Exeter Times, 1907-06-06, Page 4Rubber Goods The beet and largest as- sortment of Rubber Goods in the town. Hot -Water Bottles, Ice Bags, Comb Syringes, Fountain Syringes, Eue nas, Bulbs, Rubber Tubing, Etc. Don't forget the RIGHT PLACE. to bay these Goods. BROWNING'S Drug Store The Exeter Times LOCALS' Mr. J. G. Jones spent Tuesday in London. Mrs. Robertson of London Le the guest of Mrs. J. T. O'Brien. Mrs. Robt, Charters of Egtnondville is visiting ber sister Mr's. Geo. McLeod Mt. W Loft and Miss. Ethel Sweet of St. Marys visited the latter i mother ( here on Sunday last. Mr. tied Mrs. 1'. Frayne were io Brantford on '.fuesday attending {he wedding of their son Russell. Mr. J. C. Collins. Slyer. of Exeter. left Wednesday morning for Forest where he tvill stay dor the next two vvecks. Card of T1aauks.—Mrs. Webber unit family' desire to thank the ,neigh - bora rand friends who .so kindly as- sisted during the sickness and death of her late husband. A meeting of the Liberals. of Exe- ter ie called for 8 it. m„ on Wed- nesday evening the 12th inxt. at the Town Hall for the nurpo c of se- lecting de1e.-.ttes to attend the Con- vention 8t Mensal!. el Mise. Charlotte Sweet who has been suffering with nervous trouble for the past few months left on Tuesday for London where she will receive a treat- ment in the St. Joseph's Hospital. Exeter, Ontario. Terms of Subscription 1;1.00 per year in advance. $1.50 ;nay be c.har.cd if not so paid. Tc Ljnite3 States subscribers, $1.50 strictly in edvano'• No. ('aper discontinues until all arrears are paid, unless at tb(1 option of the publisher. The date to w2,ich every subscription in raid it denoted on the label. Advertising rates on application. THE EXEI•EIt TIMES P'T'G CO. Limited. Reform Convention of South Huron A Convention of the Reformers of the Electoral District of SouthHuron, as constituted for Dominion purposes, will be held in McDonell's Opera Nouse, Nensall —On— Friday, June 14th, 1907 at 11 o'clock A. M.for the purpose of selecting a candid,ate to contest the Riding in the Iteforrn interests. Hon. fl. B. flulesworth, K. G. i ttorneu General of Canada is expected to he present and deliver an address in the afternoon. A large attendance of delegates and friends of Liberal principles is requested. Meetings will be held in each Muni- cipality on Wednesday, June 12th at 8 p. nt• for the election of delegates, (See bills) HENRY Shi rrR, J. (j, STANBU It jr�tesit}e4►, Secretary, Exeter, Ontario. BON. G. GRAHAM. \VILL •I3E BUSY. , Next week will be a busy one for gluts. G. Graham, the Liberal leader in rite local house. 011 Monday he avill probably attend the annual Reetaiud of the ;West Iiuron Liberals Goderich, and on Tuesday ire is expected at Whitby, when the south 7feroti Librals picet. On friday 7111. lie is to bo rat Beaverton, iwith 7Ir. Geo. (:rant, M. 1'., ,when the North Ontario Liberals Will hold Convention, and on Saturday after- noon. the 8th, be will be at. the Fast York convention to Ito held al West Huron Liberals have renomin- ated Mr. Robert Holmes, of Clinton, for the ('omnlons. He is au experien- ced journalist, an excellent speaker, and has had parliamentary. training. If these are not qualifications, what are? We congratulate Jiro. Holmes. \Voinai's Instilute--The Annual meeting of election of officers of tht' Woman's Institute twill be 'held in Senior's 'hall on friday lune 7th., at d o'clock at which till aro 'tie quested Io Ie present rand ,thosa tw.ishiii; to become members fur the 0114110in; year. Miss 11a11s,- J:'r(t's. Mrs. A. llasting:a, Sec. On Wednesday afternoon of dual wsC(while Xerxes Elliott was driv- ing - ing 0 Cow lo 1 l e istatile '0L .1r. il'hot. lta,dforIl the :,iIiuual hecame infur- iated al the children coining from school kind amide a dash at some of hunt catching !':al, the %young son tg, Davis Gardiner an 1 carried him ur n01110 distance on Lis horns. The cety slipped and threw I'anll in the ditch nett in falling the Ltnimal struck 'Miss Ettie Welsh Nand fell on the girl's leg. fortunately rtci- 11'r of the children 'twerp severely hurl. (:RAVEL TENDERS.—Tendert will be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon of Jlondey June 10th 1907, for 1000 load-) of coarse and fine 'gravel more or Itis. To Ito delivered as per instructions of rho Itoad Commissioner. I'arti(•s tender- ing to select good clean gravel from any of the neighboring pits to the approval of the commissioner find members of the council. dive or more teams must necessarily be sup- plied in the delivery of same The lowest or any tender ltot necessarily accepted. By Order JOSEPH SENIOR, Cleric. 1', Company 1.131(1 Duren l(e;t. which is "Exeter Corn patty," left on Tuesday for Carling's heights Lon- don. for theft' annual draining. The. Company goes 34 tarring this year to Camp and reflects credit on 1`,xeter and 1)istI•ict fel' Heading ,itch :a fine lot of young feilow.t tuway, also cred- it, h due to Ser;1.-Major Hector, tike Rt.eruilin; Officer, vl o has tint :the Company together in ills 'short space of eight (hp,. The officers accom- panying the men are Capt. 11. Mance, Clinton, Lieut. W. J. Iteaman Exeter. Ser•3t.-Major 1'. E. Rector Exeter. 'J'he camp I his year, necord- in; to Cal. Deters, d). 0. C., will comprise in ail about ,3,000 rank and file, cornpuirtl entitely of infantry - melt. This is the first titre that the cavalry and artillery 'branched of the service have not been included. East 'Toronto. At this latter aneet- '!'his year all cavalry ,troops twill it air. Arch. Camps-li, .li. 1., trill 1i.1ia al Niagara, 'thitr .1 he artillery also be present. On Tuesday, June trill 3o to Petatta1•a. There will be Ilth, he expects to be with Mr. Val• , hul one camp Ibis y0:11, (his Lein; 4'011110 Rat 1. M. 1'., cat Ailsa Craig. cous:,t,,rl iaeferable lo 11.• 1:ystent at the. North Middlesex convention previously ill vogue whets llho camp and on Friday the lith. Will attend twi. divided into ten. the South Muton Convention tit lien- —•_._ Gall• DECORATION DAY 1•Ith iNST. --'�— t Thr joust contnti1te.• of the v.tr- ItEi'012111 /CONVENTION. ions ind;et interested in the Decora- tion Day ceremonies met on Tuesday' The Reformers of South Huron 111 et•eni11,( and decided (iron Thursday n• a verInterest- , a to r tur rdy ookna 1 _the 13th , nu t. atUrc •a w ou, l nit Ua It a - in; meeting o 0l'ri(lty .the %111 . tt•t; decided to conduct the ,roceed- 1 hast. at the Oitera house Mensal!. Ings much like 11<t year ,e hen the This is the date fixed for their Con- vention coiled for tie purpose Ot nominating a candidate for the Do- minion 1':lrli iment. The uncertainty tit to twIto trill bo the choice among several d•'.+irable aspirants ten,l• to make the rneetinz attractive, but in addition 'there %till lie the o1'porten- ity of tearing the icon. A. B. Ayles- wortb. K. C.. rCinadi.an Attorney y General. There ii rai.,o t!' ltossibtl- is ,1 sired that Ihos•, inlerectell l<lolh 2,•neral 'puddle opinion ttas that tilt e vetlt was a ;tCa1 success. The eat • vies of l he hand ,‘% ill be 'had Instead (1. procession which will leave 111t' Town Ilan :at 1 1'. ,J1, Tit'' rowr- chant+ (till ie req, '-ltd t11 •!i‘(' th•'it employees a I,ol'd iy front noon until 4 ;,. in. so that everyone may .attend and make the decoration of the CCm- etery. :t miner -sat public affair. 11 Sly of lion. (•r'oi- ' (.rihcn, 1 ruts- itt ('anatry and town should tl.IL•e inci.al i.i1 rat Le•.tder, 'win! present hart. ligases. Ro' a & Atkinson have (hough this i+ not (•nlir'IV t'4 t tital l con,••nitd to take (Pit to tate cern • an yet. tett). any flowers left with them not later 1 10.30 A. M. On Decoration Day. Addresses will ire delivered by the res•:dent clergyrn n. A Hach Dressing Nearly every one likes a fine hair dressing. Something to make the hair more manage- able; to keep it from being too rough, or from splitting at the ends. Something, too, that will feed the hair at the same time, a regular hair -food. Weil -fed hair will bestrong,and will remain where it belongs — on th^ head, not on :he comb! The Mat kind of a testimonial — "Sold for over slaty years." Made ly J. 0 Ayer 00.. Lowell, thea. Aloe aa.Mta»r: •f P LOUPril.U. yeasCk. ttAL : 'n I I (;.1 h 1 (. I 11 hi. 1 r -ul 11 l0 ni In•rin,l trill 10ot'^ one i•f 11, • nr:t.t &Title 1 lint •a of 'sat moil n, June _ 14 is cent tai an th,• I:rllt and till roust lo Os ruf- f ntinalinr eta.;,•y (hi Sunday the • Lith. le 'I'rasday 11•., 18th. A lost' roadie; of your htr,tnlele1 ,it this lint• trill be :an .admonition nT (lin;'r ii Meta no nue shun' :saline. Storni :11 this and oil,-, •lune te•iio•lt will 1.'0'10001y rrw.t..'• 1 h' it remit emir t • and 1101,• irl u►ilr,oked-fur tlii,•etini,. ',nu': fnt an rarca of 11t1t0i0,f, ••,n,• el a,hirh saill h•' du,. -,out, but tno:t of whirl, wild II . 113111111•tt :and '4,11,lim+`. A traciiciest y t7 rim peri:d i4 deer rat on I hr 911x. 1011, and MIA 'I'1,.' new moon i1 4111 111' 10th. in II; • rta;,I.t of 1h • 01 ,:,ictir crisis that fall, an11ua1it and .11)011t .Inn • 111! 'Itis period c 111 Liinz excesaye w:u"mIl,, very toe I,rotn t' -r, 11nor- 1,111 Immiclil v and vrolrtlt 1 hon 1'r and I'% incl Moana... ,lane 111und'1 et01 114 '1'! break in h.iil s ornts aril elendhnt.tt in twiny locelitiee •Iur• in; Ilen veiled. 1'i•ins en remoter, tts.I it nal+ and el,re l0 ►nosh coal w, ,,t 1t Snits awl Chante 40 rill-)) Co01- , a ,• 111 "' re•,t! paste ;inns Tarr the country from about 1he 11th is 14111. TSE EXE11 ER TIMER, JUNE 6th 1907. Exeter School Report For May. FORM 1 Jr. Teachers. 'M. Coward fig. 1. Arrustron; 68, W. Treibner 60. No. on roll 16; daily average, 16. 1,. ('. F1.13M'NO. 'leacher. FORM I1. lkvattiu 'Martin 71, Erie Coin; 86, Vera Welsh 63, Gladys Brandt 61, Flossie foss 60. Jr.—Honors Ivan Ferguson 46. !'has. John Oeatr'ei• cher 68. No. on roll 32; daily avec• age 30.2. B. L. GREGORY. Te:lcly4'." !''Ott hl 111 Form I.—Ilonors, Alva Mac3taho)t' 80. Passe Lilli:t litlell j73, J orty ileywood 72, Douglas Stewart i70. Ruth Hooper s(3, Bessie Munn 165, Edna Luxton 63, Alma Mao1'herson 64, Jennie Monteith 62, Allan Pick- ard GI, Earl Copeland G0. Comner- cial,—Ifo)tora, A. hl. Howard $9 Vltortband and Typewriting), Parts, Vera Rowe 72. 11a1><:1 McTa;;art 72, Sam ;\TacCoy 66, Edith MaicKay 63. Number on roll, commercial 11, !''arm 1. 31. Total average" attendance. A. M. JOHNSTON, Teacher. IIOOJM IV lir.—IloHor8. Gladys Ford 82, harry Carling 81) Edith Heideman 79. Olive Wood 77, Annie Bissett 77, Russel May 76. !'ass, Birdie Boyle 66, Lela Gould 6.5, Annie Jackson 65, Cather• the 'Makin!' 65, Elia Woo(! 64, 'Phomas 13aintan 62, hlyrtle Charlton 61. Jr. Honors. Hubert Jot's 77. Pass, I'oari ,tubus 711, Harry puke G7, Lillie. Rowe 62, Bert. \Vestcoll 62. No. on roll 27; average 21. CIIA3. '!'1sit13t1'I"1', Teazhcr. ROOM V Sr.11ouors, Raymond Dearing 8.5, Reggie 13issell8 .1, !'curl Gullr ,76, Clarence Heywood 76, Wilfred Stew.. art 7G, Bella ,McKay 75. !'ass, Clair Wood 74, 'hilly May Frayne 70, Ma- bel Barrows 117, David hall 67, May Jewell 61, hula Snell 63, Lillian Boyle 63. Jr.—Donor-a, .lances Walker 81. Pass, Stalin Sonthcot1 73, Irene Har- dy 70, Madeline Carlin; 69, Sydney F. Hector 67, Willie Heideman 66, Abe Jackson GG, Viola Rowe 62, Gor- don Marshall 61. No. on roll 48; av- erage attendance 42.5 1T. E. \VALI(OND, Teashcr, IUJOM VI Jr. 111.—Linden Harvey 95, ;loan Seldon 95, Blanche Quance 89, Irno Sweet 86, Nally Jones 85, Ariel Bev- erly 81, Robbie Fleming 83, Agnes 'MacKay 81, Russel Flynn 79, Willie Manson 75. Etta Welsh 173, Oscar Anderson 68, Lilly Marchand 67, Ed- die Anderson 60, 'Thornton Fear 65, Marion lilaichfor(1 64, Violet Knott 60. Sr. If.—Ethel Day 80, Joe Fol - lick 79, Antic Day. kltie Iiowey 73, Harper Rivera 71, (lector ltotvcliffo 63. Jr. 1.—Aima Maack 82, Jennie Russel 78, AVilfre(l Mack 76. Earl Cookson 72. 50 oto roll; 4.1 average attendance. ELSIE A. JIcCALL11J1, 'Teacher. IIOOM VII Sr. 11.—May Stnaliacombo 92, Jes- sie Jtr•ickwood 89, Mildred Ileywood 88, Willie Kyd,l 81,'Maurice Senior 81, Labelle llandfur d 83, Joe Craig 79. Vasa, CGordon Richardson (71, Norman Ifockey. Jr. 11.— talatrjorio Seldon 08, i'lorence \VOorl 98, Inst Delve 96, George Orlawein '95, Pearl Jackson 92, Bertha Iiortney 89, Dora Minden 80, Stanley McFalls 75. Sr. Pt. 11.—Gerald Fit ton 90, Amy .Johns 1111, 1)orotliy Kautz 87, Gor((ari ford 86, Gordon tVetis AG. John iia;shaw Willie Davis 70, Wilbur Jones 68, Frank Fannin 61. .11., Pt. IL—Alice Mitchell 88, Irene Easterbrook 73. Sr. 1't. I.—Violet Welsh 86, Mary lock 84, Millie Walker 82, 3,illie Walker 82, Clifford J1:allot 80, Leon Dearing 78, Willie Jacobi 76. No. on loll 51; avers;e attendance 42. M. V. MARTIN. Teacher. nowt VIII Sr'. II. --Asara slh i1 91, Beatrice lled eel 90, ,Maggie 89, Wilbur Mit- chell 89, Maud !ticks 85, Fanny' Bow - ('y 81, 1•:d;ar 1lorney 79, 11:,rry 1'a r• sons 70. Jr. IL—Lily ICollittgwtxxi 88, Marjorie Huston 81, .Io'y her;u• son 77, Flossie Neil 71, ,laud Elliott 60. N0. 011 1011 19; a1'0ra;e atten • (l'inrc "F. W. HO\VAltl), 'leacher, N. 5. No. 1. I'SIi01tN1•:, 1•'ollowinit in a correct ,t 'Port of the standing of the pnpile of N. h. No. 1, I:shurnc, for the month of of May. N:untt are in order of merit Sr. 1V.—Carrie 01,e, Carrie Moir, Rowel' \''c 1 Itnavcl' fe , ff<• lot f , 1 1 , u t Archie Illowcliffe. .1 r. IV. --Jennie• 81t30 , lioadot! Oka', L:aur.t llarVey. Cecil Down. (:car;e Iil.alclafnr(i. Se. 111.—James Dougall. .lohu, Uresil!, Alvin ,Moir. Lent Covent Doe ha Moir. Jr. III.—Earl 11(11, Lila Moir. 110)' \\'Lit,•. 81. IL -113 Alvin Dusan, W11110 Strant, t\\'ilfred 110114111, Olit,•r Jtn%tether, (.car',(• Ilei r. i;iv1 Itorwry. Jr. I1.—CceiI llarris, Gia,Iy i Moir. Sr. 1'l. 1.-1:1 tin Itontcliff••, !'rank Jarrett, llar&d Moir, Jr. 1't. ..—.Jahn • 1Dou;all, Vera (tell, Mira I)•'w, Margie Strait-, kerne Otis•. A %.{retial(• attendance 13; a1'r.ar• ,1. 11. Iliintn•'II, 'f,•ach r. S. 5. No. 12, 1'S1!O1(N1:. Futiuit%On; i+ ;, rr,rrerl 1e1'0,1 of lL' staudin,t of (Its lawns of ,ti. 15. i2t No.1�- a Lo, t for . 1 y. a Porn, V. -11;141i Ginning. Torun ('I.arenrtt llillvon antral ref .11 Ges. Myr! le 5 Inia'. \\'illiani 11..I,=nn, Vr't:a O1.1c11, Olit••' • spepsia Is an indication that, the stomach and other r� s are weak, tied or debiikated. It causes no end of aches and pains and Is most common where people bolt. their meals and hurry and worryas the'Y do in this country. Hood'sSarsaparilla clpreettodyspesia—k. has "a asasicuch in this disease. iFer (..Boge tWs of rsllltlli'keNs (CRM Nei S tercens,poiscagittia is nature's own healing essences gathered from all over the world, scientifically urified, concen- trated, combined and handed to you ready for use. That's all! No magic! No trickery 1 A pure natural healer of skin disease and injury. Make inquiry. A FARMER'S TESTIMONY Mr. Francis Renoit, of St. Anne's (Que.), says:—" I suffered from eczema for two years, and tried a great number of remedies in vain. The ailment was mostly in my legs, and both these were actually raw from the knees down, 1 obtained someZam•liuk, and by the time I had used a few taxes, am glad to say I was completely cured." Cures skin injuries and diseases, piles, chafed places, insect stings, sore feet, prairie itch, ulcers, festering sores, etc. Of all stores and druggists, 60e. a box. or Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, poet free, for price. (C. E. Fulford, Limited.) Gunning, Vera Hodgson, James Mc- Carthy, George Arkscy. Foran I1I— Hilton Ogden, Vcrda 'Maley, Philip MaGce, 'Tessio Gunning. form II.— Clara 'Morley, Arthur McCarthy. Form II Jr.—Nelson (quire. .Eart Ilod;aon, .John Knowles. !Melville Gunton;. J'ai t I1,—Aattc.s •Hensola. Vivian Brooks, !'art I. Sr.— John Whelihan, lames Keneela. !'art 11, tr.—Eleic Gunning, Minnie Idilisou, I'at 'MaGce. \\'alter 5. Menu. 'Teacher. 8. S. NO. 1, STEL'IIEN Followitl3 is a correct report of the Htandin; of the pupils of S. '3. No. I. Stephen for the .month of May. 100 acre farm in Stephen Township Sr, IV,—Marjory Hepburn, Nene good frame barn and house. Well McCurdy. Ilazel flicks. Archie ltob- drained and land all cleared. Creek inson, Lily ltohinion, 'Mervin Elston through rear corner of farm. Can Gordon Wilson. Joseph White, Eddie be bought right, anti on easy terms', Sines, Austin Duplin, Maxwell Ilayn- for quick sale. Apply at once to ham, Iva lascry. Jr. 1V.—ilessie GLADMAN & S'1'ANIU'ItY Anderson. ,Earl Califas, n Ilubert Barristers, Exeter Ont. \White, Ella 11.,ker. Flossie Oavey, Joseph Davis, tltoy Callfas, Edna Davey. Sr. 111.—Anthony ,Whit', Elv:t Brook., Fred Essery, Fra:1 hair- We have a good farm of about ta111. 35 acres for sale on reasonable terms. M. Botterill, Teacher. Situate near "Jit. Carrn.a in Stephen Jr. 111.—Victor llogartli, Estella Township. first Class laud and fair Ne.il,'Ma(L:Icine llaitt, Rhea'J1eCur:fy buildings. Near church and school. Sr. IJ.—Martie Ilearttan, Hubert Apply to GLADJIAN & ITANIIC'RY, Neil, Ethel Bee den. 'Male'( ilarristers, .Exeter, Ont. Jr. if.—bene McCurdy, Oliver Da - via. 1't. 11.—Carrie Davey, tArlher WILLIAM BROWN, Prtoi. DIP Robin/0311, Dell Brooks, Elmer •\1'il LOM A OF ROYAL INCORPORATED son. 1't. I. Sr.—Ilarry Elston, Loyd Sores:TY OF M1-'sI('IANS, ENOLAND, 13aytahato, Mitt ie ` I moose of Trititt 11,•,nortal Church, Exeter. I hu;arlh, \ beat c Hackney. Jr'. 1't. L—Viola ��eil, 1'iTen, Odin. Ilannon� and Thenr)• of Huettt Tenue on Application. Eteter, Untario.0 V' •: c • e' (:c c 1 w I Unv t Uor a Ila 6 a or Vi i � y. • Hackney. 1't. 1. --Lorne (licks, Jas. An official u0tirr h 1 a .1,,•'n t c lwc<I White. Leonard Il:aist, Nellie •lirok- that the ticti:tle of (I'Orun10 Ihtiver- 'nsbir', 1'Iori•• Oltlxtab'e. No. on city have dcridc,l In 'onf'r On Mr. "135S oll lo. 11. 1. Strang. 11. A. the degree of 11ISS M:\Itl'.I, 51'ARICN, 'fcacher• 1,. i,. 11., nit •the annual c•nmm'nc'.- iI1•:NSA1J. I mitt on ,tune 711,. Ail mho knots Rev. C. C. Kline occupied lis' pal-' Mr. Strati; and Iiia legion of (fiends ink of 11 . Methodist church I've on will 1.1'' that the 111000.trill be Smelly' last. Wol'lhi) 1, slnwrd. :mit it is all ho Mr. Geo. rollick has ,,laced .nal :int. %nor' 111,1•tnsill.t i r e: 111' it is 1('r7 dilion to his h.lu,c in the aha s: of I rarely Ilial •nn1, a trro,rniliun has men Nutlet led un ' t+tiii in Inc a kitchen. I active nt ark o1 1eael1iti,t. "1)r. '11r Colie llud.on les taken ti pus- 1,4t 10114.i. trill unanal 1, t1' ,it'll in- ition Ss painter with ii ata;on 01(11 14.10. of \\'o".l+fork. !Jr:. Petty lir. is •basin; her house I I: -. d 1111 (, foundation placed urd •r it. \ f,oih,ll trach 011 Monday ni;ht ' h lntet Itrnrefield and Ilnis ill on t 1• ,around+ here resulted in ravel of the former by Ii ecore of 2 i n 0. JTrs. (Ret•.i Snaith spent 1', i3 of last w,•ek ill London. Mims 'Dunn ,z'. of 'forcnto, last. week 111- hues( of her Mr,. froff,•r. I!II111125 of Osh itt i, is 1 h'• might of her brother 11. .1. Itiliin,r•• Mr. .lone,, of Sr.ifort11, Jill taken a 1•o,ition 's blarksmil t, w it la ••Mt'. 3,,:'l•h Pinkney• Mr. 'Cook gave Lucas h hu+inesm call „It \V rdneaday. M .. 11. Irqulr,rt Ina: seen! the ea•t uc••1, in Toren!(- wit Jeer. d.iu Tht'r Ire+"i'. Mr. 7). W. Inn 1)111 born on lh' .irl, Het for (11' Want Week. V.'Af1itisi:1(.—On friday. May 30111, I!' t, if.• of Mr. N. P. Warrene1, of 1 son. Farmers' Excursion to l .••..••..••••••••••• ••• Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph The annual 6ac•ureion to the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph under the au.picr• of the Wert and South Huron Farmers Inetituts *ill be held on Friday, June zest, 1907, Special trains a ill he run for the aceoutoodatioll of •acuesioubti as follow.•— Goderich .... ...7.40 a u ., it , a 1.2 •65 Ilol uses, isle 7 57 1.20 .60 Clinton....,...,, 1.05 1.°,0 .60 Sea/Gelb b 1) 1.15 .W St. W11111611.11 8.;al 1,15 .60 Dublin 536 1.10 .65 I llelgrate 1.25 .65 Hly'th...... . 1.25 .65 eendesbere 1.20 .a1 Centralia 6 45 1,11 .411) Exeter 7.00 1.25 tis Heiman 7.i6 1.21 .65 t(ippen.. .. ..........7.2') 1."5 .65 nrucerleld .... .........7.51 1.20 60 Clinton.... 7 45 1:20 ,0) Arrive at Uueltb at 10 a, tn. The 11'oruett'sInstitutes of (Vest and South Huron will Join the eacunion. 1 Committee of Arrangement. THUS, 3doMILI..tN, It, bt. TOt•xu Seaforth (•arlow. WM. 1A11.16 11. GARUtNEIt Dungannon. Farquhar. Auction Sale —of— Valuable too Acre Farm in Us - borne. Mr. Thomas Cameron, Auctioneer, has been instructed to tell by public auction on TUESDAY, THE' 25th JUNE, 1007 at Two o'clock p, in, Lot Number Fifteen, In the Tenth Concession of the Township of Usbol•ne, containing 10(1 acres more or less. On this farm are a good frame house 2 good bank barna, one 36 ft. by 56 ft, and the other:30 ft. by 50 ft., a good well with a wiudmill on it, about two acres of good oecherd and :about 14 acres of good hard 'wood hush. The soil is a ', ood clay loam. '1'le farm Is well fenced and ilraincd. The property is situated only a utile and a quarter from church, schoolhouse and Farquhar Post Of- fice. The purchaser will have ,the priv- ilege of going on the farm after har- vest this mummer to 40 necessary fall plowing rind will get full pos- session on 1st. December )text. Terris -10 per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and 111s balance on lit December ]text with- out interest. !'art of the iturchasb money can remain on .Mortgage if the purchaser desires it. For fur- ther particulars apply to Gladmnn & Stanbury, Barristers, Exeter; Jane •hleCultagil, Farquhar, Administra- trix. Exeter, 5th. June, 1907. i Farm for Sale Fine 150 acre farm on Thames Road, Usborre Township. On 100 acres large two story frame Louse. two bank barns ata drive shed ; bush and orchard; well drained and fenc- (ed; only two and one-half miles from Exeter, and convenient to school andchurches ; e clayloan, with he oft, running stream at the rear of farm. 'On the fifty acres is a frame barn. It is also well drained and fenced. Farm divided and sold in separate parcels if desired. For rill particu- lars apply at once to GLADMAN & STANBURX- Barristers Exeter Ont. Farm for Sale Farm for Sale eiss er Mrs. Chas. Smith.of gimes. Ohio. ,t rites ; "1 have used every remedy for sick headache i could hear of for •he past fifteen years, hut Carter's Little Liver Pills di.i me more good t hall all the rest. Jew, the mini' la S,1 alNVIira;s. 11'11.11 waking •tiran,relncnt• for your 'wd li,r' intitali, ii ,fon'! (mist that lh( filo La, a corneleie dock of up -to date wedding gtatiorlery and i� 'prepared to lure out the newest styles at ver)' moderate prices. Beautify and enliven your hong by placing in it one of 'Jimmie's best and most famous Men )s THE HLINTF.MAN .—T We sell then on just the kind of terms you are looking for, If you want other makes we have them. Don't forget ns when you want Stationery. Baby Carrimges and Wag- gons, Bicycles and Sewing Machines S. MARTIN & SON The Molsons Bank Established 1835. tiEAD OFFICE MONTREAL. CAPITAL PAID UP •••• •••• S3,000.000.O0 RESERVE FUND ••• •••• •••• •••• x3.000'000.00 Assets Over $33000,000.00 Oeueral Banking Business Transacted, Savings Bank Department $1.00 Opens an Account and Interest added FOUR Times a Year. Dickson & Carling, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager •NN•NNNNNN4e4Nee4 •tNN444NN44N444444444• Ina U€bcrne and Hibbert Farmer's Mutual Fire Incur anoo Gompanu Head Office. Farquhar, Ont. Pres. W. 11, PASSMORE, Farquhar. Vice-Pres.:—J. L. RUSSELL, RU88HLLDALE. P. 0. DIRECTORS. Wu, ROY, BORNHOLM P. 0 Wsr. BROCK WINCHELSEA. P. 0. T. RYAN. DUBLIN P. 0, ROBERT NORRIS, Stella. AGENTS, JOHN ESSERY, Exeter. agent for Unborn mod JJirldulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro. agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. B. W. F. BEAVERS. Seoy.Treas. Farquhar. GLADMAN & STANBURY. l3olloitors Wesselton Diamonds The finest color and most brilliant stones found come from the Wesselton mines. We have a most com- plete, stock of these, mounted in rings or any kind of jewelry desired, at moderate prices. molt 14.1': r•.,— )- p 0. H. WARD & CO. 374 Richmond St. LONDON, — CANADA. Highest Price Cash FOR all kinds old iron., cop- per brass lead zinc, pew- ter, rubber, rags, wool pickings, horse hair. Steel stone boats, :oule- varding, iron posts. Sell or exchange for the above goods. M. Jd6S011 & Soo near the old market Main St. Exeter CEliTflf I . STRATFORD,. ONT. + Was established twenty years ago and by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its patrons has become one of the largest and moat widely known Commeroial Colleges in the province. The demandand uponon us for commercial teachers and office greatly rPati v exceeds the supply. We assist graduates to positions. Studerts ere enter ing each week. Catalogue free. ELLiOT & MCLACHLAN. Principals. +++++++++++++++++++++++4-++ MAIL CONTRACT S1,,1.111 T):YDERrt a,Idrra.e,l to the I'ttltntatltcr General alit 1,e teethed 1t O taxa until noon on friday the 21,1 ,tune, 11107, for the e0411 et • ant•r of Ili. Nsjtsi 'a (stilt. nn . pmp,rnr1 Contract for low )ear tit tinaes,.•r *eek ea. h aat'.1,etaren luthwtxn,t and Etrter Orand Trunk hallway elation from the 10. (*.totter, nett. i'rinte.l nothrt mntaintne tarth,r lufermatinn u 10,vn.litiii,ltof 1.,a,tra,t uta 1..ren and blank formsof en. er now he nbtatne i at the Poe Meant M limbs nod. 4rrpta and Tray art,( at the (Moe of th1Pott Mite Inepecior at London. O. C. ANDVR6(1. thiperltd.ndet.t NOTICE 'I'O CREDITORS Irl the natter of Ahe estate of Thonr(t as Cudtnorc. late of the villages of Exeter, in ,the County of lifts roti, gentleman, deceased. Notice in hereby given pursuant to R. S. O., 1897, ohap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of at he said Thome a� tludmore, who died on or about the 11th day of IDlay 1907, aro 1'e4 quired on or before the lith day of June, 1907, to send by posit prepaid, or deliver to IJlessrs. (Badman S.:' Stanbury, solicitors for .the execue tors of the said deceased, their chrise Liao and surnames addresses and (less criptions, the full particulars of their, claims, the Bette/nein of their acs counts and the nature of the 1+e4 surilies, if any, held by them. And further take notice that after such i;tst mentioned dale the said Execu, tors will proceed to distribute rho assets of 111,, deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having roe gard only so the claims of which they shall 11aen have notice and that t1 id executors the saI x culOrs tt•ill not be liable for the said sasse(s or any part there- of 10 any loner of persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at 1 lin time of such ul dist r' a b .ion I (.ADMAN & S'1'ANIILJItY, Solicitors for said Executors. Dated al. Exeter .1 his .18111., day of May, 1907, Auction Sale BLACKSMITH 141101' AND CAR- ItIAGE WORKS IN IIF,NSALL. Under and by virtue of the piny- ers contained in a certain snort;ago which will be produced tat the time of the sale 'there twill be offered for Bale by public auction on the preme ises - TUESDAY, JUNE llth, '07. at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon by I3. 13. Phillips, Auctions der, the property known es Miller's Blacksmith and Varriege Works. In The VILLAGE Of(:'IIENSALL. Being .the North half tot Lots Nos. two hundred and sixty tour (264) and two hundred and 'sixty five (265) in 'Moir's survey in kho said village having n frontage of sixty six (60 feet on Wellington Street and ex. tetldln3 the width of said lots •to a lane eleven .(11) feet in width off rho East eide of said lois. TERMS OF SALE. Ten per cent of the iuurchaso money to be paid down at the titnlo of sale and the balance in thirty days thereafter without interest. For further particulars and coni ditions of sale apply to GLADMAN & STANIIURY. Barristers, Exeter, Ontario. B. S. Phillips Auct., "[tenfold, Ont. Dated at Exeter, .Go e2nd day of May, A, D., 1907. Monthly Auction Sale l i The monthly auction sale will he held at the Metropolitan Hotel.Exeter on FRiDAY, JUNE 7th, 1907 when the follor•1ng will he offered for srle. 1 draught gelding 4 yrs old; 4 draught geldings :3 yrs old; 2 draught geldings 2 yrs old, 1 mare 4 yrs old; 3 y re ea 3 old; ; 2 mares 2 yrs old,1 mares y e fill `Lyrs old i driv- ing y - 9 ing colt 1 year old; 2 good farmers' drivers 4 yearn old; 1 good general pur- pose quare 8 years old. The above are the property of Mr. C. E. hackney. 1 mare 7 yrs old, driver; 1 horse 5 yrs old; 1 horse 12 yrs old; 1 new 11 buggy; 1 second hand buggy, also a number of other implements. There will also be offered for sate,. farm, lot ill w 118, con. 12. Hibbert, consisting of 12:) scree, comfortable log and frame dwelling, large bank barn, pig houre, drive house, 'Lit acres good hardwood hush. Will be sold cheap with easy terms of payment. Cottage and lot, pt lot 15, con. 12 Ilshorne, nice brick cottage and stable, half acre of or:'herd and gar- den. Must he sold. Terms easy. THOS. CAM((RON, Auctioneer. Vnrquhar. The Farm, the entail Tow n and the• Village, furnish a very large majority of our ellcrehnflll merrhsnt•. financiers profesrional men turd leading atrites- Me ti. With ►many, the first irnpnlee, and; the first well•direct:d, arnbitious- tnov(•ment towards the goal, are in- cited by the practical educatior, re- ceived at The W@ %cru BUSiAtSS 0110 Slior!hoDd College 110 Utilities Street London Whatit has done for others it cart do tor yen. Ladies ate egnally henefitted by taking a Hook keeping or 'Shorthand Course with us, Write for eittalnRue containinee full rarticolars T11 the Secret ary West ern Business College, London. Ont. W. C. C00,, C. S. R. President t