Exeter Times, 1907-06-20, Page 3MUTINY OF RED IIIISSAIIS carious Disaffection in the Czar's Favorite Regiment. A despatch from St. retersburg; says: ed by direct political agitation, but was the results of the loosening of all tate bends of discipline duo to the present tong -Brawn crisis. The soldiers are vaguely dissatisfied, but they don't know i' ac11v what they w tilt. Bence nnar- c Ity is more probable that a swift, ca•an-cut military revolution. The sin- gular fact HMO these mutinies Ls that they occur in the regiments most close - The existence of serious disaffection !y connected with tite Czar. The ttus- Carrie to light when Colonel Molostvuff, stirs are even dearer to him than was commanding the regiment, ordered the the Preobranjensky Regiment, fur the punishment of several soldiers, but the Czar served in the sixth squedeon, and other s.,ldiers refused to inflict it. They at ttte last regimental fete spoke most also refused to shout the usual salute- feelingly of how proud he felt at being tion to they coniunnder on parade. entithal to wear the uniform of the The upshot of the affair was the ar- famous regiment. rest on Monday at '1'sarskoe-Selo of the cenimaandei' of the "fled Ilussars," General 1'ctnivo Svlovo, aide-de-camp tC and personal friend of the Czar. The C;eneral wus conveyed to St. Peters- burg and placed under domiciliary ar- rest in the \\'inter Palace. The fourth squadron of the regin eret has been de'pr•ited of the privilege of carrying the regimental (seers. All the officers have been arrested, and the regiment will probably 1,e transfe nod to Melviet, where the Japanese prisoners lived, and wanee tt.+) 1'reobrajeeshy Regiment was sent Inst year by way of punishment. A series of courts-martial will follow in clue course. From personal investigations it is concluded that the mutiny was not cans. tat technically was a mutiny, close- ry resembling the mutiny of the I'reo- bra:ensky Regiment just before the dis- solution of the Dunia last year, has occurred in the ranks c,f the Lifer Hus- sars, better known as Ilia "Ited flus- sars," at Tearskoe-Selo. N.\\'A1. MUTINY "l11111:.V1'ENS. A despatch to a London news agency lroin Sebastopol says that Vice -Admir- al \Vireo, who recently was appointed successor of Admiral Skrydle►ff, in com- mand of the Bieck Sea fleet, has sifted cut and arrested the disaffected sea- men at thnat port and placed 600 of there on Ixiard a cruiser, under a strong guard of the Pragski Regiment. Additional arrests rests are being made, and it probably will be ntcessery to fit out arlotlr,•r penal cruiser. The seamen .;f the fleet are exasperated, because no charges have been preferred against the arrested mon, and it Ls said that a mu- tinous outbreak is likely to occur. MONTREAL'S FIRE: LOSSES. Nearly Three Million Dollars In the Peet Six Months. A despatch from Montreal says: Tttero was received at the City flail on Wed- nesday a striking document from the Fire Underwriters' Association, saying that on account of great lire losses by insurance companies these cornprmie. had decided to curtail the amount •,f insurance that would rte given to the public. '!'tris step was necessary In or- der to give a better safeguard to the companies. The document also calla upon the city to at once take steps to have all wires in the city placed in un- derground mritluits. Special experts have proven ie the underwriters that many fires are due to the danger of overhead wires, etc. 'fht' report, which also touches upon other inipw,rtnnt mat- ters, says that the Untlerevril•'r.;' Asso- cintion. after nstectt research. have rea- son to believe that seine of the recent disastrous fires in the city are due to fe•rLive wiring. The report also Mates tt:at during the past six months fire in - MR. (.IWF:Nw.ty'3 SALE. Famous Breeding Farm at Cr st;tl City, Man., Will Soon be a Memory. A despatch from Crystal City, Mani- toba. says: "Prairie Rune," which for nearly twenty years has been with breeders of Shorthorns and Ayrshire curtly, Berkshire and Yorkshire swine, and with many hundreds of people with only a sensational interest in pure-bred stock rt name to conjure with, i.; no longer at breeder's farm. Ilon. Thornes, Greenway, whose name has for, these years been associated with the great farm as owner and eele'cter of sonie of the greatest prize -winners, not only in the Province, but on the conti- nent, on Thursday held his fifth an- nual sale. 'This sale marked the disper- sion of the "Prairie Home" herd. llence- f.,rth "Prairie Houle" exists only in a same that is a memory, or is being perpetuated in some of the superb ani- mals that have passed (tut from the grates eef the fumy that has ht•en the glory tet Crystal City and district iter su:rnncu losses in the cit have been long. "Prairie Horne'' has been the Mecca for thousands who wished to close upon three million dollars. 'Ills view the stock that has won the high. raers seven dollars per capita of po- pulation. Such losses, it is claimed. besides bring enormous in the extreme, are unnecessary. - 27 ROUSE:S DE:aTROyI:D. Conflagration at 51. Iles mond -Y hole Villnt;e Was Threatened. A despatch from (nrei e says: The I'riri-h of St. itaynmond, County of Poi t Neuf, atM,ut thirty miles from this city. was on \Vednct-day afternoon yisit*'1 by a conflagration which, for a time. threalert'•d to wipe out .the village. A fire started at Dire end of the village tile) ut 3 p.rn.. when three houses were destroyed and 21 horsess, wllileathis flee was still burning another fire started ab ent half a mile further west, on tri main street of the village. A detach- ment et the Quebec fire lerigado was bent by avp'ccial train to St. Raymund anti stiMeetltevl in controlling the fire, but not before :1 private residences were completely destroyed. For a liner' great fear eas anticipated tear the saf- e1of the church. as the second house from the Pi'esln•lery fell a prey to the flumes. The Quebec and local fire de-- ,.'irttnt'nts rettinined at work all night. STitIK1:RS 1.1111:1► IN 1111: .tilt. They Inlin,idarted ♦len 11'nrkinit at fort Arthur. A despatch fr.un Port Arthur says: The Canadian Net thorn Italia ay brought cue hundred and sixty men Hun Win- nipeg on Wednesday morning to .e• place in part lib longsttoren&'n now fait nn strike. After working about two l.eurs telly of them went 001 t'llh the 6trikers. The remainder, together with a few t►dht•1'o are now working the yes. lets nl these wharves. About 10 o'clock on Tuesday night a number of the slrik- e^rs tv.'nt over to Canadian I'ncilic Rail - t•: ay shed No. 5, where the steamer (:e'runnn was unloading. and threaten- ed to shoot any man who continued work en her. After a few shop were fi'eei in the nir the teen quit. Tti.'y turned up next morning, however. and work is proceeding as fast as possible. At the Canadian Pacific Midway sheds they are so congested with freight that until they can get men to Maul the cars out the discharging 01 vessels will be very slow. None hal Greeks and Itali- ans at there at the present time. Itl'1tiN(:1 iE:1.n•gi tl t1(►It I►IN►N NI:11. MS Morse Slt'Jgs'dl Off Submerged �itt11e. Throaintl Ilint Into Creek. :t despaMh from Springfield, Il►s.. sats: Mayor David S. tiritflhs of this city, was drutyncd and Fine (thief Peter Jr,ce,t►s narrowly escaped a similar fat.' on Wednesday afternoon by their ht res stepping oft a submerged bridge ten nines eouihweet of this city while they were crossing a creek to attend a fish- ing party. The 1►t ily ryas l(44 cr1'•1. Mayor Griffiths was horn it Ilane;lton, Ontario. on May :i. 1873. his mother. John Griffiths. h tv.ng been there MC/ a tisit to her parents, rid children. '.-t horrors at Winnipeg. 'Toronto and Duthie.. The splendid barns are still here, and these with the broad acres rind rit-i,tuo of 11se stock, will forth- with be dt.posed of. ltII'OItJ 4 Ill ;I1i-;lt ; I I'OR7:s LOWEll Trade InertasP for April and May Eleven Millions. A despatch from Ottawa says: Can- nda :s trade figures for the first Iwo months of the present fiscal year, reel- ing May 30 last, show an increase of no less than 811,903,790, and nearly 25 per cent. in the value of the iniporls, as compared with April and May e•f 1K4. Imports for May alone were $33,935,525. en Increase of 87.275,564. This largely increased importation na- turally resulted in n corresponding in- crease of revenue from duties. For the Iwo menthe ttte duties collected totalled 8a•588,690. an increase of 81,533,261 over the corresponding period of last yenr. 011 the other ti;,nt1, the exports Chew a considerable falling off. due largely :c the Iatene is of the opening of spring navigation and the kmg;sttor•emen's strike at Montreal. Exports for the two months totalled *.10,9s,349 a de- crease of 85.226,892 from last year. The decrease for May alone was 81.8,40,097. Exports of products of the forest de- creased 8717,281; animals and their pit)• duce. 8423.335; agriculture, 8928.,;15. For the two months the decrease in ng- riculturnl products was $2,507,276; the, pr.etlucls of the mine increased 86.34,331. 'late tole, trade for the two months was SO -.,539, 739, an increase of $16.676.898. ItF:1'1►1.1 I:It 11 tS 11 tNI)1. 1 t11'et1►1%11e 11 "nr+n I:ha►ses a thiriilar and secures His Arrest. A despatch from Iteginn says: in the .Supreme Court. on Thursthty, ,Mathies Greenstein was found guilty of burglar- icusly hrenking into the house of Mrs. Ambler of Qu'Appelle on May 25. \ti Ambler stated that she had slept tvilh n loaded revolver under her pillow far twenty years. When Gruenstein's pres- ence in the house was detected Mto ehnsell the ninn out of the house set the point of her revel' er. She follow- ed hire into the street. mut succeeded in rousing Constable (Mass, who arrest- ed the tnnn. Sentence was deferred. K II.I .I:1► (11' 1.14:I I I N I NC:, Bolt Tears Clothing Off tl;,,,'. Near %u: Ih It dire•(„rd. % ale►.�paatrtt front N•.rtlt it it1kford. Sask.. says: %With Ills wife watching turn through the window. Frantaits Grosjenn, rancher, living !hely miffs northeast of her.'. vas instnnt'v killed by a bolt of lightning on Salunlay af- ternoon. Ile wee brought here kr burtal. Grisjean was leading a horse when tho a•-c►,Ient oeciir•red. The horse was knocked hown, led recovered. The boll literally !ere the clothing from Grosj.,an.s body. The dead man aas 55 years old, married. and hid five sons. Hods THE WORLD'S MARKETS DEPORTS FitoM nut LEADING MAI IC CENTRES. 'nets of Cattle. Grain, Ghee» an/ Ouse Dalry Ptro#iuee at Noon and Abroad. Toronto, June 18. ---Fleur - Ontario wheat 90 per ccitt. patents are quoted at 83.35 to 53.45 in buyers' sacks out• Toronto Street Itailway earnings for seeiin lir export. Manitoba first pat- May were $27'),773.12. t,.1s, 84.75; second patents, 81.20 to flans are being prepared for a new $1.30, and strong h:tket�', i1t15 to $1.25. wing to the Provincial Parliament build - Wheat -No 1. Manitoba hard is quote ilig.s. cd tit 95,'.',c lake ports; No. 1 Northern Hamilton Bonn! of Education has in - at 9334e, and No. 2 Northern at Mc. On- creased teachers' and caretakers' sal- tarin wheat is steady, wall No. 2 quot- aril's. tel at 88 to 89c outside. The 1. ('. R. will hereafter be known Corn --No. 2 American corn is quoted (:nsunaJathe. ".1. ft. C." Interc.,lonial Railway, at 613L 'Toronto, lake and rail Bran -Prices nominal at $19 to $20 The Duluth, Rainy Lake and Winnl- c,utside in bulk; shorts are quoted at peg Railway tuts begun erecting its 821' to 821 outside. bridge across itainy River. CALI. BOARD. Eighteen restaurant keepers at \Vin - Oats --No. 2 white offered at 46c out- nepeg were fined 81 and costs each for Side, without bids. selling 011 Sunday. 1)r. R. W. Bell, Provincial Health In- spector, reports many cases of small - fele in Leeds and Grenville counties. The Montreal Street Railway Com- pany will give the poor of tho city free rales in special cars during the hot tnu1111Ls. It is said that an offer well rip in the millions has been made the Government foe the mineralized portion of the Gil- kes limit. It is proposed to store some 60,000 tons of coal in Saskatchewan during this summer to prevent another fanl- ine next winter. The O'Boyle Brothers' Construction Co., of North Bay, have been awurdet1 the contract for the Teniiskanting Rail- v:ay stores building at that place. 'lite earnings of the London and Part Stanley Rallway for 1906 total $143,736.06, and London receives ten per cent. on all receipts above 8847.000. Mrs. William Allbright, "prophetess,' has warned the .Mayor of Vancouver to "come out and bring the people, as there will be a tidal wave and moun- tain eruptions." A hobo fitted himself quarters in a small steam yacht shipped on the C. P. R. from Montreal to Seattle and rode across the continent unnoticed. The bodies of Samuel Rankin and Mrs. Patterson. both old residents of Stratford, were found in the water on Ilhu4xfay. Meth had cornnitttedi sui- c!de at different places and titne:s. A number of hay dealers of Montreal have entered suit in the Exchequer Court to collect 8310,0011 for tray ship- ped by tht•tn to South Africa during the war and not taken by the Government. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS i UAl'?ENINGS 'nom Alf rnF.n TIW GLOBE. Telegrapttl ; Briefs From Our One aa/ Other Countries of Iteuol Events. CANADA, COUN"I'IRY PttOI)UCE. Apples --Good to alnico Winter stock, $..50 to $3.50 per bbl. Beans -Hand-picked quoted at $1.50, and primes at 81.35 to $1.40. phoney --Strained quoted at 11 to 12e per Ib., and comb honey at 82 to 82.50 per dozen. Ilny-No. 1 timothy Is caviled at 814 1, $15 here, and No. 2 at $12 to $13. Straw -$7 to 87.50 a ton oil tract. here. Potatoes -Ontario, 81.15 to 81.20 per nag on track, and Net; Brunswick, $1.30 per bag. 1'o u l try -Turkeys, chickens, alive, 12c 9e. alive, 12 to 13c; per Ib.; fowl, 8 to TILE DAIRY MARKETS. Rutter -Pound rolls are quoted at )8 le 20c; tubs nornilal at 18 to 19c., large rolls are. quoted at 18c. Creamery prints sell at 21 to 23c, and solids at 20 to 215;c. Eggs --Case lots sell at 175; to 18c a doz. Cheeses --Large are quoted at 13c per it'., and twins at 133 to 13},e. IIOG I'1iODUC1'S. Bacon -Long clear, 11 to 113. o per M. in case lots; mess pork, 821 to $21.- 56; short cut, 823 to $23.50. Hams -Light to nledirun, 15%c; do., Leavy:, 143' c; rails, 11 re; should►'rzs, Ile; backs. 16';c; breakfast bacon, 15'/,c. Lard -Tierces, 12%e; ; hills, 12'-,c; pails, ,a e. BUSINESS A'1' MOV fl1E:\i.. Montreal, Jeune 18.-Grain-\fanitobn, No. 2 white, 49,144: Ontario, No. 2 at 49c; No. 3 at 48c; No. 4 at 47e per bustl- e: ex More. Flour--(:Iloice spring wheat patents, 85.10 to 85.20; seconds, SON) to $1.60: Winter wheat patents, t•045; straight rollers, $1.10 to 84.25• dee. in lings. 81.50 to $2; extras, $1.60. Feed -Manitoba bran. in bags, 821; sherts 822 per ton; Ontario bran in bag.821 le $21.50; shore, 822 to 822.50; milled niouille, $24 to 82.8 per ton, and straight groin, 830 to $32. Provisions -Barrels, short cut mess, $22 to $2.2.50; half-har- rels, $11.25 to 811.75; clear fat back. UNITED STATES. $23.50 to $24.50; long cut heavy macs, '1'Ire operators of lit,' Western Union 820.50 to 821.50; half -turrets do., $10.75 Telegraph Company are threatening to 10 811.50; dry salt, long clear Jenson. strike. 1n% to 11'4c; barrels. Plato beef. 811 fn The longshoremen at New York have $16; half -barrels do., 87.50 to 85._':►; cecicted to return to work on the best ticavy mess beef, 81U; half-bnrrels do., terms obtainable. S5.55o; compound lard, 103 to 10%c: Japanese in the United States binnte jure lard, 12',' to 12%c; kettle rendered, the German Emperor for the race t1,0u- 13 to 13';ct hams, 14 to 16e; brenkittst bles in San Francisco, bacon, 14% to 15c; Windsor bacon, 15y, A big white cat is the loving foster to 1Gc; fresh killed. abattoir dressed neither of four Ralinntin pup'pie's in hogs. 810; alive, $7.25 to 87.10. Eggs a New York lire station. --17% to 114y,0. Butter -Township. John M. Parker. who says he is from 20; to 20'1c: Quebec. 20; to 203;(; Tt,ronto, has confessed to the I'hiladel- Ontario, 20e; Western dairy. 18 to 18jc. p Ilia police that he is n burglar. (:bees,' --Western, 114c. At Winstead, Conn., three cows ,ate hear Lly of grass on w hieli had been 1'N 1'1'1:1) SFA'I'F.s \IARKI:7'S. emptied some paris green. Tttey died. Two women were killed and three other persons were seriously hurt in 1111 automobile accident in indinnapoli=, Intl. ' The united States Government has of- fered Britain the same trade comes. c .ion( ;ts were given Germany by the recent agreement. Carrie Nation. alter haranguing{ a cr;►wl in front of n down -town saloon em \\ ,ashingtnn, was arrested for being disorderly. 011teial statements from the Iowa crop 4crvice place the Iowa crops from 17 to LIVE S'rO(:K \LtltKl:l'S. 1R per cent, behind their condition n year ago at this lime. Toronto. June 1R. --Expert (rade ,,ta- Because his mother had spanked quiet. but with it continued good de- tains, Calif McCoy. aged eleven years, n,nnd for heavy, well-finish/al sleek. ,Ilea and instantly kilted her nI their fleece quality sold bean 85.30 to 85.9,. farm. nine miles north of Bassett, nut picked cattle were sold al stilt. hiezh- Neb. er prices. thre extra fine steers, weigh- President Roosevelt. speaking to the' ing nllogeliler about 4,700 las„ bringing Nelionnl Editorial Aesoeialion at alines. ' I` `n• tt wn, urged the necessity of changes in I:ute•tter enttle were tittered freely. Die system of lexnlic,n and in the utlli-- .feto quality soli! at from 85.60 to $5.'S. ;ng t E nnturnl resources. e Oh a few cattle pleked from citeie-, Tr•s ing; lo port two men who were i•,nds selling around lite $t, mark. (keel fighting. Father John A. Clnr•k, rector tentinary Welters' sold frena $5.10 to of the I:n1both' ehurrh nt Collinsville, Aeon. Medium, $3 to 85.25; choice Conn.. was set upon by both and his easy' sold from $!..'►t1 to $1.75; common skull fractured by their blows. cel\y+. sc:3 to 8.1.41►. With five children de'pernfely ill Stocker: of g0U to 1100 Ms. were in de- with , ear•let fever and one dead, her- e and nt 81 to $1,50; lightweights sold hent Whitney n Christinn Scientist lis- nt :3.25 to 83.75. ing nrnr Concord N.11.• has refused to \Inch cows o ere firer at $1.i to 860 nllow them to be attended by a physi- fie choice and 825 to 830 for eontrnon. clan. Vent calves were steady at 3c to Gc pet Ib. Sheep tied Iambs were firm and slight - 1•: higher. The market for hogs Is easy, blit quo- tations are unchanged at $6:10 for s, !eche GREAT The retirement of Lord t)uncl•-nnld from the British Army has been an- nounced. Crop reports from Europe indicate that the wheat yield will be greater than at first expected. The first- reading of the amendment le. the British North America act ren- dered necessary by the agreement to increase Provincial sul,.sidies was pass- ed in the British Clouse of Commons -,n Thuya lay. Duluth, .Tune± 18. -Wheat -No. 1 hard. 164c; No. 1 Northern. 953ic; No. 2 Northern, 9t7,;t•; July, 95 ',c; Sept., 0SKie: Ik'c.. 9t e. Minnen1M-,1is. Jure 1R. -Wheat -- July, 95)%c; September, 94340; No. 1 hard, tte' rte .19': No. 1 Northern. 97,.E 1„ 9$c; No. 2 Northern, 95% to 96%e: Ne,. 3 Northern. 93 to Ole. Flour - First [intents, 85 to $5.10; second paten►,. $4.90 to *5; first Owe. 8.3.55 to $3.1.:,: Second clears. 82.75 to $2.85. ilran in bulk, $16 to 816.'25. 1.11‘11111:111.%1N .t'1' Itllt\IIN1.11 t11. (:t,11►p.ar.alt11a% a (.real SIM" 1, 110 His Friend.. 1 the p:a' teem Birmingham. Eng- land. says. \Ir. and Mr-. Joseph (.karn- terlain arr.: rd here on Thursday from Landon. The health of Mr. t:hammer• lain is Improving. but his comparative te'iplessneee was n great ehnck lo hie friends who assembled nt the railrmnd station to meet him. All irate were raised in respeettul silence as his car- riege drove away. rd:NI:lt.\r.. The Kaiser is to meet the Czar dur- ing a summer trip in :-ieandinavin. The President of Nicaragua has de- nied that his State hits deeiared war on Guatemala. Walter Vols, a wall -knew it Stt ist tra- veller. hue leen hurtled to death by na- tives in Liberia. Twenty eight pa'ssengcrs were drown- ed by nee 1. iim -ring of a French sI. amcr off the itarbatk,s. The teller dosses of Tokio fake no stock in the elarinist cries over the San i'rant;isa, (roubles. 'Hie French (.ioternment has t'(fer,d (., renut their initd taxes he fide )e.ers to the revolting wine grower,. Louis Voile!, n Frena, fi.ht•rne:,n. . as p.icktd up off the N'rwtuundlr+nd I►tltikz, after teeing two Weeks ;chlor in Lettets patelli establishing the (ie - JAMAICA AGAIN SIIAKEN len Violent Earthquake Throws Down Newly Erected Walls. A despatch from K,ngeton, Jamaica, says: A violent earthquake occurred at 1.20 a.m. here on Thursday. It was the first in six weeks and canto from the southeast. It was especially severo at fort Itt'yal, destroying the walls ('f the temporary buildings under con- struction. The violent slaking caused a panic tuue,ng the troops there. and in the dash for the open forty Men of the Royal Garrison Artillery and !loyal Engineers v.ero injured. Eleven of them ‘ver'e seri- ously hurt and fifteen are in tho temple tat. 7'he psnic was intensincd by a curi- ous turbulence of the ,sea near the coast. en paces, three extra fine steers, weigh - were injured at Uppack camp it a sirni• lar dash to the Open. Nu Casualties are repelled lHuong civilians. A despatch fro:n Santiago, Chile, says: A severe earthquake was experi- enced on Thursday at Valvivia. Sev- eral buildings and the railroad bridges there were destre;yett and tivo persons were killed. Vaiviyia is on 11tc seacoast, about 500 utiles south of Valparaiso. It has a population of 10,000. tinge River Colony on exactly the same basis as the 'Transvaal have been is- sued. The Berlin 'Tageblatt says it learns that the French Japanese treaty con- tains a clause guaranteeing the open door in China for all mations. r JIELD FAST, FATALLY SCt1.UED. Terrible fate of an Engineer at Olsen Sound Cement 1Vorks. A despatch from Owen Seine! says: A terrible fatality occurred here in Thursday afternoon by the upsetting of the portable crane used at the Imperial Cement (bit pang's mills fur handling coal and marl. Engiitecr Harvey Frank was the sole operator of the machine, and, while no one saws theenccident un- til the crash (nine, (rem the condition of the apparatus after the accident, it was quite evident that Ire had dropped the },room at too low an angle, and :n turning at a rapid rale the momentum had overthrown the crane. hruuk WAS inside the house, and was caught by some plates and held in such a posi- tron that the steam from a broken con- nection enveloped the upper pillion t f he; t►cxly, literally pariesilitsg hip, and getting drown his throat into his lungs, hastened his death, which occurred a short limo after his renewal to the hos- eital. He was about 32 year; of ago and leaves a widow and three small children. 1NIi.i.ION FOR 7'IMiBE:R LIMITS. '► New York S. ndirate :tfter Properly in the }fest. A despatch from . St. Jolrn, N. B., says: Negotiations have been in progress for some time through a .St. John bro- ker for the sale of one of the most valu- ntole tracts of limber land in British Gemlike. The land is situated on Gra- ham Mand, one of the (charlotte group, ea the coast, and includes seventy- eight square miles, every foot of which covered with magnificent timber. Tho land runs all round the shores cf Madan Harbor, none of the limber be- ing more than two miles from water. It has been surveyed Three limes of !rite, rend is estimated to contain 1,500,000.- tof1 feet of limber. including spruce, fir and he►nl'e1•k. The hind Is 11044' owned I+y a nu►nht'r of \' astern Canadians. I'ecently a New York syndicate has been negotiating for it, and on Thursday made an offer of one million dollars cash. The syndicate has also put down fifteen thousand dollars for a three - months' option to permit of a final sur- vey. This offer will be accepted. 11.t 1'Oit S(:11111TZ G1.11.TY. San Frew -he -0's Chief of i•:Net•ulivt, (:ontieted of Extortion. • A despatch from San Francisco says: \i;►ye.r• Eugene S•airn11, was on Thurs- day night found guilty of extorting rueeney (nom keepers of French restau- rants in This city. This Ls the first for- mal conyiclic'n in the anti -graft c•11n,- praien inaugurated several months ego. Abe Ituet. who was indicted ler simi- lar t,ffenres, pleaded guilty to the charges and nppenred as a witness against Schmitz. \\'hen the verdict was a»tIounced Schmitz sat unmoved, with his left hand to his chin. Ile npp;,rently did not un- derstand, and asked Barrette "\\ het 1, il.'' "Guilty." said Harrell. ttra.,t-r.'s hent (he ppett to the table, but he ..how. ed no other sign of en►utiein. 111:1‘1:1t 11O111:s 1_i: til 1:‘11111..4. refusal on any more loans. MILLIONS FOR COFFEE GERMAN BUNKERS IIELP fftZlL TO MARKET THE CROP. They Loan 810,000.000. Which firings the Brazilian Coffee States Fund to 895,000,000. Another loan has been made, amount - Ing to *10,000,000. in furtherance of the plan of leading coffee merchants of this cc un pry and Europe to assist the coffee Slake of Brazil in prolltably market - fog the great crops of coffee raised with- in the last year or two. As was the cure in previous loans, fhe money is paid directly to Sao Paulo, one of the coffee Stales, but In- stead of the loan being made with cof- fee as collateral, the bankers 'linking the loan have taken over on lease the Soracnbana hallway Company, one (•f the most important railroads of Sao Paulo. it was announced in the coffee trade yesterday that the most recent len in connection with the coffee plan was made by the Dresdner Bank of Ger- many. NINETY-FIVE MILLION. Adding the $10,000,000 now pledged through the lease of the railroad, the coflte Slates of Brazil have now raised •the enormous sure of 895,000.000 in pur- SI trace of the plan to irnprovo the coffee trade of Brazil. It is also lenrned from local members of the syndicate that there are now held as collateral 7.500,- 000 bags of coffee. Of this amount Hamburg, New York and London mer- chants and bankers hold 6,000,000 bags, and still more is to be bought from the funds raised by the loan made by the Ilresdner Bank. \VAS NATi0N:\I.IS\f. The plan, in fact, has evoked hostile criticism from many leading banking interests of Europe, afro assert that the scheme is impracticable and a breach t f economic laws. Nevertheless the federal Congress of 13rnzil recently received a message front the !'resident of the republic containing the information that the coffee question was a national issue and not simply a question of the coffee States. Tho Pre- eident.s message also stated that :he federal government would indorse and puarantee air the coffee Steles to she amount of 875,000,000. whiett was agreed up;.n and was enacted into law in August last. 2.000.000 BAGS SlORi:11. According to !fernier) Sielcken :he syndicate formed! ',r iginnlly arn',ng mer- chants to assist the el.ffee trade of Bra - PI and incidentally to bolster the de- clining market has now taken 6,000,000 Dregs of coffee as collateral for advan-e.s in cash made to the pt•icipal coffee Stott'. \\ h.,•n the first lean on coffee was made in behalf of the severe! Stales, 000,000 tags were stored in this city, Bremen, Hamburg, and other centres where the coffee merchants, members et the syndicate, had warehouses. It e as subsequently found necessary to it.crcase this nutrient of coffee, as the removal of 2,000,01)0 bags from the mar- ker hncl no appreciable effect in odva'u-- ing prices. Additional advances were trade frorn time to lune and new syndi- cates firmed. and it is now stnted that fully 6.000.000 bags nye Held by n score or more of coffee importers and mer- chants of this country and Europe. LEASE: OF It.tIL\WAY CO. The Scttroeders of London and the Nation City Hank brought out a coffee loan several months ego and had the Ther nest Schroeder leonn amounted to Decrease for 'rtelee 11„rril,• ttlraimed 11'000,000. Wiwi) the present loan. to Set erity of 1% infer. ► r•ornpleted yesterday. was broached to A despatch from Ottawa says: Home. these interests it is understood that steed entries for the twelve "mitts trey waived (heir right to mnke a fur - stead April 30 last totalled 34.19. For Cher loan. with the result that the Weed- ending preceding{ twelve menthe the Hurn- ner Brink financed the tr•nnsnctkan, rand ler of homesteads taken up was 40,- (x)8. The decrease of 5eila in the num. her of entries ter the pnst year as com- pared on the twelve nw nabs ending tpril, 19t16. is attributed in part to the 'muslin! severity it the Winter, and in part to the lack of adequate irnnspor- Irdtion facilities in the sections of the wintry open to I,'-►nestendere. C't\rink\ I:tl"11.1: �liur. instead of coffee as collateral took so t'r on a lease the Soracnbnna itnil4t:,y Company. Sne Paulo, anus► of the'prineipal eroffec Sfnte., MRs new advnnced $5 a hag cn 'er►4si,(ain ting,,s of et -(toe. and has raised altogether nirfut 835.000.000 in various loans. The Siete of Rio has raisedt 810,- 000010, and it is understood font the (Perm gco•crnrne'nt of lentil has gurus 'mice(' n loan of $10,000,000 to one of the coffee states. (lytic,!!' h. tnrd•r.e:an %'l. p It:,titlacrs E'.tTtI. •i-1 111.1:T ('til (11 ta' tI. don .tll►erla fl'intui tr.. On • Killed. 1t.ehe tired. in Collision A despatch (►earn \t• I ine 1lat..1lhelr Ia. says: Serart. .\ .•n. of the R.N.• Near 1.1nd,nttc1- \\ .11.1'.. has reported from the Willow A despatch ft1,rn \ to^.o,lyer, B. c.. (re k detachment on the boundary Zine tiny:: in a collision between two ate that it ler a number of C Hund, 1 g nn cattle turban ears it mile and a half firm the t.aa%I' been shat down by Anweican sheep! (ay nt 6 c►'clr►'k on \\'cdlnr: •l.ty, J. rr,nchers �n'th of Wild fierce r.:tt, •. A I lir'(:all, of New \Westminster, was killed, 1 nook to the number ref 151► w. re the $ end four Irwin/ate three Chinamen. ina, Ballets. 'Hwy Wert' steel on Milk + told meetlive %%lute Crely- injuMdl. Ret t r. The outrage has been, reported Sense naay die. The nsott,:,rnetr oyer- t't 1h • li.Y.•W.tt.l'. hendqunrl.ra where inn inn their orders. Both (*sirs ttt're 4 - (relit i .ales are Iv/ nig I:dken I- inatr- en►t:'ishe•d1, Itrtl thrown down a sixty-foot,gurnte a tho,ough inteenaat:e,til. embankment. l flttnt. RAVAGES OF GREEN BUG COSTING UNITED STATES F.t,Rt11si1e/ MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Southern t%bea! Growing States Ilan a New Peet -Loss to Farmers 89,0110,008. What beast, bird or insect in the United .States bus the most expenstvo appelite" At first thought one might say an elephant, or perhaps a goat, when he goes in for old Engiish tapestries c•r greenback currency. Yet neither of those animals nor any other that can be named. is costing as much to feed as an insignificant filth+ ga'ecu hugs which i, just now disninyang the farmers of 'Texas Kansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Indiana and Iowa, :tnd is up- setting the busines.s interests of the! East. Thr' appetite of the g;rnin•aphis ---teele I,ieally the toxoptera graminunt but rt:r all practical purp.)sea just plain Green plug -is costing ilie farmers of the Unit - el States nttlliuii: of dollars. \VHEA'i' \\'ITHF.IIS. When tho farmers of Kansas and Ok- lallarna, in April, noticed that their wheat was withering on the stalk, they at first attributed the trouble to the ra- tter excessive cold weather. investigation, however, revealed that wheat in other equally cold sections was not affected, and it was found that wherever such trouble was a multitude c' insects, so small they would hardly he detected by a asual observer, wero found a1see After W. D. Hunter, of the United Slates Department of Agriculture, re- pe:rtcd last January that the green bug was destroying growing wheat in Tex- as, the department decided it was time to make his acyuaintance and prepare fo • hitn. So F. M. Webster, in targe of the cereal and foreign -plant inveetl- g ttionS for the government, set out to study hint. Mr. Webster found that the bug was fist described from Bologna, Italy --in 1S52, and that ten years later its press- ence in America was for the first limn discovered. According to the Italians, reports, the bug had been so thick in the .(beets of 13e►logna as to cati.S0 111e profile great annoyance. FIItST IN AMERICA. I.ittle notice of hire wits taken when he first made his appearance in Ameri- ca, but when, in 1884, he was found in great abundance on wheat near Cabin John, Maryland, and sivaullatieenisly !n Indiana, Mr. \Vebster mode his n'.- g11inlance. The official is of the opinion that out• breaks of Use pest. in Europe and America are erratic. The bug sudden- ly appears in immense swarms in fields of grain in the spring,►, ruins the crop over large areas of country and doesn't appear again in destructive numbers for, perhaps, many years. On such occasions there seems to oe some mysterious fact whicit accounts f. r its rapid propagation. Where there were but ,1 few, suddenly great sonans infest the air, alight upon the wheat, turning whole fields of thrifty grain in- to brown, dwarfed plants that 1►roduco no heads. or else, reaching a height of not more than six or eight inches, have heads that are foreshortened and nearly devoid of grain. f�ORTIIEfiXMOf.\fit'. So hardy are they thSTat itl is I►ehovcd they breed as far r►c,rth as St. Louis and (;incinnati during the tv1ulo win- ter. though the eggs laid in the fall in such cold temperatures probably re- main unhatched until spring. Young green bugs develop to adults, rind themselves begin to reproduce within the space of a week, so that in fevornhle weather several generhtions may he fully represented in the some, territory by young of all ages, the dinged and wingless feiva$ s. The common lady bug is a great de- stroyer of this green pest. Piofeeser E. Dwight Sanderson, while at the 'Texas experiment station, carne to the concl1Lsit,n that to Texas the natureal encnlit c of the green hang ordinarily destroy .licit large numbers .,f the pest as to hold it in check. Said \Ir. Webster: "We really know far too little of Ilaia pest to be able to deal with it sati,fne- tt.rily. It would seers that the later in the fall the grain were sown the less at- traction there would be for the peat le invade the fields in the fall. tate sow- ing, Then, is Mout the only preventa- tive measure that can he suggested. ROLLING \\'11.1. HELP. "Elul," he ndds, "1t is pie -sopa, that a greet many of the aphides could le•' destroyed by roiling the fields as soon es the pests Appear on the leaves in any considerable numbers. "Brushing over the fields with a brush drag rnnde by fastening the ends of limns or bushes yen hold's rnnde In ,t rail, or piece of hyo -by -four inch tim- ber. might also pr ive beneficial." Ile else suggests dusting that fl'-t'ts with slaked lento nt n time when the pest Is clustered en the leap e';. EVIDENCE. "Toil married a hero, didn't you?" "Why, t didn't know it; what act of heroism slid he ever perform 7" "Ile married you." _ -.4, QUESTION. George: "Pnpa, who is (lint fenny laking ratan 7 yaps : '"Phut, my son. is Mr. Snaith. tie is a self-nr,tde 10110." i;corge : "1\'nc he sal:stied when he'd finished, papa 1'' it's dbm»lIIt t.-� r nrle•r,larid \' by 501110 tuvn eat brans fe,ntt. I:gtltiisnl is the gluo that enables 3 elan to utumself. Rm;vnget "1stsayck. Jomnaphis, can ynu tett mo who ons the grenteet financier (Air hived?" J•►nes-"Na, 1 rani." Rmwn -- "�'ell. 11 was Nc.atl.'' J'.nes---•'flow in 5.11, mnko nt o+it"'" wn- "\Vett, Noalt w,+s Ihmole to feint ni company when the whole 44 orhi was Itroin Ifgtridt►. lion. Sect"