HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Times, 1907-06-06, Page 11
.NN+++NN++++NN41►NN+ �N+N+NN•••••
Phone No. 32.
Will find us headquarters for beauti• t
ful Dresses and Costumes for i
coming events. , I
We offer a few suggestions to . those Iwishing to buy their trousseau.
At Our Silk Department
Will be found all the new Jap Nash Silks, Taffetas, Peau De
Bois, and Tamalines in all the bewitching colors which will be
very needful.
u, 1
Dress Goods +2s
In White, Cream, Pale Blue, Pale Green, Hawn and Gray of
Crepe de Chene. Crepe de Paris. Eolienne, Panama, Albatraa,
Nuns Veiling and Lustres. Anyone of them will make a Tune
bride happy.
Lawns and Muslins
You will find us well stocked with Persian Lawns, Linen
Lawns, Demtties, Organdie and Flowered Muslins and nice sheer
Linens. Suitable goods for a June dress.
• Brides and Bridesmaids Hats
Our Millinery department was never in better position for
creating such daintiness and exclusiveness in millinery as they
are to -day. Our alar is to please and you will find something
here •ust to your liking.
Fancy Parasols
Have you seen then. Tney are certainly very catchy and
extremely new. They are Plain and Fancy V< hite, Cream and
Linen, also Fancy Black & White, Blue & White and Linen &
White. Prices $1 to $2.75. Child's Fancy Parasols for 54 each
Jdnes & Clark I1
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sanford
Clothing also high grade sboes and wall papers.
••4NN+H+++N4+++ 4++N+++NNNNNNN+N+
Immense Success
In Exeter of
Canada's Greatest Phrenologist
And the only Genuine
Scientific Palmist
In Canada from Toronto
Whoei' methods %Pre dcmouatratcd and approved of by Judge and Jury
tat the. Toronto General Sessions., •Jtarch 14, 19014
Prof. O'Brien will remain in Exeter A SHORT TIME ONLY.
Everybody is delighted at his ,trapbic, instructive, Interesting. sci-
entific and truthful delineations -which they claim to be a revelation
from the nonserteicel clap trap practised by uneducated mountebanks.
Speculators timl t h ...• contemplating
a change '
business should
miss .t111
and see the autographs of prominent people
who have become rich and others holding prominent positions -,through
bis practical and sound advice. Prof. O'Brien's work is till done on n
scientific basis, hence the truth. .Parents should brine their children
and find out what they are lest adapted for to be n sucoeye in Jife.
Fowler's New York West Phrenological chart used.
marked in your hand by nature correctly delineated. LOCATING DiSEASE
CHILDREN HALF I'iRICE. Character read from photos. Terms
within reach of all. OFFICE: HOURS, 10 n. m. 10 10 p. m. • Private
Office CENTiRAL HOTEL, Suite If. Madame O'Brien in attendance.
See what the St. Thomas Daily Times of July 15, 1905, slays:
An interesting person is Prof. O'Brien, the well-known phrenologist
and Palmist, wlio, to;ether with his no leas interesting wife, is stopping
at the Columbia hotel. The L'ro(eeeor is just Irish enough to ,give him a
brogue and an eneaaine manner. Ho is thoroughly absorbed in Phrenol-
ogy and chirornancy, tvhich hP hal studied from a scientific standpoint,
and looks upon than ss, part and parcel of the arts.
A Time. representative visited the 11rofeesor this morning. To estab-
lish his claim to renown he produced his register, which contains the
ei;txltures of thousands of leading citizens of the Dominion, who hive
consulted hint and had their palms and hinds read with the object of set-
, kin; at their capabilities for the various rapines in life, finding out
itbmethine of the future, ttnd to be .Iirected to the mistakes or Otherwise
of the rami. Th(ta' sass's include 1Io,. Geo. W. (Rose, icon. Mr. Melds
Olin. Premier N. W. 'r., and many other people of prominence in Toronto
and other Madill; ('.1n:titian cities. iHi• rendinze are full of intemst, an.1
being bawd on ecientlflc Principles. are free from the quackery that char-
.cterixeq a rood many People in the !time business. An interesting tem -
is front .ledge Anglin, who Acknowledges that Prof. O'Brien Pre-
dicted the ju(1ee's Plevation to the bench within three years. which came
to tette. The professor ham already conducted many readings in St.
Thome. alai his stay promises to develop interest in phrenology and
Her %duet tie. Berlin N1w•s-Record says :-"Prof. O'Brien has had re
markable l+uccr.. in Berta). r •), .tut has convinced h11ndrPdm of his skill and
accuracy in the science of Palmistry and Phrenology. ile ant 11me.
O'Brien Irmve ikerlin with the best wishes of n host of Wror» and
friends behind thorn." . r;1, .-•
$1.00 per year in advance
Larry as a Detective 1 Culture of Tomatoes.
I'm rather thinkiu' iv alndku' me BORDEAN :MIXTURE
Doitnc up to tit' county council nn' All vegetables and fruits Lave
ask thitu to have rum name enrolledenemies in the form of bugs, worms
on 'their list iv Ioroivate detectives. paraeitjna rte- atld Ilse rlomato ie not
Th' cause fer all this ez th' sleuth out '1'j►c wise tanner tells look
out for this for the docs not choose
wurruk O'vo boon doin' iu connictioa to throw away his lubor and money
wed lh' recent burztaries- by allowing bugs and storms to de-
stroy his crop. within a Steck after
the time the plants oro set in the
field they should be sprayed with
a preparation to destroy the ',Term
Iifc of all insects and parasites. The
hest preparation of this kind is the
cominon Bordean 'Mixture.
It in inudo in tlia way. Take 21-2
lbs, of Copper Sulphite, !flue Stone,
dissolve in a pail of water. which
will 'take a few !lours. 2 1-2 lb%
of new lithe. Ylack 111/o lune by adl-
din; water u Julio rel a time, see
that all entail lumps are mnshed.
Now tilraiu both the. slacked Uimo
and the copper sulphate through a I
cotton cloth or 1(trainer into a Or -
rel contaiuin; 25 :gallons .of water,
This mixture left over deteriorates
so it ie advisabte to stake it fresh
every time. This may be [lone by
keeping a "stock solution," on leered
takily; 5 lbs of )Slue Stone oto 5
.gallons of Nater, mix and set aside
and 5 lbs. lime to la gallons of
water mix or slick end set aside.
Now whet* you want. some Bordcan
mixture take 8 gallons of !water
to 1 Ballon at Blue Stone solution
and 1 gallon of the slacked gime,
mix together and you have your
llordean strong and fresh. This mix-
ture may also be used to good ad-
vantage on almost all kinds of fruit
and ve•;etahle.%
The tomato plants or vines should
he sprayed with this every week or
ten Clays, till ripening. Of course it
will be necessary for 'the farmer to
provide himself with a aprayiti 'ap-
paratus. There are various ;hand
and bucket pump sprayers on the
market, it %vitt pay ,to ,;et a good
one. The very large ,;rowers use a
barrel rind wagon with long horse to
take 'in 1:r%erai rows on each side
three rnen irein.e empioyed evith this
rind abont four acres may be sprayed
its one day.
All •phtttts should he set now Ivith-
inthe next ten hays in order .to I;ivo
time 'lo ripest in Huron lPounty.
They should be well cultivated with
a borse c1ltivator every few
days till theygrow large. The next
paper will conclude this series.
At filet it wuz i[no iulintioa to
eiltd fur Sherlock Holmes Ito comm:
hero and tell nw as to whether %there
wuz Cluny utouey to lookin' disparate
oarracters, but ez 1 diddent knots
hez postoffice addriss, 1 Made up
me ,uluilid 1 wuddent sired fer Lim
at all, un' took Alt Walther into
me confidence limbicad.
I •look ct walk into Alf's shop
twltiu there wussent annyoue lookin'
are todither we procadcd to db' back
abed to dccoide whether pyo ,wud di-
vide ,between oursilves. Afther dis-
cussiu' UI' titatther We decoided to
divide betwixt oursilves widout met.
tin' annywan else in on tit' (game, an
arranged to meet either 4liven
o'clock no's nobody wud be afthcr
knowin' our blznees.
At 'liven tin we mot in front iv
th' postoffice ready to commince
wurrk. We had some old clothes
that sono w•au had !leen uein' for
cleaniu• buries so'S lh' dogs .evuddeut
bother us. Alf evuz u•eoriu' Billy
Goat whishkers an' tree own outfit
looked soutulhin' loike Santa Claus
just either courut' out ev a chime
"Larry," tux Alf, "we'll be make
in' lterlo* holies alt' !Raffles took
greener nor a whale field in a abnow
storm whin we git ;through •wid this
affair. In th' first place eve can de-
pind upon it there nwuz .0 robbery
committed ez inc brother Jim 'tend -
dent be thryitl' to .buy out th' Lard -
ware %Lien:% igettiu' windy feslen•
era, if so►ue wan with a greaten'
disposition Laddcnt been boldin' a
quiet reciptiou lit hez 1110UKe wvidout
hez cousin'. cul' again be tells Wo
there wuz dirty finger marks on the
windy sills."
'Ih' first place we iiitartcd Jer wuz
Jim's. ez we knew Jlc cuddent shoot
a hole in tL' broad teedo iv a barn
Liven if tonne wail held tit' gun ler
Linc. It wuz cluoa Stu twuz lookin'
fer au' diddent want :to :lake anny
disperate chances iv Iain' (took fer
burglars. \Ve haddeut anny trouble
igCltitl' over lit' twee, tl ll' evict 'sone
Leine] detictive iusblinct reached ,th'
windy below wLcro Jim wuz ebbeep•
its'. "Hist! ecz Alf "What's that
blowiu' away. bugoory I believe some
wan ez thryitt' mu 'gasoline iujftte.
can hear eh' exhaust pipe. blowin'.
"Ycr either dreatuiti," Diaz 1,
It '
"that's only Jim s non
"Bejapers yer tigtt," sez Alt,
pallia' hez hand to hez mouth an'
bion in' up sunlit witid evl:at had got
stuck in hez throat. "1'm afthcr
thinkin' that's why th' rist iv the
fainly dilidetlt Lear ole burglars
playin' tit' ftianny afore they left:
Afther we wuz Shure Jim .wud
kape on elinoriu' we elilurted lodkin'
fer footprints, ez All Call judge any -
wan by ill' shape uv hez foot. We
finally discovered wan an' picked it
up an by til' li;bt iv th' )noon du-
ticted that the wearer had a crit
on til' left soide iv Ix:z roight It it
an' haddeut washed hex feet fer
six weeks. We could also itell tbet
ile wuz thrubblcd wid u dry feclin'
ez tit' ball iv .:h' loot had tie mark
if the bar rail rutiuiu' across it. We
could tell that the !thief wuz weer -
in' rubbers au' that .he needed the
money. We cudticut underehtand
tthy he took ill' watch unless he
haddenl wan an' named to get home
afore breakfast. We came across
another footprint what showed plain-
ly that lit' fellow wuz u matt that
diddent like %%ur111k during th' day
haddeut a halikcriu' alto the same
thing at 'might.
Tll' nixt clue wuz is piece iv can`
dle slickin' in (ll' kitchen keyhole,
allure sui;that 1
notified av their arrival.
"Now," sex Alf. "by pullet' all
lbim clues tueether 1 ill 1itiltk.11 sed
know tie fellows if they towld us
where they lived, an' ,then %%eel be
makill' tt0 Illietake ill our Mclillli-
ea lig ll."
We followed what tracks Ave coulJ
over to Jake Stewart's Litt' be.;orra
it looked ex if they wllz walk in'
back 0:1rda, showin' that they haul
their boots 011 the wrong feet to
keep off 1h' scent iv bloodhounds.
v we del
t Stewart's dl
Over rel ,1 sh er
Or I I
dent foind army clues 'rcpt that ee
knelt Jnddrttt heard linin lifting
hez 1'und:trnra tomato plants, :which
1' \t'rl t 11 II 1
wan con•
..O 1
showed Y
fleeted %%id Il]' cennine factory. l:z
they only sot ;thein at dollar Nom
Jake ee (Iu:iiI rel It(111vrr lookin'
:hound t'l' 110% a all' then he nllus
shleepe wid hoe left rye open 011'
ntoi:hl think it 1. 0llz 1011114 tryin'
to touch Lint up. \\'e intinded •e0in'
over to Doc A11101' but ez 1hi' Dr.
wuz away we diulrlent ire, :1n' con -
chided ee lard ilii riveted ••ouu41: to
pot uv on 1h' tient thrack of th'
people wird oitII ermte.
We then al it! tlyd to A1fes store
10 decide on 011r next move an' con-
cluded shit ez our .rei:litnlion is at
ihtake that we %n%:d ask th' lint•
Iem1,i to sired um their nettles an' ee
will inveslieate Ih' slather further.
As Or.n AVn Tri.• lues 1"11V►nr.—Mrs
WIn.lnw'• t4onthing -'erne has 'wen n..1 ver
over sixtyears by •.,t"t(,n. n' mothers fo •'h' it
children while tPething. with perteet •u..0
it soothes the chlkl, softs as the Rome, allays all
sere, core• wind -relic and ie the best Terme,'
for i)larrhase. It Is pieweent to the taste. Sold
by druggist., In Avery pert of the world. 35
cents *bottle. 11e value 1■ Ineeleuleble. Re
sore and take Iltre Winslow's Soothlre
ayrogasd eek for no other kind.
Guaranteed motor the Food and
ilrugs A: t, lune 301 h, 1900. Serial
Number 109$.
aA tied You 4111. I
gear. w
Conference in Exeter
in 1908.
t•the !Trustee n
At a me of and
Quarterly Iioards at the James St.
Methodist church held on Sunday
evening last a motion was passed
extending an unanimous invitation eo
the London Conference to inset in
Exeter next year. Tho Invitation
was accepted eey the coriferense,
,which met in Goderich .this week.
They will meet here elle first week
of June next year.
Ninety-nine minister responded to
the roll last Wednesday morning at
the first session of the London Meth-
odist Conference held at Goderich.
TWO ministers were repotted os
comb]; in from other conferences.
They are. itev. Jas. Charlton, of the
Hamilton Conference, ar,d Itev.
S. Salton, of the .Montreal Confer-
ence. The following were rec-
commended for superannuation
- Rove. Alex. Lattzford, W.
Ilomcry, Ilene antitt Clement and Lr.
Hannon. Rev. 'Phos. Griffin, 1'h. 11,
was recommended 10 he nulrerannua-
ted for one year.
Exeter DM ricl. Exeter, Main
Street E. A. hear; Exeter, ,Tames
Street Arlhnr 11. (aline; 1'arhkill,
,Tas. Allen: 1?limvillr, 11u;h .Fair:
Centralia, A. G. Hank: Hensel!, 5.
L. '1'o11 : Millen, John Hart t : Crc(li-
%a , net J.
ion, J. W. Andre r ; G r n 1 •
1 1
F. Sutcliffe ; Sylv,nt, Ch is. C. ('ou:, n
Ailsa Craig. 1. Smith \VaI1er ; hurts,
Jam. Holmes: Gr:Ilon, 11. \V. '4c-
'1'avish; Wood!' on. I,t•ouatel I(:lrtlett •
leirkton, Joint Veal...
i1 \5E((Al.t,
Unequalled as Public Entertainers
(Wen under the auspices of the Main Street tap•
worth League of the Methodist church to
Opera House Exeter
Mondaij, June lOrh'07
Have you ever Kean! the hell Ringers? 11 not, do
not miss this treat. The Ulm.) Song as given by
them is worth the price of Admission.
Admission :k`, Children 11., Reamed Seats :t c.
Phut of hail at Ilowey's Drug Store.
Miss Ellett Drown, of Detroit, who
Lae been visiline :11. liter home here,
left Wednesday evening for that city
to resume leer dirt lex in lfarper's
Mr. Elmore Senior left last week
for Toronto where he hes accepted
3. position us assistant purser on the
steamer Kingston plying between
Toronto 011(1 Prescott.
Mr. Al Ford has lead his butcher
shop painted :blit the nvnlls papered
with imitation of oil cloth. V'hc in-
terior now presents a- very ,j,lcasant
and inviting Appearance.
Mr. Lorne Fe:u !returned front
Toronto on ,Monday eveniuz. after
a few tvice.k's visit. On .Tuesday
morning he left for Kansas tCity
where he lute secured n situation
with 0 first of that place.
Miss Lottie Iiazelwood who alas
been in the millinery department of
Jones & Clark left for her home in
in Itirklon nn Saturday last and will
next week remove wit 11 Jier parents
to Olds, Alta.
tral 'hotel, on Friday, ,lune 14the
Friday, July • .12th. Orders for
zlasses executed by, 'fait Brown. Op.
Co. 237 Mendes St. ,London, or local
In 'another column will be found
an article on "tics tatty and Shout:l
to Teacher Improve this • Status."
This 'paper wits impaired and read
by 'liter 8. 1,. Gregory before the
West 'Iluron 'Teachers Association in
Exeter on 'May 22nd.
A eoliet wedding was t;olemnized
on Monday morning when Mrs. Eliza
.T. nem. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
gSilas 'Ifandford was united in mar-
riage to Mr. I1. W. Thornton, otLon-
don. The bride was p rettily nttired
in a grey suit with /•Hite silk waist
trimmed with insertion. The cere-
mony Wats itrrformed by rltev. A. H.
Goin; 11. A.. at half past six niter
which a dainty we,ddin; fbreakfast
was served. The happy couple !eft
on the rnnrnin; train for London
nod trill reside 00 Glenwood Ave.
The h"st wishes of their many friends
go witeh them for rt happy rind pros-
perous fetus.
A very pretty event stns cerebra-
ted tat the J)ominiolt Methodist
Church Ottawa, Tuesday Julie lith,
at 2 o'clock, ellen •May]to C. eldest
daughter o[ Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
White eves united in ar:dlock to ,\1r.
Ilobt. Sibbit1, n Inomiuenl business
elan of ()t t:i W&1. UV V. A. F. Halton
•t former pastor of 1 he 1)onlinio11
Jiclhodist tChurch perform.'41 ethe
ceremony. The church %vas beauti-
f(J' curaled in nk ;itit(1 white.
'I'hullyn bride, ttho wasPil;irc41way by
her either, looked char nine in a
hindsorne wedding gown of white
liberty Matin, over chiffon d:tffeta in
modern empire 1,1)1(', the I:kirt. hav-
ing 'tempts of real Renaissance lace
and the corsage trimmed evitlt larze
butterfly of the some Mace us the
the fKincly, crushed )land votbroidere.d
zirdle fartencul in !lie hack with
Pearl ornament. '1'lre sleeves were of
lucked and pleated chiffon meth ,lap -
31 e 'bover sl04'v0, of lit'
The ride Stas riteiyted by is r tele-
ter 'alis,' Olive and dlisv Marcella
Hall, of Brandon, 'loth of %%lion' were
;lowlier' in pale pink .Mouselaine over
'effete of the 11:nne t.hade refile its
'Che flirt t.aoehall unto of 1 lie sea- tno(1 •t n (vinyls e t late. The skirts
sun %tai 111:13(1 on 1110 •itecteation 5(011' lrirniurd 11illt 1uckell )ufflre
41'0111n1v. E:xetrr 011 TItIIM Ily of lasts of the mon'•rleiee end 'deed eith
WV(' k hrltotr lt! Centralia and the..
lc.rrn• Irani. '1 It I'.xett'I' boys Plow
roraid''roble imllrevomrnt this )ear
end Rome inlet est itt ;eines me
looked for. On ecronnt of romp of
tit•• Ceuttalia I'layr(5 Teen; nee),
three of the Ci edit titari were
Mon zit!. alone. Centralia %ent to
het and scored' 11(0 nuts, Exeter
scot in; three in their first innate.
In the second neither ride eros'^d
the. pelt le Ill the Ihitd Centralia
fillet. L1r Ant loLiIrd t%Ih three
hand+ o[ the 44:1111t.44:1111t. ftll.•l IAre :Ind
(('111 in; 111I:Can prtoxylin,: hats pret-
tily trimmed with Pink feathers en 1
Pink tulle tics. 'flit, zroom seas as-
sisted by alt. Peter Murphy mane e'er
of Ih,• Rene of 011awa, at Colnugne,
Miss Greta While ttielrr of the bride
and \l i'. llnllir (;talism, niece of
the •etoote. 1n%nrt) very ;,1ettily in
while over I'itlk sill:, m marine little
while tote. mnline )bonnets, rn.ute
mule ten more and Ex. -ler carte chirmin; flower riot.. After elle
hick with three. and ('rntretie added rerrmnnY a Iecepli01' in 1!01101 of
t%to in bol 11 Ilse (Out 1h and fifth in•
nitres, and Exeter eveseal no the
score m -king it 8•R.
On nrconnt of approachin! dark•
n,•' C,nlrnlil refused in ,1"1y off
t le. I i1• :1. 1 h• y .%0111(1 11.1 %- to 1 a ke ♦++ti'++++++++++++++++++•b+-s, +0. $••1•+4+++++++++++3••}4++++•1-
(1 ' field lest. Gro. Alidersnn actedonto, London, Exeter, Bn[fnlo, etc•
as referee. I'ollowitl; %ens the order A= "II ••s"'11""c'' „f •tI%" hi ah o.stcen' (tl\ ip-
nt Ih'• het line and the runs scored. which Mr. :lied \1t •. Nl'lhilt are held.
re .
they tet 1 1 1 its Of ret t ,
v t I tt
Pn .r li
Exetertaa i1
Harding 2 M. Mitchell 2 ueel'ul :Ind tulle,Ide ;itis, nnrlr.` of
llnekin 0
Beaver 1 %which were ftnrn ftiendi in Japan.
the newly urn reel couple, ;tats held
at the home of the bride's Parrhlls
Thr reception
1R r v •I I t 11
1 rel ( n
n r n
w•as rill. tolil by ninny 111V/1 0/1 igueste
n nnnt)er of tt hnnl were front dis-
I.int 1(1101. I)el r ml, Itrandott, (1'or-
A Car Just in.
7 and 8 wires. All No. g wire. 35c and 37c per rod
Shovels 75
Manure Forks 65
Fence Pliers 35
Drain Cleaners....
Lawn Mowers $3.50 to $5,50
Varnish Stain 15 to 75
Varnishes , .. , ,...10c per can
Varnish Brushes 5, 10, 15, & JI
Alabastine 25 & 45
Murallo 45
Muresco 50
Washing Machines .. $5, $10.
Paroid Roofing and Pedlar's Galv. Shingles at lowest prices
Just received a large stock of Martin-Senours 100 ; l'ure Paint. One gallon
covers 400 ft. two coats, all other paints cover only :300 ft. per gallon. 5(1c. qt,
The only pure paint sold to -day.
.4.4.4-++++++1•44++ leaf 1.4-1'•!•-1'-1'•II••i'•1 •hi••! •i •:' i+'el- 4.e++++
Our Reduction Sale
Owing to the lateness of the spring we
have decided to extend our reduction sale and
will give greater Bargains in Furniture for the
next 30 days than ever were known in Exeter
before. Every article in our large stock of
furniture reduced to almost cost during this sale.
Call and be Convinced before making your pur-
chase elsewhere.
The Largest Home Furnishers in the County,
Er -Undertaking in all its
What About Those
ane -Wedding - Gifts
You can't let the great event pass without doing something for the
young people. We have the latest gifts going
Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Japanese China
Berry Sets, Water Sets, Toilet Cases and Sets.
Give us a Call Before Deciding.
Don't forget those Dry Goods, new goods came last week, Aust
what you want if you would take the trouble to ask about them,
No trouble whatever to show goods, indeed we like to show them.
its our business.
Fresh Groceries just arrived, all the latest time savers and Breakfast
Fonds. Those leancv Biscuits are something exceptional.
The Wall Paper is still boosting, don't forget we have the latest patterns.
+++++++++++++4+++4+++++++: ++3• !--1-++++++++ :- :--i- : ✓r l +++++++
'I ++3•++++++++•: 3,-, ++F+3.3-•' '..•..:•:--:•+✓a 3••: -++++++++++++++✓i.+++++
t • We Have Four Varieties
Corn and Mangold
You can get the following for Fodder and Ensilage
White Cap, Yello.v Dent
Improved Leaning Yellow
and White Sweet Corn.
Yellow intermediate, Mammoth LongiRed
Danish Improved Sugar Mangold.
Cement and Wi
4+++•i•++++1.1 3.... v:.. , •
+++++++++++++++++ :.3.-: +34+44++++
Bis-Pot 0
Hawkshaw 1
Knight 1
Carling 1
Snell 1
Powell 2
Sandell t)
On Friday night of last week the
Juniors of Ccntrali.•t rime 11p and
Played Exeter juniors 1 friendly
;isle and Anccesele l ie ',eating the
home teem by nem run. Tit' ecoro
was 10 to 9. Frnnk Hoe' • ;ave sat-
isfaetiolt 38 referee.
Kerr 1 Germany. I:nel•lnd rind Auilria. A
Htmrron •, hnneym0on itiP ..es Inl:rn to it0ylnn
B \I tchell 1 end New Yet k rind 0n their return
1luplen 11 10 01 lin a trill i c,id,` 111 rlylm+ r.
Bloomfield t, Oce., tltslil Iheir 1evi(lrnre in 011awa
iia% is remPleltrl. '11,! ;1'001114 gift f0
11. llltchell 1 Ills• 1)1 ill• war n P:1 IA :11'1 (11110010
necklace; to the bridesmaids, each
n zoel bracelet. vn'rnve,I with 4111-
(1 link of the bride find groom; to the
flower .git l•, locket told fine chain:
to 'the grntm•men a Pearl and din -
mond eticklin nntl In the ushers,
P)111 un,t;el gtiek Piny. I)urinz the
sinning of the tr,ei•l.`r Mr. .1. O -!e
Cars., of 011aw:e, grin; "0 Perfect
i.ove," ii, '.Final voice.
ome and See
Don't forget to call at The Purity and see the display of
Picture Post Cards, Holiday Novelties, Toilet Articles and
Perfumes; and Edison Phonograph, etc.
('alt. Express
8tcwedcue-1 hear that you had a "Pop" naked (Lo congressman',
lou;h voyage coming over. soil "what was the 401den age."
Ise ilf lfli-O frightfully lly of
it was shah n relief to Pet foot once "That," replied tiro congressman,
more on vice versa. "was mileage."