HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-01, Page 4THE EXEI1R T1M1E8, AUGUST 1st tsO7. 111 mND IHAT MIS For over thirty years we have supplied the farmers of this sec- tion with Paris Green Hellebore Insect Powder Without a single complaint or FAILURE TO KILL. BUN' TIIE BEST, AT BROWNING'S Drug Store The Exeter Times GOP Exeter, Ontareo. —Tire last toll gate lir the Comity. of Middlesex Ilea d:a.tppeared atter bring in existence for 58 years. It is t,robai►ly 30 years since Huron abol- ished toll gates, attd the people have never regretted it, • • • • • _J. .11. Jackson, Canadian commer- cial agent in Leede, England, reports that oawing to the wast unseasonable weather ('Si►rienced throughout I3ri- t"tit, and the tontine* there is every !indication of a gavot shortage in the apple crop. acrd us a result Iwpgrt- e.rs rely more than ever on shipmt*tts froru Canada to meet the demand* of their track'. • • • • • —At a meeting of tetreperance wrotr'k- ers bald in tioderiole the question of a local option oawpangn Was lard orably col'Fsidere . and another meeting to be held in August is call- ed to decide the question. Wina- hatrt is alsfi likely to start a cane• taiga. Should Goderich, \Ving,tiam, Clinton and Blyth go under lot+I option ill addition to the five entrui- oipalities that nlraady !rave it, Huron Coutrty will be a pretty Sober plt<tct-' to llv(' • • • • • —Soule of the Uoukobors aro auxin on the trtrup in Nature's garb. Well this es a better season of the year for that "costume" than the time they made their last trip. But Carey ask for bread on the way, mad ore shrewd enough to refuse it unteis Terms of Subscription $1.00 per buttered. That being the rise, they year in advance. $1.5U may be should be made to work or run in charged if not Fo paid. To United jail. People who once had sympa- 8tatea rtubscribers, $1.50 (strictly in thy rue Eltem, and regarded them a3 Advance. No. tpaper discontintsex little snore than a lot of unsophlt- until all arrears aro paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to wLish every subscription is • • • • • HURON ;laid is denoted on 1Le label, Listotrt'lt Council at an expense \\'inghan► now has telephone con - Advertising rates on application. of $16 provided a swimming hole for .lection with Dungannon, Kintail at THE EXETER TIMES I"T'(i CO. boys, by -imply cleaning out a sea- 'Port Albert, the line front Godericr tion of the river, and throwing a to these places having been ccn:plet- canvas ascreen acros:i the bank to ori. furnish a dressing *morn Loaf' tate —The trail -laying gang •of tore C. bathers and e:ltut off the view from P. It. pushed the work through prac- t ha lo.vn. This teas made of canvass Scatty to Goderich on Tuesday, and instead of boprcit in order that it stern roaches now from Guelph to as could be removed in tho fall to save far as tho road -bed i3 completed. it from being carried away with the "The,re is yet s small part of the ice. All the boys itt town are at per- road -bed on the .north aide of tlfq vert liberty to use the bathing plaoo, river rpt ready dor the rails, but it tvith only three restrictions: First, looked as it the wetting of the They must destroy no property and Guelph and Goderioh bt'anal► Was not must keep the place clean. Second, far off to see the rail -laying gang There must be no Fwi itming on Sun- to the number of about eighty, and day. rl'hird, there must be no un- a train of about a dozen cars, at seomly or disorderly conduct at any work on the north side of the river. t ime. Heated children, are getting tired of their nons'nse. LUCAS The Miss Et>tod and Marion Endi- •ott, daughters of Rev. Endicott, of Cbontu, bz-Ohuan, Cltius. pre spend• itrt; a few weeks with their grand - mot lies, .Mrs. j)isutaud.. 3Jra. Parkin.,,on, of Ttaedtotr'd, Was mho 6sest tf her daughter, Mrs. 11. J. Craig. last awetekA Mein O'Neil, of London. and Mr.. Meek atit• tho guests of Mrs. I). 8. &)'Ncii. Miers O. P. -Masson and bliss A. Quiclef. of Turrntu, who More title waits of Mrs. Dole left last Sattar- a-ate for St. Marys, whero they will viall a couple of meets before r- turnart to their home in Torot►to. O• Tuctatsday of fest week while Art Elliott was itt the 'field cataltint; some horses, one of therm came a little too close to him and turnin kicked at those the had caught, Bit- ting him a severe blow on the h:p and ann. The in. try wax it,'tinful at the -hires, but fortunately no bans %tame b r ok c l . On Saturday while Mr. T. Kelly was on tis ,way out to Mr. Jas.. lteobey's fte met with a mishap near Mr. Geo. llaskc'tt'd. lie was driving one lx rt and leading anther when the latter became unnt:inagcfibe. Mr. K., the diorite ho was driving' and buggy were dumped into inti ditc)., with the tr+eault that Mn. Kel- >jt's right ieg was broken just below t ho kraee —bot li bones. M. 11. Mow. bray, 'who had rxisaod hint a few retinutes before hoard tho craoh and at On* gave hi4 assistance etnd brouteht alto fnjured anan to tom, and trocared medical aid. At attest reports Mr. Kelly '.tax getting along nicely. Limited. RECI•:1PTS FOR LAST YEAR Thr fiscal Mir 1.1nding '.larch 31, 1007, lw:ts a broken ireriod of nine luio►ths, ued rthe rccoipts of the In• 'ternal 1teyenue departnleiit were $12,097,646. Adding the receipts for ho first three xnontiliat of the cur- ent [Heal ye.►r, which will round ill 'routed out (the twelve mcntlas . r purpose* of oontpariaen, the fol - wing kis 'tate iresult : months to Mar. 31, 1907 $12,097,646 April, 1907 ... ... ... ... ... • 1,233i'21 ?,Dtay, 1907 ... ... ... ... 1,404,1178 June, 1907 • 1,317,562 Total too twelve morale' $16,0531)0'1 • • • • • For the 1:.:.t 1i -cal period ending larch 31, 1907, British immigration o Canada totalled 65,791, an in - Crease of 18.170 over the saino p ricd of 1905.06. The increase in Engli h immigration etas 3; per cent. and $n- Scotch ,immigration 84 per cent. Since 1901,02, 'the u•atio of increase in English immigration, year by year Etas 13,." :11 as Ballow .r 1901-02 ...... ......... 39 per cent. 1902-03 ...... ... ... ... 146 per cent. 1903-01 ...... ... ... ... 13 per cent. 1904-05 ...... ......... 30 per cent. 1905-06 ...............33 per cent. 1906-07 ... ... ... ... ... :37 per cent. Scotch immigration has inereased acs L 11otw - : 1,901-02 ...... ... 93 per cent. 1902-03 ...... ... 147 per cent. 1903-0t ...... ... 30 per cent. 1901-01 ...... ... ... ... 11 per cent. 1906-07 ...... ......... 84 per cent. A further examination of the eta- ifistics proven beyond a doubt that Canada leis the preference as a field icor emigration, not texcepting the United States. By far the greater gluwber of ienntigratts to the Domin- ion bail from the Mother country. The objective point el British e.mf - gration ill shifting to Canada as will by seen by the following figures: 1902... 151,617 11‘7:-,0 4,366 2x0;4 1906... '5941 !11,'263 9,920 3160 • • . • • THIti I4 CANADA'S CENTURY That this is Oar,ndi's century ii mo longer qucstior<ed. From one crus et the rind to the other reports' coupe of ripening crops, increases bank returns, expanding etMnuterce rapid railway construction and b2at of all, genuine contentment. With bad 'ad minit#trat tit:r. .,i1 t would Lave h'en itupos4i1ile, with goeel gov- ernment all things tenrl:ter to mat lariat go•xl ire ptaaib;e. • • • • • PEOPLE ARE GRATEFUL The people of Canada are grateful for the blesising they enjoy, and one of th• rl,oiccst, whirl) makes fox the well b, ir.g of the citizens geeleraliy, is intelligent progressive govern- / Meat. Such a t,•overnment C.•tnad t note enjoys, arra no change Will ii" - made until better cause is .howl than is obvious .at the moment. • • • 0 • —The Brandon Sun has i-.tt,ed al. attractive illustrative nu,nbar core, metuorative of the quarter-century anniversary of the incorporatir-tt of thr ei'y. It is just 26 years sieee the orig:ra al squitter sold the lirtnifee town site for $25,000. Is It Your Own Hair? Do you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do if? Haven't enough hair? It must he you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Here's an intro- duction ! May the acquaint- fE&.•* ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair -food, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. Tb. beat bind of a testimonial— "Bold for over gutty years." e �. o •�.r Co., wen. atOo a'oauf otur•r• •r P Stpe,tP.ARn1A. ergCIBaRY PECTORAL. I'll stop your pain free. To ah'ow you first—before you spend a fanny —whit try pink l'ain Tablets can do, 1 will nt:ail you free, a Tri.al Package oT them—Dr. Shoop's Head- ache Tablets. Neuralgia, headache. toothache, period pains, etc., are duo alone to bl0c<1 congestion. Dr. Shsop'is headache Tablets simply kill pain by coaxing. away the unnatural 1)100d pressure. That is all. Ad- dress I)r. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold may W. S. llowey. W 1(ALEN Some of the fanners aro horn W- ing into the harvest field again. Aliss Verdi Squire spent Sunday • at Mr. Albert Gunnings, Mr. Ilector Billson visited at Mc. Gillivray Sunday last. Ploughing is the order of the day with some farmers around here. It is expected the masons will soon be starting their work here at the church. Mrs. John Tales returned hone last 'week leaving her son in charge of her 'tint her. Masters Walter and Clarence Gun- ning and Fred Foster spent Sunday at Mr. Fred Gunnings. Mr. George Gunning is home frcm the West ort his vacation. - fare-, for Catarrh, just to prove merit, a trial size box of Dr. Shoop'; Catarrh J1.-:z:edy. Let me Send it nn«•. it is a snow-white, creamy, ht•:►lin',, antiseptic balm. Containing such healing ingredients tot Oil Encl. liptus. Thymol, Menthol, (lc. it gives instant and lasting relief tri Catarrh of the nose and throat. ':aka' the free test and F:r for your- self what this preparation can ani twill accomplish. Address I)r. Shoop [facie'', Wis. Larc,•e j-ar+ 50 cents. Sent l,y W. 5. llowey. CENTltAt,IA The Centralia juniors went up ag,sit:st th . juniors at Lucan ort • day last week :out got an aaeful tr.,unc• ire. Of course the defeat cannc,t be attributed to the Cclttr:alii pitcher, whu certainly tossed up some beau- tiful benders, but to the fielders who hap►p•ned to be in th_' way every tits; Centralia G.ante to h.►t. Centralia expects to have its new Public school ready for occupancy by the first of .11 nu.try next. The scltcwl section has been divided, pia tri haVi. trees drawn up for the new I+uitel ng and tenders are being ask' .1 for its erection. Tile new solt,00l 't ill b^ located at tl►:.' rear of• hte Matita• dist tzar, onnge. a lot having oxen purchased there for that purpose by - the t rustv'- . The b,•ction twill b known as S. N. No. 14. The Epworth League held an ice cream Kochi on the parsonage lawn on 'tue•.day evening which proved a great sucoe'MY. Miss Laura Mutt, it It ► h is beet: vis:ting friends at Stej1te field er- rite d at her Iro►ne here; 1 est 'woek. Mr. William Taft anti sister, Nils, Mary, e.f Toledo, and Mrs. Georg* .lacks ,:a, 4,[ I,c.ndon, visited at bar. Richard !landlord's last week. Miss NellJj' Ruffians, of Lond:n. i the guest of Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Mia• Annie Doyle. of Mt. Carinal. is t ding beer sister, Mrs- Guy. Coe: hila. 11i�s Attic -- iliretett, of Exet.•r, tvai tbn guest of Miaa Lyd':a !Imam—al last week. '.fia=t 1.ilsi:an A,t4 raon returned horny la.t trek ofter a pleasant visit with friend in Toronto. Mira Etti"' Coughlin of Landon, is holidaying at h• -r lvtrne here. Miss I'.lsi' Handford, of Lcndan, is visitinz at tit, horn, of liar unci' 'Me .Jo Inca Ilandford. • BABYLON LINE Mr. .1. • M. 1' • t'derick, of the Na.• timid Drug Co.. Imnden, ha. rtIun: • cd his position after spending his vacation under the parental roof at "Maplehurst" FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS OLD AND WaLL-'1 RrteD tt►taMIGUT.—Mob Wisslow'aSoothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for tees Children while teething, with perfect, success )r soothes the child, softens the guums, allays all path cures sled colic. and is the best remedy for Diarrheas. It is p'oasant to the taste. Sold by druggists to every part of the world. ':5 cents w bottle. Its Talue is incalculable. Be cure and tate Mrs W inslow's Soothing Syrup end ask tor no othe kind. Guarantee undor the Food and Drugs Aat, June 30th. 1)00. Serial Number 1098. CIA. Ot3TOXLX.�• Buss the _-/)the Kind You Hate Always BoWIIM denature :VACCINATION FOR I3LACKLEG AND AN'TIIRAX IN CATTLE The disease known .as Blackleg in cattle, although entirely unknown in many extensive agricultural sections of Canada and not at all wide spread in any die9trict or province, annually causes quite extnnaivo tosses to cattle raisers. Anthrax, wh:ch is quite a different disease, although frequent- ly confused with Blackleg in the minds of marry cattle raisers, is also time cause of f;eriou:s loss of Ftock. The Tormer disvasc is almost entirely confined to cattle under 3 years and is generally fatal. The latter at- tacks other classes of farm animals and the hurn:tn subject in not exc:ni<pt froru its infection which generally result* escriously. By the aid of science cattle raisers arm. now enabled to protect t}kir stock aa:iingt these otoladies. As the human family i3 vaccinated against sui:al1 per, in the same ;tanner cattle are tendered immune ,froth backlt:g and anthrax. The Department of Agricultuure at Ottawa ,through the Health of Animals brunch is now in a positron to supply preventive vac- cins for each of t twee di e•a+acs at the nominal coat tf five cents per Bose. Until recently, by ,;penial :irrangte,- nirr►ts 'with extensive rnanufacture.i in the United States, those products were secured at a reduced oast, end were placed in the hand+ of (ktn•ad a 11 cache raisers at ten cenlq per doe) for Blackleg vaccine end fourteen cents per dose .for Anthrax vaccine. It is due to tit fact 1 h to Mitres preparation's tier riov being made at the Biological L•itionttory in o:'nnec- tion with the Ilc:alth of Anima it 111 inch that they lean be supplied at five cents per dose. The vaccine for blackleg may be administered by any intelligent per- son by means of :an instrument to l,' had front the Departrnnet for fifty cents. Anthrax vaccine, which is also sup• plied at five cents i.er dost'', is more difficult to administer requiring a tpat;alified veterinarian to treat an :tnimal. Cattle raiser' who have fear of all attack of either 131ackte•g; cr Anthrax Would els 'toll to apply to the vet- erinary- Director -Getter -al at Ottawa. for th. prop - r ptcvc'.ntivc treatment. RheumaUsm (r one of the constitutional apses. k manifests itself in local aches OF Inflamed joints palm=� awedit amtot be through ctheourse 'eb.by local applications. ' best i� a eanimates Hood'sSarsaparllla wNcLi 6r permanently cow thousands e[ ewe. CITORIEtS' The Molsons Bank HEAD OFFICE !tor /amt. and Children CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • • • • • $3.000000.00 Aesele O4er $33000.000.00 f eneral Banking Buelness Transacted. astaablfsbed 1855. MONTREAL. The Kind You Have AI*ays Bought Bears the Elipature Aperfect Remedy. for stipa- t•on;Sour Stqq-n�aacch,Dlairlwea. WOrms,Convt dsans,Fttrel'i sh- s and Loss OF SWEEP. Yac Silts a Signature et In USB For Over Thirty.. Years CASTORIA TM* sssttaVO sosemsr. ,lbw roes WT. Farm for Sale i100 sore farm in Stephen Township good frame barn and house. Well drained and land all clearhtf. Creel: thronath rear corner of lartn. Can be bought riahf, and on easy terms", SPOPIS of Me CIIflII(IIO1 NIIIOl Wesi fvr quick DaMxN &ApSTANat UYc to HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. Barristers. Exeter Ont. AANY even uurnbered section of Dominion lands in ►ranitvba, ,askatche,an and Alberta, excepting S and 20, not reserved, may be homesteaded by. any person who is the sole head of a family, or any ter section of moacree, more or Iese. male over ldyerrs of age, to the extent of one -guar We have a good farm of about 35 acres for sate on ri asonable.terms. Situate near 'Mt. Carmel in Stephen Township. First Class land and fair conditions ism the" father, mother, ante daughter, buildings. 'ear church and aChool. brother or stteaderer of ais require:dn Ytoprform homesteader. the con- Apply to GBADMAN & 6TAN13URY, ditiousroruretrectthere%ithunderone of theLllow- Barristers. 'Exeter, Ont. inti to -At least six months' residence upon and culti- vation of the. rand in each vent' tor three years. House and Lot for Sale (2) 11 the father (or mother, if the father 1w de- ceased) of the homesteader residse upon a farm in the vicinity of tae land enteral for, the regiurrmen•s as I Ilouae find lot for tsate„I't. Jot 155 to residence may bnsatiated t,y such person residing ((oil. 112 Uahorne, 1-2 acre land good with the father or mother. brick cottage and stable, Must bo (t If the settler has his permanent residence upon 1 'Thom. Auction - tarrning land owned b►• hint in the vicinity of his .so,d. Apply 11oa. Cameros, homestead. the requirements as to residerrce may ser Iturguitar. I,e I.atittf)td by residence upon the said land. Six months' notice hi writing should he given to FARM the Commissioner of Dominion lands at Ottawa of FOR SALE. mention to aayepi) for potent. ►►'. W. CORY, Farm for Sale Entry must be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land is situate. Entry be proxy Iiia+ however, be made on certain Iteputy of the Minister of the interior N. It,—Unauthorized publication of this advertise• meat gill not be paid for SHALEL SEPARATE TENDERS addressed to the postmaster tiro .r.tl, tvill be received at Ottawa until noon on Friday the 23rd August, 1907, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Jlaila, on two proposed contracts for four years six & sic times per tweak each way, 1jt'ttweon Cromarty and Dublin, Exeter and ;Mitchell, from the 1st October next. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Cont rarts may be weal and blank forma of tender may be obtain- ed at the Poet office% orf Crotnarty, 11uhlin, Exeter, Mitchell &c., and itt the Office of the I'ost Office in- spector at London. G. C. ANDERSON, 5utt 'rintendent. Auction Sale —of— VALtA131,t•: FARM 1N IJSIIOIIN E. 125 "acres in the Township of Ilih- bert consisting of lot 19 w. 1-4 18. concession 12. This iY good property and must he Sold. Terms easy. Ap- ply Tlio3. Cameron, Auctioneer Fare guitar. Store Property for Sale In the village of Exeter, composed of the North part of lot 11 on the West aid -3 of Main 3trret, conaistinz of one good store and the buildin; now used for z postofficc, known as the Johns Block. If not sold priv- ately on or before the 10th day of August will he sold by Public Auc- tion on the 31,1 day of August. For terms and particulars apply to Thos. Cameron, Auctione-''r, Far- quhar. Farm for Sale. That vale+able fifty :rcre farm con• xiatiiag of N 1-2 lot 3 cots. 10. Us-. borne. Ott the farm is a framo house frond bank barn, driving; shed, good orchard, two spring wells. \yeti fenced and drained. 4 1-4 tnilei froru \Voodh•am. For further l,;trticttlIra aptly to Chas. Canim, \Votdll tm. There t, ill b'• of ft're,l for sale by 'FARM FOR SALi:. Public Auction at COMMERCIAL HOTEL, EXETER Mr. W. C. Ilusten offers his splen• —on— did 100 acre farm near Centralia fcr •,1 SATURDAY, AUG. 3r‘,. 1907 sale. Apply to 11. E. Huston. at 3, o'clock p. In. i.ot 6 South acres niorr or le - Tham••s (toad Unborn,., and the Wetst t half lot 6, North Thames Road con- For Sale or Rent. :+ining 15I) ss. On the 100 acus is n good frame house 2 hank barns and drive shod, The Iluatori Ifom'"slead ot1 the 3rd. fine orchard, running Water at rctr Conce,,sion of Stephen, near ('e•.ratr.►1- of farm, eel{ fenced and drained. at Station, Huron Ce. F'nr full par - good hardno;cl btrdh soil a clay toren 1iculara, apply to 11. E. Hutton, 2 1-2 miles from Exoter, 1 1-2 miles from school and churches. The fifty acres are well fenced Lind drained. Has frame barn. Ls d.- reetly opposite the 100 acres. The purchaser will have the prey- we are having out here. On cur 1le;tee n[ 1,•f; ot'' (aa after t110 Wm. Stile h.'rv•••t 1hoinio autntnernh torroto f +1i t+tent'- sort in North Dakota, also NIT.. ('hr.ei- journey we called on Mr. it,; anal will get full potSessir,n on toi►ttcr !tilling.. we spent a day November tat h.. Mr. Augugtua Sweitzer and The 150 acres trill 1><' ntf'•re t 1n family formerly of the 3rd line of t'psrate lot•. Lilattshirts. Mr+. Ilillingi ticcattipan- Ti',itti1S OF SA1,i'.. ind us up to my siater'i, Mr.. Jame'. 10 per tent. of the reirehase .money A. Stewart of High Bluff, 'Man. on day of sole and the halftime 071 There we mit Mr. W. .1. (:raurlc•y November !Pith, without interest• and f.amilyami Mr. Richard A. Allen. 1-:trt of purchase money may remain We intend gong in a few days to mortgage if the purchaser ni%hes. Calgary. We can see n great dif• For further particulars npply to f.,rencc here from that of Ontario. Samuel So it ler, Klrkton Ont. or The weather acre ig d^lightfu1 with (:(adman & altanbury, •II"irristersoccaaionnl 'showers.Exeter, Ontario. 1 firs. %Vm. Cry. 'ry. Exeter, Ontario. LITTER i'ROM THE \Vt-:ST Dear Editor -1 am sending you a few line; about the delightful trip M.+ w► a.. R�.v.w�ao. r. Lund,5CSwetttoFit•�,�..:i�•avoir��..veardossiais et �":�'�'i�:CswattoF.at•' '5l�ak � s C Sweet b Eat CA iwN Ce., 'tIM1I& � Lm en. A crowd Ldp RESERVE FUND ••• •••• • •• •••• Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager a •tits•••*•t•e•t►ewNet>liglwMeMe.M.N�NNe•••e••e�+r! DiNTAL !_— Highest Price Cash DD.Iz-A, R, KINSMAN, L. l). s., 8., Honor graduate of ToroiDlO Valversity, Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & 8tanbult�'s Main street—Fth'TBR. DR. G. F. 1t�0ULt3TON, L. D. S. D. D. 8., Dentist. Member cd FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, fags, wool piokings, horse flair. Steel stone boats, Uoule- varding, iron posts. Sell or exchange fir the above goods. M. Ja61(S011 & Sou near the old market Main St. Exeter Fall Terms Opens Sept. 3rd CPTRAL S1 RATFORD. ONT. This school which is an old a and well established one Stands to the forefront as the greatest Commercial and Shorthand school in the Wetbt. Our teach- ers are experienced instructors, courses thorough and pravtical. We assist graduates to posit- ions. Writs for our free catal- ogue. ELLIOT & MCLACHLAN, f Principals. Beautify and e-nliven your home by placing in it one of !:anada's best and moat famous Pianos THE IIEiNTZMAN We sell them on just the kind of terms you are ooking for. If you want other makes we have them. Don't forget us when you want Stationery. Ilaby Carriages and Wag- gons, Bicycles and Sewing Machines S. MARTIN & SON GRAND TRUN1srIST"M To Summer Tourist Resorts Muskoka Lake Temagami Lake of I3ays Kawartha Lakes Georgian Bay • Thousand Islands Algonquin Park Quebec Portland and old Orchard, Me., White Mountain. A11 reached by the Grand Trunk Railway the "Tourist Route of Amer- ica. Direct connection with all boat lines Tourist tickets on sale daily to all resorts. For further particulate, Tickets, etc. Call on. J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent. or write J. D. McDONALD, Union Depot, Tot onto, Ont. I Will mail you free to prove merit samples of my e1)r. Shoop's Mestere• Live, sand nay book on either Dyspep- sia. The (hart or Tho Kidneys. Troubles of the Stomach, IIeart or Jiidney"t are merely ,ymptoms of a d(Ieper oilmen'. i)otr't make the common error of treatin; J ympom3 only. Symptom t r('atmrnt is 4reat- 1 in; the result of your ailment, and not the c,tute. \Vcak Stornachnerves —the. inside nerrea—rneat► tltorrinch weaknets always. And tho IIeart, and Kidneys ns well, hntrc their con• trollin; or iunid' ncrvea. 1�'etmken these trervea 01)41 you inevitably have weak vital nr;.ane. Itere is where Dr. Shoop's Ib-storative has mada it.+ farm. No other remedy ever claims to treat the "itetide nervoe." Also for bloating. biliousness, b.a0 era' nth nr rorn,•r•siort, aa•� 1>r hhaop', 1tr•atorativ+'. Write me to -day for trample nol free book. 1)r. Shoop. Racine, \'i i'. 7'It•e Restorative is sold by W. A. Ifewey- E R. C. D. 8., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFFICE: --Over Dickso & Carling's Law Offices in Dr. Ant�rson's former dental parlors. �ISDIOAL JW. BROWNING, M. D., M. C • P. 8„ graduate Victoria UD Vanity. ofmce and rsetdenence. Dominica laboratory. Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. DR. A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PRYER - dans and Surgeons. 8uocessor to Dr. J. dr. Hotline. Q®cv Main street. Residence, east on first street north of Poet Office, Exeter LEWIS THOMAS Civil Engineer & Architect (Late Department of Public Works, Canada.) ConsultInl; Engineer for Municipal and County Work, Electric railroads, t4ewerage and Waterworks 3ratem Wharves, Bridges and Re-eriforred Concrete, Phone !2:1.0 London (tntariti L ONEY TO LOAN We have unlimited private blade for invitee - enb upon farm or village t;rroperty s0 lows* sees of luberes0. DICHBON & CARLING DICKSON & CARLING, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Cony e�r aaeere Commissioners, Belicitorre for the Moises*. Bank. Mo. Moses toLoan at lowest rates oaf tateresk- QTFICE i—MAIN BTBEPIT, t oesu fa 1. A. L. 8. Dr000IP HONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private fends MI gen on faran and village properties ab townie - interest. it lits . �.C, �r. QLADMAN & STANBURY' Barristers Bollcitors,jMait, St.!Kxeter, AUCTIONEER . 8. Phillipe, Licensed Auctioneer for the County uron. Charges moderate. All communications tntcd to 11. 5. Phillips, llen,alt, or orders lett a Office sill receive prompt attention. FRANK BALLANTYNE Licensed auctioneer for Couatiete of Huron and Perth. Special attentton given to farm stock sales. Town and village pros perty sold by auction on moderator tom m i scions, Orders may, be lett at the Time* office or at .reaidonoe, .Elimville, Cbara•ea moderate. WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. Dap LOM A OF ROYAL INCORPORATED SOCIETY of MUSICIANS, ENGLAND. Organist of Trititt Memorial Church, Exeter. Piano, Organ, Harmon) and Theory of Music. Tenns on Application Exeter, Ontario. 'Tae Usborne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Mur- ano Gompani Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont. Pres. W. II. PASSMORE, Fa.rquhar4 Vice-Pres.:—J. L. RUSSELL. RU88ELLDALE, P. O. DIRECTORS Wu, ROY. BORNHOLM P. 0 War. BRO('K WINCHKLSEA P. O. T. RTAN, DUIILIN P. O ROBERT NORR19, Staffs. AGENTS, JOHN EMERY. Exeter. agent fort Uahorne and Jlitidulph. OLIVER DARIUS, Munro. agent for Hibbert, FUllarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treae. Farquhar. GLADMAlr & STANBURY. Solicitors The Bell Telephone Company of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone Directory For the District c"f Westtrn Ontario including the Village of Exeter Orders for new connections, changes of tirtn nattier', changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should' he handed in to the local Manager AT ONCE. A. MARCHAND, Local Manager, lairs the it* KM Yolkilowed beldam m