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EXETER, JNT., CANADA, THURSDAY MORNING JULY 4th 1907, $z.00 per year in advance.
PHono No. 32.
A Sale of Tempting
Warm Weather
Fresh, Crisp and New for the Summer
Girl. She will find below every-
thing needed.
White Linen Suiting
Very much the go now,
neat and clean for
30c, 40k, 50c per yard.
White Duck Suiting
This makee a nice inexpen-
sive suit and looks fine.
124c, 15c per yard.
Persian Lawns
Real nice for dresses and
particularly good for watste.
20c, 25c, 30c, 40c per yard.
Linen Lawns
Nice sheer goods for sum-
mer dresses. Pnces
15c, 20c, 25c, 35c yard.
Swiss Dot Muslin:
Large and small dots. Very
dainty goods for small coot.
15c, 20c. 25e, 35c per yard.
Colored $uslins
A great big selection of all
the new patterns and colors.
10c, 15c, 20c, 30, 40c per yard.
Colored Chambray:
Splendid Shirt Waist Suit
goods. Nash and do up beau-
12;c, 15c yd.
Chock Gingham
A real knock -about or pic-
nic suit. All the different
colored checks.
1.21jc. 15c yard.
All our Summer Millinery to be sold
for 25 per cent. off the price. Every
hat a bargain.
Innes & (1irk ?i
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford I
Clothing also high grade sboes and wall papers.
•...•••.•O••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• NM***
The wtdain; on /Wednesday, .luno
M.�a Mary
ti of
28 .
chttrntin; daughter of l,jcet „
tnieaiionncr nn)'Mre. '\V. 11. t1)elbri:r,
of IJeborne, tat IMr. J. Milton Brock
tot the game !township, was the moot
elaborate function of ale kind ever
celebrated in !the Crotvnship, fully 250
Vermont.' being i ieeent Ito witness the
ceremony. The marriage was per'.
formed by lice. 11. J. Fair, pastor of
the EIimvillo -Mclhaliat church. unt-
Qcrneath a canopy 'of evergreen%
tastily draped with buntin; of the
motional rolote, and suspended from
:Which wag u bn;e b-11, Rath bride
and ';room worn + ,unattended.
Promptly of viz o'clock to the
straisis of the wveddin.; morel!, rho
bri(1e, euppnrted by ler father took
her place beide the ;room.
After the ceremony dim bridal party
Le1d n reception at which congratu-
lations and loot nt ashes were (ex-
tended 111e mealy married I couple.
On the spacious town at the south
of the home m•ero arranged tables
laden with delicacies specially ore -
Pared for the oceanic,' of which
4' very one w•1I invited itr+l partake.
After luncheon n pro;ram wait pre- and locket. 'Ilm: armor'!" !numbered
pat r• and iiddtea>+•3 nr1•rr areal by
Mc•sro. 11, 11. 'truer, 11. P. for south over one hundred, clOrflY relatives
Huron, \V. 1'rid'h im, Ex M. P of (he contracting leartiei and emend;
for South Peat'','.I, G. .tense. Thr'. them were pone from St. Marys.
lhtrdlr, W. 11. 1lelhrid,le. •Kirk ton, Fullerton, and George( n,
Taman. .1. .1. 1\'hite tanrl others. The health of !the bride was Ipropopr-
Bonz., were given by ',fiasco Anna til by the Rev.G.\1', fleecy in. v few
Martial and .lr�wic Dow, n[ Exeter,
cheroot tern tido,. rend was very
oust than Woodburn Orchestra enliven- nPi'roprittcly ic•pnnded to It)' the
cd the Itrtxerdin41 milli sevetel ,rood e1.00111.
peleelinn•t. Two rennin had been set ;
aside for the :ieddinz sift. which 11t('Kt1 hUItE(fAS'1'N
were cn•Ily. leanti(111 had useful. Thr h((nnat Storni I'lriod, tr;ular
Amon; Ilio t+re't'nln :were 850 from ie et.nlral nn 1 h 8th, with n
the eo
the parents of tlbe ',tore; *50 from !ti
the parent' of the •green(: tarion3 si1(nn of Mar' nn the 6th, Moon in
apogee and ut )North declination on
different .11 Mg j'f money from friend' the 11111, and IIr na'w• on the 10th. A
n bamale.eme aidr•bnatd from tho I t.,,ty' (warm wave (sill cro93 the cruet,
neighbor. and (.thee vu.rfut things. ti) from the (Olt to the 11th, the
� ait✓tm'a1•ti a, '1n Ihe hr'de war "Innlr•tcr wi11 fa11 nn !s►n rectdilrzl,
tt�ilcauliTip 'u=al' heal and set of"Iblugterin; thunderstorms will
'potato. The Orale wan k;owned art rt acb relive lu vi o,rm, elllrnlllatlntl9
cream silk, Irhunted twit em„nue rC 011 and 1111(7 n.1 she 8th to the loth.
ed ehiffnu tend nu(hin; and (canes a La,k far only ratltetins rains with
lu'afal veil Srimnmtl milli r<tran;c i
D 1
A .pretty
Juno dalitn; was cele-
brated at the tiesiidence of 'Mr. and
Mrs. J
l's F. Cre
el' Spring Brook
Y p 3
Farm. L
F r shorn on June 20th, when
their ',Later, ;.Hiss iLaviva A, twos
united, in alar.riil n to Mr. oN. 11.
Davi+. of Sait►(nbury. tBiddullth
At tivo •p. tn. the bride entered the
drawing room on the arra of her
brother, Mr, J. E. Ci -eery, to tho
strains of Mend,elaaohn's ,wedding
march played toy bar pleat°, -MLAI. Eth-
el Berry. She was vn-o(tentied ex-
cept by two little flower girls. '.\tics
Ila M. Berry, niece of the bride, ant
Miss Annie V. \1';1Hhburn, niece of
(ho groom. The ceremony took place
under n beautiful evergreen arch
decorated with u %while bell and
candled, and •was 'performed by Itcv.
Geo, W. ltacey, (rector of St. Paul'•
church, Kirkton• The bridle's klress
was cream Albatrcoo. and rhe parried
a beautiful bouquet of ;white canto -
lions and ferns, /while -the flower
were rtreosed in cream milk. 'A[ -
ter con;ritulatinn3 all partook of
a dainty repast. 'iIte presents Mere
numeroui and toothy. The t room's
gift to the bride twos a rilver Ite:t
service and 'f.o each of the 'littler
flower t;i,rIo n h:tndoome void chain
1'o•ai111e cloudhm,'ls in localitiev
hl0000na and (arri,d a 1111;e hoot-Iwirl+'11' rel'•t'11(11 Iti+ins bar nmeter
quer et eariotc o.. Her irnvcllinirnnd el to t• 1 canter f
qm: 11 of of Iifaek r ilk skit 1 nod coat. ; n n r from n1
,nut dhe
with white rilk rootlet. Mr. nttd
1r'. !frock otter vigititto thelr many
Omen wf
I pale c
n lorlerts lacca
frirntle+ will teller so, flair re<idcnee who feel weak ad disroura ed will
at their farm in ttt'11orne. I receive both mental and bodily vigor
At r. F.arr✓►at Oke, of Brantford. by (((sling Carter's Iron Pills, which
are mode for the blood, nerves and
vi (l''d (tient-, in 4ow•n• scum pletion.
Larry Gets His Hand
11 hes loft; toter rue deioire (to
know what 1 wud bane bane, it 01
haddeut bane what I pint. Lin'
knenvin' that th' l'rofiseor iv palni-
t t.hry on' phrenology wuz ehtoppin'
at IL' Cearal. I made up me rnoind
that it tt uz up to me to intherview
him an' find out just wirer I wuz lo-
cated. Ez th' l'rofcsitor is on Oirish-
tnan lu.ke :nevelt. 'Lavin' bane die -
cinder' from Adam and Eve, 'whom
some writers eez nvua both Oirish-
melt, 01 tliddont blade to inthroducu
the tr:ttionality to him only wanst.
Ile said be c,ou1:1 tell by Jookiu' mo
in the fare. an' aver it I kipt mo
eyes idiot, that tit' Immerald Oislo
wuz shtickiu' out in rue countinance.
Aflhcr our inthroduction. I sez,
sex I "J'ro[isaor con yez tell ere
where l'ni til by th' readin' iv tit'
iuines iv vele hands and tar' bumps on
rue llead'l" "Shure," sez ate, "just.(
(lake a nate torment lb' windy where
th' sun ilsent shame' 'to'e I can get
m betthor look at Ili' tips iv yer
fingers, an' accordin' to Fez instruc-
tions I took th' sate.
Now boaoory, I havent trade many
tht•ipi, an' cabin I do make wan I
altus Niko to have somewan wid me
to kape tee company, but bejabers,
accordill' to the digs crosses what
hey bane ;htickiu' to Ins,
fer too rnanny yearn sez Oi'm
going to take a throne roide to the
thw' tor c n
nor .s to the oast and thin,
because 1 ',cake it so well will do-
coia3,e to rust over to th' ould count.
thry, providin' iv course th' ocean
iswsent too dusty. Ez it cz custom-
ary to make a fellow a prieint or
token iv silver plated pewter, or a
eurso av nhillins, just to show yer
apprecialin' that he ez leavin' fer
wood, I wud rceomniind that yez
eliminate the jewelry from yer
thoughts nit' t:btick to th' coin, cz
tit' silverware docssent amount to
much whin molted, an' hegorry too
much iv it ez hard to carry ez
excess bag;a.ge.
I dunrw, but inaybe t,orne wan oho'
Fez 1aincv tellin' (him they are go -
in' •to make lh' ,tame thrill, an' 1
thought we tni.ght nave Jxpcneis by
burin' a shpecial thrall', or charter, -
in' a boat, an' all go at wanst.
Iicjabers tI feel sorry for Itlt'
wan what basse0t tinny loines Ln Fez
make up. There's wan loin° trun-
nin' acme me left hand betwixt th'
thumb an' th' finger what yez ,use
whin Pickin' yer car. an' that sex,
if I'd only known it afore, that I'd 'a
had all th' jobs in town, wid those iv
Hieisell thrown in. So its a good
thin; I diddont get me hand read
before. 1 have "allus had a good
opinion av (nasal(, but bejapers yea
can't comp widin twinty feet av me
"IN.. I:z a commercial traveller. an'
faith 1 aint, I'd he able to sell anny-
thiet; from a can orotner to cemint
alitock, un' if l'd studied for a law-
yer, there assert wan in town that
would get the money tinny easier
than 1 would. Thin again, Jack
Knight wud be laokin' for a job. ea
I might have bane a tilligratt op -
crater that wild have made Edison
feel woroo nor a docIttor in a
dic factory. IIad 1 taken th' •dc -
noire tit' ditilisls in town, wud have
to go lookin' fer something ekse to
do, on' if 1'd only take tIi notion,
and kapo it, ttidont limbo' army iv
be I face
't would ,1 to make n s lc
r.l t o .dbe
hotter Igor horse radiidi post when
it', bean' cut up.
I've also got miee1:11good overlr•-
I h d
molt jobs statin' rue in Ili' face, said
salaries attached to thit), but yez
can only tees 'e111 1 11101141 a spy-alaso
a'a' it v 011'( do yez tinny good tbtryit,•
L� Peck j11u 1111! left it:lnd ez 1 won't
telt whir), band it is.
lIe ntuyical abililiry ez ;t I tt far
lo.nc.1 t•cz 1 can blow o • horn,
heal a rho to . play A h' pianly, rang
or play it fiddle Avid Practice, all'
w1At it comes to 11)101s, 1 can tell
!dick front tt bite just lay at3y ez i
can 'ell gram° [roar yellow, an' ler
t rayyclt should Ira ve d,ane a
litho.lraplte:r, painter, an' might be
afthar put tin' Jct. i1(•oior out iv brt--
atesb by beiti' 11 foty;rafter. 111'
ptacl.t.rb are torte howiver, ez nit••
(rat Loines 111 Mall' (1(1033 me 'land
1111' tui -tan' ale 1111111111 by about 1+77
inclreN, sez (hal 'eschar' absent (tact(
iv ills bailt, hill br;crry there's wan
titi)); they soy an' that'' that I'd
lay 1het' Iloose n to pour nlubic 1 14,1 11
poor pracl►in'.
i[ annywan ea doukiu' for a 1111411
what don't 10:1(0 caul'-ruk, but ex
(throng on IL' boson'', tis me 0 -CZ Lie
laokin' far, ez I'm a deroided Jostle'.
an halo to be pro-lot1.
'1'1,' Mount uv 1)1741.s or \'onus. or
Rome Mlle, mountain 0 hat iybent in
1l1' goo;ra.ehy, aez t II' %winunti' loike
111e, 01 1 is ke (h' itilnmetl, but be -
;tory who /topct•:'nt lo:kr 11,' w'immin.
Yez rte;let ex tt.Il oit in Ili' shade
iv 11,' Hold ripple three '111 111' %Vinther
wailin' frr :1pple3 to :khro1. if yez
haven'( tinny (veldt' ler th' tvimrtin
tv Ili' f4+11ato ta'x.
'71(10 :11e four rrn..es runmin both
way' art oral ti' 410111•• iv MC hand
1t'Isit 'M 7: 0. 1'L' H Irl ein(1 al' the 104n
walnut bnrtyin' nnny from me mixt
dote nayIrsu, on' Mat me first int -
wool, ...moot in' NI 1'011 jet
nor 0tillt,:1 In w,te Iliin1 mut.
I'h4're c7. mann)• rvlhet 10:mss whal
Inealw motile:bine Ilse, but 1 14141 out
is' Inalrinw 4111' t hey got loomed
but I'm 1•akin' cote av rh' mines
'boat .nz a,t.melhou' about tit' thtiII
acI-o'4 111' axron, 'all. don't intend
Lavin' Ihiln wheel off, ptmidin' effete
0:1n nl'e ez i10;n' to ;o on 1 11' .anis
1hrilt, an' will pay ne. �cpcu,•(s.
It•;nrry ,fl her all 1ht hound :111'
'acrid rot to 4lirulzc w11n towld no,
all Ilan hal Vile Oirish leak' ,the
profioror Oi'm ton good niche re:1
not to tell it, but mntdther raid out
nn' 1'11 h. v'• In let ih' cat out av
the be; ez 4 b' !eine' it •111' hind
(a An. '4 ez'1•e t rad Oirinh bivtory,
There wuz n oartain Urian tlarou,
Rin; av '.Munether. Ile Iliad a r+on
au' christened him 0. 0 non iv !h'
kits;. which in (pain English means
'O'Brien, tin' .kit' prefissor ez th' ea(((se
;intlernan, who has bane wid us ,for
tour or five wakes an' tills me he
is very much ptosed wad t.h' colleen
bawns can' ,;areoons tphwat Ire has
reel w old ars.
DR. 111JTLlat WILL 111: A'l' CEN-
tral 'llotcl, on Friday, Juno 14th„
Friday, July + .12th. Orders for
;lasses executed by, Tait Brown, Op.
Co. '237 Hondas 8t. 'London, or local
Mr. J. G. Stanbury was in Parke
hill Tuesday ,putting through the
deal of 'transferring the 1)at khill
flour mills. to Joseph Eidt and Philip
Hartman, fo Dashwood.
Mr. R. Murphy haat week sold a
Goo. White & Hon threshing outfit
to \Vm. 0114ney. The machine wilt
either cut or leave the uncut (straw,
just as the patron wishes.
Mr. and Mrs. IT. TI. McCallum and
family are mow at their summer cot-
tage, Grand Bend. Mr, and Mrs. G.
Willis, of London, tti►ent t he holidays
at the Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Mc-
A Meeting of aloe Conservative As-
sociation for South 'Huron was held
at 'Hensel' last 'Friday nfternoon an:l
wars largely attended. The meeting
was for the annual election of offi-
cers. 'the old ones being returned to
office. The meeting quos nddreosed
by B. 13. Gunn, 'ht. I'.; .11. Eilbcri
M. P. P., fitnd others, after 'whiehl 4l'
motion expressing confidence in "Ilon.
J. P. Whitney, pard •It. L. Morden the
leader of the opposition was passed.
Mr. E. 1I. E. Matthew., of Brant-
ford. 'vat the guest of Mr. and Mre,
Alex. Dyer during the holiday. Mr.
Matthews has had considerable ex-
perience in the raising of f:a;a, ata
when the flag was being raised over
the Trivitt Memorial church blo::dal
tn,ornirtx he discovered that is was
being hoisted wrong side up. We
had occasion to look at the flag and
could see no Titference between
the top and bottom, but thero cvi-
dlenLly in.
The lecture by Prof. O'Brien at the
Opera House Inst Thursday evening
(1:„I not rlraw ne longe a crowd as
(las leclura•watranted. but there who
wt're In'esc11t were r.{reatly pleased'
iio.t only twill, Rlie, lecture but by
lite mina:lug n[ 'Madame O'Brien, She
certainly exceeded all expectations
and lo lovers of muoio fursliste'I t.1
rare treat. Si#' Lan; Scotch and
h%nzlitslt amigo, everyone of which was
given with hrlialic, delightful and
perfect netnralneers, ]ler !technique
in superb told Ther voice liquid and
1lowerfnl. The lecture of ltho [ rof1-
e.x4or. on valmistery +was exceedingly.
interesting. From n number of chaeta
of the hand, he explainel how they de-
noted the different cltaracteri',tics of
the individuals. Some of :the charts
showed bet 1111(1tlly formes lingers,
but aeeoadirn; to +Ihe 1'rofcjgtor, the
one 44111 Ji (lit ink -third crooked fingers
need tot feel Willer -tied, as they evi-
dently tlen.olo'lh.1t ,the ;u'oessor has
eharnc(c•rirtlirs to be More admire,
than Ihn Hite twilit the shapely digits.
The proft't'sor concluded rhe lecture
by giving nn out tine of the character
i111r3 of +ihe different nationalities
freer this seten itypes of It•tnda nade.r•
whish all humanity comes. Ile t(how-
r I1 •
11ffI I r r
1 t a of
t r
d1.sl a'
r I,trg 111x: impnlsire. ,intpreb-
etionable, romantic and 'poetic, ulot
fn -"
t;e ff1n,,, the w'f of•,
1 the It h (roar
the phy'ic hand. Next ,fel lotted Ihe
Scotch, from the I quare ronvcntionnl
hand 'hien indic:llen •consciousnew
as well no Iletin 1i►ca141)1, arta al'
Hum 411 1hry 111(1 tot humorous me
1011(1 for their .Iry (humor. 'The
French. 'lotion, Greek and Spani+h
;01 corms undo 11I.n be:rdinz of the
physic Type of Shand. '1'he German,
Swwte and outer Teutonic Tates were
t1wnribell 113 to I, cel lain extent be-
an; phlegm:Bic 1►1:d 1)01 as impulsive
:14 11.e. ti1nve ;aimed hand", Flat dhe'•
ale noted .for alroir (hriftinoyi and
caltl;nn 111 busin(FN. 'Miry oro ,t
114 kin(1 1.43lied people and can {1e
11 •eended (11 in (the hour of need.
Bella MacKay 75, Lilly May Frayne
72, Clarence Heywood 72, lite;ie Ilia -
told 70, Lillian Boyle 70.
1'aos.-Cecil Pickard, 88, Mabel'
Bart -owl 63. Young Creech 62, May
Jewell 61. David hall 60, Edna ,Ilrock
59, Eddie Snell 59, Gordon Taylor 68,
Willie Snell 55, iErne,t Taylor 52.
Jr. I1I. to fir. 111. Itonors.-James
Walker 83, Leon 'l'tchle 80, Irene
'lardy 79, •lfatleline Carlin; 79, Stella
Houthcott 76, Abe Jackson 76, Ruby
Wood 76, Oliver Iiod;ert. 75, Velma
Easterbrook 72, Gerald IIurdon 71,
8. F. hector 91, Viola Rowe 70.
Yaks. -harry Snell 68, (''lorry
Dialley 67. Irene Rivers 67, Itussel
I3alkwill 67. Gladys 1)•etvc 50, Gordon
Marshall 62, Mttrtha Hegelian' 186,
Fred Macl'llerson 67, Willie 'Heide-
man (17.
11. E. WALRONI), Tcaaher.
i'romoliorts from Itootu VI. lo
Itooru V. Ilonors.-Linden Harvey 88
Jean Hellion 86, Muriel Jones 83, Eric
hoiden 8.3, Ariel 'Beverly 82, 1tu=set
Flynn 82, Nellie, ,fnnei 82, A;nes
Mackay 78, Robbie Fleming 76, Go -
car Atd41rso11 76, Truro Sweet 75.
]'ass. -Ernest Harvey 72, Iiernrran
Elliott 71, Ethel Balkoill 71, Bruce
Walker 71, Grace Gardiner 70,
/handy! Quante 69. Thornton Fehr
66, Ri(:t Itowe 65, Marion Blatchford
64, Lillie Marchand 61.
Mid. claws to Sr. class. I(o,tori-
Florence Itowe 81, Joe Follick 79,
Ethel Day 79. i'a=s.-Alberti Knight
73, Annie Day 7.3, harper Itivera 72,
Ilect.or Rowcliffe 68.
Jr. to Mid. Class. Ilonors.-Alma
Mack 79, Jennie Itu.sel 77, Laura
lls matte on 70. Wi.tfted Mach: 75.
Pass(. -Ernest Veil 74. Harvey
Ned 73, Olive McDonald 71, Thoma*
Clark 69.
F.I.SI1•: A. McCALt.Ub1. 'Teacher.
Sr. IL-Mi:Itllred Heywood 90, Jos-
eph Cram; 88, May Smallaaombe 88,
Willie laydd 84, Maurice Senior 83,
Labelle llanalford 82, Jeoee Brick -
wood 79, Gordon itichnrd=ron 79,
Norman hockey 67.
Jr. II. to Sr. 11. -Florence Wood
89, ]'earl Jackson 88, Marjorie Sel-
don 86, Ina 1) lve 86, George Ortweir,
85, Dora 1louldon 75.
Sr. 1't. 11. -Gerald Fitton 85,
Amy Johns 84, Dorothy Kunz 82,
Gordon Ford 81, Gordon Well.' 80,
John '13a;shaw 72, Willie Davis 70.
Jr. Pt. 11. -Alice Mitchell 75, May
Neil 70, Mervin Russel 68.
Sr. 1'•t. I,-Wiilio Jacobi 90, Lillie
Walker 88, Millie t\Valker 88, Violet
Welsh 86, Mary-tsLorlock 75.
M. V. MARTIN, 'Teacher.
To room VL -Wilbur .1Mitchell
92, Maggie Case 89, Fanny Bowey 85,
llealrico Hod;ert 85, ,\laud IIicks 84,
Edgar liontcy 80, Anna 13-11 80,
ry 1'(rsony 75.
To Jr. 11. -Paul Gardiner, Elva
Itowcliffe. To Sr. 1't. II.- Jack
Hurdot, Melville Gladman, Marvin
Vincent. '1'o Class IV. -May Patter-
son, Priscilla Collingwood, Ether
Gardil.er, Vera Marshall, Mildred
hardy. 'To Claim 111. -Joy Norse
worthy. Mary Ea'derbrooke, Wil-
fred ltendlc. '1'n Clasis II. -Grace
Carliit;. Harold Boyle. 'truce Rivers,
Delco' tat:tenon .
F. W. HOWARD, Teacher.
'1•he following is the report Of the
Divisions '1 and 3 of 1)ashwona pub-
lic ncl►ool. The (imus :rte in, order
of merit.
Jr. Neel). Lily
a Olive
held, Addition 1•iern.tn, Ervine lm i
1 el'
Mina ell l'4.
• •tc Jennie I Ruby, s
y. \'
',aura miller. Jr. Il.-LIrO•d
bother. Willie hiller, ll+uvyie Will'
ler 1, Peal l Kroft, Czar Krlleru►9nn,
Laura Atte-oar, Emma 'tattled). 1't.
11-Itrn110 Iiautl'1, Garfield Sta,bus.
I. -Harvey $clurce(1ier, Roy
Neel), Ilaywontk Cal lf:t4. 3r. I't. 1.-
111.t \V:iIrt11o!t1. Lulu Ste]n11a4-n, 'I'hil-
d ,\lcl1aac, 31yri:t •lloffrlan, Iteat1 iCe
Hhrunun. Fn-s',o:d, La-
Vcrne Mettler, I•:rnet;l :hire, Betide
itinker, ',eland Guenther. I1,-1}ella
Nceb, \Vi!hur Elders. l.avina \Villert
Leona id Burk, Lnui'e IL•ntler, 1•'rei-
(1" titin-.
V, .1, MINERS, 'l':'ache'.
Div. 111. Sr. 11. -Pear 1 'Tiernan, .1.
ltcutl:tL;c, Al,n;t ICarh, llc,man
Schroder, Willie %itnlner, Katie Gen -
Promotion Exams. Iter, Cloture; \Viebcr4. Jr. II.- Pon -
ma Gent tnet, Mi4ferd ',Ruby, Edo in
_~ 8r•1t1.c^der, Ernest Elate', Gordon 1)a -
vis, Valentine Geo.sLlan, dal'li.' Geis;
Henry \Viel,er„ Arncr'(1 1lillcr, IsL•
I1. -Ida %iuunrr, Alberta Koch, Hen-
ry Guenther. Sr. I't. 1, - Laura
Schuhricher, Hobert \Villert, (Icor 40
'.aura sci:.rood^r, '3t !ter:1
r • .1 • I'I. 1.-llildn �'ht
Matriculation. -Trial Goin; 72, Gladys el', '1•irtlin Zimmer. A.-W.1111e
Brandt 67, fonkt Sanis 67, Beattie iloy Gro 30114111Y :o'cnn
Martin 66, Jelts,ic• I'os' 6.3, Gordon Titer. 11. -Kenneth itoitlea le
Gau!d 62. • fird Kit r11, �L•1ty Weihcr;,
Jr. to Sr, etas,. Junior 'Teachers, 113 rt
Ifonots.-Lclitia Mu1101101(1 77, Bet -N• Rwan, (1'cacher•
th 1 lltelt 7l'r. I'a•.•,.-Lois hit "toy 7.3. --�
8. :;. NO. 10 I'ahnno.
lnllow"in; i' a C01 reel report of
the standing of the Itupils of H. H.
holt Al 11.
holm 11. Sr. ,to Forrn 111. Junior
Teachers, -\'eta 1\'eirb .7.1, Grace
1 bornpoon 711, Maud .l oh ns 68, Lula
Martin til, John \\'alkrr ;66, Ida
Itowe 61, Le 'toy Coullil ('t!1,
Fornl 11. Sr. to Form 111. ,Junior• 1tialk r. 1. tmach-
John 0,1,1ichcr 72, Katie Collins 70
Lillian Auto -1 6N, ,laldit' 3011es 65. Liz-
zie Solidi!! i 1:4, \'e11•( 11e0tegor 63,
Ilene handfeed (7711.
A car of Sampson Brand received Tuesday
unequalled for Walls, Silos, Walks and
Cow Ease
In quarts and gallons to prevent the dread-
ed fly pest on horses and cattle also for
poultry and swine. Can be applied with
an ordinary sprayer.
Hammocks, from . - - . . , • $2.c'o up
Coal Oil Stoves from ............ . . .... Scup
24o lb, Farmers Scale .... .. , , , . 6.5o
Screen Windows from .... • , • • • • , . 20c up
Screen Doors, fancy $1.20 up
Paris Green, and Bug Finish
(Our Reduction SaIe}
Owing to the lateness of the spring we
+ have decided to extend our reduction sale and
.1• will give greater Bargains in Furniture for the
next 30 days than ever were known in Exeter ,}
before. Every article in our large stock of
furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be Convinced before making your pur-
chase elsewhere.
▪ The Largest Home Furnishers in thc]County,
"Undertaking in all its Branches.
4.4.4•4•44+44 +4.4.4-44+4.4.+4.4-1.4.+++.1 .4-i.4.+++.1 '1 +++'l'++: ++'H ' ' •1•d•ir4••i••t•+ i•4'd•i'
+++++++•i'+ :++•l•+'1"i-}•1-•i•'1••!'•i"P•14•+3 i'•l•+++'i•'1•41-1- :• •F4••i ++++++ 1-te'i' t•
If You Want Cheap Hardware Go To
The Leading hardware Store in "Town
Where you will find a full stock of
Building Supplies
Glass, Nails, Cement
Plaster Paris,
Galvanized Steel Shingles
and Siding, Etc.
Always in Stock at Lowest Prices,
.i• Dealers in Hardware, Cement and Wire.
} }
+++++++4•++•}+4•++++++r• ++++++++++++4t.'-:-++-:• ++++++4-t. ++
What About the Up -to -Date Store Goods?
They are alright; tate lowest; the cheapest; the best.
What's the use of the house -keeper or hired girl sweating t., hake, just
send to the
and you can get all you need, Sardines, Solrnons, Dates, Prunes. Breakfast
Foods and alt the different kinds of Fancy Cakes, 12} and 13.: per Ib. Soda
Biscuits in hulk and boxes. Cheese. Almost everything an 111, to date store
If you are a little late with 'louse cleaning do not let
it matter. We have still some wall paper and lace curtains
Now that the hot weather is hero there is a lush for
something cool to wear. Well W13 have it, ready fele you t.)
put on. Call and see our Ready. made Clothing for men and
Don't forget to give ue a call. 'e are sure we can please.
Junior Matriculation. llonor3.- No. 10 Ir:.hots•^ monthly examine- L
Iva,, Fel ou1on 81. lions. Names npro• tr in older tar t rn', Gotdon Wikon, Nene hIcCtot-
• Mcivin Elston. Sr. iV-Iva E•t-
y, 1laxoell Itaynhaun. Jr, iV
'Vote And^.reom, hither! '\
14, 1,. Gltl:(:o1nv, Terchcr. merit, Si, ,IV. -\lar, McQueen• d
llarr'rl (:leen. .11, IV._-Arcluc Mor-
oi'', May heel, n, 1110=:10111 Andi'r'on s
Eat Tieffry, Fled (lode. Sr, 111.-
101tll iII
Cnmtnr I coal Diploma. honor:). -
Veta Rowe, 80, Mabel Merit;;art 78. r ,•
1'ei.t 'Kane Maoy 69, Merit
- liar- Myra \)r';:en \ erns \. hillock, 'fnm t JtI) 1 irsept 1)a
len f,5, Edith +CacKay a (%f'•,rlt. .11. 111. -.tither coop, \[yr- (r.qu.tl), Ea,1 Ca II fa a. Bev I as, Clam V.-1111da Gunning.
lotto 1. honors. -Alva MacJLlho1, 1►c Rod:maim, hose• Vont). \ane: F!a si 1)tt•'•y. Hr, 111.-h:lt•a Brc•nks, -Class IV. -
8.5, 1,11 Marchand F1, '? \lie Munn
Alexandr.r J1hn Ncil. (inrtn0 \irilnu. 1'l' (d 1'-.-ery, ,1nll,nny \\'bite, Fred l tart•nC- Jf throe, Mar-
va', ;all, .inhn Ilnttt,i 11. -Joy 'Whit- t'1i'h+tl. 11 t+artm.•1.1, 1?• N+t.1. V, Saret Mrr;ee Coater blor:c_, calash,
77, Lillian Sitell ,J, 1:1,1 Got+°land 75. Inek, .1 n^ Krr11ick. 1'(. 11.- Myrtle Ifortrth, it. JlrCntdv, 11. Ila;'1, \\'. Clad iV 1't. L -Myrtle it lair(', Wil-
I'a.•.-Anna Dow 74. In,u;las Nt'.tc-
art 7•1, 1{(lnntnll Walk i_'. l,wl• hey- I'rtn, i:rnnsl I'ym. 1.-itcta (•ane, 11,k^t, \1. C.t11fa•. Hr. II. -J:. Mote. EEft iltd.(so11, 011ve Gu(' no, Vcra 04-
ood t.0, Clarence ''askant Lon
7y 171 . Myron l'loffryNt')) Ander-r•n, Itch d*nr, .'•1. Heiman, b1. hal`•^.1 t, l(. Neil.Ilod;v►n, Gcorre Arkney,
It i ‘111)."1 �e.1, Willi•trn Hot- Jr. iI.-1. 4Me(,'nrdt, (1. (1►avi+, 1:. Jarnna bl , Vertey Ciais i1Ilp 111 -
Inn, (lane a ane. Ion Otdr-rn, Verfla Morley, PhiliP 514 --
Geo, TieK3Gunnell. Clens i1.- I't.
IL -Arthur
1 .
•ic a
C rt,1^Clara
y, .
ley. Claws Pt. 1.-N' lson S;uires,
Earl llodz,on, •iohn Knowles(, Mol-
v►11c Gunning. Cla./ 1. Pt. 11.-A;.
.r: kereoela, Vivian Brook. Clean 1.
f't. 1. -John \Vhnlii,an. ,lame+ Ken-
1',«r'1•t, i'ssic ,lecke!, i:lsie Gunning.
Minnie Millaon, Patrick McGee.
\\'111 Ler S. Bonn. Teacher -
S. S. No. 12, I'81101(N1!.
Following is n correct report of
• slnedin; of the t upil. of R. S.
• 12, for th mouth of •June.
1't, Il.
,\lacl'hr't son 69, Willie Amos 68, yr <nr ten,
Roswell Dou;dll 68. !{nth Hooper f,3, I 1 C
Allan Iicka,d 1i4, Killeen Farmer 6.1, i Willie hit ney 6.1. Jeatoie hlanoon 62,1 i{ohert'on Y. 'Siclwan, Trse),vr.
H. B. NO. I. RTItI'II1:N
Alexander. i'(. Ii. -C. Davey, 1E.
Wi!:+on, I). ilrnok', A. ltobinuttn, L.
Abbott. N- 1 T. 1 Ile P.'trn
. ttho r . t 1 n.
Baynh.Tm. A. Ilack0'5, :d. llnt;Orth.
Jr. 1 o, 1•-V, N til, 1). hackney, V.
Divie, G. llackn^Y• 1'l. 7.-7. paint
.1. White. N. Itrnketwhire, T'. Hutu
I1111e, 1,. hick., 11. ilrown. Azgre.
atte11dane^ .18, av(rIgo niten•
donee 26.
14188 MA111{i, HI'AitKS. leaslter.
Dunsfold 60, Jennie Mon -
faith 60, Clifford 3IarAvoy 60.Ft,1lnwii,sorrel report nt
A. M. JOHNSTON, Teacher.'
the si ItAdin; of Ihe prlpiI4 of 4. H.
110051 V No. 1 Stephen. for the etonlh of
Sr. 111 to •tttr cls<., lienors. -Clair June. Ar. Dep. IV.-61ar;cry ltep-
Weed A0, Pearl Guilt. 19, Wilfred burn, ,\reh'n itobin.ron. IiateI Hicks,
Stewart 78, Raymond bearing 06, itssoph While. Austin Duplen, Eddie