HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-18, Page 4My Hair is Extra Long: THE EXETER TIMES, JULY 1sth 1907. 111 ISI THAT KILES For over thirty years we have supplied the farmers of this sec- tion with Paris Green Hellebore insect Powger Without a single complaint or FAILURE TO KILL. BUY TIIE BEST, AT BROWNING'S Drug Store The Exeter Times Exeter. Ontario. Terms of Subscription $1.00 per year in advance. $1.50 inay be •Charled it not t;o paid. To United States subscriters, $1.50 strictly hi advance. No. II'aper discontinues until all arrears are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. The date to wleich cs'cry subscription is raid i1 denoted on rte label. Advertising rates on application. TIIE )1XETEIt TIMES I"T'G CO. Limited, .-Ottawa, July De -A careful esti- (irate of Canada's population, ,made Toy the 'iuureau of tensue and statis- tics, 'based on immigration returns *ince last census and tho natural in- crease in population, shows (het on April 1st last the , opu,ation was 11,501,900, an increase. of 1,1335Sa since the 'decennial census of 31101. If the same rate of increase Is maintained Until 1911 the decennial census of that year eill shown population of seen and a half millions. WINC11EI.SEA Dir. and Mrs. Duncan Mc1ouoali, pf Comber, are the guests of iMrs. O. (;i odbol t. Les. Robinson lest week purchased in Lontlwe a nese buggy for Chas. Laodbolt. Mrs. It. ('reery tied Mr. and Mrs. John Hero took in the Orange cele- gration at St. Marys on the l2th. Mrs. Culbert, of Centralia spent a f low days last week the guest o Mrs. John Bern. The Messrs Beers, of Mitchell visit- ed friends .n Winchelsea last -week. AIr, W. W. Kerr is now toehind the Counter at Coward & Co. Mr. Kerr has been with the firm only u short time, but during that pealed ey Tris genial manner has mail° 9 host of friends. Mr. Milton Clark left 'Monday for Loudon, where he will remain n pew days prior to i;oing to Chicago lfor a month's visit. - Mr. and Airs. Bcrryhill :attended the wedding ot Miss Charlotte Norris pt Cromarty, to Mr. Drake of St'tff,l pts Wednesday of last week. Mr. and lira. Amos Marriott spent last Sunday visiting their daughter Mrs. George I)elbridge. Dtr, Fred 1)elbridge has purchased a nets seen octave organ. Mre. Eli Heywood, tele) was visiting Erle::'.s at 1'lugto vti and Fultirton, retained hosts on Saturday. Pile. Tact quick and certain relief from Dr. Shaop'i Jla;ic Ointment. Please note it is made alone ,for relies, and its action t3 positive and - certain. Itching, painful. ,llrotrud- in; or blind 'tiles eli3appeer Iiko Magic by itv ear. Large 'tickle -cap- ped glass jets 5(1 cents. Sold by W. N. ltowey• I:IIti.:TON William limes a inuilding :t tow, sive sew silo. \% hen completed it will be 16 feet in diameter and 111 feet high. John Nixon has engaged with Adern Dotty: for 2 months. 'The 1Cirkton 1.. 0. L. lode attend- ed the celebration. in St. Marys on the 12th ant nude a splendid ing. The 1C rkton band also at(iiia e d. Mr. C. 1'. Marsh ill. 11. A., Mho re- cently receival he diploma at the Normal College (Hamilton, has been engaged as science teacher :It lt.dge• `town. The folleeine pupae of 'Kirkton ;mane eelioel %ere successful in pass- ing the entrance exitelnatio't. held at fit. Mire's. .loon If:tun:t, Nellie Feed your hair; nourish it; Live it something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and sill grow long and heavy. Ayer's Hair Vigor is the only genuine hair -food you can buy. It gives new life to the hair -bulbs. You save what hair you have, and get more, too. And it keeps the scalp clean and healthy. The best kind of s testimonial - "Sold fer over sixty years." Uazeleooa, Eva Perry uad Margaret Shier. Miss Gladys► Shier took its Abe "•1%1-otrday" excursion to Detroit laic Week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tu71or left 8aturtlay to visit friends in titratbroy Miss Glaaeow, is visitieig at the parwonage. Mr. Norman Itacey, of the C. P. R. accounting department. London. is home hero for the holidays. Three or four of the boys are leav- ing this week for a week's camp of t he Bend. - Mr. Geo. Switzer, of Spokane. Wash., is raiding hia mother Mrs. \Vm. Switzer. M. Utvtwu, a tormer resident ot Kirkton, is visiting friends in the vil- lage. Mr. and Mrs. John Foster visited frietees iu Moncton Saturday and Sun- day. This stat their (emit trip Away from the burg for ►,omq aline. Mrs. T. \V; Roadhouse visited in St. Marys a few tkrys last meek. Mr. Walt Hazelwood had n rais- ing -te.e last Saturday putting Alp au addition to his barn. • Mrs. Wm. Atkinson returned Sat- urday after u throe rook's visit in Detroit and Jackson. 1ficb.. ,vitt) friends, The 1.0.1'. had a guild garden party at the agricultural grounds last evening. Baseball games were played by the ladies of Kirkton, St. Marys and Fullerton. Mr. John Sutherland had nn Acci- dent at the mill on Thursday last. Ile bad borrow -ed a ";rig and poor, wait" - lug at the mill when arts /horse bre- j came fi ightened and r'an neatly. upset- ting the vehicle aria oadly anita.shing it. This is the second time Sohn thas had to repair other people's rigs. 1)r. and Mrs. Carr and children spent last Sunday in Blyth. Mr. Geo. Shank, of Centralia spent last Sunday at Ccuneillor Atkinson's. 1 :wilt uanil you free to prove merit samples of my Dr. Shoop's Restora• tive, find my ,boob on either .Dyspep- sia. The Ilenrt or The Kidneys. Troubles ot the stomach, Heart or Kidneys are merely ,symptoms of a deeper ailment. Don't make tato common error of trcatin; Rympoms only. Symptom treatment is treat- tn; the result of your ailment, and not th-' came. Weak Stomach nerves -the inside nerves -mean Stomach weakness always. And the Heart, and Kidneys as toes, have their con- trollin; or inside nerves. Weaken these nerves and you inevitably have weak vital or;aua. Itere is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has mails its fame. No other remedy ever claims to treat the "inside nervus." Also for bloating', ,biliousness, bad hreatlt or cornlir.•xion. use Dr .bhaop'tr Restorative. Write mcs to -day for sample and free hook. Dr. Shoop, Racine. \Wi'. '1'lte Restorative is sold by W. S. Rowes. LUCAN Miss Helen Smith, of Toronto. is visiting relatives in the village. Mr. Art Ifawksbaw, of the Stan- dard hank, Markham, is .visiting his parents. A petition is being circulated nsk- ing the postmaster general for a new postof(ice. W. 11.,Stetvart, harness maker has secured a lucrative position in St. Thomas. Messrs. (•oursey rind Shaw left ,on Friday- last to attend the Winnipeg Fair. Must not be confounded with com- mon cathartic or purgative pills. C'trter's Little Liver l'ills aro entir- ely unlike them in every respect. One trial wit l prove their super- iority. IiENSALL Mr. Gilbert house, of Exeter, has purchased the harness business of Albert M1cf,rian taking possession on Wednesday. Mr-. (louse comes high- ly recommended as a harness worker end mill no doubt work up p good trade bete. He is moving his family Dom Exeter here and they ;will be u.'teornea as citizens. It ie under- stood Mr. Mcllrian will go into the livery business in Clinton. Mrs, Joseph ('ase, of Toronto, 15 viiiting her parents, Mr. and airs. \\ nt. Moir.' `,Ir..!. McArthur altd family are cenipireg at (grand Mend. Mr. Bert Fowler arrived here from the mist last eek and It ir9 repotted that he is not I:kely to remain a harIt.•10r. Mrs. Kennett and daughter, of l.on- dlon, are visiting rr'Lttives herr. .11r. Abe Chesney came home !torn Toronto on 'the 01.1 Theca' leecur- tamn to t-iYit his parents. alra. Rohl. 'McAllister, -of Cock- burn Island, is here v:.sititer her tas- ter -in-law, )ars. \Win. laic hanan. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Munn, of ,Wel1- eoed, alebiteh . •tr.• visiting relatives in this' iicinity after an 11hsence of nine years. air.. Davie Thompson end daugh- ter, of 'Toronto, caste lege on the Huron 1)1I itoys' excuroion to omit their relatives and friends in thens311 I :nil vicinity. \ r. 1 \V. %ein his rec eti a .1Or (t 1 e t anti" hi'etc a'!dit 1011 t o his 1'•taole .and t:icely paint(• 1 the woodwork. Mr. John S. Wren, of Toronto, was here •itt,in.! the past V. 0••k visiting; his fat her. 1)r. ,genies Dell, ,who his leen .,rae- 1irinr dentistry at liarrisourlr, I'enn- k-sei,, 's home at pr(sv(nt look - ire :date hie f arm interest'. llr. Wm. Mere has sold his dwell - Oar on Queen Street, to Mr. Robert Drysdale. dive( Mary ('i r1 isle, w Ito has be' it carrying en dreeemaking for a num- bor. et years in the Davis uelock, his given up i)u.:DC'.t and int(U(ls in (h^ near future taking n trip nut to thz west t% here .he has a number of Rel- atives. Mrs. Nesbitt is in Toronto visiting hr's Son alld (laughter -in-law. Mr. Nagel, of Mich, nccompanie i I,% his wife. ,watt here burins t he past eta*, visiting his sister, Mrs. Henry Cook. Aar. McFadden, 'of •inghampton, formerly of liensnll, wile in 4 tit% v:1- laa'e 11st %.r•'k renewing ecquaintan- Mr. (guy Black ill \tee In the vet. Inge 1 itt eerek tiaitif:g frien.ls snit wits on his wriy home from \\'Innipeg to Rothe ata. itoht. Maginot left last week ><ae. D J. C. Atte Lo sett, •t.!d• a1•o aanut►etOr,r. at ' SARnaruA11.! A, Q cMl's. irI V CHERRY r1►toest. 1 for Stratheoua, Alberta. Mr. Win. Henryni niece. Miss Lucy llutneeton, lett last meek to intend a few weeks with friends in Detroit and other parts of Michigan. The friends of Mr. Geo. \Won :will be pleased to barn drat he is some- what improved. Miss Emma Smillie, daughter - of the late Mr. Be 8mithe. iwho very successfully graduated a few westiks ago trona the 'Toronto lgeneral hospital has secured a steoial prize for practical nursing. Mrs. Chas. Smith, of Jimes. Ohio. writes; "I have used every remedy for sick headache I could hear of for the past fifteen years, but Carter's Little Liver Pills did me more Rood than all the rest. 1?LUGTOW N Mr. aryl Mrs. Arthur Francis spent the 12th in St. Jterys. Mrs. lleywooa. of 1Vinchelsoa. was the gu(mt of ales. A. Francis last week. \V001)1IAM Mr. John Stewart spent it few days last week visiting friends in Goderich. Mr. Alex. Sinclair, a former resi- dent of Woodham, spent a few days renewing acquaintances. Mr. James Routley spent Tuesday in Exeter. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Th. Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of WEDDING IN KINGSTON. At ten o'clock on 'Wednesday morn- iug the Swedish wedding lnaroh}tlay- ed. by Mr. 'Harvey, echoed «long the aisles and among the pillars of St. George's Cathedral, and •n very youthful maid came in the stain door and advanced eo the rhancel titers,, leaning on her father's ural. ILJio bride was Nellie, the youngest daugh- ter of W. A. ;Stroud, W. 0., Jt.C.H.A. and the groom Francis \-anderseft, son ,of ,the late ;Henry Samtvell, of Exeter, Ont. Canon 'Starr officiated at .the marriage service. Very eimpte and girlish ;was the bridal dress of elite embroidered silk, ,with tucks on the Octet and tucks on the bodice •and rt, great deal of Valenciennes lace. Fastened upon upon tthe pretty lair 'hair. 'with bias - some, 'was the bridal veil, ltvhich tell in soft folds over tate !meet childlike face, and down 'about !tit. )slentltgr young bride. The ,bouquet was -t shower bouquet of white reuse, and the bride's sole ornament the groom's gift. ;the bridesmaid, Jiirse Mattie Fla WI - well. raster of the groom, twpre crearn eolienne, ,with baby ribbon trimming, and a white hat with white pluuve. Her ,bouquet was sulk roses, uud elle adore ttho grocin's gift a ,1Old bracelet, heavily chased. Two little flower girls, her ;niece Mildred Stroud, and hate agroon:'s half sister, Kathle.0 Lockhart, preceded thio bri.le up Ila aisle, They llotlti Isere Prettily (rocked in white china oak, much frilled and wore l)aby hats of Valenciennes lace, Raid carried the baskets of flowers symbolic o1 the 1►appiueee which everyone •hopes hwi11 be smattered along the I,rid-='g path- way. The groom's gift to each of the little ones was tt pearl ring. The groomsman, Albert Stroud, cods remembered by a scarf rite. - Mrs. Stroud, soother of elie bride, wore a blue foulard, witty t jton- n•t of creast lace Rind pink rosebuds, ant ,the groom's mother, plrs. '1'. F. Lockhart, more it grey talk drew. 11itunecd with lace. , Mats Emily Strout!, sister of the bride, was in tan voile,. smith a bodice of !Trish crochet. )fer hat was of !white, ache touches of pale blue. Atter the ceremony the ),rile ratite hack Brom elle vestry ,to the ~trains of the tMtendcltesohn %%Minna parch and ,the 'wadding party drove (off to tat,• home of the ;)ride en Colborne street, ,where there was sin old-time ).appy reediting tbreekfast, at ;which only relatives of the principals -were present. Mr. and Jars. Santee"! hive left for a trip to tfororite, Niagara and Lake iltoussciiu, Muskoka, and w hen they conte house will take up house at 48 L•roritenac street. Tlta bride's •travelling dress awes of pale grey imitate., 4:dilor-made, rind trim- med, wit it green velvet nett pale blue wings. As It pretty compliment and ,' token t•i 1toatteill to the i)r:d(' tive:. s01'11o1t n lime tog o meed rate of the regular Sup.l..y_achool s^)tol,rt, land els') (t rren1 little wvorkt•r to the Junior \1'0111 •ti's Ansiliar'y, :and at reminder that r:ome of h'r brothers h t 1 been among the sweet -voiced choir /says, the cathcdr^1 it'.ii decked with 'totters, ,bridal ro=e t, tlPoauc. , syringa ;and it Hetes being amassed :leave the altar. That ti:e ,nay have a Ir'ng lite hippy in the r oet fecnse, 14 tete wish of all who know t girl t. if.•. crof Is VN'�t Oiit�Ml �=gets Bad ' .' f' ' atr,Impurs Mater, are its cams. It is called " soil for tubercles," and obese it. b allowed to remain tubercu- losis or consumption is pretty/ sure to Melee root.. Hood'sSarsaRemoves tome of scrofula. Cat s. pariaa Iters oldses ii et ropurialle awes mei tlbrDesk > 110011 Ca. Lima a1 .CASTOR IA Tho Hind You Have Alwase Bought, and which has been in use fer over 30 years, has borne the signature ot and has been made under his per. conal supervision since its Wilmer. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just -as -good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Ctutldren-Eaperienee against Esperimenti. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor 011, Pare. Merle, Drops and iloothini Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotle substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind V Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea -Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 1 1,The Molsons Bank ....ished HEAP OFFICE MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • • RESERVE FUND •-•• •••• •••• $3.000000.00 Assets Over $33oo0,000.00 (general Banking Btotiness Transacted. Savings Bank Department .j $ $ 1.00 Opens an Account and interest; added FOUR Times a Year. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••41 Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. Steel stone boats, bottle - yarding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. M. AMOR & SOR The Kiiid You Have Always Bought ` near the old market Alain St. Exeter In Use For Over 30 Years. Toa CINTAUN COMPANY, TT .u11111 waw T.aa CITY. ( Farm for Sale 1 100 acre farm in Stephen Township 1 good frame barn and house. Welt drained and land all cleared. Creek through rear corner of farm. Can he bought right, anti on easy terms, for quick sale. Apply at once to GLADJIAN & STANOUILY llarrietcrs, Exeter Ont. souls S O ( file O D C ll ciao Noith RI I HOMESTEAD RROULAT1O:tS. \Y esen numbered section of Dominion lands In ANY eaakatehewan and Alberta, excepting s and 26, not reserved, may be homesteaded by any person who is the sole head of a family, or any mate over 15 yes rs of apse, to the extent of one•1ear• ter section of 160 acres, more or lees. Entry must be male personally at the local land office for the district in wt: _h the land is situate. Entry by proxy may, however, be nude on certain conditions by the father, norther, son, daughter, brother or sister of an intending homesteader. The homesteader is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one of the 10110„ In plans:- Farm for Sale Farm We have a good farm of about 1 terms. e �: n t rm . a o ab 36 acres for sale on reasonable Situate near Wt. Carm�a in Stephen Township. First 'Class land and fair buildings. Near church and school. Apply to GLAD.MAN & STANBURY, Barristers. ,Exeter. Ont. ( and Lot for Sale (I) At least sic months' residence upon and colli• ration of the land in each rear for three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is de-}, }1011•e and lot for Bate. Pt. lot 155 eeascti)0? the hmneetcade•rrestate upon a[inn intllclten. (s- Osborne, 1-2 acre land good vicinity of the lair) enteral for, the regluremen's as t to residence may be satisfied by such person residing brick cottage and stable. Must bo with the father or mother. '.gold. Apply Thos. Cameron, Auction• (5) if the settler has his permanent residence upon ecr Farquhar. - farming land owned by him in the %Minn) Walt homestead, the requirements u to residence may he satisfied by residence upon the said land, $ix months' notice in writing should tie given to the C iasloner of Dominion iand, at Ottawa of intention to apply for patent, W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the interior N. It.-L:naiithorire.1 pnblication of this ad%ertise- ment sill not be paid for FA1tQUIIAIt 1f. Smith and 1). McLachlin spent Sunday with Mr. J. Riley. Miss Lindsay Gardiner hos belt's vis • - iting friends in McKillop. There was an interesting genie of h•tsehalt here on Saturday r.vetane between I'lugtow•n and `Farquhar. The score was l3 to P in ;favor of Farquhar. att. A. and Mate I. M. Gardiner spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Alex Gardiner, tenantry. Miss lsaitel Turnhull who has been visiting 'friend -4 itt clay returned home on Sunday. Mr. Frank ('lark, of &,lent, visited his eieter, Mrs. }Leath, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Cottle vi'►ited friends at Kirkton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. heavers vis- ited Mr. mat Mts. it. W. 1', •ITeater% on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Il:irris. Mr. •and Mrs. A. Harris, Mies Nettie Barrie and Miss .Agnes Young Attended the funeral of Mrs. 'young at S itforth on Friday. Quite '1 !ember from here et - tended the Orange eelei)rat1011 at. St. Marys on Friday. . Miss's Gladys and Greta Kaufman of Glencoe ere holidaying pith Mise Isabel Gardiner. Ates. Warren McGi11 returned from the (lend on Friday last. Mr. Alex hackney, Jr., had a dirt bee Inst Saturday. Miss Alda Westlake visited friends here last wick. alaster Kenneth McNicol spent last week with his sister Mrs. Cecil Mussell at i(nsseldale, Mrs. Witt. Kay, who has been on the sick Es!�' 14 ni)l,p to ha. aro arouni again. Mrs. 1i. W. F. heavers who w•1a rltrow•n 11 Om the rig on Tuesday night hart:, is almost recovere l from the shark. Masers. 1). Brow rt and W. Pollen were pawing! iter some new Ience around the Maw last week. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. McNiool, Mr. and Tars. G. A. Me\icol attended the North -Drake wedding on Wrdneeday last. A,lvertisements Are nut asking for tender. for carrying the mill from Exeter to Mitchell by way of Itay. Thinly." Road. 1'trquh1r, Ru•.eld:th, Fullerton and Munro. Our poeth}w- ter is to lie conarntulateil on hieratic). cots in having the mail route ebnng• eel. Early iii February fir. Dntver:t communicated with the Post Office Inspeetor pointine nut the arty int i• ,res of the pr'opoe,el route, t r•ff.c1 being that the Postmaster-Generet has ,.eon fit to change the. route ns suggested. \\'e will then got the FARM FOR SALE. 123 ,acres in the Township of ilib- hert consisting of lot 19 w. 1-4 18, concession 12. This is good property and must be sold. 'l'ertns easy. Ap. lits"rhos. Cameron, Auctioneer Far- quhar. Store Property for Sale In the village of Exeter, composed ot the North part of lot 11 on the West sides of Main Street, consistin; of one good store and the, buildin; now used for a postoftice, known a3 the Jolriti Block. If ,tot sold ariv- ately on or before the 10th day of Au;ust will be sold by Public Auc- tion on the alit city of Au;uit. For terms and particulars apply to 'Tho+. Cameron, Auctioneer, Far- quhar. Auction Sale -of- VALUABLE IaAltt( IN USHORNE. There will be offered for sale ihy T'ublic Auction at COIIMEIIUTAL HOTEL, EXETER -011- ;1 SAT( "It DAY, AUG. 3rJ., 1007 at 3, o'clock p. m. Lot 6 South Thames Ito id Ushorne, and the Weet half lot 6, North Thames Road con- taining 150 :1rrPS (tittle or lees. . On the 160 aerem tv n goon frame house 2 batik barns and drive shed. fine orchard, running water 14 rear of farm, well fenced and drained. • am 1� good hard%ctxd Lush acyl ac 1 n y 2 1-2 :tilos from Exeter. 1 1-2 mace ! from school ant churches. s. The fifty acres ate well fence() and drained. Has (rattle hatn. is di - 1 'wily opposite the 100 nerd, The purchaser %till have llr• pray- ileg.' of gotta on the farm nater the harvest that summer to do fell plow- ; Ana w i11 vet full possession on j November 16: It. • The 150 :.errs ,till ire of fere 1 in separate lots.' TERMS Ol' SALE. 10 art (est. of the purr ha'c .:loner on day of elle and t balpnee nn November 16th, without inter -cit. Part of ptirChaee :coney may remain mortgage if the purchaser w'irahes. Vol further particular. apply to Samuel Switzer, lC,rkton Ont. or Medina n & 81 anbury, 11.rrivtere Exeter, Ontario. Tithe. nn 'Ttiur'day morning aisle id of Frilly nicht as now. (letter leave your suhacription with the I'eec sea+. er. CAIiNTOTi TA. Narita* 1he Kii►d Y:1 hate Alar llr $heaters M DENTAL -- - ir‘IL A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. 8., Honor graduate of Toronto University. Dental Surgeon Office over Gladman & Stanbury'e Maim street-ExicTgi. + + 1 Fall Terms Opens Sept. 3rd CENTRAL //i STRATFORD.. ONT. This school which is an old and well established one stands to the forefront its the greatest Commercial and Shorthand school in the West. Our teach- ers are experienced instructors, courses thorough and practical. We aesiet gt aduatee to posit- ions. Writs kr our free catal- ogue. ogue. ELLIOT & MCLACHLAN, Principals. i+4.+1 +4-++x+++++++4.3.44~1-•1•-1•+ Beautify and enliven your home by placing in it one of Canada's best and most famous Pianos THE HEINTZMAN We sell them juston the kind of terms yott are ooking for. if you want other makes we have them. Don't forget us when you want Stationery. Baby Carriages and Wag- gons, Bicycles and Sewing Machines S. MARTIN & SON GRAND TRUNK SY'SEM To Summer Tourist Bosoms Muskoka Lake Temagami Lake of Bays Knwa!tha Lakes Georgian Ba Thousand Islands Algonquin Park Quebec Portland and old Orchard, Me., White Mountain. All reached by the Grand Trunk Railway the "Tourist Route of Amer- ica. Direct connection with all boat lines Tourist tickets on sale daily to all resorts. For further particulars. Tickets, etc. Gall on. J. J. KNi(h HT. Depot Agent. or write J. I). McOONALI), Union Depot, Toronto, Ont. 11111 ('Ertl:1.11 Peter atcGregor did buninef.v in Rescan on Mon1a The Kipper football team weer to have pl iyedi our boys it game here last Siturilty nicht but failed to ,put itt an emelt Mee. \Vin. Heir ry, .Tae. hoyce and .las. and 4oho Swan eiel tithes fetnilies spent Monday teetering in ' f.yfit:ld• Wm. Murdock *hipped n load of fat cattle to Toronto on 4itur•1ity. harry Taylor. of Grand fiend Intent Sunday tilt!' 11. Ilos.enlstrry.r Farmers in that vection aim (usy with the iity nt prexent. J. I rela nd, of Clinton, seas M ttto village Tues.t ty. G. Swan, our liTaryrn-in. (. doislg 1 doing a rUsti ;rig busin,'e. an.l 1)Ae put in several new horse, Istely. Ethel Reil, of $tanlev, is at trtl• cont engaged as w•tttreas ,at the. Dison Rotate. Y. DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L. D. B. D. D. S., Dentist. Member of R. C. D. S., of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto University. OFP1cx:-Over Dickson & Carling'a Law Offices in Dr. Anderson's former dental parlors. MIDIO&L .11 T W. BROWNING, M. D., M. 0 V a P. 8., Graduate Victoria Un hint . ce and residenence. Dominloa Associate Coroner of Huron. DR.A, F. MALLOY, MEMBER ONTARIO COLLEGE PRYER - Mans and Surgeons. Successor to Dr. J. A. Rollins. Q)Rcu Beau street. Residence. east eon tart sI street north of Post Office, Ex eta, ILEWIS Ti-IOMAS • Civil Engineer& Architect (Late Department of Public Nor ks, Canada.) Committing Engineer for Municipal and Couuiy Work, Electric railroads, Sewerage and waterworks - System What% es, Bridges and lte-entoreed Concrete, 1 hone 22'0 London Ontario- itONEY TO LOAN I We have unlimited private funds for Havarti -ansci Inn, Lor village C eopen-r ab tows.. a of DICKBON & CARLING Sze/er DICKSON & CARLING, Barrister. Solicitors, Notaries, (:cave saccate Commissioner,. tioliciters for Ib. Motions Bank, Ste. Mosey to Loam at lowest rates of !steres!). OII'ICE f -MAIN STREET, *XaTX$. 5. tuatara R A. L. 8. DIaw" riONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private tunds to o tn oWnrsst.fara=dd village �rLoperueeajjtaowrste OLADMAIS & STANBURY.,.. , Barristers Solicitorsaidaln et: Exeter AUCTIONEER . 8. I'hllli41s, Licensed Anct ioneer for the ('aunty uron. Charges moderate, All communications• rased to 11. H. Phillips, Retinal, or orders lelt a e Office will teethe prompt attention. FRANK ITALLANTYNE Licensed auctioneer for Ooui ties of Huron and Fortb. Special attention given to fares stock sales. Town and village pro, perty sold by auction on moderato commisak,ns. Orders may, be lett at the Timm office or at residenoe, .Elimville. Charles moderate. WILLIAM BROWN, PROF, DIP - LOM A OF ROYAL I NroRI'oRATBD SOCIETY or Mt'SICiANS, ENOLAND. Organist of Tri.itt Memorial Church, Exeter.. Plano, Organ, Mannon) and Theory of Mink. Terms on Application Exeter, Ontario. The Osborne and fllbber% Farmer's Mutual Flee lnsur ane Gompanu Head Office, Farquhar,:Ont. Pres. W. 11. I'ASSJ1ORE, Farquhar, Vice -Pres.: -J. L. Itt'HSELL, 1tcs8HLLDAI.E, P. 0. DIRECTORS. tWls, Roy. BORNIIOI.M P. 0• ♦VM. BROCK IV INCH 1.:Lss'.t P. 0. T. RYAN, DUBLIN P. 0,. ROBERT NORIRIS, Slaffa. AGENTS. JOHN EMERY. Exeter, agent lair Usborne and flirldulph. OLIVER HARRIS. Munro, agent for Ribbert. Fullarton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Secy.Treas. Farquhar.. (MADMAN & BTANIf1JRY. Solicitors • TheBell I TeieP hone Company of Canada is about to issue a new Telephone Directory For the District of Western Ontario" including the Village of Exeter Oniers for new connection*, changers of tlrm tunnel', changes of street ad- dresses or for duplicate entries should be handed in to the local Manager AT ONCE. A. MARCHAND, 1 Local Manager. OAt1TOA=A`' . RNs the , ili Kind Oa HMI Arra B01di