office in Centralia. The Truce McCurdy ; Girls, open race, Miss Je• tees do not bind themselves to ace.'p0 ckell Miss Martin ; Three-legged race the lowest or any tender. ltcndle - McKay, McKay • ll-ltter; SAMUEL DAVIS, needle race, E. J. Christie. Jan. Chairman Trustee Huard. Grieve; potato race M. Senior, S. Dated at Centralia this 29th day of McKay. After lunch a base ball July, 1907. game was arranged with Mr. F. W. -- Oiadman ats umpire. In that cam(�e• Mr. John Charlton, who had been sty he gave the bent of eatisfacfion quite ill at Manley, Snsk., with ty- but the1'core keeper 111111 evidently In phoid lever, returned home Monday favor of the lowing nide and we are evening. Ile brought with him •two unable to get hold of the score. fine spetimo)es of Scotch stng hounds. However everyone present had a Mins 011ie Quance visited in Dash• gond time. wood last week. FARMERS! Ill1ION 1 Keep Flies off your cows and Horses with Kreso Dip Used as a spray will positively destroy and keep flies of your stock. Keeps Sto3k in the Pink of Condition. KILLS lice, ticks, mites and fleas. CURES mange, scab, ringworm and other skin diseases. Nothing Better, Try It Sold in any Quantity. COLE'S DRUG STORE Prescriptions Our Specialty, - EXETER -- ONTARIO• •••••••••••••••••N+N••+• 1 • CLINTON Fall Term OPENS SEPT. This management during the past year trained over Two Hundredyoung !a- m en, and gentle - men, as steno- graphers, bookkeep- ers and telegraphers, and placed n them in excellent situations in leading Canadian and American cities. Individual instruction. Write for catalogue. BUSINFSS1 GOLLEGE DEO. SPOTTON, Principal. --AT- CENTRALIA SAW -MILL British Co'.umbia Shingles Barrel Heading and Hoops FENCE SLATS Kept on hand or cut to order CUSTOM SAWING Done on shortest notice. Logs Wanted Delivered or on the stump THOS. ELSTON Tenders for School. These goods will go quickly Come early and get your choice. We Still Carry a Fine Range In the Astoria Shoe. Nobby loons. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE CARLINC BROS. The Sovereign Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE :-TORONTO. Paid Up Capital: • • $3,000,000. BOARD OF DiIEC IIS: 4Mu.1uS JARVIS, Esq., - - - Preside,,] RANDOLPH MACDONALD, Esq., First Vice -President A. A. ALLAN, Esq., • . - Second lice -President IION. D. MCMILLAN, ARCH. CAAIPIIELL, Esq., M.P.. A. E. DVI It.T, Esq., M.P. P. G. Jonas r, Genera! -Manager. HON. PETER MCLARRN, W. K. DMCNAVCWt, Esq., M.P. Ar.rtx. Bucca, Esq., K.C. R. CASSELS, Asst. General -Manager. i Savings Bank Department. Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. Branches -:EXETER. CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, JOSEPH SNELL Manager. GLADMAN & STANBURY, Solicitors HHENSALL BRANCH, - H. ARNOLD, Manager. 'Western DLth1n6se aiti0 aSnorthantl 6011606 We Teach Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Shorthand and writing and all Collateral Branches. WE SECURE a situation for every graduate. Summer School School continued all summer. Pupils may join at any time. WM. C. COO, C. 8, R., President. Type.. Voters' List 1907 V ILL A -GE OF EXETER Notice .is hereby given that t have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section Eight and Nine of "The Voters' List Act," the copies required by the 'ilk! Sec- tion to be so transmitted or delivers ed of the list made pursuant to (said Act, of all persons apeenerng J y the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to oe entitled to vote in the said Municipality ,at Elec- tions; for rnembers of the Legislative, Assembly and at Municipal Elections and that maid list 11111% tfirst posted up at my office Main St., Exeter on ►tho 22nd day of July. 1907, and remains there for inspection. Electors are palled upon to examTno the &aid list and if any omission or other ernors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected ncoording to law. Dated this 20th day of .Tuly, 1907. JOSEI'Il SENIOR Clerk of the said Municipality. Voters' List 1907 TOWNSI-IIP OF USBORNE Notice is hereby given that 1 have transneitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the Ninth Sec- tion of "The Voters' List Act", the copies required by the saki 14 -tion to be iso 1ran'rnittcd or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised .1'isessment Roll of the said Municipality to be untitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for rnernbcrn of the Lcgiilative As- sembly and at 'Municipal EIectiions and that slid list watt first posted up Ott my office, at Whalen on the 31st day of July 1907, and remains there for inspection. I:leet.o,rs ate called upon to examinee the said list, and if any omissan or other errors are found therein, to take prose:al- inge to have maid errors corrected according to law. Dated this 3lst day of July, 1907, Francis Morley. Clerk of tit' said Municipality. Avoid Competition There is a market for the BEST and the surest way, we think, to get away from competition is to make a little better flour than the other fellow' Our motto is "not how cheap but how good". Ask for STAR flour it stands alone. MANUFACTURED BY HARVEY BROS. ood Way to be Stylish and Becomingly Dressed and to have your Cloth- ing as thoroughly made and as carefully cut as possible is to come here with your ideas. First-class Workmcn will turn the materials which you choose into pleasing, lasting realities. Our experience is pretty good assurance that you will be sorry for nothing and prices are always at the bottom notch. W. J08N8 Merchant Tailor LOST 4111.1111.11111111111.11.11111.11111111 Auction Sale of Horses' That neat al►c prepuce „hen the ► »mall details nrr, ncglectcd. That trill have an fine carriage or rubber tired rig dote Mr. C. E. Darc.cney not show to the beet advantage un - Auction Sale of Work llorse!, Colts ; leas the Iiarnel?! is nobby and un -to - and Fillies at the Commercial Hotel, d'tte. We Mike ft specialty of this class of work. An inspection will convince you (bet our harness titands second to none in material workman' •hip and finish. Exeter on SATURDAY, A.G. :3rd, 1907. Sale at One O'clock p.m. - Mra. Fitzgerald, of Toronto, as ho ► We cater for your trade in Repairing has been here for titre, lest month the and Fine Rubber and Solid Nickle guest of Mr. John ilrlwL Shaw, rra- ; Mounted Harness. turned home on 14a1urd.ly tcco,rrfp:an- led by her daughter, 'Mrs. Fred Ilawkshans- and little son. W. J. BEER