HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-11, Page 71
Little Liver Pills.
Must Bear Signature of
See Fac-Shtllto wrapper [seem.
Very small sed els easy
to take ss enemy.
Was Weak and Run Down
Mrs. J. II. Armstrong, Port Elinsley,
Ont., tells of her o•xp• dente with
She writes : "It is with gratitude I
tell how your Heart and Nerve, fills
benefitted rue.
"I was very weak and run down, had
headaches nearly every day and very
often would faint away, in fact, my
doctor said that sometime I would never
come out of the faint. It was through
one of vour travelling agents that I was
induced to try Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills and after taking three boxes
1 ani glad to relate it has hen a number
of years !since I had a fainting spell and
scarcely ever have a headache. Too
much cannot be said its praise of Mil-
hurn's Heart and Nerve fills, for in me
they have effected a perfect cure."
Price 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for
$1.25, at ail dealers, or The T. Milburn
Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
\ellen 1 sailed will' Commander \Ic-
(:rills several years age, said a young
neva! officer, he had already made u re-
putl,ltie,n as a rigid disciplinarian. (elle
day it chanced that 0 midshipman whom
he hail sent ashore went a ,riff beyond
Itee inslrucli.,ne given hen :with relation
I() his errand. Tho matter was not of the
least inrp ertance, but ,k(:iIla chided hint
bl 2orply, snying :-
\\ hen y.,u receive an order, sir, do
fsin►ply whet you are told to do ,end
never n particle more or less."
The midshipman touched Iii.* hat re-
speethilly, but he thought thje r.'Ioihe un-
rated for. A few days 'later elcLnlla
summoned him and said :-
"You will lake a beat, sir. and go
ashore' to the I>t,st•o1T1•'e. See if !herr is
:1 p:ekniee addressed to n+e.•,
"Aye. aye, sir."
The midshipman lis.+k the heat and
went ashore. When 114 i c eirn4•.l, \Ic-
(:ulla asked :---
"\Well, sir. was there a package for
r.e et the• post -officer'
"Yrs, sir," reviled the iiuid-1iipn,riii.
touching his cap.
"where is fir
"At the post- ofTice. sir."
"\e Iral ! you dntrl't bring if with yu?
"No, sir."
"\Wily not, sir?"
"Beeeaiiso i had no orders to do so,
"I 10141 you to get the package."
"ileg perhen. sir, bait 1 understood you
lo 1411 Inc merely to see if Ittero was a
1►11ckii i' f4,r you at the poll -office, and
IrnelI not venture I
) deaparttcparticle
o• less than my instructions indicated.'
1:NI'1i%Ei.Y I.i:.'I'I lelA I'E.
"1e flint man's business really n, pav-
• tag as he says?"
11's all hot air."
"1 1h.•ug1hI 50."
"1e,; lie (fe.)ls in furnaces."
Kidney Disease
And Its Danger.
Kidney disease comes on quietly -
may have been in the system for years
before you suspected the real cause of
ur treuhIe. ,'here may have beenbackaches, nenrslgia, sciatica, rheiima-
tiem, etc. Perhaps you dill not know
these were symptoms of kidney disease.
so the trourhle kept on growing woroe,
until di.terhances of the water ep•
swerve!. or there was gravel 'r reteretien
of urine, or e(ene li11ch sign of keine).
l )ohm's Kidney fills sheltie lee taken
at the fiNt sign of anything wrong;
they strengthen the kidneys and help
them to filter the blond properly -- h.'I j,
there to flush off, and carry away with
the .iirplis aster, all those impurities
which the blood gathers up in its cir-
cuit of the body.
Mrs. Alfred Lelllene, I" ,,'k Cape,
Que., writes : "I feel it my .i•rty to say
a word shout 1)nex'1 PILL*,
1 suffered dreadful pains semen m
back ---so had 1 could not l•too or bend.
After havini>; u•ee two loxes T now feel
most completely ei ',d. I highly t n.
oommenf' 1JUA I'S Kv 1'i aT PILLS." 1y
All Things Uplifting and Sublime
Have But One Source.
Tlie bca .ty of holiness."- Psalms It would be safer to say that sin must
xcvf., 9. be somewhere lurking wherever there is
Religion ought 14) ee the most natural, deformity, pain, or discord ---that, as it
desirable, And attractive thieg to lural, common phrase has it, the bleak and
for it simply stands fur the development barren is the evidence of That which is
of 1110 Lest in us, the coming into they forsaken of God. 'Things ('*;date are
full and rich heritage that is ours as not divine. Religion L, not repression
spiritual beings, and the realization of led development int., a fullness and
our highest possibilities of chi:racieer and beauty far beyond our dreams.
service. Ile who ignores religion Is cut- it is a good thing to see the divine in
In1g; Iris ;elf off leen the beet and most . alt things fair sin 1 k.tely ; to take then
beautiful possibilities in his life. its evidences That the love that °vice pro-
• Some have talked of the necessity of pounced this world good in its primeval
Hulking religion ai'ractivie 11 does nut glory still i, working;, still is seeking to
have to be shade attractive; there is no- enrich our lives and brad them out i.)
elates Inut•a desirable than the peace, the fullness of joy. \Vhy shout(' not we,
po4.4.er, and prosperity of the real life eke the poets and preachers of ancient
which it confers. 11 Is the imitation. the Israel, taste again of the; gladness of
false mid the prejudiced presentation of living.
1'f ligion That amen endeavor to dress up Character
may need for its full (levei-
utlt .1
• In thatttlCY1 4.r1
opulentt the storms and i t ) blasts
coed, for crarml:ing the soul and twist- life, but it needs just as truly and just as
ins the intellect ever is opposed by the much the sunshine; the days when the
best in Its.
From the caricaters of religion we
(tern wish loathing. \li.ninieries and
mockeries, foci; unci forme leave us
empty and helmeted. The heart of man
goes out 10 things fair, lovely. joyous,
and uplifting, and they wile find no
(;od in the elaborate sermon or the ser-
vice irl
1110 1.
Chltl'tll) '
sontelN \� are thrilled
well the feeling of the divine and in -
:spilling in the woods and field and
All things goods, ell things attractive
rind lovely. Uplifting and sublime have
1 hit one source:.
'1'111•:Y '11)(1011 OU 11 lie:A iRTS(
because they conte fro►ru the heart of all
being; they reach 41111• spirils hec'ause
they are spiritual. I)'e'p cull.; elle) deep
when the divine in elan answers to the
divine in the world wittrout, in human
affections, in noble aspirations, and in
glorious deeds. -
'foo long have we helievet that only
Ise unpleasant, the gloomy, and repel-
lant could i,e right or religious. ",'here
is a type of conscience that detertmine,
actions. by rho rule, that if n thing; is
pleasant or beautiful it must be sinful
and wrong;. To s►n'h 501115 it is a sin
:o be sunny in dispositi<m, to delight in
tee Father's fair world with ils gknv-
itie; riche=s and bot.nty dropping daily
from his hand.
II1.1' 1 i.
Pit1N('.E.'SsES %1'11() til•:t:P Pt 'BLit: -
A Countess is the Proprietress of
Laundry 111 the Itue Lecluse,
Ittlubar'b Jam. -To every p>,iund •:1
The vurealloww one pound of granulised
men hnwe lxebusinesstt so
entnunurroofus soat:r.rie•d iety wee elinbarh allow
the rind of half a !einem. \Wile!of late years heat little commode isi uc. the rhuleirb perfectly dry, lake off the
ed when
is announced �unced Ihlai the string or peel, and wriglr it; put it into
Countess lets decided to open a e. preserving pan, with sugar in the
milliner's or 11o0i6t's establish„lent, •,r above pr')p;.,rl:un; Millet, the lemon -
that the Duchess of - is uugnienling rind very finely, 041(1 it to the other in-
t.er interne ly m :;
ean* of a 1100e -shop ' ed'ents, and place the preserving pan
der riding sc110ul. Ly the side of Ute lire; keep stirring 1.:
11 ha, eit iied, hwever, for me- prevent the rttr:earl) from burning, and
f•)relm�n s.icieoly, and a P 11 in
rincess when the sugar i, well dis.,Olved, put
to boot, lo make the nHst stunting do- Ihtpal: mere over 1114 fire, and let the
pat•ture in regard to occupations for 11111 boil 1111(11 11 is done, laking cure tO
Indies of title. Some time ago the fol. l:e+'p it well skimmed and stirred with
I,wirng; 1n,110tiueenr0nt vet:. :1_)_1_0e01 In a W)den or silver s�,00n. Tutu' i1 into
well-knfiwi► (:ernuran patter: Pols. and cover down witlh oil and
"To alt whom it may concern: 1 here- egged pater. If line rhubarb is young
1•y notify the fact that 1 have bought 01141 lender three -.quarters of an hour
and taken over the I►uildings of 1 h reek( ining from the time it simmers
!heel du Lac, 00 lake Constance, which e'41uu1l); old t•tmil,rtrb. one Hud onr•yuar-
in te' wse ude111)' mage. b r e hahos.
newefur.-AlexuranilldIra Pnrincessr zuan,'sen Iteand•d (:arrantonJandnin-a-'i'olf everury pound ::f
burg." fruit allow three-quarters peanut of
heart goes out and joinsThePrincess, now over fifty years 1 granulated sugar. 1f leessible let 111°
age, who has frequently figured pates- ftuil be gathered 011 0 fine day; weigh
lel_ TI11: SONG Oh NATUlisli lucidly U1 the) public eye, has Illus Mk- it. and then strip the currants from the
when sornel11inq leaps willtin us nt th. en 14, hotel -keeping for a living. She stalks; put them into a preserving -pen
glndnegs of being alive', and 4.4.* drink iu resides at the hotel, and its popularity N..'ii/ in the alcove proportion; stir
of the infinite love that Is over all. nal mg;st holiday-makers is excellent them and boil them about three quarters
Just els the stat seems to call the flow- teetiunl0 11remove the scum
e1'.. out of 1110 dark earth and draw out :ho1i)e1)11t:11)LcrI: M. N,%G1•:�tEN'I'. of r n hour. Carefully is it rises. l'ut the jam into pots, and
their beauty, calls forth the beds and whold, vwh p►apx•v
brings the blossom into perfect fruit, So Nor is she the only Princess who nowtin sren put
ca piece
coer of tiitssueoiled paper brttsr:s;ohcder
there is a spirit of divine life ill our nnunuges a public -house; for lately a (.ver on both sides with the white of an
4.4.orld calling; u, cul to the h.t,t, seeking; (er,nau Princess has followed the ex- egg: press Ilse paper round the top cf
l• woo us to the Things bcuuliful. Alan amps,• of the Princess Ysenburg, ani the pet, and when dry, the covering will
needs not to repress his life, but to leant viten.(' R pu}►1!c-house and hotel for be quite hard and air -light. Black cur-
t.: respond to every worthy iiiil:uise, C:. ntulcntul tourists near Davos Matz. a•,ant jural shr,ulcl 1x1 made in the sante
every high hope, to find the life beauli- It is not conducted under her name, manner as the above. '1'itme, y., to%
neither is 111,' Princess herself to le hour, reckoning from the time the jam
The beauty of holiness is the beauty 0f seen Lehtnd the bar. But she frequent- ,.•ills all over. Allow from 6 to 7 qts.
character. 11 is 1he adjustment of life to IY visits the hotel in order to see that of • ureanls to make 12 one -pound ,o)ss
et a rythin '1 1
nalt.re anti neighbor and he�aw(n so that b fs being; conducted in a pro• of jam,
strength and harmony ensue', s+) that Per and efficient manner, and often est- •roniato Mayonnatw'--`kin and slice one
duly becomes in delight, labor a song of te'rs into conversation with visitors, pound of loutatoes awl sale t
who, unaware of her real identity, re- scald hem in
pn•rhise, and cul of life's bw•dcrt and telling a•ahr. Put them in a salad
Wile the beauties of geoclline s, of love, gartf her as the nlnnagress.b
ao ,
some Three wl, with sae thin bread and butter,
and tenderness, joy amd gratitude begin years ago the Countess •14' cu' into ('toes, n qu11rter of a small on -
le, bloom.
1•'- who isthe daughter of a general icon, salt and pepper, one dessertspoon -
Lay holes on everything good and true, in the French army, and a g.)fl-duugltt- fat of chopped pickles and two hnrd-
oll all things glad and elevating; cher•
ter of 11. R. H. the late Doc d':1un►nli'. belled *gigs, selling aside a few rounds
ish every fair thought and aspiration;
teceme the proprietress of 111 laundry of Ihe eggs for garnish. \six alt to -
learn 14) see (Inc essentially rCIigI,tl5 in in line ilue i.eclure, Paris, tine work (.f [Where 111141 lightly unix in good may -
whatever lifts up life, in W1111111'1'1' helps which she personally superintends. '1'114 onnaise dressing about an hour before
humanity, and o (make life rich in story of the countess i, of a romantic it is wanted, u) that it soaks through.
heavenly treasure and gloving with the though sed character. Sea Foam (:este.- Two cups sugar.glory of other worlds.5114' married when she was eighteen, one cup butter, one cep sweet milk,
1IENIll' F. COPE. and ihree years liter her husband corn- three and in half cups flour, three tea-
11111led suicide, having gambled away .slo•)nfuls baking powder, flv,c whiles
the whole of his fortune, whieh had •,f 4'INS. Filling -Boil one and in half
'Tough! hint in 110 less than 11145,000 a pounds of brown sugar until It harden{
year. Al the present time the countess in told water. Pour in two beaten
is heiress to white, of eggs, and beat until cold
A FORTUNE OF 8100.000. enough to put between layers.
2 a Jehovah s
1 nl ,iso l thy d It 4.4. a. im-
perials( that the p,eeple should under-
stand- that the law given by the hand
of ,\loses is of higher origin, (ontneling
lie commandment of Jehovah himself to
his people.
Bondage-- Hebrew, "hondmen."
3. 'Thou shalt --The pronoun is in the
second person singular.-.;.- The law ad-
dresses itself ',to eaOlr individual nieniber
of the nation.
but there are other c:airuants to the
la,oney, and she has already expended
: f tti.UO) in law costs.
Being, n woman of energy she start-
lesson 11. The Ten Commandments-
ihilies •1'i)% nrd God. Golden
','ext : Dent. 6. 5.
e.1 n dr. ssmiiking business. employing
the fewer than twenty girls; but lew-
d. Craven image --(l1', "molten." As Ing. lost money she recently gave it up.
Iles first commandment asserts the unity Sine now employ, two oilier women !n
of (god and is a protest ng hies, 1:01)•- 1114• laundry, and, although she docs d
theism, set the second eml,hu,irrs his nut do the actual 4.w,+Shing, she assist, jelly
,'III: I.I:»O\ \\ 1111) .S"TUDIi:S• spir•itualily, had Is a pole'.a :gains( 111 the sheens and in delivering lin- 1
Based on Ilse 14x1 of the noised Ver- idolatry and materialism. q.);1,11..:
he construe- (.0 got Custornel fs Bride Cake. -One and one-half pounds
sten. tion of (Inc Hebrew text of this command- •1.114 1 if le Ihrone i elute) Anne 4.f flour, one end one -Malt pounds cf
The Law of the 'Ten Words. --'file Ten nhrnt has been much disputed, though G►unle.s 4,[ Seallele1 has passed forma butler, one-half pound 41f candied te-
tte, of the Mosaic law are 111► natural sense seems t4, be: : `"Thou remarkable sees?. In 11371 the countess
referred to under the various Ilties of shalt not make Iletin the* n graven married her llr:,t cousin, Francis O oil-
"lestintony, "covenant" (Exod 25. 21 ; image : (and) to no visible, shape in ,g
Drug, 9. 9; Psn. 119), and "!hr I)eea. leaven, etc., shall thou Ixow down, etc." tic-G!l+tnt, who to 1883 became tenth
'1'1he water under the earth -Accenting
Earl of `*asses('. At the link of their
loge*. This Inst title menet literally g marriage there wax 111114. possibility of
"(Inc law of the len words," which is the 1:) the Ileht"w conception the earth,
whw�h was Ila(, was Auppx►rlcd apron Iho AIr. Ogilvie -Grant (who went to New
nurse used in Exod. :i. R; ,)cut. I. 13, Zealand to make. Ilii fer•lime ucceed-
and other pussages. The mune '"ren "'titers of the "great (feel,'' (comp* regi f4, the lithe When Inc 11ieine only
10rnen(n1ent5" is a leis accurate thn11gtl Gen. 1)• lived to enjoy it for about size months.
more common rendering of the original 5. (ipon the third and upon the After 1114, marriage tee countess and
1lebrew used. 'rhe commonly accepted
fourth generation -The inexorable law e. Ler'111 husband fell on hard times, so
view among Old Testament scholars o4 heredity is valid far gdx►.I Its well 'ee much s+,, in fact, that al one time the
leaves undieturbrfl the tradition of the in' evil, Its subtle 4.vorkings whereby it
,lesaic: authorship of "1'+n essenliall • appears sometimes tees 14) skit: one or more c'811 (vas obliged to go into the bush
10 creel rilbl,i.s just for the sake of the
sririlunlly and ethical code of len pre- generations hes in our time cape^tally skins, while mt another occasion he 11' .
ceq,ls." 11 is, however, co114i.lrrrd proo- become a twitter of most careful scien- c
aide that 111is code existed originally In tine stuffy and investigation, ceplcvd a job 85 0 navvy 401 the roads,
1..1YING DOWN 1'4..1\I•i.INFs.
'1 touch briefer form, to vtiiN1 from time 0. 1:nto thousand; ----Or, "a thousand Built the countess -wile now resides in
14) dune 1'n1'1011A re114" !14)11• and peenis('s generations." 1.4 nd. a: --anff her husband toiled to
erre added for the pnrpse.' of strength- 7. The nnrne of Jehovah thy God- keel► she hem., together, and she hopes
ening Ihr al►I:eel of the colic to the mind Among ati4 lent Oriental peoples the
some d8 t•) write a play based on 1h4'
and will of the people. In support of 11,111" or a P"s"" was regnrYle'd a:( of t�cnnantn' incidents of her life as a
Ibis theory it is pointed out 'parlicult*ly much greater significnnce and in►por- lt4)rkingg-w4)ntan peer„„.
that the Pentateuch iself ('4►ntoins two lance 111011 in our day, standing, ns it 7•h4, career of Adelpne (':ountess
versions of Iles code in whirls Ire found did, in n peculiar sense for the person `,•Ilinlniellnnne too. a•ho till account n
Hol a few mill not. altogether unimpor. himself. Ilene° to Not otil n nn1ne l -
he't splendid revivalist work among sea-
lant variations, especially in the era• meant practically the annihilation of 1114) men pine leen relied "the Gernenn Ag;ne's
sons for . ° °
,na o) .. t l r 4 person 0 4
i + n 1•� t s .
d n t .hc t ► the , t and all memory orof)
d 1 111 ,
fourth h I ) nn '1'o use' \\ 0514,11.' 15 hall of rv►ntantte inrobenls,
end lift commandments respf,•livrly. ( thetr14,re. uunece earily syr curet' sly •1'114 early life of Ih° tolutt•,s wan spent
The 4.er•i0n of F•:1cn.1. .O. 2.1 7, is tnern • the name of (Kxl was the multi .,
ly reggnrded as the older �nn+l more trwrte'rl('e. Latera Itx) literal u11116 u�°. eigin the most exclusive circles, and for
classte, while that of Dent. 5. (121, is lotion of this commandment led to R if. the
year she wasAmripd.,t•hnnor
admittedly of later orig•n. To the die- substitution of the word "adonat' ,lord) 10 1h0 into ai epre`s Augusto of th'r-
man)', the Kaiser's g;randntolher.
ferences between the Iwo versions in for "Ynhweli" in reading the Seriplurixe. 'siring; of t •earl lifee, the minks!! de.
.4101811 11 shall have (,c.•n,ron to refer which habil, in turn. resulted 111 a 1'o :•- c1f01 leo devote tree lime to evangelical
111 the explanation of the sepnt'ate coin- 1'I:plion or cnnthinalintl el the Iwo. from K
111:1n.1ntenls. The 1tnou Iy of n more %vinch has crime our English word "Jello• work, bel 1105 kidnapped, ;dared in 811
simple els/on/11 wor•,ion f04,111 which both weal.' u�yhnn, 1111(1 certified US insane. It 11841
.. (1113' after a nrlinmrnt wee 1110)wet • n
front n rox,t nlearlieg to desist. In 9. Remember the ebbalh day to keep l.et behalf, by means of the repr•'ec'11111
supported by the the oh y that Ihe, fourth it holy The word "sateen" is (1erived tions of a niece of Prince Bismarck.
Ilial the c4•unte'ss was released. Since
then the countess has devoted herself
er,lilrly to mission work among sea-
men. und her "home's" on the Bailie
are taken ns *models all the world o4. ter.
London Til -(lits.
fled Raspberry Jam. -Wash the fruit
and put in kettle. Add as (many cup4
of granulated sugar as you have cups
4,1 terries. Tela' a wooden spoon and
crush the berries a little, to bring out
sem•' of the juice. Put on 0 slow lire,
without any water, and bring 1n a boil,
stirring often, so 111111 every part is
Erase to the boiling point. .1s soon
as it has boiled up well pour into ell
00111nanflnlrnt ns 111' now hnwo it In from n Dont meaning "10 Insist, 10
E\od. :l. 3-I 1. clearly presupposes on cease." 1t is %%ern's. of note that 111
th • port of the author of this passage nil lime when religion ('()nsisled ( isielly in
114 q'ainlnnce with 1',t least the thought Ile. ols.'rvnnc.' of ritual and ceremony
of 111e creation 5(441'), an found 111 lien. nisi superior ethical 00410 p loris °111phn-
1. 1-2. 3. Mead in this connection the sl: 011 only (ane eetern:+l and fern►o1 rt►•
Intro duebory Note to the i.esson \Vord ,,solves duty. narrowly se) celled, namely,
Studies for next Sunday.) that of Sahballi observance.
9. Six days shall th4)u labor, .and do
Verse 1. Atwell a ne,ntti end a hall all thy work-- Note that the positive
he.: passed sin-* the event. of our past command ei work is as binding as the
lesson oeeurrced. Isrnrl under the Ica('+'r- pt'.►uihitinn to work 0n the Sabbath day.
ship of *loses and Aaron hes proceeded son . daughter, . . . nlnnservnnt
011 its journey toward Seini, making - - . mnidservanl . , stranger --Personal
govern! stops by 1h•' way. The stages of responsibility for keeping the lents of
I',•' journey erre ind,catcd in Nem. 33, (Ad is for reaching!.
I. 15. 11. For in six days Jehovah made
And G414l spake all (these words -Amid heaven and earth, . . . and reeled the
Ihum•ler and lightning from Sinai and seventh 4111y --The reason for ohedtenee
with the soured oe n trumpet Jeho►vntl given in the ver.l,n of this (o►nmand•
proclaims the words of line law its nrti• melt in 1)euteron4,nly is. "flint thy mean-
culole tones in the tar:: of the terrified servant and thy maidservant may reef
1)000* (ExcxI. 20. i111 1►eul. 1. 12). i.ater u, well n. Ihou. :eine thou shad reHtem-
tl,r words thus uttered by the voice of
Jehovah are graven by his own finger
on tellies of stone 'Exo et. 31. 18: i)eut.
4. 13). Witnessing the apostasy of the
people en descending from the nirntn-
tain, eks•ss breaks these first tables
(I'xod. 32. 1'). which later are replaoed
hy others. also written by the hand of
Jehovah himself ,Exod. 34. 1). Thee
wend tables ails deposited la the Ark
for safe keeping, and In token of their
grist tmportanoe (Dent. 10. 5). Thus Use
sublime blhlie'al acootmt of the ailing of
Ib') Moults IAnr.
A \\'ElG11T OI'F,
"1 want to gel a pair of scale*," re-
marked the customer. "Have you the
n ileiecalie make?"
"\Thais the ambuscade?" inquired
tie clerk.
"\\'ell," returned the customer. "I not
gisen in understand that they're the 1,111+1
which lie in weight."
N1e•,)line is rapidly foetal to all animal
bet that 'hull west a sen4.anl in the lend Sixty per cent. (,f llritirh-caught her -
of I:gO p1. and Jehnvnl► thy Ged hroieght r.nggs are landed nn the Scellish const.
those .out thence hy n mighty hand etid
t'y au otllstre'che41 ern) : thercf,.re kilo- A wheel teacher. ot►+' (lay during the
vah thy (kx1 commanded then lo keep hour for (1rr+wing;. smg ,.ce'e14ee1 l0 I110
the sabbath day." Later 1114, apostle emiels It al each drew e4. hal he 4.1' she
Paul argued etrongly fer Christian would like 10 lee when ;mien op. .1t
liberty and obserwnnce of theme 10w as tete end of the lessen 1 ,14 little girl show.
a measure of (:hristhnn expediency. The o1 an empty slate. "\\ hy." 1114•
latter view also was energeticaliy main• leacher. "isn't there anything you %t4)11141
tamed by Luther, and was favored in like, to 1►e when 4. Hsi grow up?" "Yes,"
the federal echoed of reformed theology said the tittle girl, "I 4.tomit like to Ice
as most In harmony with biblical teach- married, but I dun's Ulu* hurt :u dirrw
lug. 11,"
111011, one-half pound of candied orange,
two, and one-half pounds of currants,
eight ounces of almonds, eight eggs,
1lo rind of four 0111nges rubbed upon
sugar. one-half ounce of spires, consi5l-
tre of chive's, cinnamon,, and grated
nutmeg in equal propx)rtions, one ten -
spoon of salt and a small tumbler of
Groom (take. -One pound of butler,
0130 pound sugar. ten eggs. one gill
4.f brandy, one gill 0f wine, one tea•
,sp►41.411 each of cloves, nutmeg, and niece,
ono' -half teaspoon of 111 -spice, one-half
cup of dark molasses, one round and
IWO ounf'rs of dour, two teaspoons
baking powder, (me went.' of seedee
raisins, one pound (if currants. and one
pound of finely chopped nuts.
'I'4) Use up Huu1.- hlr;t cut fret)) 111e
large end es sunny slices for frying ag
you care for. The small (•m(1 should
hr (leaned w1111 11 vegetable lintels and
put in fold %wirier over night and boiled
in th.. tianl° water, adding snore when
11eedeel. dire hot for dinner and poi
what i3 left hack into the water to keep
it juicy. til1(' ('4►ld for supper. 'Pala'
equal parts of fat and lents and put
through Intal chopper and put in 01110•
bele 4)1'• s.'ranlhle41 eggs or mix with
dressing for sun4tviclu's. The 1x014'
tied water in which it wa.• boiled etre
excellent flavoring for dried pea e'r
beim soup. syr gr'4•1141 00 0 hailed dinner.
\\'hat fat is left should he fried 4)111 and
used for frying purpx►,es. for potato)
sr.Ind, and fur tryit.g onions , for i144010
mle\Vlteat eluflins.--Put into a mixing
.wl one lnbte;p•x)n lard 01• halter, one
lilbleepxx,n sugar, and one-half poon-
ful of salt. Mix 14,gelher and 0.141 One
egg w,'II hwalen, then ono c11p .,f s4.t•ect
imilk. Sift two peel spoenhrl, of bak-
ing powder 11) Iwo cup,.; .if Unser end
ad.t 14► the alle►wr% line) in greased hot
r►uflin tins and belie quickly.
Impr.►we Cake. Any 11 Iris cake
recipe can be Improved by snl►slltilting
fel the eurrnnt', which always are 410)-
try1:1141 11111'11. an 4111101 measure of • h o1►p ed
prunes. 4.1'11i.•11 hold 111411,t11re 11111 itt)-
111t•t a delicate flavor 14, 1114 cake.
Shirred Eggs.-llreel; ins.. 0 dish 11e
many eggs as Ihere err Js-r•o,ns to i,'
served. A(1(1 n tnblesp►rlf►n[ltl 0f milk
VI inch egg and sell n,ul pepper to
taste. Fry one-half as nanny slices nee
bacon as there are ego., and cut in
smell swine's. Whet' crisp► penis into)
the beaten eggs and nth well. hit in,1'ri�on (:I)0111gtop1u) ".111 ! Itiat..r, 11, 1'•.,
to a buttered baking dish and bake in a 3.011 are burl. an in jail, nal 3'011 p►•+
moderate oven unfit eggs 501. tuned me faithfullyIhnl yrn1 woul.l net= r
r»as. 4' .0 no t•ne of '.11010141'111"1;
--- \rrnlir't 4.'•Il11a4.;i'•114.iun,rd Ilixrr1,soli• friarm*den
1• SKI'. \I tlI\G. stele ,oI,' to %Ise you in this piece''..
I;ea goer : '"i'hal 1 ale. 7 tee 4. 114)10 p►in. .e
Always u'.' peel ewer for ell -layer is ul 1a de•le:,lnhlr. ey►ndrliun. ,111 Vile
cakes•r4,unls t►re seal-smt'lling;, .furl.. 1111.1
lave R (►risk. h+.t lir for 1;,3 et ekes ; (1.8(lil►e'd. The ward• rs are bounders 1(1
a sk,4.4.e1' (enc t••1' hsit 4akr. a mall; 111111 the meals --well, I ata
1).o nal slam ..t. n .leer .•r kitchen teem/lied to sit doe n to them rny5°If.
(14011. ellen cake is 111 (eel). 1 I, 1 ;.lone to :ask 1113 friends 1,i do so. 1
11 414.1•,) get. toe 114)1 eel in • a11 of -el.! plush every little they t i•il 1114. Itelicve'
4.t teles . 11114•. 4410, 111y sense or •I.hinuc mot Ihry
away ir►►nr pen a1'.' in'hcrl• sl:011l41 be received 111 •u• 11 n hole as this
1.4•1is cake is ready to Iea%e etcn. is keen, elr, very keen !"
Wit •n removed set cake on sive ao a WILL SHOW
lose circulation ir0f air around sieve
'e 600D BLOOD
Neter frost the lower side of take; al•iTS QUALITY.
4.4.uys turn right sidle up.
A tin chest or stone jar is best to keep
it 111.
e'er cake or cookies that call for soda
if a teaspoon of baking powder is used
with it it will b.' much Atter.
11()USEI101.1) I JIM'S.
Slew a round of prunes with pot remit,
and note the tine flavor imparted to rho
Nails driven first into a lar of soap
will not split (urnilur<' or delicate wood-
'1'o Remove Stains boom Slink.- - \We•t
sink and sprinkle ehk,ri►le of lint.' flim
i1. Let stand about a half hour and et
will become white. 1t 4.wp11 remove .ill
steins 8s Willing else will.
7'o clean 4.wln.04.4. s well, use v, ;11111
•" spy wale[- 4.wi111 a 11tt1r ammonia. Iiawe
1114•nty of clean soft cloths for polishing.
Polish immediately ,flet' Washing them.
'1O c1ea11 u saucepan which has been
burned, put into it a lump of sodic with
some coli water. Let it stand on the
stave to boil for all 114,01'; then ,scrub it
with a stiff brush.
Left Over Jelly.-- \\'glen you have n
few tahlespoomful, of HIV of join left
over it makes a ('*litmus addition to
baked applets by dropping a tablespxoon-
f•i! into the core of each apple before
they go into the oven,
For general cleaning use a large
sponge in place of a cloth or 111'11311. 11
does 1101 induce such a stale of sloppi-
ness as u brush. and besides, it gets u
good 'grip on the Birt. For the daily
wiping tip of the kitchen floor, whether
hardwood or linoleum, it swats any-
thing flu ont
t ho
7'110 colors in an old carpel can be
brightened by sprinkling 4.wptit :vee piece;
•,f metwspapels wrung crit of wetter.
\\ork with the grain of the carpet. and
after the paler Inas been brushed off,
wipe up the carpet with n cloth wrung
out of a weak solution of ammonia
For washing hair and clothes brushes,
borax should he (141410(1 to tepid water,
in proportion to about eight spoonfuls
14) half n gallon of water. The brushes
should be moved tip and down ill the
water, so that the bridges are cleansed,
but care must be taken not to let the
water touch the hacks. If damp the
backs should be dried at once, and the
brushes should be set to dry bristles
downwards in n current of air. Another
method of cleaning brushes which are
only slightly soiled is to rub flour into
them well, and then 10 shake it out.
This is specially applicable in the cuse
cif those with silver or ivory backs,
which the water plight injure.
Soak new blankets, when washing, in
plenty of cold water fur ubot,t an 110111'
previous to washing. ','his cold sleep is
t draw out the s il l u• 4 dressing
. ht used 1 dr (q m
p it s g
the wool. New blankets require much
stronger s4)apsuds than old ones and
must he token through a greater num-
Ler of waters. To snake blankets when
washed equal to new, choose a nice
bright day with a fairly good breeze, but
not too touch wind, dolly well in three
ot• four moderately -hot waters, in which
soap has been boiled, adding a little am-
monia ; also a little btt1e in the last
water. Shake out well before pegging
out, and shake well when dry.
if, us is frequently the ease, even in
ili. best regulated fnl,lilies, the beds be.
mate in[eetee with occupants that do
reit belong there, they may he extermi-
nated by a free use of kerosene. If one
bee a careless neighbor, as is apt to be
the case., in en apartment house, base-
boards, 4.vindo4.w-sills and the spring, of
111' bells should be wiped off with oil at
SO WILL BAD 81000.
The one in a heakhy body and ruddy
Lerr4plesion, the other in ill -health.
blotches, pimple*, boils and sores, and
frequently in intenser forma as trivets,
abscesses, erysipelas, salt rheum, ete.
Every organ of the body depends on
v end
o vitality, r u
the bloodfor force and 1t t
but scantily served when the - blood is
impure. No remedy is so potent as a
blood purifier or more rapidly produces
new and healthy blood than
which neutralizes the various poisons and
restores the vitalizing power of this all
important fluid.
For sale by all druggists and dealers.
1tO1- ti. NI(:K:.%ME:S.
(lave Ah11o51 Supplanted the Fuller and
Statelier Form.
Nicknames, complimentary and other-
wise, have been fre'Iy bestowed upon
EI►glish sovereigns and princes from the
earliest [li l i tc. M
Any schoolboy all
•� C IbU C r
call such instances) as "Richard lrur-
de-Lion," "Jack !Ackland." "Bluff
King sial," "Bloody \fury," "Good Queen
Bees," "The lIlack Prince," and "The
Merry Monnrsh." Even when there it
no distinctive epithet to catch the
frulcy, a nickname has sometimes, ;n
Vitt popular iniad, almost supplanted
the fullier and statelier form.
11 was "Prince Charlie," not Pt•iuce
Charles, wlho 4.4.'18 Scotland's darling,
whom she celebrated in ballads that
keeps his Memory green to uta' own
time. It is "Prince sial," not Prince
Henry, whom we delight still to villein -
Ler, and it Is the, even after he had
ceased to bo the wild prince and be.
come the conquering king, concerning
whore Drayton in his "Agincourt" quer-
ies proudly, when shall'
England see again
Such a King Hurry?
Shakespeare, too, depicting the v10 -
tor of Agincourt at his manliest and
kingliest, makes pin hid the hesitating
French princess,'in the famous Scene
of wooing. to ,
lthe Ihoughls of
your heart with tine 1uoks of an empress;
lake me by the hand un41 say, 'Derry
of England, 1 am thine.'"
Willi such good excuse in history .and
literature, 4.1'0 may surely claire n right
it b.' interested in the royal nichname3
of our own lisle.
Forty years ago we le'arned, on the
authority of ,Queen Victoria herself in
her Highland journal, that ki tlhe home
circle the !'rinse of WaleS, now the
King. was always "ilerti('" ; the Prin.
cess Royal. "Vicky" Prince Alfred,
Allies,. and Ila Princess Helena, "Len.
(.atter, after •*she become the
Empress Frr'4lerick. "Vicky" wins more
often called "1'ussetbe" ; and the yotltt -
e.sl daughter, Princess Beatrice, 4110.
to the lisle of 'her marriage, simply
"Ila by."
least once 0 4.1'e'e k /IS n preventive. Ap. King Edward. his "il . lie" days over,
plied liberally about the kitchen sink, became ti) his children. ns many either
boiler and pipes, cockroaches and water llriitsh fathers do., "file Gov'nor."
bugs may be defied, even in an 01(1 Later. on ascending the throne, he re-
house. quired a new and more (ILstinguisiled
nickname, but recently divulged. It
is "K(Irex"-n convenient condensation
TRE.ATiNC CUPIi1 \\'L1'1I '1':1(71'. of Edward, ilex. The Queen itas never
1+011 nicknamed.
The present Prince of Wales 'end his
br4,l11er, the late Duke of Clarence, nn -
:A: ere(' rrndily, when They Were Mid*
s11n, to lho 1101114'S 01
' :Sprat'" and
"Ilerringiplcn." Their sister. now Queen
Maud of Norway, is still "harry" in the
hiutily; and it was she who bestowed
1:porn another sister, elle modest and
retiring Duchess of Fife, the cleve1r
ne.ck•ti11e of "Iter [loyal Shyness."
She : "No, it cell never he, Mr. Poller.
1 like y4111 as a friend --1 respect you I-1
admire you ; but Ulla 14 Hol love, • you
knew, and I cannot b4' )'our wife. But
try to bear up under it, for 1 and sure
there are other* more worthy of you
111nn I stn."
lie : "Very pleasant weather we are
"\ -e-s, v4,I,y .,
"1 arm glad of it, too, and ,lope it will
continue. You see my friend Thome-
son's sister is mining to town lo -Morrow
for rt visit, anti 11., weeps n►c to sho4.w her
111e sights. She's a dent child, with
golden hair nod blue eye's, and the
swerle.t little tare ininginuhle. 1 newer
. e • 'If 0. angel as . he
saw SUCH a ,r1' f e s 11 I n I
{ 6
4.1'315 the last lime 15114.1' her."
"1 10W -how long is it since -since you
saw het•
• "About ten years, 1 think. She was
just eight years old then."
"Eight and ten 110- --- Jack, if you
dare to go near that girl, I'll - 1.11 gtever
speak to you again."
A P1..AIN 1I1NT.
"well, Snooker," Said his friend,, with
n sltlile, that meant vooltnnes, "you (1i11n't
roles very long at the sore's 11..11.') last
night. Nothing; wrong, I holx'?"
"oh, no!" Snooker casually replied.
111 was merely saying n few pleasant
things to his daughter, 4.%hen the oil]
chap suddenly took .t3 hy surprise and
grove nt13, a gentle hint to
"Hee; rather good at hinting. • flow
diel he work it ?"
"114• merely gave me 111) het. of 4.114.1
the doer. end just ng he 't as raising
hit right [41~11 it (4414.vly dote ne.1 upon
111C 111111 1 4.1 asn't %eased, so 1 ih4+41g111
1•41 bellcr go 1'
IN Ft'i.I. (:(t\t:(►IVU.
A strict Mohammedan will nut sell g
printed Copy' of the 1..ran.
A Grand Cure
It is nature's specific for Diarrhoeas
Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Pain in the
Stomach, Cholera Illorbus, Cholera In-
fa.tum, Sea Sickness, Summer Com.
plaint, etc.
Rapid and reliable in its action.
Its effects are marvellous, and it is
pleasant and harmless to take.
fk has been a houaehold remedy for
sixty-two years.
Refuse substitutes. They are danger.
Mrs. Wm. Marching, Arthur,
4.trites : "I find it much pleasure to
recommend Dr. Fowr.ER'S% EXTRACT o•
WILD STRAWBERRY as a grand euro fot
Summer Complaint. My little b',v, one
year old, was very bad with it., and, n ft w
doses cured him. I also used it on my
other six children for cramps *ii.i mill
have hall the bottle kit. I cannot praise
K too mood."