HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-08-01, Page 1HURON & M1DDL ESEX GAZETTE THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR—No 1708 EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST lst 1907, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••N•••••••••••NN•••••• ••••••••••••NN•N JONES & CLARKS' Phone No. 32. 25 Per Cent Discount 0116 W66 MOPE of this SIB We are offering for the balance of July and month of August a Special discount of 25% off all Colored Muslins and balance of our stock of White Blouses. Our Muslins are all this years goods, up-to- date in patterns and colorings and range in price from 10c to 50c a yard. If you want a nice cool dress for the hot weather do not fail to see them and secure a bargain. White Waists Our stock of White Waists contains the very•Iatest Styles. Some of them new goods arrived only last week (no last years wants among them) ranging in prices from 85c to $2.50 subject to a Special discount of 25%. Gents Furnishings Our Gents Furnishing Department is very interesting at pre. sent with a full Stock of Shirts and Neckwear new outing Shirts, collars attached. just the thing for warm weather, also new pat- terns in Negligee Shirts. just received a full line of New ties Clearing Prices on all Straw and Linen Hate. We will pay in trade the following prices: Black Currants 124-c. per qt. Chickens (1907 batch) 12c per lb. live weight Duck (1907 hatch) 8c per lb. live weight Gooseberries 5c per qt, Red or White Currants 3c per lb. Jones & Clark Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers. ••N•••••• N• •••NN•••N••••N• •NNN•N•NN••N ••••••••••••••NNN•N••• •• GALA DAY —AND— SUMMER CARNIVAL Grand Bend, Aug. 8th Under Auspices of the Campers and in aid of the Chinese Famine Fund. Posltivelu the Biggest, Brightest, Best Dau Ever Held in this Section. Something Meru Minute. l'rogr:unme entbr.ires full lite of reports and paettirnes consisting in port: MORNING £CQCATIC SPORTS,—Ladi,s, Mens and iloys Swimming, Boat Reeve, Diving Contests, &c, sec. Connie Events—Walking Greasy Pole, Duck Hunt, Etc. AFTERNOON Creat Calithumplan Procession Cash prizes for hest comic get up. Get on your funny clothes and join in, \W('II give yeti the eIad ba nd. Farmers Trot and Pace for Purse of $3o 00 Running Rates arid Field Sport«, Foot Race, Comic •Etents. Etc, Etc. Championship Tug of War HAY VS. STEI'IIEN. For Purse of Money. Football Match Grand Iten(' Vs. All censers For Handsome Silver Cup. During t :if tenitrite a display of New and Novel Effects in Daylight Fireworks from Japan will he Giron First class hand in Att• ndnn ' Day and Evening.—Events Free and ()pen to All.—Valuable 1'rizes in all Events. EVENING .416.6 Band Concert in the Crove :which will b' gorgeously decorated with Lanterns, Etc. Presentation of Prizes and the Grandest DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS Ever seen in this part of Canada. at which will be woe for the fir.t time many new and novel Effects. Come and See Teddy Ilea r. the Elephant, Kokonton. the Dig Fists, Balloon Ascension and Pnrachute Drop. Flight of .the Airrthip, Etc float Ing, Sailing, Swimming, 1Iandoome Decorations. Admission by nadge 23 tents, children 10 cents. Sold at theate. wearers admitted free to all Sports, i'aatiinee, Rams, Rand CoYicert Fireworks, Lte, Paste it fn Your fiat, Aug. 8th• it's the Red' Letter Day of 1907, Sure. Locals. This is the day the colored people celebrate Emancipatiou Day. —Mrs. Powell left yesterday fcr the Bond to spend a Sew weeks. —Miss Jalun ack, of Nev York, is tho guest of Mrs. W. L). Clarke for a few days. —Mr. E. Buswell and Miss P. Fish- er lett c•.t Monday for North Man- chester, lr.diana. — Nils.; Little and Miss Woods of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norman Crockshanks. bliss Amelia Oke pleasantly en- tertained a number of friends at the Central Tuesday evening. — Mr.. and Mrs. Warren Snell of Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Snell, Main street. —Mrs. Daley and granddaughter Elsie, of Watertown, N. Y. are vis- iting 'relatives a nd friends in and around town. The Grand Trunk Superintendent and "several other officials were here Tuesday looking after the alterations being made at the depot. —Mist Wiiverna Quance, of Ailse Craig, visited her mother on Sunday. Miss Lida Quance returned with her and will visit at Craig for a week. —Ir. Neil McConnell was in Lon- don during the latter part of last week. While there •ito took part in a baseball game ,between the Wort - mans and Somervilies. —The Cleaning and Dyeing Works of Exeter is doing a rushing business All faded out clothing made to look like new. Orders promptly at- tended to by ,nail.—J. C. Collins, crop. —The reputation of the Exeter Business Mens' baseball club is rapidly being spread around the country. The business men of Oen- tralia want to try conclusions with us, Lucan wants us down there next Monday night and Crediton comes hero Friday night to play the return game. Don't fail to be there. Mr. Wm. Grigg, Exeter's vener- able 'gentleman celebrated his 87th birthday last Monday by cnterta,ir.- Ing the four local clergymen and their wives. Although advanced in years Mr. Grigg has fairly good health and is able to take an outing each day. It is 'hoped he will he able to celebrate many more such anniversaries. —while Mrs. E. Jory and her daughter, Laura, were out driving Monday night, the tie line became loose and the horse stepping on it the bit was broken. The arfimtl then became unmanageable and •ran away. In turning the corner near Dr. ilyndman's residence the rig was upset and the occupants thrown into the ditch. Mrs. Jory received sev- eral scratchca and was otherwise badly shaken up. Miss Jory did not receive any injuries. The buggy was badly broken. Piles get quick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment:. Please note it is made alone for Ppiles, and its action Is poeitivc and certain. itching. painful, protrud- iu; or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Large pickle -cap- ped glass jars 50 cents. Sold by W. S. Howey. W. J. Gourley, of Ciliary, arrived in Winnipeg last week on his way from Exeter, Ont., to Calgary, Alta. by automobile. He, left Windsor on June 28, accompanied by Mrs. Gourley and their two childron, and passed through elichigan, Indiana, I11inesie. \Viscon-:n 1o(va and North Dakota, and entered Manitoba at Gretna. Mr. Gourley is of tours'., •not trying to make a record run. Ile and his party were touring in Ontario from the: beginning of .May, being in most places the first car out this spring, till they left the province, and on Empire Day at Exeter they joined the civic procession and the city fa- thers rode in the car. tie went' 1,502 miles by .road :n 120 hours. sometime through mud from three to eight inches deep and through two severe storms. The automobile, a Ford, with Fisk tyres, travell(d 3,01)0 miles without a punetur',eind 3,700 miles without any break tgc except pf a spring. One difficulty they met w it h at several place. -4 wart that it lien a bridge was under T(•pair no notice w.oy put up, and in sand and mud they had to back out for a consider- able distance because there was no room to turn. The country and the roads :Ire hardly yet prepared for meter car traffic and one of the things that is greatly needed is an eutomobae guide. Wonderfully little infornsatien is to be had from country people as to die- tances and direction', but in spite of there minor drawbacks 'the trip wn! on the whole such a delightful rine that Mr. and Mrs. Gourley think that if the pleasures of motoring were better known, and if conven- iences such as an automobile guide and reap were provided many people would sp"ltd a day in the, way. Gasoline could always lie bad. 9ornetlnes not et very good quality but gafitine stoves are FO much in use now that the oil can be laid tot any coun- try stores. Mont' horses were .cared at the unusual I ie.ht of at motor car, Lut no: a single neeid"nt was a:used during .Le long run. 'it eat temo- timee necessary to put up with a limited eccomnto(tatic•n of a farm house, but the people were always kit:d and hospitable and the varied exrrerienc"s on the rood gave sect and interest to the Journey. At Grntne the assistant in chnrge of tee custom house caused a two days' dMay. IIASI:IIALL le'ARQUHHAlt Chicago, Ills. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart. E. To the Secy. Exeter Baseball Club ter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and As the Chicago Americana are Mrs. John Stewart. playing poor ball just at present 'bliss Clara Stewart, who has been kindly send us best terms fur your quite ill is convalescing. Business Men's team for balance of Mr. C. E. Hackney, of Exeter. pass - the sensor' cd th'-ough our village on Monday. BAN JOHNSON \\'bile wo can't say that the :,boos rMisses Gladys and Grecta .Kaul- message was received. a similar one ttau, of S'ilencoo, who have hoer[ vis may be expected after the showieg icing ➢Liss Isabel Turnbull for the the business men of Exeter made past two weeks Icft en Tuesday for with the businves men of Crediton I lattsvil(e and Brun ord. last Friday night. Crediton boosts of ball players ranging in size from the little fellow with knickers to nice with the pro- portions of August Hill and for some years back we have tried to get up a team 01 some kind to tritn the players in the German settlement, but each time we failed to votes home with gladdened spirits. How- ever Exeter's reputation has been redeemed and it was up to the busi- netts and professional men to do it. Last Friday night a select bunch of tho business men's team got to- gether, borrowed a few mita, clubs and a ball and went to Crediton with determination to do or die, and they succeeded most beautifully in doing the former. The excellent crop of hay in the outfield had been harvested making the playing much more pleasant. At the outset it locked as though the Exeter contingent were up against the reel thing. Exeter went to bat first and the inning was scoreless, only one man reaching a base. In Crediton's half six runs were chalked up and things looked cheerless for us. Bet the aoeond in- ning changed matters and the visi- tors batted in six runs tieing the score. while Crediton couldn't get anywhere near the .home plate. In the third Exeter added another run and again blanked Crediton. In the fourth we 'got three more, at the same 'tithe giving Crediton another daub with the whitewash brush. In the fifth Exeter went right after Claude Bluett, who was hctnding out the curves and spit balls for the Crediton boys, several singles, dou- bles. a three baser and two hone runs, .netting a total of six more runs for the inning. In this inning Crediton managed to get onto Billy Statham's twisters and put :three runs over the plate. In the sieth and last innings Exeter tallied five three, making the favor of the was replete with also some funny ones. One feature of the game ons the base running of Barney Brown to first on a foul tip. This exer• tion was a little too stronuous for the 'genial Barney, and after fruit- lessly hitting at the next ball, re- signed in favor of Fred Young. Sam Brown made some 'good plays at short and Mr. Wentzel would have played n teeter third, but tiie sun knocked out his vision. ile retired to left field but the sun etill both- crcd him. Billy Beaman out of five times at bat mode four two base' hits. In the third inning Doc. Amos cut off a couple of runs by catching a long drive. Billy Statham certain- ly starred in the box striking out 12 men, while Doc. Cole gave hirn signs from behind the bat. It would take 'too long to give an account of the spectacular Ierforniancrns made by the other ,players and 'herewith more and Crediton score 21 to 12 in tors. The entire game sensational plays, Mrs. A. Musser, of Stratford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. \Vm. Mone- teith. Mr. Geo. Tuffin,-of Stratford, spent Saturday in the village. Mesdames 11. F. and Geo. Urooks, of Montreal, visited Mrs. J. E. Mo. Nicol last wcck. Miss Anna 13e11; last week at her Bell. Mr. and Mrs. A. Turnbull, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gardiner took five o'clock tea at Mr. John Gllfillan'a.r Mr. Chas. Monteith visited friends at Motherwell. Miss Kathleen is visiting of M of Exeter, visited uncle's Mr. Geo. Robb, of Stratford, r. John Duucan's., ZURICH All the pupils from Zurich. wrote at the recent entrance amination were Fuccessful. Dr. Wes. Schellig of Detroit, vieit- ed his parents on the Goahen Lein* last week. A number of farmers nienced cutting wheat. Mr. and Mrs. D. Studer and child of Tavistock, are the guetsa of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler. who ex. have com- K IRtETON Mrs. Joseph Weil., of Medina, visi- ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex `Kirk on Sunday last. Mrs. C. and Miss Ella Copeland, of St. .lfarys are visiting at the Lome of her parcrits this week. Mr. Wilfrid Maize, of London, vis- ited his brother harry on Sunday last at lairs. I). Hazlewood. Mr. W. J. Tufts was the first to cut wheat in this locality, starting on fiatyrday last and states it to bo an A 1- crop. Mr. Silas Shier and Mr. Wns. Moore made a business 'trip to Loin - don on Saturday last. The Misses .Honey, of Stratford. are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. H. Robinson this week. The following parties from the vil- lage took in the excursion to Niai- gara Falls on Thursday last, Misses M. and A. Leigh and Mies Rachel 'Kirk, Messrs. \Vardlaw, Austin, Lyons and Sheppard. They report n fine trip. Mr. W. R. Carr left for a trip to the West on Wednesday morning. Rev. 1)r. Turnbull. 5. 1). and hi± daughter, Kathleen, of Toronto, are spending their holidays ut the home of his raster Mrs. John Gilfillan. On Tuesday evening, a farnity gathering w -as hold tit the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilfillan, "Wood- side Farm." BOWLING append the score. —On Wednesday evening July 24 EXETER. CREDiTON a very closely contested and inter - Cole 3 Wentzel 1 csting game of bowling was played Heaman 3 Bluett 2 os► the Rectory lawn by two rinks of Creech Knight White Hartleib Amos Willis Statham 2 Feist 1 3 R. Brown l 2 Mc('ue 3 2 B. Brown 0 1 H. Young 2 2 Kuhn 2 3 Wolfe 0 21 the Exeter Lawn Bowling Club, skip• Vted respectively by 1'rca:dutit vs. ice -President. President( 's pink. Vice- I'r<.r. rink. Jas. Taylor. W. 1). Chnrke Ins. Dees 1,. 11. Dickson Rev. Wm. Mertin 1t', 1t'. 'Tannin I'. 1t'. (;I eeln+an N. O, Jlurdon 12 Skip 16 Skip 17 The return game will be played on the recreation grounds Friday even- ing. ile Fury and attend. + We very often have requests from people wishing .servants i or help and at present know ee if five or tzlx places where e••ei :. farm hands can get steady en'- 'i. ployment or where servants •i• can get goe.1 situations. The 4,' rimes will be furnished to any.- one by calling or writing the. '• } Times Office. +▪ +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ••••••N••••NN••••N•••• OnIU Hall a HolltlaU Without a Kodak Anyone can take a pic- ture; we give all instructions free. The favorite Kodak is the. No. 3 A Folding $20.00 1 2 We carry a number of • other styles from $2 0o up call and see them. W.S.Howey Phm.B. cam• p�1�.. Chemist and Optician Bon tt>» _,,Mild RI A GIP EXETER, — ONTARIO. a* The Vier. -President won by only 1 shot. This club is in a flourishing condition anei every (isle afteru.on and .evening you can sc e a lot of enthusiastic playera trundling the bowls to "Miss Kitty." Five rinks have been formed to play fcr rho championship and some good play is expected before 11 l f the $f.00 per year in advance. Binder Twine Plymouth Gold Medal the best, 050 fb. to pound. Silver Sheaf 000 ft. to pound. Ply Special 500 ft. to pound. Prices Guaranteed It don't pay to use Cheap Twine. Castor Machine Oil makes the machines go Coiled spring wire Just received a large quantity Ideal Fencing, 7 and h wires Barb Wire and Weaving Wire. HEAMAN'S HARDWARE AND STOVE STORE •++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Our Reduction Sale Owing to the lateness of the spring we have decided to extend our reduction sale and will give greater Bargains in Furniture for the next 3o days than ever were known in Exeter before. Every article in our largo stock of furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale, • ROWE & ATKINSON I Call and be Convinced before making your pur- chase elsewhere. ''Undertaking in all its Branches. The Largest Home Furnishers in the County, 4•44++++++++++++++++4÷1÷14+4++++ 144+4 + : i : +44+ +444-1•+•H-++++++++++++++++++++++++++.14�r•C++++++++++++++ ,+t,++++++++++++++++1•+•1•+•1•+•1'•f++•f•+++++''<•D R3.++-1••[••1•+'1'++••+++ If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To T. HAWKINS & SON The Leading Hardware Store in Town Where you will find a full stock of Building Supplies Glass, Nails, Cement Plaster Paris, Galvanized Steel Shingles and Siding, Etc. Always in Stock at Lowest Prices, it T. HAWKINS & SON Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire. ++++++++++++++++i• ee :-• toes s-t•1+++•t +-+++el••t• '- •I• :- +++++++•i•},' ++i++++++•1•+++++++•I•+r+ ++++++++++++++++d• UP-TO-DATE STORE What about doing business these warm (LVS, well we are here to do it, there s nothing like living high if it is warmweather. We have the goods all ready to eat, so you wont need to overheat yourself by cooking. All the latest canned goods coming weekly so, they always fres... aro e nn, ° mason. a "" I Clarks Pork and Boons, with Chili Sacs, Chicks —The challenge issued last weak by a team of (ctrl^rs to splay a friendly gats • of bowls with the curlers W110 heel, was accepted and the match pulled off at the Rectory ground+ Tucsa1. • evening. It look- ed at first ma though the curlers wouldn't Live a look in, the bowlera staking eleven points in th • first four end.. it was than that the knights of the ice got busy and negotiated four points In the next two ends. in the c:ghth lh' honors got Soren and went away in the lend. However the curlers kept un such good work in the lat- ter part of the game tint •aheir showing wa'n't too bad after all, the final score being 25 to IS against them. Dining the (chole game not an "eyes up" was thrown, and only one bias lord deliver^d.' Of course there were soma b id errors nt..ds hut theamateurs icing unused to the I terms u�"d, the rniatakes ter•, over- looked. Felloeing was the line up: ileo lees Curlers .las. Taylor 11. Spackman `. D. llurdott 8arn.1. l. Ss'cet Snell (I<`o. Andersoen )• \Whit it sv, Collins* Skil, 2e $k.1, 1P. \1.1IKN AItItAN(;ING FOR '* O('lt film stork ode nreke it t permit to hews emir hills printed a1 the TiMES of fir,. \-niit )rills ‘N III lie attrac- tively psinled. and with every pale hill drone :it Ihts office yon will re- ' rcive ft,e a nolire of Ahs s:+Io in this palter, whirk is read every week by hnndtcds of people in Ibis bcn1-1 ity and makes your �+h known ilr► Nan and Tongue, Corned Lunch Beef, Salmons and Pickles. i ek s Everything that's gest Baker's Cakes and Fancy Biscuits, Salad, Oils, T)ates, !flights is and Currants. What about Corsets: The latest styles, bias filled, I3 .tt I, (' n C, and (, W also many other kinds, at prices to suit every person. Me.' our window, Lots of warm weather materials for dresses, Ducks. P. inch, Muslin.. De- laines. Everything that's ptetty. The Dishes are the hest. All those pretty hand painted and cut glass arti- cles are not gone yet. Give us a call before decidink. tVe can certainly suit, you. n D. COBBLEDIC�{ EXETER NORTH. Corn —AT— Exeter and Centralia Warehouses Will exchange for other grain if desired. Richard Selden I ARTHUR D. DAVISExeter, Centralia House DcGOrati* Plumber (Hot land VoldWater). Sion Writing and Grainiup With 1t, Uinney last year. Esti- mates furni,hed : n applicat.ieon. A Trial Solicited. Exeter, Ontario many w lin may never have the op and Clandebojle Residence. drew Street. N••••••••N•••••••••••N• portunitY ref seeing your bills. cornet JAWS and An-