HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-25, Page 6LOIION A CITY OF t1LAMITY Terrible Disasters in 1881; 1883, 1898- and Now That of 1907. TALES OF TIiE: DISASTER. Mess E:tthel Earle, one of the girls who was caught u1 the falling ruin of floors and walls in the terrible disaeler al London on 'Tuesday of last week, but who Was extricated, is one of the pa- tients in the hospital. In conversall$n with a reporter she described lie►• ex- perience. DEATH OF CLARA MULLIN. "I was standing near the centre of the Brewster store with Libbie Smith and May Ilardtngttam, when, without any warning at all, thorn was a splitting crush and a roar that sounded like an explosion, and the walls of the build- ing Seemed to be slating; westward. 1 remember crying out, `I.ibbie, we will never get out of this alive.' 1 took about two steps and was then hemmed in by the ruin. Libbit' ran to me and we placed our anus around one another, and the debris seemed to surround us in n minute. It was tho most frightful ex- perienee 1 ever went through, and 1 ten you that the ordinary person has no idea of how it feels to be caught in a trap like that. One reads of a tragedy like the San Francisco earthquake, but cannot begin to realize ik, unless they have an experience like mine. Poor Cara Mullin was standing near us, and after the walls had faller! I could hear her moaning where she lay. Sho must have been in great pain, for we heard hr -r sobbing and crying, and yet wo could not movo to do anything to assist her. Not long after her moans ceased, and instinctively we knew that the poor girl was dead. "\\'o Metro hemmed in on all sides. \\'e lay in perfect darkness. We Haight have been five or fifty feet tinder heats - heavy walls, bricks and beams for all we knew. for wo could hear nothing. It seemed like elernity before help cuine. 1 wonder niy hair is not grey." Miss I-ibbie Snaith, who Is a steno- grapher, was injured internally, but she and a Heavy stearn coil falling on top worked \'it11 the instinct of one to whom1of them. Gronns from the dying and lite is dear and death is not far distant, agonizing cries from the injured, ming - ti retain her senses after the crash. led in an appalling and never to bo for- g(•lten chorus. Numerous thrilling es- capes were recorded. 'THE WORLD'S MARKETS gallon Into the cause of the disaster and the responsible parties brought to book. \Vltat was the immediate cause of the collapse is stilt a mutter of surmise, turd the ultimate verdict must be based upon the expert testimony which will be adduced nt tho inquest. At first the sup- position :vis that rho inner portion of the Crystal Hall gave way, carrying with it the outer portion, which crushed into and demolished the Brewster More. An- other theory is now advanced that it was the outer portion of tite building fronting on the alley which first gave way, and this eipiuiort is firmly hekl by City Engineer Graydon. Six windows were being inserted in rho wall facing the alley, and the suggestion is nlado that the supports were altogether in- adequate. This, however, is a I•oiat which will have to he cleared up at the inquest, and although in certain quar- ter blame Ls beim; attached to certain individual.', the bulk of the citizens are wise f withholding their censure until they have obtained proper- grounds upon which to baso their verdict. SMUTS MOW OW :'ts1< tliAOtw T1%A11 t''lfttal i • !ekes el Gsld.. Gratin. Cheese and Ohs, Dairy Pvoinsee sS Mos and Abroad. INDED TO 111111 TA MO ON DI G1 P 4GT• CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 1C111PPL Aids* et Doctor Coate . rii aissl tr�llilw�d. A despatch from St. Sohn, N. B., says: 1•A$'!f'a11Mt11G1 mom A11 Anal Tti1Nt Dr. A B. Atherton. president of the GUM& Toronto. July 23. -- Flour - Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents are $3.40 bid, with $:3.50 asked in buyers' sacks, out- side for export ; Manitoba first patents, $1.75 to $5; second patents, $4.25 to $4.50, and strong bakers', 81.20 to $1.30. Oats -No. 2 white aro quoted at 44% lei 45c outside. Peus-No. 2 quoted at 78 to 79c out- side. Barley -Prices purely nominal. Wheut---No. 1 northern, 98%c. lake ports, and No. 2 northern, tl;j,c, lake ports; Ontario No. 2 white, 88c, and No. 2 red winter, 88e outside. UUye--No. 2 nominal, at 70 to 71c out- side. Corn -No. 2 American corn 13 quoted at 61% to 62c, Toronto, lake and rail. Brun The market is unchanged, with bran quoted at $17 to $17.50 in bulk out- side. Shorts aro quoted at $19 outside. COUNTRY PIRODUCE. Deans---Hand-licked quoted at $1.65 to $1.70, and primes at $150 to $1.55. Stoney -Strained quoted at 11 to 12c per le, and comb honey at 82 to $2.51) lie'. dozen. Huy --No. 1 timothy Is quoted at *11 to $15.50 Stere, and No. 2 at $12 to $13. Straw -$7 to $7.50 a ton on track here. • PREVIOUS DISASTERS IN LONDON. London, Ontario, seems to be a city of terrible tragedies. It is only a little over nine years ago since the collapse of a platform at. itie city hall trilled 23 people and injured over one hundred others. A meeting in celebration of a municipal election was in progress, without the slightest warning, the platform and the floor :,f the hall gave way, precipitating about 150 persons to the floor below. Near the platform stood a large iron safe, which, going down %vett the floor, rid- ded its terrible crushing iveight to the ft:lling timbers, and pinned fast the un- (oi tunate victims, who might otherwise have had a chancre of escaping. The chve-in occurred immediately over the City Engineer's office, and more than 200 people were precipitated into the funnel -shaped death trap, with the mato ESCAPED SUFFOCATION. "If it had not teen for the tact that my right arra was free and Uninjured, I would, undoubtedly, have choked and suffocated after the accident," she said. "It came \-itl►onrt a 'moment's warning. Ethel Earle and i were not far 'apart when it seemed to lh:e that the whole building shivered. Then there was a deafening roar and clatter and the building seemed to crumple up. It was a most terrifying moment. ent. The next thing 1 knew 1 was swept off my feet rind was caught fast in a !mess of debris. A dense, choking dust rose from around tee and a stream of dust and what seemed like ashes began to rain down around from the ruins above. In a short time this filled my ears and got through my hair. i got ray right arm tree and I warded orf the stuff as it trickled deawn from entering my mouth and nostrils. Otherwise I should have been suffocated." PRAYED) TO DIE. "While my plight seemed most des- perate, I shall never forget• one terrible part of it. Where I lay 1 could hear the moans of Frank Smith, manager c f the store, who was afterwards taken out dead. The poor fellow was not more than half a dozen feet away, it seemed, and 1 heard him moan and cry as I never l efore heard anyone. No prayed repeatedly that he plight die and have his terrible sufferings ended. I heard him gasp tidally, '0, my God, let me die.' it seemed range like a prayer of resignation than anything else, al- though I knew that his injuries tnttst have been terrible from the agony in hue voice. i heard no more from hint, and he must have died soon after. IS A Tft.1f'. "No weeds can begin to picture the Lerror of this time. 'I'o 1 e olive, yet hemmed in by solid' substances that Reeled as If no humnn force could tier nr,ve there. sends the blood to the 1 cart in a sickening{ feeling of fear. One would (do anything. I think, in e time like that, to save his life. but when fs ad,ktl to that the cries of others bad- ly hurt. It is tcrribte. "1 wonder my hair is not grey. It Is difficult for me here in this coot place, surrounded with attentive doe - tens and kind, cheery nurses, to realiee that 1 aryl not still in Ince wreck. If I go to rhltvrp 1 awake with a start and a cry. in my fancy the wnlls have hist fallen again." 1''1'I.1. INVESTIGATION 1)1:Ai.1NDEfl. ily common consent it ie admitted that there nu,st bo a thonnigh inveslf - FLOOD CLAIMED 22. It was the flood that caused the his- tc,ric disaster preceding that. On May 10 and 11, 1883, the Thames overflowed lie banks, and twenty-two people were drowned. They were chiefly residents c i the west of London. WHOLE FAMILIES WIPED OtJT. . But the greatest tragedy of all - a tragedy which it is hoped will never be duplicated -occurred in 1881. It hap- pened in the midst of merriment and thoughtless mirth of the celebration ' f the Queen's Birthday, May 24. Five hundred excursionists were returning on s steamer `Victoria" on the River Thames. Carrying a lotus far in excess of her capacity, the steamer collapsed and 187 of the excursionists were drowned in shallow water. Struggling women and helpless children went to watery graves, and whole families were wiped out in that brief but agonizing catastrophe. (RIDER TERRIBLE SHADOW. And now comes the great calamity of 1907 with lis tell of victims again well up in double figures. No sooner is one tragedy almost forgotten than an - ('(her occurs. Truly the shadow of ca- lamity soems to perpetually haunt this otherwise beautiful Canadian city. STATESMAN STOLE $56,006. Maritime Medical Society, in his annual a:ddratss to that body on Wednesday, evoke of the degeneracy which there seems to to among the more highly ci- vilized branches of the human race. Ire advocated that we should not hove schools at all unless it is po s t, provide theta with accommodation tc a good healthy exercise. Speaking of girls, he said: "Indeed, we !rave for conte time been of the opin- ion that the Public schools should be closed to girls for axle or even two years at a critical age." Those who have been afflicted with tuberculosis or are susceptible to it should admit to being sterilized. Ile ai o advocated refusal to allow first cote eine to marry, and then said: `There are said to be over 1,200 feeble-minded unmarried women in the Dominion. The danger of these women producing children affected in the same manlier was great. These menaces should be segregated into public instllutViltS, c r Lotter, perhaps, should be sterilized." IMMIGRATION INTO CANADA. Returns for May Show an Increase of Twent)'thrte.s Per Cent. A despatch flan Ottawa says: The total immigration into Canada for the month of May was 45,677, as compared with 37,191 for May of last year, an in- crease of 8,486, esr 23 per cent. The immigration through ocean ports was ,8.755 and from lira United States 6.922. The total immigration into Canada from thy) 1st of July, 1906, to the 31st of May, Potatoes -The market is dull for old 1907, was 211,39e, and for the s�aru stock, one car lot being quoted at 90c1907, of the fiscal year 1905-06 it was to $1 per hal;. 161,744, an Lacrosse o1 52,651. The Poultry -- Tur:eys, alive, 11 to 12c ; immigration into Oneida for the five chickens, springy*, dressed, tut to 2t1e per nlr.ntlis of this calendar year was 131,- tb ; fowl 9 to 10c 776as compared with 106,133 ter the Signer Nasi, Former Minister. Arrested by Order of Italian Sensate. A despnlch from Rome says: General surprise has Steen caused here by the, arrest of Signor Nast, ex -Minister of Public Instruction, who is charged with b having embezzled 3500,000 from the State treasury. Hie secretary was alsnd arrasled . Signor Nasi i rotestc through counsel that his arrest was il- legal. The arrests were made at the direction of the Senate, before which the ex -Minister will bo tried. lie rezently trok his seat as a member of tate Cham. Ler of Deputies. ONLY ONE BROKE PAROLE. Two Hundred and Ninety-nine Pria+on- ears; Kept Faith. A despatch front Ottawa says. Mr. Archibald, parole officer of the Depart- ment of Justice, says: Of the three hun- dredprisoners allowed out on parol' last year only one broke faith and had to have the privilege cancelled. SOT BY HER NO SON THE DAIIWY MA1IKE1'S. same months of 1e06, an increase of 2:,,613. Butter -Pound rolls are quoted at 18 _._._--,1.----- to 19e ; large rolls aro quoted at 17 to MAY MOVE '1'O ALBERTA. 173,1c. Creamery prints sell at 21 to 22c, and solids at 19 to 20e. Doukttabors Likely to engage in Use the west n dozen. Eggs -Case lots selling at 173; to 18%c Beet Sugar Industry. The late Il•on. A. G. Blair's widow1ow has at 12c, an Telrgaraphie. Meta Frets Oat thus as! Other Countries et Reuel Events. CANADA. The tax rate of Toronto Junction was flxcd at twenty-eight mills. M:lctt live stock is reported lost in forest fires in Alboma. Horses and dogs at Moosontin, Sask., are suffering from rabies. The Kingston Locomotive Works will build 25 k,ceinotives ioretho Interculo- ltial. Plans have leen completed for the new Engineering building at McGill University. Mayor Scott of Ottawa has recom- mended that the city expropriate the electric plant. As few of the houses in Berlin are numbered, postal delivery Stas` been de- layed. Hamilton is to get cheaper incandes- cent lighting rates front the C'etaract Power Co. Ilosthern is said to be where the new experimental Turin in Saskatchewan will be located. The Government are taking steps to punish pm.)ple who publish slanders ,c- garding the Dominion. Libel suits asking for $280,000 dam- nges have now been filed in connection with the Cayuga murder trial. The C. P. B. is being prosecuted be- fore the Supreme Court of Manitoba for violation of the Lord's Day Act. Alderman Pauli (►f Strattord says that the civic septic tanks are frauds and will have to be rebuilt. The site for the new isolation hospi- tal at Londnn has been approved by ih( provincial Board of Mein 0. \Voives have destroyed a number cif horses, valued at 25,000, in the Dine vegan and Fort St. John districts in 1111111.- d " Tell My Friends That I Have Gone to Giory." Cheese --Large quoted A despatch from Winnipeg says : It ';even 130 valuable bolts from her late twins at. 12';c. 1100 Pi1ODUC1'S. Bacon, long clear, 10,'/. to 11%c per 111 in case lots; mess pork, $21 to $21.50; short cut. $22.50 to e23. Hams -Light to medium, 15 to 15%c; dc,, heavy, 1t%c ; roll 11'/.,c ; shoul- ders, 11c ; backs, 16%c ; breakfast ba- con, 153;c. Lard 'Tierces, 12c ; tubs, 123;c ; pails, 12%c. 'BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, July 23. -Manitoba No. 2 white oats sold at 49 to 49%0; Ontario No. 2 at 48% to 49c, No. 3 at 473; to 4$c, and No. 4 at 46% to 47c per bushel, ex store. Flour ---Choice spring wheat pa- tents, $5.10 to $5.20; choice se oiids, $:.50 to $4.60; winter wheat patents, Si.65 10 $4.75, straight rollers, $4.25 to $4.35 ; do, in Large bags, $1.95 to $2.10; extras, $1.65 to $1.75. Feed --Manitoba bran, in bags, 319; shorts, $23 to $25 per ton ; Ontario bran, in bags $18.50 to $19; shorts, $22 to $22.50; milled ntouillie. $2.1 to $28 e'er ton, and straight grain, *30 to 832. Provisions --Barrels short cert mess, $22 to $22.50; half-bnr- rels, $11.25 to $11.75; clear fat bucks, $23.50 to $2/4.50; long cut heavy mess, $20.50 to $21.50; half -barrels do., $10.75 to $11.50; dry salt long clenr bacon, 10% to 11%e; plate beef, $14 to $16 ; half -barrels do, $7.50 lo $8.25 ; heavy mess beef, $10; hntf-barrels do, $5.50; compound lard, 103; to 10'/.c ; pure lard, 1234 to 12%c ; kettle rendered, 13 to 13%c; hauls, 11 to 15c ; breakfast bacon, 14y, to 15c ; Windsor bac on. 1534 to 16c ; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, 19.75 to 310; alive, 87.25 to $7.40. Eggs -Straight candled, 173; to 18c. hi 20% to 20%e• Que A New Brunswick Woinan Very Serious- ly Wounded. A despatch Morn Moncton, N.B., says: Shdt by ! •evolver in the hands of her ftve•y-ear-old sop, Maw. Sanford Ander- son of E(tgeelt's. Landing, near Hills- boro', was on Wednesday so seriously !attired that she may die. She was oper- alttd on but her condition to merlons. Mat. Anderson, who V in n tlelteste rotate e%' health, was sitting at a desk In which her husband kept a loaded revol- ver In securing writing material she lett the Ammere�ontaining the revolver took open, and her little eon the wea- pon out. fits mother dM not none. him a: tlr•+t, tint turned and saw him, end quickly asked for the revolver, and asshe reached to take It the little fellow pulled alts trigger and the hone' entered his mothers abdomen. A Moncton phy*t. clan was summoned, and there are hopes of Mrs. Anderson's recover/. is stated that utero is a likelihoocs of the 1)oul.tlobors of Saskatchewan moving to Southern Alberta and engaging in the production of beet sugar. Representa- tives of the colony have completed a trip through a portion of Southern Al- berta. where they inspected lands in rho vicinity of Lethbridge end ilayinond. in the West they also made most care - fel inquiry into tho various processes connected with the extraction of sugar from the sugar -beset, and were through the plants which have been established there by Mormon settlers. PEASANTS AND POLICE. Sanguinary Conflicts in Central Russian Provinces. A despetch from Mozart, Bucsia, says: Peasant disorders on the Kholsehe\'ni- koff estate resulted on Wednesday in a sanguinary conflict with the rural po- lice. A number of policemen were de- spatched to the estate. upon receipt of news that the peasants had begun arbi- trarily to cut down the grass on trio 18eado\ws. Upon their refusal to desist the p`,lice 4ir(v1 a volley which killed or wounded a total of eleven of the coun- trymen. SOU'GiIT OLD P,ASTt'RFS. Winnipeg Buffalo Swam Assinlboinc and Return, d to Silser Heights. A despatch from Winnipeg says: An- ncyed at the myrinds of fleas and mos- quitoes, and tired of being held captive in a strange and unfamiliar domicile. the herd of buffalo on Tuesdi.y brsike away from their new home at the City Butter -Townships, 4 - Park, swam the A ieiniboine, and cone bee, eeei to 203,c ; Gulateo, 20e; wes. fcrtahly settled down at their old guar- lern 17X to 1Rc. Cheese -Mee. dairy,, ters on Lord Stralhcona's Silver ; 'Townships, 113, w"eights farm. fern, 113, to 11/c 113>,c ; Quebec, Ile. NEW BUILDiNG FOR McGILL- UNITED STATES MARKETS. husband's library to the Ottawa Public Library. Crop reports from all over Canada coollected by the Moleon's Bank indicate that crepe are from ten days to two Nyeeks late. While returning from n fishing trip, 1. Pinkerton, of Fort William, had this foot crushed by a train, and a doctor amputated the foot with a penknife. A monument will tie erected on Drum- mond 1011, at Niagara. in memory of Capt. Trull, U.S.A.; and some of his cntupany who were killed near the spot. After staying away for 15 months to escal)e the law, \Vnm. Dawson was spot- ted on his return 10 Quebec city and sent to the penitentiary for two years. It is stated that flay tnillioir dollars capital will be required' by Messrs. Mac- kenzie & Mann for their smelter and ear works, which they propose to estate lett at Asltbr'idge's I3ay, Toronto. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N.Y.. says : People who had on Thursday evening gathered in Prospect Park and in Victoria fork, were startled ut 7.4(1 o'clock to sty the body of n elan come dancing down the rapids of the Ameri- can channel and plunge over the Ameri- can Falls. As the man Cantu mveeping along with tho currents and waves it looked tis though he was waving fare- well to those on shore. but it is likely that the waves gave the motion they felt was a human effort to say tureewef. This latest suicide is known to have entered the bridge between the main- land and Green Island from the Island end. He walked out to ihmm second bay on a crutt;h and u cane, and theme he climbed over th0 wall of the bridge and dropped into the rapid,. lie left lois crutch and cane behind, also a note which reads': "Tell my frieneLs that 1 have gone tq glory." This neat as well as the crutch, bears the initials "J.D.." and no doubt t1►ey\will b0 a great help in identifying the lnat1. Inquiry at the hotels does not reveal that any of the guests are missing, tier do any of them report having a guest who was lame. The body made the awful plunge over the brink about 20 feet out from Pros- pect Point, and when it was announced in the park that a human lining was plunging down the rapids toward the )Nulls (hero was a berrying of many to the point to witness the terrible clung* to eternity. The rush was irllpulsiv) on the part of some. and ttany were sad - doled by the eight. Superintendent Perry has the article's left behind. the purchaser makes that the liquors are to be used for medicinal purposes. GENE11.11.. _ GREAT BiIITAIN. Sir \Ven. henry Perkin, founder of tie' coal tar colony Iltdustry, died oil Sunday in London. Complaints are being made al London that the Japanese are endeavoring 10 sht,t out Great Britain and the United Scales Irian trade in Corea. 'l'lhe engagement is announced in Lon- don of Miss Florence Padelford, daugh- ter of Mrs. Ernest. Cunard by her first marriage, and the Honorable Robert Victor Grosvenor, eldest son and heir of Lord F.bury. Toledo, July 23. -Wheat --(:ash, 9!c ; Will Itiei)lare Engineering Structure Re - July, 92c; September, 9334c ; Decern- Gently Destroyed by fire. bre, 97yc. Corn -Cash, 55%c ; July, A despatch from Montreal says: Plans 553;c ; September, 55%c ; i)ccemt+er, have been completed for (tin construc- 51 j;c. Oats -Cash, 4534e ; July, 4534c ; ikon of the new engineerinut buliding ?t September, 3834c ; December, ?9yc. f11cGi11 University. M take the place ' 1 St. Souls, July 23.--\\'heat-(:avli, 89e; the one destroyed by tiro on April. A September, 903/c ; December, 91%c. building permit was granted to the Mc - 1.1\'E STOCK MARKET. GUI authorities on Wednesday. The new structure, which will be one of the Toronto, July 23. -('voice exporters finest of its kind on the continent, will sold from $5.60 to $5.90; bulls from be fireproof, and it le estirmated that the $4.50 le $5. test will be in the vicinity of 3275,000• Choice but,he& cattle sold from $5 ..._---•• ---- 1,) $5.25, and several cattle were reported *41.75. GUNBOAT NOW. t' have sold lir to $►.?3. Medium and Ste - ordinary bubeh(�rs' sold from 31.25 to tailed States Asks Permission to Ste - *1.75. (:unite cows were steady at $3.7fi tion One at !E<oeheeter. to $4.25. but common and rough were bull and easy at $2.25 to $3. Bulls told A despatch from Washington says : from $.1.51) to 11.25. Permission has bo.tn asked by the Choice stockers we're quoted from $3.50 American Stale Department of the Bri- t,. 83.75. and common from $2.50 to $3. tish Government to station the little These quotations, however, were gener- gunboat Sandovtsl,. now a.ciSig ed V) ally nominal. the use of the naval militia at New York, '.Stitch cows were quiet and unchanged at Rochester for the benefit of the Wh- at $35 to 855 for choice, and $25 to 330 b�t�New t of lheootti tills on rk, at liester for the Lake Ontario. for common. Veal calve were steady at 3c to 6c --.-4.----- per Ib, dttnW BIRDS TAKE THEIR BATNS. Sheep and lambs eont.lnued steady. articular in the mak. Ewes sold from $1.50 to $4.75, and Birds are very F bucks unit culls et 83.50 to $4. Lambs sold (min Std to *SAO per cwt. lines were easy and tulchang(d at the recent advance. Selects 36.90. • IILOOD WAS DRAWN. Montreal Recorder Imposes a Ueevy rine on Horse -rater. A despatch from Montreal says: Fif- teen (Sollars or one month was the pen- alty given by Recorder Dupuis on Wed- needay morning in the case of Ovilon Boss charged with cruelly beating his horse. The case was one of peculiar interest in view of ilecorder Dupuis reg. cent decisions about cruelly to aniQtals, In this instance there was the res hotly et an eye witness and blood hed ac. Nally Bowed groin the siders of tLa ani• real. The Czar and his. family on a cruise for the summer. Over aa' inion persons have died from tt'.e plague in India during the last :ix chorales. Fourteen persons have bo en drowned nt Marstrand, Sweden, by the upsetting cf n sailboat. President Falliises of France to re- duce expenses, has banished costly fish from les table. General Ail:ihanoff, 0 iver,iot General of ICutais, was blown to pieces by a 1►.hnhb placed by revolutionists. 1'incartls were posted in Seoul fro r- ougttf:ares on 'Thursday, 'calling for the death of alt tate Japaneaa officials in the city. - King Menelik of Abyssinia is raising al army of 20.1100glen, arld it Ls ruml- ored that he intends ntakinlg War upon Italy. Sir William B. Crerner, founder . f the Int ceparliarnerlt;iry •(o ,lfcrcnce's, was knighted in a trod; cunt by the King. Venezuela has lntimnted that it will refuse to pay the $2.0)0,00(1 ckt.t to its Belgian creditors. This decision is mun- trary to the finding of TIte Hague tri- bunal, and the Belgian Government !s doing its utmost to induce Venezuela to carry out The% Hague verdict. have gone UNI'TEi) STATES. Dr. Edward 11. Taylor is the new Mayor of San Francisco. Three children were swept away by a flood at ?Ai:C000mbs, West Virginia, on Thursday. The output of the mines at Cripple Creek, Col.. for the pail six months ex - coeds $7,000,000. At Ulicn, N. Y., Charles Stucky fell seven storeys and wits instantly ki11t11, and struck a pedestrian who may also die. Frank Bailey, a negro, was lynched b: a mob at a small town twenty-five miles north-east of Oklahoma for as - sniffling a railroad man. The Standard Oil Company gives a general denial to the State's charge of conspiracy in restrnint of trade and trying to stifle competition. Places of l,usitles conducted by Greeks in Roanoke, \'a., were wrecked in a race not, which bids fair to bring on international complications. President Itoosevett has sent a gift In the University of Berlin consisting of his works in nine veluni'a, beautifully bound ntt(1 bearing his nutogrnph. Two hays, resi cctivety four and six years old, were found by the pn11ce, sinning, in New Heaven, (ann. Their parents had started for Italy and left the children alone. A cloud of long -winged yellow huge clogged the machinery of a steamboat near St. Louis, and the Mat had to step until the engines could bo 1itied from the insects. A girl sentenced to serve twenty months in an Alabama prison, wee kept there for twelve years. until she died. a ing of their toilettes. Some use water clerk's mistake having made the sentence only, others dust and water, and others y rend twenty ears. dost mono. Wild ducks feeding by salt A NewyYerliye 1►ortert(der, tnarricd fico water will bathe only 1n fresh Wafer, months ago, Stabbed his wife, inflicting nine wounds, then jumped from the roof n1 n four -storey building. He will die, but his wife will recover. Fred. 11, Magill, formerly cashier of the Kerner National Hank of Clinton, 111., was arreeteti tat San Diego, Cal, with his wife on a charge of killing Magill'* first wife_ at Clinton two months . The Mormon t,;hurch to Salt Lake City has purchased the farm lying near Palmyra, N.Y., where Joseph Smith steed his early manhood, and where ho is said to have found the plate from which the Mormon Bible was printed. The County Attorney has decreed that every men who buys liquor of the drug tikes and dislikesla the watt. pf'tatcres In Topeka, Ketnses, must sign his ___ own and real gauge to tM of ldavII whlcli NEW DEPOT FOR OTTAWA. DASHED IDA DE TO DEATH. Terrible Crime of a Drunken Negro in New York. A despatch from New York 'says: in a frenzy, John Hester, a negro who hall leen (Winking, seimi the year -and -a - half -old son of Mrs. Samuel Fischer, at Leng Branch, N. 1., on Wednesday, find swinging; heen1 high above itis }read deshed the child upon the pavenle•nt. The baby may die. The Fischer child, who was only able to toddle about, was ',laying in trent of his horse when an crgan grinder came along. The, baby's attempts to dame to the music caught tee negro's eye. Hester caught hire up and began to whirl around earl the boy in his nems. Alarmed, Mrs. Fischer called to him to put the baby down, whereupon he hided him \vratu[ully 10 the stone pavement and ran. The negro was caught. JUMP1:D TO DEATH. Chicago Stenographer Leaped From Fit - Veath Floor to Pavement. A despatch from Chicago say's: While talking to friends on the fifteenth faeor o,: the Masonic Temple, on Thursday, Miss Anna Normoyle, a stenographer. deliberately walled to an open court window and w[ttil>tut a word of warning threw herself to the stone pavement of the rotunda, 250 feet below. The girl was mutilated utmost beyond recogni• tion. No Carrie is known for the sui- cide. Plans for Million Dollar Stott and Motet are Filed. is A despatch from Ottawa says: Plans for the new (ir•nnd 'Trunk station and t:tilling rlollat; hotel in Ottawa have been filed with the !Hallway Committee of the Privy Cooticd. The plans centenhplate .1 terminal station on the site of the pre- sent Central Station to cost one-quarter of a million. The station will be oblong shape and will be surmounted l+y a b►rge dome. The hotel \vitt be just to, the north of the station, abutting the cast bank of the canal. The building Is planned in a semi -gothic style, and \viii overlook Major Hill Park and Sapper. Bridge. No room is left ter a lawn. and it single lino of track leads under an nrchway of the hotel out to the C.P.U. lino running over the Inter -provincial bridge to Hitlll. FOR M1'RDER IN RUSSIA. Inlniigrant Arrested for (:rune Commit- ted in Europe. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A iiuesian, named Matthias Itaszhicwicz, i-; under arrest hero en the charge • f murder committed in Russia al Mani- nnpaiski, two years ego. The Iluseian Government communicated with the British Government, which in turn Coin - with the Provincial Govern- taaenl. Details aro lacking, but it is be- l8evcd That the crime is a poi►ticnl one. The arrested man will fight extradition on the ground that he 1s not the man. but that his brother George is the man wanted. and fly inland twenty or thirty mile's in order to get a fresh -water bath. Spar• rows take two kinds of baths, water and dust, They are not particular about the former, but for the latter only the clean - e -1 anti Grit's dust will serve. The car- tridge takes a learn bath. &retching off the turf, ho loosesis a square foot of rich , chocolnh-colored loam, end there- in bathes his sleek plumage. All birds love a bath of ashes. Anyone who walks through a fletd That has recently been burned orf, will note every 11111e while a disturbance in the charred ash -heaps, and, shaking oft • Ane cloud ot ash - dust, many burls will rise. Those who m•Inlaln avlarlets cannot suceeead unless They pay strict attention to (heir birds' RIO CIIEQEE FIiOM O'BRiEN MILT. itoyalty for Last Quarter Amounted to Over 8116,000. A despatch from Toronto says : Hort. Col. Matheson has rceseivt'et a cheque fee $116,516.31 from the O'llrien mine, obeing; the royalty for the three rtlentmonths ending July 1. niy the e' t litigation esime months ngo, the pro- vince receives a royally of 24 per cent. o; the output at the 1:it's mouth. As the O'Brien is one of late best paying mines in the (:batt rmmn. this menns nice tee revenues. For the fleet three menthe I111t t•enr 5439!11► wr+a Tined. tvhilsa inst full n cheque for 2115.000 wen received, Thee mcnns that this one rnln' elenn chenned ntou'I direr -quarters ji! n nlitllon dollars' worth of oro_ STEEL R%i1, CONTR \CTS. Government Ord -wino Sixty-five 'Thou- sand Tons. A decnnteh !leen (letnwa seri: raft• tr•arte for sixl4•-fl\•e tluou►cnr't fors (.1 sled mita. nitart'eatine et.sten.non. fee the Nr'tinnnl T.ran eontinentel Rnil\wne. l:nv' been n\war ed ht the rsovernment to taw Ilonlint,n iron & Steel Cmmnnnv of Sydney and to the Sox! Coninnnv. The fernier eaennenv get :lett 43.E tons. the first half to 1►e djellwmrei1 in Ne yernbt'r 'f thio year. nn.l the l,alanen in July. 1!tsh(t. The coo (''rnnnnv 1011 nieke 22.000 tens, the ftrct half to he delivered In November, 190e, and the balance in 1909. FISgEflY TROBLE AGAIN Newfoundlanders Want Hague Tribunal to Deal with Difficulty. A despatch from Washington says: The appronch o! the first el August, narking the beginning of the new her- ring fishing seae'n en the coat of New- foundland is n matter of great concern to the state Department. for it finds the fl,hei'ios controversy between An11!r- ica and ('rent 13ritatn in it most con- fused and unsatt.fpctory shape. he modu-s vivendi entered into last TRY TO Pili;\'L1aT I'1tl(.'i ION. ly against the wishei of the Newfound- landers. American fishermen were per- mitted to ply their vocation unmolested oft the shores of that Inland, expired with the close of the fishing seascoti. NEWFOUNDL.hSNl)Et'S STAND. it was the expectation of bolls the American end British Governments That before the opening of tt• wit g oson some permanent arrtngetthen o0 ilei P0 readied that would remove all future fr:etion on this score. flte Newfoundlanders. howevor, wore Insistent upon their rights to legislate iocally for the fisheries so long as they did trot tn terms discriminate against Atltiltcalltas Gatming In so doing they were not infringing the treaty rights et the Americans. The British Go\erntt►ent has apparent• ly been (!riven finally to concede the r.:undner►s of this c•T)nlsentiotl, or at least It 1194 teen neg'itinled through Ambas- sr,dor Reird on that basis. TRY TO PI1EVENT F flICTrO�•. Indications 800 It t it will be dillicu1t to reach any Lind of a rwrma:u. ;it Fel- tvm'rht of the 1riouble, aril 100 \wlit,:A effort of the ncewhtintor4 is apparently concentrated for the moment on 'he drefttng of sonrre fora► of tmotius vivcndl to guard against lihe devet p':ttlt of fr:ctlon on Rhe fishing Alen) al might, itt the Ind, cause g+';:ous results, The tact is that the occasion is Qt) that calls for much mutual coneess o If there 12 to be Lof))n' jrulduts vlveocti, and the Newft.undiiiii]ert Are not Is it C114 that there should be until IHeyt tome suMetent asi1tence that they' Can lave a satisfactory permanent arrange• t1 nt. To 'tint end tatsy have suggested e reference of the whole subject of enn• t;lcting treaty and legislative rights 1 the permanent Hague Tribunal. •