HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-11, Page 3HEALTH
A cntorect is a diminishing or de.
creasing transparency of the crystalline
fns of the a'y'e. This tens serves to re -
fl act the rays of light. It is comp esid
('f a soft material eric!os(A in a trims -
pert nt ineiubrune called the capsule.
The loss of transparency, which caus-
es the cat:u•act, may nsido in the sub-
stance of the lens or in the enclosing
capsule, but must Corllrm:,nly in the sUb-
e,tunce of Ilse lets itself. 1t nluy be
Shows Increase in Total Assets for the
Year o1 $3,8111,529.
The statement presented to the thirty-
second urinual meeting of the ;harts
L••Iders of the Standard flank of Can-
ticle was a riiost satesfau tory one. Dur-
ing the past y4 ar the capital has been
increased by $356,112, making it 31.5t0, -
4:O. Tho reserve fund now stands et
I L61d,42U, an increuse for the year el
$:i:o6,112, this bring the premium t:it
new stock issue. The balance carried
forward Der the profit and loss account
alas $105,529, an increase for the year
of $73,738. The deposits have increased
$1.516,812 during the year and (Ils-
e( 1:1114 utso show nn increase of $I,-
146,525. Total assets, which now stand
e1 $20,626,610.87 are greater than last
r:flat is called "idiopathic," that is, due year by $2,K$I.52. Quick assets, cash,
�1n 110 apparent cause. or "lrau►ttatic,I►iininiem notes, legal tender, now
due to direct injury. It may exist from ane ant to $6,119,739. The percentage
tlrltt, but nest wnuconly conics on Netted on capital was 17.82 per cent..
fete in life, eit or after the age of sixty
years, and is c1111s4x1 by :Dote net yet
he1 ur deh.torl degenerative 1
i\e u
thee t
Ions sutosla�iec. The usual stn or t
this trent is "rcuile cataract," although
the name is not well chosen, for erten
It occurs in irulividual., otherwise vise
teems and giving nv other manifest
eigns of senility.
It sore etinies occurs in those suffering
from Bright's dsease or diabetes, but
more commonly afflicts those who are
otherwise seerningly in perfect health,
end who present no other signs of mal-
Heredity seems sometimes to be an
active cause of the opacity of the lens,
but how 14 acts is ns great a mystery
as many other pacts of tate hereditary
ttanami siotr of personal characteristics
Or of tendency to disease. 11. may in-
deed be that heredity has no part in the
causation of the disease, and its succes-
sive appearance in parent and child
May be a mere coincidence.
Both eyes are usually simultaneously
affected, although the disease may oc-
casionally be more advanced in one eye
than tate other, and rarely one eye alone
may be affected. h► the latter case,
however, the cataract is more common-
ly due to accident.
Operation for the relief of this con-
dition is usually not undertaken until
the aatoract is 'ripe," that is, until the
loss of transparency affects the entire
lens. A person with simple cataract 's
blind only so far as the distinction of
objects is concerned. but still retains
the perception of light. If the sufferer
is unable to distinguish between light
and darkness, there is sonic other dis-
ease present.
There are three kinds of operation for
the relief of cataract, but this is riot
of which 12 per cent. was paid to strare-
holdtrs; $10.000 was written off banl:
• carried fer-
h balance
c rr c
and the premises, 1
css account. Mr.
v.ru�c! to the profit and !
\V. F. Gewalt end Mr, Frederick Wy1d
were re-elected president and vice-pre-
s:ucnt respectively.
A Pointer on plow to Kill the Pest, fes
Told by a Farmer.
"Most people think of hornets and
yellow jackets as strictly country pro-
ducts, but as a fact, the big vegetable
genitals in the south-western part CI
the city are very well supplied with
both." says a fernier.
"Of course, at this season of the year
they give very little trouble, but in the
areutnn, .whin tall ploughing is in pro-
givss. it is a very common Thing to
turn up a nest of ground wasps and
then there Is generally a runaway in
Iwo directions, for, the wasps are
tempered when disturbed, attack both
the farmer and he horse; the latter
lakes one direction and the fanner
snakes tracks in another.
"It is a very easy smatter to extermin-
ate the wasps before beginning to
plow, so when a gardener notices (here
1, a nest of theta anywhere on his
lend, he prepares for then( before 1 e
plows. He takes a common earthen.
evure jug, about half -full of very hot
water, sets it down close to the mouth
.,f the wasps' nest, puts on a pair et
groves. covers his head and neck with
a handkerchief under his hat, gives the
Test a poke with a long pole, and runs.
The angry wasps come out by hundreds,
aseeing nothing unusual but the jug,
the place to discuss their relative !Ivey attack it with alight and main,
merits. The choice will depend upon diving down through the narrow neck,
circumstances, and roust be lett to the apparently under the impression that
decision of the surgeon. A fair degree
of vision is usually obtained from oper-
ation. -Youth's Companion.
Not long ago a Scotch teacher gave
this advice to her pupils: "if you have
cholera or scarlet fever In the house
put same onions under the bcd and they
will sweep away all disease." The oa-
ten proved its virtue in a remarkable
Weir enemy is hidden inside. The hot
water kills Them. but those that aro
ot inunediately drowned, keep up a
'tremendous buzzing. which seems to :tx-
nspernte still further all the wasps
within hearing, and it looks as though
they can't get into the jug fast enough.
"I have several tunes taken over a
thousand drowned wasps out of the
jug after a raid, for so long as a wasp
is left, he stakes for the mouth of the
jug, and the whole nest can be exter-
minated In this way. It is a queer if -
way forty years ago, when cholera lush -alien of stupidity on the pert of
raged throughout London. it was noticed in otherwise intelligent insect, but the
with surprise that one of the most in-
sanitary districts ' was almost exempt,
from the visitation. The majority of
the inhabitants, being Italians, were
great onion eaters, and strings of this
vegetable were found suspended from
the ceiling of nearly every room. The
medical ollleer of health concluded that
the onion, oolong its many virtues, con-
tains a powerful antidote against chol•
eia morbus and possibly other diseases.
Salt and soda are excellent for bee
stings and spider bite.
If a chill should get pepper or an
other smarty thing in Its eyes, apply
sweet milk or cream at once.
Te relieve acute pain, wherever ex-
ternal applications can be used, apply
n pepper plaster; one part red pepper,
leo parts flour; inis with warm water;
sI•renl on a thin cloth and cover with
dry flannel or thick cloth. This does
not blister as quickly us a mustard
;taster, and is efficient in relieving neu-
1algic or rheumatic pains.
Burning Feet. -Take one pint of bran
rind one ounce of bicarbonate of sodn;
pal into a pail and add one gallon 4,1
hot water. When cool enough soak feel
in this mixture fifteen minutes. The
relief Is Instantane(nls. This must he
repeated every night for n week. The
bran and bicarbonate should be 11)010
freers rifler a week's use. The burning
sensation is produced by the pores f
the skin being closed so That the feel
ten net perspire.
Diphtheria Curr. -At the first indica-
tic 115 of diphtheria in the throat of a
make the room close; take a lin
cup and put Into it a quantity of tar
end turpentine. equal parts. Then held
tee cup over n fire. so as to fill the room
with fumes. The little patient. on in -
holing the fumes, will cough up and
spoil out all the membraneous platter
and the diphtheria will puss out. The
fumes of the tar and turpentine loosen
the matter In the throat and thus af-
bents the relief that has battled the skill
of physicians.
1.0\'I:'s GRf:ETING.
Old Lady -"And so you expect to get
Married when you grow up?"
1.1111e Girl -"Of course. Everybody
gels married. 1 won't say 'no' like
'Aunt Lucy (lid, and be an old timid-
ly:, indeed."
"Perham you won't like those who
aeh your
"Olt, yes 1 will. 1 feel sure th it when
a real nice 1i111e boy -1 mean man -
coulee to nsk one 10 get merrie,l, I'll
'e 50 hnfrpy 1 won't wait to run down-
stairs to alert hint, I'll just Slide down
ihr. banisters."
` Ireland's wheat yield Ls 37'; bushels
an acre; that is nearly five bushels nn
Acre better than that of Great Britain
Jack • \Wloot do you do when in doubt
aired kis'ine e girl?" George -"Give
r Itee is. wait ?' the doubt!"
trick never fails to work."
The annual report of the Merchants
Bank of Canada was made public at
the forty-third yearly meeting, held et
the herd offices of the Bank in Mont-
real on Wednesday the 19th of June.
The unusual position of strenpdh
and the splendid progress of this bank-
thg Institution affords n lesson in care -
tat mauagentert, which some of the
newer banks alight well follow. This
results naturally, of course, from the
Merchants Bank being fortunate enough
to have on its Board of Directors and
among its Oficcrs many names et
prominence in Cnnndian financial
Those who have fiends of their own
or trust funds to deposit would do well
to look carefully into the personnel of
o banks directorate, find weigh thea'
izeputalions when deciding where to
place their money. The character r t
The Board and 011iccrs of a bank has,
of course, everything to do with its
progress and sntely for the depositor.
As n result of traditionally careful
nianngenlent the combined reserve
'hued and paid-up capital stock of 'the
Merchroits Bank hes this yenr reached
the splendid total of $10,000.000. The
business of the bank for the year end-
ing Mny 31s1, 1907. snows en increase
in net profits to the extent of over
t7is.4,000. They have reached this year
tie enormous 0111011111 of almost tine
million donors (to be exact $9161,660.06),
wheal was disposed of In dividends to
the extent of $580,000, and $40.800 was
added to the reserve fund. The bank
has gnined in the year over $3,1X0,000
in deposits.
A careful inspection of these figures
only serves to emphasise the real pro-
c;ress made by the \ferciuiuts !lank.
:.I. E. F. hebelen hes now hod 1 vc years
141 show his ability, And no one will
quarrel with the results as they appear.
"Did you and pa Ninawith plenty of
money " asked the dale/liter.
"\\'e lived upon u very little else but
love, dear," was the Mother's gentle
"But 1 suffuse pa soon got lots of
snlnry ?"
"No, dear, it w•os n great struggle al
''then how did you manage" Pa hod
n Illle In the bank?"
"Not a birthing."
"Oh, my George is in Just iie same
px sitinn. and we love each other, and-"
"1i that penniless adventurer ever dame
to enter this house again. 1 will tell hint
what 1 think of hi:n 1 Go to your roam
a9 once 1"
Calcutta is. nest to I,onck,n. the large -'
city in the British F,tnl.irr. Ilunrt
C(•nles third. and Glasgow [tenth.
Occurrences M the Land That Mtge.
Supreme to tate Contatorclal
The gross value of Ute estate of the
lute Viscount Goschen has Leen returned
a: .;141e:68.
Sir Ga,rgc Armstrong, first Baronet,
praprielor of the Globe, who died April
12111. left net personalty of .0213.301.
Mrs. Ismay, widow of the late Mr.
Thomas 11. !sunny, founder of the \White
Star I-Ine, left estate of the value of
July 27th has iwen fixed fur the launch
e,f the Bellerophon, the new battleship of
the Dreadnought type that is being built
ni Portenue ith.
The Cunard
Steamship P Companya
ny has
decided 10 make a substantial increase in
1114 remuneration of the olliccrb employ-
ed on board its stennlels-
A Liverpool gentleman who presented
Prince Fu-shimi 4vith a bull dog a few
months since has been gifted with a
magnificent vase of Japanese ware.
It is estimated that the Lusilania will
require to burn something like 1,200 or
1,300 tons of coal a day on her trip to
New Turk in order to do twenty -lave
A tombstone to be erected in a Bath
cemetery to the aleatory of an engine
driver who was an ardent geologist, is
to be ennitxseYd of the fossils lie collected
in his rambles.
At the conclusion of the burial service
at the graveside of "pan Maclaren" the
pipers of the Liverpool Scottish played
owe the grave the Highland lament
"Lochaber no Afore."
A verdict of "manslaughter" was re-
turned at an inquest at Itedrulh, Corn-
wall, on a Alan named Peters, who was
killed by a blow from a hammer in-
flicted by tris son in defence of his
In a report of the Departmental Com-
mittee on compensation for Industrial
diseases it is mentioned that the mor-
tality from cancer amongst chimney
sweeps is twice what it is among occu-
pied males generally.
England's oldest sexton, John Need-
ham, of Barwell, Leicestershire, who is
91 years of age, has just been presented
with a purse of gold. Ile has now been
parish clerk and sexton for 75 years and
n hellringer for 84 years.
Librarians in many parts of 1.onden
agree in slating that the public taste for
the marling of fiction is showing a very
decided falling off, and that the popular-
ity of works of (ravel, history and bio-
graphy is correspondingly increasing.
With a piece of paper pinned to his
ekdhes bearing the words, "this child is
John Dawson," and a bottle containing
milk by its side, a well-dressed baby
boy, about four months old, has been
found on a front doorstep at Brixton.
By her will Mrs. Stephanie Roper, of
Hempstead, formerly in business as
Court dressmaker and costumier, and a
well-known philanthropist in North
London, has left about £15,000 to hospi-
tals and other charitable institutions.
Her estate is Valued at £31,000.
In a letter rend at the Strand Board
ce Guardians a late employe protested
against the statement that he had been
forced to give up his position as a boiler -
cleaner because he was so stout that on
one occasion ho became stuck in the
boiler -holo and had to be extricated.
Sir William Stephenson is to build a
third district public library in New -
cast Ie -on -Tyne. The City Council
thanked hire, but a member urged Sir
William not to insist on Sunday clos-
ing. Sir William said his rules as to
Sunday Hostig must be followed during
his life and that of his children. '
It Ls proposed to erect a niernorinl
tablet to the late Mrs. Cratgie ("John
Oliver Hobbes") In the University Col-
lege, London, and if funds permit to
place a replica in the United States, and
to Institute scholarships for the study of
modern literature to be given annually
in Great Britain and America.
Mr. Poodle knew well the value of at
trilled laugh which it is so necessary to
introduce into the beginning of a speech,
1: put the audience,'" a good temper. Transit thneugh the air 1 really believe 1
and especially so %lien a discussion of thought of every mean act 1 had ever
seine weighty and intricate subject is to committed in my life." "IIrn !" growled
follow. TI►ontpo (m. "1'ou must boyo fallen an
"Aslrnnomy tells us." he began, "ac- awful distance 1"
cording to oar hornet friend who has
just lint clown after his most interesting; Hollows}''s torn Cure Is the medicine
remarks on that .1m -emoting utg science. to remove all kinds of corns and warts,
that 811 express Irvin, travelling at the and only costs the small sum of twenty -
rate of erne I►undrt•(I miles a second, live cents.
w4. ul(1 lake several million years to --
reach a cerinin star." • The town council of a small German
Ito paused and beamingly looked community met to inspect a new site
round on the assembled company, for ahall. The) 0,58
abn chapel,
I'hfit was the slalenie•nt," Said one of find ns it Stns a %Vann dry n menthes
Il,e audi. neo. lit: r feel That they leave their coats
"I war jus thinking(." went on hiss 1 t
f'ocalle, "what a prelllennucart a man phare, em.' suggestedone can stno behind and
%rulers them." another. "What
would he in if he missed the !eek hula hit ? • (1eitt1nuied it third. If we are all
and had to walk 1" going out together, what need is there
14 r anyone to watch the clothes?"
••••••••••18 •••••••• M
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
-safest regulator for baby. Pvevents
colic and vabitiag-give* healthful rest
-curd diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injarioua drugs.
Cu resyb`.-•t drug-ststes.
National Drug & Chem -
1 Co., Limited
Adootreal. ,
On the Slate retells's in Germany
the carriages am painted according to
the colors of the tickets of their respese-
live classes. i:rst-class carriages are
painted yellow. second-class green, and
third-class white.
Nearly all infants are more or less
subject to derrrhara and such cone
t aints %1ule teething and as this period
of their lives is the most critical, mo-
thers should sol be without a bottle et
r. J.
D. Kellogg's s
This medicine is a specific for such
complaints and is highly spoken of uey
those who have used it. The prnprie-
tors claim it will cure any case of
cholera or summer corupluint.
"Is he parsimonious?" "Well," was
the guarded reply, "you might say that
let carries his money in a purse that
shuts a good deal easier than it opens."
Success le Life is dap.odent upon good health.
you ars out of sorts, ill or Noble, take
"Ferrari*" It's the but tonic. $1 bottles.
All wailetw dealers.
If all the force of the two sprat water -
fells, Niagara and the Victoria Laths,
cculd be used to produce power, the
power would be 50 per cent. greater than
that produced by all tate coal at present
dug from the world's mines.
An End to Bilious headache. -Bilious-
ness, which Is caused by excessive bile
in the stomach, has a marked effect up-
on the nerves, and often manifests it-
self by severe headache. This is The
most distressing headache one can
huve. There are headaches from cold,
from fever, and from other causes, but
the most excruciating of all is the bil-
ious headache. Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills will cure 11 -cure it almost imme-
d:ately. It will disappear as soon as the
Pills operate. There is nothing surer
in the treatment of bilious headache.
Out of the 12.156.000 Ions of shipping
owned by the British Empire, the United
Kingdom owns 10,551,000 tons. Canada
owns 681,000 toles of the remainder.
ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious itch on human
rr animals cured In 30 minutes by Wol-
ford's `Sanitary Lotion. 11 never falls.
Sold by aU druggists.
It 1s a curious fact that thrco.ot the
men who did most to revolutionize the
world hail always bad health. These
were St. l'aul, Julius Caesar, and Murat,
the real originator of the French Revo-
They are Not Violent In Action. -
Sonle persons, when they wish to
cleanse the stomach, resort to Epsom
rind other purgative salts. These am
speedy in their action, but serve no per-
manent gond. 'Their use produces in-
cipient chills. and it persisted in they
Injure the stomach. Nor do they act
teen the Intestines in a beneficial way.
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills answer all
purposes in this respect, and have I:o
"I'm satisfied," said the angry tailor,
"that you intend to client nie out of my
money'." "All right," chuckled the hap-
py debtor. "tf you're satisfied, 1 ant."
by week or month, at low rates. The
Singer. and Wheeler & Wilson are ec•
knowledged the lightest -running and
T:1051 convenient of any. 'Try 0110 and
be convinced. Only at the Singer stores.
1,0014 for the Iced S. Siug(er Sewing
Machine Co. Write us at Hrinnintl
Chambers, Toronto, for set of Bird
Cards Tree,
"Speaking of bad falls," remarked
Jones, "1 fell out of a window once, and
tee sensation was terrible. During my
Towne: "It's funny. ilurroughs Is for
(ler preaching' to his friends 171)0111 the
necessity 14,1* saving their money."
Br own(: "Well ?'' Tee rie : "Well. he's
the last fellow its the teem %lin should
preach that." Browne : "Not at all,
The mire his friends save the more he
lit 111.• chance to Isin•nw."
I'SI E NO. 27 --17.
There M se weere obsitnste skin troeble than
Salt Rheum. it sometimes town years, hul
W 's Cerate rakes abort work of 1t. Ates,
baits Weaver's eyrap to tram persesalat earn
'rile \Wabamlin, fife lending Bantu tribe
le l'gandn, are the MAI highly civilized
Nark nice in Africa. They had n decimal
system of calculation when first dis-
cc,vered by white men. They afro under-
stood Iron working, and had a consider-
able knowledge of music.
There is nothing equlnl to Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator for destroy-
estroying worries. Nn article of its kind has
given such satisfaction.
Hicks: "1 auppose Drearier Is still
pottering about at his Inventkms T"
Wicks : "Web, he has actually perfected
o great labor-saving scheme at last."
Hicks : "Really!" Wicks : "Yes. Ile's
pacing to marry \lists Millions f'
To many people know n lot of things
that are none of their business.
"They say that Shifter is ten years
ahead of his time." "Well, it's not true.
lin his landlerd, and 1 know he's just
S ix months belauil."
Saves time, because it
makes ironing easier,
Saves linen, because it
gives a better gloss with
f the iron -rubbing.
Saves bother, because it
needs no cooking, .. just
cold water. And it
CAN'T stick. Buy it
awes by e.
livery packet
still kill
more Ales Chase
-- SOLD VW -
per evieeket. es S packets for 21c.
wilt last a a leele aNaew.
River and Gulf of St, Lawrence
Summer Cruises in Ooel Latitudes
Tesla Screw Ire. W. "Compass," with elee►rle
Mgkts, electric bells sag all seeders cursors&
4 pm.. MI sad 17th June 'tot, 1611 sad ret► July,
1Yt6 sad tett August, fib sad Urd September,
sad fertal btty thereafter for Plotoa, N.8., tall.
lag at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal lay Pert*, Cape Ceve,
Dread River, aammerdde, P. e.I., sad Marl*.
(*Sown, P.S.L
Summer Eseereteae, SD, by the sew Twlu
Screw SY, rtermudtaa", 1,600 tuna Sallies 4th
wad 11411 Jute, ird, 1704 and 81st July, 16th sol
lath August415, 16th and .Ystb September, Mk
lath and 26th UDtuber, 6th, 111th and tlth Novsm•
ker. Temperature cooled by eea breea* seldom
Mos above so degrees.
The finest tripe of 15. season for health sad
lose ort
y, Quebec,
10 Broadway, New York.
A workman, on coming home one
evening, was asked by his wife to lock
01 the clock. She complained that it
had been silent alt day, and she could
let tell the reason.
Her husband took it down and exam-
ined it carefully. 'Then he took off tate
bands and face, and looked at the
works with the aid of it magnifying
Next he blew Into it with a bellows,
oiled the wheels, and put it back again.
But still it would not strike. 'Tired and
puzzled, he went off to bed.
Next morning at breakfast his wife
said to hint:
"George, 1 think I can tell what is
wrong with the clock."
"Well. what is it?" he sharply asked.
"It wants winding up," said his part-
Assurance Company of Canada.
Some Farts from the Report of 1900.
1. Cash income from Pre-
miums, Interest, Rents,
increase over 1905 ..
2. Assets as at 31st De-
cember, 1906 . , . 24,292,692 G5
inereas4r over 1905 2,0 3,307 83
3. Surplus earned during
19110 921,721 34
6,212.615 02
495,122 79
Of which there was dis-
tributed to pooliey'holders
entitled to participate
that year ,. .. .. .
And. set aside to place
reserves en all pnlicies
issued Since D• ceniher
31st, 002, on the 3 per
cent. basis .. , . . .. ..
Surplus over n11 Llab'll.
lies and Capital (accod.
ing to tate Ilm. Table,
with 3% and 3 per cent.
4 Death Claims, Matured
I:nekewments, Prolits and
oth• r payments to Pol-
icyholders during 19116 .
F. Payments to Policy-
holders sine e organizn-
208,658 97
207,763 51
2,225.217 45
Young Woman's Backbone Put Out of
Joint by Sneeze.
Miss Maude Warrington, No. 111(8
1 :guer(1a street, Los Ar:ge•Ies, ('alilrr-nut,
Sneezed her bue'kbone eitt of Julie tate
'Other day. She disait utated the elm -
tar vertebrae by tate ', e, fence c•t her
!sneeze. and heard the jeilrts pop out
of position,
1t was just a gimp!^, every -day sort
e•f sneeze that did the damage, a
cseeeze that should have been mildly
7rjouble, but it kept Miss \Vuruting;-
Inn in a state of excessive pain for
three days. and has made her very
touch afra d of indulging again in what
bus proved such un expulsive injury.
As the titillation of the sneeze reach-
ed its emphatic degree, Mies \Warrn-
li gton ova; convulsed for a moment
t the effort and as she ker-ker-ker-
echewed, she heard a sharp snap about
ber per..en, aid Itte next instant was
overwhelmed with pain and realized
That something serious had happened
lc her spinal whiner.
She became prostrated at
once and
'could hardly summon help. Aid was
eent'for to the California hospital, and
nPh s clan, atter a hasty examieation,
saw the trouble, and by a painful but
• not serious process replaced the rebel -
Lolls vertebrae.
Merlieril men generally say tient this
is the first instance of a sneeze pro-
ducing such a serious result. 11isluCa-
tien.s of the vertebrae are not at all
common in medical practice. occurring
only occasionally from violent causes.
Miss Wurining'on, who is a very
pretty young woman, is now entirely
recovered, bu her suffering until the
dislocation was corrected was agonlzq
Ing, as it affected her entire nervotll
system and especially the acutely sus-
ceptible sciatic nerve. The pain was
described as being almost as intense in -
every portion of her body as it was at
the seal of the injury, and her endur-
ance would hove been exhausted if pro-
per cid had nal been provided when it
What you r for sada-
wear buys mow real vale.
i (k combat, seovice -
only when each pr -
Lent bears the -
trade mark in red
that Susraaters
you satisfaction
er your -,
1,960,855 52
15,090,223 147
a. Assurances issued and
paid for in cash „ 17,410,051 37
Life A-curane'es to
f.en_e December 31st 19116 102,506,398 10
Steward (to the seasick passenger) :
""there's a wireless message Just come
for you. sir." Unhappy Passenger .
"Re -rend It. to mo, p -please." Steward .
"Yes, sir. It seems to be from your %vire.
sir." "\ooh-whal does she say?' "Yes,
sir 'A11 well al home. We are having
your favorite dish, rnawt pork far sup-
pcr,'' "Flo -roast pork 1 Wow -wow.
waw --Inke it awny ! Itoasl po-po-po--;
take 1l away, quick -quick 1"
To Knew is to Prevent. -if the minere
who work In cold \\'filer most of the
('ay %sould nub their feet and legs \pith
Dr. Thomas' F.clectric 011,they would
recapee mutouter rheumatism and ren-
der their nether linitis proof against the
:II effects of exposure to the cold. Theta
se tang out for mining regions would
do well to provide themselves with a
supply before starting.
As long ago as 1710 handkerchiefs
were mt,do on which were Printed the
reap of England, with distances of the
principal towns from London.
Made in surly fab.
ries .Ad styles. ai
various prices. is
form- Eating sues for
women, men sad
children. See thug
is there- it insures
your aseasy S worth.
{RtAPvl WL -ST
A purer hard
Sour for bakers and others et a ad-
�g strsetlgth, color and uniformity.
FLOWS AMO FARO. u'amms Ws,
✓ ALSO lag; '4t1E01 CITY!
E UMW rpm
POWWOW .sus MUSK. 'La".
'r .011'6111, LL[VICO.
O N 'I -
CLEANING" o` ups
LADIES' .. e • :",
Oy be deee p.rfeeth bp ver rr. 75 Trauma Tee to
t1a1TNla AMSsiOAN SYMMMS 115.
MON3tlt1la/s TO0tu5TO, OTTAWA a Qvlaq
The Standard Bank
The Thirt •second Annual Meeting of the Bank was held at the plead Office on
Wednesday, the 19th Instant, at 12 ()clock noon.
The chair tray taken by the President. Mr. W. F. Cowan, and Mr. lar v,rer P.
licbulasld, tieaoral Slanal,er, a tsd as secretary to the meeting. The followieg
Report was presented :
Tho Directors. in presenting to the Shareholders the thirty-seeond Annual
Report of the Bank, have pleasure in calling attention to the satisfactory results.
for the year ending 31st May, 1907.
After making the usual provision for Bad and Doubtful Debt., Rebate of In.
terest on unmatured Bills under discount, etc., the profits amoent to $211,618.20,
being 17.82 per cent. on the average paid-up capital of the Bank for the year. To
this has been added $356,142, the premium on new stock issued at 200. which, to.
gather with the balance of Profit and Loss Account of $31,791.72 brought forward,
makes up the sum of 1639,551.92.
This amount has been appropriated as follows :
Quarterly Dividend No. 63, paid Sept. let, 1906, at the rate of 12 per
cent. per annum .................................... ,....
Quarterly Dividend No. H, paid let Dec., 1906, at the rate of 12 per cent.
peraannum ........ ...... .......... ........
Quarterly Dividend No. 65, paid 1st March, 1907, at the rate of 12 per
cent. per annum ... ...
Quarterly Dividend No. 6.6. payable 1st June, 1907, at the rate of 12
per cent. per annum 46,059 60
Redu,•tion of Bank Premiers, etc. ............ 10,000 00
Transferred to Rest Account from premium on now stock 356,142 00
Balance carried forward to Profit and Loss Account ........ 103,529 45
$ 36.347 33
40,525 54
44,948 00
$639.551 93
Daring the year a second allotment of 1312,500 to Shareholder, of record
made et 100 per cent. premium out of the increased authorized capital.
General Ry -laws will be submitted for the sanction of the Shareholders. induct.
Ing one changing the date of the elosing of the financial year from the 31st day
of Nay to the 31st day of January ; also a Bylaw authorizing the ifirectors to
establish an Officers' Pension Fund and to contribute annually from the fund. ul
the Bank in assisting this Fund.
Branches or Sub -bran -hen of the Bank have been established during the year at
Belleville, Mond Read, Cambray, Cobalt. ('obnurg, Grafton, Lindsay, Ottawa, Prise
Ville, Htrathroy, 'Toronto (corner Charles and Yonne Street•I, and Woodville. rn
Ing a total of forty-seven Branches, all in the Province of Ontario.
The Bead Office and Branches of the Rank have been rarefully insp ed lila
Ing the year. and tho duties of the staff have been efficiently. 5'. COWAN,
Toronto, 31st May, 1907. l'reeident.
Balance brought forward
from 3110 May, 1906 ..........
Profits for year endure 31st
May. 1907, atter deducting
asperse., interest accrued
nn deposits, rebate of tn•
teres( on unmatured bills,
and making provision for
bad and doubtful debts ....
Premium on new stock ........
Dividend No. 63, paid 1st
$31,791 72 Fept., 1906 ................
Dividend No. 64, paid 1st
1)ce., 1906
Dividend No. 65, paid tat
March, 1907
Dividend No. 66, payable 1st
June, 1907
151,618 20 Written off hank premiere,
366.142 00 eke. .... - - ..-
ronderred to Rest Account,
,premium nn new stock
Balance nn Profit and loss
Account carried forw....
8619,551 92
Iii A Bii.iT1 F:A. ASSETS.
Notes In clrrulation ............$ 1,093,436 00 Gold and Silver Coin
Deposita bearing Dominion Notes ; legal ten
tnterc.t (inrlud•
Ing interest ac- Notre and Cheques of other
Trued to date) . .$12,716,577 S0
Deposita not bear -
nig interest . .,.. 1,890,089 75
_ $
DIvidends unpaid ....
Dividend No. 66. payable 1st
June. 1907 .
Dur to agents in (treat Bri.
talo ........ .
Due to other banks -
In Canada
In United States
Capital .
Reserve Fund 1,640,420 00
Rebate of interest
on bills discount•
ed 47.693 73
Balanre of Prost
and bons Account
carried forward . 106,529 45
14,676.667 25
267 40
46,019 60
1,174,984 S6
99,484 40
201.678 48
banks ,
Deposit with Dominion (Iov
ernment for security of note
circulation . ,.....
Dire from other banks -
in Canada. . ....,.,...
In United Mtntes .......
Dominion Government and
.ttor flr.t-eon•• bonds
roan. on rail on Government,
manic ipa1, and oilier Bret -
class bonds and stocks ......
,540,420 00 1407. di•counrod and advances
3,334,05.3 18
1 36,3'7 33
40.525 64
44,940 00
46,019 60
10,0') 00
556,142 00
105,529 45
$639.551 93
$212,022 39
1,608,042 00
662.154 76
50,000 00
215,528 93
11.8.341 39
2,360,9;3 15
883.654 52
16.119,739 14
current 14,137,926 66
Notes and 1, 11• nverdne (cell•
milted loss provided torr ,.., 27.920 62
Bank pr -m1.. -, etc. 218.685 13
Real '.tate other than bank
prernis 10.080 00
Other serfs not Included an•
sirs the foregoing 17,37) 11
120,626,640 87 1 V 426,640
The President, in pre.eeting the Report and Statement•. called attention to
their satisfactory nature, and on motion they were ndoptrd.
The usual moti"n• wire then 08'4 •11, and the following gentlemen were elected
Directore for the arguers year, vv W. P. Cowan. F'rederick Wyld, W. F. Allen,
W. It .G.fin.ton, 1t•ellrngtnn Frnncie, E. w l'.,wan. and iL Langu,i..
At a enh.equent rrerang of the Board W. F. (.octan was re -els. ted Prr•Ider,t
sad Frederick Wyld \ i, c President
1,1.4 1. 1'. •:1 111 i1 Pt:'.1.1)
Toronto, 1:th June, 1907 ti.meral franae:e.