Exeter Times, 1907-07-18, Page 2TREY DIED OF STARVITION Seventy -One Illdians Perish in Woods Sur- rounding Lake Mistassini. A despatch from Quebec says: Fur- ther details reached town on Tuesday in regard to the death from starvation of a party of twenty-one Indians in lire walels, while en route from Lake Mis- tnssini to Itebarvnl. On the 22nd of Mare•h lust an Indian named Jeetr► Res- ton found the remains of three of 'he victims, '11ic,rnas Bazil. Miller and Big J(•hn, about a hundred guiles from Lake Ntlsla.tini. Ile interred the I',di.'s when' they were found. Another party ed Indians front \1i tassini is expected at Pointe Bleu, the Indian reserve neer it: bervai, this week, when further de- tieils of tate terrible tragedy are expected. Thomas Bazil was a :lfontagnais. from Pe. into Blue, where he leaves a wife and child. Miller was the son of a former chief of the Hudson's Bay post at Mis- tre:sini, while Big John belonged to THE WORLD'S MARKETS $IPOIITB FROM !MI LEADEN VIVA' E N TLt 11. Piles el Caine. Gels. Chasm ma Other Dairy Pronate at Boats and Abroad. Toronto, July 16. - Flour - Ontario wheat 110 per cent. patents are $3.15 t►k1, with $3.50 to $:3.55 asked in buyers' 11fsstassini, but was nieeing hie second sticks outside for export. Manitoba Ilrrt trip to Roberval. The wife of Miller, patents, $1.75 ; second Patents, $t.?O to who accompanied hint, was brought to $4-25, and strong baker,', $1.05 to I'•:iinte Bleu by John Boston after a trip t';.10. of great diftic'ulty owii►g to her extreme Oats --No. 2 w-.tte are quoted at 419, weeakneee. Boston reports that the J. to 4;x' outside. daubs, driven ti delperaliein by their Peas -No. 2 quoted at 78 to 79c out - hunger, devoured even their caribco bide. moccasins and the leather straps with Barley - Market quiet, with prices widish the puckagetes of furs they were purely nominal. bringing to Itoberval were bound up. Wheat - No. 1 northern, 97%c, lake The bodies of the other indians w'ho iort.. and No. 2 northern, 95e, lake succumbed to privation, cold and hurt- lee res. Ontario No. 2 white, 88 to Kik:, ger during the long three -hundred -mile and No. 2 reit winter, 88 to 89c outside. trip through the forest, where no trace Itye-No. 2 nominal at 70 to 71c util- e! habitation of mien was to 1* found. side. have not been recovered, ner have Corn --No. 2 American corn is quoted their nautes been mentioned, but there at Gly, to 62c, Toronto, lake and rail. were in all twenty-one. comprising five Bran -The market is unchanged, with or six families, the bends of which had bran quoted at $17 to $17.50 in bulk lien hunting during the winter at the oulsidie Shorts are quoted at $19 out - head of the l'ili_tassini, side. FUN IN NAMING THE TREES B0YS and girls can have Iota of fun playing the following game and dill find some of the questions are not very easy to answer. either. The questions are given out on slips of paper without the answers, and the one who gets the largest number of correct answers is the winner of the game: Which is the moat level tree? Plane. Which is the brightest oolored tree? Redwood. Which tree suggests thoughts of the ocean? Beech. Which tree would we prefer on • very cold day? Fir. Which tree contains a domeat:le ani- mal? Mahogany. Which tre3 might very properly wear a glove? Palest. Which tree is a pronoun? T.W. Which is the moat melancholy tree? Blue gum. Which trey is a tale teller? Peach. Which tree Is : a insect? Locust. Which is the dandy among trees/ Spruce. Which tree is an invalid? Pine. Which tree Is never barefooted? San- dalwood. Which tree can best remember num- bers? Date. Which tree has passed through are? Ash. Which 1s the most ancient tree? Midget Our Young People. The Last' Worm. A yoathiul worm lay sleeping fans Within his cosy bed. And. as the hour grew late. at Ilam His r her came and said: 'Piet up my dear; it's very lata` And such a Iovely day; I hear a clock just striking lj Get up at once. T seryl" I fear the lasy little worts Unto bis mother said. As he began to writhe and squirt* And v rlggli out of bed: "I dare not rise till it Is late. Or sloe, upc.t my word. 1 know that it would be my fate To asset that early bird!" -Constance M. Lowe. d• PRISON BINDER TWINE. Seventeen Carloads Shipped From King- ston to Alberta. A rltSl titch from Kingston says : Seventeen earinnds cif binder twine, oorn- prising they output of the penitentiary factory. has teem feerwarded by steam- ers to Furl William and thence by train to the farmers' association of Alberta Province. The prices paid range from 10 cents to 11'•1 cents per pound. TOO MUCH RE.\SON I'0f1 1.O\'E. "Oh. mamma. I'm so unhappy !" sob- bed the Heide of two months. "George doesn't 1m ee nice any more 1'' "\\tial makes you thine that dear'" aek,d til, mother anxiously. "Because he expert. 111e t0 give in whenever ho is in the'1t;hl." -ale At school David heel great difIlsulty with his arithmetic problems, , and his teacher tried in vain to make 1►ire uneler- slnnd. Finally, to bring the matter he)nie. he said, "If i . heuld go into your friltier's shop and say 1 wanted two pounds of meat, end he only lead a vette! and a halt, what woukt he de?" The hay thought profoundly for a mo- ment, Heel then said, "Hee would make up the weight w•Ith his thumb f" ROSY PROSPECTS FOR CROPS. In Most Sections on the C. P. R. Warm Rains Have Fallen. A despatch f ro t►\Innioe 6 says: s. ThA C. P. 11. crop reports from 'nearly all sections are most encouraging, with glowing prospects of fair average crops. T r about twenty districts tttey need rain, but as yet no damage has been done. In the majority of sections warm rains have fallen abundantly, and the grain, although somewhat late, is shooting up at a rapid rate. Many sections report the shot blade through, and the height of the stalks running over 20 inches. All fear of a poor crop 13 passed It oc- casional showers come to Help the sun. This week's report is the most favor- able of the season, and next week the crop report gatherers are expected to send in the climax of a big wheat crop for 1907 despite the late Spring draw- backs. STRYCHNINE IN BUTTER. Dose Intended for Rats Nearly Killed Addington Fancily. A despatch from Kingston says: The funnily of George Lee, !tying near Yark- ee. had a narrow escape from death by strychnine poisoning on Thursday. Mr. Leo had placed in the cellar a pound of butter well dosed with strychnine to kill rats. By mistake it was used on the table, and all the family were pois- oned. Medical aid was secured in time to relieve them. A SMALL SAi.MON PACK. Prediction by Head of British Columbia Packers' Association. A despatch from Vancouver, .13. C., szy e: Indiealie,ns are that the salmon pack will be small this year. W. 11. BBarke'r, heals of the British Columbia Packers' As�orintlnn, who hes just re- turned from the north canneries, says the season is away behind theero and a shortage of labor exLsts, as welt as on the Fraser River. CiIINA WAKING UP. Establishing Pollee industrial Taotals and Modern i.aw Cowls. A despatch from Pekin says: Import- ant edicts have been issue 1 ordering re- form in tite provincial judicial system and establishing police. industrial tno- tais and modern courts of law in the provinces. The changes will first be in- troduced on Chili and Kiangsu. The officials and people are also called upon to prepare for the adoption of- a consti- tutieJnal toren of government. DEPORIIN(: THE BAD ONES. Two Undeeirable i'risoners Will be Sent Ilome. A despatch from Kingston says : A prisoner named 1tarri.won, who is sodv- lrie a tee'rin in Iles penitentiary, is to be deported ted next week. He Will be sent to Detroit, where tho United States mittiori- tee, tnke charge of hien and deal with hire as they see fit. Another pri- soner in the penitentiary hero is also to be deported shortly. SPENT $21,000,000 ON ROADS Value of Work Done in Ontario in Ten Years. A despatch from T•eronto sig s: AA tth'ri to the Anneal rel,+ert of eft:. A. \\ . (:an,ple•II, Deputy \liuister ie Puliic Works:. on highway improvement, the am eunl spent leo Ontario on r..3.1 im- provements during the last ten year.: was $2104).tDi, 1)f Ibis $10,4:32.'0'2 w:is In ca,h. the re 1u:tinelter l'eing mode up b, 1,1,Siiieoo days of statute labor. Th.e doe's net include the expenditure in !ewe and city sIre'eltt. Lennox not %.l- dingzteen. Middlesex. feel. Lincoln, (ix - Celli. Wellington. Hastings. Lanark. a'nlwerth and Sinln,.' were .the ce)un- tk's in which the most work was done from 19e3 1, 194-4. The aggregate wen tapeent in these cortntiee In this time ryas $f+87.2x2, of which the Government a)n- tri' ute±d $295.7.51. The miles of malls Improved totaled 2.076. The e'xperede• lure, in 11)ittl Wn4 8t:►1►•t1I. :\11►L,rigdh admitting !het nerlorn,Hilexs h:eve creme to stat*, in regent .lo Iho pre- sent site:ation. sir. Campbell sties: "I io' 117111)me,h1le on the country read i unseenteeilly pr .1ii'ing, at the pre- •ent time much hardehip. Occasionnl• 1 Iv accidents no, ilported, and Ih:it the member is not greater is partially duo is) the fae•1 that fanners, and their is ivies rand daughters especially. are ecurnpellr(1 to iii the roads with horses less than l',eey would e'therwl., e do, owing; to tier fest of meeting an automobile. This; mist unforttinefee, rind It Ls not a met- ier (•f surprise that much feeelingl h:,s arisen antagontstiC to the autroniobite.•' COUNTRY PRODUCE. B3eane--iland-picked quoted at $1.65 to $1.70, and prunes itt $1.50 10 $1.55. Iloney--Strained quoted at 11 to 12c per db, end comb honey at $2 to $2.50 per dozen. tiny --No. 1 tirnothy is quoted at $14 to $15.50 here, and No. 2 at $12 to $13. Straw --$7 to $7.50 a ton on track here. Potatoes -Delawares, $1.15 to $1.20 per bag on ta•riek. Poultry -Turkeys, alive, 1 l to 1%c chickens. spring, dressed, 18 to 20c per lb; fowl, 9 to 10c. THE DAIRY MAIIKE; I'S. Butter -Pound rolls aro quoted at 17 tee 1Sc ; tubs, normal at 17 to 17%c ; large rolls are quoted at 17 to 17ye. Creamery prints sell at 20 to 22c, and solids at 19 to 19%c. Eggs--Caso lots selling at 17% to 18c a dozen. Cheese - Largo quoted at 1.2%c, and twins at 12%c. 110G PRODUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lots are nominal. Bacon, long clear, 10% to 11V per lb in case lots ; mess pork, $21 to $21.50; short cut, $22.50 to $23. Bruns -Light to medium, 15%e; do, heavy, 14'ylc ; rolls, 11%c ; shoulders, 1:c ; backs, 16,Y,c ; breakfast bacon, 153;c. Lard - Tierces, 12c ; tubs, 12%c ; pails, 12%c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, July 16. -Grain -A fair bust- ne.s continues to be done in oats and prices aro maintained. Manitoba No. 2 white sold at 49 to 49%c; Ontario No. 2 at 48X, to 49c; No. 3 at 473- to 48c, and No. 4 at 46y, to 47c per bushel ex store. Flour -Choice spring wheat patents, $5.10 to $5.20; choice s+econ(Ls, $4.50 to 84.60; winter wheat patents, $4.85; btraight rollers, $4.10 to $4.25; do, in bag,. $1.90 to $2; extras, $1.00. Feed -- Manitoba bran in bags, 821 ; shorts, $23 to $25 per ton ; Ontario bran in lags, 818.50 to 320; shorts, 822 to $22.50; trilled mouillie, 824 to $28 per ton, and straight grain, 830 to $32. Provisions-- i3nrrels short cut mess, $22 to $22.50; half -barrels. $11.25 to 311.75; clear fat Huck, 823.50 to $24.50 ; long cut heavy mess, $20.50 to 021.50; half-Hart•e'ls do, $10.75 to $11 ; dry salt long clear hack, 10% to 1 Ic ; barrels plate, beef. $14 to $16; half -barrels do, 87.50 to $8.25; bar- rels heavy mess beef, $10; half -barrels de, $5.50 ; oonnpouaxl lard, 10 to 10%e; pure lard, 129 M 12, ,c ; kettle rendered, 1! to 13X;c ; hams, 14 to 16e; ; breakfast bacon, 149, to 15c ; Windsor bacon, 15% to 10c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs. $9.75; alive. $6.85 1, $7.10. Eggs --16 to 16y,c. Butter --Townships, 20% to 21c; Quebec, 20X to 20y,,c : Ontario, 20c ; Western dairy, 17% to 18c. Cheeses - Western, 1139 to 11%c ; townships, 11X; to 11%c ; Quebec, 11%e. UNi'I'EI) ST'A'TES 51A1IKE'l S. St. i.outs, July 16.-- -\\'heat--(:ash, 92e ; Sept., 93c ; Dec., 06%c. Minneapolis, July 16. -Wheat closed: - Sept., $L00'; to $1.00% • Ikea., 99%e; No. 1 hard. $1.02% to $1.02%; No. 1 northern, $1.01% to $1.01%; No. 3 eorthel'n, 95 to 97c. Flour ---First pa- tents, tent.,, $5.20 to $5.30 ; ceecond 'intents, $5.10 to $5.20; 11rst clears, 8:1.55 to K.65; second clears, $2.75 to $2.85. Bran -in bulk, 315 to $15.35. Milwaukee. July 16. -Wheat -No. 1 northern, $1.03 to $1.04; No. 2 northern, tc1 t0 81.(x2; September, 93%c hid. nye-- No. 1, 86% to 87c. Barley --No. 2. 71e ; annlpke. 62 to 711c, Corn -No. 3 cash, 54 to 54%c; September, 54Xic biei. LiVE STOCK MARKETS. 'rernribo, July 16. --Excepting In the commoner qualities, all kind of cattle Met with it ready sale at the \Veste'rn Market to -day. 'Trade opened briskly, and after the sales of the better grades hail been effected dealers endeavored to eel down the price's of the rougher stock. Prices nn the whole remained about the snrne as on 'Tuesday, though exporters' were also said to be some- what lower. flogs were unchanged. The deliveries were 97 ears, containing 1,220 cattle. 1.&) sheep and lambs, 1,200 hogs, and 411 eelve;. Buying was geed in nxi,orte'r5' cattle. The hulk of the offerings stdd nrvnnd $5.75 per rw t. and the range wets frt.na S:e.'.4) to X9.75. at which level, the mar- ket for 11,14 cines of came is ars active. f'ick.sl bule•lsee' eatlllee. $5.10 141 t7►.50; gte.11e1 leas. R'► tet $5.30: rlaeelurn cattle, $ I.:,O to $4.t.111; choice cows, 83.75 le 811.5 ; commie' mem cows, 112.e0 to 83 per cwt. Good stockers were in fair demand tit s:,..'dl to 83.75 per cwt. Feevle r• sold itt $4.60 Ito *1.85 pe'r• cwt. Mitch cows brought $21) tee Son each. 'Ft ')d, WAS dull. Veal cele e. were quoted at 3 In fe. per ft. Eves Were ,l'glletly Imver, seliingt tit Ries-) to X34.75 tier eel 1. Bucks and e r►l;� I►reieeght &3 5'4 t., At per ew•t. area Intuits were worth 714 to $3ac per Ib. 11 .gt- w 1-" uttrhatip•il al 4fe.7'► 14.r se- lects, and $G.50 far lig4hls and fats. RETURNING GOOD FOR EVIL. d 4 r'ELLOWIi. we've lust got to win the game tomorrow. Those Jonesville chaps have bees strutting around Is a way that's un- bearable ever since they beet us last year. We've got to take the pride out of them, and that In a hurry." Captain Jack Dunsmors's delivery of this speech made a profound impres- a.vs ow ma r. arcrs. among whom were the satire Boycev111s nine and three or four of their loyal supporters. "Weil, Jim Warner's arra is entirely well agala, and. if he takes ears of him- self until tomorrow, LQon't see how we can help winning," said Catcher Bob. and the rest of the group rnurrpured assent. "Bet I'll reach the swimmin' hole first!" yelled 13111 Wolf, sprinting down the dusty road at a mad pace as the clump of trees that marked their fa- vorite bathing place cams Into view. Every boy there accepted the ehallenie and away they dashed, raising such a cloud of dust as would have done credit to a herd of cattle. 13111 Wolf dived down the long slope that led to the edge of the creek, but before he had gone half way he re- appeared from among the trees, hoarse- ly catling: "Hold up, fellows; that nervy Micky O'Toole Is down there swimmin'. Let's teach him and his gang to stay where they belong, at the other end of the town." Arming themselves with pine -cones and sticks and clods of earth, the party. at a signal from Bill, swept down tho bank Ills an avalanche and discharged their missiles as one man at the un - offending Micky. The suddenness of the onslaught staggered Micky, but he quickly recovered himself and hurriedly made for the opposite shore, where, from the shelter of a tree, he answered their screams of laughter with words of defiance. Boon he disappeared, with a final taunt for any fellow to come over it he wanted a licking. AN ILL FATED FROLIC The next minute all were disporting themselves in the water, having a jolly good time, if one might judge from the roars of merriment that arose on every side. All at once a sharp cry of pain rang out, followed by a sliding and rattling and scuffling as something crashed down the steep bank just by the bend. "Whistling fishes!" exclaimed Pete Hamilton, as he arrived on the scene. "if it ain't Jim Warner -and some- thing's wrong with his arm, too!" He was right. Jim bad slipped at the top of tate ■lope, had fallen heav- ily on his arm, and then rolled down the bank. When Captain Dunsmore mustered his men on the ballground the fol. lowing day any one could see with half an eye that the Boycsvtlle team had lost all hope, although st114 ppre- pared to fight their hardest. But Will Brant couldn't pitch wortb a sent and bo was the best they had. The game was just about ready to begin when Captain Jack felt some- body tap him on the shoulder. Look - Ing around he saw Micky O'Toole. his freckted face adorned wltb a broad. friendly grin. "Bay," he said, "I hear you fellows are hard up for a pitcher. 1 can pitch a little thyself, and 1f 1 can help you out -why, I'm wlllln'." "Teter* a trump. Micky!!" cried Jack. shaking him heartily by the band. "It's downright splendid of you atter the way the fellows treated you yesterday." As Micky had modestly suggested. he could pitch a little -Indeed. It was said that he was a shade better than Jim Warner, tho star. Boycevtlle, of course. won the game, and you may rest assured that Micky, went swimming in the Ohl Swimming - Mole whenever he plesse4 thereafter. AN INTERESTING EXPERIMENT HWR Is an Interesting little ex• perlment, showing how the earth. once a great moltsa mass, ate talned its present shape. Pour water into a glass until it L one-third full. Upon this pour slowly some thick oil. to the depth of not quite one-half Inch. Lastly, pour in, very gently, a small quantity of water. You now have a layer of oil between toe blankets of water. Insert a rod to the glass, and stir rapidly In small dreles. Soon you w111 And that the oil ban gathered arc and the rod in the form of • ball, and If you stir fast enough the ball will flattenthe top and bottom and but at the 'Idea, taking the *MIA of our gg lobe. A Candle Trick. YOUR friends may not have rmueh confidence 'n your statement that you can light • candle without touching the wick, but you may easily convince them that it can be done. Atter a candle has burned until It has a long mule blow it out with • sudden puff. A white cloud of smoke will im- mediately arise from the hot wick. Ap- ply a match to this smoke. at a dis- tance of even from two to three inches above the wiok, and you wilt sees 0 flame run down the stooks and Ignite the candle. TheOstrich That Didn't Grow. ON A big oa+trieh farm In Los An- geles, Cat., there Is a little chick that has stopped growing. Ustrlcit chicks grow at the rate of one toot every month, but this one never grows. Ilse life until recently was not the hap- piest 1n the world, for, being so small the ht`grri' ostriches pecked at him and treated him badly, indeed. nut now he Is allowed to wander along the walks all by himself. and he le such ape mplts ua pits nwoiktihn visitors allow that "Doctor." said lie. "I'm it victim of in- somnia. I east sleep if there's the lent 11411..,- stlrh ON 31 cid how ling, for in - statues." "This powder will be' eeffe'_•ticee," 11'101etl Ileo pll%sician. after compound- ing; :a pree:e•riptt.en. "When Glee 1 lake 1t, dere ler e. "'4111 441111 1514t' It. It'S :ir:eri• V. Y4)11 koe it to 11," cat itt a little milk.' CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS mom Alf e1VEu TUE GLUUL Tekgraphl. Ilrlieb From Our Oita I& Otte► Coaualrles of Recital Events. CANADA. A union depot may bo built at Fort \VilliarIl. The estimated increase in London's pceallation over 1906 is 2,500. Norman Alguire was killed by tho C.1'.13- express near Finch. The driveway to Rideau Hall, Ottawa, wilt bo unproved, ut a cost of over I91,- 000. It Is intended to hold the National Dairy Show, if possible, next January in Toronto. In the recent rush fur Doukhobor re- serve hoinesteads, 1,350 quarters were taken up. Twelve families wt ro rendered home- less by fire in a tenement block in St. Henri Ward. Mlontre•al. A wireless telegraphy station is to be erected at (onnix on (:apo Lave, Van- couver, to report vessels. '1'tto Attorney • G'eneral's 1)e1-artment will take charge of the cause against the alleged counterfeiters at Lindsay. A whale has been washed ashore at (;odiva Bay, Victoria, B.C. The health department has to remove it. Because a neighbor jocularly told hitn to eat some Paris green h) hart found, Geo. Piutnbrtok, at Cornwall, did so u;rd died. The will of John Mather, of Ottawa. disposes of an estate of $690.000, and liege bequests aro made to Protestant institutions. Some four millions of spruce logs were floated down the St. \tui,rice this season. of Nvhictl two and a half millions were for Canada. John Meehan, 10 years old, was caught by the weight of an elevator in Wood - ward's departmental store, Vancouver. Both jaws were broken and his face smashed. Ile may die. GREAT Bf3TI'AIN. King Edward has granted a free par- don to Col. Lynch, who was convict'cd et high treason for halving fought en the sido of the Beers in the South Afri- can war. UNITED STATES. United Stags farmers have 7.5 of last year's crop still in their hands.. Eight Italian miners were killed by white damp in a mine near Hazleton, Pa., on Thursday. 11. C. Frick says business conditions aro sound and more settled than a few months ago. A fire in a New York candy store was quenched by the owner emptying the soda -water fountain upon it. The United States Government has en- tered acliejn against over sixty compan- ies said to form the 'Tobacco Trust. Two women were injured. one fatal- ly, in a New York riot, in which fifty women took pert, because one said she end been insulted. Forced by hunger to descend from a trete, where he had been hiding after shooting his wile and child, Anthony Andrak was captured, at \Vilkesbarre, Pa In a storm at Mt. IIe►lly, N. J., two men were knocked down in a trolley car by lightning. and one of them had h's left trouser leg and one sock ripped (.ft. The interstate Gornmcrce ('eonmission leis decided that railroads selling first- class tickets to negmes roust provide rrconmmodaerion equal to that given first-ch.R white paseenge'rs. Mrs. Elizabeth ilunt, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. who will be 107 years old on Au- gust 31, enjoyed a steam launch ride on ) morning recently at Derby, Conn.. rind took a long autorne,bile trip in rho afternoon. A big piece of rock hurled by a blast crushed through the side of Mr. and Mrs. henry Judd's summer home, near He,weIls. N. Y., making a hole six feet squire, and landing near where the cotnl►lo were standing;. James Gallagher. of hock island, while painting the tapper tresses of Ido g; .verr,r.tent bridge, at Davenport, fa., touched iris knee, In a live wire. a 5.000- solt current passing through his body, which burst into flames ns he toppled over and dropped dead to the railroad bridge below. Ile leaves a wife and five children. GENERAL. The Wellman expedition to the north polo will be delayed until the first of August by the wrecking of the balloon house at Spitzleergen by a storm. A big strike of agricultural laborers Le (king prepared at Kiev, Kussin. The Governor threatens to have recourse to military force if necessary to meet the situation. .0011, DOIAROBORS ON TREK. Thirty -Sirs Fanatics Have Started Mt Pilgrima11e to Ow East. A despatch from Ottawa say:+ : Ad. vieea received by the government are to the effect that 36 fanatical Doukhotx,rs tinct► started en a pilgrimage to the t:n,t. They have crossed frim Saskat- chewan into Menitob+i and Swan River, and i1 will now devolve upon the Mani - tribe government to dispose of them. 1'. S. (:ROP REPORT. Present I:onditlon of Wheat is Given as 81.$. A despaatrli from \Waoslt,ng,le,r, sage. The Department of Ag;riculture reports conditions on crops on July 1st as fol. ;e►rn, acreage 98,090,000, oondl- Iion 80.2: winter wheat, condition 78.3: Spring wheal, 87.2; all wheat, S1.6. Anreeunt In farmers' hands, 54,853,000, e film -Meld to 7.5 per rent. of tlw crop of Ilot year. • GROWTH OF MANUFACTURES Six and a Half Millions Is the Popu- lation of Canada. A despatch from Ottawa say.; : A4bul- kiln was issued on Wednesday morning by the Bureau of Census and Statistics, showing the growth of tein►dars menu - establishments during the past six Years, and giving the comparative ttverag a prc.ductteun per establishment in 1901 and 1905. The various industries caro divided into three grot.ps : First. those with products (if between 820),000 and 85(tl,000 per e-tahlishinertt; srtiond, Hesse with poultices of between $200.04) and $1,000.00)0 per C_5I0t►lishrlitttnt, and, third, those running over ono million tis liars per esta11i-lunent. (Simpered w•iltt the census of 1901. which was for the calendar year 1900, there were in the first class 178 works producing; each 8501,000 and over in 11$)5, as against 72 in 1900; in the second class there were 62 works .producing $750,(1(10 and over in 1905, RS against 24 in 1900, and in the t rd cines there were 17 works producing $2,501,0)1 and over. as aguinst 0 in 1904). 'There were four works in 1905 l:rodtr'ing each $5,0000.04)0 and over, whereas not one factory had reached the amount in 1900. SOME GItEA'1' I'ItODUCI)tS. The greatest volume e)f production by r. single factory in 11)05 Wil' over $.S,I001),- 0)00, and the greatest in 19(11) was under S..S00,0(X), The pratlr,elie)n of an works in the year 1900 oats *481,053,371, and in 1905 it was $717,118,092. In the third class tl►ero Were four Can. achan sugar refineries producing on U • average $4,2i.'i,065 per annum, nine smelting e•1uL1istunenLs peotilijog on the average $2,810.1,71)7, twelve slaughter- ing and creat -hacking e',tabltlrmtc•t►t, atieraging $1,687,481, six flouring and grist mills averaging 83,318.242, four cot - tot. mills averaging $1,715,333, unit Wits) ag-ricultural implement works uvt'ragimg $1,725,737. All told, there were in 1905 eighty one e.stahllslinients with an annual prudue- lion of over 0110 tn►lliun dollars each, QS compared with thirty-niuo in 1901. G13O\\" 1'H OF POPULATION. Canada now has a population of over six and a half ntilli'ens. The department of Census and Statistics has re'ently tirade a careful and elaborate estintelo ..f tho population. it found that. on the lirst day of April, this your, the ieesula- tion of Canada was, as nearly as could be estimated, 6,501,900. This 15 a growth 01 population in six year., since the last decennial census, of 1,1:3:3,585. The total lxepulution in 1901 was 5,371,:115. I1 the present rate of growth is maintained tl (Auntie will meow a population of over seven and a half millions when the next census is taken. Since April 1 last the immigration has totalled over 1(0),000, se) that tiro total population at leo present elate is in feet neighborhood of 16,600,000. (:IIILD BURNIF:D TO MATH. A Flash of lightning Ignited 11er Clothing. A despatch from Moncton, N. B., says: During a severe electrical storm which swept this section out 'Tuesday afternoon thirteen -year-old Mary 'Tribes was killed by a bolt of lightning in her tisane, two stifles from Paine•': June:ion. The child had gene upstairs in company tvillt her little sister to lower a winelow, and had just placed her right hand on the sash when there came a terrific peal of thunder, followed by a ' iv id light- ning flash. Almost instantly the cloth- ing of the little girl sprang into a blaze, and she was hurled back against the fe•ot of the bed which stood in the ream. The other child, frightened Ly the thunder, threw herself on the floor and cried out to tier mother. When the latter rushed upstairs she found the eldest child on the floor terribly burned and lifted her onto the bed. where she expired a kw minutes later. Her arm and breast had been fearfully burned, and it Ls Il►ought that )ter back was broken by the shock. The child vas a daughter of Gkor•g;e 'Frites, 1. C. l3. sec- tion foreman. The house was quite badly damaged by the bolt. TWO MUST DIE ON (ALUMS. ('rbitret Considers Three Appeals for Executive Clemency. A despatch from Ottawa says: 'Three appeals for executive clemency in the case of preen sentenced to death tutor been considered by the Cabinet. In two of the cases it was decided that the tiro nlu.,t take iLs c•iurse. In the third, decision was deferred, pending the re- ceipt of a further report from the judge who tried the case. The two murderers who must pay the penalty of their cringes tire it roan named Dale, who two years age, shot two Frenchmen in Brit- ish Golunibia. and Ching Lung, a Chinn - man, who stabbed a man In the Koot- enay District a year ago. Tho man who Las a respite is Frank Capella, convict• ect of the slaying of one, Dow, at White- stone, Whitestone, in the I'arry Sound District. 'i' - DISOItDI'.ItS IN BELFAST. Strikers Spill Sugar But Drink Content, of Whiskey -laden Van. A despatch from Belfast says: anticipated diseiele•r's growing ou strike hero havo occurred. A vii Itry ing; freight to the docks for a lir� inn line steamer Was seized by a trioti DIED IN HOUSE OF CO\IMO`"S. and burned w the street on \Wednesday. Anoltaer was thrown from a dock, white Sir Allred Billson Expired During a still another, loaded with sugdr, was Division. held up, the tags ripped open and their contents strewn in tho street. Ono A despatch from London says: Dur- w•),Le;ke'y-laden van was seized, but the ing a division in the House of Commons whkkey was not por1rod into the street, nn Tuesday evening; Sir Alfred Billson, the rioters preferring to take posse_saion member for the northwestern elivision cf it. Two cal.4et5 had been looted when el Staffordshire, suddenly fainted and t11 folico arrived.then expired. The House immediately .}.,_ adjnurn�d. Sir Alfred was born in KING AND Q1 EEN IN DUBLIN. 1x39. A pathetic feature of the inci dent was that Sir Alfred's daughter was Cheered by Dense (:re,ada Which Lined in the ladies' gallery at the time of her father's death. She wens not aware e4 the Streets. his seizure, and the neer s was gently A despatch from Dt.blin says : Ring broken to her by John Burns. Sir Al- Edward and Que'e'n Alexandra, who 'w- ired was Knighted at It:o time of the rived here from Kingstown this after - last birthday !tenors. noon, visited the exhibition. including ♦' the. Canadine pavilion, in which their 4 1101:NLi•: MI•I1111;1t. Mnjestles expressed the liveliest interest. Subso'pionlly their Mu;esttes passed in Man and Woman Killed in a BuffaloPrOee. siun throtigh the streets of Dub- Peter to the yiee-regal lodge. The dense crowds of people everywhere ae•"ordod ►\ despatch fre�rn Buffalo, N.Y., says : the King and (ween the hortrtie;t rts'ep• Peter F4:,restel, a well-known sule.on- titin. keeper and sporting man, and Marie ---4--- Smith, 32 years old, a waitress in the KING'S 11111'SI(:I:♦N DF:\i1. saloon restal.rant, were murdered early on Thursday. George Hodson, a painter, Sir William Henry Broadbent .Ule•nelprrf is accused of time crime. The smith wi- lier Rental Nrinilly. man formerly lived with Hodson, and beer rr_fusal to lcatve. Forre.tet's place and A de patch from London says : Sir resume her relations with 11011 is the r11- henry Broadbent, physirtun-in-ordinary legel rause of the double murder. Hod- to King Edward and the Pill:Cn of \\ale:44 Son was arrested a few tuinut•s nflor tenet whir fur a long time attended the the crime was committed. Ile was Int,', Queen Vietoria noel (Biers elf (lo) covered with mood, but (iee•lared that lie Ile yal fancily. died en Wednesday. Hs had no recollection of whet occurred. was burn in 1835, THE PEASANTS IN ARMS Pitched Battle With Troops Near St. Petersburg. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: wny. Rural gianrds d:sneersed the rief. Extensive pe'nsant disordrers have beak n ers ,,ome less of life. and I' slp'r ell'. n a of• .ti t the ear,t rn part . 1. f et r were detailed to palm. the caws:, c% ill burg province, ant in the northwestern the resell !haat Irnflii \t8, ofard root, section of Novgorod 'moire.... espee'a- The failure of the attemple attempt.of the pen- ally e •., e r • e ally in the dis rail,, tr►t t. .l by the n• Brent- to deter away the tuts fol• nal cenne)1ing the Baltic awl e:a,.l►ion Ieewee1 by a shake of the entire fem..) of Seas. A pitched battle efts fought on 1r,Lnrrry employee' on over 300 milts of Tuesday at Binlozero between troops the Mary (canal. All neo veleta of and peasants led by ,t village* school- freight along the canal is 1 a Mend - master. The authorities fear the agi- tation will sprertd to It►e entire north- $16,5(10.000 1'011• \VAI3S ilI'r. err. part of Ruuia, and seriously inter- feree with the transport of grain, oil, The (nitncfl of \finiylrrs has ee►a,p rev c'.al and wood to St. Petersburg. (reed the sliniary of Marine l0 1nel:de 7 he3 went Introduction of tugtxeats yeeerly In the estimates s15.:100 .1100. from en the Mary Canal to replace 11:• 'ow. 1108 to 1911 hecto+he. for ttre .•on'rlte- lirrees hauled by peasants. i,-.e'n..:.ened ten of warships and their arnrntnent great exeiterncnt. itanles of pea -ants and for torpedoes ar,el guns. lire ere - strung reties Heroes the canal and threw drt4 r,1 the budget of 1914. 114)1 yet ace• slonees Ab the tugJtennL in efforts tee in• cute.), Are 10 he used for laying e1 we teefeere with bre rwv.g0'.u1 of the water- new vessel. during the current Jea:'.