HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-11, Page 5efeereeereereree cele
•1,H.r: EXETER TIMES, JULY llth 1907
Popular Goods for Now and
the Rest of the Season
Favored Worsteds
These worsteds are in blues and' If a pout hooter painless
limey mixt ures,excel in a ualit ,beauty
Is panting for panto
and finish anything of ttelt {find we
Ile pan ethtin pantless
have ever shown. \\'e are offering
some beautiful
Summer Suits for Sit)
and upwards.
A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can
not suit, we have yet to know of it.
t'ntil ho implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered
att;J. ti. tiOLTZMANN'S
Big Clearing Sale
of Grocery Stock
at Finkbeiner's Grocery
We have decided tb give up business and have reduced the
price on all our stock and are selling below cost. Do not
buy before you see us as you will never get a better
bargain. A call solicited.
W. A. FINKBEINER, Crediton.
fl. MILLS,
tunutc but any spectator in the
!arae crowd of onlookers could
scarcely help not Mel the clever
work of the captain at .hurt and
the cool manner in welch he issued
lyra directlons to his plays;. and the
courage he di -played in i_sulne
cltallenee tar a return Jame ice-
mcdietely the contest teat over. It
is HMV up to the May Bee to play
a return game or arkuowledge leis)•
won by luck. After dinner the
crowd dispersed for awh;le but at
p. in. .gathered again on itis:
,rounds to lienees the sports. Prizes
were given for the vurious connects
including a special race for prizes
donated by Mr. Wampote,. Re/tette'
of the sports. -running race, girls
under 6 yrs. A. Wein. G. Iltuctt,
Oestreich=-•r ; boys under 6 yrs, E.
bw•eitzcr, W. Bean. l',. Sohw•ariz
girls under 8 yrs., L. Stuith, G. Lam-
port, 1. 1'ilber; boys under 8 yrs.,'
'.\t. I3rowtl. E. Gasser, J. Schwartz ►
:girls under 10 yrs.. f:. Williams. M.
Oestrcich- r ; ,boys under 10
yrs.. E. Beaver, E. Ewald, E. Geiser :
girls under 15 yrs., S. Morlock, 1.
Brown, 1'. Baist : boys under 15 yrs.,
Ii. Fahner, 31. Either, G. Beaver ; bur.
contest. open to all, J. Wil}iant3, A.
llottz►nann, 1I. Either : running roc: -
open to all ladies, Eva Ilirtzel, O1ara
l:ienle, 'A. Wein: running race open
to all C. Bluott, F. Ilrcwn, A. Volta- --
mann; throwing baseball, ladies, M. Mr:.. Welsh. of Port Iiuron, is the
Brown: throwing baseball. men, F. guest of 'Mr. A. 'Penwarden, and her
'smith. ttiecial race, P. Holtzman!), sister 'Mrs. Chas. I'rout.
L. .Wolfe. A second baseball game Messrs. Wm. Hunter. Luther Row -
between the Pine knots and Tow- cliffe :•end John Simpson, bad a pleas -
head!) resulted in favor of the for- ant vifit at the Bend on the First.
mer by 7-5. This was due to the They went out bent on fun and from
pitching of \Vm. Gainer the catching reports they certainly had it.
of C. fainter and the excellent tion- (laying has commenced. Som.^, of
Rag stunts! brought off by J. Hoist the crop is pretty fair •tvhile "Lorne of
and C. Eilber. A beautiful evening it doesn't Irak autte its good.
and a grand time in The baits end- Thn Ilard Scrabble bops went back
ed un enjoyable day. to W. II. Penwardan's near Wood*
ham and had a shingling bee last
Friday. The old roof was torn off
elusions at baseball with :he rear- and a new one put on in one day.
Thn is goinz some.
\Vm. 1'inkhanl has purchased a
new bu z;y. Wm. always likoe to
trate a ;or(' looking outfit.
AL1. 'CURED !31' l.A1d�Bl'1i medical Lealth oft. ;! 1.1: E.t.
Dieterich, attcndanc mt►1 oc
$11.50 ; Ed. BrokensLire t-..:, retry iia
epector $6.95; Alex. N.. .b, bods ti d -
Father, Mother & Childdinz and clothes burnt. ie -smallpox
'•Gate"-Buk is the beet boasehutd The ounc loadjourn eduitto $meet
balm ever brought into a home.';' again in the Town hall, Crediton on
Such is the opinion of Slew Sarah Monday, the 5th day et August 1907
McDonald, of Bit'r (Ont.). Ku says tet 1 ie at.
"My little 1ir1 bad a severe 'and l , Henry Eilber, Tp -Clerk.
obstinate rash on her [skin. 1 ate
plied Zatn-Buk a few tiawe •ud t1• • ag TOFiTA.
skin trouble, which head defied a - sears t1:4 lee Kicd Ya7 HI shears ti:ilbrfit
other remedies, went away :likes in i -
;1e. Soon afterwards my (uuthet 6:aaatcrs
burned her finger. ila►n•!!uk of ..
was applied aft:l irutni•dietcly eased,
the pain. Sly father got
scratched with barbed wire. Zane.
Iluk closed the aeound, and prevent -Mr, \Vet. 'fauna 'lee commenceded blood poison. and healed the in- i.,t building of his cement silo. Mr.
jgry in quick time. I consider that ' Jou►[ I"rest Los the contract.
for skin disaeases and injuries Zorn- ! Thiuels look about a3 usual eeth
I3uk is really wonderful." ;Dir. btinswt :n the mi+1.
For eczema. abscesses. summer' Mr;. Urquhart is unproring very
skin troubles. insect suttee, 'sore feet slowly.
chafed place. cuts, 'burns. bruteent: Mr. Arnold \Wisereen is visitin; at
etc., Zara -Bilk is a Kure euro, Algol tate old home for a couple of weeks.
for piles. 50 cents per bol, elle No placo like home.
stores and medicine vendors, or ZaireSome of our sports attended the
I3uk Co., Toronto. l l>ugifistic encounter at \Voodltatc
last week.
Miss Mag;ie Leigh is keine fcr the
Mr. John Sutherland's nephew has
returned to Isla lama in New York.
Mrs. Switzer, of Denver, Ls visit -
in; friends itt and around our burg.
Mr. C. Hewitt has rented the farts
of 'Mr. John Burns of the 4th I•in.e.
Mr. Itazel White of St. Mary: was
a visitor at W. 11. Mttr:hall ,cit
OLD AND WlcLI.-1num 1tKe4DY.-Mrs
Win+losellSeething Syrup has beep used for
over natty years by rutloons of norther,. for their
children while teething. with perfect success
It so.thes the child, cottons the gums, allays all
peel. cures wind code. and is the beet remedy
for Diarrhoea. it la ploavtnt to the tribe. Sold
by drugglete In :ivory putt ut the world. 25
some.; a bottle. It,. t Mile is incalculable, Be
-uro and telco Mte weettow'a doothtug
Syrut•.tud eek t .r no other Kind.
(:u.,raniece] undor the hood and
Drugs Aat, June 30th. 1.'06. Seii.al
Number 1098.
I% 1111:10N
WOODyJfiM'The marred men of Exeter will
7 1 b chem Friday evens .g to try con -
Millinery --Our stock of what we have left to clear out at half price. ried men of our burr. Exeter has
several !good players argon; its
We have 50 youth's two piece Suits to clear out a; what they cost us; also married men and so tla3 Credo or.
men's Pants and odd Vests m ids by the Coppley. Noyes and Randall of Ham -
,and a good game is looked for. •
ilton, they are good fitters. The remains of Mies Mollie Lam -
Youth's, boy's and men's fancy Straw Hats to clear out at 15c, 25e, and port. who stied from burns 're -
85c, each. coived in agasoline stove explosion
We have some of those fancy Muslin [roods for dresses left yet, reg. 15c at London. on Monday, arrived here
20c goods to clear out. at 10c yd., and 10c andlllc goods to clear out at is Wednesday night for interment.
We have in stock all kinds of Hardware -Turnip Hoes. long Shovels. 'Mrs. E. 11. Bean. and children ere
spades and Manure Forks -We sell as cheap as anyone else, you do not have spendnn; a few weeks with her
to drive 10 miles to get thein, we;keep all kinds in stock. parents in Manchester. Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. J043 \Voodhaul aro
v " ' hredded Wheat, Orange Meat, Gusto, Life Chips, Grape Nut, Porn speeding their jtolidays at the "at -
Flakes, we keep in stock -Also nice fresh and clean Groceries and pure Spices. ter's home.
Mr. C. Bluett is sp endin; a few
A. MILLS, - Woodham. `tanae31e Forest rett'irl; atcquatlV
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• a 1B T R T S.
BBee,the TheO Cind You Hata Alwals BptlQtlt
Highest price cash or trade for Butter and Eggs.
are spending their holidays in and
anSpl3 o
Crediton •[round ;the village the guest of the ot
latter's teeter Mrs. Saml. Brown. �-
DR. I'. J. McCUE, MEMBERON- Mr. and Mrs. Mast of Crediton THAMES ROAD
TABMO COLLEGE PHYSIC1.j East Spout a few days in Port lir. Taut Madge last week clipped
ata and Surgeons. Successor to Dr.1Iluron visitin; their daughters `Mrs. from 184 Lincoln sheep, 1600 pound,
E. A. Heist. Orediton, Ont. I Loobner and Beni-cr.
'Master Ilarold and Hanel Young of wool, an average of 8 3.4 pounds
On l church
of July 3rd the Evan- per animal, for whir li he rcMized
of London, aro visitin;, their hand- gClicnl ohlrrch of Crediton held their 25 1-2 cents per pound.
parents. 'lir. and Mrs. J. Young for annual S. S. picnic at Grand Bend.
a few weeks. No less than 7 large busses were - BORN
Miss Calvin, milliner at C. Zwick-
-7required besides a largo number of Al1'f'15RT-In Crediton, .1uly gift•
er left for her home in Brussels private rids to convey the crowd to Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Lamport,
*tL.s meek. to the famous summer resort. Com- :t. daughter.
'Messrs. August Kuhn and Bert mittees tied been hard at work for --
1 ask vititcd over Sunday at the a week making arrangements and hp
Bend. they are to be congratulated on the SITAi'TON-In Sto hen, on Jul 61,11,The 'Misses Carrie and Susie Kuhn orderly planner in which everything Thomas Shaptonn aged 68 years 5
end Dilla Brown leave on Friday for was carried cut. Especial mention months and 6 day's.
a visit with friends in Kilmanau;h, should be made of the business like STEWART-In Lumley, on July .3rd
QMtoh. metluxis of Mr. John Roesler in
Mr. Barry Lankin left Monday for cnrryinz out his arduous tasks and
Atka Crai.; to take chnrge of Mr. the ladies were loud in their praises
Alf Clark's harness shop while he of leis abilities. At 9.30 a. m. Ivor -
takes his holidays. ly everybody had arrived and were
A number from here attended the, soon [vending their way to the ball
strawberry festival at Bri.uslcy on ground to see the baseball mete!,
'Monday ni;tat.
The Epworth League of the Meth-
odist church v!sited the James St.
Epworth League, Exeter, on Mon-
day evening. Tl:ry gave the pro-
pjraw and a very pleasant limo was
spent by bo6h leagues.
Miss Addie Morloek, of Exeter,
visited friends in Crediton ever Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Danile Truemncr
and %Mr. and Mr.'. J. Moir, of Hay,
tissued Mrs. Itoeina F inkbeiner or”
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. ildrtrand, of De-
troit, are spending tl'iir summer va-
cation eitle the hatter's mother.
Mrs. Lewis Stahl of Saginaw, Mich
wire hes been visitin; relatives in
the villa:, left Monday 'Dentine.
Wild strawberry pickinz i' the
order e the day.
31r. Clete. Stock our genial butch -
re spent a few days in raviatock.
Attr.aetions are zrottin; very strong.
51r. and Mrs. John leiukbeiner
spent n week in Cleveland visitin;
between the "Hare Beens" and "Mae
Be'a,' Captains Foist and Frazer
Brown wore the leaders. The game
bezan Hell for the Have Begins and
.tt the end of the 3rd inning stood
41-0. in this fourth inning the May
He': scored a run, and thinking the
pitcher was liming control the
captain 1r, uled hint out of the box
a tv • l
and int in to pitch himself. For
the first inning the combination of
spit ball and notion puzzle) th,t May
Be'a, nevertheless two runs were
scored as tae captain had poor sup-
port from the field. The next in-
ning 'vat disastrous for the have
Beene, 'three, including the captain,
went to bat. and three hit the at:-
:neepluere 'hard. In the sixth inning
:Er- May Bo's pounded the leather
and when the amok.' cleared four
more u x had added,
btt this
would not have happened if else
Pitcher's arm had been in good shape
Pitchers Brown and Bitten finished
the zltne with an addition of 3 more
r n+ to the May Ilc's score. the_ final
their daughter Mrs. Styer. score brine 10.1 in favor of the
Mr. and Mrs. Kncchtel of Berlin, May Be's. The ca:'tain was tulfor• e•••••N.41410 +•ell'•••••••••••
Charles Stewart aged 78 years and
4 onths.
LAMI'ORT. t- In Londton, Tuesday,
June 9th, Mollie, din -atter of
James Larnp.ort of Crediton.
We would ask our corres-
pondents to send in their buf-
gets each week whether they
aro little or big. -We are look-
ing to the interests of our
subscribers in their partic-
ular locality, (and want the
news whether it is little or
much. Sometimes you may
rut bare much netts to send
but don't keep that little until
you have more. When news is
:scarce t ha r is 1110 time your
two or three little items, or
even one, is specially ap•
preciated by the reader in
your section. Send a big bud-
get every week if you can, if
not, the small one will be wel-
comed. Any of our correspon-
dents [the are in need of the
required stationery, kindly let
us know.
These Barns 7
Are Fire
and Storm Proof
Du•:ng the last few ,ears the losses or cover the sides else w,th Galt Steel
from barns stru.lt end bred by lightning es shown on the right :of ed.,
or to armor the barn with Galt Cor•
have been enorr.e::s. rotated Steel Sheets. pictured on left
Yui revel' lino.. *he" it my be your of ad. Then year burn Is fire proof,
turn --- unless you tele the only sure as steel cannot burn. and lightning
way of avoiding lig/Ai-init.. havoc. That merely glides over it and escapes into
is to cover the eco! of ,oir Karn with the ground Wind end rain hays no
Galt "Sure•g•ip •- Steel Shing:e•• and elect on the.. hind. of building,, either.
connect by conductors to the ground. Galt "Sure•grir" Shingles mane the
V J.0 y...'- ,...0
. pi's•
-0710-err rserre
-- r es refer" r e
v. -r r7if r-.�i
beat rooting that has yet been devised.
Quickly and easily laid -will not leak:
and cangot be blown off ; neither do
they rust, warp. creek or curl op:
Cheap as common shingle., neat and
attractive in appearance, built to loot a
life -time. No rooting Investment can
compare with Galt ''Sure • G r 1 p "
More information in our Fres illus.
trated Catalogue, which we are tattoos
to nail to you.
-TM ill re TN( SMIET METAL Ant.---
-pte StEregrip'Shingle
Inview of the fact that ata:•,
Some people have startedhaying freight rate to Montreal from Mitre -
in thin vicinity. toba is as sett as it is to Ontario
Mr. John Mc\icol was the gureet of points, the success of the efforts of
Mr. Archie McCurdy, Saturday e'en- the Ontario millers 'to capture the
at Farquhar.
Mimarket of tree `Maritime Provinces
MSS 'Almena Iloytvos ,;n
cd s ties: , are nothing short of _phenomenal.
of Miss Myrtle Francis this week. The farmers of Ontario have Lost
A number from hero attender the heavily in the decline in the demand
baseball match Monday evening. for Ontario wheat. selioh Itas result -
A very internating game 'of base- ed, not only in lower prices for fall
ball was played nt Kirkton cu tIle wheat, but in lhe.present era of high
First of July resulting in a score prices for bran and shorts. , Farmers
of 11 to 3 in favor of Plu;totvn• and stockmen nee'I hardly blame the
miller; for these conditions when a;-
ricultu.3ts contribute to Western
Dashwood protaperily by buying Manitoba in-
stead of Ontario blended flour when
the purchase they I u t r. family groceries
Mr. 1'. llcIsaae, tour furniture at the general .;tore. Even in these
dealer has disposed of hit bay driver dtstric(e where wheat remains a
and has purchased n handaomC staple. it is no uncommon :{tight to
black front lar. Bell, of Kippen. Mr. sec the man whole!) hauled his own
Bell look several first prizes with wheat to the mill jagging back with
tttip horse fast fall. a barrel or ba, bearing none well -
Mr. 1'. llcIsaac last week sold known Wes -tern brand.
1%tndyonie piano to A. Turnbull. The people of Ontario have taken
Western flour partly on its merits
as a "strong" flour, and partly tis
Free, for Catarrh, just to prove a result of the glamor of the, Gt:PI
merit, a .Trial size Box of Dr. West, .which has been pro .well adi"
Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Let the vertised t)trouzhout the old ante 1011,r
send it now. It is sno\vbwhitc settled parts of Canada. In [spite of
creamy, beeline, antiseptic battle: Cattnda. In spite of the vogue of
Containing such healing ingrerdients the flour made from the spring
as Oit Eucaliptus. Thymol, Menthol, wheat of the Welt, it is an indisput-
etc., it ;gives instant and lasting Te- able fact that the flavor of the On -
lief to Catarrh of the ,pose and tario flour is very much nuperior. .If
throai. `Make the free test and sec enou yh Western Wheat. is added to
for yourself what this preparation brine up the proportion of gluten,
can and will accomplish. Address the resultant blend is 'much superior
Dr. Shoop, Racine, 'Wis. Largo jars to either the Manit•>ba or Ontario
511 cents. Sold by W. 8. Ilowey. flour. The bread is nourishing and
---�--- Iota all the delicate flavor of the On -
STEPHEN COUNCIL With wheal. It i+ ilh Ontario
blended (tour that Ontario millers
The Council of the Towluhip of have captured :h•' llalrititna 'market
Stephen convened in the Town Hall, to the mutual advantage of the mit-
Crediton, on Monday, the 2nd day of Tera and the farm,rs 01 this province.
July 1907 at 1 p. m. All members. The increased tnarket for Ontario
present. The minutca of the prey.flour is a matter of vital interest
sous 'meeting eters adopted.to farmers nal over the province; is
1\'uerth-Sanders - "That Bylaw offers an incentive to wheat grower!!
Na 15 of 1907, boini. a By -late' to re. and will enable stockmen :to procure
peal the appointment of F. W. Farre- teed at living prices. The purchase
comb I'. L. 8. t,e engineer, under tbo of blended flour for home use will
Ditches and \Vatercouraes Act; and help create a d'1u1nd for the new
13y -taw No. 16. being a By -low to flour right here in On;arie, and trill
appoint J. LewisThomas of the city meats an enlarged rn�rket (or Ontar-
of London, as Township Engineer, io wheat.
under the D. & W. Act, both having
been read the 3rd time, be passed
and ni;ned by the Reeve and Clerk
and the Seal o[ te Corporation poralf
l at-
tached thereto." -Carried.
\Vuerth-Webb - "That the Clerk
procure Statutory Declarntionu.
slewin,t that Mr. Williams. now con-
fined in the London In±ane. Asylum.
is not a ward, characablo to the
Toe ilshiP of Steiriaett.''-Carried.
WGuard Your Eyesight,
Webb-\Wucrth - "That Thomas
Clark's letter re -Mud Creek Drain
be tiled." -Carried, his priceleae and should not be neglected. If
Sanders -Keller -mann - "lint the your eye' trouble you, COMMto bottle■ and
Clerk write to Manufacturers of see whet
Concrete Tile Moulds. asking them Modern Optical Science
to submit their lowest cash price.) can do towards correcting your detects . W.
for cert.•;rt sixes.'• -Carried.
The foltowin,t orders were �•asse'1,
have the Irian complete optical (alroratory in
Jolm Lan -ton, ditch attahl rend Canada, and our specialists are able to cops
prtatr: *15,50; Ileal teI.photte t;o,, with the most cogsled cases o1 the error
of retract on. Alllt lesaes ere made on the
telephones $3.45 ;di
J. Hod;ins, "' premises to suit each
Pairs to Town Hall door 65c.;1. particular case,
limitation cenrrete culvert
Ezra Hoist. concrete tile and peat!,!
C. ltd., 88.00: T. Elston. plunk $..'i.00' ETESIGBT SPECIALISTS
C. dtaurn;arten, cleaning ditch and{ 237 DEadas St., Load's, Cat
removing crotaway $15.00: Davidl ------------
Webb, cleaning flitch and renlovin;
di estion
t•ret.xtvty $6.00; Wm. White, con -I
tract ixt 8. ltd. 131k. 4 $20.00: Jas.
13. 'licks concrete 'tile 67.00: Ily. L. 1
Kraft, ,;ravel $10.10; Ily. L. Kretft,t
tile and stone $.3.08: 1'. 'F lanaran,i
comntiertioner 1st. 8. ltd. $2.50; Wm.!
(;aieer, ,travel contract 13Ik. 1, F.SIL.' Atnmarh trnlr,l.• t. tuts •ymptnm nf, and not
1.10, ,ln}nt ntltd, 13,1•. Culvert (nitlolt a fru,• di+,a..•. t1'o think of Iryapep la,
1,It\V. 50c.: Wm. B. (gasser •zravel Hernburn, and ImLp-tf.,n a+dleeas . T o
they ere iyrnptnrn. eml)- of a certain s •el
contract, ESTI. .3. *21,50: T. 6. Wein Peryoaickn-t--a„thinr<tis,,.
Commiasicner 111k.-3•ESIt. 87.50 ; II was this fart that fintcnrnvt!y 1erl Dr. Shoop
T. G. Wein concrete culvert 6s.90• tnthcetratlnnofthatnowverypxppular"tn►nseh
I kpnt.ly-per. �hatp's kr.tnrative. rinlnt direct
l'. Treihner, drain in';revel pit and tolhrstottaehn.•rvrs,alonebroughtthatsue•rves
t i! ' :419.1)0, Nelson Baker, zro vel toad t for to 1'r.) hnopand his K�tnrxhyn. with
centrlei 4 1&1 C. ltd. tte9.20; W. ,T•1 •OI that original serf h?Rhly ♦Itwlprmeple,no
fAtch lastin• ii o mpltshtrrnts wee.• ever to be had.
Silas commissioner Illk. 2 68.50; I for stomach dtatr.w. tloetlnt.blllouol.ss, bad
S;d. 1).1vig. Com missinnrr ilik. 1:.4.1e .5111 dteath and rrllow rernple•xlnn, try Itr. shop's
it. Davey, commis+idler Blk. 2air-1p�kaatl(whattl1ranandswlllLduVIT-.eiol1see
fnrand cyour.
field $2.50: 1, Neil, .zravol tontract l tally recommend
I,. ltd. and Fairfield $65.00M; ,lre.nry.
.1, N, Commissionerxtr1cave L. Rd. $7.50:' D. Shoop'8
Nell, cxtr.a •travel c�ptrtct 'In .50:
Wilson Atidert•cn, brick bate and 1
work it10.75; D. West man, cencret•'.
l' RI83.90: Mireus buryinx
Neel) and attendance Te-itn]11rOr
Wm. Lewis.' di•iefeeeinr..re-i W. S. HOWEY.
smallpox *21.85; Dr. P. J. McCue,
A New Supply Just Arrived
Giant Yelled' Intermediate at l24c. per alt,
Bruce's White Seeding fleet at 1,4c. per 11).
The celebrated t 't 1 1;riggs' jumbo Swede Tt'rt►i1) at 20c 1b
1%1 hay, it number of straw hats of lts.ul'tetl sizes
which we are selling at priws away below cost.
COWARD & CO,, Winchelsea.
If you need
for y'011l fcreen doors, we
have them, also hinges of all
r mat
`lye `are
agents for t.tlt±
Celebrated "Fox" Scale
Don't forget that wo handle the best paint
in Canada barring none, The "AItK BRAND" paint.
•1•d-00-: •1•+i :--eelee .-•++ti i••i•+++++++ d•+++-ive++++++++++++++++++'3••p
Hot Isn't It.
Try one of our Cool Summer Hats
For Men and Boys 40 and 50 cents
A choice range of
Lawns, Colored Muslins and Ginghams
St ra\Wht-tries ale not at their best. BUY NOW
B. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquhar '
.}.,[F.: ° 1.4-3-1..;-.t +.1.3-4-,..i•,t'4-•:- 7••f.•i••} ++ +++++++:•-i4-Here :- :•o'•-lel-e+3•i++i4
A CftoIliaffl i1clien Gabinel
The• (greatest Kitchen Labor
Saver Ever Invented!
the preparation of even the simp-
lest ureal is a task of no email size
when you think of the number of
steps you take from kitchen 40 pan-
try -tete number of trips you make
after things forgotten -first the salt
-then the spice -then the flavoring
and Iso on. COOKING mould be
robbed of ell Its drudgery if you
could keep your supplies and cooking
utonsils close to hand -and within
arm's reach. And that Is just ,,'what
You CAN do if you have a CIIA'Jit.
synopts 01 the Cfbodioa Noah west
ANY even numbered rection of Dominion Londe in
sranitoha, sar.katehcwan and Alberta, excepting
b and 26, not reserved. may be homesteaded by
any person who is the head of a ramify or any 15;11
oter 18 yet-ra of age, to tl.e extent of one -quartet
section of 1611(res, mere ; r less.
Entry must lie made 1" rsonally at the localism
office for the district in which the land is situate.
The homesteader ie riiitairtit to perform the c012.
ditions connected then with under one of the follo
ing plans:-
lans:(1) At least six months' residence upon and cull
talion of the land in ca; h year for three ) ears.
(2) If the father for mother, if the father Is
ceased) of the homesteader msidee upon a farm in
vicinity of toe land entcrad for, the regiuremeiee
CHIATHAM is. the Cabinet that bas I to residence lnay be.thetas by such person midi
a place not only for every ingrdl- with the father1e wesht•r.
131 It the settler has his't ermanent residence coon
ient needed 'ler a meal. but for the , fanning land owned by fan in the vicinity ofbl
utensils to 'cook it with bis ;well. I homestead, the re.tuiremv,te as to residence may
Now 1 will sell you n t CHATH t li
be satisfied by residence lit e n the said land,
six months' notice in rating should he given t0
KITCHEN CABINET on the Commlrsionrr of i,owii ion Iurds at (lttaw•M
Intention to apply' for pat, r a, :Lr
My Liberal Time Payment W. . , 1t,,
Pt' Ueput) c1 the t 1 iter of the interior
l$ng N, It.-l'nanlhrrind . 1,r stir it rdttrllie*
meet will not t.t paid for
a plan that I want to explain to
you in detail. 1 want to send to you
nay catalog of CIIATIIAM KITCHEN'
CABINETS -it's free for your name; GET THE BEST
on a postal -cud it will give give . •
you full descriptions of my Cabinets:
and quote prices that will interest
you. The
Ghatham Kitchen Gabinet
im the most complete Kitchen Cab-►
inet in the market. It is equippdd,
with Flour and Sugar bins., -with:
oompartments for foul p los of all'
sorts -with racks for the display of ,
a complete'
Your pretty china-withletc
set of Handsomely japanned cans for
small groceries as well es a fall set
of Spice Cans :and many other con -1
veniences that ave haven't room ,to)
tlewcribc here.
The arrangement of the ClIA'i<-I
IiAM im much that you may sit at
Came while preparing u meal-tadd •
Irrve every ingredient within reach!
of your hand. Not a step to take
till you're ready to put the meal on
the stove! Think of the saving to;
your strength -and the sating ing
your time -tit," •that yoti may have,
fur (11'1c' Icor!:--or music -or read-;
Now there air• many other sp cial
f.•ature+ of the ('IIATlIAM KIT-
CI1EN CABINET that I haven't
rootnt o tell you about here. I want
to rend you my big Free catalogue
-it will quote prices and detailed
t1.• rriptinns-and 1'11 send it to you,'
Fnr';i;, for your name and address'
on 1 postal.
If you want to simplify your bowie,
tt•o1 k -if yon 'want to do away with
needles.s toil told drudgery -if you tREE.,,,Diet rrwrnY.."m..tr•a.d e a
want always to have a nest, attrao- 1 r� r :
GRAND e E It;pit;e til ant
I WOI [()31P•i
J I >r
I n -
T -s..
Recently- Enlarged
25,000 New Words
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De Luxe Edition 61,11 tort%la. rrtat,d from
..n. P :•tey.p.r. s tosslitni bitting..
tics kitchen. you should own a; G.0C.MERRIAMCO„
CilATitADI KITCHEN CABINET.l Publishers. BpNeafl•Id.Mue.)
Write for my catalogue today -it
will tell you how to pave time and I
strength -and quote prices that I A ,yI'�i'r,1fNINC DIET.
know will interest you. Just Bend!
7011 noire and addrens on a postal. These are .flee encrvatdnj dayM
and UO iT NO\V. I when, as somebody hap said, me•ll
drop by the sunstroke ne if the Day,
Address etc hicrsonallY' of Fire ha',dip
dawned. They ora
11[t1NSON CAl1i1'IiE1.i. frauxht with d,nger to peotrtp ;vb�
systems are rpoorly eustaitledi an'I
President. this leada ua to say, in the ltttoreett
Manson Campbell Co., Uept, of the Icer+ rnlntltt of our reader$
('HATNANf, - ONTAHiO. that the full effect of I►otod'� 8arati�
P1r111a i• Much :fail
s Ito s'ltz;cot rho it
ptiety of calling phi+ rntdleltvt some.
thjn� be±;rt s a blood purifi_r and
Ar?R!!tCBTtTf: FOR Titl: TIMES.
.tonic.-ly a sustaining diet. It
-T_makes it much easier to bar the
5 Ci saved 10 Eat., hett. assures refrshng aleop,will without any doubt aloft mtteM
£ Ca* bird WOW eicknesa at this timo 'of year,