HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-06-20, Page 511.
Popular Goods for Now and
the Best of the Season
DR, 1'. J. AleCUF•. MSMIIiI;R ON-
sns and Su stone, Suosessor to Dr.
E. A. Habit. Crediton. Out.
Quarterly meeting (services wcro
held in the Evangelical church fait
Favored Worsteds 1 TROUSERS AND USSK
Saturday mid dunday. Bev. L. 11.
Wagner. 1'. E. officiated..
Mr. and elle. Ewald and Gott.
2langnus left last Friday es venin;
for lElkton, 'Mich., to attend the
funeral of the fortuer's mother.
The Annual picnic of tho 311cthodist
Sunday school was held last Friday
at %Iraud (fend. The weather was
all that could be expected, hence n
very pleasant titne was spent by
Bev. E. A. Fear, of Exeter will oc-
cupy the Pulpit of the. Evaneelicai
church next Sunday night.
The Stars of the villa.;o played
a trien(1lY gains of baseball with the
Exeter team at the latter'% t;rounds
last 'Friday cvenin;. resulting in a
victory for the Stare by the score ZA�
of 118-1.
The 1.O.F. excursion to -(lay ere -
mimes to be a ,rand success. Many
will ,avail 11 iitaelves of the cheap
' 1hs
reales. ,psesoe whoo mhos. epei'arninoram,•nt aa
A large number from this dee peopledwottad.orsots,o,a�
trict attended tho circus at London tlrttbos:t Ant trytag Z1tnFpltt�l, wets )may
on IManday. I good 0attse for regret alter•eea4 web a
lieu. E. 11. Bean
part in the nn�yOeii Luckiest as to what follows':
Mr. Wm. C. Edwards,
children's lay K'xercises at Zurich..'
1 .1).C.I1. Q.O.F., P. O.
last Sendai. ! et.l.Ct.u.l.and P.P.O.A. Shephc a 0000f the
The mayy Itcformers of this meet wy� eot�ay known renin t dey aer-
towntglaip twill ho pleased to learn desfilgpcl�'iihiutolt►eot.isthero ,ttidDore
that IM. Y. McLean has been nomin• le h1s toe letervtowed Mahornein
Pelee t?Itw T ni the
he .std les Jemmy of
atcd no contest this riding for the net year 1 cut the m4Mle linger et as, last
House of Commons at the /text el- 1 hat tea ety sal a oe stetson set in. Tho
('ction. We Rippe for M.Y. a large h..n4 wit h begs we lsod tin
vote from this=etio,t. ! flame. Ieorier one of the lewllrrk doctors
Miss Crissie Brown has returned . of romatoared for tw° remittal was tarsier h) -i
from iChesley. where sits had hen vis• tile s wourxi {{f�oe no betters. and raw day
ars enid, "Is.l wyr is t i ihlr I
Mr. Geo. Either is "Slowly on the i beteared.' Th + wee not very pleasant nows,
mai et timet time
lia w at from the
These worsteds are in blues Audi
fancymixtures,excel in t uality,beauty 1 It a pant hunter ants as
and finish anything of their kind we!
Is panting for pants
base ever shown. We are offering He panteth panties
Dome beautiful Until Its implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered
Summer Suits for Sin atLJ, ti. IIOLTZMANN'S
and upwards.
A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can
not suit, we have yet to know of it.
le••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••N•M••••4�•••••••••••
fl. MILLS,
WOOD lflM•
Men's fancy Print Shirts for 75c, 85c and$100, meet's stripe duck worklug
Shirts for 75c each; all kinds of Straw Hats and fancy Straws for youths, boys
and wens at right prices; children's fancy Sailors for 25c and 35c each; we
have about 30 different patterns in muslin for dresses, colored, we are -clear-
ing out at less than cost, regular 12c 15c and 20c goods, out they go at 10c
yard, 10c ones to clear out. at 7c yard; we have a few pairs of those women,s
ne button Shoes left yet, regular $1.50 and $1.75 you can have for $1.00 a
pair; we keep the paint that is paint and is the best, the Sherwin-Williams
and we have all colors in stock, buggy. wagon, oil stain and varnishes, also
paint brushes all sizes. In seed we have I think the best, Bruce's and Steele
Briggs, and they are all fresh new seeds this year, long Red Mangold, the
Yellow Intermediate and the Sugar Beet, also all kinds of Turnip seed, and
in the Grocery line we can fill your wants, we always buy the best and
always buy the pure goods -10 lbs. Cornmeal for 25c.; 12 lbs. Oil Cake for 25c••
10 lbs. Salts for 25c.; 4 pkgs. Corn Starch 25c.; 6 bars Bee Hive Soap 23c.; 10
bars O. K. Soap `2.5c.; Pure Maple Syrup $1.25 gallon; Highest prices cash or
trade for Butters and Eggs; Potatoes for sale.
A. MILLS, - Woodham.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••
The SovGrcIflll bdok 01 6dllad
31s4 May, 1907.
Notes of the bank in circulation ...
Deposits not bearing interest ...$ 2.263,650 83
Deposits bearing interest t 11,737,564 61
Balances due to other banks in Canada ...
Balances duo to agents in Great 'Britain ......
Balances flue to other banks in foreign 'countries
Dividends /unpaid ,•,
.Other liabilities ... .
Capital paid up
Valance of profit and loss carried forward ......
Gold and (silver coin ••• .., ,.. $ 212,447 81
Dominion notes ... 1,181,491, 00
Depo=it with Dom. Govt. for security of note circulation
Notes of and cheques on other hanks .......
Valances due from other banks in Canada ...
Uovernment. bonds, municipal and other s=ecurities
Call and short loans
Other current loans and discounts ......
Past due bills (fully provided for)...... ...
Ileal estate (other than bank premises) ...
Bank premises and safes and office furniture
Other assets
$ 2.009,'350 00
14,001,215 49
118,487 30
1,618,788 72
1,706,832 16
3,928 50
8,313 59
'3,008,000 00
25,252 50
$22,522,168 31
$ 1,393,938 81
80.000 00
1,061,091 78
280,299 80
1,801,200 87
2,915,199c 55
7,531,730 91
14.458,778 00
.44.413 45
11,938 09
464,233 25
11.044 61
$22,522,168 31
A Blended Flour
(of Ontario and Manitoba Wheat)
BLENDED FLOURS are TWO flours in one.
The famous Bread and Pastry making
qualities of Ontario fall Wheat -are combined
with Manitoba spring wheat, which adds strength
and nutriment.
BLENDED FLOURS are only the
hest for all home baking ---they are also the
bread, cake and pastry to the pound than any other
Try it, and you wiil use no other.
nisi. the sign
"Made in Ontario"
Look (a
A FAWNS 000 -
e Mow! lg two
Ring for n few weeks. do wi this 11140(1•+. take it off It eau never
mend and ave hope to sea him around agwstynliblethe,+w lIigai,dlnlLvnitloo,i
A g:, in ro on. i extended right up 'Miami. 1 want to moo for. The 'Misses Lillie and Mabel Fah.- � otheitootoranrlWAS urlder th.4 treatiset,t for
nor ,;pont n few clays in rl'arkhil(i some weeks. Ho thon told m.: that all he mall
f do for the Wm. to cut o�'n the whole fl
aunt the past week visilin; their I andsoswtlethetx.rlo, whicLhe.iMbedtrs mole
Jira. Hoffmann,I dleearietlthrouilhthe blood poisoning. I west
1Lis9 (wood. of Toronto. is visilin; awttothlnk wean I would twee the opera -
per )>iste.r 'Mrs. 111'let t for n few
amid Try Zuni liuk before you have it taken
weeks. ott1tI d1so, I betted elle Wound and appqlIleri
To. -day is 'Civic holiday. Ontsi,l0 ¶�p 1 0ttho balm, and that night dot n little
Mel, �ort „wrning etas tvosndd��► ilio
of those Lakin; its the excursion to bleed M orn1n t tuxl Doty
the Falls ,elle day will Probably be pus. That was is good si/rn, err werttosw tit
spent by many at the river fishing tbse%ant-iruk. Ittaeomedtotoota.eltsiii,lalnaw
while . many of tha boy'w
s will (Tend {days d dnaway with ttw w %barb
Mrs. ra, Win. Atkinson leaves today
for Si visit 01111 bleeds in Detroit I
and Jackson, Mich.
Prior to Icavin; for their new
Lowe at Old,,Alberto. Mr. \VIA.
Ilaztewocd umet faintly were tender-
ed it iCCCJ1i011 at the Linn-: of Jfr.;
\', slier tllazlewood. Mr. llazlewoodI Giant Yellow Intermediate at ! 4e. per :1).
,nd this good etre Leis Ion; been!
r. %dents of 0111• vi1L a arid stere i BI'uCo's White Seeding beet at 18e. per Ib.
h ld rn tho hi;hest respect by every-
one. Al he reception Many kind The celebrated �tt'el Bl'�
1 ('s' Jumbo Swede TI'rnip at 20e lb,
words %vele spoken of thein and good o Jumbo
A New Supply Just Arrived
at'ishc's for success in ihrir new home
were 'freely ;hilt. Mr. ILizlewocd We have a Ilunit)er of straw hats of assorted sizes,
was 'presented with :i purse of mon.'I re
cv neat llarle•uoo'1 with a Willett we are sellin(r at 1)1'i';t's away below cost.
brooch. Defoe' learnt; the Louis int
Kit kton ',as disposed of to ,Mrs.!
Tho.;. 'Tufts.
Ill. Hamilton, of Toren:0, preached!
Ow nnni ve r5111 Cy F(-1•V1CCs ill t he 1
Presbyterian .church 1:►st Hund:►y.
Bccau'0 our Charlie Irwin does not
lay claim to havin; a physique of
a 'herculean -oma think he can be
tosses} around without any respect
to 'his athletic :aspirations. One
day last week Peter Barr doubted
Charlie's Prowess as an athlete and
proceeded Ito give him n to restliug
match, catch as catch can rules to
;overs. This lavas what Charlie had
been looking for for 8401110. time Lind
in lees time than it takes to ,relate
Peter was on his hack, with the re-
doubtable Charlie 1;t:niaitl; 00 him.
As frier injured one of his legs in
the tussle a second bout was called
off and the comedian of the 12th 114
now going around looking for any-
one with the proverbial chip on his
A large crowd from 11.z:re intends
going 'lo St. 'Marys to attend lite
baseball games.
Mr. J. 1). IlazIewoed last !week
purchased Chas, Ilooper's farm at
Mr. tEd. Shier was in London last
week on business.
Miss Sarah Doupe left on Tuesday
for Saskatoon. Sask.
Mrs. W. If. Marshall at:$ Mrs -
Carr, delegates to the Women's Mis-
sionary convention held at Chatham
returned home last %week.
Dr. Campbell's broth' i' and sister
of Toronto, were visitor, h•_•re Iast
week. .Miss Campbell will " remain
for some time.
Some Berson or persons one night
last week stole a roll of wire from
in front of 'Mr. Moare'i store. The
parties are known and it .would be
the day at the hall Ig rounds. I had earnedthe hand, and Is a Idw wester' well to come in and settle before any
Mrs.•lRor3ina 1'in);hejner is expect- timothorowas noeatrace ofthe wooed to tw aclion is taken.
ed Lome to -ala after :t t *t'o avec kv) seen. To dew my4inger is at soegd a boll --�--
visit ;with herYdau liter, lTrs. it. `rh54r"e' had I riot n„ed 7.aro-9nk, I aAonld I'i10s get quick and certain relief
11515 1)800 n finger 1, os. I ld orae $bi L,
Buxlahle, rat Hamilton. doctors teen and whoa [think of tho trifling from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. B
Mr. Ira Brown and hyclate spent 1 cost of Zam-Iluk l am alu,ved at Ito woodertul 1'leaee 11010 it is made alone tfor
value. My experience shook! hof etT suffer-
tr.da ' :with friends a, Zurich. ors, so Ido not mind onstwtl fneta." i
COWARD & CO,, Winchelsea.
If you need
for your screen floors, we
have thele, also hinges of all
We are
agents for the
Don't forget that we handle the hest paint
in Canada barring none, The '`ARK BRAND" paint.
Sl y 1 f 1 t % t y ° "g+ �Pp les, and its asllon is positive and
Mi. Ira Brott•n left on Monday What Zafn.Buk Csr+ea
the north -vest, where he will rent'rin
for two or t! lee mon :and if he is u For all poi.,onod wound.. chronic sores,
pleased with the country will re- uitableboclta,b1Oeof to la►antk Is especially
main there.hightree+k powers.defieda sore law
One of the prettiest events of (lief alrolnuoentendsalva+,itiss'comferZara-Iiuk.
certain. Itching, painful, ii)rotrud-
in3 or blind .piles disappear like
magic by its use. Large "tickle -cap.
ped glass jars 511 cents. Sold by W. }
8. llowey.
season 'took place at the home of
Mr. C. Beaver on Wednesday, .Tune
19tH nt one o'clock, when his daugh-
ter, Ileulah was married to Dr. J.
W. Orme, of 'Centralia. Tito cern-
lam-Btl'k al.io cures eczema. kch. scalp
sorest, ringworms, blotches on Km faoo and
body, chapped pewee. colt Rorie, piles and
enlariged veins. As an embrocation it trues
rhenbiatbsni and sciatica, and rubbed ower the
chest relieves the tightness due to severe cold..
All stores and druggists sell et 30 ones a box.
moray was performed 'by Rev. J. 11. or post boo hon, the Aim -Bak Co.. Toronto.
(Orme. fallstr of the groom, (Insist. eboxes for e35o.
1 ed by Rev. J. W. Andrews, in the ! FREE BOX -Send ono ane stamp end
I Presence of immediate relatives ant 115015 and ditto of this
1 friend'. The drawing room was de -
paper and dainty sample box will bo malted
coratcd 'tvitlt smilax 041(1 an arch of
evergreens. The bride gowned in!
� Mrs. Meritor. of New Hamburg. is
white lace. over white silk, 'wearingvisiting her brother, Mr. Metthe e
a white bridal veil with wreath of ! Weiner, for a few days.
orange blossoms, and carrying ,a' A very exciti►i; game of baseball
shower t)oneuet of bridal +.Arses, look• I *was '("Played tun the recreation
ed ch'irmin3 as she entered the par- Yrowtds ou 1[onelay etenina last be -
for supported by her esteemed father
to the resile of the Weddin; march
twcen the Stars and the lrreysteads
of Duncrcath, resulting in a victory
played by her sister 'Miss ,Vivian for the visiting team. score 2 to 4
Beaver. The (Pride was assisted by in a 9 innings game. The 1)r. she
her 'sister ,Miss Ella }leaver, gowned is captain of the team showed the
in avLi10 silk and carrying n bouquet 1i;ht kind of fighting qualities and
of pink carnations. The groom was succeeded in 10placing tht' umpire
assisted by Mr. Albert Stockwell, of its the 4th inning in the t.crsun of
London. After 'tile ceremony was Mr. G. Anderson, of Exeter, who
over Find ean;ralulatoins exten:led, esppsieei t0 be 014 the ,ground Lit
the bridal Party sit 1104111 to 8 (Olin- the time and who gave the bee of
ly luncheon. Dr. end. 'etr9. Orme satiatact ion to both teams.
left on the cvenin; train from Ceti- Mrs. Samuel Bros 11 is attc):din3
tralia for a trip down tete St. Law- the wooden wedding anniversary of fur a few days, in St. ,Marys fora couple of weeks..
AN OLD AND W ti.-TItrzD It*MKur.--5111,
Window's Soothing 8rrup has beef, used for
over sixty gears by millions of mothers tor tee it
children while teething, with perfect ..acre's
1 tootnos lbs ohild. softens the gams, allays all
torcares a. Id cunt. and to tee besteSoto
Your Eyes Trouble You
fur pato, arr swi it u pleasant to the remedy 13
by druggtsiu In every part of the world. 26 •
canis a Douse. lie value !r incalculable. Be Then come to London and live a it of lasses N Y even numbered section of Dominion Lands
eters and tame Mee Wtpelow's 80 'thine P• •
Syrup and sea for no other kind. made that will wit you perfectly. Do not trust A Manitoba, 'askatchewan and Alberta, exexeptl
Guaranteed under the Food and the care of your eyes to inesperienced opticians sand Z''• not reserved, msy to homesteaded
Drugs /tat, June 30th 1900. Serial mid traveling (alis. w {.arson who is the head of a family, or any
d . : 01 er 1y ) es n 01 age, to the extent'of one -q
Number 1098. Our speeialuts lave mads the ears of eyes section of LT; acres, more or lees,
th.ir speculty Cor oter l5 yeas, and every law Entp moat be mane is rwmally at the local
prescribed by them is round in our ot4n tailors• ofllTte for the district )o e land is sitt
That tired languid feeling and he homesteader is rte airedhie h thto rbrm thuaee.
dull headache is very disagreeable tory, thereby insuring perfection and making ditioneconnected therewithtinder one of the toll
Take two o[ Garter's Littlo Liver '°"lake' impossible. ins pane:-
,• Appointment b mail orphone 1877. (1) At least six months' residence upon and eel
I ills before retiring, and ,you will y ration of the islet in each alar for threeycan.
find relief. They never fail to de THE TAIT BROWN OPTICAL CO. (4) If the father Ior mother, if the father is
�ea•e.l) of the homesteader resldee upon a farm in
good. ETEBI(1QT SPECIALISTS. %sanity of toe land enteron for, the regiuremen'a
--�--- 237 Dyad,. sort,* . . Le id... oat. to rea)rlen. a may be satisftnl by rich person reek
II liNSAI.I. Den Daily 830 to 6.00. with the father or mother,
t open Qrenings, Tuesday, Thursday and Seturdtl/, (31 if the s►ttlerhes his sigh in ant residence u
JI r. Itoland Cudmoro has CDrtlplel- 7.30 to 10.00. fsrmintt land owr,el h) him in thecicinily of
ed !ilia brick work o[ hj9 new .boas( homestead, the requirements u to resldence n
he satisfied by residence ul.on the said land.
0(1 1Rjct mond St. ; Six months notice in writing should 1* given
Mr. A. Brant, wife and family, to 'Excicr Main Street church. the Cotnrnlstoncr of I'omiuion lands at Ottawa
drove Ito Apse Craig on Saturday to
Mr. Garnet Case has disllo9(:l 0[ imentiontoapplyfor),ittenr,
spend a few days. his 'driver to Mr. Garnet Webber for I w, w, ("1(1'•
Meet Ethel Mut dock, of London, a handwrite num. deputy of the 31i,.is4er of the Interior.
is visiting under the parental ,roof N. n,-Cnauthorlrr,l pnI lir•atIon of this s.ltertb�
1 Mrs. P. Melville is visitin; her Fon - men will not ht paid for
Choice Turnip Seed
The following kin Is in packages at 20 cente :a pound from the Steele
Briggs Seed Company Limited.
I. Evans Improved Ontario.
1I. Perfecticn.
111. Good Luck.
IV. Select Purple Top.
V. Jumbo.
Vi. halls Westbury.
VII. Kangaroo.
Screen door at $1.110 and $1.2.5. Screen windows at 25c.
Nice White and Brass Curtain Poles at 15e.
Store closes at 7.30 every Tuesday evening.
. W. F. BEAVERS, Farquha
Srnopls ofOMESTnAD the CoAodiell Noilh W
ranee (lo 'Montreal. and on their re- her sister, Mie. Kneclitel, of Il; r Its Dr. Cawthorpe has taken the brae- Mr. Peter Moir, of U9borne has
turn twill reside at Centralia, where this week. •
lice of Dr. Campbell, of 'Lunch, for purchased the re9idenco. of Mrs. 81-
the tar. 'has a lucrative (practice. .\1js9 Farrow, of Gcdnrielt, is at few ,weeks, while the latter fa der on Queen St. and purpose% ntov-
Mrs. Orme'+ ;ping away gown was spendin; a few days In the villaao
of /brown chiffon broadcloth, w'ittt ' renewing acquaintances.
hat to match. The 'groom's gift to Mr. J. E. Tow inspected the pule
the tbride was a ,gold crescent pct lie 8(11)001 Wedn(s'tay .and found
with Ipear)9. to the bridesmaid, a everything in .good shape.
701(1 Socket and to the groomsman. Mrs. Chas. Kingsley left \Vednes.
a pair of ';old cuff links. The many day moraine for an extended visit
Presents bestowed on 111,^. youn;
retiree were costly 1*nd useful and
evidence dhe high esteem in 'which
they me held by their many frien:i,.
The Time, extends hearty coneratu-
latime; to Dr. and Mrs. Or MO. d11'. Willktm Ruby, of 1)a,hwoed.
A very pretty' .Tune wcdilin; was Was visiline friends in Exeter syn
.olemnize(1 on Tuesday June 18tH at Sunday.
2 o'clock at the home of the bride's
Parents. when Miss Emma. daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. ,Tohn F. Brown svaa
married to 'Mr. Pero! tithable. of
Sarnia. The ceremony av:ri ;•erform
ed by Rev. •Mr. Bean. Pastor of .the
Evanzrlical church in the presence
of n number of invited :guests. The
1x11190. 1was l,cauti(1111y decorated for
the occasion, tit' decorations being
an abundance o! flowers, with a
lar;(' 'hoop encircled wit11 blue and
white laming from the ceiling. t'n•
d •r this the ceremony was performed.
The bride daintily zowned in %t•hite
I'0rsian lawn. trimmed with Vene•
liar rice and insertion and carry•
to the Niagara district visiting rel-
atives and friends.
ins n bouquet of brill 11 roe'%, looked
• char-mineitsshe entered Ili" parlor
to the ;•train% of the iveddin;
march played by 'Miss Marie Mor -
lock, and !canine on the arm of her
father alio Pr: rented her to the
groom. 9h•• 'was supported by Miss
C. Tfraun, who was zow sed in Indian
of Perth, Lanark CO.. 3r,' the izuest9 lawn. or.'r 114)1^ and cirriod a bou•
of 'their friend Miss Myrtle M.td;e. quit 11f *white carnations. Miss Myr•
'Thames Utoatl• 110 7 'u =oft nieM of I IM livid'. •Ire..r-
Jfr. A. 8. Johns. 44044 of Mr. I. rd in white silk made a very chArm-
\1'. .lobus Lr, comrle,ld Kt most in; flown ;ziii. Mr. \Vin. Drrlinz,
sncceasful course at Toronto Univxer• of Il"insloy. assisted the zroom. A[-
verily, r•lan(1107 (illi in his rias. trr 1►r crrcrn0ny ca dainty wed.linz 9
and ttiunitr; the Gold Medal. dinner awl serre.l after which Mr. i
Quite n number of our people .It. ''nes !Mrs. leinei1t loft on the train
tend'iI rt 1►e anniversary services at far •Toronto, Nis zea and 'ih'orr•'- 1
town. niter * incl: 4hey will zo In
Kirk ton on Sunday la.t ana listen- , ^
ed tin very instructive sermon., de.+Santis 10 reside. The bri+la's zein; a
livered by Rev. 1'. 1ittnilton, of \'C4. away )Iotwft Waft of black taffet t silk 1
tort. with white h -*t. The Presents hes- h
11 r. Arthur ('am tb'll i• • towed etpon Mr. tan l \ire. Humbler
1 P'ndin , were nnm(•rnus, 50st(ly and uaefnl, 0
0 feat• stays w'ilti friend% in London. ah0twinz'in 1 digr-4'4' the 417e e,tieem
liias . i_env Turnbull, Mins Helen in %x eel, Ihav are h^l l Guest• wore
Monteith And Mr.. Fletcher have t present .fr.'m New fork, Milvorton
successfully completed the 'tie -where' And otter Pi ares. The Times joins
Iraining course, They received their with the many friends in cxtcn'tinz
diploma, fast meek. eonzrahtlationa.
The Annual Picnic of 8. S. No. 2.
['Thorne. (s an event that is looted
forward Ito with a ercat deal of an-
ticipation by the youn; element of
the action and is thoroughly en-
joyed by the older people. The pic-
nic ;s 1t01d in the beautiful 'grove
of 'i i't 1. lIuttkin. whet- "very 'tr.
ranzement (s made far 1 toed lime.
Our hizhly respected teacher, Miss
Je�.ie Hamilton. is Peep-trinz lin ex-
cellent 1'rozraln of sport., for her
pupils. Besides flt.,,e ;, baseball
snitch between Dublin and Farquhar
184 11n -int arranged. There sill Ir
plenty of edible. for everyone. hon't
tad \n Lo r•t hand 'fhe'it40 i4 Fri•,
4r Juno 281h.
/Alga Annie M. licintoshl of Moth• j
,f•rn'elI, and Mises Winnifrcil Spalding
IlhL46.1halia_'ess I
Mrs. l'ol)c, of liens -111, was visit-
in; at Jolsrt Gr•aybeils on Sunday.
Mr. Oliver GI aylreil has retuieted
home after visit in; friends in Ifadaxe.
Mr. and Mrs. Kellern►ann, of Dash-
wood, were visiting friends in ✓14-
rich, on 811nday.
etre, D.►via and her son Gordon nee
visilin; ft iend.4 in Lon lore.
Mr. and Mr.. 11..1. Nichol, of illick-
son, visited friends in our villa 7e Ode
A entsiber (rout iit're al tended chil-
dreu', 117ty services 111 the 8van;01-
ical Church Zurich, on Sundry.
The trustees are busy this week
'0111113 down cement :sidewalks.
The .\lisams 1'1141 .11141 Lillie liar t.•
up'cnl sSnnd ty 11 it h friends al
'.tr. .lar. 1':iall left Liu Monday
mornin; foe 11 un11ton and Toronto
on 'business.
The Sunday School of (h_' Luther-
an Church will picnic at the Bend
to day. Cl'hurda)).
Our civic holiday vv ill be on the
25th 01 June. 1'ucadiy. On that day
the children of our public school
with their portents will picnic at the
11i.84. May Iloelgin., of the tHst of
leohen visited over Sunday at 4ha
tome of Mr. and Mr+. Ehlers.
ll r. John Stephens lost a valuable
wire last week. The animal mad:
11 -itt erupt to jump a wire fl'nwo
rid Sri .lain; -n ,Set tangled in dhe
op wires falling on her head ant
reakin; 11(44' nen. 'I lie Iror.ee WAq
310 of a matched tears for .which
\Ir. St.plrene was offered over $100.
vilrsT R=ill.
sears tl. TM RW tae Mate *!! 7$ IV!
akin; 11its Itolld:tys. ing into it very shortly.
Mr. McKroskir, of Lucknow, has A large number from here visited ; e Zt
taken the position in the Clolsotes the 8eaforlh Maces this week and re•
Bank vacated by Mr. C. Dyer. Mort 0 ;sod time.
Mr. A. II. Arnold left on Saturday Rev. !David Wren will occupy the 1 Kl d
v► it his latents in Buffalo for a pulpit of the 'Methodist church on ����
couple of weeks. 8110411)' next.
Messrs. l'ink11cy and ,runes vile• Thos" interested sin tit^ 1(0119111 Weak Etdneys, surely Dotbtto weak '
ed in Seaforlh over Sundad
y, t%niOn CentcicrY asci on \V0dn0sdAy lfer►es. The 1Kldneys likes a Heart est
Dr• Smith, of .\Blebs;:,n, is NPetid• for 'the purpo's0 of 111101;htcnin3 up AWtoach,604 their wesknees, trot la the
in; a few days (he '%hart alt his the mon)1n►er►t1 and otherwise im•
father itself, but in the nerves that eootrol and
Jt r. Alex. Smith. I proving elle grounds.
Mrs. Joseph 11o43arlh ',du riled to The Illy -law rosllcctin; the h••^rd• and strengthen them. Pr.9lwotes ReskvrstltRIP
Senforth niter e a'ndin a collide of II medicine .ryes,tslly prepared to reads
1 3in; or pasturing of the village cotwq
weeks meth friends to town. ' eanle 111 force ori Monday morale;. btotillltng is s t of$t tbeYfQpsys
Rev. E. le 'eta,. Srnilh returned on Mrs. A. \[eF:,Its, of Lne:►n, i9 vi,. Wei). e. It is t waste (d ms. sod of=mom
Saturday dram 'Montreal. rein; relatives in town this week. well" -a,
T1re many friends of Mr. James Mr. Cha% Dick late of New Mar• I! your tack aches or 11 week. 1f els 111
Sutherland will be plca9ed In hearwields,orioto(he steal..ItToo have melleelle
1 kat i9 horns' fora few di) a visitin; odBrlghLorother distressing or d5ngerps»>l�.
that be
a itlll►•`'9ew•hat recovered from • bis *mother prior to learnt; for Itri• ! owmaws. trrDr. shooallaystotWr••motltlw
tisk colurnhia. i tbor s see what Me ase
Cook Bros, are 4141, heck searing, 11 r. 1'riO.t, of Columbus, Ohio. left bb[etsfayoa DtrttptstLiquid-snre(om4asod sad
a cement floor in (1,(' Lasen,ent of
on Friday. last after nl'4n'linz a
their Inuits, and are otherwiseenakin; ; month visiting his sister. Mix. flask.
improvement,. JI r. and Mrs. Uavid Dew tion' in
M(.9r. Wcismiller sand Jl44rdock
u t u• ► 9on stand.
infant child.
Mr. Earle Zn^fle, of Seaforth vis- . ,
Jlr. Albert K11►,or, of S:u'ni.i, rr.• o'clock et the r 9idence of Mr. And
turned 4)Inlne on Friday after visit • Mi.. Win. Niefongail when their
in; this parents for it Canto, din eller. 'itis. Annie fipple teas!hstorativo
Jt r. •McDmicll .;ave Clutton a visit nested in marriage to \t r. Nelson �
n Hu n4 ,Y• Iflatchford of this town. The, sere -
Mr. nn41 1\1x4. 'Phos. i14!!?rtn.an molly Wa 4 performed by Rev. E. F. W. S. IIUWEY,
visitrd frie'n'I, in Sea forth over titin- Mel.. smith in the prcesence of a
day. lar,r' number eif invited 7ncstq. The 1 1 will mail you frog) to
ore enerie
Jlr'. V. C. llcDmiell visited In 1ap:'y couple left on the cvenin;, samples of ray 4)r, Shoopps' Resttoora♦
Clinton 'for a few (Ilya 4a.t weele trai:i for Nia;ara And other points. tive, rind my hook nn either 1)y.lrer.
Mr. W. Layton, of llruccficld spent
Blindly in 104%. ft.
Mr. William Clie.atiey'. n! So:lforth,
spent timidly the ;nest of his bro•
41)05 .tan, s.
Mr. Stc(iow1n and family, late of
Glasgow, Scotland, have moved into
the 'residence vacated by hiss liar• not lit• c,ir,0 ter k Stomach to
vey on Queen St. in 'Hamilton on Saturday last- (-U,r� inside rr'rrr.-mean ltOmacb
Mr. Harry Tn;rant epenl 8und,y Mr. and Mr•. Vrnneton left en w0ak11os4 al*r.ay.. And the Ileatte
in Clinton retire lite old ae:taint in- Monday nfternoon for their future and Kidncy9 an well, have their eon.
eel. home in i'alm•r.ton. The bort wish• trollin; or insitl'' nerves. !Weaken
A number from hero intend tak• e9 of etre i 'ople ala exten.ted with these nerves anal you inevitably havo
in; in the 1. O. O. F. excursion% to them. weak vital nr;a4u. Here is Weber*
Nla earl on Friday. Rev. 'Mr. Ming from the West
1►r. Hl,o(►ii'. Restorative Ass mad*
Owing to Ilie te•arrangement of who preached here Sabbath last tea, il. fame. No other rcrrtedy• ever
the Methodist circuits 111 iliig tine well diked both nt morning 'service elairna to treat (tut •'inside nereeq,'•
trice, 4feneali will be left without and nt the 0t'rnin; C. E. meeting. Alen for blortlin;. biliousness. Dad
Any nutaidr appointment. )lill.zro0n Mr. and Mr.. Park Attended the hrrvith or entree' •5 ,,, use Dr Khoop's
formerly on (h' feippen circuit will eightieth Ilrthday of Mr. Urquhart, iteatorativo, write 110 4o-(tsy for
h0 (lose(' and Sexsnlith will be plat- Fullartoti, (efonday h'e•
'sample and free hp Dr. Sheep.
ed on that eirrni( while Betties -le 0.
formerly nn the il0natll eirenit ;pea RI'f�CRiBE ?OR TUP, TiMES. Rarin., Wig, The ttesteratirre Is sold
by W. R. ilewey.
$xrt(r on TUOaday atfenrl,n; tl.)
o,cned'up the new ,lore on 'Monday' funeral of btr. and Mrs. W. V:1k'qP.
A gale. .,Lit pretty tted•hn' took
sled Iles,s'IU over Sunday. , user o,r Tuesday
afternoon atr. Shoop
pia, The Heart or .The Kidneys.
CRObTARTY Troubles of the Stomach, Heart or
Kidneys are merely ftymptoms of rs
deeper ailment. Don't make the
Miss Mer.Art Wilson, of Str.it• common error of elastin; eympomr•
ford. is engngeal as clerk in Mr. An• ! only. 8ymptnm treatment Ie Rreata
drews f t r t (• t
or. n prcq.n . ' in; the retnit of your ailment, and
Mrs. Tuffor4 return^d to her home t nerve.