HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-25, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JULY 25th 1807
Why not be comfortable the rest
of the season when you can get a
beautiful Summer Suit, made to
order for $10.
Big Clearing Sale
of Grocery Stock
at Finkbeiner's Grocery
We have decided to give up business and have 'educed the
price on all our stock and are selling below cost. Do not
buy before you see us as you will never get a better
bargain, A call solicited.
W. A. FINKBEINER, Crediton.
N++N+N. +N+NN N•N+
fi. MILLS, - — WOODI—IfiM•
We have just recolvid in stock a crate ofdishes, rs, white and blue e P
and Cups and Saucers, also Toile Sets, Bowls and Pitchers,
Mi Mips, which we aro tithing right.
May Fork Rope, Manilla, at 14e lb.
All kinds of, harvestt oafs in stock.
'Machine. Gil, Peerless, the best, 40c gallon.
We have about 6 picas.* of thateheap Ntlislin left yet whish are are
eating cheap.
i Nice Fresh Groceries and Pure Spices in Stock.
Highest prices, cash or t rade, for produce.
A. MILLS, - Woodham.
N++NNN+N+N N+++N+++ Nt++++NNtt►+++NN+++NN+
The Triumph of the Time!
1907 TORONTO 1907
August 26th to September 9th
Our Country's
Canadian Progress Our Country's
Illustrated Industries
$400,000 In New Buildings $400,000
In Premiums $43,000 In Premiums.
$40,000 In Special Attractions $40,000
Industrial Activity National sad Historical All That's Best m
Exemplified Portrait Collection Agriculture and in Art
Single (ares for round trips sad excursioo rata on every lets of travel.
For all iaformatioo adtireas
Presidio 1Naaas.r aad &mum
Bar sinsW !
---at the•-
Ii2yc Prints reduced to 10c Muslin& reduced 25 per cent:
Dress Goods reduced 23 per cent.
lien's Summer Shiite. good choice of kinds and colors, reduced from 31 to 83c
We have in a fresh shipment of Dishes, Dinner Sets, Toilet
Sets, Odd Pieces and Fancy Glassware. This is the season in
which you need lots of dishes. We are bound to sell. Good bar.
gains to the early buyer.
Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes !
Our supply is large, latest styles and makes.
advance in cost, we are still selling at the old prices.
Fresh Groceries always on hand.
We invite you all to come and see for yourselves.
In spite of the
Mrs. W. Fittklx•inrr and daughter
tat Jlilverton, are visiting relative,
Mrs. Jac\Natters and instar Mist
Ida \Veil, nri visiting their parsnta
Mrs. It. (Hamacher left Thursday
/or fort Arthur, Ontario. whore who
will make her home with cher sister.
Mr: .1. .1. Merrier intends oreoting
s jam -factory, tbe't`ite chrrtln:hcirtg.
sent 1:n1141ekch's new mitts, at. Aho
West end. •
Mr. and Mra. Itickbcil and Mr..
Malbfl.•isch left on Tuesday atter•
noon for Dakota.
\It Abel Jchilbe left for London
on Tue.day to undergo another oper-
ation. Her condition big not Deco
eat i.f:cost % since her former opera•
t iOt.
Piles :act quick and certain relief
trom'1)r. Shoop'. Ma:ie Ointment.
I'Ieam note it it marls alone- .for
Pulse. and its action fl poeilive and
certain. itchier, painful, protrud-
in; or blind taloa disappear like
ertAe by its n•e, Largo nickle•eapj-
pod /lass jars fin yenta. Sold by W.
Y. Ilowcy.
ane and Surgeons, Successor to • Dr.
S. A. Heist. Crediton. Ont.
Mr. and Mrs. 1). Sweitzer, return -
last Saturday after a month's visit
at South River. While away Mr.
tiweitzer aaw one o1 the 11rgest
mantra ever seen, but as the season
'for killing motors is chased /the Animal
was alloassd to get out of range of
Hen's pun without harm. However
he had a goal linin t rout dishin;t and
other sports.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. (:ren', of Zu-
rich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
August Hill.
Mr. Sam'I. Fattier, of Uhler, Mich.
is `pending -1 fsw weeks Willi his
brother Mr. it. Either. M. P. 1'.
A number from here attended th'
baseball gime in Exeter on Friday
night of last- week, triton the ben -'-
diets of Crediton defeated the ,mar-
ried risen of Fxeter by t he score 'of
11 lo 10. Mr. Frit Kerr 'umpired
the game to the eati'Tacti'yn of every.
A clots and interesting game of
haseball was played bore Inst Mon-
day evening between •Mt' Stars of
Aibta Craig and the Stara of Credi-
ton. The Ailsa Craig players assist-'
cd by the Dunereif battery triad= a
strong bid for the game and in the
early p.trt it looked as though they
hid it. - 1u the first imine Crams got
a Wan over the plate, while Crediton
couldn't locate Bidden to 'any great
extent. Crediton eveu:d up things iu
the second, but in the third Craig
put four .nen over eat a couple of
lilts and wild throats. Crediton arae
blanked in this inning and the wipe-
ipal Craig rooter nearly had a tit•
in t he fourth Crculiton managed to
negotiate two more, while the Craigs
were being blanket}. In the fifth ond
sixth t►a� teams drewcitncers and
With olewore inning to'play it look -
(al 08 thoygh the viytors were gcing
to take array the game. (iarney ;tau
was getting better every inning% and
in the seventh put them out one,+Iwo
lbree. It was at this stage of thy
game that the !tome boya got doing
business. The first man up was hit'
by the pitcher and Me next Otte got
his base on balls. With two on uns-
ex `Frank Snell made a neat single to
left Held. both runners coming in
and Frank resting on second. The
next batter brought Frank in and
rho umpire called the game. each
Marlon, of Ailsa Oraig, gave good
satisfaction as umpire. The Crediton
team was composed of !tau, Q• Brown
i oung, Kerr, Fuhner, F. 1lrown,
Beaver, McCue and Snell. Ailsa Crai>;
Robinson, Siddell, Kennedy, McKay,
7f. Dorman, F. While, Stewart, A.
White, It, Dorman.
The report of the result of t1:^_ en-
trance examinations, held the latter
part of June was 1$iblished this week
and shows our school well in the
foreground. In addition bo passim;
a large class our teaching stafll can
boast of taking the banner for the
County as one of the class, Miss Elsie
Gaiser, secured the highest number
of marks. Mi -a Robinson who had
charge of the entrance class and also
Mr. Blaett, th2 Principal,. who al-
ways keep, a keen ey;; on all the
movements in school are to be highly
congratulated on their success. Pears
errs in this vicinity who Jiave ohil-
dren intending to take up continua-
tion work will do %tell 4o oansuit Mi.
Bluett oofore sending them else-
Rev. E. Moyer, of Lovillo Ont.,
spent a few days in the village. Ile
came on a, purchasing tour. It will
*roe remen>'borcd that early in the
spring he had the misfortune of hav-
ing his horse and ouggy ,burnt. Ik.e
congregation has since presented him
with $300 to cover the lo,s% Rev.
Moyer was successful in securing, 'a
nice driver while here.
Mr. Fred Jones, of London, sang
a beautiful ado entitled "hold Thou
My Ilan'd" at the Sunday wnwice in
the Evan Church which was highly
appreoiated as was also the holo at
the morning service.
Messrs. Wes. I'inkoeiner oust Al-
bert Wolf spent Sunday at the Bend.
A game of 6311 was played just
south of the village "ny a team of
young lads from Crediton East and
a team in the lonility in whinh they
played. The game was indeed inter-
esting and resulted in a score of
23-1 in favor of Crediton East.
Messrs. Henry F. Eilber and Wun.
Il. Brown were at'thc Bend last week
digging it well ttncT doing some
Itemember the gatno of ball be-
tween the business men of Exeter
and the ausirrena omen of Crediton to
be played on the recreation grounds
herr on Friday -evening of this neck.
The appearance of our school has
Aeon greatly improved by the now
sidewalk .which i4 now Tinkled. The
stalk is from the school to the street.
A few nights ago two cows got in-
to th:e garden of Her. .Mr. iicnn hnd
clear •d things up in fact destroyed
the garden. Ari occurrence like this
is rot pleasant to the owner of the
animals or the owner of the garden
as one does not like to taco the avrwk
of week+ destroyed in a few hours.
_____4. -_--
I'll stop your pain free. To show
you first -before tvou spend 11 penny
what my pink pain !tablet.* can do,
I will mail you free it trial ;tack.•
aae of them-I)r, Shoop's ifeadracho
Tablet+. Neuralgia. Iieadnche, l'er•
iod pains. .Toothache etc., are due
alone to 1)100(1 Coll gostion. Dr.
Shoop'+ Headache tablets simply
kill pain by coaxinz away the unnat-
ural blood :pressure. That is all,
Addre+a lir. Shoup, Racine \Vi&.
Sold by W. 8. •Howey.
.Dr. T. 1'. McLaughlin returns('
home after his long stay in Europe
and other foreign countries on Sat-
urday evening of ,teat week. Ilia
many friends swore glad to sec his
smiling face in thi-. vicinity once
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brenner and
their daughter Almah spenj a fart
days last week in Auaurn. ,
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid of Lura
spent last timidly visiting at Mr.
Jacoo Kellerntann.
Mr. Geo. Rao), is on the wick list
,t his week,
Quite a )um.,er of our pcol.le
suint Sunday last at the Bend.
For your sliitewoar call at Mr. W.
0. Shrumm he has a full line which
i9 all new stock at the lowest prices
For your bread cell at Mr. Levi
Hamacher. It is always fresh and de-
licious as he mikes twice a day.
The Misses Maud and Wetter Eidt
who have organ attending rho Indite,
College in Stratford aro hernia for the
Missionary services acre 'held in
the Lutheran church on Sunday list
Rev. Mr. (tasty preached at ooth
srry ices.
Mrs. V. Eidt and her granddaugh-
ters Mi's's Richardson, of Stratford
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno.
Mr. Cha.. F,idt, of Brantford. is
c•isiting at hi+ tonne here the guests
•ot his parents Mr: and Mrs. James
Eidt. •
Mr. August ltartm\n from Aloer-
ta is visiting friend+ in the villaxe.
Mr. Emil Setirwder, who has ocen
attending the Concordia Oolicas+ ot.
Fort Wayne is sq,eneling hi, holiday+
ar his borne }hero
Our venial miller shipped a errs.,
of flour to Messrs'. Cook. oft
Hentvall, and also reecived a car -food
of whist from Manitoba nn FrOl h;
of last tweak.
Mrs. and Miss Agusr, of London.,
are visiting Rov. and Mrs. Fletcher.
\li+► Annie Turnouli it was vis-
iting her uncle, Mr. C. E. 1lackttey,
at b;xeter, has get ur it•4 houses...
Miss May llddgert is viritire in
Exeter with NLs. Alex McFauIs.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. 1'. Heavers
spent Sunday and Nlund ty at tluy-
Reld the guests of Mt'. and Mrs.
Lewis Aldyworth.
Mie+ Maggio Turnbull and the Mis-
se-s Maude grid Vert C<uupooll were
guests of Miss Ma.1' Gilfilhut a:
k irk:oit last twczk.
ttoorge Radcliffe, of Arde r- an,
spout Sunday with 1t. 1). Turnout!.
The children's party given at Mr.
I and Mrs. 11. \V. 1'. Heavers, for Mast-
er Lloyd. was thoroughly enjoyed by
all the childrvoi, tea being served on
the lawn.
Mise Nlay Darch is silting at
Miss Etheleen Kay 's visiting htir
cousins at Logan.
Miss Maggie Miley and -Edd:-• lett
ail Monday last for Grand Forks, D.
C. where they intend to tcaid•'•.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ford of (Lindsay
and Mrs. S. Ford of \Vccdbanrt were
gueatt of Mr. and Mrs. 11. at. Is. Best -
vets on Friday last.
For any case of nen r•ou.ness, sleep-
lessness, weak stomach, indigestion,
dyspepsia, try Carter's Little Liver
]'ills. Relief is sure. The only nerve
medlcine in market,
' Massa lssaaots are Often Abundant oa Mr
Sitars t rte..
The white egg messes of this igseet
tri often abutsdtwu on our Bead. .,sees
tend •ase very noticeable untlhe tanks,
paiglcularly in winter. hi the 1pr}ng
tibeirooeggs batch, and the tittle cater.
Itis wbirh Dome fro t them craw)
t8 the ieaaes and beg?n b feed.
Though at first very snahli, they grow
eIQMig,, and by tbe middle of June.
wlwn they have reetthed Mit size. aro
shon Inch ft r,
tall. ut Thea'caterpittarand mayahebe to slay ret-
ogti4sed by the pregenoe of 4 ur short,
stout yellowish tufts on tne"bacli, trt'o
tang slender Meek tufts prdjectlpg
ivmord from near th'h head, and it
tar tuft at the tall. se with
s•Sirisbc sod head sh:e t eaterpil-
Iar:gnitte a sulking atfd pretty apt
teat -MIN'.
Z!he eaterpIliara ROW spin•sliken cl-
ew:Zs (Fig. 1) nn the trunk and Limb;;,
1a whltdt whey reintdal front tett to fl! -
tin days,bat the end of wbteb tithe.
tliie moths escape Mom the coeOQns.
Abe aisle moths are sllohm'ln•flgu?rs
1 aid e, while the female, which 11
erllitgless, is shown in ngura.f.
The female moth does not move
about, but holding on be tits eutsrdt
of -the eocooe frem whith she esouped,
lasts, 200 or 300 eggs In' a mass, e�
ening Rase' with a whtle frtithb•tvlfl�Lh
noon ltardetis and serves as a Ertftec-
(Pigs. g, h . These egg" latch
a Suis', and' the oatrerpfl era MCS tilt
.t - mlddls of August, ROM they
Mails their eoeoons. from v3/11MA t re
strata hosed of maths eatttlgs airlut
tbe, end of the month. The 0,g4s Mail
by these moths remota) thrategj) tate
winter and hateli tto fiottowits. spring,
There are accordingly tv.o ll?oeds
this Insect Is often a sesiouraspest 03
tgiatle Rees, feeding on nearlqof
these jexcept evergro n, a% ton,
k�dwerer, the Sr, lascb, saga
: wee Ire sometimes attaolt h. I is
not t ne wninon to see titre tit o'tfajiks
nearly white atom ,tbe coepeyrs yard
marries, while large trees are fres
on oily completely strlppe l of these
Davos by .the caterpillars either in
limns or August. Maples, elms, lin•
dens and harsechestnut appear to be
partleu}ar favorites as food plants.
The Wbite-Marked Tussock Moth.
pxhlanation of Cut—a, catergtltar;
b, female pupa; c, male pupa. d,
male moth; e, tame, wings
( spread; f, female mote; s;, female
, moth on cocoon; h, egg mas.sV ith
. froth over it; 1, cocoons on tree
1 trunk; k, same, showing tailgates
sod egg masses, also. All Alight -
sly enlarged.
The Tussock moth caterkftiar ap-
pears to have fees enemies aJmong
birds, perhaps because of its hairy
covering. Quite'a number of Insects
are parasitic upon It, howesifli, and
tare should ba taken not 'to''tde;iroy
Where trees are already hosted by
this insect the egg masses should bo
carefully removed and bur when-
ever they appear. •This' wili* twice
during the year—once at any time be-
tween September and the first of
Apiil, and once about the last of
June or flat of July. This Is, the
more easily done, as it It, thy. habit
Of dhc Tussock moth to place -its egg
masses either on the trunk or mats
Another method of detroykig the
eggs ie by using a piece of sponse lit d
on the err(' of a long stick. By alp -
ping the sponge in creosote oil to
which n Ilttivurpentlne hag been add-
ed, and then covering each egg n gag
with the. Auld, the eggs will be dee
Two other Insects closely related !o
the White -marked Tussock moth co-
eur in Massachusetts. Their habits
are much the same, however, nod the
shove treatment will apply to either
kind. -State Board nt Agriculture
Leaflet, by H. T. Fernald, Amherrtt,
Mass 'a -
A tree friend stands by yon whee
you are under a cloud. Swarms of In-
sects surround you when the sun
A good many peeplle apparently have
sot discovered that h is eas:er to do
their work well than 1t is to take
Keep your troubles to ' yopr.elt
tea yon tell tbem you are taking up 1
the time of the man who Is waiting to
tell Ms.
Patience is a mneh-weeded thlag in
many people. It will cure mire Vilna
than pvyslo.
Some folks are fest bonee enonelt
to put the little aeDtes on 1libp of the
basket, and thea turn fhe kitt>up.
side 4pwa.
ATlme aad elle ee occasionally sec.
teed whoa all other stetIgeteftil
Shallow -brained people tot to the
clothes rather, than ,to the velarer.
About the oaty cheap rota` that!
Slvt~s satlsfacttoa le a` TM-Pittnenti.
Ay man mayaQbcehe otter men,
Sorg takes a li$dltle to bot woman.
14est.t• having ilitsdonvyourseit, It
tlsa}i►et1 to profit by tbe wwildom 01 bth.
Sri r
A Pew years ago, before twitott-
grooiat in the Great West had
"sac!iTd anything like its presont pro-
portions, Ontario 'farmers carted
their own wheat to the nearest mill,
and during the grinding talked pol-
itics with their naighoors till the
tine, to return contentedly trial food
or flour fur house use. If at that
time soots soothsayer had predicted
what in &once s;ctions cf the province
wheat growing .could oe abandoned
on account of Western competition,
;Id that farmers at,ould refuse to
accept flour
roads'. front their own
wheat when Jfanitooa flour was
avail Tale, they would hive smiled
pityingly on the poor deluded pessi-
But this decline itt the market is
eyactly what his happened to the
Ontario farmer. Millers lire now
{ sole Lo run only eight rr ten hours
,1 dry, with the result that feed
F.Acostsgt�early douele what it did in the
Lays .A, fore the Western comps. tit ion
had cut into the market. It is rule
to ass; rt that during the last 4wenty
yetlrs farmers .of Ontario have loaf
millions through the decline 'in the
demand for Ontario flour in this
\Vhile here in Ontario, Western
flour has gained an enviaalo ascend-
ancy, enterprising millers have bon
able to compete successfully lttitb
Western flour in the Maritime Pro-
vinces, where Ontario olended flours
have captured the market. Enough
Western wheat is added to the finely
Flavored nourishing Ontario wheat to
raring up the tiercentagc of gluten to
the proper xtre.ngth, and now, oven
in Ontario the most popular leaf sold
ny the lrirgsst firm'bf bakers Ss mode
of Ontario olended flour, and the
pantie have been quick to respond
wherever the new orrtd is put utx•:t
1h; market, as it is ttotg♦/itippedchtil:
to a numner of towns throughoou,
What has .von the prejudiced ap-
proval of the Eastern p winces
ought to ne hell .worth the of +'ration
t ho n hent market will improv', mud
stockmen may expect to s:euro %bran
If you need
for you' act eel) door$, wO
have them, also hinges of all
kinds. -
We are
a gents for the
Celebrated "Fox" Scale
Don't forget that we handle. the best paint
in Canada barring none, The '`ARK ! RA ND" paint.
++++++++++++l•+++++•t--f+++i• .+ +444-1•44-1-14+++4- 1-4-1-1,44•H•414441,
Hot -Isn't It?
Try one of our Cool Summer Mats
;t• For Men and Boys 40 and 50 cents
A choice range of
Lawns, ColoredMuslins and Ginghams
Strawberries are not at their best. BUY NOW
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar
++f+-1'++•1-14+1+-1'++++++++++++ +++++++++++++•:-++++++++++++
and shorts at h more reasonable ! rr IIlY NOT OWN
figure. Increased de mend for Ontar-
io blended flour will doubtless have
a "great d'a1 to do itt everting up tho
difference in prices twien Ontario
and Manitooa wheat. II
Iifclien of the Ontario farmers whom inter.
cats are best served by doing all sin
their power to encourage the sale
of Ontario wheat. As the new flours
find their way into general use
throughout the rhomea of Ontario.
You Can- See ?
Yes, but can you see without effort, or
areeu dazzled by the sun? Do your ayes
wa ? Do the lids become red and
If you experience any irritation you
shokld at once consult us and have a pair
of glasses properly fitted to give you
perfect eye ease.
237 Deadest St, London, Oat.
heumatism HOMesEEKERs'
I have found a trite an,i te.t.e tyro for Rhea.
Jllidsn t Nota rena.dy that will straighten the a ite>♦aa Trip Excursions
*Retorted limtls of chronic cripples. nor turn bone to Canadian
"'tpwth§ back to flesh again. That Is impossible,
But I can now suntly kill the pains attU Danis 0/
»I, (Iermany disease.
N 0 R T HW E S T
In (lerroan —with a chemist in the City t11 -
Arrdsutdt- louriA h•
came c ems ,was tea e
M.: .: last Ingredient with
which Dr t hoop's Rheumatic R d d
sayerfect.,d, de .3ndable prescription. Without
eat last ingredient. 1 successfulli treated many,
atony capes of eh..amatieta : but now. at last, tient
1ormla cures all curable cases of this heretofore
much dreaded disease. 'Those sand•like granular
wastes, found in Rheumatic Blood seem to dissolve
and pass away under the &••tion of this remelts. as
freely as does anssae whoa added to pure waist.
And then, when ,113_a,,'veil. these poisonous wastes
!reel/ pass from the .,,t••,Jp, and the cause of
Rheumatism is Iron. f,, fl err. There Is now no
real need -no actual ex( u. -e to tuner longerwith.
oda help. We sell, and In coafldeutr recomtaend
Leave Toronto
30 It
1 rind 37 10 owl .t$,
tickets toed (ettrr:,.t !,n silty ,lay,
for sewed -dm ticker to Wincipeg .rd:11 in; ar+.,et North.
wen loon,
TOURISTh aJ (,Bra S��p/soaeach escurion. BeetMa1,o.!I,i.•x..t,o
man be reamed early: very Kea./ d•msnd Apply to
Rheumatic Remgdylocal yea. of ken a C.P.R.Woe•■ ficheMUM haven.
Ask ■serest r.alicher Aleut fort
mew* tatoraratroa •
• a writ.
W. S. HOWEY. c,. a. 'OSTEN. Dist. P."/s. C.P.R . Tomske
I(Surcgri pShin
Surprising how easily and rapidly a roof may be covered with'
Galt,"Surogrip" Shingles ' Simple matter to lock the sides together,
and just as easy to lock the top shingle to the one below.
The nails are "concealed"—co never pull out. Galt ' Sun:grip"
Shingles lie so closely to the roof that they really might be said to •
be cemented on. And they lode together in the tightest kind of a
grip. Thee shingles form a solid armor of galvanized steel, afford.
ing not the slightest opening for wind to get under. They can't
drop o6 ce blow o6;; neither can they rust ce burn of
Just as cheap as ordinary ahirgles. Last a
life time. The wisest kind of en invcstment.to make.
Cetelegue sad farther information free en rsgsest:
—TMIt 1W TME WORRY ■a'TAL 111111111. -
ai� CVVI�
The:Greatest Kitchen Labor
Saver Ever Invented!
The preparation of even the simp.
lest meal is a task of no small size
when you think of the inumber O
steps you tune from kitchen tto pa
try -the nutnix,r of trips you ma
after things Torgojys.,i first the eel
-then the npice-then the flavors
and no on. COOKING would
robbed of nil its drudgery if yolf
oould keep your supplies and cooking
utensils close to !hand -and within
arm's reach. And that is just what
you CAN do if you have a CHA1T4
CHATHAM is the Cabinet that bast
a place not only for every ingrt+ii•,
ient needed for a meal. but for tiara
utensils to cook it with be ,well.
Nott I will hell yon a. l CHATIIAMA
K1'1'Cl1EN CABINET on -
My Liberal Time Payment
a plan that I want to explain to
you in detail. 1 .rant to send to you
my catalog of CHATHAM KITCHEN'
CABINETS -it's free for your name
on -a postal -anti it will give give
you full description.+ of my Cabinets
and quote ;,rices that will interest
you. The
Ghathanl Kitchen Cabinet
is the most complete Kitchen Cabe
inet in the market. It is equippeld
with Flotir land Sugar bins,; -with
oomparturcnty for suppliea of all
sorts -with racks for the display of
your pretty china -with a complete
set of haudttorncly japanned cane for,
small groceries as hcll as a full act
of Spice .Cans and many other cone
veniences that etc haven't room ,to
doscribe here.
Tho arrangement of the CHAS.
IIAJM is suet' that you may sit at
, case while prepat ing a meal-iatfci
• hate every ingredient .witbin reach
of your 'hand. Not a step to take
; till you're ready to put ,the meal Ont
the stove! Think of tho saving Ito
your strength -and the saving in
your time -tune that you may have
for fancy &work -or music -or 'read•%
CABINET not only aavea your stops,
and your time, but lessens your la-
bor in manly other ways a:, well.
ou have no cluttered -up sink -tis
disordered kitchen when you have a
CHATiIAM-for you keep all tho
clutter right in one place -the tinea
louvered table of your Cabinet—which
1 takes but the rub of a damp cloth
to clean! No continual scrubbing of
the sink tsido when you have sl
1 Chatham. Just a simple rub -off
with a damp cloth and your table
is tI•ic and span ;,rid ready, for nets
Now there ore many other Special
features of the . CHATHAM KITS
CHEN CABINET that I haven't
' roornt o tell you about here. I wane
to send you nay big Free catalogue
1 -it will quote prices and detailed
dascriptions-and I'll send it to you.
FREE, for your tonne and address
on a Postal•
ft you resent to simplify your hong°
work-ifyou atant -to do away With
dnerdless toll oral drudgery= -if you
1 want alwalys ,to have a Hatt, attracs
live kittrhe,i, you ehonld ottn a1
I Write for my catalogue today--iti
will tell you how tddtavo time and
strength -and quote prioea that II
1 know will interest you. Just sends
1 your warns nand address on a postal.
and 1)O IT NOW.
Addross me atereo1B11y:
Manson Campbell Co.. Dept.
For Infants Ansi Childrea.
tbo Kind You Hers Always he dt
1 Bears the
1. Signature of