HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-07-04, Page 8- ANEW
For Men's very snappy unlined
Tweed Suits. They look well
fit well and are very comfortable.
Don't you want one?
1.25 and For Men's new Split Straw
Sailor Hata, new shapes,
2.00 very light and cool. You want one
don't you?
50e each for Meat's Open Meeh
Underwear. Just as cool and
open in the weave as underwear can be
made. You'll like them.
225King Hard Hata. The
swellest shapes and snappiest Hats
in the trade. Their only fault is they
wear too long.
We Want Lots of Farm Produce
T. A. Bri'EWA E T
++++44-1-1-6-1-14++++++++++++++ +++++++++•t•++++++i»
l•1•++++++•1•+++++++++++++++++ •+++++++++++++++++
Repairing a Specialty.
Call and Inspect Our Stock.
fl. Mdr6hdod.
is an art and the man
who has his clothing
made to measure has
found the key to that
art. Each garment that
we make for you has
that air of individuality
so much sought after by
the fashionable man.
You aro aero of Comfort,
Ease and Elegance
poo:Suitinats to hand
at prices away down
Merchant Tailor.
Conveyancer Accounts Collected
mOaRY to tern at !owe'', rate*.
North We.( rands for Sale.
OffIce. Mala Street. Exeter
Mrs. Going spent Friday and Satur-
day in Lond•tn,
Mr. R. E. Pickard returned on Mon
day from the west.
The condition of Mr, Saxon Fitton
is greatly improved.
Roy Leethorn, of London visited
here on the let. -
Mrs Sutton left Saturday to visi
her daughter at London.
Mr. P. 1Vood; of Toronto, visited
his parents here on the lst.
Mre. W hiteeides, of Toronto, is vis-
iting Mr. and Mr's. Thos. Prior.
Mr's, M. Jackson and daughter Pearl
are visiting friends in St. Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rowe and children
visited friends in Ilderton on Sunday.
Rev. Wilson, of Staffs, occupied the
of James Street church last Sunday.
Misses Edna Follick and Winona
'Howard spent the past week at the
Mr. Smith, of Ingersoll, visited at
' the hone of Mr. John Snell on the hol-
Mrs. Morlock and granddaughter
Mary left for Detroit on Friday to vis-
it Alex. Morlock.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barlow, of Lon-
don, visited Mr. John Welsh over
Sunday and Monday.
Mr. Percy Hooper and Art. Wood',
of London, spent the holiday visiting
relatives in town.
Misses Georgina and Mary Knight,
of Ilderton. were visitors in town on
Sunday and Monday.
Miss Mabel Piper, who has been vis-
iting her mother for some time left on
Saturday for London.
Messrs. D. Ilartleih, F. Treihner and
F. Kerr attended the gun shoot at
inger'soll on the let.
Mr. 1. Smith, of Hamilton, a former
resident of Exeter. spent the first in
town, the guest of friends.
Mr. and Mre. Ernest Grigg, miss-
ionaries to India., are at present visit-
ing Mr. Wm. Grigg.
Mr. Earl Spackman leaves to -day
for London and Thatnesville, where
he will spend bis vacation.
Mr. rind Mrs. Behr. Luker left Mon-
day for Watertown, N. Y. to visit the
latter's sister, Mrs. I)alev.
Ed. McTaggart left Monday for Pt.
Arthur, where he has secured a posi
tion as telegraph operator.
Mrs. Holloway, of Clinton, was the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. N.
Rowe, for a few days this week.
Dr. and Mrs. Wenig, of Hentilton,
were the guests of the latter's tweets
Mr. and Mrs. A. Holland over Sunday.
Mies Jennie Delhridge left this week
for Itanic.t.a, Man., to visit her broth-
ers, who art prosperous farmers there
Mrs. H. Ho'per and daughter Ruth
left. on Tuesc. ty for Alma, Mich., to
visit Mr. Hopper who hi working at
that place.
Mrs. (leo. Brownlee. who has been
visiting her husband's parents at Sea -
forth since last March, has returned
Market Report. -The following rs
the report of Exeter markets. cor-
rected up to July 4th., 1907.
\Vheat, &5c per bushel.
Marley, 48 to 52 cents per bushel.
Oats. 44 to 45 cents per bushel.
Peas. 70c, per bushel.
Shorts. $24 per ton.
Flour $..50 per cwt.
A•..r., $22 per ton.
reed Flour $1.40 to $1.45 per cwt.
Mutter, 17 cents per pound.
Egg, 15 cents per dozen.
Boge dressed, ;8.50.
(logs, livewciZht, $6.60.
Hay $11.50 to 012 a ton.
Clover seed. $8 to $10 per bushel.
Potatoes, 75c. to 90c. per bag.
Dried App'^s, Gc. per pound.
Coil. $7 a ton.
Wool, %vested, 20c to 22o per Ib.
Wool, uuwa.h'd, 12c to 13c. a Ib.
•••••••• .•••••••
te. Fitton. issuer of marriage li•
censer, also complete line of need•
ding rings always on hand.
Misses Thera and Bessie Welsh
have returned to their home here af-
ter attending the Business College at
Mr. I. Bissett left Monday morning
for Strathroy, where he has accepted
a position with a dry goods Amer of
that place.
"(lobs" and 'Stag' Chewing Tobaccoes
in big plugs. Quality always :the
Mr. 11. E. Huston and family left
last Friday for their summer cottage
at the Bend, where they will spend the
For Quality uud Quantity ask Your
Orator for the new big plugs of
-Bobs." "Slag," and Currency chew-
ing tobarcnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Nash, of Sarnia. who
visited their daughter, Mrs. J. Willis
Powell, for a few wveek% returned to
their tonne on Monday.
Mr. W. H. Gregory and Mr. M. B.
Peacock, L. L. B., barristers, of Strat-
ford and Mime o.•, spent a few nays at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gre-
B. B. Gunn, M. P. and Mrs. Gunn,
of Seafor•tt', were in town on Wednes-
day of last week, on their way to
1Vinchelsea to attend the Brock -Del -
bridge nuptials,
Erin Advocate. --"Miss Gregory,
teacher in the Exeter High school. for
mealy principal of the Erin public
school, spent Friday and Saturday
a guest at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
Mr. .1. W. L. Davis, of the Molson's
bank, Clinton, has been transferred to
the branch herein place of Jae. Bow-
den removed to Port Arthur. Mr.
Davis commenced his new duties on
An item in the Toronto Globe c t
last Saturday says that John Bartner
had been arrested at Winnipeg at the
instigation of the Goderich on an al-
leged charge of theft committed here
some weeks ago.
Among those elm gassed the Juno
exam.v of (the Ontario Medical coun-
cil are a hni(i of E. .). Ramat, of
Exeter, nti4t 11. 'V. Shier, of Kirkton.
G. A. Macey, of Kirk ton, 'passed the
iii termed;ala examination.
The Ladies (Aid of Main Bt. Church
purpose holding In lawn social, Fri-
day July 12th., on the Church Lawn.
Tony Vita Orchestra. London, will
furnish the programme. Refresh-
ments served trout six to eight. Ad-
mission 25c.
Among those from out of town who
spent the holiday here were: Charles
and Fred. Miners. Don. Rendle, Will
Davis, Laura Davis, Bessie Welsh, F.
Anderson, all of London; Winnifred
Carling, nt Toronto; Fred and Will
Smith, of Hamilton; Mr, and Mre. J.
Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Taylor r ni
children and Mn Bellback, Bert Bay-
ley, of London.
The following is taken from the En-
terprise, of Yorkton, Seek . and refers
to a former Exeterite, '•Riverdale,
June 10th. -A pleasant nodal event,
took place on Tuesday the 18th inst.
Rosedale Farm, the house of Mr.
and Mrs. 1Villiem Andereou, the oc-
casion being the marriage of their
daughter Jessie to Mr. Frank H.
Willis, a popular merchant of Spring -
side. The bride was beautifully at-
tired in a gown of white point de es-
prit., wore the customary veil and car-
ried a beautiful bouquet of orange
blossoms. Mise Mabel Anderson made
a charming bridesmaid, while Mr. W.
Anderson ably supported the groom.
The ceremony was performed by the
Rev, Mr. Gow in the presence of a
few intimate friends of the contract-
ing parties. After a dinner had been
partaken of. the happy couple depart-
ed, amid showers of rice for Spring.
side, where they took the train for
Yorkton, Winnipeg and other places.
The young couple have A host of
friends in this neighborhood, all of
whom wish them much happiness.
During Ilia t,:i•t .wNrk several
bicycle rider' here fined for violat-
tsii; lh.' bicycle by-law o tainet rid-
.irt on the ;eideivnik. While the town
by-laws should 110 enforced there are
enviee•t imee exlonu.ri it): rircurnsta neve
when the actions of the trnnegress-
Bra should he aver looked. it appears
the constable ut .the North End has
been very active in looking after the
':deers thin eurntncr ::nil rale instance
in particular in Jt•hiclt he made a
complaint 'vas against a bicycle
rid•*r who took Abe sidewalk one
snot -Hirt; about half past five o'clock
when there was mo one on the street
and Ile rain of the previous night
had nt.d.e 4 he 'roadway eo muddy
tlnt it earl ltnpo'aihlo to keep in the
street. On the elation street there
in ulao considr'rable sidle • II nF
on some of the hack e
riders are forced to t.... co•aide-
walk oe account of the had condi-
tion of Ilre Iota/. At a former
meeting of the Council there tt'aa
isnnw talk of modifying the by-law
allowitrZ tidexo on the walks fat
timers ellen the rr•oadwny wit* bed,
lint to compel riders to llinmonnt
when meeting or deleting people. At
any rate .we feel that the eonrtable
at the North end appears to be •
little too eneraetis .to make pie feta.
Big Slaughter Sale of all Muslins, Ginghams,
Linens, Batistes, Prints, Chambrays,
Piques, Ducks and Drills
All 121)c Prints on Sale at 10c yd.
Al195c Muslins on gale at I8c yd.
A1120c Muslins on sale at 15c yd.
All 15c Muslins on sale at 10c yd.
All 12ic Ginghams on sale at 10c yd.
Women's White Canvas Oxford Tie. Special at $1.00 pr.
1Vownen's Grey Canvas Oxford Tie. Special at $1.25 pr.
Wouren's Slippers 12 pair only, size 211, 3, 3i. Regular price $1.50 and `1.75,
Special at $1.00 a pr,
Child's Sailor Hata. Special sa,15c.
Tapestry Cushion Covers in different patterns and colors. B,autiful designs.
Special 25 cents.
GIRDLE CORSETS. New arrival of fine Batiste Girdle Corsets in all sizes.
perfect fitting. 35c and 50c pr.
Black Lace Gloves, 23 in. long, tine Lisle thread, wear guaranteed (scarce
goods), Special 50c pair.
s rES..a..., 8z ROWE
Mrs.Frank Woods and child are
visiting in Sarnia.
Miser May Gill, of Fort Erie. is
home for the holidays.
Miss Ethel Sweet. of St. Marys, is
home for the holidays.
Miss Emma Harrison, of Buffalo,
is the 'guest of Dr. and Mrs. Amos.
Mr. and Mre. J. ,i,Vhimater. of
Aurora were 'the guests of Mrs. D.
.1 o11ri.1. t
Miss Ilona Lang Is visiting her
uncle at Fergus, who continues very
\Villin and Lillian Amos and Kath-
leen Stewart epont last Saturday in
?Mr. and Dfr.. Merauls, of $eaforth,
spent Sunday the guest of Mr. Wm.
Mr. Plonk \Veeks's, of Listowel,
exp'enl the 'first with hie fratha,r, 'W.
D. Weekes.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daugh-
ter left Friday for an extended visit
to the Soo.
M"r.s Cora Fowl! left Saturday for
Le -dowel to visit Mrs. Thornpaon, of
that place,
Miss Maud Vivian, of Mitchell, is
visiting her •-rand (parents Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Brooke.
Mr. Clarence Miners 'spent the last
with his brother-in-law•, 1t. T. Johne
at Point .'Eduard.
Miss J. A. Spicer Fent a few (days
visiting her sister Mrs. John An-
drews of Elimvilic.
Mime Burgess, of London, visited
the Misses Weekes hnd Murray eur-
itug the last Itvicek.
Mrs. Smith t.nd ';on, of Buffalo.
are spending a few Rlays the gucats
of Mr. and 'Mrs, Amos.
Mrs. A. Shecre, visited Mr. sand
Mre. T. Ke:rniek, of Guelph, f?om
Fridley till Monday.
'Mr. Chas. Dyer, of the Molson'a
bank Staff, Clinton, visited friends
int town on the First.
,lir. lasee'h Spackman, of Shedden,
eenl the Forst the ;;uralof his broe
liver, John Spacknrun.
The band will (give the weekly coo -
cert nt the park to -night (Thursday)
instead of Friday alight.
Mr. and Dire. A. Marchand 'wont
a few days with friends nI their
former home in ('ort Elgin.
Miwr 141eie McQueen, R.f London,
was the i;nest. of Mia isatie Col-
liers during the Oast week.
Dr. A. R. Kinsman. sient a port'
of the pant !week visiting his ;brother
Dr. Homer Kinsman at Sarnia,
Mrs. W. 'E. Saylor, of Sarnia .Tun-
nel. is the guest of her brother, •Mr.
Wes. Arinstr.ong, 'Thames Road.
Mr. nix!. Mrs. .T. G. Stanbury ani
son Stuart event t holiday with
Mr. Stanbury's parents at Hayfield.
Mr. and Moi. Ed. Dyer and faintly
of 111 ant ford, were Rbc 'guester of
111 r. and \Irti..Ali'x. Dyer part of tree
Th^ .Tamer (street Sunday School
intend fielding their nnnual picnic at
Grand (lend on Wednesday of next
Mi,erees Gertrude. and Ethel Iiarvey
and Beatrice llowey gave, zone on .a
two weeks. visit to Hamilton, Toron-
o and Jary:s.
Miss Grace Cudntore and Miss Liz-
zie Jahns left \\'ediesday morning
for Sarnia to visit relatives for a
couple of week..
The Epworth League of the Crcdi-
tc•) Methodist church nue cx;ecte;t
to vi;it the .Tames street League on
Monday evening next.
Mis. .Tc,lttn hornier and daughter
Eileen left for \Valkerville on Fri-
day to mak. an extended visit with
Mr. and Mr.. 1:. W. Horne.
Rev. A. 11. Goin; left Wednesday
morning for Toronto where he will
nttend a meetinz of the hoard of
Regent. of 4he Victoria University.
Mies Cora Nowell spent Dominion
Day with Mrs. Thornton, of Ll..
Lowe!. Mise Marie Thornton re-
turtv,l with her end Li nuts her
Mr. Jan(e_, llaw-den, 'who for stoma
time 11.1e ht►on in the employ 'of the
Moleon's Bank here, dant Thursday
ieceivctd notice of Obis ,removal to
('ort Arthur.
Dominion Day pasted - off very
quietly in Exeter. Many ,went to
the Betel for the play while others
attended the etrawherry festival. at
Centrnlar and •Elirnvillc.
We ere pleased to note that Miss
\Vinnie Carlin; h:t' been auceesaful
in pertain; the recent Toronto
ver�ity Musical examinations n•ith
honors. She i4u'eed Benlor Universal
pianoforte. and intermediate theory
with koros.
If you use Paris Great,
Hellebore, Insect Pow-
der and all other Germi-
cides of unknown quality
your time and money has
been fruitlessly wasted.
If you buy your INSECT KILLER
Cole's Drug Store
You can depend upon the quality
Paris SIM
We dell only Berger's English --always
Guaranteed pure and fresh.
Insect Powder
Ground from the unopened buds of
the Persian Chamomile.
We pay for the beet and get it and it
will pay you to get the same. Costa
no more than the unreliable, at
Prescriptions our specialty.
This management during the
past year trained over Two
Hundred young la-
dies and 20o gentle-
entle-men, as steno-
graphers, bookkeep-
ers and telegraphers, and placed
them in excellent situations in
leading Canadian and American
Individual instruction.
Write for catalogue.
GEO. SPOTTON, Principal.
In Favor of
Star Flour
"None Better"
"Few as Good"
You cannot afford to be with-
out it.
WANTED. -The ExeterCanning
and Preserving Company 'want in
about a week 20 encu and nbont .10
worsen and 6 or fi boys and ;i.rle.
Good waxers, steady and pleasant em-
ployment. Apply at fartnry. hnvie
Gardittior•, manager.
(Harold It,,sctt while .playint hill
one day last -week, collided with en
other player giving his ankle a bad
twist. lie waw nb)e to walk around
for a few days and attend to shit
work but on ?honed*, the leg swell-
ed Nn beefy and the limb (pained •o
much that he had to remain et born.
The warm weather has come with a vengeance and we
have the goods that will keep you cool.
In Muslins
we have a nice range, white swiss dots and stripes, white
cross barred at 12 -c, 15c, and 18e. A choice line of
Colored Muslin
and Organdies from 10c to 35c. A big range of all over lace
with narrow lace and insertion to match. Also all over
Embroidery suitable for embroidery waists.
Full line of Ladies and Gents Underwear at prices that
will sell thein
Gents white and colored Vests from $1.25 to $2.50 in
all sizes.
See our new styles in the ASTORIA shoe in gcntlemans only.
The Sovereign
Bans of Canada.
Money Orders, Sterling Exchange, Letters
of Credit, Co11ec(tions, Savings Department,
General Banking Business.
Interest paid 4 times a year on Savings
A Good Way
to be Stylish and Becomingly
Dressed and to have your Cloth-
ing as thoroughly made and as
carefully cut as possible is to come
here with your ideas.
First-class Workmen will turn
the materials which you choose
into pleasing, lasting realities.
Our experience is pretty good
assurance that you will be sorry
for nothing and prices are always
at the bottom notch.
Merchant Tailor
Change of
I wish te announce that I have
purchased the Harness Business
of Mr. Gilbert House and am
prepared to give your wants in
Repairing, Whips
Harness, FtG.
Prompt attention. Give us a call
We have a most com-
plete showing of Gold
Rings of great variety.
Every Ring we sell is
guaranteed:to be just as
we represent it.
;171 Richmond St.
C. H. WARD & CO.
Dit. OVENS EYE AND EAI' 51111-
eeon, will be at tie Commercial
Hotel. !leers 9.30 a. tn. to 4.30 p.
tn. Glasses properly fitted and di,i-
eases of eye ear and none treated.
nest visit. Friday. Auaunt fith 1907.
House Dc6ordtor
Plumber (Plot and Coldwater).
Sign Writing and Graining
With R. Dinney last year. Esti-
mates furnished on application,
A Trial Solicited.
Exeter, Ontario
Residence, corner James and An4
drew Street.
Exeter and Centralia
Will exchange for other grain
if desired.
Richard Seldon
Exeter, Centralia
and Clandeboye
British Columbia Shingles
Barrel Heading and hoops
Kept on hand or cut to order
Done on shortest notice.
Loge Wanted
Delivered or on the stump
1 .\ it At 11 E L 1'.
Any person requiring such help.
either male or female can (10 PO by
writing the EXETER TIMES, stat-
ing the kind required, when wanted
Bud wages offered. Every effort will
he made to provide each nppiictnt
will; help required.
The Exeter Canning 8; ('reserving
Co. will 1.' viewed to receive. ecrea e
from far -mere for tomatoes and corn.
As the number of acre. required
is limited those de.irir.d to contract
will do well to call at once ()neither
the President, Jos. Snell: \'ice -Pr.'s.
C. 11. Sanders. or Secy. .1. G. Jon's.
Thiw 1• to notify the publie •that
i have lc ithdrawn from the firm of
Coward .t Clark. General Merchant',
Winchelsea, the term., of the azren.
ntrt,t 1.0ind r hof •01 amounts owing
to the firm shall tar: collected by Mr.
Therms cue aid awl 311 debt, out-
ing by the firm shall 1." elk' byMr.
11ilton Clark.
Datc4 at \Vinchelnea June 3, 1007.