Exeter Times, 1907-06-13, Page 5THE EXETER TIMES, JUNE 13th 1907 Mr. W. U. ltuby acid Mr. sinal aanlAdaiu .spent (:tat Monday avenin; iu Mrs.O �� oods O� Now: urictlry, tViukt•u e4vr sold her driver to Mr. Harry Guenther our livery- man for a good sum. Mrs. Xavier Meyer, u much res- pected .tesidettt Kissed away on Sat- urday last at tie age of 56 years. 1 TROUSERS 'ANO WASK ' Decca,vd was about ,t,er srt;alar' Favored Worsteds VESTS FOR SUrrER e Resi of the Sea�on hoileehuld duties all tl'ueeday last when she was stricken with x VA Fa - !elle stroke from which She never ee These worsteds eare in blues and 1 fancy tuixturtedel in qualify, beauty 1 If a pant hunter pantless recovered, !►ming away ou Satar- atod finish an thin of their kind wef Is panting for pants day. Interment stook !,lace on Tues. have ever eh�wn. R We are offering He panteth pantless day to •Mt. Carmel ceu eters. swine beautiful Summer Suits for $io Until he implants hiutaelf into Mr. John Eidt who for many years one of those fashionable pants ordered moss connected with his father iu I at 11 J. 11. t1OLTZMANN'S weeks Pour mill here and who a 'few cekg azo purchased a will its arL•• and upwards. '► hill, Left with his family on Tueea- A beautiful assortment to choose from. If there is a taste we can day for that plass, His many ic;eals wish him success in Parkhill. I On the said property i9 agood frame not suit, we have yet to know of it. Mr. rand Mrs. C. Neligor ype'nt i house. well finished inside and well ' Sunday with Mr. aril Mrs. Fred Ilse built, situated convenient to station of (:rand !lend. t and canning factory. Dashwood Civic holiday will be on TERMS OF SALE N•••P••••g•NNN••NNt►P 4►pg•NH•N•NKN•**IN*** J u tui /25th. 20 per cent, of the purchase money . The Sutld iy School of the Lutherau to be paid at the time of the sale and ,p T >i, MILLS, - WOODtif M• Chard] will picnic at the Bond on the balance to 30 days thereafter Thursday Juno 20th. without interest. A very pretty wweddii►g took t►lacc For further particulars god condi- on Wednesday when Annie. daughter one of sale apply to of Mr. and Mrs. John Key, of the. JOHN GILL, Auctioneer, 14th 'was married to Mr. btelk, 1 OLADMAN A ISTAMBURY Air. A, Moriarity is nowat work Barristers, B=titer. Ont. on the erectipn of his brick resi- dence on Main Street. Mr, John Hotlines'', of Parkhill.,, A woman who Is weak nervous and visited friends in the village on faun- sleepless. and who has cold hands and fent, cannot feel and act like a well person. Carter's Iron Pills equalize the circulation. remove ndr- vousness, and give strength ant' rust. Auction Sale --OF---.- House and Lot in Exeter Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced et the time of the sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the METROPOLITAN HOTEL. 00 SATURDAY, JULY tkh, 1007 At the hour of 3 o'clock in the after- noon by John Dill, Auctioneer, the following property being LO? NUMBER 25 ON THE EAST SIDE OF' WILLIAM STREET in the VILLAGE OF EXETER Men's fancy Print Shirts for 75c, 85c and$100, men's stripe duck workiug Shirts for 75c each; all kinds of Straw Hats and fancy Straws for youths, boys and stens at right prices; children's fancy Sailors for 25c and 35c each; we have about 30 different patterns in muslin for dresses, colored, we are clear- ing out at less than cost, regular 12c 15c and 20c goods, out they go at ilk Sard, 10c ones to clear out at 7c yard; we have a few pairs of those women,s ae button Shoes left yet, regular $1.50 and $L75 you can have for $1.00 a pair; we keep the paint that is paint and is the best, the Sherwin-Williams and we have all colors in stock, buggy, wagon, oil stain and varnishes, also paint brushes all sizes. In seed we have I think the best. Bruce's and Steele Briggs, and they are all fresh new seeds this year, long Red Mangold, the Yellow Intermediate and the Sugar Beet, also all kinds of Turnip seed, and In the Grocery line we can fill your wants, we always buy the best and always buy the pure goods --10 lbs. Cornmeal for 25c.; 12 lbs. Oil Cake for :5c.; 10 lbs. Salts for 25c.; 4 pkgs. Corn Starch 25e.; (t bars Bee hive Soap 25c.; 10 bars O. K. Soap Sic.; Pure Maple Syrup $1.25 gallon; Highest prices cash or trade for Butters and Fggs: Potatoes for sale. A. MILLS, - . Woodham. N.g..pp...P..NN•••••H♦ ♦••b•••••••.•••••••••••••• g7--it*?7,,x7-:k F • �� ..:. IEa rilffiRsmcia i'u'at MIMU _ _,-tib# -,Ef211,1 •A.ilfigl\ mat*2.1.11 t THIS IS THE SHEET MLTAL AGE The wandering tramp who steals a nights lodging in your straw stack may prove a very costly visitor if he should forget to put out the match after lighting his pipe- If fire in straw stack gets a good start the barn and contents are doomed -unless pro. tected with Galt Steel Siding and Galt "Suregrip" Steel . Shingle& Then it will be fireproof as well as storm and lightning proof. Your cattle and produce confined in the barn will be absolutely safe and secure. Its certainly true economy_to buy Galt Steil Siding. It costs but little and will last a life time. Secures for you the must favorable insurance rate. Choice of cold rolled, painted or galvanized steel, is s taultipitcity el handsome; original designs. Free illustrated catalogue on request: THE GALT ART METAL CO., Limited, GALT, ONTARIO. altSteelSidin Crediton day. Our village trustees aro this week busy putting' down more concrete sidewalks. They intend to put (town about 40 rods this summer. Mr. David Tiernan spent Sunday with ,friends in Exeter. Mr. Geo. Pfassold, of l' ippon, spent Sunday with his brother Phillip. Mr. Jtoss Johnston rind family. of !hake, ulveitt Sunday •wwitll Mr. Geo. Edi 3hoffer. Mrs. 1'. Brenner left on Alouday morning for a few week's visit with her sparr►tts in Iludaxe, :Mich. Workmen are now busy putting in a: stile drain on \lain Street from the Post Office past tile grist mill. (:1'.N'I'IRALIA Mr. Samuel flicks sold a team of heavy draft mare colts for the hand- some riurn of four hundred arid twen- ty-five (lalklrs. C7 .Ef►.. t19c '1' O R ...S.. Bears the _ A the Kind You Have Alwals sought 131gnatoze of 11ENSAI,i. The Miller blacksmith and carriage shop •at IIensall was last Tuesday sold to John 'McDonnell for $925. ;'Ir, Richard Spea r, of Frobisher, Alba. is here spending a few weeks with his old friends. ,1Ir. Al. Stoneman has a•eturned from London to work with his fa- ther for the summer. The County meeting of the Orange Lodge •was held in .town on Tues, day and there was :1 very large at- tendance e(1cyl,ite the weather. 'satisfied evit,h his situation because Mr. I1e Bradley spent Sunday et it !gives him eIbe bower of doing good . his Morrie in lirinsley. and ,who has made up his 'mind to Air. Erna! !lief,. of-Clandehoye. live hnd die, In !the eserriec ,of God •gave. his 4,1(1 friends :a call on Sun- and hie fellow creatures. To trea.r day. teachers approaching to such a model 1)r. .las. (,r•assick, of North Dakota is it difficult task yet. awe must t'uc- wray hero Inst meet: i t,II( wins old :1C- cess ism it or else wwe have done noth- ttu:,inl:Iticcs. 1Ic ,wvas un (!lis .way in; for elementary inytructlon." home front Washington, 1). 1'.. wvh^r't` If we were to take this paragraph he )I:id been attending a medical above adn follow carefully t he convention. thoughts of M. Guizot ave would find the key to the three .questions suggested in the beginning of this paper viz.:- how to improve nlir status tin {ho tures of the public, in the. ('yea of the pupils and schoot- hoard owl in the eyes of our own mental vi+ion and the :teacher wwoul.l be •rnor(! In _Tidy 'esteemed, his posi- tion more secure :Ind (lis future as- sured. The teneher must employ ac- curacy in thinking, quickness in per- ception. and scop'•in imagination. ex- ercise the obeervin; faculty. foster the 'spiritual, :Ind tetimulate the rens- rsotrinr q►owwers. IL se( ms he should be 'the embodiment of every thins that is true, just, cable and good, Hy heeomplisltin.t the !,cat /service of which we sjere• able, we exalt the teacher's offit'+,, the teacher's social position tint! influence. It is notto he expected 'th(1t desirable )Ind capa- ble men and !women will be attract- ed 'to a vocation in which at best there is much that is ww('arisomc 911(1 exacting sinless 1net e are tstron3 compent;a(11) adv:ititnzei. fly en'e- I►aringe ourselves for OUT duties by n los course of scholastic and pro- fessio•iial tr:ti'nin,t .and then ,'(riving the very trc:+r results of this to our classes and Nehool boards sae estab- lish n permanence to our profession and snake out 'elves %w•nrtby of :ill true ,refliteCt. Here a gain a r•• 41tre(' ;rent clan•+es ,f teachers. the o,1" well educate( another fairly !well educated clad t h' other 1►e•r t (tnorant. Certainly the hst cl•i.s is bec(Nning th' isrntll(''st, more because of its un- popularity :than from ;in nrnbi1ion 10 h^tter ,1 hie mental rnan, Will the i;nnrent class always (5' milling to sit in dirk winelowle is hilts or will they eometim<' &Aire to built :t li;ht and niry home from nwhich they ,snit ;et ctenrer mental view -4? Ttie 'Ines - lion steed not Ire "l low little knoww- lcyt;e meet 1 ,ret to •clortk :t tnotln►- teiri of i;norancel" The knowwl('d,rc actually in 1•(►;aessiort of .1 he aver - a .7e teachour .ty not accepted ay the minimum.rn(•,r , he swill rtdrnit he' is hampered iby Ws i ittoranee. !Cir trained tpaeller, the axperience 1 to Leber, .1 be efficient teacher i4 dili- gently t:ongl,t lifter and ;thanks to n rigid examination in all our Prov- inces the force of (leachers is becotn- iing •rapidly more efficient. There are It'o other classes to (Iced wit h. the 1'ma11 nnrnl,r'r who have Univers. city training and the Large comber wwho drive not. The hundreds ..'T Normal ,graduates find places on 1he !ewe. or ,in Fight of there; the T,tadualee of the i'niversity if they teach at all, find 'Place!! in t he` cities nn(1 colle;I'S. It is right 1 hit they .leeiId find food "1)141tions. ITh.'v lei ye .paid t he price of Prep.1 re 1 inn. TIi'v Ile -ere., 't reward for their ef- forts. ilut haw the efficient teacher is nerd eel in I1,' country school ! a tt'teber 1os'ril rind patriotic anal with is spirit close kin to that of the sei.isioniry. n lover of wisdom 1'rs- ti<ssifti3 (true humanity, and alt vir- 1 ries tlowitr z from love of t rut h. linw J,etter e•sn n le,iclrr raise his "!bow hiay and Should a 'Teacher Improve his Slut us." Paper read before the West Huron Teachers' Association in (Exeter, May 221141.. 1007, by Miss '8. Gregory. lit assistant teacher in the Exeter Continuation Classed,- Printedby 'Tallest 01 'the Conen- tion• r (Cot►tinut'fi'From Last Week). In "speaking of the status of a teacher .the words of the rminentl Fiend) statesman M. iGuitot nay be recalled: "We -must take pains $o procure for the public) school thus couatituted on ;tblo Insister :and worthy of 'the nhigh vocation of in- structing llhe 'people. It cannot be too often repeated that It is 'the Inas- ter that makes the tachool. A 'good schoolmaster ought to he o matt who knows touch more than he is called upon to teach with intelli- gence and with taste, who is 10 live its n humble sphere and yet have a noble rand elevated mind that he may preserve that 'dignity of !mankind and of deportment without which etc, will never obtain the respect and confi- dence of families, .who l►ossessea a rare 'mixture of teentlenests pnd firm- ness. the obsequious servant of none, a, man mot .ignorant of,..his rights tlt .thinking more of his duties: lowing .to all a .good example but '11'tis 11t:1111eso11. of ('.lintel!, ,j '11t. a few slays last, seek in town. 1)r. t(%:aw% l borpc late of Texas U. R. visiting in tomo n. Air. %Vitt Shofffer, of (idea go, is Spen(liI1 I1 few (lays the attest of his father. Mr. John 11cArtlnir :,n(1 wife at- tendee Mr. Gordon Trevethick. Miss Della 1t'ndeel the wife of the eater's bro. I Kestle .and Miss Brown of I3rinsley titer .at W:(ltott. They were :tccorn- spentSuuday with friends in town. 1panic0 by Rev. 1f r. and Airy. Shaw, DR. I', J. McCt'I?, h1F.MBEIt Obi- A quiet wedding was solotnnized at of 140114. who are at present vi:+it.- TARIO COLLEGE PHYSIC'.` the Royal hotel on 'l'hurrday evening irti3 litre. iIr, cttm(1 Mrs, :McGowan and (laugh- ter. Of Scotland. at -lived here last week (Ind pro tepee revlllin. here in the future. Mi. 114Goww:tit is 11 bro• ther of Mrs. John McFarlane. Mr. John c}Vclsli talent Sunday with friends in London. Messrs. Alex. Murdock :iiia John Weismillcr have purc)t1sed the slur of W. .1. %Vilson at (17 1-2 on Ilio dollar. Mr. Murdock we understand, lnvillatle)ltl4 are 11111 announcing the Rev, Mr. Bean attended the minis- intends to place' a full line of ready -- the atarrisge of Miss Emma, daughter tens! .meson n trend r on Monday made clothin; on •I he counter. of Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Brown to Mr. h1 r. 'Tozer. of Clinton 114 ww as in town Percv M. Humble, (►i Sarnia, on Tar last, andoySunday kool this _onvention at week attending .Tis- dlowlers hue commenced ill the (,n 'Monday nn 1►usinr' r,. day. June it(t}m, earnest :1nt1 are tpraclisirl t .hta'.I, They 111:iwe re-erranr(•4( the, lights on the tgreett which 'gives them a much better light, We 41 re lessee! 10 note 1h:l1 'Mr. ane and Surgtoons. Successor to Dr. X. A. '!fist. Crediton. Ont. Mr. and Mri, Dearing, of Exeter, spent Sunday at the home of the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fink beine'r. Binder Twine- Leave your order w ow for hinder twine- %Ve have only the best "Gold Medal". J. 8. Metz, Crediton Kaet. last when Mrs. Mary Redfern was married to Mr. John Chestnnt. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. .1. W. Andrew. They have the beet wishes of their friends for a happy and prleperowrw wedded life. Mr, D. Westman of Granton Arrived in town on, Monday with two teams and machinery for the manufacture of cement tile, Mr. Westwan and his men will be here for a few weekr. Mrs. utrrota, of Proton, is the roc a I choir of the Evangelical church guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Hodgins rendered the program at lion Sunday for a few days. school anniversary on Monday even - The annual Sunday Sehcul picnic ing last to the satisfaction of all. of the Methodist church will be held ____�__- A rt bur A1cA'list to. and. lir. William this Friday lune 11th. at Grand I3end files get quirk and cer•tairi relief t;eiAer have successfully pail their first year exnIlls. in rliedseine. Miss Annie S‘% in, of 1I)ashwwood, Beaver were in Hotuwsville on Prepay!'piles, and its action is positive sand visited in 1OW 11 on Saturday. WM. Mr. Holtzman took a contract certain. Itching, painful, trot rud- Mr. Ullai. Dyer, of the Mol+on's to buikt one of the larseet barns ir►, in{ or blind Tiles cli4'11110e:1e like flank staff !las been transferred to Huron minty for Mr. 1•orrster. ; Ina ;ie by its use. 1.:1r -ac ,l ickle•cap- the Clinton branch. The MIRre`E41110aAnd Myrite Felt, .td ;lass los frll eve's. Sold by W. Rev. 1'rof. 1',itl('rson. of London, of LMshw000tl, spent. Stunts)* the N. Ilowwey. oecupied the pulpit of Cannel church guests of M ieees Olive and Pearl flol--..- on Slimily in the abseece of Her. E. tzclsaan. lira Harry Dyer, of Detroit is at i when a grand tiine ie expected. from Dr. SI►ooi.'i M:eaic Ointment.. Mr. Gen. liolizrnann and Mr. Harry Please note it is matte alone ttor Dashwood Smith wwho is attending the General Aeseml►Iy in Montreal. the home of her ptrent+ here for a few I week,, Free. for Catarrh, just to prove Our lila iriantrfr,•ttrrers are rushed , merit, a 'Trial sire 'Bax of Dr. to tlsrir firth's( t'•tlt it it v supplying the wants ei $heir many eft-ti'01,rs. manye4 whoa, coyote 2;, tri as r»lisp. CrCreditonrag heels e•1 lisvtu1. the finest hr., k and tile ti) int in t) tie+r•1,►. The hestproof of bio 1pMiit w woworn",mittt isthat She iieerostol is Oar greater thanthe out put. Had 4'rr41i:,►(► 1a risiin i,l it would na►.k :as bt,ih a+ ant' ('f the 111)4.best pl.rrr•t4 11) N .•Irrn t),,tart•'. The to taw frir,,,ti' o1 Mr. John Mc - base. .ltt. r1.). ►.,t,i . Merl►., ex-l►rnlrrie ler .►f Ike Roy's: ,.,t,-1 wort a pirated to slice t►1, rtn tiny( Ise • :$ .%it). 111ee is spirrltd•n>r .. few d.a)e hrie /mewing et- qu arnt,enres. Mr. 1' 1+tei It at ti Miry Alma Hill went teondity nt the fu►rner'e home in 81- 1111 k. ss 0. Geiser of. the 1It h ('on., - caes A wet r►y 'titer( rtttiK }i:+Me 1,1Mi s baseball ( ass w+►rte.'sp it set the t,'crt'ation returned to her home fret], frt. Wound i► nd ('n i''r►aie. y rt ening its last week Thom pid►w !tete she leas been isorkin; CASTO R I A Sp. twe•en the j,rni orr. its (t-,.trali& and I durin; OwOwwinter. Por Infants and Children.the Creditr n tulle t r i .otitis inn Vic-- Miss NI 1 nils Shoemaker. of Perk • Mad YHaveAlways 80 tory for the littler, se' re 1 to P. The hisi+ t isit in t f r ie ads in i)a`hv oo 1.on saltine was est. ting from tt, ginning to Mr. ,Ind 11 r+. will. 11e, of %u,. recd h'r. Mitchell limp r d the game r:ch. ripen( Iist Sunday et the home to the .tatiat.tc tit n • f ►a11. en! fir. Henry ilrrnner. alisse V. yseet of Detroit its visiting Mr. T?a1►iel Mcisasc event last Aun- art parents for n few drays. dr iy in Dashwood.Dashwood. Tue dtw ,lune' ''25th has been 'pro- claimed Civic iloliday in the villa ze of .1)ipshe 0,4 :inti it has aiae been decided •(o hold the annual school picnic on th it tl.ite at (:rand !lend. Come one. cntn(' A very e•xc.i(int ,torn'' of bowfin; w•as q'iaved 1,1+t Friday •vening is'- 1"c-ett the hemlock lenot•i find the ihashsood Nitta Owls. The Night (lois Ihs'in;'t het winners, The score p favor (f Ir•it� 1 1 1 (Mt. i line 1 the 1temlori. Knots lint its it began rep ,,•'t dirk the Nicht Owl; /snarl to .li►t^. They picked up ;reatly ,'ins %tfn itt1 Yatme' with a majority. of 5. Mr. .1scob Kuntz had onot her par- alytic r l ►(tk.. e,•i ll('n(la)• of last Wise1 �t 1111 it :11 !into of WI- it in w•(' ry 1(►tw. Shoop's ('lta rrh !testes!). I,e'1 1140 send it now. It l•d finnw.•wwhitt) creamy, dlealie t, antiseptic halm. Containing such 1►ealin, ingredients OA Oil h•nc:alint ue., Thymol, ‘tferi(hal. etc., it sive% instant rind lastin.( re• lief to Calan h of I he Close and throat. Male the flee fest *1114 st'e for yourself a hit 1 hie preparation can rind moil! .accomplish. ' Adilress 1)r. Shoop it icily.. Wis. I.arze jars 1i0 cent,. Sale by W. H. Ilotvey. My tr;eriel, look here 1 you know bow weak and nervous your wife is Ind you know that Carter's Iron I'illi mill relieve her, new why not he fair at out it :tny buy her a host _r Boars the $tgnatare of rt.it11. that 3ivind bctd ILO these %it - till :.f 1 1!' tuty and should •ituplove his status It)• remaining ,loaf from the trivialities of -gossip and i u, i{1 talk that is found 10 all (valent in 'lever)• section. Let hint stud)' to maintain .a quiet but pleasant dignity, +%worlby of the 'position he Molds. Ile will find that this pays its yc and cents .for )ie will b' values} It his own! worth -other peeler! %e;ll i31114. ),its as 'hc V.11tie s himself 1 -,.wt ai><'ill ayh:tturd to assert his own worth but loin; it gracefully ,.Ind avit flout 111/3 boast. Don't 1(•t. uta 'b,► too revere ir► cry- in3out against tIsalaries p d.at 1'he'r COWARD is lots of room a: t1:<< resp :1i:d it we ('Stip ourselves to curnl►cte twwit11 thea 1►igleed only then cant we reach the hi;hest. \ye cannot all 4,e Iti,h School mestere 'but let ma •its ttdtais- ever class of teachers we may place ourselves el:(l1e:Ivor to excel in that particular class. '1'h'n the salad will be forthcoming if we perform our tasks, even the Arualkst ones, 80 efficiently that our Trustees, ,rea* izo that our services are indispens- able to them. Then there is arertt room for improvement in our own ranks. In confronting that "State salary" question. Ilo" can 'WI% et - peel to have that pert"tattenCe and high stet its desirahje ,owl►^n 'twc•ltre "o frequently facirt. I hat question. Lel us cry it flown and bury it Zen fathoms deep. Our tprofecsion is stripped of its (li.(nity .when selfish alifi unprincipled teachers wwill per- sist t •Sidling one :against the other leaving a school in the middle of a term and beiotz 1os,''et ,:.bout by every mercenary ihreeze that blows. Such teachers should lie titarnped :1s black- e uar(1s and hurled from 'the pro- fession. Such actions not only dower the .teacher in the eyes of the people and trustees hut lean 1lin hoard to look with distrust and suspicion on the more honorable ones. Let n leacher,improve him t;tatus by looking to hit physical well-being. Good health is ('sscntiel to j;ood • SEEDS SEED • A New Supply Just Arrived Giant fellow Intermediate at !tie. pt'" Ih. Bruce's White Seeding beet at 18e. per lb. t e'ebrated -teel Briggs' Jumbo Swede TI'rnip Itt 20e Ib. work and a teacher's life above all needs to 'b (Tee from irritability, nervousness tend 'I►etl isheeess. - -Ile watts do feel he is :t nein among Wren, nhlt' to enter pinto the ao>cial 1if . 004 take ! lie lead in the deweloo- ment of the community and keep abre:tit of the tiniest. It is not .necessary slat a teacher starting out with his Junior Leaving g standing should remain there. efor , the re3u1aiions new provide for a teacher. actually e'nvaned in (cache inz, to obtain Senior 'Teachers' slan(i- i,i by writing It off in four parts, and for those who have no known= ledge(, of I,atin. '1 si`Pial English (>aper 1s provided. Good as .this is it is neither right "tor fair that any teacher should occupy school hours or evert expend all his surplus c•nerzy out of school (lours tin pursuine' such a course. The.. day is past ,when a young dna 11 can "ICecp school" for six (tours in the day ,'Ind occupy about four out of (that six in pur- suing the studies in :the medical cur- riculum or some pother profession. If a teacher find it impossible to study for the Senior Teachers' examination while teaching it will spay hits to drop out for n year or even two. After ,that is obtained he can secure University standing for himself if he, is ww'illin; to ,work. Queen's Uni- versity offers all opportunity for a teacher to secure his degree extra murally. ,which opportunity has been taken ndvnritaee of by inany tcach- eri. A teacher hol(iin_ n -hist Class certificate is allowed five 'subjects elm his Il, A. course, but if ho doesn't hold that he may start right in any: - way, completing the coarse in three yeats after Senior l.eavin; or four after Junior, Leavin-1. Ile may take a ;eneral 11. A. courser or branch into Classics : Eneliele Moderne and history; Science eta. 1►avinz Senior Leavitt- standing five subjects lire allowed. so (one really Starts in the second year. 011e may write on five subjects a rear but thrscc is •3ette''r:- ally considered) a heavy year's nvoTk extra murally. Ity payin five dol- lars the examination is 1*01(1 at any centre the candidate may %wishe f'ul'- ler explanations may l.' ,found on this course by evritine 10 re '1• Chown. 1te;islrar of Queen's Univer- sity, Kinston. for n calendar. '1'o Be (:out itlued. ENTI1ANCE. EXAMINATION 1IE- QUI1IEMENTS. In all probability, not ',two per cent. of the potent -4 tin tlrhin and rural 'schools, know the reauireineuts of tpupils for Entrance exintination. The following declaration must. ,be si;ned together with a confidential report of the pupils rt,tn(dint. a "1 hereby cor(1fy that the pugs. whose names etre :tiwct1 telotw, have cont• plated onttsfactorily the ('OUrses its the subjects of fart I., for admission 10 .tile '1(1;h Schools, las prescribed by the ,Re3nlatiott.4 of the Education De- partment of Ontario. approve Au;. 1904 ; and that the con tl etntla marks 1, Com'!" CLARK, Winchelsea Yes! Spring was a long time coaling, but. its here. Next will come the tlieR to bother you, but if you w' ill get your screens and sei een doors from us. you will pot be .bothered with the little pests. We have a large supply on hand. We also hfvd a ,lot of fence wire also hooks a n t1 staples. Everything in the Hardware line kept by us. W. MOORE KIIIKTON, - ONTARIO Choice Turnip Seed The following kin is in packages at 21.) cents a pound from the Steele Briggs Seed Company, Limited. I. Evans Improved Ontario. 11. Perfecticn. 111. Good Luck. IV. Select Purple Top. V. Jumbo. Vi. Balls Westbury. V 1 I. Kangaroo. Screen door+ ,a, $1.01) and 161.25. Screen windows at 24c. Nice White and Braes Curtain Poles at 15c. Store closes at 7.311 every Tuesday evening. B. N. F. BEAVERS, = Farquhar, • ARE Y00 WEARING SYIIOMS 01 Inc ConflIQQ N0E1h W GLASSES THAT DONT HOMESTEAD RE(►ULATIONS. V even nunlbc red section of Dominion lands SUIT YOUR EYES ? A•5 And ra,not reser.ed�tn arydbellR,mestea1e+11 t Then come to London and have a pair any person Mho is the head of a fan►ily,or any n, ut cr 1a yet rs of age, tor the extent of one -guar Tilade for you that will correct all your scales of ifil, acre•:,, snore or 145.4• Entry must be ,rade personally at the local la • office for the district in w tij, h the land is situate. The homesteader is required to perform rho ct dines, connected therew tth tinder one of the (olio ing plans: - (1) At least six months' re.idefncet upon and ctrl ration of the land in each %� :.r for three scars. (2) If the father (or moth( r. if the father is d ceased) of the homesteader re.i.ixe upon a fano in wictnity of the land enteral far, the regiurenten'.e to residence may be satisfied t such person residi EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS with the father or n►other, 131 if the settler has his permanent residence u 237 Medea 1l.Stl,OS. OsL farming land owned by him in the vicinity o tits hauee.tead, the rrluirements tta to residence may ..... t►e satisAcet by residence Upton the said land. Six months' notice in writing should be given t The Ministerial Association of S. the Commissioner of [loininion T.ands at Ottawa OVt intention to apply for patent. Huron held its regular monthly meet- w, w, COKY, ing on Monde►y, 111th lust in the Pres- byterian Deputy church. The following were N. B,- Cnwthorlscd publication of ltd. advertise* present: Rev. Meters. Bean, Urquhart. inert t.illnot t.e pea(f for !rear, Coilins,Crenston, Hart, Toll and Martin. After the usual routine busi- I ness Rev. Mr. Te►11 read an excellent Pape: on the "Authority of Hl t3criplure " The disrus:+i(w1i aftert>sw e onshpahon yR 1 W Urquhart eye defecs, no matter how Craiplicaed. We have patients in all parts of Canada who can attest our skill and accuracy in fitting each particular (use, and the lenses are ground in our own laboratory, under personal supervision. Appointment made by mall. or phone 1877. THE TAIT-BROWN OPTICAL CO. was opened 1, Rev. ) rgtl tart and j.dnsd in by all present. it was apparent throughout the (lisctission that there is very little divergence from the old paths on thio Inspiration of Scripture. among the Ministers of Routh llurou. The Association ad- journed to tweet In September. About t 1►(' poorest economy cur d , farmers can P194'1ice is to zi,v) up h f' l 1 ki raiiirt� tIn'it• owwn wr),e:tt, and to given for I'•art of any belief, correct�lll,ettd diner money for Manitoba estimates of ti'i pupil+' tending in flour, It is downri;ht extriv ;ant the tsubje•ots r.t►untcratsd ())<rrin." for they loos, money hot 11 Ways. In Now turnin4 to the Regulation, ; the first place there it a atcadily and not1t one subject only of 1',irt' ;rawina demand for blended flours, 1., viz., history, %se 111.1Y note t hie Which roe mined of Ontario wheat requirements ni follows,-"'I•}tc most and Manitoba wheat. itorta(emesis in C'anndian :Ind No flour milled of a sitt;le kind Ilrrnlitl titnt 11ist(►ry. cyjteeial)y Burin; of ,w% h e nt, can be as 'good as n bleta.l- e nineteenth century." ed /lour. For iriahance. Ontario th Tltis course cornprise't also su1t1ik- ww•heit 1:,eks :strength. nithou?li et mentary work in .Ilio;ral►hy of some mak .i very fine, ww hits bread and thirty per'ons 571c11 95 Wolsey. Eliz.t- light Pest ry. Manitoba wheat makes Swill etc. Bt b: r lo at is very nlitritiouy'y -- ___• but t h(' hrertlithi't cour.e. arts yelloww. llu1 :t blended flour -containing both Ontario and Manitoba wwheat- A man's %Ore should always be the same. especially to her husband. .sti It(� whet. eac h single kind of but if she is weak end nervous, and ; wheat lacks, and contains the good u'tes Carter's iron ('ills, she cannot ' qualities of both. be, for they slake Iter "feel like a ( Then, look tit it in anal her way. if our ()own f time, a huv t13nite.t,a flour, they are ntrtkit..0 allothe,r prow- inen rich at the expense of our own. The money, which they earn in On. here. tario, li turned over to the farmers Our wor,teotlfojk ,can ,?►(rlp it his co use. aIon 1 by 'urin3 a blendeP flour for all ;their %akin;. Tho more they tly•, the greater will l r the (Finite' for Ontario wheat, As Gln cores wind colla and k the beat tressed Every farmer in Ontario should r,]i' this increise•s, n (rurally the farmers pp s1 ror�llarrbttttea. Iii plewa►nttathsta a 130 winter .vaeat-as bis a crop as his will tae► in more for wvhent. Everyo bydroseet!elnevery part oe the world* farm •ww•il1 uslift. Ile sl:otllcl not cents a �oottstl+ Ita_�vTatise In incalculable, He j body will thus s }, t re in the, Te -]u sent► Ars sod take Mn Winelow's Soothing only raise Ontario wheat, but Le .otion of a failin; industry, and re- Ryrupaadask toe ooother kind. ,heals ,also make it a Poitit to hay juice in the .heater prosperity t,f Guaranteed tinder the Fonil and n blended flour, made of 110 "arse our farminz population. Drugs Ast, June 30th, 1A00. serial a }moms rdrow n wheat. Number 1598. ( The money is uredo here -the mon- SUBSCRIBE FOR triiE TIME& different person," so they all say and their husbands spy so too. 1'OIt ()Vi?1t SiXTY YEAiRS AN ULD •1'.D %i'lt.L•lstar1 1ttYtUy.-Mrs and millers of Manitoba. Winslow'sSoothing syrup has been need tor What rill our fanners, and ww•Nat over mlawcarob,mtelon.ofmothers for the:, n11 our hmse i•ww•ive, should do is to children while teething. with perfect, ROOM, s it soothes Umatilla .sawn. Lae gums, snip ap let .together on this floor larestion. )flaked sweet apples, with some peop* bi prompt relief for Constipation. With Otllitiel coarse all•wheat bread will have the same etslstl. Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy relieve everylelment known tdlisn, if physl can but And Nature's way to health. And thin kli Strikingly true with r('gard to Conwt(pa The bark of a certain tree in k 11fo cars Sagrada-offers a most excellent aid to end. But. combined with Egyptian Senna, pert' Elm Bark. Selt.t Extract of Prunes, etc., Oa Mme Cascara bark is given its greatest po.1bl� power to correct constipation. A toothiotmd candy Tablet, called lax-ets. is now made at tai Dr. Shoop Laboratories, from this Ingen000s taxa most effective prescription. Its effect on Camillo ration, Biliousness, Sour Stomach. Bad Breath: Sallow Complexion. etc., Is indeed prompts and satisfying. No gaping, no unpleasant after effects areal.. perienced, and Lax-'ts ars put up in beautiful lithographed metal boxes at 6 owls and 25 pDtd per box. Tor something now, nice, e0000mlonl else sCectlye, try a box of Lax-ets W. S. 1IOWEY. e•y yltoni0 b • siAait bete end kept