HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-06-06, Page 5THE +' EXETER TIMES, JUNE 6th ll+07
Composition Cls. A. B. C. Walbur.a
• near Goods for Now: and73. Edith Hill 71, Garnet Sweet--
ser 71, Gerrie Short 68. F. Beaver S7.
he Rest of the Samson
Favored Worsteds 1 11011$01% W wM
These worsteds are in blues and
fancy mixtures,excel in quality,beauty
mad finish anything of their kind we
have ever shown. We are offering
some beautiful
Summer Suits for Sio
and upwards.
A beautiful assortment to choose
not suit, we have
It a pant hunter pantleas
Ile panting for pants
He panted' pantless
Until he implants himself into
one of those fashionable pants ordered
from. If there is a taste we can
yet to know of it.
: • MILLS,
WOOD -1f M'
Men's fancy Print Shirts for 75c, 85e and$100, men's etripe duck workiug
Shirts for 75c each; all kinds of Straw Hats and fancy Straws for youths, boys
and mens at right prices; children's fancy Sailors for 25c and 35c each; we
have about 30 different patterns in muslin for dresses, colored, we are clear-
ing out at less than cost, regular 12c 15c and 20c goods, out they go at.10c
Sard, 10c ones to clear out at 7c yard; we have a few pairs of those women,s
ae button Shoes left yet, regular $1.50 and $1.75 you can have for $1.00 a
pair; we keep the paintthat is paint and is the best, the Sherwin-Williams
and we have all colors in stock, buggy, wagon, oil stain and varnishes, also
paint brushes all sizes. In seed we have I think the best, Bruce's and Steele
Briggs, and they are all fresh new seeds this year, long Red Mangold, the
Yellow Intermediate and the Sugar Beet, also all kinds of Turnip seed, and
In the Grocery line we can fill your wants, we always buy the best and
0 Cornmeal for 25c.;12 lbs. Oil Cake for.axc.•
always buy the pure goods --10 lbsa. L rn
lO lbs. Salts for 25c.; 4 pkgs. Corn Starch 25c.; ti bare Bee Hive Soap 25c.; 10
bars 0.K.Soap 25c.; Pure
Syrup $1.25
gallon; Highest prices cash or
trade for Butters and Eggs; Potatoes for sale.
A. MILLS, - Woodham.
•NN••N••N•N•NNNN• ♦•••Na•a••••N•N6t+NN••
anis and Surgeons, Successor to Dr.
B. A. Haiet. Crediton. Ont.
Mr. Toni Klumpp was in London
on Friday last and purchased a
traction engine. ile will be now in
a position to do more efficient work
and we bespeak a very busy sea -
eon for h(Sn.
Mrs. Rosen: 'F:inkbeiner has had
her house repainted which odds eo
the$ cod appearance of the same.
Quite a number from this vicin-
ity 'arc contemplating a 'trip to the
West this month.
The many friends of 'Mr. J. Mauch
who has been sick for the past )few
-weeks will ixr $leased 'to hear bo has
fully recovered.
'Mr. George Either is slowly ire -
covering from his recent bllrtees.
The Acetylene (leas Plant will soon
be an accomplished ft.
Itev. E. II. Dean und Rev. Fear, of
Main Street Methodist church Ere -
ter, will ezchan;e pulpits nett Sun-
day evening.
in .
Mrs. V. Fahner is spending a few
days with her parents to Dashwood
The many friends of Mr. Harry
Laskin, who has been tsipendin; a
few weeks in Ailsa Kraig, will bo
glad to see him back again.
'bliss Rosetta Finkbeiner is spend
ing +a few weeks with her daughter
Mrs. R. -fluxtuble, of elamilton.
'Mr. J. Smith has his new snwmil
in complete running order land is
now prepared to do all kinds of cus-
tom sawing.
The following is tho report of tho
Crediton Schools for May. Names in
order of merit. Div. IV. -Cont. Cle.
H. 'M,eadd 58. W. Morlock 65. N•
Brown 55. I'. Gainer 64. A. Halts•
mann 53. Latin Cis. B. it 'A.- P.
Geiser 75. 0. Short 136. H. Meadd 72,
E. 11111 71. G. Sweitzer 68. R. Kion' -
ate 63, troy Hill 62. 'SS. Brown SUL
W. Hill 58, R. Coughlin 54, W. Mor -
lock 51. German Cie. A. & B.- 1'.
Gaiser 78, 0. Bweitser 77, G. Short
60. W. ;Morloek 68. M. Brown at,
E. hilt 60, It. Kienslo 63.
C. BLUETT, Teaaber.
Div. I11• -Entrance Cho's. Ilonors,
E. 'Geiser. Pass. 'M. Oeatreloher. L.
Finkbeiner, W. Oestreicher, F.8mtt1'
P. 'Heist. Class IV. Jr. -Honors, L.
Geiser, P. Traits. Pass C. ' �loltz-
ma,ui. Cies& III. ter.-Honros, Nelson
Hill. Pass. L. Brown, W. (Holtz+.
1 mann.
J)'v. II, -Class III. Jr. -honors, L,
Oestreicher. G. Appleton. Pass, C.
Bluett. 'M. Winer. F. Hill, Z. Ewald,
E. Beaver. E. Kionzle, '11. Heist. Sr.
II, -Pass(, M. Holtzmann, G. Benedict
M. Clarke, F. King, A. (Ewald. Wart
II. Sr. -Honors. Rothe King, C. Oes-
treicher, V. Hill, I. Wolfe. Pass. G.
Erb, 11. Finkbeiner.
•MI13S M. GIRVIN, Teacher.
Div. 1. -Jr. IL-lt. English. George
Guenther. L. Weiner, E. (Treitz. L.
Redden. J r. Part IL -L. Hoist, S.
Lawson. M. Guenther, A. liloltzmann
R. Shenk, G. Latnpor't. Sr. Pt. I. -
K. Sweitzer, L. Beaver an ,F., Sw•eit-
zer equal. Jr. 1't. I.-11. Redden.
Mr. D. Tiernan our hardware mer-
chant is "doing a gond business. He
has now three Karns and three houses
to roof which Will likely keep him go-
ing for a while,
Mr. J. Kellerman left this morning
for Ooderich to attend county council.
Mr. Ezra Tien,an delivered nine
head of cattle to Blake on Monday
Mr, Victor Apple from Zurich, is
manager of the bank here during Mr.
Oliver Graybiel's absence of two
weeks holidays in Bad Axe, Mich..
with his aunt.
Mr. Stinger from Mich., who has
• been visiting nt Mr. J. Voelker's for a
few days has secured a position with
Mr. H. Guenther in the livery here.
Mr. Arthur Winkerweder left Mon-
day for Cavalier, N. D., where he in-
- tends to stay for the summer with his
It is our bad duty this week to re-
cord the death of one of our old set-
tlers in the person of Mr. Herman
Quant who passed away on Sunday,
May 26th, at the age of Si years, old
age being the cause of his death. De-
ceased came to this country some 50
Tears ago and resided in this county
until his death. The funeral took
place on Thursday last to the Luther -
I an Cemetery, Rev. Thun officiating.
He leaves two daughters to mourn his
1 It is also our sad duty to record the
death of Mr. Henry Pfaff, a former
resident, which occurred on Thursday.
May 30. at Palmyra, where he has .•e-
lided for the last few years, death be-
ing due to paralysis. The remains
were brought to his nephew's. Mr.)
Wm. Pfaff, from wh'ch interment,
took place in
the Goshen
Line Cen. e-‘
tery, Rev. Mr. r Eidt officiating. A I
sorrowing widow and a grown-up
}family of six children are left to mourn
his demise.
6 'D
Just try a blended flour
once and see for yourself
that it doei make
WHITER and tastier
Bread and Biscuits -
LIGHTER Pastry -
And there's good reason
for it, too.
Blended Flours
combine the rich nutriment, the whiteness, lightness
and delicate flavor of Ontario wheat with the strong
qualities nt Manitoba wheat.
For all home baking -no flour, milled only from spring
wheat, can compare with a
Look for this trademark
on every bag or barrel
of flour you buy.
Take no other.
"Made in Ontario"
Because they are the most
permanent and sanitary ceilings that
can be installed, (Cak "Glaseilr"
Ceiings are largely used in hospitals. schools, etc.
And for the same reasons surely they"ought to be
found in all public buildings and private home, as well
No disease germs or vermin can find a permanent
lodging place in Calt " Clas,ik " Ceilings, because the
joints fit so closely and are invisible, and they are quicltly
and easily washed. Can always be kept clean, fresh and
looking Lite new.
Fire proof, loo. Cannot burn through or drop off. Nowt
crack or warp. Everlasting Metal Ceilings at a surprisingly reason:
able cost. A magnificent assortment of beautiful and artistic de.
MOM. descriptive o(the Louis XIV. period, are illustrated is Our
handsome catalogue which we are en:ions to alai) you fry...
11 `at..tVMDA u
The Galt Art Metal Company, Ltd., Galt, Ontario.
a It"CIassi k"CeiIi
Rev. G. W. Andrews attended tbo
Methodist Conference at .Goderich
last week.
Mr. Cedric (licks. of Toronto Uni-
versity is spcndin3 the :holidays at
his home here.
'Mr, M. 8. Snell, of Climville, was
the 'guest of Miss Fleeda Baker on
I Sunday.
Mr. William Smith, of Cleveland,
and 'Alio.: Minna Smith of '.Detroit,
tare visiting at their ,homes here.
Mr. Norman Mitchell one of our
prosperous youn; farmers, was unit.
ted In the holy bonds of matrimony
on Wednesday.
Mrs. James Handford, pvho has
been visiting her daughter. Mrs. W.
Foster.. of Toronto, tot rthe past
month, returned home on \Vednee.
day. She was accompanied by her
t daughter Mist Margaret, from Ber-
lin, who wire spend her vacation at
her borne.
Death of Mr. John Webh-er.-Again
the death messenger visits our
midst and removes one of t)sborne'.v
most highly respected citizens in the
person ofJohn Webber, n ho died l o
1115 0
1 home nt Devon Fred ay esrnin3.
May 31st, at the nee of 4e 3ear'tand
, 6 rho lT c
Ilii .. The deceased- d" tva9 only ill
I a few days from pneumonia, 'the end
coming very sudden and is u shock
to his ninny friends. .Just one %seek
before he was nosily t'ngaeed at the
foundation of his barn %apparently in
usual health. Jack, n4 hr utas tame
Harty called, was well and favorably
known in this community, having
been born at Devon and lived there
up to the time of his death. In 1)181
hl, wee 11niled in marriage :to Mary
Ann Parsons,. of Stephen, bis slow
I bereft wife, who 1 Gee( her twit h laic
IShildren, I'ercy, Wcslev. i\Villie,
Fred, Roy, and Etta May, mourn the
loss of a faithful husband and kind
father. M r. Webber was tjlcld in
hi;h write by nll pvho knew 111111 1
and by his death eve lose a goal
neighbor and friend. The bereaved
family have the sympathy of the
etatire community in their end loss.
The funeral took place Sunday,June
2nd, to the Exeter cemetery follow-
ed by about HO conveynnc''s, To the
nor rowing ones we sty with Longfel-
low : "Ile atilt, sad hearts, and cca•u
rcpinin,r, Behind the donde is tho
sun still shining, Thy fate Is the
1 common fale• of n11, •into each Ufc
some rain must frill ; Home days must
be dark and dreary."
K lltli'CON
-Bev. G. W. lr;ety uttendel the
aprine rlleelill;( of the Perth Dean-
ery held at Stratford Jost week.
Mr. and Mrs. ilenry Recta :greet
a few days in London last weak.
Mr. Jessie Jacques has purchased
nr new driver for the summer. ,
Mr. end Mrs. Scott, of Galt, vii
itcd a few days last taeek at Mr. 1'.
Every person wenn) ;lad to lee
Nelson's smiling face i plthe choir
Mr. Morley Worts spent \Vednestlay
nt Mr. ltu be r t Taylor.
Mr. Roy Kirk was the quote et
Miss Vera Batten on •Friday lett(',•
in; last.
Have no equal as a prompt and
positive cure for sick hevadache, bil-
iiuusncss, constipation. pain in the
aide, and all livor troubled. Carter's
Little Livor Pills. Try them.
Dr. W. Hackney of Ottawa visited
his mother Mrs. Jas. Hackney from
Friday to Sunday last.
Mise. V. Tuftln of Staffs is visiting
Mrs. W. Pollen.
Statute labor is being done around
The weather has been so wet and
cold that several have been forced to
replant their corn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gardiner spent
Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs,
Alex. Gardiner. Leadburv.
Mrs. Jas. Harrigrn and Mr. Henry
Francis were in the village on Monday
having the losses adjusted by the
Board of Directors of the Usborne &
Hibbert Ins. Co. Each of theta had
their house burned on Saturday May
Mrs. D. Cottle and Mrs.R.McDonald
spent Saturday and Sunday with the
.formers parents in Logan.
Mrs. John A. Norris returned Sat-
urday from Toronto Genera 1Hospi•
tal much improved in 'health.
Mr. and Mrs. Cranston nirrived on
Monday to complete (their dine(
preparation for their departure to
their new home in Palmerston.
Miss Linda Norris, having come
pleted her studies at Hamilton school
will spend a few awec'ks here beforu
leaving for Winnipeg.
'Miss Fulton, who has leen the
guest of Miss Janet Brown. will
leave this week for Stratford where
she will spend a few 'weeks before
returning to Walton.
Mr. Robt. Davis, of (Toronto Medical
college. visited friends in Ow villago
Mr. Edington, the candidate who
preached here Sabbath morning last.
was highly appreciated.
Must not be confounded with com-
mon cathartic or purgative pills.
Carter's Little Liver Piles aro entir-
ely unlike them in every respect.
Ono trial oil I prove their super-
Council met June 1st es Court of
Revision, all the members every pres-
ent and duly sworn.
Joseph Dawkins Reeve was elected
chairman of the Court.
The appeal of John l.W. • iWelalr
against the assessment of Lot 24 &
25. Con. 1, was carefully considered
and on motion of 8. ltoutley sec-
onded by George Andrew the appeal
was dismissed.
fww seal errors were corrected
and on motion of W. Atkinson sec-
onded by J. Moir, the roll 114 con-
firmed and the Court Elscdo.
Council niet after Court of Re-
vision. The minutes of the last
meeting were read anal approved.
A deputation from Kirk ton inter
viewed the council asking for help
to build concrete sidewalks rind horn
voted a ;rant of $30.011 to purchase
cement for sidewalks. •
Accounts ntnountin; to $85.17 were
passed and order);'ssucd in tla)•ment•
Council (hen adjourned to meet on
Wednesday June 19th nt one d'clock
when tete Stewart Drain'Report will
be read and conei(lurcd.
F. MORRLEY, Clerk.
Til AelEH ROA I)
Itev. C. Fletcher left on Monday
evening for Montreal to attend a
rnectin.t of the General Avscpbly, 10
his absence the pulpit will be occu-
pied by Rev. Mr. Fair. of Elirnvillc.
Mrs. Fletcher lets .one to spend
a few days with friends in London
and l l :un i t ton.
bliss Myrtle Mad;e is home from
eeni.Il Cellege in Hamilton.
Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Stone have ;one
for 'a week's visit to Ingersoll.
Mrs. Chas. Harris and
little fu
ily left for Clearwater, Alan., on
Monday evening, where they intent
spending a few weeks before 'going
to their n('w home in Regina.
USA Helen and Mr. Chas. e'en-
ttith, and .\lr. tint Mrs. lAndrew•
Campbell attended the jubilee eer-
sires held at Motherwell on Sunday
111.+ Dav:d Cottle and Mrs. Roti.
McDonald spent Sunday and Jion-
day visiting friends in Logan.
Mr. John Cottle is very busy these
d tys deliveritre planta,
Mr. Chen. Moak and sister Louise
visited Mr. David Cot trl on Sunday.
Mr. 'Phos. lliggs left on Tuesday
to join the volunteers in London.
Mr. Wnr. Kyd.t is nt present build-
ing a cement walk .1ri(1 verandah
rlatforn for Mr. Petery Passmore.
We are pleased to Kea that Mr.
Edgar llunk'rt ii able .lo be out
Mr. Sirnon Campbell is also re-
covering from his recent illness.
Quite a number from our neigh-
borhood attended the cenvcntion nt
EIintville 0l, W4dre srl(1y of last
week end thorou;hey enjoyed tho
programme 'given at each iveseion.
Mr. David Chalmers, of Hezi11re
who wee visiting blends around hero
received word on '1'nevday that his
wife wee very low and on \Vednes•
day word was received that elm had
died, Jir. C)talnlcls left St. Marys
where he was is -firkin; for the porno
Shoe Quarry Co., and went to Re•
;ins. Mrs. Chalmers had been ail-
ing for a couple of years, but her
.4(1 it was lint exbcle.l,
see„ t roe tis: klm s
elSsata it
!'ales 'eel quick and eel lain relief
from Dr. Shoop', 'Maeic Ointment.
Please note it is made alone tfor
T'l'ilrs, and its action Is positive and
certain. 'Lehner. painful, treat rud•
ind or blind $riles disappear like
magic by its rise, i.arge nickle.cap-
1" el glass jars 50 cents. Sold hy W.
S. Howey.
,Al Alt I'S
St111:Iry'v rc44ide11ls were shocked
uu 11idaY tool to Icaru of the tea;ic
deat.h er '1fi i. Lo,, . %vidow of the
late Mr. E. W. Lone. and mother of
Miss M. E. Lout, the (oast trcusurcr.'
1''ridty morning shw ,ntystcriousl)• t
di;appetared from her home on
Church street, al:d upon 4 search
being instituted by Chief Young, rth1
was found dead Su a cistern at the
rear of the house. It is not kouwn
how she got into the well. She was
well-known and highly 1espccted in
the town.
ry'I'I:I'llEN COI'NC11.
The Council ut the. Tow u,lti)( of
Stephen convened in the TOW 11
Hall. Credilo0, on dlo11day. •I he 27th
of 11::y 1907 al JU A. 111. fut'TO%%,i hip
Carve elf envision. A onuuh(:r of
appeaIs %Vere dealt with. '1'hc ordin-
ary council husinuss commenced ;.t
1 p. Ill. The minutes of the pre v•
ions meeting were read and adopted.
'Moved by Webb and tier -on -tied by
Wuei tII -Thal by-law No. lt2 of
1907, twin; a by-law to Provide ter
the payment of the num of $96.10
contributed by anis township for out-
let liability lort'ard4 the Mud Creek
1)rritt of the Township of eleG'lli
vray, h:avin3 heel, read the :thief
time. be passed and t(iAiled by the
Reeve and Clerk al,d the Seal of the
Corporation til tactual 1 hereto."-Car-
11 was resolved Ilial. .\1 i•. Keller-
man attend to the elraina;e (natters
on the 14-15 Cort. and on the South
ltoundary Concession.
Gravel contract 1 to the, amount of
$814,75 %•ere lel.
The following orders were ;3isw11.
Richard 11i11. Mrp. eu1ve1'1. 50c. ; \V.
White Dep. hridgc 0011. 4 $3.25 .I•
Guinan Court of Revision & Truett
ltouk $0,111); Jo;. Guinan equalizing
three school wards $15.00; .A. Hooper
concrete 1110 and Rep. bridge N. 11.
$7.75; hearing and 1)uusford Jtep.
culvert N. II. $2.75: 1 led Gestin Rep.
cnlverl N. 11. $2.75; 1'; ,Maker and
alh(rs Rep. 10:111 at lake N. 11. $18.511
C. \Valper drawing Tile N. 11. $3.00 ;
John 11onl:th:u1 lite 65e.; (Seo. Sherri'.
lumber $12.30; 1t. S. Code, ew:ards,
Flanagan, Geiser & McLeod $72.99;
It. Cunarin.lt:un relief officer at Matz
lecCannee $20.00.
1'he Council adjourned ,Yo sheet
:.gain in the 'Town 11a11, Crediton, on
Tuesday, the 211(1 clay of July A. 1).
1907, at 1 1'. M.
HENRY EILIIEit. '1'l1. -Clerk.
Free, ,for 'Catarrh, just to prove
merit. a 1'rial size dlox of Dr.
Shoop's Catari11 Remedy. Let rtu'
send it now. Itis f(now.•w hitt
creamy, :healing, :nttiseptic balm.
Containing such healing in,;re(lienis
as Oil Eucaliptlts, Thytrmol, ;.Menthol,
etc„ it gives 111s1ant end lasting re-
lief to 'Ca Forth of the arose trod
throat. Make the free lest had see
for yourself whatthis preparation
can nod will accomplish, r Address
Dr. Shoop Racine, Wis. Large '.jars
50 cents. 80111 by W. S. Howey.
"How May and Should a Teacher
Improve hie Status."
Paper read before the \Vest Huron
Teachers' Association itt tExcter.
May 22nd., 1907, by Miss 'S. 'L.
Gregory, lent assistant teacher in
the Exeter Continuation Classes, -
printed by re :west of The Conven-
.I I r 1
r. President. f I uw••tcachcrs aha
fr..(nth.:-- 1 can't say (hat I ani
here by toy own choice nor yet ,by
voluntary consent. but. I can 'truly
say that I don't. altozether CI joy
the position and when our •worthy
Secretary named 1 he subject ) ),:lt 1
way expeCl(' 1 to lake 111 this inst'-
tete meeting I had similar feelings
to those of another young lady when
her lover addressed her in beseeching
tortes. •'\Vilt. Ihnnt" -Sit' av'llird;
!weal's.: I (op willed, then, I statist
b"for.' yon 1l,-t1•ly at 1emir( ing ti o con-
vey to you a few of IIv' thoughlh
that i have gathered bearitt4 nn the
eubjecl. I lily fount) iI nattier a
laird 9nhjeet to laude', and one that
lain ;9 up 51 %•111111. 11:1111 of ideas
Trading on and on until ave are come
plriely sw:upped and finally feel aur•
selves wondering what Ilse subject
under discussion really is. I :hope
7.011 will hear with inn in any Alma
1nl di;rN.sions for 1 he 'Subject opens
rip :venue rifler avenue of opportun-
ity. I hope the few groi111a suggested
wi11 call forth a lively discussion.
criticism and addil'nn Of m•w to:inl5
so that we all ;nay be stirred up to
a full,r realization of what it mettle
bn he. 8 successful leacher.
In (lie first place the enbject to
me implies that 1het c :ire nla:ins by
which the leacher can improve his
status and also Ilial Iher 1, hie means
by which e should
imp! ()VP 1t1
s aa -
'Then we 1,41e also Ih:11 ,1 hi+ its•
provenlrnt 11111441 manifest itself ill
at least Ihrctt ways, Irsnllin; to ele-
vation Of slanging, Isl. in ,the eyes
of society. i• r• i he '4(•1101a1 pnhlio
and our fellow teachers: end, in the
school itself in eta! ion rn .I)e• pu-
pils and schonl•boar(i; !lid. in lite
teacher himself enablinz (hint to view
himself from a truer light in ire -
i 'o I filmset and the whole Ir o•
I tl n n 1 f t d t
fessionnl hotly.
Now teachers may ha divided into
anvet al classes. There aro the lady
ttaeltt'is who may Or may not re•
101111 long in the ,8,11:5 according to
circumstances. 'Then in the general
class of teachers there are those who
are leaching but do not intend re-
maining in the profession but
title it simply as n ateplrin;
.9101to sornethirt; lr.'tler fi•
n�nci:►il), 1 would atron;ly
nay, "lel I hent look Ont for t teem'•
selves." 'There 1emain then those
W110 ilrirn11 In :nd are making it a
life piofcssion.
The shou)d part of it seems to ix,
set (evident. -To go no further up-
ward conte what Inas is men?nl nui•
tide," and in this rase protes%ional
stjicide as well. '1'itere are heights to
roach inthis profession as any other.
it kelps the mind active and healthy.
It keeps en" posted in current
(bought and capable of loin; his
part in moulding public .thought. A
teacher cannot eland still -it there
no advancement, no improvement,
tliere is a decline, a falling hack. A
pairson cannot ;o on day after day
and year after year with the ev.•r•
w'nrkin; forces about him 'without
Min; influenced either positively or
negatively. 1f Kia own will force is
trot sleet IN1 aIle iircconio s'mply an
nutonlalie maehino-a slave to bis
A New Supply Just Arrived
Giant fellow Intermediate at ! lie. jaw ib.
Bruce's White Seeding beet at Pic. per ib.
Th • celebrated Steel Briggs' Jumbo Swede TI'rnip at 20c lb,
COWARD & CLARK, Winchelsea
Spring was a long time
conning, but its here. Next
will conte the tlieo to bother
you, but if you will get your
screens and set een doors from
ns. you will not be bothered
with the little pests. We
have a large supply on hand.
We also have
a lot of fence
wire also hooks
a n d staples.
Everything in
the Hardware
line kept by us.
Choice Turnip Seed
The follow ing kin is in packages at 20 cents a pound from the
Briggs Seed Company, Limited.
Evans Unproved Ontario.
Gored Luck.
Select. Purple Top.
Halls Westbury.
Serrrtt dour+ :41 $1.01) and $1.25. Screen windows at 25c.
Nice NV bite and Braes Curtain Poles at 15c.
Store closes at 7 30 every Tuesday evening.
B. W
. F. BEAVERS, = Farquhar.
rnvirontnrnt. 11 has been said 'that
"Habits hr,;in in cobwebs and es3
in iron chains" and •lh•tt •'Character
is a bundle of }minis," Po then n
1 ocher must he sever • (watchful,
guarding against ruts in qu'ofessional
life and reaching out 1:0 that his
character may he made up of links
from the chain of all that is noblest
and hest. Just 814 1111 SIa;tient pool
is to the kine 'who in (heir 11hirst
frequent it and to illicit. disappoint-
ment and 11414:114141:10141)11 find it only
insipid and distasteful as compared
With I.he ref resin a and appetizing
water of the clear Pparklin; etreanl
of rtutnin; evc11e1', 4 i4 the pounding
and .'trinding from :111 unprogressive
leacher 1elm's've In Mlle pupils as
compared with he impart in; of
knowledge as ;liven by a teacher
whOhinlself is ever nn the %zilch for
keeping :111 cobwebs cleated :sway
from his brain and refresltin1 it up
by poll 111. 111 Hew and 44P01440me
material. (leaps of dust and slime
and Broken shreds of old metal and
rags of putrid clothes shed into
OH. stream lo diffuse what venom
of it will float :tel melt away in
all places whsle God meant those
waters In brio; joy and Ilea 11h-
cclret and coiled ruder
skirntn the l,1:1 ,i:rnl (4,Cr• of fesIhrtepooring)
(effaces itself idea a slob' of black
slilnl-Ihr arrnr11ulalirl of in/Lite:it
year's. \Vogl: :Ind 1111i gene'. could
cleanse that pool and make every
breath of summer air above it rich
with cool lathe :end every zlit tering
w:'vo medicinal :is if it ran from the
court of :angels but that work is
never given nor will any joy /sr
possible 10 hear l of than. Let the
h ar c of %reel 11 t' e
mentally a4 1ha•I jiisl described.
(:Ilildlen canot b,• forcedIc• lilt(:
the school. They like it w h •ti it
iv wvmlh liking-ntvhrn the • I.•,rn.
(f d ily 4ul rorurded 11) Ihn.' Ali 1lnt1(1ev Ihaf elevate Ihrnl Ihev nl'1
at last tunny:Ile Their noble atoll(
firms and realize t lr, (all 111 lobo , T.
Matt 14 stele (0 nvr for his orlvane, •
mint only such goiter -la! hs has
become valuable IItrnu.h eX(eri'nce.
1L may pronounce the wordi nT a
masterly essay bol u111e.v he follow
Ihr: nut hoe's 1 1..11.111611; 1111111 \veil) his
1'41111/V111 4, it's 11111111 flits to set in
ronemance w•i1), heal of Ile' author
and there iv the groe Ili. Ile on:ty
look upon a work of art but if he
fail 40 calcll the sp'1'1 of elle master
't e 1
1 ,I to
Irr'na him r
1 t 111 tculturc.
The 'oldie school aims at 1 h (level.
opme:,t of all the faculties 1%ith the
0hien ete purpose of leading to better
ritiznnsliip and nobler character. It
11111 t 1101 therefore neglect any op-
porfn11ily for br10debine and deep-
ening the essentials of a romplele
life. The child judges by corn y8ri9011
and as be beiins to reach out into the
real world beyond the teacher's in•
flut•nee Ilio natural tendency is to
compare the new things with elle old
onr'a made familiar in Inc years of
his school 1'fe•
1'u lie (70111 inner!.
1 will mail you free to prove merit
samples of my 11r. Shop's Hestora•
tire, and my book on either ,Dyspcp•
Ma. The heart or The Kidnt'y's•
Troubles of the stomach, heart or
KMneya are mctcly eymptorns of a
deeper ailment. Don't make the
comrnMt error of treating pym;'oms
only. Symptorn ireatrni'nt is treat•
rnt tie result of your ailment. and
y opts of ins condion North war•
ANY even numbered section of Dominion lands In•
>wanitolm, ,askatc•hewarl and Alberta, excepting
8 and 28, not reserved, n y tee homesteaded by
any person who 1s the head of a family, or any male
over 113errs of age, to the extent of one-quarter
section of 160 acres, more or ler.
Entry must he made personally at the local land
office for the district iu whish the lard is situate.
The homesteader is required to perform the con.
ditions connected therewith under one of the follow."'
ing plsns:-
(1) At least six months' residence upon and c•ulU-
vation of the lantn each ve)"
..r for three ears.
(2) 1f the fathe or Mother, it the father is de•
ceased) of the homesteader residse upon a fano in the
vicinity of the land enteral for, the regiuremen's err
to residence may he satisfteiI 1,) such penton residing
with the father or mother,
(8) 1f the settler has his 1•crnunent residence upon
finning land owned by hint in the vicinity of his•
homestead, the requirements u to residence may
1464'001M by residence upon the midland.
Six months' notice in writing should he given 10•
the Cornm'rioner of Dominion Lands at Ottawa or
intention to apply for patent.
11•. W. et tit
Deputy uty of the Minister of the interior.
N. It, -unauthorized pnl.lication of this adv en imp
mert will not to paid for
Stomach trouble is but a 'ymteom of. and e*
kI Itself a true disease. We think of Dytpeyslae
Heartburn, and Indigestion as real diseaseu, se*
they are symptoms only of a certain nosing
Nerve sickness -n(411114 else.
14 was thls fact that first correctly led Dr. 81s001P
In the creation of that now very popular tieemsb
Remerly-Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Oottlg duets
to the stomach nerves, alone brought that snoeslli
and favor to Dr. Shoop and his Restorative. MtbN,
out that original and highly vital principle. OO
such luting accomplishments were ever to belied.
For stomach distress, bloating. billocsoelss, had
breath and sallow complexion, try Dr. Shoot'
Restorative -Tablets or L1anIA-soup see for your..
self what 1t can and will do. We 5,11 and ohm.
tally recommend
Dr. Shoop's
not the cause, We Ik Stomach nerves
-the inside nerves -mean ptomach
weakness always. And the Besets
and Kidneys tin well, 'have their eon•
trolling or inside nerves. Weaken
these nearvem end you inevitably have
k vital organs. here is µ•}ler',
Dr. Sherpa 's Restorative has made
its fame. No other remedy ever
claims to treat the "inside nerves."
Also for hlootire.t. ,biliousness, bat%
br,• all or rt.in,,f •Xto,, n•" i)r .SI' ,(1p'a
R•sterative. 'Mite me today for
s•rrnple and fere book. Dr. Shoop.
Racine, Wig, The Illeatoretive is sold
by W. 8. llowey.