HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-11, Page 8EX.ETEk 'I'IM1✓S JULY llth 1907,
++:.--: d• •:•'r•fc• ++ + + ,-•::• -1rY-:• ++•e++++ ++++ : +++
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WE IMPORT our fine Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, ,.`
Toilet Sets and fan3y' ('hina direct from elle If
nt.akerq ill Great Brtiain, Japan, and Austria. j*
We ave for our customers all the middle men's
l,rotit. "Every little helps". +
We save just opened six large crates and pack- .•
a'fes of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, and +X
fancy China, which we would like you to sew
10.50 For a lovely
new semi-por-
*+ celain Dinner Set,
pure white body,
gold traced and
edged Decorated
•ir with very pretty
wild roses in pink
and green shad-
For beautiful
12.5ti semi china
Dinner Set, pure
white body, gold
traced edged and
stippled and decor-
ated with very
pretty cant illy ros-
es in small pink
For our new Austrian China Tea
+ Sets. "The valise of these sets is
+ • $[o.00" but as they are an entirely
Inew line -being the first real gen
nine Austrian China Tea Sets that we have ever
handled -we are using them as an advertisement.
1. They arc just as dainty and pretty as hand painting
f. Clear hard white transparent body with statural
: ruse decorations. We want you to see thein.
it. For a new style For the nicest
�[• . Toilet Set. "to6.50 Toilet Set �t•e
4 have ever shown
4 pieces" tall slender The shape is en
4t.1, shape, pure white tirely new, its call
it h a r d porcelain ed the "swelled
body". The shad-
body, with gold ing is very delicate
14 tracings and new brown with gold
pink carnation dec. blending. It's a
orations. Beauty.
Market Report. -The following is
the -report of Exeter markets, cur -
^: 'R J uir
Wheat, Fie per bushel.
IJ.arley, 48 to 52 cents lK r bus'l:el.
Oats, 10 to 41 ce:::_
peas. 7o:. ser bushel.
Shorts. $..4 per toot.
I'iour $2..5u per cwt.
Aron, $2.! per ton.
Feed flout- $ 1.40 to $1_15 icer cwt.
Butter. 17 cents per pound.
Es _, 14c. bre doz-_:l.
Hogs dressed.
Hogs, livetwe'i?ht,
Hay $11 to $11.50 i er
Clover seed, $8 to $1U per bushel.
Potatoes. 75c. to 9Uc. per bag.
Dried Applos, 6c. per pound.
Coal. $? :t toll.
Wool, tva-i.. d. 2Uc to 22c per lb.
\Vcol, u!'••w:+ h'd. 12c to 13c. a Ib.
•••••••• .tae•••••
i+f s. I:'ittom, issuer of marriages li-
+ Noises, also complete line of wed -
ding rings always on hand.
\1r. Alvis) itr:►ttnell, is vbitin4 in
Gcderielt for :a few days.
m •
•-• *1:
b 't'.
o 1::tt
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,n r,•
m -r
O + .+
▪ +-f-
a* • `4.
'0 .;.
a +
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les ;*
la es
We show about thirty different lines in Toilet Sets . j.
ranging in price from $i . 5o to $6.50 the Set
++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++
l -.H.*++++++++++++++++++++++ '+++++++++++++++++
A Successful
I� impossible without the help of
a j• wd lI y store.
Try to think what such an affair
would be without the presents.
Try to imagine the rtngless, giftless
It's unthinkable.
*Jo you would find it bard to get
Along without us at such a tune.
NVe have a great hig interesting or an illusion, doesn't. it' It. really
array of gift articles, does. for the old gentleman never be-
fore in his life saw such a display of
And the beauty of it is that the I spectacles.
majority of thein are anything but
we make as much a specialty of as for
those who are younger. They Ht per-
fectly. The lenses are ground to suit
each particular pair of eyes. and they
are beautifully t.nd artistically finished
It's wonderful, too, how cheap they
'We suggest Silverware, Clocks.
Fancy China, Etc.
Call and take a good look through.
is an art and the man
who has his clothing
made to measure has
found the key to that
art. Each garment that
we make for you has
that air of individuality
so much sought after by
the fashionable man.
You aro sere of Comfort,
Ease and Elegance
ioo:Suitings to hand
at prices away down
Merchant Tailor.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
MoNP Y to loan at lowest rates.
North West Lads for stile.
Office, Main Street. Exeter
W. S. HOWEY, Phm, B.
Chemist and Optician.
Mr. Thos. Moyle is taking his va-
cation this week.
Mrs. Geo. Kemp. of Toronto is
visiting friend-, its town.
Miss Ilayley of London. :e: toe
guest of ?,trs. John Treble.
Mrs. Aquilla Snell, of \Vinnipc.x,
is visiting 'Air. and Mrs. John Snell.
Miss Katie Collins was confined to
her bed last week on account of ill•
Misr. (;ertie Sheen! spent 1La past
week visitin; her brother its Brant-
Miss Melinda Martine. of Detroit,
has returned home on Wednesday
Mrs. Will (;oodison and coon Jack.
of Sarni:., :are the .u.'sta of Mrs. 1).
.T oh tt +.
Mrs. It. 1{. Rogers and children. of
Chicazo are visitin„ Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Christie.
Miss Cora Mc Pherson. school.
teacht'r at !Ices, ilay, is home: for
her vacation.
The Voter's list of the township
of Stephen shows there :are 1258
voters in the township.
Mr. Off McPherson loft last Fri-
day for I. ionto, where he has so -
cured a 1' ition itt a drug More.
Mists 'Walt •nd has reaizncd as
as teacher in the public school. A
successor has not yet been appointed.
Mr. Earl Spackman left last
Thur=d ty for London and Thamea-
ville whenh' will epend hi. vaca-
tion. . .: t,i-: MMI
We have some exceedingly pretty styles in Ro Ldy Made 'THE OLD RELIABLE
Shirt Waists for summer wear, and arc offering them at
prices much below those usually asked for goods 'As equal
quality and style.
\lr. Ed. Mitchell, of llrautfori, is
visitin; his father. Will. Mitchell.
Operations at the Canning Factory
are expected to commence to -day.
1:mons .have contmae.nccd work on
Wm. Taylor's house o:' Albert street.
Mr. Harr;. and daughter, (ars.
Duffield, have sotto to Winzhatn :c
\1 r. E. ll. Fish has opened up a
barber shoo at they Bend for the
Mr. W. 1). Sanders has heist' ap-
pointed a Justice of the Peace for
Stephe..n Township.
Mr. took, of the Mansion }louse.
0o ho has been laid up fcr :oto' t:I:I'
i; c.ons'derably better.
11 rs. Link. of Crediton. wags the
Zii,. t on Saturday and Sunday of
her sister. Mrs. .tV. Kuntz.
Mr. and Mrs. frank Gill left Mon-
day for \tu-koka to vi.::• the 1 at-
ter's si:;ter, Mrs. John Hutchison.
. The Sunday School- of the Ja:n.s
Street 'Methodist Church held :t=
annual ;,ic•n:c to tate Bend yesterday.
1t v. A. Ii. Go:n3 cat tended a meet-
ing of the Regents of tt:c the Vic-
toria University at Toronto last
GIANT• '1'I{[1'I,i:1'S "Currency''
"Bobs" and 'Sta z' Chewing Tobaccoes
in hi; plugs. Quality always !the
Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Statham. of
Acton, have returned from Seaforth,
where they have been visiting for a
few days.
Miss Emma ltarriaora, of Buffalo,
who was the guest of Dr. and Mrs.
Altos, returned to her home last
Miss Olive Qnance who %vas en.
•ga.ged as milliner at Napanee during
the past seasota, has returned to her
home bore.
Miss May and Minnie Jewell are
visitin, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. Jewell and sir. and Mr T. Young
of London.
lir. Thos. Handford tis purchase'ei
the fine Jia vv dray team f rotn the
Dorothy factory Clinton. The price
paid was $150.
For Quality and Quantity ask your
dialer for the new hi; plugs of
"Bobs." "Stag," :and Currency chew-
ing loliZtt•coc'ra.
Mr. Saxon Fitton's condition has
•greatly improved clurir1X the past
week. Sunday he was able to sit
up 'for a while.
Willie Amos is see•ndin.z :t month
with his uncle at the Bend. and Lil-
lian .Amos is With relatives in Mos
Gillivray township'.
Accordinz, 10 the Voter's Lists for
the township of tisborne just 1,ub+
Ii.1►ed there are S01. voters, ,180 of
whom are marked ss jurors.
It is e•xpectod a mart 'set Ladies'
choir will take charge of th' music
at the e'venin; services its th• Main
street church next Smelly.
Mr. 11. Doot'rie is zr .taw• ilnt'rov-
;es tt's residence just eolith of the
ver, by having a new cement foun-
dation out unfter t he verandah.
Word has leen received hero that
John Citaa.rlten is ill at Hanley Sask.
with tyleh:a'd fever. A maze rt'•
ccived Monday says h' i+ •greoitiy
The tnan who ;els macs :al tth P
the paper says about hint should re-
turn thanks 4hre•e tints tt dIiy for
'that the neoo•<I'ap+'r k`aeew about hitn
and suppressed.
lir. and Mrs. L. F:. Claxton and
son William. of Detroit spent Fri-
day and Saturday the ;mita of W.
W. Taman'. They were on their way
to Itlyth to visit friends.
The members of t l.e Women's in-
stitute enjoyed :t del'•rhtful after-
noon last Friday in Howard's •;rove.
A dainty lunch was served, after
which a few athletic sports were in•
dui;eel ln.
The local Liberal Cower vntiv-s
have elected the followin; officers
Pres., 'i'. ll. Carling: Vic.e•1'res., L.
1I. Dickson ; . rid. Vice -fres. 1V. G.
llisasett ; Treas., ,Tose, Davis; .t?ec'y..
Chas. Sanders.
1)11. OVENS EYE AND EAit Stiit-
geon, will be at the Commercial
liotel. hours 9.30 n. tn. to 4.30 p.
rn. Glasses properly fitted and dis-
eases of eye ear and nose treated.
next visit, friday, AuzuRt 9th 1907.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson, cf
Chicazo are the ;;uests cf Mr. George
Ander-on. Frank is still the same
baseball •nthuliast he was when he
lived here and on Monday evenin7
took tart its the June aaai,ttit Far-
Oa Monday evs'nin;►Nth
',ea./He of theCredit,o a e hvaljst
church visited the Lea.tue! of James
Street Church. The Crediton Letzue
furnished the pro remme. ' The
topic -How Our Live 'May Is Con-
secrated to Our Country," was
taken by Mr. Banes who handle 1 it
vary appropriately. A (Watt, solo
art' reoitnti"na ower^ nlro given
and \sere Noloveei by all. After pro -
ram a sod:tt►le time was rp'nt and
light tisfsbm!�it4i' se+rvM.
$6 0o Waists now
5 00 Waists now
4 oo Waists now
2 75 Waists now
$3 00 aists now
2 50 Waists now
2 0o Waists now
[ 5o Waists now
$4 50
3 75
3 00
I 85
i 85
1 65
1 15
$5 oo Skirts now .... .... ...... $3 75
TWEED SKIRTS 4 5o Skirts now .... .... ...... 3 89
4 00 Skirts now ...... .... • • • • 3 00
Ladies Leather Belts in White, Tan,
Leather Belts Black and Grey, ;o cts.
25c. Collars for
15 cents
Boys Sweaters
to doz, Ladies White Turnover
Collars, nicely embroidt-tt,d. A great
bargain 15 cents
All wool Sweaters in Blue, Cardinal
and Black. Regular 75c quality; now
5o cents.
Mr. told Mrs. a alms, .of Chica = o, is
Isoint Faso
visiting ktt Mr. John=.
Miss Miriam Elston. of Parkhill,
is 'home for th holiday.. :
We Beg to Announce that we have more
Ladies White Waists
Than we o ire to carry over,consequently
will reduce the price.
$1.00 for 75c; 1.75 for 1.25; 2.50 for $2,00
$1.25 for 1.00; 2.00 for 1.50; 3.00 for 2.50
$1.50 for 1.25; 2.25 for 1.75
These goods will go quickly'
Come eary and get your choice.
Ws Still Carry a Fine Ranco in the
Astoria Shoe' Nobby Goods.
Mri. W. J. Statham spent a few Was the unanimous ver-
dathis week in Eeaforth. dict at the post mortem of
Mrs. 1I. Hoot-er and 'daughter Ruth the instantaneous death of
left Tuesday for Alma 'Mich. Mr. Potato Bug and Miss
Comini=tiioner Bissett is this week Lads, Bug caused by par-
puttin; 'travel on Main Street.taking of the solution made
Mi=s Rose •Lar.Iport, of 1!d, rton. with one teaspoonful of
is (st'ending her holidays with friends OUR PURE PARIS GREEN
its town. in one gallon can of water.
Mr. I1agshaw, of Cannington spent
Sunday the ,. uest of hiscousin Mr. Why use a second quality when you
W. Iia; -haw. • can get the best
Mr. Ed. Bertrand, of Detroit, call-
ed on Mr. and Mr John Pedlar ono
d,ty 114L-4 :week.
Mi_* Pearl Kestle, of Sharon, is in
town a gain and commenced h r du- At 40c a pound securely
tie. -4 oo iLl1 Snell & Rowe.
wrapped in full weight
Mrs. Samuel Lamport, of Ildcrton,
visited her parents Mr. an.1 JIrs.
Th01111.4. Lowe last week. Fresh Hellebore, Pure Insect Pow -
'Mr. and Mrs. Bothwell Bothwell. der, Bug finish. Bug Death, London
of Stratford, were the !guests of Mr.)
Purple, Etc. always in stock.
an! Mrs. R. Gidley list week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ba;taha\y. of Park- COLE'S DRUG STORE
du le, spent part of last week with
his brother Mr. Wm. Bagshaw. EXETER - ONTARIO,
Mr. It. S. Lan;, of Toronto, ar-
rived in town yesterday to look up
:apple in this: vicinity for fall ship• •••••♦•••♦•••♦♦♦N♦♦•♦•♦N
mens. I
We *are (pleased to 1- -aro that hiss Ia11
Attn:t Martin has ; .: sed her exam-
inat;ons at ttht! Toronto Cot'perva•
tory of etnu•sic t :kin z, honors. Term 1
Mr. Joseph •Itawden is the first
this season 'to report new potatoes
Yesterday we wore shown
gocd samples of early on: s grown in
his .za:den.
Mrs. West. Wes Welsh, of Retina, This management during the
arrived here Friday :Horning. She : ast year trained over Two
wa. called home owing to tha Ser-
ious it l.ne s of her mother lies. undyed young la-
1'oples tone. dies and 200 gent 1 e - Z
men, a s steno -
The Ladies �Ai+i o[ Main St. Church
gcaphers, bookkeep- ♦
purpose holding ka lawn social, Fri- • ers and telegraphers, and placed
day Jul lith., on the Church (Lawn. thein in excellent situations in
'Pony Vita Orchestra, London. will
furnish the 'programme. Refresh- leading Canadian and American cities. 4
meats served )from six to eight. Ad-
mission 25c. Individual instruction.
WANTFiD.-Tta! Exeter +Canning %Vrite for catalogue.
and 1'roservia►; Company want in
about :t week 20 once and about .10
women and 11 or 16 boys and girls.
Good wa,ets, titeady .net plt•:)s.:int ern.- GUINTOM
01oy melt. Apply a t factor y, Davis
Gardiner,niatiager. BUSINESS GOLLEGE
1)r. Acland W. 11. l)ronyatekt.ot,
only son of the late Suprems Chief GEO. SPOTTON, Principal. I
ltan,er, of the i. O. 1'. was found
ctcad at 'tie fainily reside t he 1 ♦♦••••••♦•N••♦♦+•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•
Pines, l)vseront 0, on Sunday morn- !
its.. Ile had Leon sufferiat, f Font
heart trouble for song! time.
For the benefit of thoss .w:t !tilt;I UNANNOus illINCI
to attend tlae Oran,ze demonstration
at Blyth next Friday, July 12th the
Grand Trunk raiway will .run +a
special front London. It wilt (cave In Favor of
here at 8 a. in. and returning will,
leave ltlyth at 6.45 p. In.
Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed. Christie, E. J.
Christie ':and :firs. R. It. itoz••rs at-
tt-tended the wcdd;rtz at llensall y. •
terdnay afternoon of Miss Jessie Mc.
Ewan, daughter of Mr. sand lira.
Wm. McEos•an, of Ile,nsafl. to .Mr.
Bert Foowl.'r of Manitoba.
Iti:1 iSye bits the enil a bard welt
on t 1.e' !sold tth! it he Pays: -A mats
m::y u -e a war; on they back of }:i` , AND
neck fur a collar button ; ride on 1 be
for et collar button ; ride on tbs.
hack coach of a railroad train (0 "Few as Good"
save Oho inl'•rest on pia n)ort•,y till
the conductor 'gets round; sto;► his
watch at nizh•c to save wear and .
tear; .Ii av!• his "i" or "t" toit1.out !You cannot afford to be wtth-
det er cross to Nave ink ; pasture 11:4 out it.
mother'. •.rave to 'save corn : but
a man of th:s sort is a gentleman
arises t;cholar compare:I to th-' 11)111, MANUFACTURED BY
twh° will take! :a ttewspea je•r tt'o or
three yc,ar<, but when asked 10 i,a/
for it puts it into the office sasses MA RV EY BROS.
has it marked "refused."
.iohn ilartner. who was arrested
at Winni{)e;, ooa+ taken (0 (;cdrrich
Two bus toadtt of Exeter i►copin
Ia-t week and co►nmitted to !;sand picniced nt the Bend last Friday andspent
h:+ f.rial, Ile tt:as accui 'elof sal sling spent nod enjoyable day. :1)urin;
18 1).t;+ of oat!"d twit of barley 8e) the nfternoon. an excjting gain of
pounds timothy se'e'd 80 pounds clov'•v' ball was played. everyone liking
seed and 100 pounds of cured lose( part, and the way ;some cf the ladies
from Mr. Alex. Buchanan, of Tuck.• handled the spheres showed she's had
e'r+mitt,. T}.e tracks .'were (ollo�wed not quite for.1otten the ;Jinn of "old
from Mr. itttchanitr s barn lo' the Gat." One sensational play wort when
house of the accused, and It- afters'cne of them cas+tured the ball nit the
wards admit tett lis offonee. Mr. fourth sennas niter it had r.ttuek •:t
Seager. the County Crown :�ttornc'y' tree, one} the runner Iowa's 'acetate('
reported the whole larocecdin; to the outAceordinz to one of the players
Attorney General of the Province,, the Same w;ta replete with "Fouls"
who instructed hitn to have the loan but a tool didn't coarct it he tt the
hrou;tit back so Ontario. Constable ; bait \o •as given :t 194(1 swil►e. The
Gundry \was despatched to 1VinIli p('; t►sae rennin % to a• gaud. except wlen
for that purpose and arrived at (;oel• otie of the p',ayer4 twOulert soy to
crick with Ids man 1Vedncs:lay make base' whe'tr a sauces bel
of la it week. 1;attneron a;i tt4'd 1><'• 'war eaua;ht. Iioowe'ver the` umpire►l
fore Judge Doyle on 'Monday and to:as was obdurate anei stuck to his dee-
allowed to zo on truypended Rentenco eisions ere
ry time, Rvmctime4. On
having returned the goods.
ar Flour
"None Better"
The Sovereign Bank of Canada
.Estrote i JAR\ Esq.,
1'. G. JEMMFTT, Esq.,
General -Manager.
1i;' IL'S JAR\'IS, Esq., -
A. A. AI.I.AN, Esq., - Second 1 ir€'-PPeSteh•Jll
ARCH. CA:M't:o:I.r., Esq., M.P. W. K. MMCNAt•c:IIT, Esq., M.1'.P.
A. E. I)ysts:sr, Esq., M.P. ALEX. Bitt'cx, Esq., K.C.
Savings Dank Department.
Interest at best current rates paid quarterly. +a
You Can Make Your Life Work Easy and Your
Time Valuable by Taking a Course in
Shorthand and Typewriting
The Western Business
and Shorthand Academy
110 Dundas Strsst, London
We Place Every (graduate in a Situation. We Ifttve No
Failures. We Make a Success of Every Pupil. See
List Below of Gr.tdu!ttes Placed in Situations.
During the past year we placed Miss Lewis and Miss Brown
with Darch and Hunter; Mr. Dennis Sutton, G. T• R , Montreal;
Mr. Meredith Smith, G• T. R. London; Mr. E Walker and Mr. N.
Smith, C. P. R., London; Miss Gleason, Murray Shoe Co ,; Miss
Poole, S. Scott, Machine Co ,; Miss Self, Canada Spice Mills; Mrs.
Saunders and Miss Dabie, Canada Chemical Works; Miss Motile,
Secretary at London Asylum; Miss May Seccombe, assistant court
reporter; Miss Annie Square, G. M. Gunn & Co., Miss Gladys Simp-
son, F. J. Hammond &Son; Miss Thornton, News Co.,; Miss New-
ton and Miss Newcombe, McCormick Mfg. Co ,; Miss Rossiter, Nat-
ional Typewriter Co ,; Miss Foley, Sylvester Mfg. Co ,; Miss B.
Newans, McBride & Farnco.nbe: Miss G. Legg, BLannett Theatrical
Co ; Miss Balls, Screaton & Co; Miss Bunter, C Chapman & Co•;
Miss Ellwood, London Life; Miss Rollins. Scandrett & 1'rou.it »t;
Miss Daisy Griffith, T. II. Escott & Co.
account of the bases being 1)io„'ttc Debentures for Sale
away evert. fewminute's Its. the wind.
sliding was made intpo:•sible, except t --
by the men 0.1141•alrMut 'tae only %7.lie1- ! 'file Corporation of the %'illazd of
in; they did was when they eslruck Exeter ars' offerinz for sale!, deben-
a base and couldn't 41,011. One' i'ld,! f turecs to t1:#! value of $10,0(10 payable
won by one run. hat :a+ the tt•inrse'r'r in 15 annual instat!rnentoa bearin;
were ttceureet of 1 ryin; lo bribe 1 Its interest at the rate of 4 i•2 t:or cent.
umpire and t he -.scorer, each side"" The people of this vilht ge and Nur-
allowed to claim the honor of atitar rounding country ha win; money to
nin;. It booked little !serious at invest should .look into Ow! smatter as
timos for the umpire. but with :a there IA CO better investment offer -
tittle i)110ver a1111 1 413e1 nil 1141 0)4 at tiae present time. it Is aim, -
managed to keep down the ruffled tute'1y safe rind lays ► good interest.
feel•inzs e'f the players. We ehael :a They will be ser,'el '•a $1000 Iota. (0
li,t of the different Iitte'upo, but as tip, if 1eestte,tNler,..
the Wore card Wait taken for :a bac-
after the piece of paper 11.(11 for flirt ^-+ __
third carnet tool been zrr>,t►ly ttafred
away, it was impossible tr. deciihe•r +,e
ts 5 C sweet is EA
the names. A Cady Nerd Lames
�.l.._.�_ .ewers a• • .tom,.