HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-25, Page 1xeter
I hotte.1' o. 32.
Per Cent
We are offering for the balance of July and
month of August a Special discount of 25% off all
Colored Muslins and balance of our stock of White
Our Muslins are all this years goods, up-to-
date in patterns and colorings and range in price
from 10c to 50c a yard. If you want a nice cool
dress for the hot weather do not fail to see them
and secure a bargain.
White Waists
Our stock of White Waists contains the vary latest Styles.
Some of them new goods arrived only last, week (no last years
waists among them) ranging in prices from 85c to $2.50 subject,
to a Special discount of 2.i,.
Gents Furnishings
Our Gents FurnishingDepartment is very interesting at pre
sent with a full Stock of hirts and Neckwear new outing Shirts,
collars attached, just the thing for warm weather, also new pat-
terns in Negligee Shirts, just received a full line of New ties
Clearing Prices on all Straw and Linen Hats.
We will pay in trade the following
Chickens (1907 hatch) 12c per lb. live weight
Duck (1907 hatch) 8c per lb. live weight
Gooseberries 5c per ret,
Black Currants 10c. per qt.
Red or White Currants 3c per lb
•ij Jones ar
$I.00 peryear in advance.
Archi•• Robinson 399. Lilliaa Robin- EXETER CANNING FACTORY 1N 1:.11:'!'L1t COUNCIL
son 3.U, Eddie Mims 439, Joseph White OPERATION
t _--
Ber GordonA."fC. 6, Olive
E. No. Z— the Council of ala:: Village of Eat,- piymOu
Beryl A. Bill 406, Olisc E. Bing •f97, --- t ter met in the Tutwn Hall on .Monday
Clayton Sims 401. No. 3 — Ilarry Aoout a year ago the moat active ' July 22nd, at 8 o'clock, all the mene-
447, Celia M. Ford 476. No steps toward crt•curing a Cunning i hers pre:=:•nt excepting the peeve.
4—Nellie E. Amy 411, Ethol M. Ken- Factory for Exeter wwcr•'� commenced 1 Oil Motion of A. I . Fuke, sec. jay
tle 389. Gladys Kcstlo 483, Sybella and to -day the factory is completed, 1 \V. Johns Mr. W. J. Ile•amau was
Morlock 431, No. 7 — :Margaret- I. Most of the machinery installed and ;elected chairman.
Mclieezi'� 391. No. 1'2—Ezra Webb
379. -
Separate School, Mt. Carmel—Mar-
jorie Gu'..,au •f99.
Nu. 1—Carries A. Mt,:r 380, Carris
11. Ok • 396. No. 2 — Anna 'Allison —__...
183, Wm. Monteith 163, Florence w►•as put in full operation on burs. Board, re• i,cltoo1 rate for e.ra.:uiu;; ,
Passmore 37". No. 3—John Dalian-
d.ty and from that time it teas stet@=.- year of $21/00.004, BIG STOCK OF
t} ne 378, Carried L. Copeland .157, Al- t bury to work until Midnight each tiny .1 it v:: cunura;; in took 1►:a seat.
gena Doupe 471, Bettie Doupe -fel, to 1 1, up with the hupply of boas1 Per motion of W. J. lieaulan, r,ec.
which were owning in. by J. J, jir:iglrt that ttu3 Reeve !lad Ideal Fencing from �:) to .47 C
Ray L. Francis 419, Milton McCurdy Treasurer a
40U, Abbie E. Shute 43U, 'Myrtle Stir- Mr. Davis Gardiner; the building
oger, Treasurer arc leareby irnpoww•cu•ed to Coiled spring wire • J 00
son, 460. Na. 4—Willie Fs►sury 'ill
who had charge, of the builditil; o1,er_ borrow to the credit of tho Corpur- 411
urdon Barbwire $3i 00
k Plain no. 9 atiti 12 $3.00
Also Gates all Sizes.
the plant in full olxratiou for 'the . The imputes of meeting held July
canning of the season's first 4lrcduct t : h were read and approved.
green peas. The plant ►►•us put in ' - 'fhe following letters were read
operation last week, out caving to a :old ordered to be filed. Front W.
orcak down in the pea .•thresher, the Lane, County Clerk, re County rate
work vas partially suspended unti! for the year of .$807.30., From J.
repairs could oe made. The machine Grigg Secretary of the l'uolic School
Has Stood the Test Every Time.
Gold Medal 650 ft. to pound.
Silver Sheaf 600 ft. to pound.
Ply Special 500 ft. to pound.
It pays to use the Best.
Prices Guaranteed,
Frank Rix,k :389. O. .5—t; ations, installing of machin. ry, etc. :atiun two thous:atld dollars for cur-
rent ,iJ',t \\• kindly took us through the plant, lent aceouuts.—Carried.
♦♦ Willie Sillery 9:31. No. ,
♦� G—\'erda Ilerryhil1 383, Nettie (,'atop- showwiug us t he workings of stbe di f_ The follow ifig Accounts were read
feront parts. nd orders drawn on the Treasurer
Z♦ h^11 370, Annie Elford 37(i. El"1 '1'1►0 l'i'ds are carted by ripe l;rot-et's for• the• same: Queen City O:1 Co.,
Washburn 9(it,
• to the plant and unloaded in ee , /rate ' gasoline $9.65, lest4 for bbls. return-
C;1tI'.I)1'1'ON 5(:1fUU1, REPORT. ,1 ted ''
• piles ready for the sr. parator. Two I tit. -1.1, :5.16; Jas. Creech, Sr. 1 e-
• Lillian 1'inkociner 476, Elsie M. men are engaged in throwing the + l,ur, S10.50; .Walter Wcstcott, 'Tabor.
• (;raiser 529, Pearl 1laist 420, William Peas just ais they conte jroni the l l.411.69; ,ltd. Quaucee labor, $1.50; T.
oe:itreicher 420, Fred Snaith 430, ,Sia- farm onto a platform leading to I Snell, labor $1.38, amounting to
tibia Oestmicher 442, 11 rry 'Trick t he threes '1 . 'There another manr $30.23'. 1'asti•cd on motion ofGODERICH PUBLIC SCHOOL
\V. J.
.388. shove e them into the massive tea -Neaman, bee. by A. E. Fuke.—Carried.
chine. where they are rapidly "thresh- Adjournment by J. J. Knight.
cd, the hulls anti straw coining out J. SENIOR, )lt, Clerk.of the oiler end of the mnaol.inte, -----..e.
while the peas fall clown cin'incli:1Cd ria\51:13A1.1,
canvaa into iccehtacles built pur-
Doty 426, Margaret Galt 171, Elsie Posely to retrive theta. —The basob:a11 t;auie Friday n:slit
Goebel 4-16, Nina Kerr 417, Isabel Ma- Several -boys then lift draws and between rho benedicts of Exeter and
theson 460, ltector McKay 432, Annie the peas fall into boxes. They are ;a .team from Crediton, who have the
'McKinnon 413, Angus McNevin 388. their weighed and poured .into ,a credentials to showthat they barePercy Paulin 370, Garwin Prang 905 t;creealing machine coming out clean also been in front of the matrimonial
Percy ltanrscy 431, Alex Saunders 477 as can be. altar, oats the best game played on
Stella Speiran 16, Oral Stoddart 493 Another operator takes the ata the local diamond tills yrur. Our
Buoy a from the screener and pours theta boy.~ went in .with the determination
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade shoes and wall papers.
•NNN••••••••N♦•♦NN♦♦ ♦NNNN♦•♦♦••N♦♦
•♦♦♦♦N♦N♦N•N♦♦♦ ••••••NN••••••••N•♦♦•••
!West Huron Entrance
CENTRALIA , Examinations
I < foliow%ing is the• latit of eatrii-
dater( padaaed by "the, Board of F:x,ana-
dinert for West linron, wwitb the
marks obtained by ('rich. A card giv-
ing the marks (Lonnie(' has :been f=etal
to each pupil. The certificates will
oe issued before the row -opening of the
schools. On ;account of the difficulty
of the literature tracer the thgs mark
ham been reduced Irorn 390 to 370.
The highest 1narks oi)taineel in each
subject are as 1olloiws :
Reading—Elsie (;oetr•1, 45.
Writing—Cora Washington : :ane!
Logs Wanted
Maggie 1)is}:rr 43.
• 1 china— Several ootained id!
Delivered or on the stump marks.
Literature—Marjorie (initial), 82.
British Co(.umbia Shingles
Barrel Heading and 11001)s
Kept. on hand or cut to order
Done on shortest notice.
‘Vc have a most com-
plete showing of Gold
Rings of great variety.
Every Ring we sell is
guaranteed.to be just as
we represent it.
Harold Aitken 432, Sara Beacom
•I00, Fred Bennett •125, Nellie Black
460, Ella Brtrnaconige 329, Conrad Ca-
rey 370, Adaline Clark 457, 11Iuael
Elizabeth Stogdill 476, ltuo Stother to win but the' luck was against
into a large tank ,of hot water
where they are partially cooked. I them. Up to the end of tl:e pixth
Pram the bottom of this lank runs inning the game was good, the score
Eritrst Young 409, Harold Young- f'23. :a halico:d conveyer and this drives being a tic, each aide having regis-
llODE1tIC1I SF:1'ARAT1. SCHOOL. pie peals upw arils allowing them to toed eight runs. In the seventh the
fait oda another similar conveyer Crediton players negotiated r -ix runs
\\"1n. Hoyle 461, 1{ussrll Fox 119. ...► • '
Mary Lacey 52:3, Willie Phalen 370. ting machine on the inside of t1:,:3
COLI3ORNE building.
394, Alex. Straiton 371 Watson Stra-
totl 408, Maty Sutherland 433,' Lillian
Thornton 389, ('ora \\'ashiegttn '135
alert forces thein up above the can -
out this mlis on account eI the dark-
ness the players being unable to s� e
the .,all. \\'hen Exeter carne to bat
No. 1—Howard Jotter 112, Stephen The canning machine is the most it was too dark to see the ball leave
Wilkes 370, Beta \Vie 370. No. 2— important part of the machinery and the pitcher's hat:d but two tallies
Lorne Moore 111. No. 3.—Florence is so accurately timed that not a can were Drought in. The (:nal showed
Young 382. No 6—Edna .McEWan 438 is indsmcd. here an operator stands 1 Crediton winners by a score of 14
Ella McLean :371, Mary McManus 402 seeing that the resiervo'r which holds to 10. T'ollowing was the line-up.
Edna Sands 171. No 8—Stella Moi.
risk 408, Thomas Mitchell 370. No. 9
—flume Clution 403, a1:►tml Young
No. l—Carrie+ Graham 465. No 2—
Jlarry lIaacke 411, Huth Thompson
415, No. 5—Ela44a L3ettles370, Lucy
the peas is properly filled and to eeo Crediton
that the cans are adjusted I liluett' 1
and are being fed properly. The cans McCue, 1
are dropped into a long galvanized Snell, 1
pipe from the second floor. An arae 133rt rand, 1
(;wings around taking a e:tn at each I'aht:er, 2 •
turn and carrying it over to the ran-Keirr, 3
ning machine. here the machine Fat, 3
Iiertzel, I
' directly under the feeding tunes and Rau, 1 1
carries it around, the peas and brine Total 14
STANLEY TOWNSHIP being ted in proper proportions awhile (-'rte, feature or r•r:: g;unc Was a �• •
while revolving, takes up the can
Marshall 403 \oG-Roberta Jchnaon
-McConnell, 1 — — -- - --- - �_
Il a w k s h a w, 0 •ic••1•-1••1••€••1••r••II••l..g••1•.1• 3• t .• .• •1•.l•.;••,. ,. ;•i.•:• �•• +•: :•+ .•.•fi••i•++.3.✓ •1-.;..1•.6••!••1••1.
Ileaman. 0 •i• .,r.;..l.•g••t••1••1•.:►•:.✓�.. a. �:.: ••✓ .�✓ .••q•• • .:. • ✓ ...
Creech, 1 As :•... I•e •:: .• : •.••: : •::$••7• c..f. ::• , ,.:•.:• :• : •6.•1.•6..1••6 + T.
}3oyle, '_' r '6' . +
Statham, • If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To �•
rindc•r3or1, 1..i.�• .;•
Total 101 ''•-*-
.-° •t:
.•. •i
•3r •
The Largest Home Furnishers in the County, ::1
÷IFillndertaking in all its Branches.
• I-•3••I••7•ti .:..6.:•. :-•7••1••7••1•!• •7• •:• :: •6.1••: •I•.6..1..1,.1••T••E••7• :: •1• :• :: •i••r 3••1••t••I.
Our Redaction SaIe:¢
Owing to the lateness of the spring we
• have decided to extend our reduction sale and
.7. will give greater Bargains in Furniture kr the
next 30 days than ever were known in Exeter
before. Every article in our large stock of
furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be Convinced before making your pur-
chase elsewhere.
No. 3—Fred Reid 370. No. 4 North
—Roy Dewar :393, Cora 5ichoJton 433
Nellie Watson 370. No. 4 South,—
Maggie Campiell 419, Ford Sparks
370, No 6—Leonard Iteid 432, Earl S.
Wanlesa 412. No. 7— Geo. Stephen-
son 413, Herbert Stephenson 370. No
10—Jes•ic Aikenllcad 467 Rhea Itouat t
No. 7—Claudia Cochrane :376. No.
14—Murray M. Fisher 1aI, Aggic
Gemmel 450, James J. ,1.arrott 41.2, ti▪ ed along Next passing a small mo- lei: that gnau could return and got.
Rena M. Mcl3(atl► 370. chine on whish bruyfos are attached the ball over to first in lisle .t.o.hea(1
AS111•'IELD TO\\'NS1111' :aid which swing on a Pivot l:u:ting off the runner making hack .for 'that
acid around the edges of 4he small sack, thus making the triple ,play.
• vat, cap. Thr can is then carried for -
Willie Small! :370 370. No. 2—Josie ward to the soldering machine_
Dalton 459, 1'recilla 1)nl;on 407, El- where the tops are faceurcly fastened
eanor Mw... 396, Thomas Quigley 390, and then this operation i; Iini heel
Eileen Sullivan 505, John 1'. tiullivart the can is shoved aside cand passes to
41'' \t cur'c 1\' 1
flare t \\ ghate 458. No. •3—\ e.ronic.a
Howler 381, Allan .1. Griffin 414, Gra-
cie Johnston 411, Anna; M. Mc1Jcoiald
491. No. 4-111uncaca Finlayson 418.
being carried to the oppecsite side.(11 handed catch by Claude Blui tt t
!fere the can is releasrui from the which' had not 0140 player ;been out, 1' -:•
machine and turiry off towards an_ wouldh;awo resulted iia a triple :play. •C+
other u1►crattar, where another ms- There was a man on second and alt -
other on first when the ball was giv- 06 -I-
on a terrific drive by 1Int than :at •. •;'
bat. 1'oth rutaners st:1rted for the .1...:„
next hast.•► at the sound of the dei(, + 3.
Iiluett captured the ball with a bril- •
karat one banded catch, 1011011441 iaee- •-e. •'
and base befoie the runner ;who hall •• ..
chine partially tips it to allow :;•cine
of the water to run off. The can
then pasales under another machine
which brushes off the wwatet', atter
which it passes another operator,
who places on it a arnall cap to cover
the feed hot*. Tile can is then car-
et. S. No 1—Pe row• lhavel(n •i4 �_
—Mr. Hartley, I'riec:pal of Blyth
Public School, has 1,1(•44 engaged as
i e u iwan n., 'r- another employee who seals ul, the Principal o[ Clinton aaublic school,
the smart hole rnado by t}.1 moldering a salary of at900 for next S••�<tr. Ile
machine. Another workman then iy very highly spoken of by Mr. iltebh
t?1kes the can and tams if there ore Inspector, ;and leis given entire 'satis-
faction in Blyth, 11here lie glias
for several years.
—On Saturday East, Elmer, second
su of Mr. W. G. Doherty, of Clinton,
islet wi:l► :a bad accitbent at hayfield.
lie had gory." over in ono of alto S..5.
picnic loads ;:ra<I go: there nhead cf
any leaks, and after passing him it 4ai
\Val. McLeo,l 461. No. 7—Lci1a Agar thrown into a large hasket.
:39.4, Bridget )Logan 392. Nc. 11 — The anowe is about the !►recoaa
Eleanor IMugherty 427. No. 12 — which each can goes through before
John Bradley 420, Cameron 1:irries being' 1•lacad in the huge basket, but
408, Soptil i Kempton 397, Jenne Mc -
they follow tai•:, another like an array
Nair 42.2. No. 15—Te.na Iluck1n, hint of Moldier~ iia single► file about .a hec-
502, Mildred Long 491, Duncan Math- os:d :apart.
esoa 376 :3716, .1. McKay :382, llinnio After the baskets are filled three
Sandy 4.28. No. 5 — Mary Hackett of tbetn Are carried t0 the tars:!
387, Mary E. Nixr.:1 466, Maggie Ric- placed in boiling water and al?ctved
ride 415. No. 9—Maggio J. (len 392 to cook the proper length of time.
Ilett Rivera 47.1, Carman ,lathers Following the cooking prOoess t}1e
40:3. No. 10—Id:a She•rwe d 4u9. No. baskets of ean.•a are then carted to
13-1.03i Cranston 412, ('Las. :Alton the north •.•nd of the building and
429, Annie E. Hue hal ford 458. No. 17 placed in :a hug<a, cooling tank, where:
—L1/1yel .'•1cWhinn:•y 402. they aro allowc(1 to renel111 until
\\'AWANOSH TOWNS!!I1' thoroughly cooled. They :are tl:err
No. 1—Sep. Sch—May Red►nunct 121 taken out and piled up ready for the
Na • :'—(:ili,a•rt \\';)son : s. `'o. :3-- rasp%19. .
Edna Aga r 1.'.5 Jr1 (' ( The whOkl piOcerdure from ala.
shelling of- the peas until the Cati4 be expected. Ham and Tongue, Corned Lunch' Beef, Salmons
are lifted out of the cooling tank, is
I '
worth a visit to the f:actte-y. Al- Lindsay, July 2:3.— George tililier and Pickles. Everything that's good•
thn11;311 the plant has been in opera- ;and Alfred Uoslin, the two 'remaining
tio!1 but a few days each employe•a leair:A-let:4 in Colli ctic,tt w::1: IV Baker's Cakes and Fancy iiisseuitl', t3alad. Oils. i)a:e�, I{ii,ins :and Durrant..
allottsdilitos nhim. lace arThere aaits suct h is ceunte i+lrilrei tingteast*, “"ereere t:d Jackson What about Corsets? 'I'ht• latest styles, bias filled. 13 .l I, (, 13 C. smtl (; W
system about tl,:• whole being that to -day and eel -acted seimrnat tri:1 t, also many other kinds, at prices tel suit every person. See our window.
'1 grower after 1Lavirg 1►:i i>c:a; Ib.' chug.: was of paving had it; Lots of warm weather nl%terIoI9 for dresses. Ducks. Pilate, Muslin. De.
thresb.:d, can get the straw sand tal:•' their pcssassion counterfeit ~:cur's, laines. Everything that's 6►rettt•. '
it heck home with pita for tc.drler' :and in this G05iin was charged and The Dishes are the hest. A11 those pretty hand painted anal cit l;t,a9n anti_
Every day 1•est w.cek the yards 1^ed- `'lille'r cc•nricted :and iv:s,;:r.d+'el an cies are not gone yet. Give 119 0 cal) before cleei(iink, '.%ee c,tn cert►►inly
Arithmetic—Annie Allison, A�ggi<� ►ran Cattle toff 4.31,
Gemmel, Mary Nixon, Garnet Wan-
less) 11urr-ay 371. Ne. 4—Win. Dur-
Edna McEw.in, Elsie Olaixer,Cor-, 11111 :391, Elizabeth M. W Ilion 380. No
Nicholson, ~rutin} hiesher, Matilda
7-11. ltoninson 370. No. 11— James
Oe•5tre•icher, II •remrt Mitch li, Sfillo,. (Tittle 437, ll;try .t
)I. 1'.•gusaon 411,
Haugh Edith Treleaven, 'fella Buck- Birdie ilooerts•,n 390. Ne. 15—(;or-
ingleitn, Jenna. McNair, harry Treia- don 301 ferson 338. No. 17—F lo -a ie
ne r, Ms -rt h• Stinson, Willie Sillery, Elliott 461, Laura \Icltrtyres 427, Kiri
100, Wilson 430, No. 1—I'niin — Erne••:
Geography—Syeilia Morlock 8:5. \lcll�►:ai:, !0*i.
Grammar—Oral Stoddart, 91. %1'1{1('!1 P. 8.
Composition—May Redmond, SG. Harold Aep,•i '391, Eleanor 11 amici()
Total—Elsie (:;river, 529. 121. Elgin 3. Ile,- I, Hoffman
EXETER ENTRANCE EXAMS, 417, ilam:a,' Well :01, Fa 1 \fill: tats
Thomas Barman 370, Annie 11:5- 370.
sett 424, Veroeria itoyle 371, Harry 1)1-NGAN505 I'. S.
Carling 450, Gladys Ford 471. L: ii: Viva Belt 425, M aggie i)ish'r 151,
Gould 429, Florence 1Ic•araan 39,,, Vera Durnin 423, Ethel Wenn 487,
Edith lteidenann 437. Roger F. Johns Allan ieers 135, !toy Medd 415, Pearl
:37:3, i'earl Johnr, ilubert June); 452, • McNally :3`'2, Ire.1. -• Ol►lllver 115. item -
Russell Maay 430, Catharine Making lie Pentland 390, Clara Sproul •409,
-138, Olive Wood 421, Ella Wood :370. Edith Treleaven 448, Jkrt Wiggins
some of the other rigs. When one
bf the ccnweyanees Eater dr,c:ve on the 1
ground, he attempted to clinch cal tt What about (10i1) • business these warm days, well wo
befog., it had ratopl,ecd moving, and y
one of his ic♦;` slipl►c•d in between law lare here to (10 it, there's nothing, like living high if it is•\varl11
s=pokes hit dint• rigs fast, Ile wcas ,Fu, weather. We have the goods all -ready tc eat, so you Woilt
tangled up that it tas nem,- ►ry to
t urn t h: ►►`1► el lrefor l,e could be. ire- we '
need to overheat j'011l'3elf by cooking.
moved, when it u•rat found 'that the
free leg was broken in two places.
All the latest canned goods coming weeklya,) the ' are
Medical aid wog at one procured and t ' they.
leg cared for ;,he was-rdmortly 41f -
always fres,:.
tcrwa 104' ►brought
t gulp Itg,ack 4.3 334.1 home, Mould Clark: Pork and Beans, with Chili Sauce, Chicken
11;19 'l1:Ce•
The Leading Hardware Store in Town
Where you will find a full stock of
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement 14.
Plaster Paris,_ -c +
* Galvanized Steel Shingles f;:+
• and Siding, Etc.
*T. Always in Stock at Lo'4vest Prices,
• t+
Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wise.
.1..S..r.6..:. ;..1..6. ✓r.;..; .:_ -i :. :..: . .: .:. : !, •:• ti• .• •i •:• ••.:..•..:..o ,..t.�..:, :..;..;. :• : <.6•.1••1. •!'.l.'1•.i.' .
d• ::.1..g..1..6..6••6.•1..7..6,.1•.6: -:.'•:-✓o i• :• :• c•::• :..:+ , •�✓:• :- •: •:• •:• :••t->•• :• + .t•.1•.6•.6•++-:-
0. 13-11 188, James 11. Hilliard
37e, Marry 11. McArthur -159, .Jame!
J. \TcAitleur 411, Alex. Smith 38:3,
Pearl I)r)tdale 418, Arnold Iliiakirk
418, i.nella Ortwcir, 408. iron. Pope
:370, 1.11y Ynunt.•',lut 4:12.
ing to the factory wore filled with 442,000 bail until Friday for sentence. suit you.
1c,�dy o[ peas awaiting ><Itrir turn a: The court row was fill"d to over.,D.
t he th Garth flowing, interest in the caso having
Mr. Gardiner kindly presented us been augmented by the eontrasiotts of
with a cif► of the trona w►•ie:oa Burke. Logic'. Wynn, Ew'c1::ig11 nrd i �' � 1' TEII NORTH.
plcnscct pur (epicurean palate th t wwc I3ryeau
made yesterday • in court. 1
Are RUIO the, :any 0114' •;flee a-irlt; t, these confessions were oUnll►l yte, the canned by t 1. Exeter Canning (oat- urethaly of m:akiaag ;Ind " ahow•ing" — - - -
pnn): will :11"atys a•k for /the brand. the bogus !stoney bean, fully reveal-
ed. 13o:h I.tdie ;111(1 liutke %410 wi
r:ess. s ng►ainst ~ller, t lti forrttcr de-
claring that Miller not tally diatri-
butt d the woney, but also As•►isct�xl in
in it. x)11 several ocalaions )1e
le -al gone to 1(-'llevillc ar.d 1'•.'tarboro--AT---
to get rid of th! money. 't'),:' con-
viction of Miller is a sorterjr'.. isle
young !non Min,/ wtvIl known and to-, Exeter and Centralia
spected here. Ile. is as printer by
tt•ad' and on? 01 the tstcckhold'1 in
The \Vatchman-Warder. The priaa 1'
peri w id 'nee wars that u[ :iarg2.ent ! Wl•
ll exchan,Te for other' rain
t'Arkilason, of the Ucwmittie•n police, r A Fria! Solicited.
who told ul' hating heard the coated- • if desired.
s'ton of [.c�tie repeated to Miller, 13 leo ARTHUR D. DAVIS
when the latter two met, Miller ac- •
cuscd Legia of telling utitruth'• Richard Seldon
"Yea, G •orge, it is alt up, it Li ti ue,"
Logics bad remarked, accorclittg to Exeter, Centralia - Lxeter, Ontario
th d';ectiv4.'s story. ''1 knew 110(11- 1
ir.lt about it," ww'((r? the words Mille I Residence, coning' ]acnes and An..
us d in reply to all the dctcc:iv:'/, and Clandeboye i drew Street.
'questions. •. i
11I(:h•'i' t� OItl'.O.'t'i'1';1
King 4:8 1- t Fir:'! 172. C'lit- .
Tie • fif' li orad period reactionary,
f .rel Pollock 37++' is teat* !I on the 21th, 25th and :e,th.
• The full moon at �,4n 'clips." node rind
h,L1MVII,E,1,. in 9e•rifte l:alla on the 211h. With-
'," i'• forty-eight hours of sunset on
(11 • 21 t h many storms Anel tno rkfd
S�•iatnic diaturhanees %will 1:, heard
from in many 1•arts of the Earth, so
r hat sa rn lailnurn of such ph'nonten:t
may be toted. The t<ml►rratura will
fall rafter •rhes^ storms.
Th • sixth storm period regular
falls within a Mercury period. 11 is
c'ntr:ll on the 31st and extends from
: 2Pth. two drys into Apir i'ti
Change to much warmer and gather-
ing thupder stnrms will begin in t)l'
t) -c 28th and during the 4
days following these conditi.cns will
pass eastwvnrdly .across the country.
'Che sacrament will he . dniini-: '!..41
• N,►. 6—Milteoen Haugh 371. Ne. `a— next Sunday morning.
- Milt ea (wire cher 402. No. 11—Nes. Mrs. Fair ,i'.l• Mites t�..lvther Fair
_.-.4. lie Campbell 172, ('bas Overholt :3.1, have Kone for a month's visit with
Willie Taylor :3711. relatives in Chicago.
No. 2—ire r I h'i M uteri 403. No. 3— Rev. M. llazlewwex,d, a former jun-
( Maggie 11. Wilson 1'3), \\'e••a. Caldwell for minister, preached )mere els! 81111-
(11, M\'na. Grata 115, \1'. H. Wilson a'2 (lay evening.
C WARD '. B. i:ilt�••r :370, Alpine 11 -•--4.--
• H. CO.• ' Ewen 37(r. No. 14—Eliza M. Thorny- Palpitation of the heart. nor -
ce.n 413, ennsne'.s, t remblings, nervous head -
374 Richmond :fit. 101001 Oli STi•:I'IIE` •IowNSiIIP ache, cold hands and feel, p -lin in the
Ne►. 1—A,i tin fluorin 4"11, \Te rw,n
back end other forajta of twcakneam
1N••♦♦N••••••♦NNN•N• 1.I`to11 4146, \Larger)• llePhu' n 461, are relieved by Garter's Iron rills
Hazel flicks 476, Nene .McCurdy 111 made cpa+cially for the blood Herres
and complexion.
.,reef -►''3'.: �!' ..
Corn � House DC6ordtOF'
Plumber Mot sad uwawx.ri,
Shin Wrltinq and Gralnlnp
With 1t. Ilinnoy *hat year. Batt.
mates furnished on A f,lelication,