Exeter Times, 1907-06-13, Page 261000000000000000000001
Itow Bessie Jones hated arithmetic!
And site couldn't seers to learn it, either.
The very simplest sum in the book was
e puzzle to her. 1f Big Brother in juke
would say. "How much are twoad two,
Bess?" poor Bessie would be guile as
likely to say "live" or "Mx" as four.
Then Big Brother would patiently take
two pieces of something which was
handy ',Besio preferred Gundy from Big
Brother's pocket', (Ind put it with two
other pieces, and show stupid little Bessie
how they all together made fon•.
"Oh, yes," Bessie would cheerfully
say, "of course it is four, Brother; I'll
be sure to know the next time." Then
when the next time Canto it would bo
the sante old wrong answer.
Bessie wasn't stupid over her other
lessons. Site could spell as well as any
one; indeed, she was the star speller in
the school, and sometimes when com-
pany came, at home, the fancily were
tempted to "show oft' Bessio's powers
along that line, and it wits very funny to
hear her spell readily quite long and
sometimes difficult words.
Also she was 'fond of her geography,
and sometimes could tell where places
were which she had studied about and
which her another had forgotten.
This only proves that, just because she
couldn't add and multiply
and subtract.
Bessio was not so stupid. after all. Bu
it made her feel kindly to be dull and
slow at figures, while her chum, DaLsy,
was quick quick could be.
"Never mind," said Daisy, soothingly,
"you know 1 didn't know where Den-
mark was, nor even what was Iho capital
of Ohio. One Mlle girl can't know every-
thing, and if you know all about g'og-
rophy, you can't know 'rithmetic, too.'
Still Bessie mourned, because arith-
metic appeared on the blackboard and
the other studies didn't.
\\ hen the other little girls were called
to the blackboard to "do their sums,"
Resin was always left behind, and for
that very reason it seemed the nicest
thing in the world to be able to stand
up at the board with the others.
One day Bessio carpo in at recess to
get something from her desk, and (hero
do Daisy's desk, next to hers, was a
scrap of paper with some figures on 11.
Bessie looked at it, and there in neat
little squares were the next day's sums
a'1 (lgured out, in Daisy's best figures.
" \fy 1 ain't Daisy smart?" sighed
Bessie to herself. "1 wish I was smart,
Then something seemed to whisper in
her ear : "If you copy Daisy's figures
the teacher will think you aro smart,
As swift as the thought was the art.
Sho snatched the paper, and, silting
down at her desk, hastily copied a few
of the sums on to a piece of paper in tier
own book.
When the time camp for arithmetic,
and the teacher called for some one to
do the first sum on the board, up went
Bessie's hand with the others.
Out of surprise at seeing her hand the
leacher asked her to work it out on the
Carried away in her heart with the
honor which she long had wanted but
never before received, Bessie forgot the
way in which she bad gained what. she
knew. Bessie started for the board ; the
very switch of her short skirls and toss
of the big bow of ribbon on icer hair
spoke of her pride and joy.
Once at the board she spread open her
book as she had seen the others do, and
copied oft the figures from her slip of
paper in as neat a way as she could.
\\•hen the teacher stcod to examine
the sum, she saw that it was wrong.
"Why, Bessie, dear, this isn't right,"
she said.
"Its the right answer," replied Bessie
"The answer is right. but the way yell
have figured It would never give that
answer; how did you ever get it so?"
"I del -don't care; It was the way
D -D -Doisy had it," (stuttered Bessie, be-
ginning to be frightened.,
"'The way Daisy had It? 1 don't un-
derstand you," said the 'ear ler, looking
rkeely at the trembling iiessie. "1 think
yon had better siny atter school and tell
inc all about i1."
Poor Bessie 1 Where. was Iho glory
now of Mewing off how much she knew
1n arithmetic?
\Wlien tine teacher faced the little cub
pril after school. 1t was a very tearful,
very humble, little Bessie, and it was n
very pathetic little story of longing,
temptntinn and yielding.
"fear had better learn the lesson now,
lillle Iles+ie," said the teacher. "Than
wait until you are older and do some-
thing more evil than this frnn the seine
mice, Noosing which we gain dlstion-
•stty ever, ever makes up for the sin of
t.n getting It, and It is better to be
know n ns saes' and dull in arithmetic all
your life Than pass off some one else's
work DS ynllrs."
Anil Bessie remembered, and, although
Fin is sown up now, and is sllll slow
ut arithnhetie, she has never tried to
"Meow off' in something of which she
knows nothing.
In Scotland In a civil case jurymen
get 10 shillings ($2.50 a day for their
services, anti the litigants roust in nddt-
lion provide them with lunch. If Iwo
rases ate tried ccn'eeutitely on one day.
and the same jurymen officiate. they get
1) shillings for each case. But the most
important difference hetween n an Eng-
lish and a Scottish jury is this : :1n Eng-
lish jury when returning their verdict
nut..% be unanimous, and if they fail to
sense after n certain length of lime they
r.te dismissed) and the whole proceedings
ate begun again "de novo' bef"re n
fresh juy. This is a niost expensive
node of administering justice. In civil
rases, in order to avoid this result, the
litigants sometimes ngreo to accept the
serdiet of a majority. In Scotland the
jury can always give a verdlet by a
majority in civil (•ns(.+ after the lapse of
three hours.—Clituuben' Journal.
What a sleeenle Old world this would
be if vanity were eliminated therefrom!
Dr. Williams' Pink /ills Brought Bark
the Ruddy Glow of Health.
Thousands of yssing 6tea ng girls
have pale, pasty couip.exxms; dtstiess-
ing headaches, back<Ic.'e s and eldeaches.
St ii etimes they are unable to sleep:
their nerves are unstrung; they aro lan-
guid, breathless and the heart palpi-
tates violently at the least exertion —
that's antrncia—and it may develop into
ocnsumption unless promptly attended
to. Antenna means bloodlessness. Dr.
Williams' Ink Pills sake pure, redbrood—that's the secret of their success.
Miss Winnie Allen, \tontreul, Que.,
,says:—"1 was so weak and run down
that my friends thought 1 was going
into consumption. 1 was as pale as a
corpse, had no appetite and did not
sleep well. The least exertion tired
me out and it 1 walked u few blocks
was almost breathless. My sister ad-
vised loo to lake Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and after using them for a few
weeks 1 am again enjoying good health
and have a good epee.. 1 think every
weak, sickly girl should take Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make new.
rich blase and in this way strike right
at the toot of such troubles as anoeutia,
indigestion, rheumatism, St. Vitus
dance. the secret ills of girlhood and
womanhood and a host of other every-
day Ireubles and cure tthenh. But you
must get the genuine with the full name
"Dr. Williams' pink Pills for Pale Peo-
ple" on the wrapper around every box
—imitations never cured any one and
sometimes they do much harsh. If your
dealer does not keep the genuine Pills
theywill be sent at 50 cents a box,(�r
six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil-
liams' Med:eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Girl's Body Stolen From Grave, Bones
The Naples (Italy) Municipal Council is
being prosecuted for a ghastly crime
committed by unknown ghouls in a cem-
A little girl was buried there in July,
1905, and twelve months later it was
arranged to transfer the remains to a
niche in the little mortuary chapel. At
lite exhumation suspicion was aroused
I v the extraordinary light weight of the
c ilia, which, on being opened, was
f :and to contain only the child's skull
wrupped in straw, with the customary
b Atte, contaiing particular.; of the de-
ceased. Professors Antonelli end Fimt-
ani, who examined the head, declared
that it had been ruthlessly torn from the
trunk soon after death.
The police investigations have resulted
in ttie discovery that the girls body was
disinterred and the bones pulverized to
servo for the rites of necromancy and
witchcraft which are still so much in
vogue among superstitious peasantry of
that region.
As the actual malefactors have not
been brought to justice, the parents are
prosecuting the Town Council.
in twenty-seven yeers Dr. 3. Hirsch-
berg, a German oculist, has used the
magnet in 347 operations for removing
particles from the eye. in the eight
years ending 1903 he perforated the op-
erali to et times, securing good and per-
manent vLsion in 36 cases. In nine of
the 36 rases the bit of ion was removed
from the viterous. In 27 from the re-
tina; 22 were fresh cases, and 14 were
old. In 22 of the 64 cases the injured
rye had to be taken out, the iron pieces
being large or blnod• nJso nnr
the injury. in four cases the magnet
failed to remove tine particles.
Baby's Own Tablets contain no opi-
nto, no narcotic, no poisonous drug.
The mother who uses these Tnhlets fer
her children has the guarantee of a
government analyst as to the truth of
these statements. This medicine can,
therefore, be used with absolute- safely,
enol it always cures such trembles ss
Indigestion, sour stomach, constipation,
diarrhoea and colic. The 'Tablets cure
simple fevers, break up colds. destroy
worms and make teething easy. Mrs.
W. H. Young, Roslin, Ont.. says:- "1
have used Baby's Own Tablets as need-
ed for more than a year and would not
be without them to the house. They
are just the thing for teething bellies
and other minor ailments." The Tab-
lets cost only 25 cents a box and may
le had from medicine dealers or by
mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont
As everybody knows, the famous
ccntet of Halley, the brightest of all
meets known to pay peri dicnl,vislts
to the neighttnrheed of the sun. Ls ex-
pected to reappear in the sky within a
few years. Astronomers all Over the
world are nenv interested in the prob-
km of predicting the precise tone of its
prehelion passage. er nearest approach
to the sun. Several predictions have
already been published. The latest is
that made by Messrs. Cronunelin and
Ccw•ell before the 'loyal As'rr,noinical
Society in January, ('nlcul Sling the
probable effects of the interference • t
the various planets with the comet's
progress in As orbit, they think that
the dale of the next perihelion will fall
before the nmiddle ef \fay. 1910. The
last previous perihelion passage of the
comet was in November, 1835.
IStil'E NO. 23 -h.
land Sold There at 5560,000 an Acre
Once- Used Again for Growing
The glories of the oil boom days of
Sour Lake, 'texas, are passing away.
Now the big frame buile1ing known as
Miller's Hotel is being removed, says a
writer in the New York Sun,
It was erected at the height of the
boom, when fabulous prices were being
charged for everything. In those days
much of the business of the town was
carried on in tents.
Tenses where the price of a night's bed
ranged from $1 to $5 were ut.nnerous.
Even Then the best bed was an uncom-
fortable cot. But when the weather was
had the lents were better than lite open
air, and the taverns made small fortunes
for their keepers.
Then carne the period when the boom-
ers thought that Sour Lake was destine.(
to become a great city. It had already
grown from a village of perhaps fifty
inhabitants to a town of probably six
thousand people. The erection of more
substantial structures had begun, and
one of the list of these was Miller's
The oil field was itredueine hi.mdreds
ef thousands of barrels ea••ll weak.
Land value:, went up from $s an acre to
114 • s .
high a. 5 flittler
W i00 anHere The In r
8 t
sum .c
s_ not as high as the price which
some of the laud in the Spindle Top field,
near Beaumont, reached in the heyday
of Is 011c
t excitement, hal it was a pretty
stiff price to be paid for land which only
a sew months before could have been
bought for *5 an acre.
The town grew to such imporinnee
that the Southern Nellie Runnier! built
a branch line here from Nonce, and an-
other railroad, lite Beaumont, Sour Lake
and Western, was built here from Reau-
mont. The traffic in oil atm general
supplies was heavy, and all the people of
the town felt that it was secure in the
commercial position which it had at-
tained as if by magic.
Then cane the salt water. Gar Lake
was exulting over her prosperity when
lite news carne that salt wirier had ap-
peared in one of the wells which had
been giving many Thousands of barrels
of oil regularly each day. The well was
From well to well the salt water
spread, and many of the best producers
went out of cornncission. One 611 con-
cern after another had to quit business.
\Nell after well was abandoned. Der-
ricks were removed.
Land and. town property values col-
lapsed. The tented city disappeared al-
most in n night. Business buildings
were vacated and ttie town dwindled in
Land that. was once dotted with oil
derricks is now devoted again to grow-
ing cotton and other produce.
The history of the Butson and Humble
ell fields is n repetition of that of Spindle
Top and Sour Lake. The Sour I.n ce field
is still producing oil, but lire qua lily is
small compared with the output in the
boom days.
Latest London contrivance for Securing
Pure Milk Supply.
For years London's milk supply has
been blanked by medical men and health
officers for a great deal of the infant
Now the dairy companies are to deliv-
er milk at the doors of houses in paper
pails or pitchers, which are said to a,,,
absolutely proof against genus and
The paper pails are being made al a
new factory at the rate of 50.000 daily,
but they will require to be turned out
at the rate of some millions daily if
the demand is to he tnel.
These milk pails, made (min woad
pulp, can, of course, he used only
once. But they will be cheaper Than
areal pnii.. pitchers, or glass tattles,
let one rea-.•n, because ell labor of
cleaning and stcrbliziug will be saved.
The pail is a simple contrivance,
twelve times lighter than the ordinary
milk can, Ls strongly rnade and Is fin-
ished off. after being rendered water-
proof. by being sterilized in n furnace
heated up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit.
Every unit fres a close fitting flanged
cover w)hieh can he quickly edjusled. and
when fixed. effectually seals the milk
from any outside influence.
Vocalise In Spring al it Rate of 138
Chirps a elintte.
The chipmunk Is not usually consid-
ered much of a songbird, but according
to Breast 'Tompson Solon tie is guile
a sue ess ie a vocal role.
In \lanitnhn the chipmunk contest
shove ground aI'oiit the first or second
week of April. say's Mr. Seton in Suc-
cess. Mounted on seine big log or root,
it reiterates a lend, ' chirpy "Ctiuch-
chuck-chuck1" Other chipmunks run
loth Into the Isunlight, and seeking
s(•olne perch add their "1 hiii'h-chnck-
chuck." to the spring salute. 'they are
nctite from This linie of the year on.
and their sunny meriting chorus is not
by any means C lIflned lo that ori{einn)
outburst. On April -Y9, 1905. at lbs Cnb,
I heard a chipmunk in hull song. Ile
kept it up for eleven minutes without
ceasing, and uttered 130 chirps to the
minute. ile got no reply, though to
worked very herd and seempd tired
lower' the Inst. On \toy 20. 1905. at
Cos Co' , 1 heard n ehlpmonk singing.
ile kept it up for three minutes. utter-
ing three chirps to the second.
Bei tie—"Father. what is an eeeitict""
Father "Ile is a man w h•' Ihinl<4 he
is smarter Ikon anyone else." \I•;Iher
--"My dear. you are searee!y right. The
rpotisl ie the man who sats Iho' he is
smarter than anyone else—all hien think
they argil"
Nurses' and
Mothers' Treasure
—safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and vomiting—gives healthful rest
—cures diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs. 42
Cures ••4(dru6•atores.
National Drug & Chem•
Diarrhoeat�.t ro., Limited
Mo treat.
09 PaHAWAvu�iuL le
xs>:err.... .:su.��<c?.:s3 r:r. • ..
The cheapest good
They do ahirtgl o is t h e
Cost ktrs "Oshawa. " Good
for a century's
weather -wear. Guaranteed
for 25 years without your
even painting—"Oshawa"
double -galvanised shingles
need no paint to ot> aist
any roofing there te.
Make roofs fire -proof,
too, —guaranteed is
every way you want.
Cheap in first coat aa com-
mon wood shingles, yet
more durable than slate.
Sold under a written guar-
antee that really Means
something to the buyer.
You can't
afford any
other kiit6
O 0
With a hammer,
Wy to a snips, and bores -
Pig 011 sense an
can roof buiWings
right with "Oshawa " G
vsnized Steel Shingles.
They need no cleats. They
lock on all FOUR
Made in only one grade—
of 28Rtlage serni-hardened
eet steel in the pat-
ented "Oshawa" way
all Invest-
ment, rot an
More than 100 farm
Lightning buildings were
proof, too damaged in On-
tario alone lastear
by lightning. Not ope of to em
would have been harms
they'd been "Oshawa" -roof
These ehinp►Iee insulate abut d-
ing --make it safe against every
element. Lot us tell yon what
it will cost syou to roof the
" Oshawa' way.
Get oar free
book ,Roof -
lagRoof -
, tet.
DtIOTC y o •
Roof a
- O[ Oshawa
Montreal Toronto Loelpos
WS Ones W. 11 e 0 Dreads'
Ottawa V. • et
t$ Sasser = T8 Lona
815 odor
A woman derives more satisfaction
from the things silo suspects than from
the things she is sure of.
A Cure for Costiveness.—Costiveness
Comes from the refusal of the excretory
organs to perform their duties regularly
(corn contributing causes usually dis-
ordered digestion. l'ar►nelee's Vege-
table Pills, prepared on scientific prin-
ciples. are so compounded that certain,
ingredients in them pass through lite
stomach and act upon the bowels SO
as to remove their torpor and arouse
them to proper action. \lany thou-
sands are prepared to bear testimony
k their 'tower in Ibis respect.
A ruiner, accompanied by his mate.
who was rather deaf. wths walking
eking the railway line the other day
near Ottawa. A train approached. and
011 nearing the men it gas', forth an ear.
piercing shriek. A +.toile broke over
the deaf rasa s fate. "Man.' he •snid,
"that's the first robin I've heard thLs
Peyer the Carse of the Tropics• in the slow
and tedious recoveries from this and all actor
Crease " terrovtm •' i• the best toxic. Hem...
ler the nam*, " YFRROVIM."
110 : "1 sill glad 31(11 have l'is" aft
that ti. rrid veil." She: "\\Try, Henry ?"
Ile : "11 w as like a piece of paper nrolnsd
a lump of sugar."
It Is the Farmer's Friend.—The farm -
e: will find in Dr. 'I'honins' Eclectric
Oi' a potent ' remedy for wounds (.r
rains in the body er for affections .'f
the respiratory organs and for 110uae-
ftold nae generally. Ile will also find
it a convenient friend in treating ri-
jurd hems. cattle. etc.. or relieving
theta when attacked by colds. eougns
or any kindred ailments to which they
are subject.
A young man who lind a sllrnt ad-
mirnlinn for a young lady sten) with tits
intention of proposing to her one night.
Ile sat gazing into her face Inc n long
while, but at last. looking down sudden-
ly. he exclaimed :—'There's n Pettier on
y'nur dress. Mary 1'' "No wonder." she
silk!: "I've been sitting next a goose all
night I"
Fine rnualina, dainty lin-
gerie, iron easier, look
better, last longer if the
laundress uses the only
cold -water (no boiling
starch that really
eaves work and really
won't stick. . Try it. Get
"Do you find it more economical to
do your own cooking?"
"Oh, yes. My husband doesn't eat
half so much a; he used tot' '
'(hos. Sabin, of Egiington, says: "I
have removed ten corns from my fee
with Holloway's Corn Cure." header,
go thou and do likewise.
Mr. Nurirh (engaging valet) : "I warn
you that I am frequently ill-tempered
and gruff." Valet (cheerfully) : "That's
all right, sir ; so ant 1 1"
in Nature's Storehouse There are
Cures. -- Medical experiments have
shown conclusively that there are medi-
cinal virtues in even ordinary plants
growing up around us which give thein
II value that cannot be estimated. 1t
it held by some that Nature provides
s cure for every disease which neglect
end ignorance have vLsited upon man.
However, this may be, it is well knmvn
that Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, distilled
f'•om toots and herbs, are a sovereign
remedy in curing- all disorders of the
Bystander : "Should you say that pie-
ture was taken from life?" Critic : "1
dcn't know; but the world wouldn't stif-
le: if the artist was."
MI area nuisance In the house of a man
whose lace is branded with eczema. lits own
reflection Anoint hien. Let him annoint his skin
with w'eaver's (:crate and purify Lis blood with
Wearer's Hyrnp•
Wife—"Perry, it a man were to sit
on your hat, what would you sity?"
Husband—"I should call hint a con-
[c•undei silly ass." Wife "Then don't
sit on it any longer, there's a dear."
Cucumbers and melons are "forbid-
den fruit" to many persons so consti-
tt:ted that the least indulgence is fol-
lowed by atlucks of choleivi, dysentery,
griping. etc. 'These persons are not
mare that they can indulge to their
teeters content If they have on hand a
latlle of Dr. J. 0. Kellogg's Dysentery
Cordial, a medicine that will give int-
r.edialc relief, and is a sure cure for
el! emitter complaints.
fIrCii, Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
er animals cured In 30 minutes by Wol-
ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never tails.
Sold by all druggists.
\Irs. McDuff --"This paper says tial
mice are attracted 1.y music, but I don't
.. „
believe il," \L•Uuff r►ol? Ates.
McDuff --"Because I never see any mice
around when 1 play the piano." \klhuff
--"%Voll, that's no reason for doubting
the paper's statement."
Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator
has no equal for destroying worsts in
children and mulls. See that you get
the genuine when purchasing.
want a western business write
use large lists; hotels, livery stables,
stores. and others. The Atiinten Manse)'
Co., business brokers, Saskatoon.
NESS in progressive town of Pow -
assail ; stock aI.oul $6,000; will either
Fell or lease store. Apply Box 75, Pow -
asset), Ont.
Cleanse and eurilaa sad Lld nl.vca clewed Tbcs6
can.. wet b fit, le t+ee ea W beet N.es la
River and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes
Twin !crew Iron SS. "Campana," with Condo
lights. electric bells sed all modem comforts
1lAl1a Flttik1 MONTRIA1.ON MONDAYP al'
• lest , $rd and 17th .ruse. tat. 13th and ?Ptb July,
12th and 26th August. Nh and 33n1 September, '
and fortnightly thereafter for Pietou, Nit . call.
In;t et Quebec. Gaspe. Mal Bay, Perm (.'appe. Cove, 1
()rand Rlrer, Humraerside, P.B.L, and Chario*-
tet.,wu, P.K.I.
litre Pointed Out %fore Especially to
Boys, but the Road I+ Open to A11.
"It's hard work," call the Inas. "to get
anybody to do evert the simplest things
really well end to keep on doing theta
so; and 1 do love to meet people who
Sol the work they have to do, no mnttrr
what it may be, thoroughly, and who
have, besides, the sense and novo to
Leap nt it that way steadily.
"1t is n positive delight to me to find a
boy that makes a sped job of sweeping
out the store, who is not satisfied with
givutg it a lick and a promise ---sweeping
out the thick of -it from the middle of 11,4
floor—but who digs into the corners and
sweeps clean along the edges and stakes
n good, thorough, workmanlike job of
A all through.
"Now, that sort of job of sweeping is a
pesilive help to the business; it makes
the store attractive, it actually gets into
Iho: atmosphere of the place and helps
1., draw people who would as surely Le
repelled if not driven away, by a More
slackly kept. And now suppose !hie
boy keeps right on so, uuflinc•itingly ;
suppose he shows that lies really got
the stuff in him; why, he gets the first
chance there is for a step up, for ttie de -
mend for men who can do things is
greater than the supply, and then if he
will only keep on doing things the way
he began, tees got his future in his own
"What is true of the boy sweeping the
store is equally true of every other bay,
i.t whatever work lie may be doing, ab-
solutely ; for the whole secret of suc-
cess lies in doing w•hutever your hands
e faithfully.
t do well rind o
"This is an old, old. oft -told story 1
know, but there's a fresh crop of boys
corning into the field daily, to whore,
new and butone of
us be 1 if
w" i must ever, t
each day's crop would take ttie old story
le heart, the world in general would be
better off and the boy himself would pro-
fit by it greatly."
IiAD 1iI:f.i'I:D ONCE.
"Oh, Mr. elilyuns!"
"Do you think a rich man can go
through the eye of a needle?"
"1 don't know, my boy. However, 1
will say that 1113' tuwyers have dragged
me through some very small loopholes.'
Rummer gtcnratens, ass, by the new Twin
Screw ra. ''ilerrewllan", 5,40(1 Mn., rlsiltng ith
and 19th June. 3rd, 17th and 31st July, lob and
Beth August, ,th, 14th and 3 tb September, 6tb
Imh an path ()Maher, (tb. 16th and l7th Novae.
Mr. iemper%tore coaled by acs tweets' seldom
Maas ab„e at dear5H
The angst hips of the Beason ler bealtb and
eemr art Secretary, AHTHL'R AIIERN, y, Quebec,
A. E. 01' I lift Billl)GE & CO., Agents,
t9 Broadway, New York.
Husband : "My colleague is the most
insatiable man 1 ever saw. Ile wrtnis
everything the sees." \\'ife : "Can't you
introduce our daughter to him?"
One kind of
under, eV, a o d
only ins-, fb tel!,
weua out slowest, ar.J ,atu-
6es you from the d..Y you
1 buy It, That kind is trade-
mazted (as above) in rel, and guarani,.d 1.,
by stores that sell it and the Leudtlr ts11 . turd. it.
Made iu many fabric. and soles, al variow
prices, in form -Gains sizes for tsomcn,
then and ehildrea. 1-00k for the
YEN-AN(.LE, 107
address on a pnteard and we will send
you bymail, pp stp..i.. 23 atereoseopie views to
cell IOcouts each, for w biz/ we allow you a
liberal commission. The Art Novelty Company,
The ('ream of the
If you are iutese,tel in Fruit Lands write
for our bn,.l.let. its YHKY.
f'cDERMIDQ rlctlARMY, Nelson, B.C.
C1IA M : WlSf
A pjre, hard
Boer for btlksirs and 'othrs.i,iippatat,
lag strength, color, and uniformity.
DEALERS t;VFJYeuree ur vinyl,
IrlouR A i p rstc.)',$Itj ( u3.'
. ONT.
This is the cry in these strenuous days, when business makes such de-
mands upon us.
Exeriese and fresh air are neretssay 1f we would bo strong, but the ten-
dency of life to -day is towards conveniences and modes of living that deprive
us of the very means of keeping our strength and health unimPelred.
We sit more, we sleep less, we eat richer and more artificial foods than
The natural remedy --the practical means of withstanding these inroads
upon our safety—
Take the fresh air and sunshine when possible, that Is—when going to and
from work—
RZlf,a i s=ICY=aLa.
IMPIflIAI,-RAMBLER rind RIFF FIVER will keep you fit for
daily rounds.
Meriefasie •(•d nn'I k.,nriintrrd t v
Oanada Cycle and Motor Oo., Llrnito4
Toronto Junction, - Canada,
Branches : - Whinlyep, Van rouser, Melbourne, Aust.
and at the same time obtain 4 .per cent.
interest by opening an account by mail with
114.11, Bay Street - - Toronto, Canada
One dollar deposited each week will amount
to $293 in five ?ears.
Messy Is Lean
Write for Booklet, " Damian/ by Mall e
Safety D.postt Vaults to Stant
!fads et Riga Carbon Wits, we71 paws It to you SQILDKSjttaped. 'Ills
oases it sl 'styles.1 stronger in 'styles. I 'tare Wit. Palatalr.narx mese heavy
tun >•-Aos.W111411 rases Co WPwlf?. & vena•,
pleanirlaa—rod proof. Ytperteneex d new?er.' to erect 1 t. TAO, all en Wates
in tomtit. Get Iilustrated tackler ant 11.1 prices before buying
W tftl>tu. Toreiste• iJtoastreaI• d& John. Wtssralpsgi