HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-01, Page 71 FORTY MEN IN A SEWER All Would Have Been Drowned But For Foreman's Coolness. A despatch frim New York says: Forty laborers ran, swain and fought for their lives when the new sewer in West 46th street ort; flooded on Tues- day n'ght, and but for they ctoolnes And deterl,tinatien .i( Foreman lien Con- IKerS all must have perished. '1'ht1 men vlero) w eking ut the tube, which i., 4.4.911 feet in di:rrl:e'tcr, a block in length and forty feet below the: surface. Sud- denly a break occurred in (h4; old sewer above thein, and the; c.,'.aping water poured into the open end of the tubse. 'file only eXit wall at the opposite end. where an air shaft !.'d to the surface. A moment after a streams first trick- led into the tube, the flood Caine, 111t4 when the nen turned to run the water was at their knees and rapidly rising. OEM 'Half way to the shaft the water was a: their welsh, and, lighting, the 111,11 wedge d theinsely CS into a tielplt'ss mass until nunecu11d ntal;e progre. s, and all vert? in imminent peril of drown- ing Then Connors, who lett tho way to the shaft, took a hand, and swinging an ugly club, threatened to brain every 11.•11 of them if they diel not obey hint. Then 1143 erkered Mists to forte four abreast alt 1 march. Some Marched, ( gal stores vienl, as by that time the V ;ttcr had reached the flecks of the tattler, while those of lesser height had t (431 swept from their feet. One by send They gained the shaft and climbed t►:e ladder to the street. Connors was the last to leave the sewer, and %when be aid lie rose from aix feet of water. SENTENCE FOR 1:1111.D -KILLER. Public Opinion in France itcnnanded Capital Punishment. A des paten from Paris says : In spite of the fact that lila fee• of Thee guille)tint) in Franco was suppressed 1\1•) ye'arl'.' ago l:v tho refusal of Par 141111rnt 14) cc)I,lanue the appropriation for a public exex;u- licrxer, a jury in this city •:1► Tuesday condemned to death a elan named �oleiliant for the murder of a little girl under atrt)cious circumstances. Atter subjecting tho citikl h) ill-Ireatrit i,1, Soleiilant plunged a knife into lied heart, t, and then completed ill, horrible \\ur1: by wrapping tiro body in an old sack and carrying it to a nearby railway station, wlter,) he checked it in the cloak -risen. The gruesome detail-; of the case have boon tilling the papers; for months past, .and havv caused such a dt'gese of pub - 11; indignation that Parliament post - pence! final action on the bili to abolish the death penalty in Fran:o. ilut. in spite of leo circumstanoes of 1183 case, Preside\nt Fathers'.;, in view of the fuel that there is no public executioner, Probably \will have to conunuto the ,e'tl- tctloe to hard labor for life. POLICE WERE NEGLIGENT. Mrs. Beach's Action Against the City of Montreal. A dc,pat:'h from Montreal says : An -action for $3,000 is to be taken against -11)3 city by \Inca. Beach, whose son Rich- ard died a few weeks ago in otle of lite cells at Police headquarters. The elan was st.ppeeeil by the polico 10 have been drunks, but it aft er'tvards turned out that l:e had been attacked by three men and zUueiveetl a fracture of tie skull. Ile was bleeding slightly tvtten taken to ilio sta- tion, hitt no medical aid waus summoner{. •The plaintiff's conte'nlien i1; that her son, who was 36 years of age, was heyr sole support, and that the 1►olico 11:11111g ne- glected to call a tl►•'tor after hating arrested slim, wave guilty of grow negli- gence. The Coroner's jury in their ver sliCt slated that the pence had shown negligence in their treatment of the vic- tim, while 1►e was connect' in tit, pulite) station, but that there) were circum- stances of an extenuating character. t11:%STER OF TIIE MINT. Newly .Appointed Official ilas Arrived From England. A dc=4)nlch from Ottawa says: Dr. 01/11145 Boner. of London. Eng., .he newly apl►eeil►ted master of the Ottawa branch of the Royal Mint. has arrived in Ottawa. Dr. lienar is an apieninc'0 <f the Imperial Government. The 1111111 wilt 151 opened before 11►e close o1 111,3 )care 1)r. Bohn' will slxgnd as few x:014:; here slaking 1Le n.eessnry ar- talll:e'llh'nl5 for cari•yillg,► 4411 the \")1'l: <.1)41 Will return for it time let IA.11tlon. tie• [; it personal friend 4•f the British Premier r anal is a 111;111 of line tit:hulaS- Ito attainments. Til AMPLE) (IN 1111: 11.%G. ilritish Subject to Serle thirty Days in Michi1lan Jail. A despatch fr<ent Marquette. \1i4•hi- gen, says : I tell.►wing his conviction for tearing down the Un11ed `fates ling and tureen trampling on it. Janie; Gant, a Bri1is!' sohltx•t, twee brought her' (411 Wednesday to serve 30 days in jail. 1 k \vasa 111.0) I1l1tv1 $10. MILK M.1N REBUKED. Recorded Ihtpuis Says Dirty l'ese els Are Killing the Infants. A despatch from •Montreal says: "1 ook at tho poor children he and ethers are sending io the cemetery,' was file reproof employed by Mr. Ite- e,i rder Dupuis on \\'ednesday, when counsel for Louis Kulznlan, milkman, .)f 216 St. George ..treed, asked for cle- mency for his client, saying, ''this is a hoot' 111111, your Honor." Kut7.illall was charged, gedd, in the wards of the same plaint, with selling milk, "tile vehicle for contagion or infection. inasmuch as tl*.0 mixer. cans ar:d measures employed wore darty." \lr. Recorder 1)upius fur- ther told Ktttztuan that he w8s letting hint off easy. "Cases such as yours," he saiti, "will in future lx' dealt with in such a way that the offenders wilt suffer the utin.o t severity of the law..' KL'Izlilan was !MLA $20 and costs or one month In jail. EXPECTS THREE-FOURTII CROP. Farmers of Manitoba Ilat•e Nothing to Grieve O\er. A despatch front Ottawa says; Dr. \\'nn. Sounders, Dir'e'ctor of Experimen- ta: Farms, has returned from his tour cf inspection of Mlaniteha and the \Vest. Dr. Saunders docs not sharp the pessi- mistic opinions recently published as to the crop shortage. flu says the area. in which partial failure is expocttd owing to drought is a restrietetl one, and on tho whole, after a cnreful review of the situ- ation, he believes that there \rill bo a three-fourths crop. With wheat at its pre_ est price this will mean a larger cash relurit to ilio farmer than he re- ceived, for the crop of I.►e;t year. Even should some of the late sown grain be- come frosted it will fetch a price al- most as high as was obtained for good \ heat last season. SEA SERPENT ON L.►ND. (;real Water Python Terrorising Ne- braska People. A despatch from \'alien. Neb., says : :\ great water python, forty feet long, twelve) inches in diameter and with a Bead the sizo of a 1.1151101 brisket, is ter- rorizing the country around shout Ages Lake,. several miles cast of here. Joseph And»n son and W. Niglltingnle, while walking through high grass near ►he lake on Tuesday, attempted to step over what they thought was a largo log. 1l was the 511a11it'. \\'hi1t1 Anl1c'r-;011 had a f•►:•t on either Md.) the great snake Ilfkvl its healed, throning Andersson twenty feet. The serpent then trade a rue!' for Ilio lake, holding it.; 11cnd six feel above filo ground. hissing like a stearal engine. in ifs twiny it broke branches of 1rt-e.i three+ and 111)11' in (1i,1n1et.'t'. A big snake Ment is being arranged. WONDERFUL COAL BF:D. Six Mites Long, 1,300 Feet Wide, Thirty Feel in Thickness. A despatch from Ilazellun, 1'a., toys: The i..ehigh Valley Goal Company lids eisenc(l tvilatt is believed to be the 'erg- t'jI strapping in the world. 11 is 1oc111al a' latttmer, anti the cereal i; in a solid lied of 1,310 feet wide. 30 feet in thick. Less and extends from I,alltitnter to Drif- le.n, tit heist six stiles. It is estimated that nwtt ' 114' .ti)ntpalny t•, take out :,till lens dn:15 it \\'•,tile{ relltttte 250 years le: exhaust the supply. 5i,110 01118 1.01 BY .11111all Forty-one Labor, Disputes During the Month of June A d4'spntch from Ottawa says : 'file' total number of trade disputes n'Iwerte'el 1: 1av0 been in exi.rle'►tt;e in 1 nrinelat <hiring June, ttCIS 11, a dccrtense of eight. C4)1Ilpalvvl %OOh Tho (8t'virn15 in4iltIt1,1111) but an Increase of 11 compared 15i111 June. 1:416. lIsiut 262 esln1e11shtne'nt. 1111,1 5,721 employes were affected I ili• (IP -(sites, whose beginning during the 1114 nth invol1"tv1 atnl►t 78 4 tlhb.hna.•n1: and 3,7:3 employes. The loss of lis` to elm lees three's, trade disputes during; June \\,s; .11,1,,.„‘,. /newly 11,70i ttterk111g da)s, l'4,r11le:lie41 with a► 111;4 41f S8,32:1 days In May. and .1$.215 shays in June. 1:in6. 01 the lit di..putes in Cxiattllre during 1114• ►nr,nttt. °:i acre terminatetil, .'inter by .tt'h1111c seIllrnl•'rlle ls'ing r'n.'h4'.I, or by mn1111•I1(81 c•,m4llti.,ns (rasing 1., I„) nf;.11,t11. 'IImi•Ie.•n di:l►uf.'4 won iernii- tritest leo n.'g;.►ttutae)ns between the I'11rL'e4 com,•,•111111. two tweet' 144tl.vl I) eoneihntien. (,rte through 11ie friendly eieil1,Ilion eef the IMi►nr118.e111 1,1 i.nl'r)r, end 41111' tlu•14ugh the Bureau of rage -ilia - nen .11 Queiere, nod eight disputes were 1, 1 unnoted t\ els out negotiations. Im *'e1en disputes that 1w• re fermi - tutted 111; e•It1g''.).,'t' were' :411.Y'4'tsflll, 1411 4114104 ill fat\('1' 111 the employes, eterie promises \w. 1.' effected In threei cal•4'.._ ;111,1 111 two !:e0 duller% w ei a partially .t:.c•t'is:ul. THE WORLD'S M'ARKETST SCOTCH TOWN SINKING amitimai IMPORTS FROM '11R LEADI42 Tlut 11 (ILN-11tEIL Pikes el Cattle. Gnirk. Cltnsa en. miter Paley Pis cs al Mar and Abroad. Toronto, July 30. -- Flour — Ontario wheat 1)0 per cent. patents are $3.t0 1)141, ::-illi $3.51) asked in buyers' lacks, out- side, for export. Manitoba lirtst patents, $1.75 10 $5, .second patents, $1.25 to $1.:40, and strong l,ake-rs', $1.211 to $1.30. Wheat No. 1 \lnnitol:at hard, ice, Who ports. No. 1 northern, 97c, lake ports, and No. 2 northern, 913. e, tnl.o perk ; Ontario No. 2 white, 87 to 884, and No. 2 rt+c1 winter, 87 to 88C, outsidk'. 1tye'—.\o. 2 nominal, at 74) to 71c out - bide. Oats—No. 2 white aro quoted at 43 to to 43%c outside, and at 46 to 46'4e herr'. I'eas--No. 2 quoted at 78 to 79h; out- side. Barley—Prices purely nominal. Corn—No. 2 American corn is quoted at 61 to 61%c, Toronto, lake and rail. Brun --The !market is weaker, with brain guotetl at $16 to $16.5( ill bulk, out - hide. Shorts are quokka at 819 to $19.50 outside. COUNTI1Y PRODUCE. I . ans—hand-picked quoted at $1.65 to $1.70, and primes at $1.50 to $1.55. Honey—Strained quoted at 11 to 12c per }b, and comb 'Limey at 82 to $2.50 1'4 e dozen. limy --No. 1 timothy is quoted nt $14 to $16 nen?, and No. 2 at $12 to 813. Straw--Tlte market is unchangtxl at $i to $7.50 a torr on track here. Potatoes --Thee market is dull for old stock, ono car lot being quoted ut 80c to 85c per bag. Poultry — Turkeys, alive, 11 to 12c • ehickelts, siesMg, drra,..al, 13 to 14c Per It ; fowl, 8 to 9c. HOG PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lots aro nominal. Bacon, long clean', 11 to 11%c per lb in cast) lots; 1111 ;-;•5 pork, $21 to $21.50; short cut, 822.50 to 823. • Hams—Light to medium, 15 to 15'/.,c ; de). heavy, 11 yc ; rolls, 11%e; shoul- der s, 10'/, to l lc; backs, 10'/.,4 ; break- fast bacon, 15Xc. Lard — 'fiet•ces, 12c ; tubs, 12';- ; pails, 12%c. THE DAIRY MARKETS. Rutter --Pound rolls are quoted at 18 to 19e; large rolls aro quoted at 17 to 17';c. Creamery prints sell at 21 to 22e, and solids at 19 to 20c. Egg, --C lots sell at 17% to 18c a dozen. Che aso — Largo quoted at 12c, and twins nt 12,11c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, July M.—Grain-111e local market for oats continues quiet. ?darni.- toba No. 2 white sold at 48% to 49c ; Ontario No. 2 at 48 to 48yc ; No. 3 at 47 to •47 %c; and No. 4 at 46 l0 46%e per bushel ('x storm. Flour—Choice spring w heat patents. $5.10 to $5.20; choice seconds, $(.50 to 84.60; winter wheat patents, 81.65 to 81.75 ; straight rotten, 81.25 to 81.35; do, in bags, $1.95 to 82.10; extras, 81.65 to 81.75. Fred ---- Manitoba bran, in bag_,, 8I9 ; shorts, $2.1 to $25 per ton ; Ontario bran, 1n bags. $18.511 to $19; Mewls, $22 to $12.54J; milled nlouitlie. 821 to 828 iw'r ton, and straight grain, $30 to $:12. Ptotisiuns—Ilnrrellti short cut chess, 822 le $22.50; half-lorrels, $11.25 to $1 1.75 ; clear fat back, $23.54) to 821.50; long cul heavy mess, *211450 to 821.50; t►alfi barrels do, 810.75 to 811.50 ; dry fifi 1 lung clear bacon, 1113, to 11 y1e ; barrel. plate beef, 814 to 816 ; half -I arrels do. 87.50 lo $8.25; barrels heavy tress beef, 8:0 ; half -barrels do, $5.50 ; cnnipounll lard, 10X to 10%c; pure lard. 12X to 12%c ; kettle rendered, 13 to 13%e; burns, 11 to 16c; breakfast bacon, 1 t! - t) 15c ; \\'inds•tr bacon, 15% to 16c , fresh killed abattoir dr ?'.4' I hogs, $9.75 to $10; nliwe, $7.25 10 $7.10. Eggs -- Straight candled, 17c. fluter—Town- ships. 20% to 20,',4 ; Quebec, s', 20 to 20;;c ; Ontario, 2(ts ; Western dairy, 171 1,. 18c. I:hese----\V4stern, 11 to 11y,c: To\ nshil►s, 11 to 11%t: ; (jucbec, 10% to 11c \f:\f1KET. Toronto, July 30.- Expert trade was Quolations are Hemline' at. $:►.:►.t lee $:►.75 for lop quality. and $5 to $:►.2►;r' fo: nte'eliunl. 111111s. $4.5(1 le) $1.75. ' ( Joist 11) choke bitchor, were se111 kern Sleet to 85.10, nlciliurm from 81.25 to 81.70; chdlic4' cont•. mid 4)1)1)111)ry butcher. fivan $3.75 to $1.15: c•nlmne)n cows, $2.ee to S3; bulb. 12.51) 141 81. F.eestt-te•1 of 1,0011 to 1.100 )'olrn.ts <01t1 from $1 11/ 81.25, twiitt medium weight sleeker cattle front $:l.25 to $3.75. 1.ig;hl 4111114' of good dustily s..11I well, haat there was no demand for imfe•rie,1' sI'Iff, rind quotations wort) easy 111 82.54) 141 8a. Mitt h Cows C0Iltnl11411 (11111, with 111114' de rnl:lrnl. ant) ritioliniotti were a1 111 nelnlutal cit $:15 lei $50 foe choice and $241 to $30 for common. \'call calves were enlist a1 4C to 6e per ! w' 111141. Ewes were clouted 254' lower at 81.25 to $:.541, with bucks and culls a1 $3 to 83.75. Lainba litd 5011; lower at 6!ie 10 7%e per pound. The market fair hogs was steady nn4) unchanged nt £+6.90 for sckc s. Offcr- ings were heavier. GREAT M11.i.S 5111T DOWN. Thousands Thrown Out of 'Work in Belfast. • A despatch fr4)m Ilelfa;t, Ireland. s:: rouble. 10 (e1•Inin coal as at eon- . g11"nce of Ibe continued strike of the decd: inbor,rs here, ono of the largest :;pinning mills in Ihls city shut (Joel) 4e t Thursday. Almost all the other m I!; gat'.' notice Ilial they wile be forced :0 (1. e•4) for the sane reason. Score's of Bleu.5one's 4,f ine'n will ihen be with. o of Wort:. The pa)i.e-e nre becoming dis- a1lfref ed la-'nuse of the extra work en- tailed by the strike and aro demand - 1).g ad41.11ortal pay. mother --"Merry, child, how do you ge i your hands so dirty? You never sew mine ns dirty as that r Child—• "No; but I guests grandma did!' IN TUE CENTRE OF TIIE STEEL AM) (:oA1tt INDUSTRIES. Motherwell Resembles Scene et Earth- quake—Ei citesnent Among ' Duellers. The prosperous and busy town of ! 1othcrwell, centre of the steel .Ind coal industries of Scotland, is in a 1 orlon state of wreckago cawed by subsidences as 1110 t'e'stllt of underground workings, and the good people who have their homes Ihero ure putting in a period of great nervous tensions and mental and physical tribulation. Great us is the damage already caused by the collapse of old mines underneath tate town, they feel that they have no guarantee when and where the constantly -recurring wreckage of public and private) properly wit cease, and to this extent they are living in positive dread, not only of household ruin, but of Lunger to life 11 - self. SCENES ON PITIFUL CI IAII ACi'ER. One day recently the tenants in the building known as 'Macdonald's proper- ty were terrified by a loud cracking noise and a heaving of the building. The houses seemed to be collapsing, and the walls groaned and cracked, great fissures appearing. The ceilings in several !louses fell down, and doors and windows were Twisted and "'decked out of all shape. The inmates rustled out of doors, and tradesmen were hurriedly called to rrop up the tottering build- ings. Stays were promptly erected along the front of the tenement ; olher- t\•ise, the face of the building would have, in all probability, fallen into the street. The unfortunate tenants expe- diliouely removed their goods and chat- tels, and a large number of 1110 hou.ses in the sheet are now empty. Excite- ment in the vicinity was intense, and ninny cases of a pitiful character were enacted as the alarmed men, women, and children abandoned their homes, PRIVATE HOUSE-O\VNEIIS RUINED. Particularly regrettable are Ilse cases of private !louse -owners tvho have sunk their savings in a "hoose o' their ain," only to find thein attacked by the under- ground subsidences and practically ruined. 'this has happened to Mr. Ham- ilton, a gentleman who recently built himself a villa in Wilson Street. The house is now uninhabitable, for huge cracks gape all the way up the outside walls ; the stairs aro literally a mns3 of tvrecknge ; the windows are twisted and broken, and tho "shoring;" props against the .gable speak eloquently of the build- ings total collapse. Mr. Hamilton hats been coinpelled to rent a small roost and kitchen house to accommodate him- self and his family. i11 Wellington Street the people e•annol get their furni- ture removed on account of the datnasetl doorways, and generally the conctiton of affairs, so far as the tenants are con- cerned, could not well be worse had an earthquake slruck tho town. -_ BEGGARS ON VESUVIUS. Rich harvests Reaped From Tourists as Result of Last t'ear's Eruption. Since the list eruption of Mount Vesu- vius tlto volcano ,has been extremely profitable to the beggars that infest Naples and its vicinity. They are fleec- ing the visitors to Boseotrecasc and 01- luiano, the two places laid we'd() by the lava flow• last yt ar. }fuddled in g;rortlp' which might diawo boon posed by a skilful stage manager, tho population 0f 13o5cotrecnse awaits 1,1e arrival of the strangers. Men, wo- men mid children. shrieking and howl- ing, begin to depict the terrors of Ole catastrophe of 1906. Emotional women are moved and im- mediately contribute. Those who do riot give freely are so 1►eese4 by the \vec'I:ing rtntt complaining natives that 111cy are finally convinced that it would be l:csst) 1I: lho;e who he sufferearll.d sonot deeplyi. Iicflieve -y (114) 1110 heavgg- g ers stoke at highly profitable haul in spite of Ii►o tact Ilial not on*) tllt'rn ever 1154.1 clr twins nt Boscolrecasc of uulil oiler the uption. At Oltajerano 1Itt sante nppeal is made 441 the sympathies of the visitors and often 1)y the Sallie imlx)stors. here the (4 ggarss have made a sort of gypsy camp where they cook beans in the hot lava and lead seentinlenlal visitors to trill; 11111) a 4,1(1 1111111111;10(.1: nas. St'ntIl411 on a 1)10(•1: of la5n wiitt the wind blowing through Ilia le,ng white lt.'ks and beard, he Mares in front of flint. '"Phis stet rnen \yes very rich," says Thr chief of the beggars. "1113 hoose, Isis fields. his feel Ino eve under This Inert. \\'ora of 1111 hi.; �uff,'riflgs two: l.► r Itis wife swcl►t ollwe under the flowing, lava." At these wools all the beggars begin le) howl anti weep. Maddy of the visitors 4(.nlrileite Itbertillw to Ih4' fund It:at soon nccuntu181e: in the 111.1 111a11'8 011.'1 pn1111. 5.'.111.) relt.rn to Naples profoundly teen. hed by the sight. They would )sl consoled by the fact, 111 1 they but know it, that not a 1:ers411 was killed at 100 explosion last year either in itl)50olrecast' or in Ottajnn.). 'The beggars are nevertheless earning a fortune out of the sy'mpnthetie travel- lers who journey there to tette the lava fie bis. IN AN ADVANCED STAGE. Good Progress %Inde on the Commorclal Treaty With France. A despatch from Paris says: The Feznrt ways the negt)tinlions cv)nnr'4'Ied with the Frnnceeonndian commercial treaty aro in nn nil\ nnced singe. The 11•Paty ensures advantages to 10' Freie h old fishers off the 04ensts of Nen\ found!. 1111141 nmd Nova 5041111, while, on the 0ihe'r linnet, 1:a)n8dia0n commerce inl- i1e rued into France will be the subject of a special treaty. It is strange 11)5V ctrlitoln n woman er•i<es aas thole lines when )4)11 /110,1 ex. tejee`t she is going to. Marriage is sometimes a fnulnre, be. Cause a men is unable to think of the right excuse at Ito right lime. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS UAPPENINGS FROM Al! OVER TE GLOM Te1rgraphl' OriielsYrotw Our Ow5 sae Woe Countrka of Itec.a�l IEven1L CANADA. Kellet idle win build a new ten thou- sand dollar isolation hospital. Buyers are offering $1.25 per barrel at Belleville for apples. One hundred and uglily children un - del five years of age died in Montreal last we. 1:. The Ilritish Government will stor_' ee a1 at E-eluitnalt for the Pacific fleet. Hundreds of acre's of crops have 1)0011 (kvastatetl by hail in LJ Imus district, 111run:loba, J Larne . f 'Doul all, Canada's ex - Auditor -General, is in very poor health. '1'114' Governor-Genet/al and Countess will spend eevcral weeks in Nova .5c+otia, James McKay, of Hamilton, flet many yours ita.,pcctur of streets, is dead, aged 90. The Dominion (Government will sta- tM11 a powerful launch off 'Toronto is- land for life-saving purposes. Twenty-one of the twenty-six school leachers of 1h•Ilet illi have had thrill salluriej increased. \liis 1I. Boyd, injured in the Crystal Palace. disaster at L )radon, claims dam - egos foam the city. Large quantities s 4,f meat and fish wen• se'ize'd at Montreal ia,t wee!: 115 unfit for human consumption. 1.045 Enfranchise, of Ottawa, 41105- scngt'r leer successive Prime Ministers since 1863, is (108(1, aged 85. Report, show that rails are laid on the '1'cuti-laming e; Northern Ontario Railway to a point 208 stiles above North !lay. 1'1Y,f. (Intl has Ia'en inti -ligating a pest that iillacl:s the orchards in Dur- ham aunty. Several lice's have been 111110d. Constable Somers of the Winnipeg police force is charged with having rohhed a house on Itis Leat on Sunday F. nig;ltt. R. Smith. Saskatchewan Inspec- t.r of Jlines, confirms the reports ih:tt ceal has leen found in the Eagle Lake district. Quebec is to join twiitt Vermont and New York in eelt•1)ratine the three l:undl.d1ti 111niwel:,ary of the discovery 4'! Lake Champlain. '1'o Jnallit' the report of 11o)1114al the !:est ol► the c,)rntint•ttt, the Montreal 1larisir Commissioners have retained ?dr. it, C:. Dat id -on, of London, Eng - 1U1)41. \\"Bile\ asleep on the ground near the granary, the little ssin of Thos. Knight. of (:yl,less River, \lane, was ruts over t.v a load of wht at and killed. ,1:. 1'. 11, officials are considering the removal of their steamship terminus from Quebec to Three Rivers, o11 (IC - (011711 of the 1)001' rucun1tt 0datiutl ob- tainable at Quebec. Pilgrims to .ate. Anne de fleaupre I:v the G. T. R. Inst year ttetalled 200,- 0i), and by 'he C. 1'. 11. 11,14)1) and lei.: wear 10 total will be much in excess ref these figures. 'rho sterimt'r Ptarmigan was wreckett oil the G►lun►hia► Diver. Lt lwee11 Golden and \Vindtemere, II. C. There were s 1-undre4l passengers on board, all cf whom were saved. UNITED S'I'.1TES. Commissioner ilinghann, of New York c Iy, says European emigrants aro to be blasted for the re cant 41114101ni0 of (Aline in that city, 38,0(0 aeras of coal 18181 near Johns- town, Pat., have been sold to the Soni' cr•set Goal (:.empnny of Rulli►neere at an average price elf 860 Per stere. 'fluster,,' 11 !:i184►us `t. Bernard dog. who Inas saved 17 lives at I:oney Is - '1 :11d. was recently sentenced Io be st►ol for lilting a bey nt that place. Elle':! Humphrey. 1)i years old, <I Chicago, nlle'nlpled to jump from a window of the juvenile court after be- lie.; sentenced to al :erne refuge by Jllftg;e' Tuthill. She was pi..•ve'lrted in her suicidal attempt after a fierce struggle. (;ltE.\'1' 111(11.\IN. Canadian marksmen at llisley won ower £3111) in prize. this year. Lord i:uufnnl has severely criticized what 113 terms the hugg,'r-tnug;g;er tne�tltods 01 1110 British Colonial (Mice., In The Rriti:<I► House of 1:0tnln0ns Sir Henry 1'almpbell•I1annerrnaln presented 11 Il•,\al message prtepe)seng; 11 ;special grant of ,$2:10.000 to Lord 4 :tomer. i)issuttShIChiOt with Thee poli^y of John Redmond i, increasing 111 the Irish party. and Tho Sinn Fein opposition is ggro\wimg; stronger. One of the most cx(eusere of women's clone in i 41814)11. the Ladies' ('11r1: tea; !neve,' into new 1'1'4'11iSCS and to flip.' is 1.8lO1ldcn, (,ENE:lt.\T.. hive hitnelre .l miners have peen este,' by lin explosion 111 11 coal pit in Jai an. Gipsy bands are numerous 111 illlrlgary and aro committing wholesale depi,slll Lions. '1'Ite� polite in ;tussle are manifesting 11111- interest in the coming election of dclt'gales to the third Donis. The i:ongo is to become a 0010ny of Ile'lg,�iurn andl will pass from King 1.40• Ixdd's pers.lnal oontrol. Forty ihousand workmen !whinging le l'te cotton millsin the M1e)3con5 mid Vla- dimir districts, Russia, ate on 5tr114', A number of French many nllic,'rs are resigning as n protest against 11►e Gov- ernment's pt.licy of retrenchment. A Danish woman dismissed f11111 1-4r wise h11ng011 114'r (,w11 11114..' 4.1t11,11 411, three of her employer's, and tinnily her - Nett. ,1t. the Tonga ',lends, c.elll•nns of mune, smoke and black 'Aware *4(4,110 Ia.' 11111.1011 into the air tt)ma 111'' sen. A German military balloon tested nt Berlin the' other day 1111•+.1''0: e1 her helm perfel•ily and remained in the nir I11000 hours. Tim cape Cnk►ny !louse 4,f 1,semh1y has lin:-s.•41 a ree4n1111k n fay.,1 sag•, 11 0 .11. fe"leralion of the South .African colorer's. A ini.siseinry, an oliceer 1111.1 t1'ine 113 - toles 111\0 been killed in the 1:renche flEATII FOB SCALL CBITIES A Legalized Reign of Terror In Russia. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Sevywhurb. ss s ii incnat acid exente�-tutaoon Isothse► first1huff of dithel1n835• mode of military I►1'oCedure, \\-Mich has inaugurated a legal is'ign of terror throughout tho empire. Suspects are be- ing hurrietil to their death by dr eves, and lila notorious reign of the (hum -head (\wls-martial, which we're abolnhe'tl by the late Uienia, is being outdone in vi:ieeis retaliation. The sudden increase in executions under tlto new rules has exceeded all records. At Kiev, on Tuesday, five mutinous *4))PI 'is w ere execute.!, and • \\cdnesday another sapper was Setl- tcIleed to death. Three peasants have Leen esecute'cl at Moscow, 811018er at Warsaw, and at Yekat rinaslaty three workmen have been put to death under dee'isiotls handed down by these new courts. EXE(U'l'E[) AT A G.11.i.011. These victims DIV given the briefest kind of a hearing—a hearings that is not n; complete as that veeticltsafed a minor offender brought into a British police court. Yet on tho facts developed at this hearing, the sit.spect is hurriedly judged, se'nten:e pa seed, and scarce!)' before he knows sviiat• iso is charged '1, ho is 01) his way to the place of • Meigs. For the most rifling 01(0114 compar- atively, sten are c:Jnde'11tned. At Itiga, a young maul nanle51 Da nbe, for the theft o: live dollars, was sentenced to death. and Int••► girls, accomplices, aged twelve and ttw,111) yearss, respectively, were ex- ik-d.to harts labor for lift'. Also at Riga it 111a111 named Berland went into a cloth- ing More, selectecd an over Ce:x11 and then shirt's) for the door without having paid foi it. \\'Iten asked to settle his bill he drew a revolver, covered the clerk and succeeded in getting away. Later he \vaas apprehended and sentenced to death. These rigorous imeasllrees of repression have created a panic which, fats' from in- suring the conditions among the dis- contented for which they 1115, designed. tire driving to a white heat the anger of P1:) victims. The petty offender's err suffering;, but the plots against the Gov- ernm)ont go on a11.1 it is everywhere predicted that the 't'error'ists will strike beck shortly in a planner calculated to match the terrors of the new ictws. Dltl\'EN TO DE.1T[I iN DRO\'LS. The innovation outer tvlrich the com- mon 1'leeepltt are teeing driven to their deaths like sheep shelrl011 1183 et►tire (curse of the inquest and a trial of a suspect, 11nd' the .seventy-two flouts al- lowed between indictment and execution include the appeal of the prisoner to the Military C:uurt of Cas ation and the de- cision of this court. When it is rrrtlenl. belts' that the) former regulation w a11owe ed only a fortnight for all of these for. malities, the itt)n grip with which the reactionaries have taken 11014 of affairs will lx' appreciated. These military antrls now pass sen- tence 111)011 ace:11r;4ee1 DO -SOILS wit11011t wailing fur (ho testimony of witnesses. t14 Wever vital, though they may be de- tained for reasons entireiy beyond their eax)ufivl ; and they enjoy jurisdiction over a wider area than ever the drum- head courts-martial did, which only. operated in tile) provinces that had l,x t . plat -54 under a state of extraordinary. defence. Practically all of 'Wasia is now ad judged to bo in a slate of extraordinary • defences :with the Governnlent'cs hand turned against ever -y one. Ail persons placed under a1'Iz)st a tx) adjudged guilty, ur:lil proven innocent, and the [x)ssibib ity of proving innocence has been re- duced to a nullity. G.1I.LOWS \\'OMAN. A despatch frrern Mo'ticow. says : with the observance of the greatest privacy. \ittdaino F r.iltikina, who, in \inrch last, atteniptee.i to assassinate General Ithein- lot, the ex -prefect of Police, and who in \lay made an atteml•t 10 murder the in- spector of the Political Prison hec'o, wounding hila with a pistol which had been mysteriously situggl'd into trace eon, was hanged in 11115 city at sunrise on Thursday. 'I'llo authorities made every effort during the past fortnight to persuade the woman to plead for the mercy of the Elpperor, but this silo ob- stinately refused to do. 1 ler parent* interceded with the throne in 1141 be- half, but their efforts were unavailing. \ladanlu hrontkina was not chargod with actual murder, but accuseed of nlak- it'.gs several ineffectual ellemph; to kill i)llicials. It is believed that. Iter mind was unbalanced anti that silo st.ffetod from hysteria. This Is the first Limo a woman has been executed in Russia since Anna Rel)odictova was put to death at Cronstadt last (k'tober for Con)- l►licily in a plot to blow up a public building. TO K11.1. THE C'Z.111. A,dclspntch from St. Petersburg says: The police lately unearthed a new plot against the life of the Czar, in which an engineer 11 11 111 4 51 tilk)t/.C1'k0Vetl, the sup- l•c•se'il organizer- of the ceinspirney, 4+ imprisoned in the fortress of it. Peter a.nd St. Pant. St;veral olhors hie been arrested. The .Vide'nele partly consists o; plans of the ilaltic Imperial liailway, and of the Imperial yacht Akxuiidria, which were found ill rho Course of ata pc,lice raid on a private !House hero. (:c►ngn, where the native soldiers are in a stale of mutiny. ,111 earthquake shock occurred in Italy Wednesday end in .several provincial towns, where the l•euplo became Pani" stricken. No damage, howevor, has been reported. Fifteen men. including swt'eral o111e4'1'S. 5501,' wo0nd..1 \\ evineeday night on heard the Italian battleship sau•degua 111 Messina. Sicily, during a light between sailers of the north and eout11. Twenty in+lepenek'mt cigar nlanufnce hirers, iheeugh out rho most imperials' ones, at Havana have decided to raise the price of c•ig;itis. charging .\stet i. t11 money instead of spanssh geld. This slog, i, likely to be followed soot by ill. DIG 1.055 IN LUMBER. The New -Edinburgh Ser11on of Ottawa Fire -Swept. A de.oalch from 01111\V8 says: 'I he New Edinburgh portion of the r•i1y, \shish is al.ljatc0 (4)wnt ou�e ar.d lying tri Ilse castrnt1teI Int•' (ticrndta0taaiitlniter \• a..; visited 1y a 41i-;a.slrous lir•' 011 '1 11th', fay morning. '1'11(3 1.4111 less is !;alt at $301,000. Of this amount Mout esreu. PKI will hate to be 1.011t' by the \\ . (:. Edward.; C nnpany, of whish 111711 `4'111814,0 Edwards is the heiel. The \\'. C. Edwards Fish and door factory. the planing mill, 1I:e library end Ilureati of r:anada factory. in which tee \\e r:. i:dwards (5rinp:Itty is largely irlleresl, el. several pile: of valuable lam - her, Blackburn .\ Russells mica W111'e- 11(1150.5. holey s hotel, Nn. G Fire Sta- tion, C. J. Nontes' grt.r. ry store, 811.1 1114: stain building of %Ie Edwards (a)nt- i any are all lorries' to the. ground!. • vcral other building:, including the 1 it. residence of the I3lackburns, were sce)rche.i. 'I'ht' \W, (:. F.Issii,.)s h Com- pany's main lumber (mill hes 4a► The" west side of rifle italeatr River, \11141)1 at 111's point 15 connected with n let ulge over which the street cars run along Stlouex sllti'ct 14) nti I from Wickliffe and Escap4•.l•'. The luinls'r pips destrer)yel v•ere principally li:1E41\54 4, ), Allogctt►er about Iwo million feet of 10111141' was burned. __.. IN)1'KII()IU)l11 ' I'ILGIII%l t(;F:. Tho Doren of Them .lrrikre al Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. A .14• -patch front I'deringe in Prairie • 'I'lae pilgrim 11•,•Ikhtttw,rs nrrive*l l;or,e from \Vesll►a)cirne at ab'•ut 5 (.'c:4,,:1; 4,11 \\•'elne,ilay. 'liter.) were le et►ly-four to the party, nil garbed 'n blue smocks rind heavy Coots, oilh wide -1)t im:l:ell straw hats. They 11111'.1 top nt 540114! 4)f the principal points on Clete avenue. and (shrink -41 war songs in - r ielent to their cult, offer which Ila.'y 14 4,1; 111) n c ,114't I:all, 'Tticn 1110 Police took n hand and Ilio pilgrims \\er.e cs• torted o\•cr to the Agricliltural 110i1. w•la•'rC they pns.e.i the night. and left c;Ir:y Thur:d•ay morning en route to 1V:nnipeg. HUNTING Itt'CK IN AFRICA. tuners Shoot for the Pot and Oxen Aid in the hunt. Among many of the poor floors 'n the '1'ranswant—among; whom all the shooting that i5 done is intended (or the pelt and not for sport—this system of shooting with the assistance of oxen :s noel" in vogue. The plan is chiefly derived from the kr,owvlc'dge that a steenbuck--Ito' most c..mnann buck 110\5 in Soutu Africa—has rt,) fear of cattle and will lie still even ►! Ih0y g;rltze right ftp to hint. There - fere, the !nutter gets together a few cattle and with his glen walks behind therm in such a way that although he drives the oxen before hint, 1►e cannot 1►c' seen (rum ilio front. As he is very alert and sharp-eyed, her generally espies a Mack very Soon. ile slowly drives the cutfle in that direr. Now occurs the most difficult part. Great care has to 1)e exercised to drive 1'► • oxen so that they rla11)' seem to to gala%1111.,' naturally. reel the hunter must keep himself Midden behind ttr:n, and yet be in such a peeiti4e11 that lie may le able to shoot when a favorable op- porluuily occurs, \\•ithoul having t-) ni- ter his position. The slightest move- ment is noticed by the Intl:k. Generally, a few buck me sc'eur'd by e the hunter, for, with a hello luck and foresight, this stratagem Li nearly in- fallible. This is net n systein that ninny of us admire. and it is niost destructive to the buck. (;It %NT FOR 1.01ti) (:ROMFR. i'roiosal Ite-fore Rriti.h (a►mnonf. (0 l'otc Jilin Quarter Million. A despatch from London says: 111 flit [louse of (SoIlrnons on Wednesday premier raiiiI1w l!,1;atnncrtnnn pre.sernt- el! a 114eyal rift s;al;e proixrsing; 1 4t,ecinl grant 4,f .250,00)) to Lord Cromer, VIP recen11y r'sigrief! !tie post of Brit. ish Agfe111 anti (:nn4.11-1 1i110rll in Egy14. in recnggnilu)n of his services to that country. \\'rn. K. hktJi Bond. nrllion• 8:151, nn114)unced the intention of op- p_•tiing the voting of this sunt. -- --+— OTTAWA 15 (:ROWING. Directory Estimates Total Population at 80,731. A d ‘spatell from Ottawa says: A sub- 51bllt.ial increase in population markt flit ('14).;4) 4,f the y.lir in ()flaw's, accord - :14; to the%light Dil'e.•lory figures. 1,8v• e : ung; tilt+ multiple: from 3 to 2',, the sailer a< taken in Toronto, the total 111 c-10int4r1 ,.t 80,731. The company has in its latest book 29,3511 individual name's, an increase of 1.568 over las/ year. when 11 comes 10 rnpid transit a train of thought aria ih• pasts.