HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-06-06, Page 31 11 1 NICE WEATHER AND TIMES DOT 11 DEPEND ALMOST ENTIRELY UPON THE St:N. Conditions on Earth Dependent on Il - Happy tour fears Fore- casted. A RHEUMATIC WRECK. After Hospital Treatment Failed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured Ilim. "I suffered the greatest agot. from rheumatism. Leading physicians pre- scribed many medicates, but with un- satisfactory results 1 sus 00mio;led U. go to an hospital, but even the treat- ment there failed. Then 1 look lir. \Vil1ans' !'irk ?ills and lu-duy 1 ain a well nisi)." These words were spoken by Clifford I.. Forbes n hen interviewed at his The world's prosperity' depends upon he nw in Port Maitland, N. S. Mr. Iho weather. This may sound absurd. Forbes is a fisherman and had ulways \\'nether does not make any difference Jaen very healthy, until some three to Iho output of gold from the mines. It years ago while fishing oft Newfound - door not drive nations to war. It does land he was seized with a very severe nut pr vent steamers from crossing the altgck of rheumatism. In his own occurnor cables from carrying their words he say's: "I was fishing on the messages from one continent to another. Granted. Yet the statement is true. Trade floes not depend on gold Igor on anything dug from the earth. 11 has no- thing to do with the number of ships ready to curry freight. and a war some- times stimulates rather than depresseslIuspital as helpless as a cripple. The commerce. What really matters is lhelhospilul doctors prescribed different re - harvest. If Indio and China suffer front i medics. but They did not cure me. 1 drought, or August frosts cut Canadian t then 1.11. the hospital and was taken wheal, up goes the price of agricultural 'home vilh rheumatism apparently corn• Grand Banks in the spring of 1903 when 1 was stricken with rheumatism. 1 could not work or sleep, and the pain was almost unbearable. My case be- came so serious that 1 had to be landed and for weeks 1 lay in a (:ape ilreton produce. The corn -producing countries have nothing to eschange against the manufactures of Britain and Germany, and the other uranufacluring eounlries' Mills stanch idle, and laud trade and financial depression are the inevitable results. SOLAR CII:\NGES. \\'o cannot y'el tell for certain, but this much we can say : (hat our wea- ther depends Inrgely, if 1101 entirely', upon the centre of our uniVec.e, the sun. Ilow can the sun affect our weather is the inevitable question. Does it give more hent one year than the next? Are lis rays holler or cooler lo -day than yesterday? No. The heat front the sun radiates all round It, and a minute frac- tion of which falls upon the earth, is a cc.nstant quantity. \Vhat does seen to vary is the strength and continuity of au even more important but less evident force, the electricity and magnetism of the sun. SUN SPOTS IN STORMS. The sun, like this little planet, is sub- ject to storms -storms on such (1 gigan- tic scale that a West Indian cyclone which flattens stone buildings and lifts ships out of the water is a toy zephyr by comparison. The atmosphere of the sun is not air, but metals and minerals in such a state of heat that they are blazing, boiling gas, and at times this terrific atmosphere wheels and roars In circular storms so huge that this earth flung into the centre of one would b'1 whirled like a feather in a gale. A sun storm measured a year or so ago covered an area 17:,000 miles long and 58,000 wide, and freed its surface were flung up flames each of which would have licked this earth bare as a plate gfter the onslaught of a hungry dog. STORM PERIOD OVER. For some reason to us unknown, sun storms intensify at pretty regular Inter- vals of eleven years. Now March, 1903, was the Inst maximum of sunslorm nc- tivii ' At that time we could see with trfi Naked eye (protected by smoked glass) little dark blobs ori the white-hot surface of the sun. Each of theso was a d'igantie storm. Since that dale the sun orms have been decreasing. There was none for some manlike until February last, when a big one flared across Iho surface of our light -giver. 1t is now dy- ing away, and by past experience we know that the next maximum will be in 191 i. Sun spots will begin to appear early in 1'911. and intensely for nearly three years, after which they will take another two and a half years to disap- pear from the countenance of the mon- arch of the solar system. As we are now about the end of a die - away Period, we can confidently nflirm that far at least !your years from now we shall have, on the whole, good weather and rich harvests. LARD CROJIER AND EGYPT. Regret Avcr Resignation of the "Maker" of the Country. The resignation of bond Crooner has been received with a universal cry of re- gret. Ile was the Consul-Genernl in Egypt, and as such wietcicd as much power as n sovereign ruler. It was the lite Lord Salisbury who once summed up Lord Cr mler's character in this sen- tence; "Ile alwnys carries nn ultlmn- 10111 up his sleeve." This was In allusion to the ninny occasions on which the Khe- dive had to be brought 1n seo sense by strong action. At a crisis some years ago, Lord Cromer ordered the Khedive to dismiss his Prime MinIstor within twenty-four hours, sent to Malta for a few thoosrtnd troops to be in randiness to support him if nerossnry, and then event and Intel in nn hour or two by playing lawn tennis. I'ITII, POINT AND PATHOS. Al•ilily will be recogni7.ed If only he who has it will be patient sufliciently long. Half of the power of Imubk' lies In the di..turhnnce it raises as it approaches. A pet habit is one to whirh all the women in your family constantly ob- ject. 'rhe only way to confirm n man in his sins Ls In keep warning hien about them. The wtrrld never gives a elan his just dues unless ho is big enough to lake 111001 by force. Ninny it man would hnve pmgrt'ssed further If he had not stopped so often to est n little. There is n lot more fun in dronnning dr.ants than in gelling busy rind w•eu'k- ing them out. It is mighty heal In keep up faith in eternal gotelti0es when it keeps irritnl- Ing your wounds. ,A se ler of humor has snved many a nem W111 going to the had because of his nti.forinn"S. providence hos 10 shoulder the blame for many things !hot are the results of mortal carelessness. Because he helps them scare men in - (r. heaven the devil Is n valunMe weds. land to most evangelists. (;0111115 is the nh'ility to [eel mote In- tensely. lye. remember the feelings, and then tell ethers al.ouf 1114111. pietely fastened upon me. hay rend night 1 suffered. Nothing i did for the trouble seemed to help me, and 1 be- came dest•nndent and down-henrted. Then n friend nl'ised ale to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink fills. I was skeptical. hill my friend praised the pills so highly that I determined to try Ilteul. with the result you see to -day. 1 am hilly cured and have no: since had even a twinge of That dreaded afilielion. 1 cannot sin - trio mush in favor of hr. Williams' Pink Pills and I urge all rheumatic sufferers to try them." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured Mr. Forbes bemuse they struck straight st the root and cause of his crippling rlleu- mnlism. They don't act on the mere symptoms like ordinary medicine. They don't act on the bowels. They do only one thing. but they do It well -they actually snake new blood. in That wny t!.ey root nut all common blond dia- 'enses like annemia, headaches and backaches, rlieumntisin. seintlen. neu- rnlgia, and the secret nilments of ear's gni women who suffer unspeakably when the richness and requlnrity of their blond becomes disturbed. Dr. \Vil- liars' Pink Pills are sold by nil dealers in medicine. or sent by mail at Weenie a box or six boxes for 82.50 by writ - Inc. The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. WHEN ELECTRICITV RUNS .AMUCK. This Subtle, Mysterious Force Is n Good Servant But a Bad Master. Similarly, on the eleetrifled under- ground railway in Paris, some fete years back, a short circuit started a fire, which brought about the deaths of nearly n hundred passengers; while at the Dingle Station of the Liverpool Overhead Elec- tric Itailtay, on December 23rd, 1901, a conflagration having its origin in pre- cisely 11e same cause resulted in six lives being sacrificed. Many other catastrophes of a like na- ture might be cited. all due to short cir- cuits; but it is the "sneak current" which is most destructive to property. \\'hat is known as a "sneak current" from an electric wire or conduit corres- ponds to a leakage in the case of n gas 0. water plain. It was this kind of an electrical leakage which blew up half the Euston Road in the spring of 1894, and caused the inhabitants of North London to imagine that they had been suddenly visited by a peculiarly destruc- tive and virulent type of earthquake. Perhaps, however, the accident which occurred at the huge electricity works of the Manchester Corporation on Septem- her 19111, 1899, shows more conclusively than anything how easily great events niay spring from little causes when deal- ing with this volatile force. A tiny "sneak current" escaped from an un- noticed pinhole in the insulating cover- ing of a wire, and was attracted to the bronze rivets whl:Ii held together the two ends of a leathern hand. 'i'Imse it fused, the hand pnrlevl, the Ily-wheel of the engine it controlled started revolving at n terrific speed, and presently burst, and in the twinkling of an eye the whole interior of the splendid power -house, with all the costly 111(0111101)' it contain- ed, seas reduced to ruin. 1 AN ODE OF EMPIRE. Under a night of dim cnd alien stars, \\uh ttuateless heart and angry tears 1 cried: "Is this the land of immemorial pride? (f sainted chivulry and heroic wars? Of happy vales and gloorns of witchery? Sly farborn boyhoisrs land of dreum and song? Of manhood's faith and sternest loy- alty, Britannia the just and strong? O heart t defrauded, w hat is here to cherish? Anil what to hope amid this wide disgrace where hunger stalks and miter," faithful perish, While sullen sluggards crowd the market -place? Britannia's sons across the seas are calling, Joyous and strung from many a fruitful plain; On heedless ears their love and cheer are falling, Their birthright bartered • for a cold <It-dain. But they of British sires were torn, And they shall answer £corn far scorn: Nor long shall fools their youth de- ride, Sons o1 tete proud aro born to pride." the 11. "0, for nn hour of the ampler stainless spaces That breathe the health of nations, where the sun Spreads his wide tent upon tete hal- lowed places That toils long battle from tl:e waste has Icon. Give me my birthland, still unknown to story, Dearer than dream remembered from afar, "Isere love and plenty yield a golden glory, That shames the cruel barren pomp of tear. And 0 ye spirits of that world unsung, 'I'hnt serve the god of solitude, once more Send me the vision though with falter- ing tongue I voice your Music shore. Strike your wide harp numbers Marshal the legions dead From ,notel'ss fields lives were sped, Where harvest winds and birdsong lull their slumbers; Call them again that Wren may see Heroes of bloodless victory; • 011 a friendless and to iEolia:l of the patient whereon their May see and learn to lose and bless The silent vanguard of the wilder- ness." 111. A rousing wind among the wintry trees 111nde ancient murmuring and the huddling night Thrilled with the fear of whispered mysteries; when lo, around Inc fell the olden light And rank on rank 1 sate thorn march- ing by, Willi ckwJless brew and dreadless eye, The heroes of me eager youth. Druid and saint and kings of chivalry; Fierce plunderers of Ilse uncharted sea, Unknown alike to fear and rush: Warriors and minstrels and the lords of truth. All niemory:s roster of idolatry. And not from guarded graves they came, not from the lands where honor leads, Where still they serve and by their fame Urge humble bends to mighty deeds, And through That vision at their side My brothers marched with fearless stride And voiced with that heroic throng Tho choral music of prophetic song. lie DRUGGING ClhILDREN. All so-called "soothing" syrups and most of the powders advertised to cure childhood ailments contain poistulous updates and an overdose may kill tete child. \\ hen the mother uses Baby's Own Tablets slie has the guarantee of a government analyst that this medi- cine contains no opiate or narcotic. They can be given with nhsolule snfely le n new born baby. They cure indi- geslion, constipation, colic, diarrhoea and other minor ailments of children. Mrs. G. Cohlins. Itirkelln. ton., says: - "Baby's Own 'I'a;,1cts Ytre the most sal- isfectory medicine 1 have ever used for the minor ailments of children. i al- wnys keep the Tablets in the house." Sold by medicine dealers nr by mail rel fat cents n box from the Dr. \\'tlliants' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -,.-- ONF. FOlt Tllg nAIt1US'I'En. A certain well-known judge was once violently allacke41 by a young and very impudent cannel. To the eurprise of everyone, the judge hrnrd hits right ljrrouggh, unconscious of what was said liy (hose present. and made no reply. After the adjournment for the dny, and when all were nstsembled al the hotel where the judge and many of Iho court folk hnd their refreshments. some- one asked the judge' why pie did not re- buke the impertinent f0tkltt. "Permit me." said the judge, bud ennugh to attrnct the attention of the whole company, among 5515)111 was the 1arrlster to question. ' I"i111i1 me to tell you n little story. Aly fabler, when ho live1 in the country, hnd a dog --a mere puppy. P may say. Well. this puppy would go out every monniight night and balk at the moan for hours together," The judge paused As If he had finished. "Well, what of that?" exclaimed half- n•dezen of the audience at once. "Oh, reaching--nnthing; but the moon kepi on shining just as if nothing had happened: I\'. Fool, to be wroth 55 1111 hal day, To heel) fps spawn or hut'e in mind, The deal are all Imperial sway Nul i -landed rend to no shore con- fined. Once more my soul puts out to ports of during lordly comrades of my 1 • 1\��Nothing I Ate Agreed With Me. ve8' ajbaWkin Celluloid Starchneeds n0 cooking -just cold water and tis ready. 'Twon't stick, yet gives a better gloss with less iron- rubbfrit than any you ou know. Its price hale. e, Y dealer ea er sella it. Try it this week, tot C eliuloid SINEWS OF WAiT. "\\'hat a change a woman can make in a iiinm:s lite!" yes. And what an awful lot of change she requires while doing it 1" A Successful Medicine. - Everyone wishes to be successful in any under- lul:ing in which he may engage. It :s therefore, extremely gratifying to the proprietors of Parmelees Vegetable ('ills to know that their efforts to com- pound a medicine which would proven blessing In mankind have been success - fie beyond their expectations. The en- dorsation of these Pills by 1110 public is a guarantee that a pill has been pro- dueel which will fulfil everything claimed for it. UNIIAMPERED THEN. "Now that Grindle has made his pilo he has joined the church." "Wonder why he didn't join before?" "Ile didn't want anything to interfere with his business:." ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches and every toren of contagious Itch on human cr animals cured in 30 minutes by \VoI- ford's Sanitary Lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists PREVENTIVE. Links : "I don't see that the hair re- storer has stone you any good. You Itaven't a hair on your head." Winks "Yes, but just think hose much worse it Wright have Item if 1 had [lever used the remedy." Much distress and dren is caused by worms. Graves' Worm Exterminator lief by removing the cause. trial and be convinced. sickness in chit - Mother gives re - Give it a TUE \VAY OF H. Knishes : "Are your plans made for the suunner?" itucker : "No ; my wife is busy -decid- ing tete pluo.s where I slia'n'( go." Ilollow'ay's Corn Cure destroys nip kinds of corns and warts, root and brunch. \\'ho, then would endure thele with such n cheap and effectual remedy within reacts? It's an undisputed feel Ihnt sante Wren do not have 0113' more sense when they get married than they did when They were born. -- TONS _TONS ON iiRON consumed each year In meds. cine. In " Forrorim," tho beat (only', It is an cleverly manipulated that the weak and sickly gen sal possible nourishment and benefit 1rum 11. liar's -ant, founder itt 1(1G, three utiles west of Boston, is the oldest University in the United Stales. There are over ;t IMIO students. We hove no hesilnlinn in saying that ilr. J. D. 1Ce11ogg's Dysentery Cordial is without dnuhl the best medicine ever a noleless Introduced for dysentery. diarrhoea, elio:ern and n11 summer ceinioIii111ts, sen their scorn sickness, err. It promptly gives relief and never fails to effect a punitive cure. and (1ieir tot hers should never he without a hut - (le when their children are teething. \Willi alt the choice. The soaring wind Is master of our far- ing. The sen :s wide freedom bids our hearts rejoice. i'ar as the day span our adventure urges A dateless v0ynge Through the reach of lime. The past goes duan behind oblivious surges, The future rises with n (limn sublime. Fionling the sso,Id with (reini and level vision. New sons of empire, heirs to all its pride. Anile back their answer to a dull de- rision. Serving rind building where their fa- thers hied. Theirs is the strength and nal the boastful seeming. Theirs is the fleet) rend not the 1'urlish dreaming. Theirs is the harvest of life's proud- est pogo,. And theirs the empire that shall awe the ages, --fly Peter McArthur. INFANT PRODIGY, 1.l11Ie Girl 'who has just kissed her father goodnight): "01), farther. your beard Is scratchy." Father : "Dear Inc. miss, you nee pnr- liculnr. it eruct be very hnd, 1 shnv0,1 it this horning." 1.11114' Girl : "Well, then, father, its -- it's very tall for its age." ON SAME PRINCIPLE.. Teacher : "Johnny. ran you explain the difference between 'like' and 'love'?" Johnny : "Yes, ma'am. 1 Iike hrcid and bolter, taut 1 love pie.' SIametse children of the upper classes aro taught to reverse the elbow joint of the left arm as a sign of superiority. "1 thank you. madam, for your 'wisp!. tidily. nsp!- tidily. Your kindness brings linos of gratitude 10 my eyes. Tis a hard, cruel world, and 1, a harmless inoniber of society. 11111 1111/11/11 down by lis myrmi- dons of the lade simply because 1 hear n resemblance to n balloon." "A bid - hens ! 1 toil to see the resemblance. my man. "Probably so, madam ; but you see, like the !minxes. 1 have no visible means of support r' "Crows are Hardy birds." remarked the leiaeder. "In cold weltliee i have known 1110111 to go five day's without lot d. "That's nothing," chuckled the cnnledinn boarder. "I've known crows 10 go five months without fond." "(;rnt Scott? \\-hat kind of crows were they?" "Why, scarecrows. of course." 11 Inkes eleven cotnplete pmee"ses 10 [nuke a needle. The firs! is gauging the wire, end the Inst are drilling the eyes, finishing the ptt,int , anti papering. Each needle trill pa.. Illrnugls the hands of Over a score of worknn•n. The Caspian Sea 1s the largest inland Reedy of water In the works. 11. Is 740 utiles mail• and its ;weft is about 140,000 square miles. It is at present rapidly Junmi.shtng in size. \\\ -•.... THE OLDEN FI.A(i. (By Mrs. Elisabeth S. Macleod, author of "Carols of Canada.') raise high the royal standard( Shame not thy royal birth; lite prestige of thy might sustain, Thou noblest of the earth! !:rs Great Canada, thou fair, free land! :% worl,t looks forth to thee; 3 n.[h- alien !Wild ou'It 1)o5s 801 servile knee. load; e Then rally round the olden flag! 'lite loved red, whits and blur; Let traitors scheme. or boasters brag, To Canada prove true. Float on, 0 flag of Empire vast! ,a J. Long may those colors wave ' O'er many a blood -brought heritage; O'er many it hero's grave. 'I he grandeur of thy fame doth light The fields our fathers tion; The noblest gift which valiant sire Could e'er bequeath his son. ;Droop not. 0 peerless standard! O loyal hearts and true! ! Forget Jlot ye the olden land Though cherishing the new. Forget not hearts and hopes are I Froin Britain's sea-girt Isles. To where, beyond the Rocky steep, The broad Pacific smiles. AIRS. LENUIt.t BODE%II.k\IT:R. Mrs. Lenora Ilocienhanier, 1t. F. h. I.,1 Lux 99, Kernersvilie, N. 1:., writes: suffered with stomach trouble and indigestion air some time, and nothing that 1 ale agreed with ale. I was very nervous and expericnceck a continual' feeling of uneasiness and fear. 1 took medicine from the doctor, but it did 1110 00 &nod. "1 found in one of your ['cruise elks a description of my symptoms. then wrote to Dr. Hartman for advice. Ne said I had catarrh of the stomach. 1 look Peruna and Matruh,' and followed hit. directions and can now say that feel as well as 1 ever did. "I hope that till who are afflicted with the sante symptoms will take Peruna, ns it hos certainly cured rete." Tho above is only one of hundreds who have written similar letters to Dr. Hartman. Just one such case ns this entitles Vermin lo the candid consider- ation of every one similarly afflicted. if this be true of the testimony of one person what ought to be the testimony c.f lumdrts1s. yes thousands, of honest, sincere people. We Ilat'o in our files a great many otter testimonials. TIME FOR CIIEERS. Ntr. Pedagog : "Obsequies are -well, now, If I should meet with a fatal acci- dent what would we have?" Chorus (joyfully : "A holiday !" A Carefully Prepared Pill. -Much time and attention were expended in the es- perimenting \vita the ingredients that enter into the composition of Parmelee s Vegetable l'ilis before they were brought to the state in which they were fleet t [- [erect to the public. Whatever oilier i ills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable fills arc the result of much expert study, and all persons suffering from dyspep- s's or disordered liver and kidneys may cvmlldentl3 accept them ns being what they are represented to be. DIGGING. She: "No one knows what I've gone through since 1 married yell." Ire : "Well, if there's anything flint you haven't. gone through it must be niy pyjamas, and they have no pockets." 1.\7,Y Aon SORES, painful and disfiguring' will mit linger long aftertreatment with wearer's CI -11'A l' has been begun: Also, cleanse the blood with Weavers Syrup. Dyeing ! Cleaning 1 fo tale eery b..4.esd roar were to tea "SRIYI$N AMERICAN STENO Mu' Lino ler west I yr tame, «.end dlreM- Minstreal,Toroato, Ottawa, Querns CRLAM TNFW(ST FLOUR A pure, hard Manitoba (tour for bakers and others demand- ing strength, color and uniformity. STRONC &WHITE AT YOUR GROCERS OCALER1 EVERYWHERE St,PPLIED WITH FLOUR AMD FEFO. WRITE US. lilt At SO MAKE 'OtJEEft CITY! .5 FUNDED ;LOUR THAT HAS GATS ED GREAT (AVOR ASA G1NLRA1. HOL'SF.IIOID 'Ail. PJRPO3E5' FLOUR Ti,f CAMPBELL MILLINGCU. TORONTO JUNCTION.,.-;. ONT.- .-• QUEBEC STEAMSHIP l'OMPANI LI\111 I:D. River and Gulf of Si. Lawrence one, Wave nn. O flag of Empiree vast! O'er mountain, rook and stream; Where tvtlolesonic fealty rests secure, Beneath thy fervent gleam. For, should the tramp of hostile feet Arouse our peaceful shore, Britannia's conquering sword flash Through Canada once more. Than rally round the olden flngl The loved red, white and blue; Let traitors seheme, or boasters brag. To Canada prove true. PROMOTED TIIEN. "Ilow is it, Tommy?" asked Iho man- ager one day as he whittled his pencil with a knife borrowed from (Ito junior office bay, "that you always have your knife with you, and the other boys !myen't ?" 'I'onumy hesitated for a moment. then, gathering courage, said :- "The wages I get aren't enough for me to afford more than one pair of pants." tvoutd Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes Twilights, electric lectrlc be11, and ew Iron aft ' all morainsns." with trio dern comforts,. S.% 11.S 1'150N N0'T11,t5A1.0Y MONIA3.S at 4 p.m., tri ant 17th June, lot, 1311, and Nath .July, 121h and 14th August. ath and Yard soptemher and f.ntniIhtl' thereafter fr l'irt.,n, V.S.. call. Ing et goober, Ii.tspe. Nal tray. Vero*, Cape rove, tiran.l 1ser, Summersi,le, 1'.F 1., and t'harl"k• tet•,WI, 1' F 1 BERMUDA Money is believed to have been first coined in .Egina about 895 B.C. A Requisite for the Itancher.-On :he cattle ranges of the \\'est. where men and stock are far from doctors and apo- thecaries, Dr. 'Thomas' I:electric Oil is kept on hand by the intelligent us is ready Made medicine, not only for many human ills, but as a horse and cattle medicine of surpassing merit. A horse and cattle rancher will find matters greatly simplified by using this 011. Summer 1St urd ,n'. •43, by the new Twin Screw y+. '•Itermn•tlen", !1,91u tams. Hailing stk mot 11thth ) June, Sr•t, 1;th And 71.1 Jnly, 141h id Atli lath and 34th 0..t:,her, 4th.l15th sant Y'th tNaves ber iemp,•rature ranted by sea breate, •.ldot19 uses ah ,se Al degrees 7 he ane't trips of the .eas •n for health sad r .rarest Mil III 'It AlIEttN Serfelnr y. Viiebee, ' es (11"ILlittftlltil: & (.:0., Agents, C9 Ilntadwey New York. 1141411.: NO. 22 17. The Mark ThaTe1 is Trademarked thus ,a RR Irarieey d arse., f abnrt and prices lot women. men sad rt�uttl1dreit. Form filled. teal.• are authccued to replace inttaatlr and at our coot. ear PCO. Aaale ;ar scat faulty is material or making. 201! 1 Pen -Angle trade mark (in red) o0 every Pen -Angle garment, tells you it will fit and won't shrink, -your own dealer so guarantees it.' Underwear thus trademarked is softer, warmer, m o r o flexible, better wearing. f, UNDERWEAR CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATED FARMS IN SONY N ALBERTA 1 1 Before deciding where to locate in the West, let us tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields, the richest grazing land, are in this province. Write us for full information about crops, climate and special railroad rates. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Eastern Sailing Agents, :o5.CORISTINE BUILDING, MONTREAL. YOUNG MEN WANTED -FOR FIRE - men and brakemen; experience, un• nece:ssary; over 560 positions open at the present lime; high wages; rapid promo - lion to engineers and conductors; 175 to $200 per month; instructions by 111a11 at your home without interruption with present occupation; we assist each i*u• dent in securing a position; don't delay; write to -day for free .catalogue, Instruc- tions and application blank. Natlonnl Railway Training School, Inc., 1432 K., Boston Block, Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A. ABS O LUTE R TO 7.7 Qi' SECURITY CENTPE. DEPOSITORS aUNION::TRUST( ` " J M ITED' MONEYTO LOAN rEMPLE BLDG SAFETY DEPOSIT 174 "176 Bay 5= VAU LTS TO R ENT TO R O.N'FO. ACCOUNTS OF EXECUTORS& TRUSTEESARE SPECIALLY INVITED RECEIVES DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHEQUE ALLOWS FOUR PER CENT INTEREST ON BALANCES ---- & COMPOUNDS IT QUARTERLY has never Is est and never can be replaced. It oerupiess n unique, and uMurs pleat) in 1he, world of hygienics, sports and utilities. R produces red bloods bright eyes and a quick brain -necessities for enjoyment of life and success. I'I' IS I1EALllIi', will prolong your life. sate doctors' bills. keep you on of doors. cure inseniriln, rod dtgestkm inesease your appetite and improve you morally and mentally. r1' PS EI ONO\I1('AL-savefl lime, carfare, and shoe leather; is yoiip friend. won't ism away. Is always ready, neither eats tiny nor grain. n -.'.la no whipping. 14",sI little. is a good investment, valuable in entergfrna'%, and makes you independent of electric cars, steam roads or liorM's. (:LI: Ei..tNl►. AlAsskb SII.VEIi RIBBON. RRt\'IFORI►, PI:REFCT. RAN- DIER. IMMPERIAI. and B1.I F. ELVER bicycle -8 are not exeell'd by any in the world. They ere made in Cushion Yrame and Rigid Frame models. $35.00 TO 1165.00. Handsome ('etaingue for each line. \Vrfts for the t r• of your chalet'. CANADA CYCLE AND MOTOR CO., LIMITED, MAKERS OI' 111E NORM'S BENT MCI -CMS. Toronto Junction, • Canada, OrsneMs:-W innlpeg, Van reaves, Melbourne, Asst.