HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-06-20, Page 2YOUNG
Robby has given, nurse the slip at
that, and run out to ask oho organ -
grinder to let hila turn the inutdle "all
his own self," and make the tunes
oontc. "Oh, do let me!—do let me,
Monkey -elan!" 'Ciro Italian smiled; he
knew that curly, fluffy head, and the
nursery -window. where it belonged,
well enough. "Conte," said he, turn.
Ing the organ niund. But, at bobby's
• wistful pleading, the man stood still
Just a minute and let hint turn the cov-
eted handle.
The road led to the stalton, and many
city men were hurrying to their trains.
tine slopped and stared.
"Good gracious, Bobby!"
"Father, Father!" cried the gay little
voice, "when !lobby grows up he is go-
ing to be a monkey -man!'
"1 take him home! Take him home
d'rectky, sir," said the Italian.
A keen look into the man's face, and
Father smiled. A sixpence found its
way into the organ -grinder's hand, and
Bobby had no difficulty in finding his
v -ay horse, for Father picked him up
and ran all the way back with hint.
"Nurse. you shall turn the handle .:f
my organ whenever you like, when I'm
a in nkey-inan," promised Bobby.
"Thank you, Master Bobby," Bard
nurse rather tartly; and Bobby has
never been able to give her the slip
"Peck! Peck! Peck!" This was Mr.
Woodpecker's way of knocking at the
door of a friend.
"Come in," came from inside of the
follow limb which served for Mr. Crow's
hone. The woodpecker went in and
Sound Mrs. Crow and the little ones at
home. "1 have a message for your
husband, madam," 11e said, with a low
obeisance, "but as he is not in, you
may deliver it to him, if you will be
set kind."
t shall be
sed Mr.
W do so
V1-o:)dp<r•l:4'r, said Mrs. Crow, politely.
"All right. I shall be under greet ob-
ligations to you if you will tell Mr.
Crow that King Eagle wants a meeting
of all the citizens of his majesty's do-
main to•norrow at sunrise, in T'y'rant
Jones's orchard. Good evenhsg, ma-
dam," and Mr. Woodpecker was gone.
In this way he flew all over the coun-
try, inviting the birds to be present
nest day.
The sun had just begun to show the
top of his bright. round face above the
horizon when King Eagle called the
meting to order.
"1 called this meeting to -day for the
purpose of having a debate between my
citizens. Nominations fora chairman
are in order."
Saying this, King Eagle perched him-
self on a limb overlooking the meeting.
"1 nominate for chairman of this
meeting, Mr. Robin, because ho is wise
and has good judgment," said the Crow.
"1 second the nomination," said the
"All in favor of this nomination please
clap their wings."
It was King Eagle who spoke, and in
a niouient such a fluttering was heard
in the orchord that Farmer Jones, who
was ploughing in a field next to the
orchard stopped his mule and scratched
his head.
r s'posg'twits the wind. There doesn't
seem to be much wind up, though."
"Mr. Iletin, you are unanimously elec-
ted chairman of this meeting."
"1 thank you for your kindness in
slowing me this great favor, and I hope
1 may be able to serve you well. As the
subject of this debate," he continued,
"I think 1 shall select, The Boy: is He
Alcan. Gruel, Mlschevious, or Neither?'
The subject is open for discussion."
"I can tell you of an experience
which I had with • boy last summer,"
said the Itedblid. "One nice, sunshiny
day. as my wife and I sat on a branch
near our nest, singing, suddenly up
sopped a red head through the branch-
es- then arnss, then body, and finally
a boy.
"Ile climbed right up to cur nest and
--it is disgraceful—stole all of our eggs.
1 think a boy is mean."
"1 disagree with you," said the Blue-
bird. "Once our nest fell out of the tree
and n boy climbed up and fixed it back
ler us. A boy is kind."
After these, many other speeches were
blade; some for and some against boys.
During an animated speech against boys
An general by the Canary, there was
suddenly a flash and n loud report, and
a bird fell to the ground, dead. The
marksman was n boy.
"Meet to -morrow for my decision'"
shouted) the Robin, as all flew off in a
)rent fright.
On the next day a gloom hung over
the meeting for the victim of the day
le fore was Mr. Woodpecker, the trusty
"Listen." said the Robin. "and Inenr
my opinion of a boy. Some boys may
be rischevious, some boys may be
mean, and some may be kind; but of
tone thing 1 and sure --this boy was
There was n chorus of approval and
the meeting adjourned.
Now That trade. although on a small
s' -ale, is passing freely between Calcut-
ta end Lhacse, the but recently mye.
terious city of Tibet, 1l is reported that
the people of Tibet exhibit eagerness
to know more of the outside world. The
outside world was long curious about
therm. and now the reverse occurs. But
the Tibetans will not encounter the oh-
Flacles that we did to the gratification
of their curiosity. A pass 14,500 feet
h.gh must be traversed in notching Ti•
tet from India, but the route is open
all the year round. and the trip can bo
made without much difficulty by those
who are accustomed to high altitudes.
"slot contains borax, niter, rock salt.
iron, silver, copper, gold, turquoise and
lams -lazuli, besides husk and furs. A
tnsil(ad over the II^nnluyas into J l,'
Is now suggested.
Dr. Williams' Pin Pills Cured a Se-
vere Case of Anuria and Weakness.
Anu'mia-poor watery blood—is the
cause of most of the misery which af-
flicts mankind. The housewife especi-
ally falls an easy prey to it. The long
hours and close oonlinement necessary
in performing her household duties sap
1 4'r strength. She becomes run down
and often suffers extreme misery. 1/r.
Williams Pink Pills aro the housewife's
friend. They make r.ew blood --lots :f
It—and pure blood banishes all M.o-
men's ailments. Mrs. E. St. Germain,
wife of a well known farmer of St.
John des Chaillons, Que., found new
strength through Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills. She says:—"A year ago 1 was ex-
tremely weak. 1 could not attend to
my work. 1 suffered from, dizzy spells;
nny head ached; my blood was poor; 1
had u bad cough and the doctors fenced
was going Otto consumption. 1 fol -
1e -wed their treatment for some time but
without relief. ! grew discouraged and
finally gave it up In despair. I wee
strongly advised to try Dr. Williams'
Pink !'Ills, so procured six boxes. Be-
fore they were all gone 1 felt relief. The
headaches nod dizziness became less
frequent and 1 felt a little stronger. I
continued the pills for a couple of
months at the end of which time 1
had gaited in weight; the pains had
left ale, my appetite was gold and 1
telt as shying and well as ever I did.
1 cannot say too much In favor of Ih'.
Williams' Pink ('ills for I certainly owe
my good health to them."
The woman in the house, the man in
the office, the boy or girl in the school
will ulways find a friend in Dr. Wil -
!lams' link Pills. These ('ills actually
make new, rich. red blood and good
tkxtd banishes rheumatism, general de-
bility, kidney troubles and those aches
and pains caused by overwork or over -
study; good blood builds up the tired
unstrung nerves and makes pale. thin
cheeks rosy and healthy. The pilisare
sold al 50 cents n box or six boxes for
$2.50 by all medicine dealers or by snail
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Private Profit Eliminated—Consumption
of Alcohol Decreased.
New Norwegian liquor laws are suc-
cessful. The Sondag system gives power
to municipalities to grant all the retail
spirit licenses which they deem neces-
sary to a company wwhiels would bind
itself to carry on the tranie in the inter-
ests of the community, with a fixed an-
nual return of not more than 5 per cent.
on its paid urn capital.
in establishing the system the question
of compensation does not appear to have
presented much difficulty. The allot-
ments of the profits are as follows : To
till Stale, 65 per cent.; to tete Municipal-
ity in lieu of larger license duties, now
abolished, 15 per conte., and to objects
of public utility operating as counter at-
tractions to the public houses in towns,
10 per cent. and in the surrounding dis-
trict, 10 per cent.
The profits of the trade under these
restrictions have contributed $7,000,000
for objects of public interest since the
founding of the system. Dunng the last
eight years lite proportion accruing to
the Slate has been increased and •set
apart till 1910 to form the nucleus of an
old -age pension fund, which now
amounts to $2,300,000. The most re-
markable fact in the history of Nnrway
sobriety is that the consumption of alco-
hol per inhabitant has decreased about
45 per cent. in the last fifty years. The
decrease has been most marked since the
establishment of the Sondag system.
The aims and principles of the Sondag
system are these: The elimination of
private profit and securing the monopoly
value for the public; insuring highest
quality of liquors sold; the reduction of
the number of licenses; the easy en-
forcement of the law ; the destruction of
ths. power of the spirit trade, and the
furtherance of all progressive measures
of reform.
, w
Baby's Own Tahletsshave done more
Than any other medicine to make weak,
sickly children well and strong. And
the mother can use them with absolute
confidence, as she has the guarantee cf
n government analyst that the Tnblels
contain no opiate or harmful drug.
Mrs. Laurent Cyr, Little 0:nscapedia,
ti. 11., says:—"I have used Baby's Own
'tablets for colic, teething troubles and
indigestion, and not more than pleased
with the good results. Mothers who
ties this medicine will not regret it.''
Sold by medicine dealers or by mail rl
25c. a box front The Dr. Williams' Me.
dicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Rut the Fire Is Only Phosphorescent
Willer-- It's in the Rahanlna.
The Lake of Waterloo Is a phosphor-
escent sheet of water a Ihnusand feet
long. near Nassau in the Bahnmas. At
night it is like a sheet of Ii\ ing fire if
any wind is stirring to ruflle its surface.
1f the night be calm, says the ibosary
Magazine, the water lies dark and still
until some object sets it to motion.
Little colored boys are ready to swim
cut into the lake, where they seem to
be clothed In garments of flange, leaving
a -long trail of molten splendor behind
Tho oars when rowing are as when
dipped in fire, and 1f one holds op n
handful of the water and lets it fall II
looks like heeds of gold. and the fish
Hint dart here and there. startled by the
visitors, leave flashes of trlystte, glow -
in,; splendor behind them.
l'he clumsy turtles that move abot.t
look like ball.: of lire, and when it rains
the lake is like n mass of jewels. This
marvellous display of phosphorescence
has never been accounted for, as the lake
is of artificial formation, hnving been
made for the breeding of turtles by a
Nnssau resident, The bed of the lake is
cut out of solid limestone end it Is
filled front the sen, in which there is
little of the phosphorescent quality.
A stag does not acquire full antlers
until he is from six to eight years old.
in the days of James %'I. Scotland
1 nil 51 different clans. cf which thirty -
bele ngrd to the highlands.
Oeeurrenree In the Land flint Iklpus
Suprema 1m the Co a:rc1a1
The King's gift to the nation, (1s-
Lorne (louse, is now free to the public
on Tuesdays and Friduys during the
tourist season.
The village of \V...ton, in Ilertfoirl-
shire, with a population of 8(10, has
been free from a police conviction for
ever two years.
Cardinal Wolsey Is the name of a
piospeelive bridegroom whose banns
have been publislfed at St. Luke's
church, Kingston -on -Thames.
Damage to the extent of between
.4:30,00j and £54.000 was done by tite
fire nt the Church Lane Colliery. Dods-
\vorth, near Barnsley, on the i.11h 1111.
Several children attending 1h4' 1Iacl:-
ney District Schools have been poistul-
ed by eating it plant resembling rhu-
barb that grows of the banks of the
Official confirmation has been given
to the rumor that Lord Kitchener's
term of service as Commander-in-chief
in India is to be extended for two years.
The late Lord Dovey left an estate
valued at over .£172.0110) gross. Sir
Michael Foster. who died test January,
left an estate valued al .£4291.
A Chinese 'cook with bulky legs
emerged from the Royal .111)4.11 dock.
Tied round his ankles and knees were
found small packages of tobacco. Ile
was lined L3. or twenty-one days -
13y order of the King the "Rank cf
England Rifles" has ceased to exist.
This corps, which consisted of a single
company, was composed exclusively' of
e►npkryes of the hank.
"The Richmond Itoyni (hospital is
very near to the heart of the, Princess,"
said the Prince of Wales on Cho occa-
sion of their Royal Highnesses' visit to
the instilut on td open new wards.
Ait arrangement has been arrived al
with the Canadian Government by which
the postage rates on newspapers, maga-
zines, and trade journals going to Can-
ada will he very y materiall • reduced.
Among the new toys who have been
enrolled for the summer teres at Den -
stone Colleg ,eStoffordshire, is a son
stone College, Staffordshire, Is a son
Malabele, who will become n doctor or
a barrister.
Thanks to better trade. wiser admin-
istration. and firm handling by the Pre-
sident of the Local Government Cloned,
\Vest Ilam at this moment has 9.000
fewer people on outdoor relief than it
had in 1905.
An array order just Issued has re-
duced the height for recruits- to the
Scots and Irish Guards from 5 feet 9
Inches to 5 feet 8 inches, a further !e-
duction of an inch being made for le-
cruits under the age of twenty.
James \Vestell, the oldest of London's
many and world-renowned second
hand booksellers, has retired from busi-
ness, and the shop In Nev Oxford
street, which was for forty years a
haunt of Gladstone, is closed.
During the past year 50.508 vessels
of a net registered tonnage of 27,141,-
96f entered and cleared front the port
of London. being an increase over 1903.
.the next highest year. of 1)63 vessels and
a tonnage of 1.24.`0.770.
Unless n cure is soon found the bee
industry In the Isle of Wight will soon
be. extinct. The insects are succumb-
ing to a form of paralysis. end up to
the present efforts to combat the !nab
ady bare proved of no avail.
Twice Mayor of Dover and "father"
of the Dover Town Council. Alderman
Adcock has died under end circum-
stances. Leaning over the balusters to
turn otit the gas he was seized with
dizziness and fell into the hall, injuring
his heal.
The falling of n wire attached to a
chimney across a live wire of the elec-
tric tramways was the curious cause
of it fire al n itedditch hunk. The
current, passing along the roof. Ignit-
ed a bir'd's nest. and Thus set fire to
the building.
A curous custom was observed nl
IRingsclifle, the candidates for ntctnher.
ship of n club showing their fitness for
joining the club by drinking it pint et
beer while carried shoulder -high up
and down the attain street of the town.
John Chnlwood, (:hntwood•Aiken, of
the Glen Stoke Bishop, for years joint
manager of Stuckey's bank. great-
grandson or Robert Aiken. the friend
and patron of the pod Burns. left
Burns' manuscripts to devolve as heir-
looms. The estate is valued nt £35.973.
"In a hundred years with little ca'
ro machinery on board and barely any
crests a ship will speed on her way
drnon by electric force generated no
Niagara and Transmitted over the At-
lantic lt• wireless telegraphy." prophe-
sied Sir rough Bell at the annum meet-
ing of the Iron and Steel Institute.
Leeds has to -day a Rab Haw In ifs
midst. Nolan is his name. Three
year, ago he gained distinction by dis-
tossing of seven loaves of bread. Three
spice loaves, one Monter. and n tea urn
4.t len at one silting. Nov he has sot
himself the unenviable task of beating
the pea -ening championship record of
the world,- established) by a Dewsbury
roan recently. Ile Ls determined to suc-
ceed or burst.
II&'t'E NO, *1-17.
S lo . •I..i L•., : cl duot.lus.
Makes piety Labia
plump and rosy. Proved
Coln. 50 )cart succetdul
use. A4k your d,tiagist
fur a—
Nurses' am Mothers' Treasure
—23c.-6 basil. 51.25.
National Dew & Chemical C.. Limited
The Scene of the Alurders Is Beiiiem-
bered-- 7'Itouuh Not Kept Green.
Of all the pleasure grounds we saw
abroad 1 liked 1'hmnix i'ark in Dublin
Ms best, says a writer in the Guidon. 1l
covers nearly 2.000 acres. and the seven
mile drive around it is delightful.
Acres of it are let 10 citizens for pas -
Menge. and herds of fat kine lazily chew-
ing under the trees or idly standing in a
cool stream give a touch not found in
any other resort.
On one plat when we were there a
detail of his Majesty's red coals were
practicing target shooting. Yonder
canto three dragoons Lack from n cross-
ceuntry run. The vice -regal ledge, plain
and while, looked in spite of the \ast-
ness of the green grounds about it, trot
and uninviting in the glare of the August
In .sight of the house. bola long w•ny
from it. is the spot where Cavendish and
Burke were murdered some years ago.
In vain do the gardeners try to keep
gross above it. As fest as a bit grows it
is taken up and carried off by relic
Scores of deer were roaming about, so
tame that they frequently came (lose 10
our ear. One big stretch of rolling land
was crossed and recrossed with what
looked in the distance like ditches. 1'hey
are troughs, our driver told us. into
which at morning and night water is
pumped for the deer, which come there
by rho hundreds to drink.
Never judge what a num knows by his
knowing look.
Nothing looks more ugly than to see
a person whose hands aro covered over
with worts. Why have these
ments on your person xn l sure re-
nover of all warts, corns, ole., can be
f4' and in Holloway's Coin Cure.
The University of Glasgow was found-
ed in 1451 by bishop Turnbull. Queen
Mary gave to the University lhieleen
acres of land.
The heat of the Troptes faded+ ro y cheeks.
It takes away the energy. •'rurrovitn" is the
Iw.t tonic to bra.'., ynt up. It stitnulatev time
sy..tem. It makes the weak str"ng. It ie pleas-
ant to take. All druggists sem it.
Captain Bailey first established hack-
ney conches in London in the year
1(134. They were four in number, and
stood at the Maypole in the Stand.
Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial
is prepared front drugs known to the
profession as thoroughly reliable for
the cure of cholera, dysentery, diar-
rhoea, griping pains and summer com-
plaints. it has been used successfully
to medical practitioners for a number
of years with gratifying results. if
suffering front nny summer complaint
it is just the medicine that will cure
you. Try a bottle. IL sells for 25
rospeclive Employer—"Your parents
lett something when they died, did They
net?" Boy—"Oh, yes. sir." Employer—
"And what olid they leave you, my
boy.?" Boy—"An orphan, sir."
ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every Corm of contagious Itch on human
4•r animals cured in 30 minutes by Wol•
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Sold by all druggists.
"Why does a woman always add a
postscript to her letter?" "\Veil," an-
swered tete ungallant wretch, "_rhe pro -
!ably figures out in her own blind what
her letter has made you think, and ttten
Ivies to have the last word."
The Denson, Dyspepsia. --In olden
limes it was a popular belief that de -
115015 rnoveil visibly through the nm•
air, seeking to enter into men and}
trouble them. At the present day the
demon. dyspepsia. Is nt large in the
sr,me way. seeking habitation in those
who by cureless or unwise living in-
vite hint. And once he enters n bion
It is difficult to dislodge hies. Ile that
finds himself so possessed should know
that a valiant friend to do halite for
hien with the unseen toe is Parinelee's
\'eg.'table Pills, which are ever ready
fest the trial.
In March. 147, there was such an
enormous accumulation of ice at the
lower end of Lake Erie that the Niagara
River ran nenrly dry. and people were
nhle to walk part of the way across the
Falis dry -shod.
Ale) sewing machine nil of absolute
purity, and the best needles and parte
kr all ninehines at Singer stores. imrk
fot Ih•' Red S. Singer Sewing Machine
Op. Write us al Alnnninlr 4:11:111111.rs,
loronto, for set id Bird Cards free.
"Clow level' you look In those rose-
hl+tseome. Miss \faisdl" said the devoted
young man. "Is the rose your favorite
f t vt'r?" "Oh. yes. I em very fond of
roe's," replied \hiss Maud; "hut. do you
hi ow. i should like to see how 1 would
look in orange blossoms." flint taken.
if your children moan and are rest-
lrss during sleep, coupled, when awake.
with n loss of appetite, pale counten-
ance. picking of the nose, ole., you may
depend upon It lint the primary cause
of the trouble is worms. Mother
Graves' Worm Exterminator effectual-
ly removes these pests. at once reliev-
ing the tittle sufferers.
',We've often heard about the meanest
man. but I happen to know the mean-
est woman." "1\'hos she?" "The one
a'( goes to weddings and slyly removes
the cards from the presents so that the
can never know which of her
friends it was who gave her the plated
butter -knife."
Nothing you can wear coats you so little in real
comfort. real service Goa teal satisfaction u
Pen -Angle
Wartimed to you 11 the desksl M the Beaker le
8,a. Form -Gam] for comfort's sake; wao't wekb,
%vomit shriek. hlade is Betty fabrics and rules,
at various prices, i• form-ittma sues for woeet%
awn sad children. Trak -marked ia red as &love.
"I notice you never give a girl flow-
n.; or hooks. Candy seems to be your
!wig suit."
"candy Ls the best proposition," said
\t•. Stimjay. "You can gel some of that
A \logic Pill.—Dyspepsia is a toe
with which teen` are conslnntl' gr'ap-
elittg but cannot exterminate. Sub.
dltcrl, and to all appearances vanquish-
ed; in one, it stakes its appearance in
rurother direction. In minty the dig,'s-
tiwe apparatus is as delicate its 10••
nueehuuLsnl of a watch or scientific in-
strument in which even a breath of nit
trill nuke a varinli..n. \\'ith suet' rK'r•-
coils (1isord''i s of the stoniest' ensue
from the most trivial causes bud cu use
irueh suffering. '1'o these 1'armelee's
Vegetable fills are recommended as
mild and sure.
'Frons the grammatical standpoint.
said the fair maid with the lofty fore-
head, "which do you consider correct.
-I had rattler go hon►p' or 'I would rather
go home'?" "Neither," promptly te-
sponded the young mon. "I'd much ra-
ther stay here."
Yea. It U humiliating to have R akin covered
with foul •rupti..n.. 1411 painful, too. Why not
end the trouble and restore your vkiu to its est -
ural \War r'■ Cerate!
oral fairness l
"So your wife refused to marry you
when you first proposed to her. 1)01
you keep on pursuing her till she con-
soled?" "Not much! i went out and
made. a fortune. \Vhen 1 carne Wel:
it was she who did the pursuing."
A Medicine Chest in Itself.—Only the
well-to-do can afford to possess a medi-
cine chest, but Dr. Thomas' :electric
Oil, which is n medicine chest in itself
being a remedy for rheumatism, lunh-
hngo, sore throat, colds. coughs, cn-
tnrrh, asthma and a potent healer for
wounds. cuts. bruises, sprains, etc., is
within the reach of the poorest, owing
to its cheapness. It should be in every
The Pilch Lake of Trinidad lies in the
C(iilre of the island, sixteen utiles front
Port of Spain. ll is 134 miles in cir-
cumference, and though at the edges
the pitch is cold and hard, in the centre
is Is hot and boiling.
404 01•••lee Theevelalty with the
nese portio•Iar• tti post awl we are sore t• w Jay
Miro'. las w. DNRtresl.
The Cram of tb•
11 you are interested in Full Lando write
for our bookitk Its iI4KL
ftcDERMID a ficHARDY. Nelson, IS.C.
Improved and tonimproved farms of
len acres up. at 86.00 per acre and
higher; close to market. A postal card
stating requirements will bring you par-
ticulars. Address. J. B. Gowanlock, 354
Agnes Street, Winnipeg.
For Sate.
A Licensed Hotel in Nortel Bay. one of
the busiest and best towns in New On-
tario ; the hotel is situated on a promi-
nent street adjacent to the new Govern-
ment Post-ollice building. For full par-
ticulars, apply to P. MCCOOL, Real Es-
s.tate Dealer, North Bay.
Big Money In Wheat.
$10 buys Puts or Calls on 10.000 No
of Wheat. No further risk, n movement
of 5c. from price makes you $'010, 4c.
14400. 3c. $300, etc. Write for Circular,
600 Schofield Bldg., Clrvdend, 0.
River and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Bummer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Twin 'ere. iron 55 •'(•.ampana.••with electric
17`51., Me-tric tells and all modern c 'mforts.
511G11loot stool REAL ON' NH/NI/AYH a1
4 p m . Sri and 1:15 June, 1st. 1(1h and 29th July,
12th and tette As.'u,t, 9th and YSrd September,
and 1 ,rtnightly thereafter for 1'ictot'. \ Y . calt-
tiig at Q1141.etc, 41 t.pe. tial nay, Pere.. raps Cove,
(Iran,' River, nummersidis, Val , and (•harlot-
l•town, 1'.K.1.
Summer Ractrslorte lite, by tb• new Teti
Betew vv, ••a•rmudlan', Ione! tons Nailing lib
sad loth June, trd, 17th anti elst July, 14th and
tith August. •th. 14th and 16th Rspte.ber, 155
Nth and 16th ()Mob's. 515. 1501 and 07th Noesat•
\•r. Temperature cooled by eta br10ao .s141•0
rites ab.,.• P) degrees
The finest trips of the mesons for \•sit\ ase
ARTHUR AHERN. Secretary, QuabMt
A. E. OUTERBRiDOE L 00., Aglaia,
O Broadway, New York.
Double o1 a Sailor Who Says lir Knows
Something Afoul the Biu Fish.
You published In your paper recently
a very curious story about u shark
jumping fifty feet high in the air, writes
1 correspondent of the South China
The writer 4'r author of this story, a
.•&plain of n British sailing tessel, hound
Sir London, says that he tired a rifle shot
at a shark and badly wounded it. The
;hark in question jumped so high out of
the sealer that he cleared the Mainsail
with the ease of a seagull.
Now, dear sir, this is rather a trifle
strong. The captain slates that they
threw some meat overboard to get the
sharks closer to the ship. At the mo-
ment that the shark made a grab for the
meat the captain tired his 511ot, wli,rh
slot 111)014' the shark jump fifty feel out
of the water.
we that have been at scut all (:now
Met there is one kind of shall; which has
to lay on its side before it can grab
anything between its jaws, and another
kind which has to lay on its back to do
so, The construction of their mouths
compels them to lake these altitudes. .As
a consequence, the shark in question
was either lying on his back or on Itis
A fish jumping out of lite water makes
the following movement : The lish
stretches his buck and bends' himself in
the form of a crescent by bringing his
head and toil closer together. At the
moment he wants to jump he straightens
his buck again and hits the water with
the tail cud of his body. This force pro-
duce* the power w hien, enables lura to
jump a certain height.
As above Mated, the shark. when fired
al, was grabbing for the meal, nod lying
either on his side or back. In this post -
was , .4' u ofIt
. all to jump out
lion I►u not 1 P
sen, His movements in This positon were
limited lo three: he could either nose
ahead. sidewnys or downward.
1 will not deny that a shark is nblc to
jump. I have seen sharks jumping five
feet and six feet high, but that only
when they were hunting soave s•ictiril.
The first movement of it shark when
wounded is to dive downward into the
element which Is his natural abode, and
not to go and make an airship perfor-
mance around the mast of a sailing \•es-
sharks vself,
' e about ul .t k m
\ a lull
r NTS -
know v
as this is it lifi Incme to
but oraetr �
write. 1 know what They can do. and I
know also how sharks "taste," having
eaten thein for want of something bet-
i heard once of an old sailor telling
an acquaintance of a shark which, when
caught and cut open, had another shark
inside; this shark cut open, produced
another shark ; and the last shark had
in his stomach a canvas bag with
twenty-five sovereigns.
I think that both stories are about of
the'saune value concerning truthfulness.
Righteousness is the only price at
which treasures In beaten can be
Wight in.
Easier ironing gives
better finish on things
starched with Celluloid
Starch, the only no.
boil cold -water starch
that can't stick. You
will like it best, once
you try it. Buy it by
name. Any good dealer.
L abor—)
T i tI,A a --
L inen, Too Ito
want a western business writs
Its ; large lists ; hotels, livery stable's,
stores. and ott1e re. The \limon Mansel)
Co., business fr•oheis, Saskatoon.
Every packet
trill kill
more Akre than
a00 sheets
of sticky paper
— SOLD SY --
10e. per packet, or 11 to for 28c.
will last a whop season.
Ire hard
flour for bakers and others demand-
ing strength, color and uniformity.
B and 4 Cyct.
• A
-I i-.
The Good
Old Days
Up Again
Many bicycle riders w ho have not ridden for years are gelling beck into
the game this season. They found• that niter all, the wheel was a go.tl Ihuig,
and helped therm to enjoy life better.
As a healthy and plcasent means of transportation and as a lime saver the
h'rycle is finding its level. IIs real worth is recognized. The largo increase in
sales this year already demonstrates this fact.
The Massey 'Inver Flaben", Perfeot, Cleveland,
Brantford. Imperial. Rambler and Blue Flyer
with Cushion Frame, toaster brake, " thE ALL 8(111)s swim II."
Canada Cycle and Motor Co., Limited,
" MAKF.IN OF Till: 11 U tiLl►'S IIEs'r 1MI CLE:."
Toronto Junction,
Branches:—Minnits'u. laucrnncr. Melbourne, Aug.
• FOR YOU ? •