HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-01, Page 5•
Why not be comfortable the rest
of the season when you can get a
beautiful Summer Suit, made to
order for $10.
Big Clearing Sale
of Grocery Stock
at Finkbeiner's Grocery
We have decided to give up business and have 'educed the
price on all our stock and are selling below cost. Do not
buy before you see us as you will never get a better
bargain. A call solicited.
W. A. FINKBEINER, Crediton.
Iyt•••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••*••••••••••••••••
ft. MILLS,
. WOODf-1f M•
We have just received in stock a orate of dishes, white and ,due pat -
term, Cups and Cups and • Saucers, also Toilet Sets, Bowls and Pitchers,
111 elites, which we aro selling right.
Hay Fork Rope, Manilla, at 14c lb.
A11 kinds of, harvests oats in stock.
Machine Oil, Peerless, the bast. 40c gallon.
Wo have about 6 pieces of thatcheap Muslin left yet which we are
°telling cheap.
Nice Fresh Groceric. and Pure Spices in Stock.
Highest prices, cash or t rade, for produoe.
A. MILLS, — Woodham.
Bargains! Bargains!
—at the
1121c Prints reduced to 10c Muslins reduced 25 per cents
Dress Goods reduced 25 per cent.
Men's Summer Shirts, good choice of kinds and colors, reduced from $1 to 85c
We have in a fresh shipment of Dishes, Dinner Sets; Toilet
Sets, Odd Pieces and Fancy Glassware. This is the season in
which you need lots of dishes We are bound to sell. Good bar-
gains to the early buyer.
Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes !
Our supply is large, latest styles and makes. In spite of the
advance in cost, we are still selling at the old prices.
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
We invite you all to come and see for yourselves.
44.0.14•114++++++++++4.1.+++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++i•+
Western Fair
The Exhibition the People all Like to Attend
Reduced Rates on all Railroads 4.
KNABENSHUJC'S AIRSHIP daily and a full list of Attract-
ions. with p.enty of Music, Fireworks after program each
evening. concluding with that grand display, "THE SEIGE
Send to the Secretary for Prize Lists, Prograrnw ss and an in-
W. J, RI?ID, President. A. M. Hunt, Secretary
+'1-1.4-'t••:•++++++•:: 4 : i•4 : :::::: 4 4 +i.++++++:• r+++++++++4 ++++
The Triumph of the Time!
1907 TORONTO 1907
August 26th to September 9th
OUT Country's Canadian Progress Our Country's
Resources illustrated Indtestries
$400,000 In New Buildings $400,000
in Premiums S45,000 in Premiers
S40.000 in Special Attractions $40,000
Industrial Activity National and Historical AA Tbat's Belt in
Exemplified Portrait Collection Aviculture and in Art
Single (ares for round tripe and rectrrsioe rates on every fine of travel.
For all inforr,ttios address
W. K. GE ORGj. O. ORR.
ans and Burgeons. Successor to Dr.
a. A. BaUM. Oreditou. Out.
Mrs. Ch:+_<. Zeicker loft Mund:ty
last for alt extended trip,to the Cal.
adian North West end thet coast. She
will be acoompanicd by her parents
of Parkhill.
Metiers. Ruder and Taylor. of Tev-
(stock spent Tu —day last visiting;
their old friend Mr. Stocks
Several families' veined t►t Grand
Bend Tuesday hest in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Ifarry Wind. of Datroiti
Tho report of the matcie last ever*
ing betenen the junior 'Halt Must
and the Brownies on htc home .Die -
mond will be .reported next week.
Mr. Albert Wolfe, who has been
learning the blacksmith trade witch
Mr. Attune Itcdgint ens -erect hie
eonne.otion with Mr. '11. and has no -
copied a position in Mt. Clemottsl
Albert will be missed iu the village,
Mr. 'Harry Wind of Detroit, is
$ponding a few w•teks is the villaga
with his parents.
Mrs. Geo. lloltzntann and Christ
Ilaistt spent §und•ty an Colborne
t owns hi p,
Mr. \Vett. Fiukbe,iner sprat a few
days vieitirt,T friends in Hamilton and
Niagara Falls.
Flax nulling is the order of ' the
Our village presented a sornewhat
strange. tippoarance .on Saturday
morning of last week. During the
fright several t'ordtl of Indians from
Munscy came to null flax and took
full ?osseeeion of the mtrep:tw. Sate
urday 'morning really some of the
inhabitants; had to look tete etesond
Hine .to place themselves, t,hrnkin4
they had struck Munorytow-n.
The Ladies A.id of the Evangelic -t1
church are snaking prclnrations for
a +grand supper rind eetc•rttttinmpiit1
on the chur!dlt lawn to bo given in
t he very rear fu t -u re. 1)ato will h:+
announced later.
Quarterly meeting eervio(.s will lei
held iu the Mobl►oriist church next
• The. }lustine=ss Men of tlra village.
will journey to Exeter next Friday
night to 'play the return baseball
match with the business men oL Exit -
ter. Let there be a gocd following
of rooters.
Mr. Goo. Redford has dispcoed of
his 'threelting outfit to Frank 'Siete.
Mr. Sims thorounhly under -Mandel
the busirvesr and will no doubt nee
coive a good patronage. Mr. Beide
ford destires to thank his customer»
for the patronage w.ltich they extends
ed to him in the past.
W INC1aK1.H1t.,i
Mr. Thee. toward nett wile ttt'ent
- Sunday visiting friends at Lumley.
Mr. Simon Miller and vtifo of
Cromarty ovont Sttltduy with Mr.
Charlie Godbolt, of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan 31ct)otrball.
of Comber, galled en hem& hemis the
village lain week.
Mr. and Mrs. Medd stelit Suer -
day and Sunday in MMtd n -t a: the
home of Mrs. Medd'a Iatt:tr.
Miss Edith Turnbull :went a few
days visiting at the home oil Mr.
Jae, Jones, of Exeter.•
Mr. Milton Clarke !y 'saltine his
brother Ed. of Chicago, at wick.
We certuitily appreciate the sound
of the blacksmith's Lajmner. We
have secured a blacksmith jbr 'ru'.•s-
day of each week, but how much
more we would appreciate is if we
had cue every day in the week..
Mrs. Kerr, of Crediton, trec•orripan-
ied by her daughter Evelyp, visited
her sou W, W. Kerr on -Tuesday.
Mia Olive bleterr, of Saginaw, is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Those hell
for a few weeks.
Mims Edith 'Turnbull teturued
home atter two or three daye stay
in Exeter, visiting friends.
Thos. Bell hos purohat,ed the see -
orator from tlS• Na inch'claea Ceinseany
and halm formed a partuersiaie 'vita
o a n c.ate.
W Ilinuey who h also has u t b
T. combiaration will enable the
ficin to do a god share of bus!,tiesv,
cutting the straw or leaving it long,
just as the farmer prefers.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brock were
at •the Falls Thurdeay and Lkiday
of last week.
Miss Minnie Talbot who visited her
aunt, Mrs. John itoutley, for some
time left last week for her Nemo at
Wm. Turnbull had put uf) a new
windmill to replace the urea blown
down !during a wind storm last
The farmers haft'e finished haying
anU have commenced the cettifig of
As announced in tha Threes pee
week Thos. Coward served lee create
on his lawn last Saturday evedt ig•
The cream' was no good that "Mr.
Coward bas bt:'uu asked to have it
again next Saturday evening and ha
has promised to de so. Everybody
Miss Emma Heywood is visiting at
her uncle's at Plugtow'n.
Miss Ethel Atkinson was th-t guess
of •_hiss Minnie Clemente last week.
You hardly realize that Ie 12, med-
icine when taking Carter's Little Li-
vor fills ; they aro very elnall ; no
bad effects; all troubles from tor-
pid liver are relieved by their ase.
Western Fair, Sept. 6 to 14.
Exeter, Sept. 16 and 17.
Seaforth, Sept. 19 and 20.
Listowel, Sopt. 24 and 25.
Blyth, &pt. 23 and 24.
St. Llfarys, Sept. 25 and 26.
Wingham, Sept. 26 and 27.
Brussels, Oct. 3 and 4.
aliirkton, Oct. 3 and 4.
Will positively cure sick headaolo
anti prevent its return. Carter's
Little Liver fills. This is not talk
but truth. Ono pill n dose. Seo ad-
vertisement. Small pill. Small
dose.. Small price.
aets C Swat to Eat,
A Calif levet Landes
High Glass
People who buy diamonds
want stones that a ill bear
the closest scrutiny — gems
which are free frotn flaws
and from whose surface
every ray of light is reflect-
ed se from a shop of water.
We carry all e:zra of dia-
monds from the largest to
the smallest, either get or
unset at.d all of the purest
C. H. WARD & CO.
371;Itichmond 8t, IOII N OI
The Western fair, London, Olrt.,
promises this year 'to eclipse all prov•
sous records. As this is the 40th Ex•
hibition without a break the man.
agement are anxious that it should
be a great success. Entries arc al-
ready coming in quite fast and con-
siderable space has been allotted in
the different buildings.
A number of improvements have
been made in the grounds attd build-
ings this year tor the comfort and
convenience of exhibitor's and visi-
tors. The Prize List tram bean care-
fully revised and added to. linaben-
shue's Airship will make ascensions
daily. The Dankmar Schiller tsoupi
and the Ernesto Sisters will thrill
those who sec them with th-`ir dark
jug acts. White & Let1art and the
Les Arjbas ;vitt instruct and amuse,
and with music by the beat available
bands and the grand display of Fiese
works each evening followed by that
magnificent Pyrotechnical display
"The Siege of Gibraltar," will make
one of the best programmes ever
prevented to the public at any prev-
ious Western Fair.
Remember the dates, &pt. 61.11 to
Pitta. Reduced rates on :ill railroads.
Write the Secretary, Western Fair
Office, Loudon, for all particulars
as to space, prise lists, programme
etc., and make your entries early.
That tired languid (colieg and
dull hoadaahe is very disagreeable
Take two of Carter's Little Livor
Pills before retiring, and you will
find relief. They never fail to do
A Washington than one day went
out of town for :i d.ty's fishing, tak:•
ing a luncheon with ,him. When ha
had reaclr_•tt the stream where he in-
tended to enjoy his spgrt he discov•
ered that he had dropped his lun•
cheap somewhere on the way. Ile
hastened back to look for it. Pres-
ently he caret a burly darky, who
seemed very well pleased with him-
self, and who mai in the net of
brushing crumbs from his lips with
his sleeve.
"Did you pick up anything in tit°
road as you carne glome" asked the
Washingtonian, with a suspicious
glance at the negro.
"No, sale" promptly returned the
colored man. "I didn't pick up nett].
in'. Couldn't a dog hab found it an'
cit it ups —Woman's Home Compan-
ion for August.
The death on Thursday, July 25th,
-of Mary Ann Reiland, beloved wife of
Samuel Skinner of the 7th concession
removed from our midst one of Use
borne's oldest settlers at the area of
76 years. The deceased wta born ir.
Devonshire, England, and carne to
thjs country over SO years ago, first
settling in the Township of Stephen.
Afterwards she and her bereaved
husband moved to 1tv) home %,here
she peserd hway. The ,cause o1 Etre
d • lt'h was old neo together with nee -
era' paralytic strokes, the last
stroke occuring a few day!' before
her death. She is nurrites! by Iter
husband and the following nttildrtn.
Thomas, of \Witrt<m, Mrs. Noble, of
\Viirton, \Vat. of Elitnviile, Semite!
of Eden and Robert on tate Immn-
stead. The Lite Mrs. Skinnr'r was r
staunch member of the Itletitiedist
chur:h. The remains. yore interred
in the Exeter eemetary tact 5tturdsy
afternoon and wore fotlowc••1 by s
large ron:ourse of noir nee-ina reit•
tinea and fr:•nds. The nervic+•s ‘‘,:re
muse^tad by itev. lair, l,.taor of
t Elielville Met hulbel 'Init.:ft
Thos. Skinner anti Mrs. Nob!°, of
\\-i'trton attntd,d the iunerel•
Much sympathy is expresstd for
Mr. Duncan _\IcEwau on account of
the loath of his wife which occurred
Sunday last. The deceased had been
ailing for only a few days and death
was unezfr�cted. 'Tlya :irisins w'.�re
interred in the Exeter ccwetery
Tuesday aftcreoon.
Mr. Nicholas Austin, of Fargo N.
1)., was bare last week visiting
friends after en absence of IS years.
Miss Jessie McArthur has been
quite ill but is now recovering.
Dr. and Mrs. &'llery and Mr.
Joseph Case and Miss Carse were in
Kincardine last week tunneling the
Old Boys' Pcunion.
Mies Belle C'Iresn_ y, a his was quite
ill is rcgaihiu•; her accustomed
Mr. (:iib, rt house. our new har-
ness tj alt•r Iris purchased from Mr.
H. Arnold the fine residence east of
the poetoffice.
else. Simpson and son are visiting
Mrs. 1). Urquliardt.
Mesere. M. Brown and \V. Phil-
lips. of Toreinto, f; pent last weft- hers
with their parents.
Few incidents which have occurred
here for a long time r:ccasioned
deeper tegret and more sincere sytu-
path)' th:tu the demise of M►s. Alex.
Murdock, tt•hid/ occurred at ler
home here on S.'tturday morning July.
20th last after stn illness of about
two weeks, and which seemed to
overcoat° a naturally robust consti-
tution and baffled the best ,medical
skill and kindest and most attentive
nursing. Mr... Murdock was the
youngest daughter of the late James
Norrie, of llibbcrt. She was married
to Mt'. Murdock about 15 years ago
and has re -sided in llenstll most of
the time since. .lir. Murdock was a
very capable young woman and al-
ways took an especial pride in her
horse which gave every evidence of
her taste and care. She 1% :I.; tvel.and
favorably known and being possessed
of a bright cheerful and kindly dis-
position was much beloved and she
will be much naisced in many circles
osdR. kthr^r
beruteaiveed the husbaoutend sheBesiclet1vtrlsr sotw•elyo
young daughters to mourn the loss
of a mother's care find love. To then:
is being extended the sincerest symp-
nthy of a very large circle of friends.
The funeral services were held in
Carmel church on S:tbh:nth alto moor.
tate spacious edifice tieing packed to
the doors by a sympathizing; and nor' -
rowing conrrega1i,o.tt. The pastor Bev.
i\1r. Smith, in a heling address made
kindly reference to the deceased who
was a devoted member of the ccatgre-
gatian. The number and beauty of the
floral offerings, as well as the large
attendance, testified more forcibly
than words could the esteem felt for
the deceased and the symapthy for
the bereaved relatives.
Among the presents lately Show-
ered upon a :Maryland bride NV /IS ern
that was tl:e gift of an clderiy lady
of the neighborlrcaod witb whom both
bride and- groom were prime favor-
Some years ago the deer cid soul
accumulated a supply of crerdboarci
nio•toes, which she worked and had
framed :red 0n which site never fail •
ed to draw with the greatest fry- •
dont as occasion rose.
In cheerful reds :end blues, su
vended by a oord of the sante color.
,over the table on which the other
pre:;ents were grouped, hung the
motto :
"Eight on; fight ever.''— Austin.
Carleton in Woman's !tone Com-
panion for August.
What Tright have beet' a drown-
ing accident occurred here last Thnr-
day afternoon. A young than who
is camping here was in bathing and
going out on the deck jumped into
the water intending to switn ashore.
The waves Ilene running so high that
it was imp6ssible for him to make
much headway and his strength was
rapidly failing him. Several ,people
who were on the dock at the time
saw the iierilous position lie was in
and assisted him. if ,the young man
had not been rescued when he was
he would no doubt have filled a wat-
ery grave.
Ramsey It,nkin, Will Davidson
and George Ileider:Lin, of Stratford,
are in camp here.
Mr. Ray :eot,tt, of Lindon. has
joined the boys at Aro-Wo-In.
Rolfe, of .Denver, Cel., is the
guest of .lits. McDonald at Edge -
w -nod.
Mr. Leavitt :and :family, of Strat-
ford, is in camp .here at Rest holm.
Donald Itoss, of Stratford, is in
camp ,here at Anoltor Villa.
Mr. C. 11. McDonald, of St. Louis.
Mo., is at Edgr•woort. the guest of
:Ar: McDonald, of London.
Miss Taylor, of Winnipeg, is the
guest of Mt.. C. 11. Etln'1itl•+ ;1 Thit-
M rs. McDonald, of lien -111, tt:
left atter speeding .t month hare.
A pienis crowd from Maple Grove
$pent Thursday afterfnoon at Grand
Bend sighti.t•ctug. it must heave 1rcen
civic holiday at .the grove, as it w.as
at other 071r -by towns and vilingc.+.
Mr. Will May, of the Mayflower,
left for his home c,n Friday. Will
will be ntiesed by iris many "cruohe3"
Mot. Conrad Smith and family, of
London, who have leen in camp At
NPverduftfillan, Icf for dheir honio
on Friday.
One of the .Lcaviest storm+ of this
year took place en Thursday night.
Early Friday morning the heavy sea
was an interesting ,ig`.it for the
early risers. Later itt the morning
the water grew• .rougher, and by 10
a. tn. the waves ,had comTletely
washed across ter pier rttl.i formed
an island of it, coming around in
front and joinin•r the "cut" there
This tet the ,first time tide has t.crur-
red this season!.
The Gale Day and Summer Carni-
val to be given hero by 1hn enmp'ra
en Auuust 8th promises to be the
bort program ever eiveu in Western
Ontario. The Handsome •ilvet' cup
give•' for Ilia fortball twitch is an
Itnpoeing one etthntlin1 11 1•2 inches
high. It it In be held by the win-
ning teats one year and to be defend•
eel nnnnslly et Grand !fend. 'file
fireworks will be the big feature.
They will consist of /scene of the beet
ns shown at Tortntn and rondos and
pill elan late Lorre new features
never before A'v.n in Canada. The
prises effercd aro well worth taking
away. They are not cheap Mutt but
the very beet.
if ) OU
for your 831ecn floors,
have thele, also hinges of al
We are
agents for the
Celebrated "Fox" Scale
Don't forget that we handle the best paint
in Canada barring none, Tie "ARK BRAND" paint.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++1-14++++++
Binder Twine
.,. Gilt Edge 650 feet at 1.1#c a pounil.
Salmon Tag 550 feet at 12c a/pound.
Rakes, Forks, Handles, Whips, Mits,Files, Machine Oil
and infact everything needed for harve.,t.e.
We have but one price and thlit the lowest.
Fresh Oranges, Lemons and Bananas.
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
+++++++++44-1.++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++}l++__+.1
Ontario fall wheat supplies
What Manitoba spring wheat lacks;
What Ontario fall wheat lacks,
Manitoba spring wheat supplies.
The right blend of _the two makes the
only perfect flour for all bread and pastry.
Just try it and prove it.
1 " Made in Ontario "
Help for Weak Eyes
The wonderful new methods of eye-
examini used byt'heTait-Brown Optical
Co., of London, are relieving the eye
troubles of hundreds of people. in some
cases of long standing that have never
been successfully corrected, the results
are marvelous.
Our solemn is the practicsldemonstra-
tion of the wonderful discoveries modest
the world's optical centres of Berlin,
Paris, London and New York.
237 Deedas 81, Leaden. Ont.
Heart Strength
Heart Strength, or Heart Weaknes+, meant Nerve
Ptrenoth. or Nerve Weakness—nothing ntortarPns•
itively. not one weak heart iris hundred 1a, in 1i.
self, actually diseased. it is almost always'*
bidden tiny little nerve that really 1e all at fault
This obscure nerve --the (cardiac. or Heart Nerve
—simply needs, and mwt have. more power. mote
stsblllty. mon eontlolliti more governing
strength. Without that the Heart must continue
to fall. and the stomach and kidney. also have
these same controlling nerves.
Thia'elearly esplalne why. as a meedicine, Dr.
1 hoop's Restorative hos in the past done so mach
I ,r weak and `Ulna Ifesrts. Dr. shoo first sought
1 ,e cause of all this painful. palpitating, sufrocat.
t a heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—t IS
papular prescription -1s alone directed to these
look and wasting Ilerve [,enter.. 1t build.t
k•strengthens • It otferlreal,'etiulne heart help.'
If you would have sante, Hearts, strop dl-
ge4ton, theeatrenrt en. thee 1terves — reestablish
them aa need with
Dr. Shoop's
For Infante and Children.
Tia Mod Ys Nan Always Basest
Bean the
(Signature of
1 1.
\r(11 1IJIStl•AIR
1 NTI: I�_NA'FIO)`'VAI. r > I) I, I I ONAR I
Recently Ealargod n
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25,000 Now Words
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riffled ).y W. T. IIA HMS, Th.D.. LL.D..
tnitedstutesCulatuissionerof Fducatioo.
2380 Quarto Pages
New Plate.. 1(03 laa•tratka.. sa)a► Madly.
Needed In Every Home
Also Webster's Collegiate Dletieeary
me rave. 1111 in..treunaa
Regular Edition )xt011”6 hobos. [Medias.
De Luxe Edition 6 ,.1}itI3 is. PNat.d tenni
same pfaet en/ x.70 ;rr. 11w.ttful LIRA fp
FREE, 'teatime 7w„r.tle..^I11tWratedpaspkWa
Publishers, Sprla•ft•Ide Mane.
IIt'XTAIILE.—in Centralia, on Sun4
day, July 21, to Mr, and Mrs..Wme
Iluxtelde, a eon.
CCWLiNGWOOD.—in Hueter, Thum
day, July 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Thymii
Collingwocd, a daughter.'
JQl1NS.—in F;Iiniville, on-?ueerday.
July 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Hears
Joluta, a daughter, (still horn). -
\WANLE8.S.—in i)ulutb, on Mensal(
July 22nd to Mr. and Mrs. Jamea
'tVanlea-s, formerly et Exeter, of s
HKiNNER—in tlsborne, en 'July 23
Mary Ann Kellend, beloved wife
of Sarneel ekinncr, In Mr 7611;