HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-06-13, Page 477,
The best and hargebt as-
r+ortmeot of Rubber Goods
iii the town.
I Jot -Water Bottles,
Ice Bags,
Comb Syringes,
Fountain Syringes,
Euemas, Bulbs,
Rubber Tubing, Etc.
Don't forget the 11IGIIT PLACE
to buy these (foods.
Drug Store
The Exeter Times
Exeter. Ontario.
Terms of Subscription $1.00 per
year in advance. $1.50 ;nay be
charged if not so paid. To United
States subscribers, $1.50 strictly in
advance. No. (paper discontinues
until all arrears are paid, unteas at
the option of the publisher. °The
date to winch every subscription is
paid is denoted on :the label.
Advertising rates on application.
That iCanada is growing in com-
mercial direction's can be ( concl114.
ivcly shown Ly fi=ures. Two of
the ,areal departments of the eovern-
meut -viz: the post office and t he
railway department, reflects r the
condition of things very accurately.
The ttt'ce-,sty of establishing new
officer, the fact that correspondence
is on the increase, the additional evi-
dence that the revenues of the post
office are ever on the increase, the
additional evidence that the reven-
ues of the post office are ever on
the increase all lead to the same con-
The demand for new railway lines,
the fact that traffic mor,-. than keeps
pace with the additional accomoda-
tion provided, and that year by year
mage passengers travel and more
freight is handled, supply the justifi-
cation for saying that Canada's Cone
meteiat 1rowth Is astounding.
.While there is prilpo..iOit:ale i11-
9Tea9e ill all departments, the two
Detected are more nearly in touch
With .Ilse life of the people than any
other. and are therefore selected as
examples of the expanding character
of Canadian economic affairs.
Post office -1903 • No. 10,150
do 1004 No. 10,190
do 191'5 No. 10,879
do 1906 No. 11,111
Money orders issued -1903$20,868.202
do 1(x)1.. 29,(152,811
fro 11165..:32,349,475
do 1906 .37,355,073
Post cards sent --I903 ..... ..:'9),640,000
do 1901 27,178.000
do 1(1)5 29,941,000
do 11106 :33,674,000
Letters sent -1903 x35, 791,(MM)
do 1901 259.100,000
do 191)5 285,541,0(16
do 1901 :e23,I111,001)
• Revenue total -19)03 $5,1K-1,162
do 1904 0,31)6,42')
do 1905 11,786,089
do 11114 7,7)8,142
Expenditure total -1903 $5,30445tls
do 1901 6,(1)1,t13f1 ('ezrnta, pcairie itch, rio(4%01!Il, hcatj►
do 1905. o..315.215 sores. and sores* due to blood poison,
do 19416 (ln 6,377 it i9 ah,0lu1e1Y without equal. All
I+tore: and dIu,gistM sell .at fifty
'1'b(•.e ft gnres 0110w the l'' 0.ldy cents, el bust -free ft cru 1be Zino.
tgrowth of thiv branch of the purr Iluk Co., 'luronto, for et ice.
tic service *since 1903. Since 111at----
date post office:'+ have increased 9:11. ItEFOB M CON \'EN'TION.
'Monoy coder4 have ' increa,c:1 The Reformers of Satitli Huron ate
$487,471. Postcaids increase:I 7,02M,- lookm£ forward to a v, ly interest -
000. 1.e 11ers Love increased 87,8:13,-
000. Revenue bas iueteased $2,021.-
080. This increase has Leen consis-
tent :and continuous until the very
oatisfaelory fi s• ,es quoted above
have been reached.
Miles of operation- 191)3 14,1138
do 10(41........ 191,334
do (1Nh► 21).lxe addition there will b' teeul�portuo-
do 19(10 21.3'):3 its of h••'1rin; the Iron. A. ll. Aylcs-
Paeeengeas carried -1903... 22.1IS.742 worth, K. C.. lean ldi.In Attorney
do 11144....'r3,ONl,7'ta General. 'There is .also the pom%ihrl.
do - 1(145....3i.ees.723 sty of Iron. t;eorae Grill on, Prom -
do 1(1111....27,1Naev2 111061 1.t(.•4a1 Leatl'r, )('ins present
Freight carried -190:3...17,373,4' lions 1holt lh 41111, i. not entirely certain
do 19x)1...48,1117,5(9 • ns yet.
do 11105 . :A),'ttt;i•t►57 .,
do 1906... 57.900.713 "
(irons earnings -191X3 $ (i$J04,527
do 1914 100,21i1,439
do 1005 100,497,1118
do 11101 125,3•t2,8t1
Since 1903, there Ilia beet added
2, 365 mil(xi 40 the operating milk'
age of Canadian roads and the ;groes
receipts in the home period 31ave
grown front $96,0(31,527 to $125,322,-
8(35. an increase o. $29,258,338.
During 1906 the railroads carried
10, 593,293 tort's ,More fI.'ight than
they did in 1903, and the capacity of
the road; to -day i; tar less than the
freight domande.
As the days' (go by and the income
ilia citizens from it he mother land
arrive to mako their homes in Cana-
da, the wisdom .of the gowerlinwnt'a
course with regard to administering.
public affairs will be more and more
dentonstrated. 133 the It into those
who are now commencing' their life
amen; us will be 111 a position to
Fillip 1Ii.ir produce, new transporta-
tion faculties will )Ie ready in the
Nort11-west. In every direction the
railways are brahchine out and en-
tering new territory. New freight
carriers are being Out on the .great
lakes. and the ;)reduce of the west
will be more easily and cheaply
transferred to aha sea.
. . . . .
The return; for Apr1I Chow that
Canada's total trade for the month
has increased $1,1'23,771 over the
same month of last year. The fig-
ures aro $37,779,170. '. (The imports
over 1ho sato:; month last year in-
crease(! by $1,628,226 t uown3 the
-greater purchasing potwe:r roof the
Dominion. The duty collected ;lur-
ing tit:) month of April was $1,3:t301tt
an increase for the month over the
;.;acne period last year of $179,153.
. . . . .
The late spring 1133 not been wit r-
out effect upon the business end
commercial interests of the 1)0nlira-
ion, but from all direction; the testi-
mony is the ssnne, that the good
times enjoyed for many years past
may be confidently anticipated dur-
iu; the coming N(.ason. The people
are satisfied with their prospects,
well pleased ;with the aovcrnmenta
and proud of 11ic r county)'.
Blood "Poison Through
Stocking Dye.
While 'rtttrndin; to Ler household
duties, Mrs. A. Ilarrisou, Place -do -
Armes, Kingston, Ont., struck her
ankle 'against a projcctio�itwllich
inflicted n cul. She paid c at-
t(•nli0n ,to the, wound at t tirue,
bol in n (3u' days it br'c:rtuit llen
and very painful. A medical Ulan
was consulted and it was then found
that. ,the (lye from het• stocking bad
got into the Avou id )tend set up blood
poison. '!'hen besetts a trying period
of ,pain, which, 11i'd it trot been for
Zam•buk, might hoc even yet
have been ended. \1r+. Ularri;on
says: "The doctor .,01(0.0^11 •certain
treatment. :which 1 follow cd .out ;
the 154011141 1.;ot ho letter, and rc+4
(used to teal. It w417 most painful
and sometimes 1 could hardly hear
to ewalk. I ;was almost in despair
when n (tient! advised the -to 'try
l.ant lick. 11 noon redur:d t he swel-
ling and inflammation, and the pain
-so acute hefore-got (cs3 and les.
until 'the ankle was quite case. Than
the .;(0111141 began to 'heal, and a
little mare perseverance resulted in
complete cure.'
%11rta-balk draws the pain and the
poison (rent a ;wound at the ,sauna
time. It heals ulcers, cl:afi11 lrores4
sour, fret, bad te721, nnil varicose ul-
cers. It cures insect Stings, 0111)-
011rn, mummer -'ashes, and Cheat spots
while as a euro for chronic wounds
in; nieetins 011 1'iId.c tt.c I4th.
init. at the Opera House Ilensall.
This is the tilt(' fixed for their cpn-
venti0u called fur Ili: Pitrposc
no atilt; a candidate for the Ins
'ninon ('.atti:anent. '1'1. encertaint,
as to who will be the chaice a 111011
several desirable aspirant. (011(1.4 10
make the meeting pllt,active, but in
Buy Hair
at Auction?
At any rate, you seem w he
getting rid of it on auction -sale
principles: "going, going,
g -o -n -e 1" Stop the auction
with Ayer's flair Vigor. 1t
certainly checks failing hair;
no mistake about this. it acts
as a regular medicine; makes
the scalp healthy. Then you
must have healthy hair, for
it's nature's way.
The best kind of a testimonial -
"Sold for over sixty geese."
Nee by J. c wry oe., Unroll. Strm
Mao leanaNetarere of
T1s.• U10(11114 of the cement walks
colnuu'510 l thin w( -c k.
It.'5'. 31 r. Itnrtlett pr"ich•d in St.
Marys last 'timidly tot h morning
and 1'Vena11;.
.111)•3liR,rs Ge'(and 1111nc111'
Mills visited tat Zion on Snndsy.
Tie' IIIIIIIV'I 5.11 Iv services of the
7.ioe chinch tw •r' 11^Id ( 1411 Sunday.
Mr. itoy Dirk nett .hiss G. atillm
took in the lee nt Zinn on Monday
V. 'Mason visit, d at Shipk.t last
Mr. Clots. M"a.hhntii, of ("beaky,
is the ;nest of \Ir. '11,07 Washburn
:end lea gra lel too ;1,'r 311 Ch 1ries
Washburn. 31r. W Ashburn w Im r,-
cenlly ford li(4.••4 .at I minister nn,1
Ins( abode; pr., icl:• 1 In t1.' I.n;lisp
Church :1t 1<irkton.
Several from heft, attend • 1 the tea
meetinz held at %1011 Monday even-
ven•in Z.
Copies of the ('road n ,Crimin:al
Lies 1 -.we been rer'iw (1 I,y the nn-
(1'rsirnerl, en(1 will he supplied to
,lwsli0(7 .'in14 'Mn;-eraI0♦ on npt(li•
r'1 l 1(441.
C. Manger, Clerk of the j-eacc.
(iod•'rich. June 7th., 1907.
• 1 Farmers' Excursion to
1 The Molsons Bank
Established 1835.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has bees
III use for over 30 years, has borne the signature et
and has been made under his per.
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allo no u
Allow one deceive you in
to o this.
All Counterfeits, Intitatlons and "Just -as -good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health or
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTORiA
Castoria is a harntloss substitute for Castor 011, Pare-
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worths
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and I3owells, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea --Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The K!lld You gage Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Ntw YO..
S. S.INC. 4, 1: 813Olt N E,
Following is a ,correct report ot
the standing of the pupils of S. 8.
No. -4, Usborne, for ;rho month ot
May 'based upon regularity of at-
tendance, conduct and weekly exam-
inations. Tho names appear in order
of merit. fir. IV. -Frank Rooke. F.
llkndford, Cecil Skinner, Willie Sss-
ery, Vial Kerslake. Willie Webber,
Bella !Devil. Jr. IV.- Annie Mc-
Curdy, liedley. 'Stay. Carrie May, 'T.
Coates, Aya Skinner, George ;Davis,
Willie Walker. III. -Mary McCurdy
Letts Coates, Arlie Hunter, Leda Har-
ding. Verna Coates, Edward Kellet.
1I. Sr.-Ircno ford, 'Thelma Skinner
Frederick Webber, Frank Coates,
Sam. Mq(urdy, Minhie Nay, Wesley
Culbert. Jr. 1L-Itoy Thompson. R.
'Webber, Verda flicks. Pt. IL -Ver.
Hie I'iucotnbe. Gordon ]Punter, Oars
old Iiunter, 'Carrie Thompson. 9.'t.
I. -Sr. -Willie Thompson. Carrie Da-
vis. Jr. P1. I. -Barry Coates, Earl
Magee. Average attendance for the
mouth Was '34.65.
J. W. IIOGARTII, Teaeher.
The poet's exclamaliou : "0 Life!
I feel thee .bounding in !any reins."
is a joyous one; Persons that can
rarely or never make it, in honesty
to 'themselves, are among that Most
unfortunate. They do not live, but
exist ; for to live jmplics to mOrn
tiln11 to be '1'o live is to be wed
and strong—to arise feeling i:4u31 to
the ordinary duties of 'the day. and
to retire not. overcome by ahem -to
feel life 'boundinz in Aha veins. A
medicine that hal made thuu0an.lm of
people, rneta and women, well :ani
strong. 113A accomplished '1 treat
work, "bestowing the riches' Was
SiIVO. II 1141 that medicine l.4 Hoods
8ars.•lparilla. Tie' weak, Y'tin-dotvn,
or debilitated from any cause should
not fail to hake it. II. builds up the
wholo system. chan3('s (xialenc•' into
life, and makes life ryore taboun(1inz.
We sire -xlad to hay these words in
its factor to the reader.+ ef on col -
'I'IIAMKm 111)AI)
A union service ;;1414 feed in the
Presbyterian church herr on Sun-
dry morning, %when Dec. Mr. !'air
of tElimville, preached to 0 largo
gathering of Method:sty and I'reshy-
Dur 1.'. E. Merlin; jn the ev(•nins
was I,ir;els attetanel :Ind nlsn very
intere,,lint end helpfnt.
Mr. Will 1'aesrnore epee( BuIday
At Crt:ntariy, the vuest of .Miers
Florence ilunein.
,Miss Flossie Coward spent Sunday
at horny.
Mica Mary Monteith wisil(rl et the
Tonne of her parent on Hund,)' 55 bile
Miss 1?dran Duncan si a4 her 7110%1.
31174 Ilrmri(' `sharp, of Exeter, was
the guest of \firs Ma;yje Passmore. Mi. Relit. Gardiner is 'making
Master Garnet 1'assn►orc jt unable some imprnv('nlrll17 in 1147 home.
to at tend .4chn,1at rev et on 1 I .s )ae,
tied her mother. of Chi.
count of Lavine bleed -poisoning in ea;o, arc visiting 111 the home of
Mr. and Mrs. White.
Miss Af. Phipps, of Fullerton, is
visiting ;her :aunt, Mts. 11. Borland.
samples of 1115 1)i. Shoop's hectors•
live, and nay Loop: nn either ,I)yspep.
a91�aired_ moil, Thr thrall nu '1h^ Kidneys.
Trough's of the SInmach, 114Irt 0r
Kidm'l" f.re me►(ly rt•r11001114 of n
t� , deep r uilMon I. Unn't 1113 kr the
common err lir of t eat in; pyn,l ani44 Beautify and enliven your home by
Vide" ore its causes. only. Sy 11)4)1 lrralmerit is tryst- Vat lei( toit. one of'.%anel,('s hest and
kcaned e{ Illi los in; th,' result of vont' ailment, and lit •rt 1.( 44 Palin 121
tubercles," 114,1 1 h • c 1use. \1'r Il: Kt urn ich n((n'rs THE HIiINTZMAN
and WbesS L k -t hr 111441(10 ne0VO4-rnr'In t,'itnmac1s
allowed to wr;tknr•74 nlway.4. And the Heart, — rind leidneyi 1414 ((ell, have their con-
k or cprettyonsumption k trolling lir iniid' Orr 40S, Weaken We sell theta on just the kind ef
sin.. to tate root. , these tierces anti Son inevitably have! terms yoo are looking for,
week vital Organs. Rrr(` is nwllcre
Dr. Sl on;r',. Host nt ivy ham mads
((7 fame. No of her remedy ever
elainls to trait the "itl.7ide nerves."
Also for hloalin;, ,biliousness, bad
hr •th lir , no, rein,,, 11-1' lir ."h •op'..
V 11640 1'e alms l i n, p l p a l i 5 r. fit"
h k. tad f o r
� Oar CgkenSeed reedes Ne. Lewd. 44amplr Ynd ffr^ book. Dr. Shoop, S. MARTIN & SON
RiciWis, Th, Itr,tnralive is sold
by W. S. llnwey.
—The— •
Annual Meeting
-Of The_
South Huron Farmers'
Will he Held in
Miller's 1 tall, I Iensall, on Tues-
day, June 13th, at One o'clock. WILLIAM BROWN, PROF. DIP
In addition to the usual business an LOM A OF ROYAL IN('Olti'altATl(D
address will he given by Prof. Rey -
Ontario Agricultural
College, Guelph
The annual Excursion to the untario Agricultural
('ollrgr .t Guelph under the auspices of the Wert
and South Huron }'amen Institutes mill be held on
Friday, June 21st, 1907.
Special trains rill be run for the accommodation
of raeurei.nu,t6 a, follows•
tioclrrich .7.441 a hi a) 1.!5 3 •65
llolmrstillr L17 1 b• .041
Clinton e.05 1.201 .Iia
Heaforth 2120 1.15 .0' ♦
ht. Coluad.21.310 1.15 .(.) 4.
Dublin 1. 3(1 11n .15
nelgraie 1.2; .65 ♦
I11) th...... .. 1.2.: eS
Londrahotu 1.240
Centralia a 45 1,20 .l (p
Exeter (iii 1.25 .63
n rnaall ...............7,43 1.23 .O5
6ippen.. .... .......... 7.txI I.1.2.5nu•efield 7 341 1.50
Clinton.... 7 43 1.211
Arrile at Guelph at lu a. tn.
Thu 11'onn•u'r Instilutra of 11'cat and South Huron
will join the eacunio n.
Committee of Arrangements
THOS, M.M11.1.4N, 14, M. YOUNG
Heaforth Carlow.
N'N. BAILIE II. 41.4,1111)111E 14
Dungannon. Earcluhar.
Auction Sale
Valuable too Acre Farm in Us -
Mr. Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer,
bas been instructed to Bell by public
auction on
TUESDAY, THE 25th JUNE, 1007
at Two o'clock p, 111. Lot Number
Fifteen, in the 'Tenth Concession of
the Township of Usborne; containing
100 acres more or less.
On this farm are a good frame house
2 good bank barna, one 311 f t. by 50 ft,
and the other 30 ft, by 51) ft., a good
well with a wiudmill on it, about two
acres of good orchard and about 14
acres of good hardwood bush. The
soil is a 'goal clay ioa►rl. 1'11e farm
is well fenced and drained. ••••••tt'•••••••••••♦••••♦N
The property is ritual"d only a
toile and a quarter from church,
schoolhouse and Farquhar Post Of-
They upurchaser will have Atte 1
e ariv- BRACELETS•
;teat' of 'going on the farm After tar ♦
we4t 11(1.4 mummer to (10 11eceS[;ar)' 2
fall plowing and will get full pos-
session 0n 1st. December next.
'Perm; -10 per cent. of the purchase
money on the day of sale and the
balance on iif December next ;with-
out interest. Part of the I1ut'chash
money can remain 011 .Mortgage if
the purchaser desires it. For fur-
ther particulars apply to (Badman
& Stanhury, Barristers. Exeter: ,lane
hfcCullagh, Farquhar. Admini,'ltra-
CAPITAL PAID UP • • • • • • • •
RESERVE FUND ••• •••• • - •••' 13(000.000.00
Assets Over $33000,000.00
General Banking Business Transacted,
Savings Bank Department
$1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR
Times a Year.
Dickson & Carling, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager
T46 Usborne and tilbbert Corn
Farmers Mutual Fire Incur
anus Gompanu
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
Pres. W. II. 1'ASSMORE, Flfeellar.
Vice -Pres.: -J. L. Russel -L.
DIRECTORS. desired.
ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0 if desired.
AGENTS. Exeter Centralia
JOHN EERY, Exeter, agent for f
Usborne and I3iddnlph.
OLIVER HARRIS. Munro. agent
for Hibbert. Fullerton and Logan.
Secy.Treas. Farquhar.
Exeter and Centralia
Will exchange for other graiu
Richard Seldon
5th. June, 1907 -
Farm for Sale
Fine 150 acre farm on Thanes
Road, Usborne Township. On 100
acres large two story frame Louse,
two bank barns and drive shed ; bush
and orchard: well drained and fenc-
ed: only two Ind one-half utiles from
Exeter, and convenient to school
and churches; soil, clay loam :with
running stream at the rear of farm.
On the fifty Sores is a frame barn.
It is also ntel1 drained nnd fenced.
Farm divided and sold in separate
parools if desired. For n(1 particu-
lars apply at once to GLADMAN &
STANI(URY Barristers Exeter Ont.
Farm for Sale
100 acre farm i11 Stephan Township
good frame barn and Louse. Well
drained and laud all cleared. Creek
through rear corner of farm. Can
he 1)ou;ht rigid. and on easy terms',
for quick Hale. Apply at once to
Barristers. Exeter Ont.
Farm for Sale
We have a good farm of about
35 acres for male on reasonable terms.
Situate near •1\11. Carmel in Stephen
Township. First Class laud and fair
bnildirl;a. Near church and school.
Apply to GLADMAN & 8'l'ANRUiIY,
Barristers, ,Exeter, Ont.
nolds, 0. A. C., Guelph, on the sub-
ject "General Farm Drainage"
!'resident. Secretary.
Organist of Tri)itt llenaorial Church, Exeter,
Piano, Organ, Harmony and Thenr) of )lush.
Teresa on App►i:atior. Exeter, Ontarlo.0
Civic Holiday.
Peet* the petition of R. N. Rowe,
111-4 1001. \\'llilc pia)'iII with n dn.( ll. 1C. Ilyndnrul, Carlini 11004. an.1
lin ,accid(ntal)y stepped on the pronai fort)' -two other 4(1Iopayers of the
01 a
;artier' rake which pierced 1►j+Icl l 111111 -41.4Y. ttl1 *lo b i 'tyypra-
trot, ;ivin; him a geed deal P[ I June. 1!197, a d Iy to the observed by
510:. d .1011,11.1011,11 has compl.^.ted hitt
trouble. I the citizen.; of Exeter, ns a Civic
{ course and bas ;raduetell Fetid l)•. Let :Ill good citizens grow -
university with •honors. ern themselves - accordingly. God
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Johns :are. at I I4nre (110
900w'nl 1h Graw('nhuret nt the sans -e A. Q. )tOl9liSlt, Reeve.
toriur11, ,55 here Mr. Johns intends
spending some time for the improve.
nenit of 1111 health.
51r. ,11. Fr.Incii has cnmeteted his
prep.1r,11;ow+ for the tin il(tin.r of :l1
foie new hi ick residence.
RemovM:d ec.
scrotals. 's.
If you want (eller makes w.• has e
Don't f•.t)tet 1144 when con Rant
Stationery. I+shy Carriage+ and lVag.
gone, Bicycles and Sewing \i.u'hinra
Nineteen hundred and
seven will be a great
year for Bracelets and
our stock contains all of
the new and most de-
sirable patterns. A call
at our store will con•
vince you that this is
right. "
Ce H. WARD & CO.
i 2
314 Richmond 8t.
leNDBN, Olil.
Highest Price Cash
all kinds old iron., cop-
per brass lead zinc, pew-
ter, rubber, rags, wool
pickings, horse hair.
Steel stone boats, boule-
varding, iron posts.
Sell or exchange for the
above goods.
M. Jd6S011 & ion
near the old market
Main St. Exeter
Was established twenty years
ago and by its thorough work
and honorable dealings with its
patrons has become one of the
largest and most widely known
Commeroial Colleges in the
province. The demand upon us
for commercial teachers and
office assistants greatly exceeds
the Nurply. We assist graduates
to posit one. Studerts are enter•
ing each week. Catalogue free.
Tt:Ki,Ylt4 a(1dre...141 to the Poet inaatrr
(ienenl : il1 i,P ((eeired at Ottawa unlit noon
nn }'rider the 2101 .Inn., 1907, tnr the Porn% P) •
aur. of Ilia Maj..rt'• )fall., nn a pmpnand('ontraa
for !.rite 1Par7.ix lime. j.er week Pach ,.ay,b(•raeen
Da.hw'..l and Eaet.r Orand Trunk Hails ay .ration
lr.nn1?o)C (atnl,er, nPat.
fnrth'r infnrrnatio. as
4,,orwlil4'344nf4.n,4.n.ed,•lintrare mat be aPPn and
blank forma''! ender 'mat be obtain. 1 at IFP I'0.t
(Mk(sof Dribs clod. man•ptaar.:1 ((ay and at the
times of the !tie OAn-P Inspector at r/m.lnn.
11. ('. ASDr.14AON
and Clandeboye
A Good Way
to be Stylish and Becomingly%
Dressed and to have your Cloth-
ing as thoroughly niade and as
carefully cut as possible is to come
here with your ideas.
First-class Workmen will turn.
the materials which you choose
into pleasing, lasting realities.
Our experience is pretty good'
assurance that you will be sorry
for nothing and prices are always
at the bottom notch.
Merchant Tailor 1
Cheap rates to Pacific : oast_
Where are you going to spend the
summer' Here's a few suggestions.
Portland, Ore. 1,08 Angeles, Cal,
Spokane, Wash. Rossland, 13. C.
Vancouver, B. (1, Ilelena, Mont.
San Francisco, Cal. Lethbridge, Alta.
Cheap rates to all the above places.
Tickets are also available via Sarnia
and Northern Nay. Co.
Tickets are now procurable. Valid
until Oct. 31st.
Call and see Grand Trunk Ticket
Agent and he will cheerfully give you
full particulars.
J. J. KNIGHT, Depot Agent,
ate, to
&sew4,ISIIY1 2, 141,140; AY
rit 57110.I
return f.rith n
sixty days from going
Are the same from all points in Ontario.
ranaena from 532.00 round-trip ty
Winnipeg to 542.50 round-trip to Ede
mouton. Tickets to all points in the North -weal:
A limited! number ot
Tourist Sleeping Caryl
will be run on Baca
•zeur.lon. fully equipped with bedding. etc.
smart porter in charge. Berths must be secures
and paid for through local agent at least six da17'
Infers excursion leaves.
In which there is no
extra charge for
berths, passengers
manstring tb&lr lows bedding. will be used as far
es possible is place of ordinary coaches. 1
Rates and furl Information contained In free
Nemeseekers' pamphlet. Ask nearest O.P.N.
Agent for a corp, Or write to
0. t. IOSTIL IMAM Pus. 14e.. C.PJ., Tomei,
The Farrel, the small l'r.wn and the
\'illa,re, fln'nish ra %ere Istge majority'
of our succee-fol met ahem 7, financier►
profe4.ional men aid Ire ding states
With many. the tli.t impulse. and
the first Bell -direct d, ambitious.
movement towards the goal. are in-
cited by the prat tics! education re-
ceived at.
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110 Dundas Street i.ondon
What it has done for others it
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LNdieN are equally
taking a Book keeping
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Write for catalogue containing full
To the Secretary Western R(nine+'
College. Londoe. Oro.
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W.. C. Coq, C. S. R. i'resident