HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-18, Page 5sit 1 '1'EE EXETER TIMES, JULY is 1907 111111111 KEEP COOL Why not be comfortable the rest of the season when you can get a beautiful Summer Suit, made to order for $ 10. J. H. HOLTZMANN CREDITON, KEEPS KORRECT WOOLENS Big Clearing Sale of Grocery Stock at Finkbeiner's Grocery We have decided to give up businessand have reduced the price on all our stock and are selling below cost. Do not buy before you see us as you will never get a better bargain. A call solicited. W. A. FINKBEINER, Crediton. 41••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fl. MILLS, WOOD' i M• • Millinery -Our stock of what we have left to clear out at half price. We have 50 youth's two piece Suits to clear out at what they cost us; also men's Pants and odd Vests made by the Coppley. Noyes and Randall of Ham- ilton, they are good fitters. Youth's, boy's and tnen's fancy Straw Hats to clear out at 15c, 25c, and ItGc, each. We have some of those fancy Muslin Roods for dresses left yet, reg. rbc 20c goods to clear out at 10c yd., and 10c andl'3ijc goods to clear out at 7c We have in stock all kinds of Hardware -Turnip Hoes. long Shovels, spades and Manure Forks -We sell as cheap as anyone else, you do not have to drive 10 miles to get theta, weeteep all kinds in stock. Shredded Wheat, Orange Meat, Gusto, Life Chips, Grape Nut, Porn Flakes, we keep in stock -Also nice fresh and clean Groceries and pure Spices. Highest price cash or trade for Butter and Eggs. A. MILLS, - Woodham. 41••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O14TAR/p e� 4� x N /T\ OFFICIAL PERFECT BUNS ) LABEL ova 4fsOCIA'�w� This brand -on a bag or barrel -is the mark of a BLENDED FLOUR of Ontario Fall Wheat and Manitoba Spring Wheat, milled by the best millers in Ontario. Ask your grocer ter a Blended Flour -and look fibs the above brand wherever you buy. • f . tt 1v Qrc'_ „ Lt F'.11e".11 tined s�Oi ts!!hnil gii111t.t riet tm�'M7fN1�'�d'! tea. .4UNIIMMEIRSIErtumnrisact r' •"uI 1 r Made in Ontario" THIS IS INC ONSET MCTAL AOg The wandering tramp who steals a night's lodging in your straw stitch may prove a very costly visitor if he should forget to put out the match after lighting his pipe. If fire in straw stack gets a good start the barn and contents o•1 tents ared Domed- unlde pro• tected with Galt Steel Siding and Galt "Sure -grip" Steel Shingles. Then it will be fireproof as well as storm and Ilghtnirg proof. Your cattle and produce conned in the barn v.ill be abso!utely safe and secure. It's certainly true economy to buy Galt Steel Siding. h costs but little and will last a life time. Secures for you the most favorable insurance rate. Glees of col,' ro::ed, painted or Ialranized steel, In a wultfplisity e( handsome. -" q:nsl der,;ns. Free illustrated catalogu• On request. THE GALT ART METAL CO., Limited, GALT, ONTARIO. alt Steel Sidin Crediton DIt.!'. J. MDCUE, MEMBER ON. TABIO COLLEGE PHYSIC'. ass and Burgeons, Successor to Dr. D. A. Haid. Orediton. Otat. Mrs, Evans, of Ailsa Craig, was the guest of her nice Mrs. Wes. /Lam- port, last week. An interesting game of ball Web (Played on the athletic grounds last Friday night between the married men of Exeter and the tnarried toed of Crediton, Although the duty in the outfield greatly interfered \lith the playing, the genie woe it ioo,S one, and was won by tltp local beae- dieta by the score of (1 to 7. The funeral of the late Miss M. Latuport 'who met a tragic )Le-ath in Londoai, .e as Held here Thursday. 11 was oite of the largest attended fun- erals over witnessed iu this town the optiro community turning out de show their sympathy tothe ileruxved family. The floral offerings Iwere numerous and ioeuutitul. A 51109011 wreath,'with t110 words, "From 4.lu Girls," vas sent oy her associates di Loudon. Rev. Mr, Andrews, et *110 Methodist church •conducted the e'er- victa and eulotfized the 'character of DIi1s► Lamport, 1L 110 was so even known. The internment took plaoe in !'airfield cemetery. Mr. 1 red Jones, of Londou, is spending his vocation in this vfaira- ity. Ile will sing in the Evangelical Church next Sunday night, ."lIold Thou my Band" wtirds and mesio dry 8. S. Briggs. All echo heard Mr.. Jones on his last visit 'Bore. Twill be pleased to hear him again. Itev. Holmes called on friends in the village on Monday last. Mrs. McMurray and 1'. \V. Clark were called to London on Tuesday owing to the illness of Mr. Sidney Clark, who underwent au operation on said date. Mr. Gottfreid Geiser acid Len Israel left for Blenheim on \\'zeduos- day last, where they have engaged in work for a few a ks. ee Mr. Wm. Luydic and nephew of Clifford, are spending a 'few weeks in the village with relatives. R., 13. MoLean, of Stratford, was in the village for a few• days com- pleting the installation of the Town Gae Plant. The plant Is now an accomplished fact and is a very fine system of lighting. We can now boast of having as fine n lighting system as can be found in much larg- er places. Mites Mary Finkbeiner of Detroit, returned to her home where *rho evil[ pends a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John ilaucb. left Monday morning for Blenheim where they will spend several weeks re- newing acquaintances. Mr. Francis Clark was in London on Tuesday on business. Miss McMurray visited friends in London on Tuesday. Mrs. (Rev.) Bean acid children, left last tt•eek fur Mancheeter, Alice., where they.will %lea Mrs. Bean's for- mer home. - Word has been received from Mr. Ira Brown who left for the \\-est re- cently that he has secured a position with the '1'. Eaton Company. at Win- nipeg,. 11r. Jos. Baines bronco kicked up quite a rumpus on 111e street last uesday afterwltrds 'running •away. Mr. Bain's had tied tho animal to a Post and after unhitching the traces but leaving the holdbacks fastened to the shafts. Le went for a bolt to tighten the w,hiffletree. During ,his absence the horse went .forward Al- lowing the shafts to fall 'to the ground, one of a Lich was 'broken. 11 commenced kicking and broke away from the rig. 1l.married ill go to Exeter to -morrow (Friday) evening to play a l: turn match with the married leen of that place. Mr. Walter Clarke spent a few days in London visiting his brother \vta0 is very 111. Mr. and Mrs. 11. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Switzer spent Sunday last visiting friends near Dashwood. Mrs. Sant'. Eilber, and daughter Gcrtie of l illy, Mich., are renewing acquaintances in and around the vil- lage. Mr. Drochter, land agent, was in the village for a few days land did COILgitft•iaole business. Farmers in this section are very busy harvesting their hay which turn out to tie fine crops. The families of Wilson Anderson and Wm. (taker picniced at Grand Bend Saturday last and all spent a very .enjoyable time. . Irvin Stahl, Son of Levi Stahl is laid up \wads an attack of Theuma- ( ism. The Seventh annual ousinesa meet- ing of 1. P. A. of the Evan /Church was held Wt.dneeday ewe last. Fol- lowing is the result. I'res. Miss Clara Kingsley: Vice -!'res. 11. Brown Secy, Melinda Trick : Cor. Sec., Aug- ust Kuhn; '!'rens. Clara Hai.it : Or- ganist, Olivia Bolt zinanit : Asrr't, Mary Ann Morlock : liilrary, Della (frown and Pearl Boltzmann. 8EX8 1i1'11 Mr. and Mrs. W. C. i'earce, of Iona visited friend% in thi+ vicinity recent- ly. A nurnlr•r from here spent the glorious 12th at Myth. Mrs. A. Johnston, of London, vi+- ited her brother George and also Al- bert Geddes, n short time ago. Mr. and Miss Turnbull, of Far- quhar, visited srtc fri n s here on Sun - .lay Inst. Fair crops of hay ere reported (rcun every part of the country. Have no equal as 1 prompt and positive sure for sick headache. 'it- tiuusness, constipation, pain in the elle, end all liver 1rolloles. Carter's Little river rills. Try them. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first -before you 1.1.•nd 11 penny what ray [.ink pain 'tablet. can do. I will mail you free rr trial park- a ze of them -Dr. St:oop'rt llendtcho Tablets. Neural xis. Headache, .I'cr• int pains. Toothache eto., are duo alone to Float conzostion. Dr. yhoolee 1lcadache tablets simply kill pain by ac'axiflz away the unnnt• tired blood R'reeatre. That 1e all. Addre:.q 1)r. Shoop, Raeino Sold by W. 8. Ilowcy. Mrs. M. Ilar- rott, me Moe ,ean Bt., Mon. treat, says: - horrid rash came out all ov dp0f baby's fhcand 'spread until 1t had total!) face .end covered his scalp. It was irritating and retinae. end caused She little one honer of se aerate. We tried soaps and po,tllers aua saltt he got qo better. He was so fr�t!)tl if ay long Thai ft. made It very l x �pr rms. He sawed hla food, goo quite thin etetworn• and was reduced to a very scribes condi- tion. I was one day advised to fair Zany Iluk, and did sp. It was wondrrful how ft seemed• to cool uud ease the diaItd'W urn• Mg, palatal tin. He gradua'llt beeswe more easy and able to sleep. Zane.liuk tiepin the very couatnenceweat seamed to lgo right to the spot, and the PfrnpfeA i.p.l soros and the irritation grew lest an.l IN.. a�••jyiH u a few weeks my be y's skiiidi a: meted completely. Ifo tial now not.,[ t)iu, et.ntsh, or -eruption, or eczema, or b�,ruing rare. Not%ally so, but cuss/ of ttfo tqr. !pleating sic in trouble, tie has jig pro t'd in general health. He has got fart and pkirn . weighs no les: than 31 lbs., af'though only 7 man tlwokl, andis in flr,t.olass csustition. ' yarn-Iluk hi told at all storey and rne,Ii•.1,e cin. dor,, fable. a box.•r pont tree frrnn 7am-ltul 1'..., Toronto, Ler prat*, 0 ire,et for r•'.:.n• (ORES HEAT SORES IT SUMMERECIEMA< If.EOPub SORE FEFT,StUNBURittiM GSEn, Dashwood Mr. and Mrs. \V. O. Shrum) tend Satnily event a. few daye',isitinfe \titifl Mr. Shrumm'e parents at' Glenne. Miss Ethel Kellermann, .of t'Lffller• vine, Ills., is spending his holidays at the home of his parents :llffre; bliss Minnie Ehlers, of Napiergtsie.' is spending the holidays at her Algnrc here[ Mrs. Ifildebrant and Mise \V inert aro both confined to their rradms on account of illness. Mrs. L. Kleinstiver who 'vMtted friends in Sarnia and Port ill ren returned Monte on 'Monday. Mr. A. McDonald and brother Mac paid our burg a flying visit ou Sat• urday evening. Mr. anc"i Mrs. L. Kleinstive) and Mrs. I'. McL'aac and daughter(' $th' ilda and Eva attetfded the +tuettlding of Miss Carrie Nil to (Sfr. t\\rru► Goetga at Milverton on July 10th. Mr. C. Schroeder, of Canby, N. D. is visiting relatives here. Dr. McLaughlin is expected horse from his trip •abroad, this ,week. Mr. Wambold visited his bpafhtrr George at Myth a few days diring the past week. ' Mr. Chas, Schroeder from Cavalier N. D. is visiting friends here for a few weeks. Mr. and Mts. Louis Kliensteiver re- turned Tuesday from Mily ton where they attended the wedditi of Mrs. Klienetiver's nephew. Mr. John Graybiel was in the village luesday , fight. Mr.Edgar Edighoffer gnarl Blake is here with his brother George for some time helping with the trade as Mr. John Kraft intends to take a summer vacation. Yr. H. Guenther bought another horse on Tuesday froth Mr. J. Hames. Messrs. Jonas Hat tleib,W..Shrunitn Wes. Miller and E. Tiernan spent Tuesday afternoon in Mt. Carmel where they put in the time in bowling The score was :'r'1 to 10 in favor of Mt. Carmel. BORN BELLWOOD-in Exeter. Thursday. July .lith, the wife of Mr. D. N. Bellwood, of a daughter. MAIRRiED BENCE-Jl;CKI;LL - In Exeter qn \Vednesday, July 3rd, by tho Rev. 1). W. Collins, Florence Jeckell to Mr..1. C. hence. SAM\YELL-9TROITD - In Kingston. at the home of the bride's parents Nellie. t he youngest daughter of W. A. Stroud, W. 0., It. C. 11, A., on Wednesday, July loth, to Mr. Francis Vonderseft Stillwell. eon of the late Ilenry Samuel. DIED SUTHERLAND - In Ilensall Toe" - da y ue•.-slay July !citta .lames Sutherland aged 143 years. - Lakefe C Sweet to Ei A Candy Vowel ttlthee.' II WKS FOR I:CASTS 'fire fourth storm period, snarler,' -is central on the 2011', covering the let' to the 23rd. We suer teat the rainfall :1t this and other central and late July storm pre'rioel% .will ire scat- tering and light. Very Meek 11nd blustering storm clouds will almost certainly appear at the rel1100)1ion of storm period%, and k,honcenknal "water spouts" tuay occur here and t here • hut tic BLn0 a1 'rainfall will ire far nelow• the laetu-tl swede of the /mason. The 20111 to .2nd will rrle eulminnting storm daye, following which look for rising Setrgrrirter crud chancre to some Cooler. O.tsTO�.Z.>1• teens the The Kind Yea Have Aiwa Boaff*t Signature of , 1.4 4t \\'lIA1TF:\ lti. ei t Mrs. .Tan- Morley ',elle Sunday ie London '1een:shit,. Jir. nn l \Ire. .1. \lill%on. line Vt. anent; in Stratford. Mr. ani \1r•. (Aka ri .s Ilonf}tr in 'London, 1'r d'r and Fat 41r ,A l,st w.•ek. Mt. H; rest \lillson ;eaves br, ir'n- erean► perty in honor of thief etiosr'n friends, on Monday evening. ate Oddfellows were absent. lle. Thomas Morley spent Sunday • at I1•jertou. Miss Irene Dealt:nt, of Ildei ton is visitin4 with Mr. !'hostas Morley. Fa 'ley lost cards for .cabs at W1rca1- cu now. 1lr. (lector Millson visited at Eliut- ville Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Jatdes'lleni. of Exe- ter, spent Sunday at Mr. -George. Squire's. Mr. John Steelier spent Sunday tit Mr. Tharuas 'l orley's. Mrs 'khos. I.ingard spent Sunday etching with Mr. Jarnee Shipley. Free, for Catarrh. just to prove merit. a Trjal size llov of 1)r. Sltoop's Catarrh Iteux'dy. I,at me scud it now. It i, 'mole:white• creamy. healin;. antiseptic battle' Containing eueh healing iugre$ients As Oit Fucaliptus, Thymol, Menthol. eta.. it gives 1nstatrt and lasting re- lief to Catarrh of the ,pose and thruat, Make the free test and see for yourself what this preparation eau and will accomplish. Address Br. Shoop. Itacine, \V19. Largo jars 5(f cents. Sold my \V. S. Iiott•ey, ZURICH Mr. Garnet. .Mange], of Detroit, 'Watt a visitor in iow•u last week. Miss Breda Hess is visiting frirnits in South )tend, Intl. Mrs. It. 11. Whiteside and children left on Thursday last, for their borne iu Kemptville, after a three month's vhtit with her parent's, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams.. Chris Either hart quite alt accident at the race track the other evening. one of the :arcs on his traitins Sulky o-caree punctured and toe report frightened his horse 'to Much a degree that it became nntntinbge. able. In the mix up the Bulky was smushe'I and Chris, received t sa- vero kick on his leg. While digging a well :it Fred fealbfleisch's new trill -site, last week Nir. Nick Foster was Fevers -1y 111- jurcd lay a board falling down on him. His scalp avas badly tlut re- quiting ten stitches to tao.se the wound. His arm was also hurt and it will J1r several eveteks ',glare he will be aril° to [resume work. Mr. and Mrs. Aurust. iMoritz. of Dresden, N. ,D., arrived In down on Wednesday evening for a visit with friends. Mr. Morita left here 19 years ago, 'and this ee his first vent to Zurich 'since. - ' FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS OLD AND W/Lt-THIRD ItsraDY.-Met. Waoslow'aSoothing Syrup has been used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for thr it children while teething. with perfect success It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic. and Is the best remedy for Diarrhrea. It Is pleasant to the taste. So'd by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cents a bottle. Ito value is incalculable. Be sure and take Mrs Windrow's Soothing Syrapani' oak for no other kind. Guaranteed under the Food and Drugs rest, June 32th. 1:106. Serial Number 1098. HURON The glorious twelfth was royally celebrated at Blyth Lest Friday. Ful ly 8,000 were in town. Special (rain. o:.'the G. 1', It. end C. P. V. brought large crowds. Addressee's wore give; by Bro. Fred Dane. ,of .Torgnto, ,D, (;. M. of Ontario West ; Bro. Rev. AMr. Lowe, of London, Rev, T. H. Moyle. ofV ► •ham and Revs. en 11Ander- son n tr- q n a Bartley, •of Myth igit yr ad- dress•es of welcome. ilro. Merry, of 1)uiigannon, County Master was ('hajrnl:ul. A very- sail drowning accident ne- currcd at Wingham Saturday after- noon. Two young sten, John Knox of town, and Robert Thomas, of Illuevale, erre out in a Cana: on the - Maitland etre a 1' Df n Kivrr, between n th C. 1 e 1t. bridge and McKenzie bridge. 13y /tome meant% the canoe upset and both young oleo user soon struggling in (he water. Neither of them could swim much and Knox went down while the other ni na;ed to Ctisug to the canoe until he was rescued by a young mien n anted John Mlecelagetn. A crow.! quickly gatherrtl and (it- tenrpts were mare by several to s' - cure the tinily of Knox, rout the suc- cessful effort was made ey Alpert Ftouthier, an employee of the chair factory, who recommit the nedy tit- ter it had hien in the water nearly ten [tours. Beauty and Style Some people object to wearing glasses, thinking they are always unbecoming. They need not be so. Sae our Rimless Eye Glasses for beauty and elegance. They really improve the personal appearance. All glasses pre- sented by our specialists are made by THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. LYESIOWT SPECIALISTS 237 Damian 31 Load.., Oat. Stop That Cold Tar.}rrkearly colds orGrippe with"Pi ventirs" [mall one defeat for N.cumoq,(a. To atop a roe' with I iavcnthy it refer than to bet it run and be obieed to rune 11 afterwar 1. To he suns. Pre. wellies will cure evrn a d.q'r,ry %eau.] cold but taken early --at tiler t nM'7e stagc--th. y hreak. or head off thew, early colds. That's surely [letter, That': why they no' relied I'reve•ntf.s. Pr'v.•itfesane Hula seedy cold Curt's. No Qnrn. Msw uo phr4e, nothing sickening. Nice for tiro rbii.nrn-and thorough') safe too. If you 1•.•1 01611i, if you s(1. 7-', if y..n u. b.• nil on.'r. think of 'tatics. I'mmtekm-s mar al.n save half your sumtfckn••ss. Amt clews t form your child, 1f pi• iw'erf...t�,ltess, night or day. Herein pale Rey► l'reventk s' treats• -1 cffet.•nry. sole! le 11x. for theq r'ekr-t. aiv, In r., lr.7trr of 11 a• ialfet on rept ilruggtses titins 3011 reventics w.:. xowcr. If you need HINGES for yliur serf t'n dors, have the also binges o kinds. WTNiare agents for the Celebrated "Fox" Scale Don't forget that we handle the best paint. in Canada barring none, The "ARK BRA)" paint. W. MOORE - KIRKTON. +++++++++++++++++++++++-1 4+ ++++++++++.1-+++-:-++++++++444 .l. Hot Isn't Its Try one of our Cool Summer Hats For lien and Boys 40 and i;Q.eients • A choice range of Lawns, Colored Muslins and Ginghams Strawberries are not at their best. B1'V NOW B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar ++14++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++.',:•+++++++ HI'ltON WHY NOT OWN Mr. Francis llonrestead, barrister of Seaford* has been Appointed Police Magistrate for Sceaforth and the /sur- rounding municipalities. 1)r,. (h. . tower, who Idled nt Glen- coe, on Tuesday of ;last t'.vte k, w -tis a (Matter resideltt of Seaforth lend re- ceived hie rawly eduction rher.. - On Sunday afternoon tt'hile the eldest son of Mr. Johns -,an, harness - maker, was out for ft walk ;etlth some oompanions, one of 'them gave hits a shove, and he 'put out this arm to protect simnel[ from :falling. Un- fortunately it dot not hays him end he broke his arm in It two tacos. Mrs. Lock\vood, twifc of 1Mr. Fred Lockwood, of it he Gravel ltoad, north near Clineou occured rinealon- day Isect. nece is.<d had sufferer( with heart trounle ,for so -me '[into,, ?which was the Itlir'.•et (luso of her death. She leaves da: ideti her ihuseiuid, u family of 13 children, one u baby only sic [week, old. Deceased ,'swan :t sister of. Mr. 11. 'Foliated. and was a member of Ontario Sfr.,'t church. The funeral -took place. 'an \Vedneer- d:ty and wits largely attended. A pretty wedding took place at the rerside,tce of Judge and 'Mrs. Doyle, Goderich, Wednesday ;afternoon when their eldest daughter, play Carolina was united in marriage go ylajor 1'. s: Bourne, of S^atRse, .\Vashington. The groom is a major tin the l: nited States q Aril . - t and sails. lac rv'c it Army, tel e the Cuban \Var, ily ,profeeeion h, fses doctor of unedieitr; and he nitet the lady of his choice,' hwho was 0, lire, fessiontal nurs.a nt (bit times of tt hospital in 4e,ittl Themntriage ceremony' w a. perfortncd oy. tttev. Fa- ther Northgravee, of London, an unc- Ie of 4 It:. bride's {snot he r.' The bride was attc,med 1hy her ewe Misters the \ '. .% .11Y1C. Ilelest a It t and 1'e m.. as rd 1ss s er . ui mai& while 'the groom steps support- ed by Mr. Best. ere - rri%tor of Min- t t lulls, arab ,lo•np j►oyle, Auditor for in , 1 'ct sic [rower company of Erie, 1':a„ the only brother ►,1 the bride. Frei Itjchards, of Clinton, had a very ea r t ttw escape on Irteeselty af- ternoon Prone .meeting wtith hcrioue if not fat..! -accident. tie eves work- ing on Levi N'Wives earn on rho tuition 110411 stud w.ts very vionr rho pinnacle of the roof et hen bre lest Ili.% tooting, 'sr(' down the treat rof head first caul in that leoeition Phut in mother ...atilt. -a distance of shout thirty f.:•t. The speed at '.whish she desc' 1 (t tl dime. !aim out 'tome dis- tance been ,the building Fro that Ise escaped the 'timber lying nround tend lit on a na.naure heap 0tech' leaf ten - lel bis dull and :10 doubt Feted his life. 11 • ens r 1unne't for it tittle and teas eon•ia1'rably bruised and shaken up .and 11-14 a cut or two which ehew .1)r. bawl Co stitch, but it is expected that he will be around ag.tin in 'a fen Buys an awn 85 ever. TWE8SETEAMI$ EMIATRAEO ADTTIIONN AOL • -- DICTIONARY bale In VocabuLtry. it ie t he mast use- ful in eine and contents, judiciously sr.. k' -ted to exclude rnrruptions of good usag,, and to avoid unintelligible tech - Weald km. Sxeek Is Arrangement. Each word he. ns a psrarraph in its correct alphnhet• cal Neve and 14 readily caught by t he eye. lexoele In Etymologies.. These are corn. plete and ecIentifle, and emboly the test results of philology. 'they are not scrimp. ed or >lx.Wr In cutchPrenunenwhiis In.li. rated by respelling with the diacritically It marked letters used in the schoolbooks, it the sounds of which are taught in the pub- [ . lie .rhooU. Ilxeele In Definitions. " they are clear, terve,et complete, and ere given in the order in which the word has acquired its +Fades of meanir.g. Many of the delni• t Ions are illustrated. 1.1111•10. 'heels in eta Appendix which 14a pat kat storehouse 1orannals aa a foetid orkingDictiniry.No other book embodies so, much useful in- formation, or Is so 1n,114.cnsablr in the rn hos, study, school, or oft, e. The International has 2380 quar- to pages, 5000 illustrations, `1.5,000 new words, revised Gazetteer of the World, and a revised Biographical Dictionary, etc. It received • THE CRANE/ PRIZEM (HrcnEar AWARD) at the World's Fair, St. dab �t FREE -"A Test in Pronanelation," In- etntMlvo and entertaining for the whole family. Also illustrated pamphlet. O. a C. MERRIAM CO., Puel,I$HIRe, BPRINOPIILD, MASS. A Cnulnom Ilichen Gabi The:Greatest Kitchen Labo Saver Ever Invented! 1'he preparation of even tho et beat meal is a task of no small e when yon think of rho Inttmbor steps you take from kitchen ito p try -the number of trips you Iafter things forgotten -first the -then the lattice -then the flavor and so on. COOKING would robbed of till its drudgery if ,y could keep your supplies and cook utensils close to hand -and wit ar►n's reach. And that is just wh you CAN do if you have a CLIA IIAM KITCIIEN CABINET -for t CHATUAM is the Cabinet that h a place not only for every ing lent needed for a meal. but for t utensils to nook it with tis ave Now I will sell you it I CIIATUA K1TCHHEN CABINET on My Liberal Time Payme Plan ' a plan that I want to explain you in detail. 1 want to sand to y my catalog of CHATHAM KITCHE CABINETS -al's free for your Mt on n postal -and it w will . Iv I B you full descriptions of my Cabins and quote prises that will into you. The Ghatham Kitchen Cabinet is the most complete' Kitchen IDs iuet in the market. It Is Cquip- lith Flour ural Sugar bine,rwlt compartments for auppllee of a sorts-with racks for rt 'display bei 1 y your pretty china -with a complet sot of (handsomely japanned cans f small groceries as well as a full of Spice .Cans and many other co venienccs that me haven't room ,t describe hero. The sraimegeent of tho CHA JiAM ns nuc t that you may eft a •i east. while preparing a meal-Ja, Have every ingredient within reseal of your hated. Not a step to flaks till you're heady to put tho meal tug t stove 1 Think of the saving Ito y it strength -arid the saving In your time-timo that you may bays for fancy /work -or music -or rgad,e ing• - And the CHATHAM KITCHEN CABINET not only eaves your engem, and your 'time, but lessons your la', bur in many other ways aa jiwell, You have no cluttered -up eink-No disordered kitchen when you have *s CIIATIIAM-for you keep ell the, clutter right in one place -the nine - Covered table of your Cabinet -which takes but the rub of a damp cloth to cleave 1 No continual scrubbing of the sin!: nide when you bare to Chatham. ,fust a Dimple rub -off with a damp cloth and your table is aleft and span and ready for use 'haiu. Now there ere many other special features of the CHAT1fA}t KIT. CIIEN CABINET that I haven't roornt o tell yon about here. I want' to send you my big hree cataloguo -it will 'quote prices and detailed{ descriptions -and I'll send, it to you. FIILE, for your name and nddrese on a postal. If you avant to simplify your houses work -if you .want to do away wills needless toil trust drudgery -if you [want always to have a noat, altrac• tire kitchen, ynta should own a, CHATHAM K 1'1('11EN ('AHINET. Write for my r,talogue today -iii will tell you how to rave time ane? strength -and quote prices that I know will -intei-st you. Just s"n•t your narno and address on a postale and UU iT NOW. Address 1111 q.-rsonally. Ai:\ SOti ('a\1II'I;i:LI. i'rr.ident, Alanson Campbell Co., Dept. CHATHAM, - ONTARIO. 115 Peelle liwi: hr along the ill allr'_4 11014, who alone• time ago Fent in n I'"tition to the i'oetmaster General eating for n mail route 'hr•tw-Mer7 i•:xeter and Mitchell are to have tt►eie t,141p•s gratified. Tim Government es asking for tenders fur the carry ni! of the mail. Lax.ets S C sweet a e* 4pp1