Exeter Times, 1907-06-13, Page 81 It: + 3+ 4+ y� +++++4++++++++++++++++44+++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++:-++++++++++++++++++1++ STEWART's One of Our Strong Lines MEN'S SUITS We are this week showing some specials in extra good quality BIBB 'PINES JUNE 13* 1807 FfiSfIIONflRLL WHITE MUSIINS 15.00 For Men's Ready -to -Wear Fancy Worsted Stilt in neat grey fancy overcheck effegt-more style and more quality in this suit than any line we have ever offered 12.50 For a Swell Fancy Worsted Suit, pure hard worsted. Will wear to a finish, lined with the best It%llian serge and style the best. This is a great bargain. 10.00 For the best range of good honest Tweed and Worsted Suite we have ever shown. Ev- ery suit a leader. $.50, 12.00 WaSpring Over- Forear range of Mens Ready -to - and 15.00 coat that will do the wearer good. These Coats are made from Grey Venetian, Grey Vicuna and Black Vicuna. The $15.00 Coat is faced with silk. Come in and see how much style goes with every coat. Don't Forget we sell Redpath's Extra Standard Granulated Sugar - No other kind in our shop. Don't gamble with cheap off grades of sugar. The Best only is good enough. S' Butter and Eggs Wanted A. STEWAI T 4.4.4-e++++++++++++++++++++++ •1'+++++++++++4-4-44+- 1++.4+++.l.++++++++++'1-++++++ •+++++++++++++++++ DIAMOND HALL DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELERY CUT GLASS CHINA SILVERWARE Repairing a Specialty. Call and Inspect Our Stock. fl. Mdr6hdo. JEWELER MAGE To ••♦••♦•♦•♦♦♦•••,•••••NN• IWe have just received a full line of the tt Genuine English 1 • which is a scientific medium for the elimination of uric acid from the blood. These rin1 gs have a world wide reputation for the cure of rheumatism. Hundreds of thousands suffering from this terrible complaint have been entirely cured. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred where it perfect cure has not been effect - 1 ed the trouble has been greatly relieved. Sold only by W. S. NOWEY, Phni.B Chemist and Optician Phone 30 EXETER, ONT. Rheumatic,Rings 2 • i •••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••♦•••♦••••••N••♦••NN• LOCALS •••••••• •••••••• GIANT • Tilll'LETS "Currency" "Bobs" and 'Stn;' Ch -wing Tobaccoes in big plu;s. Quality aIwnys •the same. Dit. 1f1"1'lEIt \V1Li. 11c, .AT CEN- tral Hotel. ori Friday, .tune Lithe 0 Friday, July 121 h. Orders !or ;lad cs executed by, Tait lirow•n Op. Co. 237 Il'uid•i. 'l1. London, nr local 4Aalers. DB. OVENS EYE AND EAR SUR. goon. will be at the Commercial )hotel. Moura 9.30 n. m. to 4.30 p. m. (classes properly fitted and dis- eases of eye ear and none treated. next visit, Friday, August 9t11 1907. .Tune Ilse (110111 11 of a%eddin;s. When rnakin; at rut;enienl1 for your w•eddinz invitations don't forget that the Times has a complete stork of up-to-date weddin; stationery and is ereiared 10 turn out the newest styles at very moderate Trice.. Everyhoey at ill take in i he Ex- cursion to Niagara Falls ender the auspices of (lie independent Order of Forester. on Thursday .Tune 20th Good for three days. The faro from ,Exeter will 1s' $2.30. Lar;e hills giving particulars will be issued in n few days. This will be the only Excursion the the Palls this a'asnml. DON'T FAH. '11) SEE IUM Ladies should lake odv:intaze of the visit of Prof. a)oreneend's rep- resentative to see n11 the latest styles in )flair •nnd1, beautif111 ,wigs. pomp• admire. 1,etgs, transformations nnl .witches . rad;hl and wavy, etc. Ile EXETER, - ONTARIO. will he et :Ile Ce ,I1 al hotel Exeter, on Friday .lune 21st. ifivr eon been initintee fide lee Limen Club yeti aim Greeve Is the Worshipful master. but applieotiott for .membershpi can he made to any for membership ran be made to any one who bag been initiated. DRESSING WELL is an art and the man who has his clothing made to measure has found the key to that art. Each garment that we make for you has that air of individuality so much sought after by the fashionable man. You aro sure of Comfort, Ease and Elegance too Suiting' to hand at prices away down W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor. ERNEST ELLIOT Conveyancer Accounts Collected Mn!raT so loan it triers* rate.. North Wat (Ands for Sal.. Office, Male Street. Exeter S. Fitton, issuer of marriage li- censes. also complete line of wed• ding rind always on hand. Alex. Stewart was on Aho sick Iist l t it k . Dr. Roulston left on Saturday for a Week'; I1,rlys. \V by is 1907 like tut old lumber %wagonl presses it hasn't any spring. Mrs. Cooney, formerly Mrs, John Barnes. who visited friends hero for some, time left Monday for her home, Remember the date Saturday June 22teh, and consult with '►live 3. 3. Allan about your eyes, at the Com- mercial Hotel. Miss Dorothy Lonsbery, of ,Detroit after a visit pith her tester. bars. J. J. White returned Ito her home Tuesday afternoon. • '1'hc Members of the .Exeter Lodge, 1. 0. F. Weill titten(1 divine service at the ,llain Street Methodist church next Sunday nfternoon. Rev. E. A. Fear, t pastor, %t•ill conduct the services. At the Commercial hotel filature day. 3une 22nd. Miss J. 3. Allan, eye (-Leh( Specialist and .refracting optician. The latest approved meth.- eel ethrad used in e)ctmining and prescribing tor weal: and impaired vision. Mr. 3. \V. teetriey 'took several numbers of the Ishak Walton Fish- ing Club on n fishing trip to Grand (lend Saturday afternoon. Althou3h each and every one is considered an expert with the line tand tackle, there were hardly enou;h fish cau;ht to divide ancon; the members. Mr. Sid Sanders was awakened Sunday •night by burglars 'trying to gain rettrnnce to his house. Ile no- ticed bite Hunt trying the window, while two others were utendin; in the yard. Mr. Sanders secured tin rifle, ,but the mauraders evidently heard lent and made their escape. \V- .1. Gourley. of Cal;;try, who visited fi lends in Usllelrne, rind Exe- ter, during the pest month, Cleft Tuesday fot his home, accompaniel by his family. 1t is .their intention to ,slur,. by tray of the United. States, making the eniire trip in the automobile. Dr. J. \V. Harrison, of Detroit, and a former resident of Exeter tarriv- (•d in town on Monday to spend le week's holidays with relatives here. The 1)r. camel from Detroit in his Packard nutomnblile and is greatly pleased with the Canadihn roads, especially those from (Sarnia to London and London Ito Exeter. Decoration Day to -day. The pro- cession. composed of the various so- cieties of the town twill meet nt the Town Hall al 1 p. ten. and headed by the Exeter hand, will (proceed to the cemetery %%•here the decoration of the ;raves of departed brethren will take lilace. Addressee will be deliv- ered by resident clen;ymene . 'Men chants are requested to (give their employees la holiday from I to 4 p. m. so that everyone may attend end make the decoration a univerr- 531 affair. Those in the country in- terested are invited to take part. On Monday :afternoon while Mr. Thos. Fisher was hauling gravel from Wood's ,;ravel pit he met an automobile. The driver kof the machine turned out to ,ass o rig Zeing iu the same direction and in doing ,•(1 ran towards Mr. Fisher's horses. The animals (711mped 10. w'ar'ts 1110 ditch and tried to ;et away, when they collet el with a t ie rnlh tole. The 0111y slatna;e (: me ,was a broken lug. Mr. holt. McFall',. drivin; n load of c;t;s met the sante machine. His horses too became tri;litencd rind in rearing broke the w11;011 pole. .\1r. John farmer had a thrilling experience last Sunday )Horning %vhile drivin; to thr Catholic church below Centralia. just before the church w•a. reached o pmts of four eentlenicn cattle w1iizzinz :Hon; in an automobile. The animals became frightened, but Mr. Farmer with a firm .zrip on the lines kept heir heads toward the machine. Just RR the auto carne nlontsidc one of the horses rested and fell on the dash- board. The men in the auto. jumped out immediately and Izrasped the fri;hlcned nnirnals by 111c hen ds be- fore they could break away. After some difficulty the horses were dis- entenzlcd and quieted. Two lads Elmer Ifarneee and Gor- don .Parson were nn Tuesday rrtorn- inz tenrin(10.1 In Goderich jail by 3. l"s Farmer and Kay to stand trial on a charge of enlc•rinz the house of Mrs. Marshall on Victoria Rtreet last Sunday erenin; rind Rtcalin; a sum of money. Mrs. Marshall was atteudinz church when the crinin Vas committed and on her arrival home found that the house hail been entered ilerinz •hs:r absence. ' A� Harness and Fannon had b.'.n i.'e n in the vicinity durinz the evening •.nslicion rested on them. Monday nnorninz Constable Bissell had the lad+ arrested and en Wirtz accused confessed that thye were the zuilty parties. They were brou;ht before the Ma;ist rates 'Tuesday mornin r, rand it %va., decided to r (heti 10 jail for trial. 1A' %shall pleaded very Strongly :o have the boys let off on suspended sentence, but ns they bad been suspected of other depredations the ma;i.trates felt that it was time they were riven n severe lesson. C741.111%0 CD ou Nob •lt d phare w .A � of Fine Swiss Muslin, with small, medium or large dot.. ..Price 2013 and 25c per yard. Fine white Mull with small patterns fash- ionable for dresses..... Price 25c per yard. White Wash Duck correct for skirts and suits, medium weight... Price 15e per yd. White Pique, medium cord, makes good wash suits Price 15c. per yard. Black Muslin in plain and fancy, fine sheer goods worth 25c and 35c ........ On sale at 15o per yard White Muslin in stripe and floral design Qualities worth 20c and 25c ....... . Selling at 15e per yard Colored Muslins in mauve, pink and blue, very dainty goods, makes stylish dresses, . • • • • • • , Prise 25c and :i.ic p. r yard. Special Embroidery Sale. Regular prices 7c and So......... On sale at : c per yard. Millinery Bargains This month we intend clearing every Hat in the store. Hats were selling at $5 0o now $3 75; $4.00 now $z 75; $3.00 now $1.75. out tha t e1r EOE I.s & ROWS Miss Homey left Monday for Kin- ] N0t166 01ual dril cardiae to visit friends. Mrs. J. B. Brickwood gent a few days in London last week. Mrs. J. Kydd, of Exeter North; is visiting friends in London. Mr. J. G. t4tanbury was in tette County Town Monday, on Ie.tal busi- ness• Mr. Larry Hagan has taken a position :with \V. 8. Howey as 11s• istant drug clerk. "F" (Company, 'Iluron Regiment will return Saturday from ,the an- nual drill at London. 'Mr. and Mrs. Russel •Frayne, of Prevents decay. Ilrantford, aro the questa of the for - Preserves the enamel. mer's rparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sweetens the breath. Frayne. misses Nellie and Fanny (latter. Makes the gums firm and rosy and of Londo, are visiting at their home also imparts a delicious sensatitn of with Air. n'and cleanliness to the rnouth. If you Exeter North. Creme 44 44 Dentifrice THE OLD RELIABLE WRI positively remove tartar cleanse and whiten the teeth and keep them in perfect condition. GIME DENTIFRICE, Some merchants have a fashion of advertising what they have not got. and when you come to ask for it, their reply is, sorry but we are just sold out of that particular line but will have some more in shortly. For Quality and Quantity ask your dealer for the new big plugs of "Hubs." "Slag;' and Currency chew - in; lebacroes. • 'Mrs. (Dr.) Amos represented 'the Exeter Lodge C. 0. C. F. tai rthc Grand Lodge meeting held in Tor- onto last week. FIRE! FIRE I TILE RED FLAG I Now is the time to fire the dirt out of your feathers. Satisfaction or no pay. Piaci of hue!, •-s opposite ,the Town Hall. F. falstead. Tho Annual I'•. ople'.s Picnic will be held en Thur ,lay, June. ¢0th., fn William Iiernick's Grove, Usbornct, on the banks of 'the Bauble. Qhs usual ;program of epol'Is will be car- and out. Everybody welcome. School Mrs. Sehrurickor, of Sl. Clair Meth.and 'Mrs. .tones, of Croswell, Mich, who 'were attending the: funeral of the tate 'Iles. Gco. Windsor in Liman on ''Tuesday of last week, ore the, gusts of Mr. and Mas. 1•:d McGuire for 11 few (kiss thio week. ARE YOU BALD1-Gentlemen why should you took twice es old as you are when by consultin; Prof. Doron- wend's representative he rill demon- strate to you that be can bring back your faithful appearance by ltaearin; ane or other of ,his beautiful natural wigs or toupee. Ile will heat the Central Hotel Exeter, Friday, June 21st. Don't fail 10 Fee his latest pat`- ent structure. The writer last sweet: Chad the Pleasure of callinz upon Prof. O'Brien the noted Phrenolo;ist and Palmist, who, %with his wife Marta ma O'Brien. is stollpinz at ,1he Central Hotel. Phrenolozy end Palmistry are extraordinaryary sifts gi%en to mankind, but we were (►%ways scep- tical until wr met the professor. Ile eschews the vel;ar term of fortune- teller and dors not :pretend to be such btlt by the vibes on your hands or the humps on your bead can ;ive you nn exact outline of your charac- teristics. Iie can explain Ito you your failinzs, also your 17oo41 <puali- ties rind better still cnn by thelse psiens tell you to .which occupation you are hest fitted. It is worth your while to call on the professor while he is here. The Exeter Company of ,%lie Huron county Volunteers is lakin; every- thing by *torn' this Irene ile.idee beinz the strongest Company in the Residence, corner James and An - Re ;intent, they are certainly the bi;- drew Street. ;ret in stature end efficient in drill. The shoot at the Cove Itenzes has not come off yet, but they hope to want perfect teeth use Cole's Creme Dentifrice and they will last three score years and ten. Prepared and Sold only by W. S. COLE, Phm. B. EXETER, - ONTARIO. High Grade Perscription Work, ♦NN•••NNNNNN♦••N• Summer A special course of instruc- tion durinv July and August tor Public School Teachers. Enter any time. Individual instruction. WILKCRTON BUSINFSS COLLEGE OEO. SPOTTON, Principal. •NN♦N♦♦♦N•NNN♦N♦♦♦ • • What we Advertize we Have We are showing this week a very choice collection in Wash Goods. Ladies Wash Dress Goods in Ducks, white and colored. White Indian Bead, 20c yd. Linen in white and colored. Chambry in red, green, pink, blue, grey and oxblood. Ginglialns in fancy patterns and check. Mercer- ized Taffeta in plaids and over checks. The English Taffeta print at 124c, and American Print at 10c. Another consignment of those lovely Swiss Embroideries and insertions to match. Get your choice before they go See our new styles in the ASTORIA shoe in gentlemans only. Cash paid for butter and eggs, Butter 18c Eggs 17c, Potatoes 75c per bag. House Dc6ordtor Plumber (trot Had Cold vier). Sign Writing and Graining With R. Dinney last year. Esti- mates furnished on application. A Trial Solicited. ARTHUR D. DAVIS Exeter, Ontario excel in that nisei. The tceather, on C E N T R AIL I A AT the first two days nfter arrival in eamp, warn the worst 1 men ewer ex„erienced in .Tune, nein; very cold and damp, but every man is in the pink of corieition Since then the weather has Leen ,.plendid. The church )parade on Sunday attracted as usual, a lar re concourse of Peo- ple to Cirliti;'s Heights. the 33rd Huron lte;t. formine'tart of the �'nd infantry 176zade. The mas.e'il bands of the Brizada' marched in front. un- der Ser zt. Major (lector, do the place allotted. where Canon Dann, of Ht. I'nul'. Cathedral. London, conducted the service. The wmther was ("s- pecially fine and the sun elan(' forth its brilliant rays on ,the many dazzling uniforms es they nresembled in n square. The Exeter Company will arrive home on Saturday next, after 12 days. they all may, well spent. NOTICE; TO iFARMRItS. The Exeter Canning A I'reservin; Co. Will t1^ plea.ecl to receive acrea ;e from farmers for tomatoes and corn. As the numh•'.r of acres required Is limited those desiring to contract will do well to call at once on either the President, Jos. 8ne1l: Vice-T'rra. C. II. Sanders, or grey. J. G. Jones. SAW -MILL British Co'.umbia Shingles Barrel Heading and Hoops FENCE SLATS Kept on hand or cut to order CUSTOM SAWING Done on shortest notice. Logos Wanted Delivered or on the stump THOS. ELSTON A 11 M 11 E L P. CARLINC BROS. Any 11er.0n 1equirinz such 11(11. either male or female Can do Po by writing llie EXETEit TIMP.e. stet-' frit the kind required, when wanted and waxes offered. Every effort will Im ninde to provide each applicant with 11e111 required. The Sovereign Bans of Canda I -invites the Accounts of Corporations, Fraternal Societies and Individuals. Interest allowed on Savings Deposits and credited 4 times a year. . 34 CREDITON, DASHWOOD, ZURICH, HENSALL, EXETER. GLADMAN & STANBURY, 8olicltcts JOSEPH SNELL Manager, *luso Just try a blended flour once and see for yourself' that it does make WHITER and tastier Bread and Biscuits - LIGHTER Pastry - MORE DELICIOUS Cake. And there's good reason for it, too. Blended Flours combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong qualities of Manitoba wheat. For all home baking -no flour, milled only from spring wheat, can compare with a BLENDED FLOUR. Look for this trademark on every bag or barrel of flour you buy. Take no other. OFFICIAL "Made in Ontario" rtovR 440OCI0-. "Star" Flour is a Blended Flour. Harvey Bros. Millers, Exeter. COMING - The Representative of Prot. Dorenwend will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, Friday, June 21st To Improve Your Appearance itetain ynnr youthful freshness so that no one esu remark, "she is past her prime.' To appear younger and more attractive than the average Women, you toilet be particular that your IIcIR shows no sign of being thin, short or scrawny. A DOR LNWEND TRAN$FOR• MATIQN. POMPADOUR. WAVE. CURL OR SWITCH will substitute nature** defects, Even if you have plenty of your own hair, these light and airy artifices may be worn over it, saying you the worry of arranging your hair in the prea ailing style. 1'.nur hair can be perfectly •Hatched in color and leWtre, an that detection is nut of the question. Consult Prof, Dorenwend during this visit. MAN TO MAN -ABOUT BALDNESS 1f you are bald, or partially so, you must realize that it makes you Innk n1d. Notwithstanding the desire to have bark yonrone tune busty, head of hair, you hesitate before wearing* natural hair entering .imply Arrange yon imagine it is going to be noti,•e.1 by others Now you never made a greater mistake. Thousand. of men who thought the same 51)011 (1n, ars to.lay wearing a DORRNWEND PATENT TOUPEE and mates"' of carrying the haodi••ap, that hal.lnen proved to them, they are now enjoying the advantage or,of "looking young --dud that ,a what ronnta to day in business and *racial life, (Iur Patent Toupee (1 • featherweight far.imile of your own natural Asir and mat be worn witheint fear of detection Im- p o.aii.le to remove from the head *soles% at will - not the leant d,Inuy or nnenmfnrtable. They act as a pnntP••rion. preventing colds anti eaterrt, so •+numon to bald men. Now do not negl. t thlen{{gw,rtnnity _come a0.1 Meter %oneself. a few minute* demonstration will cnn. inn you that a IMrenwand Patent Volpe.. is not like the eines). w irtt ry affairs that. are rlainxd to be 'Just a. nalnral ' The Dorenwend Go. of Toronto, Limited, tog and tog Yonge Street moiVemember Place, Day and Date THIS CENTRAL HOTEL, EXETER, FRIDAY, JUNE asst. 4