HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-06-06, Page 2TYPIIOON SWEPT CAROLIES Three Hundred Persons Are Known to Be Killed. A despatch front Victoria, 13. C., says. Two hundred and seventy pa'r'sons are kn(,wn t•} have been killed, and the loss of life, it is said, will include many nm'•o rri the disastrous typhoon in the Caro- line !elands recently reported by cable from Sydney, Australia. Further ad - Vices have been received here in the mails frorn the Orient showing that in Bunte instances persons clung to the b•ps of trees for days before being res- cued. The properly loss is high. The typhoon passed over the group on March 28, and hundreds of persons were killed by the waves. The typhoon extended as far west as Guam. At the Manila observatory on March 30 the typhoon was registered as being neigh -cast of Yap, in the \Western Carolines. On March 31 It was found to be north of Yup, indicating a dan- gerous situalieal in the southern hurt of the Carolines and the Philippines. The Island of Ulie was entirely de- stroyed, o-stroyed, and the waves, which passed over it, killed 2011 people. Heavy loss of life was reported from other islands. Soule were entirely cuVered, end na- tives were rescued days afterward, clinging to the tops of the cocoanut trees. On Wilson island 20 persons were killed. and on Siiyo1 or Phillips Island, which lies between Yap and Ulie, 50 persons perished. The majority of the islands were de- solated. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS ee- HAPPENINGS FROM All 'V. Ell IOU GLOBS. fefDraphl+ Ilrkfs From Our Ows aN Otbsr Countries of Receo& Events. CANADA. Manitou, Man., has a case of small- pox. Good hematite iron has been dis- covered near Roblin, Man. Halton and Peel beekeepers expect a good crop of honey. A national Sunday Lague has been Permed in Ottawa. Hamilton people aro talking again of buying the street. railway. Dr. Young, of Vancouver, was drowned ned in Stave Lake. Spurious coins, alleged to be franc pieces, are being circulated in 'Toronto. A new Public school is to be built at Port :Arthur, to cost $30,000. I)r. J. 11►wnrd Fell 01 Gore Bay has been appointed Sheriff of Mania -edits The head oflie.es of the Sovereign Brink are to be moved from Montreal to Toronto. Licenses in Manitoba along the line of railway construction have been can - Winnipeg pollee are busily engaged to forcing the new anti -spitting tey-law. 4;11,lrtctt. Kern, an alleged fugitive from Knoxville, Tennes.see, had $5,100 te;inked in Toronto, It has been decided to hold a national daffy show in 'Toronto during the last geek of January next. 5t. Catharines doctors have organized, rind no more lodge) practice will be done hereafter. A ('nnn(linn plant for the Hames-\'ou- gel Hitt CO. of New York, is to bo built al Brantford. Il is said that United States pnrlies are endeavoring to secure pulpwood con- cessions in northern Ontario. Montreal polio have presented the City Council with a bill ler $8,000 for keeping order during the strike. It is practically settled that Principal Falconer will accept the Presidency of the University of Toronto. i.eendon's essessn►ent for 1907 shows a I(, t a l of 822,285, 67, ten increase et S;'.13t.000 over last year. Thousands of pounds of meat, fish rind fruit were confiscated in Montreal last week as unfit for focal. Negotiations aro proceeding for a de- crease in the price of school books. net - linty geographies, histories and arithurie- lus. The Ontario Medical Association (k- eeled to tahe steps to secure the estab- tesbnte•nt et an institution for the treat- ment of inebriates. Ontario's onntput of cheese. will be be - 1(w the average bemuse of the lido spring, says Dr. Ituddich, Dominion 11r..ry Commissioner. 1. C. it. rnne•hinists earning 1( cents' an t14 nr aro offered an increase of 1 yenta, 4+11(1 those ear•tiing 211 cents are offered un increase of 2 cents, by the Deputy Minister of railways. The n►inerw of Lethbridge have applied Feer the appointment of a ioard of hives- tigati('n and conciliation to deal with their grid:faces against the Alberhl Ilnilway n1141 (:ons l:onipany. I;It1:.Wf BIIIT:AIN. George Byron 1:urte-. father of the first half -penny paper in London, is dead. Joseph Chamberlain has abandoned one cane and stoops 110 longer when walking. Dr. Chalmers, of Glnscow, declares emphatically Ihnt disease is,trnnantit- ted by kissing. 'lite discovery of n new herding. the i mptoms of which are swelled Throat, hrilowed by n loss /if voice. is nnneunc- sr1 by Professor 1)elepino, of Manchester. UNITED STATES. The strawberry crop in \le; souri is !really injured from frost. The vicinity of Musket. Texns. has been swept by n series of cloudbursts end storms. In the city of New York. the aver- age lifetime lied been lncrcosed front I's years to 40 ciuee 1 ah,f►. About thirty-two thoucand tons of trans-.ltlnnlic freight 'leave the port of New York each (fay. New York city, with twice the pope• Wien of Chicago. has current expenses nearly four times as great. Eighteen in+Iictmcnta have been re- tl.rneel against 'fhomas D. Jordan, '•f New York. formerly controller of the Equitable. \liss Achla Clark. ninety '.o rs of age, and reputed to Inc' Brut th ss''‘eral r,tIIion dollars, died In a shack near Korth Belliheal, Wash.Bemuseell the presence e4 a cir,'ue 1l/ Wham. City, 1'a.. 10,0$0 ruiners took a holiday, compelling most of the oolle•ries to shut down. For netting fire to the Baptist Church at Saratoga, N. Y., Fred Elilck was sen- tenced to serve five years and seven months in Clinton Prison. The three-year-old child of John Wel- hs, of Newberg, Ind., drank half a pint of whiskey which it found on a dresser and died in a few hours. A New Jersey railway company will have to pay $15,1+00 for causing the loss of a little girl's eye in an accident which occurred five years ago. The wife of Admiral Chadwick of the United Slides navy has invented a car- rier by which disabled soldiers may he borne from the battlefield in an upright position. School children of Springfield, Mass., are battling successfully with the elm tree beetle, gathering the larvae by tens of thousands, and saving the city's finest trees. A gift of 8200.000 to the New 'York Flower Hospital has recently been made by the brother and daughter of the in- stitution's founder, in - . In late Bes�Vell P. Fowler. A prominent society family in Ro- land Park, Maryland. are living in lux- ury in a tonne of tett canvas tents, their residence having been destroyed by fire last winter. Twelve Indian girls of the Chickasaw Nati•ou 1. T.. have written the president of the State Agricultural College. Charlotte, N. C., asking his aid to get them white husbands. The girls own Vast tracts of land. The People'.. institute Marine Lengue has been formed for the purpose ' f having every excursion boat in New York waters inspected at least once a week during the sutnn►er, and to bring prosecutions when the law is Violated. TO VISIT ONTARIO COLLEGE. Dates on Wbkb Itarnwre' Institutes Will Go to Guelph. A deepateh from Toronto says : The dates on which excursions from the var- ious Farmers' Institute* of the province will visit tate Ontario Agricultural Col- lege at Guelph are as follows. The societies are known by the tunes of the counties :-- Friday, June 7, \Vest Middlesex ; Sat- urday, June 8, South Grey and East Wellington (Mount Forest only), and Lincoln; Monday, June 10, Centre \\'el- hglte�n ; \Ve•dncs(ley, June 12, East Elgin, Eust and West Peterbonougtt, and East Durham ; Thursday, Juno 13, Centre Sinlcoe, and North Yeerk ; Friday, June 14, heist and West 1.nntblon, North and South Waterloo ; Saturday, Juste 15, Halton ; Monday, June 17, Seeutti (lr►- terlo, \Vest Durham, West Northumber- land, and East Sinie•oe ; Tuesday, June 18, North and South Brant, Welland, North Wentworth; \Velnesdny, June 19, Ilaldinnum1, South Oxford, West York ; 'Thursday, Ji.ne 20, West Wel- lington, East \liddlc.ex, 1)ufferin, and East Wellington ; Friday, June 21, East York, South Huron ; Monday, June 24, Nest!) Oxford, North Ontario, North and \Vest 13r•uce, and North Grey ; Tuesday, June 25, South and Centre Bruce, North Middlc'sc'x, and North Perth ; Wednes- day, June 215, Peel, and Centre Grey ; Thursday, June 27, E.ust Party Sound, and South Perth, Friday, June 28, South Sint oe, told West Sitttcoe. SAVED BY HALF -DOLLAR Bullet Fired at John Dunn Struck the Coin. A despatch from Meriden, Connecti- cut, says : John Dunn is alive to -day only because he wits fortunate enough to have a half -dollar in his waistcoat pocket on 'Tuesday when Clark Howes tried to shoot hint. One of flve bullets tired by Hewes struck the coin and prevented what undoubtedly would have been a fatal wound. Another este; 1 I)unn's left leg at the knee and lamed him so that he had to be taken to the Hartford Ik spitel. Howes is in jail on a charge of attempted murder. Dunn had ac- cuses Howes of insulting his wife by too pronounced attentions in the street, and on Tuesday the men met in ttie p,ctoflle-e, Without a word Howes drew a revolver anti fired repeatedly. Sev- eral women who were in the place fainted and tttc then fled, but \liss 1i. Everleene West. a teacher, wl+o was the first to regain her conex►sure, urged the men to save Dunn while his enemy was still shunting. They rushed upon Howes in a body and held hits until policemen arrived. t;E\G11AL. Russia will dismantle the forts at Vladivostock. Open revolution exists in at least twelve of the provinces of itussia. Trypsin is a German surgeon's dis- covery for the cure of cancer. Russia has refused to receive back the Social Democrats wito attended the re- cent congress in London. The strike situation in Cuba, is growing, business s:lutely paralyzed. Spain is evolving a plan for the dis- tribution of all the State's uncultivated land among the conrm►nles. The Nor•w egiarl barque Nagpero was wreekcd off the coast of South Anter•i.:a, and eleven of her crew lost. Japan has protested to \Vnshingten against the attacks on Japanese and their stores in San Francisco. The Hamburg -American line proposes n weekly service between Germany and Canada, when a tnriff adjustment is made. Santiago, being ab- - 'pg 11E:ini1)ITii% Sl'I(:It1E;. ilas Berl in Sayre Family for Three Generations. A despatch from tiinghanuton, N. Y., 5:lys: Jelin Sayre, need 63 years. on \\'celn'•.•iay committed >;ui(•ielee in his home ley shooting himself thr' ugh the mouth, going into the aline• pantry to con►n,it the deed in which his father and grandfather tooth killed themselves by cutting their throats many :t4 -ars ago. Mr. Sayre lived in \Weshingtorainn Hall. six miles west of this city. the eldest house in Broome county, in which his ancestors for eevernl genera- tions had lived. Mr. Sayre buffeted from sunstroke several years ago, to which is ascribed his act. E'1111 AIII:"I11: l.% SCOTI..AN1). Dundee N•haler Asked to Dell‘e•r Mail le► fapt:tiii iternier. A dcstolid' from Ottawa says: A hag r' mail totter had been sent to Capt. Bernier. of the Canadian patrol steam- er Arctic. V1iicll is now in north tali- tr:(lea. The bog wos forwarded from 01- ir,vii to the pxisttnaater ('f i)uuldee, Scotland, with the request that he (le - liver it to the captain of the whaler Eclipse. due to leave that port shortly. He will take the bng to Iceland. From there it will be taken by the Dundee '.haler \Wattle-. wine!' is going into the waters which ilia :Arctic will navigate this Sumner. It is believe) that there is n gold chance of the two vessels teeelintr and for that reason a mass lits Leen made up: K11.1.I:1) IN c‘110044-:. si:. Russi:,n in Fatal colli'Io l- Al:ttiauer ilurt. A 'tested h frnrn Me'lfort, Sask., says • A Russian named Sumter. employed At 111nckenite. Mann & (.onlpnny. s sawmill. was Instsuitiy kilit'.f on '1'I.es4ley even - leg while in a catoo:e Mild) was busing shunted about the yards. and Mr. Wil- liam Burns, manager of the mill, was fi A WAGER WORTH A St. Louis Girl Bets Herself on a Horse Rare. A despatch from St. Louis, Mo., says . Miss Ilelen Burs of No. 2,024 Fair Ave- nue has bet herself on a here° race. Laws against bookmaking did not bother \liss Btu's and Frank Grimes when they put their wager, as remarkable a one as the turf ever .ow, into writing. and had is witnessed before a notary public. The great (:upid Handicap will be ruin at Priester's Park, near Belleville, on the afternoon of July 4. If Ilse fourth horse, (;rimes' Bobbin 0., cranes first under ttie wire Miss Burs will cmote clown frorn the grand stand and will take (;rimes by the hand. the judges big hell will be fling in wedding-dny fashion. n real judge or it minister will step forth, and the dash- ingly pretty St. Louis girl will become WHILE. THE WORLD'S MARKETS IIILPOIIT9 FfIOV 'TW LEADING TUM E CENTRES. Mier,. Grimes. \liss Bsu s rnnde the wager No. 4 at 46% to 4747 per bushel, ex store. utter a discussion as to the merit.; of twooFlour--Choice splint; Wheat patents, horses in the race, 111 which Grimes $;)-14) to 85.20 ; s(i ands, Si.') to 34.61► ; (lured 111.1.to put herself up as the prise. v►hetat pntc•nts, $4.2:► to 44.40; i 1, had premised to her before, brit had t�n.iniht re�llet 133.75 to $r.25 ; dn, in been r'e'fined. \liss Burs says the novel- sralerg tikes of Cattle. Grain, Cheese sled Otbee Calc/ PswIusce al More and Abroad. Toronto, June 4. - Flour -- Ontario wheat 90 per cent. patents aro quoted at $3.20 to $3.25 in buyers' sacks outside for export. Mandela fleet patents, $4.75 t , $5 ; second patents, $1.21) to $4.40, and strong bakers', $4.05 to 81.25. Barley -No. 2 nominal at 55 to 56c out- side rind No. 3 at 54e outside. Wheat -No. 1 \tarutoba hard is quoted rut 99c, lake ports; No. 1 northern at 97c, and No. 2 northerai at 95c. Ontario wheat is firm, with Nu. 2 quoted at 87 to 88c outside. Corn-- No. 3 American corn is quoted at 61% to 62%c, Toronto. Bran -Prices seminal at $21 outside in bulk ; shorts are quoted at $22 to $23 outside. 10,000 ON *THE ,ill G. ARH '1'IINOT'3 ARREST CALL BOARD. �\\'hertt- No. 2 Ontario red winter offered at 90c outside, and No. 2 mixed at 90c outside, without bids. No. 2 On- tario spring offered at 85c outside, with 82c bid on C.P.H. east. No. 2 goose offered at 83c outside, with 81c bid on C.P.R. east. Barley -No. 3 extra offered at 58c out - aide September shipment, and No. 3 at 60ee outside, without bids. Peas -No. 2 offered at 82c outMde, without bids. Oats -No. 2 white offered at 46c out- side with 44c bid, and at 45c Pere Mur- quette road, without bids. No. 2 mixed, 40c bid outside. No. 2 Manitoba offered at 47c track Owen Sound, without bids. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -Good to choice winter stock, $S.50 to 83.50 per bbl. Beans -Hand-picked quoted at $1.50, and princes at $1.35 to 81.40. Honey --Strained quoted at 11 to 12c per M. and comb honey at 82 to 82.50 pet dozen. Hay --No. 1 timothy is quoted at. $12.50 to $14 here, and No. 2 at $10 to 811. Straw ---57 to 87.50 a ton on track here. Potatoes --Ontario, 81.10 to $1.15 per Lett; on track. and New Brunswick, $1.25 to81.30per hag . Pultry--Turkeys, fresh killed, 14 to 15c; chickens, (tressed, 14 to 15c ; do, alive, 10 to 12c per T ; fowl, 8 to 9e:. THE DAIRY MAIIKETS. Butter --Pound rolls aro quoted nt 20 to 21c ; tubs, nominal at 18 to 19c ; large rolls are quoted at 18c. Creamery prints sell at 22 to 23c, and solids at 20 to 21c. Eggs --Case lots sell at 17% to 18e per dozen. Ghees(-Lnr•ge are quoted at 13c per lb, and twins at 13%c. . 1100 I'ItOnUCTS. Dressed hogs in car lots are nominal at 88.50 to 89. Bacon, long clear, 11 to 11%c per tb, in case lets : mess pork, 821 to 821.50; short cut, $23.50. Hanes ---Light to medium, 153,'; do, heavy. 14%c ; rolls, 11%c ; shoulders, 11c; backs, 16%c; breakfast bacon, 15%c. Lard -Tierces, 12%c; pails, 123c. BUSINESS AT \IONTItEAI.. Montreal, June 4.-Grriin--Sales of ca'' lots of \lanitobn No. 2 white oats were made at 49'; to 50e, Ontario No. 2 at 48% to 49r, No. 3 at 47% to 48c, and Fall FAMOUS BANKER JAILED The Anti -Dynastic Riots in China tubs, 12%c ; t► of the situation won tier to consent. MEASIk.S PROVED 1'.AT.A1e. 1went'-1 so [Maths From the Disease in .Ontario. A despatch from Toronto says: Measles caused as !nutty deaths as scar- let. fever and diphtheria combined In ()Warta coring April last. The returns front 753 division registrars to the Pro- vincial Board of Henllh shwa. that 22 cases of the tlr.st-nte•nlione d disease, fart of a loin! of 195, pr1eyed fatal. Smallpox, scarlet fever. diphtheria and consun►p- lien were also more prey relent than daunt. The deaths trent eoutagiotes dis- eases ttun►bem(1 in all 275. an increase el 30 c er the sante nior►Ili in 191)6. Of tiles.,, 203 were Caused by tul'e 1culnsic. Front _minllp ox there was one dentti atti(.ng sufferer.: 107 ufferer - from it . frorn Sear - hags 81.75 to 81.$5; extras, $1.55 to Still Continue. A de patch fin Hong Kong says: The antidynastie riots continue. An organized and armed division of Triads, io,000 strong, is on the march. So Inc foreigners have not been n►ol(sted. Commercial steamships and gunboats are being used 10 transport troops to the neighborhood of the disturbances. 1t is reported that Sun, former Tao- Iui of Nanking, nephew of Grand Sec- retary Chia ConSun, is leading the rebellion. He is well known as a re- volutionary, and was arrested at Nan- kin last January on a charge of con- spiring against the Government. 'I'tru'- tten hundred troops have been de- spatched for Swatow from Canton, and anotherdetachment from Shiubing will follow. $1.65. Feed-\lanitobn bran in bags. 821 ; she+etc, 824 to 824.50; milled 111011111ie. 822 to 825 per tore, arid straight grain. $2R to $30. Provisions -Barrels short cut nests, 822 to $22.50; half -bar- rels. $11.25 to 811.75; clear fat backs, $23.50 to 824 ; long cut heavy ute.'.s, $2(1.50 to 622; halt-)arrelS (to. 810.7. to 811.50 ; dry salt long clear )acon, 11',? to 12e; learrels plate Lief, 813 to 814; half -barrels do, 87 to $7.50; barrels heavy mess beef, 810; half -barrel do. 85.514; compound lard, 9% to l0c ; pure lord, 12' to 12!4c : kettle rendered, 13 to 13%e ; hams, 1 t to 15\Se ; lereekfatst bacon, 14'- to 15c ; \Wind:ed. bacon, 15 to 16c ; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, 810 to $10.25 : alive. $7.25 to 87.50. Eggs -18 to 19c. Cheese ---Wes- tern, 12'; to 13c. Butter-Butter-Choicestcreamery, 20'x, to 21c. 1•NI'I FI) STATES \1,11nKI 1'S. 1 0. fever. 6 r+ninng 225 enses ; diphtheria I)(•tre,tt. June 4.--Wheat-No. 1 white. 11. deettts nnie,ng 143 crises; whooping (•c.ugh. :t deaths out of 27 cases ; ty- phoid, y - peliuid, 21 'tenths. 153 cases. The total numi,er of de14th5 from n11 causes dur- ing the menti+ dere 2.4:1,3. in a popula- tion (,f 2.1111,151. n mortality rale of 13.8 in i 1.(16(1. in ca.h. 97%c; No. 2 red, cash, 99%c: \t;,v. 119 Xc; July, $1.00%; September, $1.02 14, Toledo, June 4. -Wheat -Cash. 98c; May. 98c ; July, 98%c ; September, 81.00%. Corn -Cash, 56e; May, 545-; July. 55%c; September. 55'%e. Oats--- 1:Alll.l' IlIi.1:A& E OF CONSCRIPTS. Great Iri•Ii*'" feared %rnan!, �iney:trd I.:ihnrers in France, :\ de '•pate•li from Paris. France, says: 11 is realized that when the grape harvest of this )ear conies to an end in the late autumn the inrge numbers of risen en- grege•ei in 1Q1x►ring in the vineynrd: will (4.0 center greeter (liflteulty than usual i:l finding other employment. As a re- sult c►f this there is certain to 1►e it per- iod of great distress, and with the view eel mitigating u. much es possible the oils resulting from n gh,t' of the Weir !market Ili'' (aintnber of 11e'pu1ie'c 00 '1 ue'day passed 0 bill r'"('n-tot; the 19N1! c• 11. -ripl• in July insl' : 1 , f November , ► „ - ;i r. attltl:stt:tr AT 1.11:1.1'11. milli i-ki eel 4 .enipli4.0 loiuntn I:�hihilirni 1 ire. e: A de.p.;,t• a from (;ue 1ph any. A man tintued Silbri-ki was et -rested here on in •i Intraday. Ile is thought to have been eencerned in the lir` whlrh destroyed the 'Toronto Extiittiti(,n building.: last !stilly Injured. The accident WAS cauat'(1I fall and in a couple of caeca 4i1 11'•i1'e- 1, a cceliisivtit with 401110 flatcar. la oiling byre. 1 NOT AGAINST FOREIGNERS. A despatch from Swatow, China says: A proclamation issued by the Svatvan revolutionary society declares that the uprising is not directed against for- eigners or ordinary Chinese citizens, but against the Government, the inten- tion, of the revolutionists being to tit - rick and burn every yamen and exter- minate the officials, with the object of cver•ihrowing the Government. The missions, with the exe'cption of the German mission at Lienchow, have thus far been unmolested, but the mis- sionaries are abandoning their sta- tions and seeking refuge here. Crich. 47%e; Mn.y47%e; July, 4194e: September, 39c. Minneapolis, June 4.- Wheat ---No. 1 hard. 81.02%; No. 1 northern., 8L01%; \e, 2 northern. 99 In 99%e; No. 3 northern, % Io 911c. Flour -First patents, 85.15 to 85.25; sernncl patents, $5 to $5.15; first cleats. $3.65 to $3.75; sec - and clenrs, '3:.:5 to $2.A5. Bran --in bulk, 817.25 to $17.50. (,VILE. MARKET. Tnronbo, June 4. -The bulk of the choice heavy butchers' eoki between *5.10 and $5.35, with extra choice stocks bringing up to $5.50. There was no choice cattle to be tad et less than 85, and even common sluff Was selling erimccl $1.50. Ch(eice butcher roue sold ir.an $1.5i0 for the bulk up to $1.75 for the hest. St4) ker rind feeder trade wits Very quiet. Cattle of 700 to !WM Roe sold fair- y well, hurt lighter sluff was nut want - cd Milch COWS were firm, chobee being quoted from $35 to $60, common $25 14) 8.10. Veal caiv(s were steady al 3Xe to 1'c ter Ib. Steep and lander were slightly firmer Irl Ione. but quotations were gcnernliy 11n hnnge-il. 11. g- tinchnng''(1 'at 87.10, hal with 1't' sp , 1', leveling a decline of eltr)ut The local oflicinls take a serious view of the situation, and 84'0 urging the au- thorities at Canton to despatch gun- boats here. Incoming and outg• mg Chinese puts- scngers (.n the Cita Cltoufrl itailroud are searcl►et. DROWNED ENTIRE IIIE FA .11i.1'. A despatch from (Suiten, China says. The revolutionists in the 11(•1g111 rhood of Swatow recently captured the entire flintily of a Chinese llrigad►er-General and compelled them all to drown ttiern- scives in a well. REBELS DEFEATED. A despatch from Canton says: A se- vers engagement has occurred between the provincial troops and a i.udy of re - lois, resulting in a victory for the form- er The rebels lost over a hundred men killed, and the Government forces cap- tured the rebel leader. together with a number of flags rind a considerable quantity of ammunition. Two thousand additional troops have teen despatched to Chaochow, wher4 the malcontents are active. The Chinese gunboat Sum Hong, having on board the Fifteenth Regiment o' Chinese troops has sailed from here for Swatow, to defend that city against a possible attack on the port + f the rebels. BiG CONCENTRATING PLANT. Two Million Dollar Ccintpany Will Erect One at the "Soo." A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., says: Backed with a capital of a2,000,000, ex -Mayor Frank Parry, of the ,ichigan "Soo" ; George Keinp, F. C. Smith and other capitalists, under the name of the Superior Clipper Goin - petty, will erect a big concentrating Leant on the Ontario side of the river, just west of the plants of the lake Su- perior Corporatie;ti. This new concern will build a railway five miles long frorn the Algoma Central to Superior Mine, and push the work on the pro- perly, said to be worth $10,000,000. Contracts for the work will be let June 1.3 The plant, which will have a ca- pacity of 4110 tons a day, will be the biggest of its kind in Ontario, and is to be followed in the near future by other big industries. Already several hundred thousand dollars have been expended in developing the mine, and it great stock is on stand ready fur ship- ment. POTATOES GO SOARING. Supplant Wheat in Interest on Winni- peg Market. A despatch from Winnipeg says : Wheat is no longer king dere. \\'tido all eyes have been hailed 111,011 it, they pe:tato market tins been very active, and almost as erratic and excited. For more than a week past deliveries have been small, owing, no doubt, to the rusts of spring work, which is usually over by this date. \While receipts have been receding the demand has gone up like sky-ru:kets. Lieal deliveries have brought 85 cents to 95 cents on the track. foe even quite small quantities. Several cars have been brought in from \titurie- seeta, rind these cost 81.05 on the track, and are sold in a jobbing wny at 81.15 t,► $1.25. healers stale that they think the seep (if 1he market has probably been reached. BOY'S REMARKABLI: GRIT. Si1ht of Seeing Arm Amputated Well Worth the Pain. A despatch from Vienna says : A 14 - year -old boy of the name of Tu^-ek, as- tonished the prominent surgeon, Baron Von Eiselberg, by the remarkable grit Ito displayed in undergoing an opera- tion on Thursday. 'Tucek's arra had to toe amputated. Ile refused annesthetics because he wanted to watch the opera- tion. He resisted all the percunsions of the surgeon, who finally yielded. The boy did not wince and made no sound throughout, but tvalch'xt the surgeon's work attentively. Ile said afterwards the sight was so interesting it was well worth the pain. Baron Won Eiselberg vorognized his pluck by giving hint a watch. --eel► POOR CROPS IN BALKANS. Autumn -Solon Grain Killed by Winter end Drouth. A despatch from Sohn says : The pros - Naas for this year's harvest in the ltnikr+n peninsula are most unfav(er'abl('. .\ winter of extraordinary length and se verily was fonitered by e prolonged drought, with almost rnid'utttucer )teat. The ust.1n1 spring rains have not frillen. The unseasonable w e011e1• has proved di:413111011S in the nietunin sown craps. iri smile parts of Bulgaria they pave leen practically lost, while the :spring eow- ing hes been delayed. Only half the usual amount of mare. am' 11411101 bus HS yet been sown. In Itouniania the out. look is even more gle•eenty, especially in 1h3 Wallachian 1'111111. 11 is culculntnd that forty per rent. of the autumn sown wheat has failed. TWO I:Iltl S MI RDERED. Potties found in (:reek by Distracted rather. A despatch (rem Springfield, 111., says: Carrie Lde•rbrand, 7 yenrs old, and here sister Gera. 17 years old, daughters of Joseph I.ederl•nnd, rl farm- er, were murdered and thrown into Sugar Creek on Wednesday, and the bodies were 10311141 on 'Thursday night by the girl's father. The girls left biome early in the afternoon. Their f,rlher became nlnrnned nl their ate settee, find went to search for them with r.eighlors. I)r. Duncan 4ound that Inch girl hn(1 It bullet Mole in the right temple. No cause has been assigned for the murder, neither is there any clue to the slayer. I1I1:11E:11 PRIG IN TI11: MINT. I:ener:(1 Ads etre in Flom' and %lent - (:(used b) SIi.►rtaee. A (k's;enICh from negiva. Snsic.. say+ : Flour and treat hes n•h attee'et all n1er the ‘Wert. The 08,1" of the in,rea•P the high f►rice heat 111 the crave of the Ik or, and the sti(•rtage of plane cattle in the en --0 of )•w f, -- 4 FIFE; DEPORTED. Ncre Unable to Find any Employment in the Wost. A despatch from Montreal says: A very unusual spectacle was witnessed when the Canadian Pacific express ar- r.ved on 'Thursday from \Vintaipeg and the \West. 1l brought from the i'rair'e capital flve persons, three women and two then who were unable to earn rt Ile Belonged to Younger Branch an Was Grandson of Great Field Marshal. sirGeorge Arbuttutot's arrest at Ma .h as on u criminal charge in ovate ':err Wath lite fu►luro of Ins great bane 'Jig louse in India six months ago a !allure H ltie li caused P. \tae adyel head of the backing firm of tta lrtnie, representing the Arbuttlnets in 1 en. (1•:n, to commit suicide by thitiwir+g tom - self before an express Irani- created a great sensation, anti not only ill Eng - lend, but more especially In seotlalid, where the Arlentmwts belong to one ct the, oldest families of the urlstct uaev of the northern kingdom. Even still great - e" must the sensation Have been In In- dia, where 'or more than a century the Arbuthnots have occupied all sorts of t:igh offices and have been associated :ri Itte Government of the Empire, in addition to which the banking Neuse of the Arbuthnots was the principal pra- t ate British institution of the kind in Hindustan. While it would be obvious- ly unfair to prejudge the cane. Itte evi- dence against Sir George mast be ex- tremely strong, not only because BAIL 11AS BEEN RF.I' l'SEI, but also by reason of the feet that, in v.ew of the vital necessity of ivaln:ahl- tng at its highest pitch the prestige of the white man In the eyes o! the na- tives, the authorities in India are al- ways most reluctant to imprison an Englishman, least of all a man Learing .-o distinguished a name and who en- joyed such high rank to the Artglo-lat- dian community as Sir Ge,rge, in most cases the white offender against - the law is quietly shipped out of India. But in Sir George's case, he' has not only been held, but debit! red !rein atd- rnittance to hail. '1 he Arhuthnots, whose name is sonte- limes spelled with one "t" rind some - lanes with 11yo, are deseemele(1 front Osbert Ohtani. the crusader, who en his return from the Holy Lend. received from King William the Lion the grant of the ancient Scotch Manage of A't er- huthnet. In the twelfth century- the - family adapted the surname (ef Aber- ln.thnot, from the lands of the Manage, rind in the year 12S8 Hugh. the ehlet (,f IliP rattily. whose surname by that time had been corrupted into Arbulh- tlet, aecerdirig to contemporary reccerds *lilt in existence, granted a charter 14 the monastery of Arbroath. 1 he Ar- huttutots ranked as barons threughout the thirteenth. fourteenth and fifteenth cent:tries. Tett 11 was net until the reign (f King (:herles 1. that A PATENT OE' PEEItA(,E s'as granted by that i!1 -fated , .onerch to Sir ItohertArbuthnot, Al recognition of his devotion In Ilk sev(•reign. The present chief of the family is Viscount Arbiithnc,t, In Kincardineshire. c. fer- red upon his crusader ancestor by \Wll- liatn the Lion. Sir George Arbuthnot, who is indebt- ed for the title to his natne to a knight - living in the \Vest, and who, inenccer•d- 1'(',Od conferred upon hunt about six nnce with the ernigeratn eg'ulniiuns, ( ago. 1►clongs to a younger branch were t,('ing; depr,rtrd, ri(eturnerd to the oyfars the family, nl 1he head urn, which Si United Kingdom, because the western P(ehert Arbuthnot, n captain in Rte n►unieipahty objected to their beroni- Royal navy. who holds n har•nnctey, (1.14:n. on- ing n charge upon !1. '1'110 weeuld-tie (erred upuer► his ureal-grandtnlhcr, 11 ► settlers had come over at different times was Leri Provost of Edinburgh on til within the past year, 11041 had endeavor- occasion of King George 1\'.'s merr'r e l with(iut sue:cess to finis employ stile visit in the Scottish rep:t.tl in Iii` �_`-,f, Another distinguished mender of tit; family is Sir Alexander Arbuthnot. who tc chancellor of the University of Cal- cutta, and a inem)Pr of the Council n Continues Seterr+l i►nv� and Does Enor- mous Tndin; while nrnnng Ili(' families to which the ArbuthnntS are related e A despatch from Sankt lake, Man.. th(►s(' (tf T,nr(1 Dudley.Lord Cork, i 8 says : A perfuse lure, starting (.n the pin- G tithnsk. !.nrel Airlic and lord Gough. lean, caused cnrtsiderahla havoc for - 1►i fart. Sir (;enrge Arbuthnot now in few drys, c the 2 n:'inb \lay 24, and sen- iei!. l: a grandson of Field \inrt;hol fuming on the 25th aryl 26th. 1t swept \''s-' ant (',u :gh, (ne eft those great mi- litary over the p►rairie !vest of 'I'. f'hillip►s', and emn'iia'edere to lateen Erig- rnade its wav into the weal's and along lend is s(► gre.e111• indebted for the p68- sessiren of her huge Oriental empire. PRAIRIE FII1I IN I:ANiTOBA. mous Damage. the cast side of Iho river. burning up rnuctt limber. Ity Sunday the tire had n(et spent its force, and J. Whig and eiders had to fight Ilio flames all day. The loss crossed by the lire is enormous. NF.?T0I1 IIF PHYSICIANS. Dr. Ita)ard at Ninety-five 51111 Visits Patients. A despatch from St. John, N.il., says : \\ illinnt Bayard of this city will in Aug - next complete his 70th year in 0(e11- hnual practice of the molten' prYefe.'ton. 1by is ea years old. but sen visits n tees p►nitents. 1)r. Bayard graduated M. D. 1'1 England in August of the year Vic- toria was crc,wncd. Tile greater port of his life tins been spent here. where lie is the Nestor of the preefe•ssion. The St. John Medical Society (en \\'ednesday night appointed a committee tr. arrange to -.01ntemnl•ate his 701h :►nniVersery U1 August. \Il:1111 E:N 1S IN (111111AND. ;igen Charge 01 British forces in South %frica. A despatch trent London say.•::\n►on it number of new ►nililruy appointments nnnotrnceI en Tuesday night is ane of unusual interest, that of (;en. Methuen to commend the British forces in Sot.11► Africa. (funeral Methuen's part in the South African campaign did not reflect great credit upon hire. ile was severely deft -filial at Mager efontein in 1)eremher, (t:;n, end will recalled froth Kimberley lifter his utsucceslut operations before Warrenton in March, 1900. NONIA GONE 1'1' IN S‘11 11‘1'. Kingston ‘Vontan Loses Ilutdred� nl Dollars in Flames. .A d(•spafel► frv.10 Kingston say3: Thursday morning the hou/e occupied by Mrs. :Anna McKay, nt Kingston Junction. w:ie (kstrnysl I•y fire. 1n her excitement \It's. McKay forgot that she lied several hundred dottnrs in bills hid - /km in her bedroom. She attempted fel %tin to secure entrance to the l'urr►'ng i eusc. NEW ROYAie 1'A('IIT. King Edwnrl's A1esandtn 1,numhr•d on Thursday at (;lae•1 .".t. A despatch (rem Glasgow an)s : King Edward's ne'w turbine yacht Alexandra, of 23060 ton'. \e•ns lnnnched stere "rt � Ther edgy nftcrnmotl, rind was christened , h : Prince :se Louise, the Dtrcliees of Argytl. - 011. Fltfl\t SHIAI.E. 11 may eurpt Ise malty renders l0 leant tl.nt naphtha. illurninnting 011. gas oil and htSricn'ing oil are nbtnined In cnn• *alembic quantities frorn certain varies iios of shale rock. "O11 steaks" nbeund to the Scotch Lothians. A recent me. Moir cif the British Geological Survey re c(.rds the discovery of an imperinrl new ilel(1 of shale nenr Drrddingstorr. In the year 1904 2.332.t'i00tons c(ttlnnd.f anlld shale were mined 111 yielded 62.932,000 gallons of crude oil. The Scotch oil shales were first mild.' generally known to geologists in 18$5.i OTHEII'tVISE. A word to the wise is wasted. A rolling stone gathers much es:peeii. (•ace. r A party and his money ate u41 f ,o1rd, Modesty is the pest policy. A company is known by the :nen 11. Discretion is the unpopular part 0 valor. Time and tele could wait fur At woman. id _____.4_ 0:\\'i: '•Phis bell.' said a wen -meaning s('X•i 1( n, when showing the belfry of an in• leresteng v;llege church to a party 01 e loons, "is ratty rung in case of a fire n 11,,o41, n visit from the Lord Btshop of the diocese. or (ray such cnlnnlitirs, Bride : "tier(' I; n telegram from pupa." Bridegroom ((-agerly) : "What docs he say 7" Bride reading): "'no note come home, and all tt ill be t(►rgiven r 1 •